Le slide presentate all'evento Farmacia informa sono riportate alla pagina Orientamento https://www.corsodilaureafarmacia.unifi.it/vp-105-orientamento.html
Ciclo di lezioni dal 10 marzo al 5 giugno. Partecipazione alle lezioni e superamento prova di verifica: 3 CFU. Per informazioni: Prof. A. Amedei amedeo.amedei@unifi.it. Iscrizioni tramite link https://e-l.unifi.it/enrol/index.php?id=44229
Principali esperienze
E’ autore di più di 140 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali e di numerose comunicazioni a congressi internazionali e nazionali. L’attività scientifica riguarda principalmente la progettazione, la sintesi e lo studio di molecole bioattive: modulatori delle pompe di efflusso responsabili della resistenza farmacologica crociata ai chemioterapici (multidrug resistance (MDR)) nelle cellule tumorali e batteriche, inibitori dell'anidrasi carbonica, ligandi dei canali nicotinici e HCN, ligandi dei canali del calcio (tipo N e L), ligandi muscarinici, modulatori delle proteine G e nootropi.
Attività didattica
Principali linee di ricerca:
• Degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in 1982, at the University of Florence, with a grade of 110 with honour.
• PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in 1987 (I cycle), at the University of Florence.
• Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (SSD CHIM/08) at the University of Florence (1989-1998)
• Associate Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (SSD CHIM/08), at the University of Florence (1998-2002)
• Full Professor in Medicinal Chemistry (SSD CHIM/08), at the University of Florence (2002-present).
Since 1989 she has held courses in her SSD in the bachelor’s degree in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences and in the master's degrees in Pharmacy and in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the Faculty of Pharmacy and then at School of Human Health Sciences (SSSU) of the University of Florence. Member of the Board of Professors of the doctorates in Pharmaceutical Sciences and Drug Research and Innovative Treatments.
Over the years she has held different scientific or management roles at the Faculty of Pharmacy and then at SSSU and at Department, including:
Since 2006: Coordinator of the Quality Assurance Group for the degree course in Pharmacy of the School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence
2009-2012: Coordinator of Doctoral Programme in Pharmaceutical Sciences of the University of Florence.
2012-2016: Member of the Direction and Self-Assessment Commission of the Department of NEUROFARBA -University of Florence.
2016-2020: President of the Direction and Self-Assessment Commission of the Department of NEUROFARBA -University of Florence.
2013-2019: Coordinator of Doctoral Programme in Drug Research and Innovative Treatments of the University of Florence.
Since 2019: Referent of the Curriculum in Pharmaceutical Sciences of Doctoral Programme in Drug Research and Innovative Treatments of the University of Florence
2016-2020: Vice Director of the Department of NEUROFARBA -University of Florence
Since 2018: Coordinator of the Degree Course in Pharmacy of the School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence.
She is the author of more than 140 publications in international journals and numerous communications at international and national conferences. Her scientific activity mainly concerns the design, synthesis and study of bioactive molecules: multidrug resistance (MDR) reversers acting through the blockade of efflux pumps in cancer and bacterial cells and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, nicotinic and HCN-channels ligands, calcium channel (N and L type) ligands, muscarinic ligands, G protein modulators, and nootropics.