Il Corso di Geochimica con Laboratorio inizierà il Lunedì 23 Settembre alle ore 10.30 in Aula A presso il Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Orlando Vaselli & Franco Tassi
Le lezioni del Corso di Geochimica Applicata inizieranno il giorno 25 Settembre alle ore 16.30 in Aula E. Franco Tassi Orlando Vaselli
Orario di ricevimento: Lunedi' dalle ore 15 alle ore 17.
Professore Associato di Geochimica e Vulcanologia.
Direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dal 1 Novembre 2008 al 31 Dicembre 2012.
Dal 2002 è associato al CNR-IGG (Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse).
Dal 2003 è chief editor della rivista Acta Vulcanologia.
Nel 2002, 2003 e 2006 è organizzatore di altrettante scuole di geotermia in Yemen, Tunisia e Bulgaria.
Nel 2002 e 2003 è consulente scientifico per le Nazioni Unite per la crisi vulcanica del Nyiragongo (Repubblica Democratica del Congo).
Nel 2005 è responsabile per le Nazioni Unite di Vulcanologia Ambientale del Vulcano Nyiragongo (RDC).
Dal 1998 è responsabile di vari progetti di ricerca finanziati da: CNR, Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Università di Firenze, Agenzia Spaziale Italiana, Città dell’Energia Spagnola, CIEMAT, Nazioni Unite, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile, oltre a numerose convenzioni stipulate con Enti locali.
Ha pubblicato più di 200 lavori su riviste internazionali nazionali, partecipando ad altrettanti congressi.
Born in Arezzo (Italy) on the 23rd December 1959.
Graduated in Geological Sciences in April 1985 at the University of Florence (Italy).
Present position: Head of the Department of Earth Sciences from the 1st of November, 2008 to the 31st of December, 2012. Associate Professor in Geochemistry and Volcanology at the Dept. of Earth Sciences of the University of Florence.
Academic and professional background
April 1987 - January 1989: Assistant Researcher in the Geochemistry Laboratory of Prof. N. Coradossi (University of Florence), at the Dept. of Earth Sciences.
February 1989 – February 1990: Grant from the Italian Ministry of Education at the Dept. of Geochemistry and Petrology, ELTE University in Budapest, Hungary.
February 1990: Technical Scientific Operator at the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Florence, responsible for the Atomic Absorption and Trace Element laboratories.
April 1991 – October 1991: awarded a grant from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Royal Society of London at the Department of Geological Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London.
July 1993 – November 1993: awarded a grant from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei and the Royal Society of London at the Department of Geological Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London.
January 1995: Scientific Collaborator of the Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources (CNR-National Research Council of Italy).
1995: Co-editor of two special issues of the journal Acta Vulcanologica: "Neogene and Related Magmatism in the Carpatho-Pannonian Region" and "Tertiary Magmatism in the Dinarides".
February – March 1996: awarded a fellowship grant from CNR for a short-term at the Department of Geological Sciences, Birkbeck College (University of London).
September 2000: Co-organiser of the School of Fluid Geochemistry at Arezzo (Italy).
January-February 2002: consultant for the United Nations during the crisis of the Nyiragongo volcano, Democratic Republic of Congo. In the same context he also acted as Rotating Volcanologist for the UN in September 2002.
December 2002: Co-organiser of the Course in Geochemical Methods in Geothermal Exploration, Sana'a (Yemen), sponsored by UNESCO and CNR-IGG.
December 2003: Co-organiser of the Course in Geothermal Exploration: geochemical methods, Sfax (Tunisia), sponsored by UNESCO and CNR-IGG.
January 2004: he is co-chief editor, along with Bruno Capaccioni of the journal Acta Vulcanogica.
December 2006: Co-organiser of the Course in Geothermal Exploration: geochemical methods, Sofia (Bulgaria), sponsored by UNESCO and CNR-IGG.
November 2008 – December 2012: Head of the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence (Italy).
He is/was Head of the following research projects:
CNR-Bilateral Project: "Geochemistry and isotope geochemistry of fluids in the south-east Rift Zone of Big Island, Hawai'i, USA".
CNR-Bilateral Project: "Collisional (post-collisional) magmatism in Bulgaria: geochemical and petrological investigations for defining crustal mantle sources".
Indian-Italian Ministries of Foreign Affairs: "Geothermal potential in the Indian Peninsula (co-Head).
CNR Project: "Geochemistry of fluid phases at Arenal, Poas and Irazu volcanoes".
Florence University Project: “13C/12C in methane and 15N/14N in N2 isotopic ratios in gas phases from volcanic and geothermal environment".
CNR Project: "A pilot basin for monitoring and study of environment quality in the Alpine arc. Geochemistry as investigation tool".
Florence University Project: "The geothermal systems in Northern India".
CNR-India Bilateral Project: “Barren Island (Andaman-Nicobar Island, Indian Ocean), a remote volcanic island: volcanological, geochemical and petrological study.
CNR-Agency 2000: “The fluid geochemistry of the Pannonian-Balkan Region” Italian Space Agency (ASI): “Geochemical monitoring of fumarolic gases by infra-red tomographic systems: applications to explosive volcanism and comparison with traditional methods”.
United Nations: “The January 2002 Nyiragongo eruption (Democratic Republic of Congo): inland gas geochemistry”
United Nations: “The geochemistry of Lake Kivu (Democratic Republic of Congo) waters and gases”.
INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology): “The gas emissions of Tuscany”.
Department of Civil Defence (Tuscany Region): “CO2 hazard in the Castiglione d’Orcia area”
Municipality of Arezzo: “The geochemical atlas of running and underground waters in the Arezzo Municipality.”
Bilateral Joint Project between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Argentina and Italia: “Geochemical investigation of the fumarolic and thermal water discharges at Copahue Volcano (Argentina): evaluation of the environmental impact by the volcanic fluids on the water resources and on the atmosphere”
Integrated project Spain/Italy: “Nitrate pollution in groundwaters: the environmental isotopes as anthropogenic and natural “tracer”
Responsible of the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence for the scientific agreement with the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Responsible of the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence for the scientific agreement with the Department of Geological Sciences of the University of Antofagasta (Chile)
Responsible of the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence for the scientific agreement with the Seismological and Volcanological Observatory of the Costa Rica.
Florence University Project: – “Evaluation of the geothermal potential in Taiwan”.
Research project financed by the Municipality of Arezzo on the Atlas of the ground and surficial waters: stable isotopes and heavy metals.
Research project financed by the Amiata Mountain Community for the realization of a geo-tourist itinerary between Campiglia d’Orcia e Bagni San Filippo (Castiglione d’Orcia, Siena);
Bilateral international project funded by the City of the Energy (Ponferrada, Spain) for the geochemical modelling and the monitoring of geosites for the geosequestration of CO2.
Bilateral international project with CIEMAT (Madrid, Spain) on the geochemical monitoring of pre- during- and post-injection of CO2 in the Rio Guadalentin Valley (Murcia, Spain).
Responsible of the project: Distribution of mercury in the Mt. Amiata volcanic region (Tuscany, Italy).
Responsible of the Agreement between Quadrifoglio Ltd. and the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence for the monitoring of the diffuse gases from municipal waste disposal landfills.
Responsible of the Agreement between the municipality of Abbadia San Salvatore (Siena) and the Department of Earth Sciences of Florence for the monitoring of Hg in the former mining area of Abbadia.
Responsible of the 2012-2013 INGV Project on Inorganic and organic precursors of volcanic activity in the Italian volcanic systems: Phlegrean Fields and Vulcano Island.
Didactic activity
Chair of Geochemistry, Volcanic Hazard, Geothermics, Environmental Geochemistry and Volcanology.
Scientific interests
His main topics of interest are analytical methods in geochemistry and their applications; geochemistry and mineralogy of the Messinian sedimentary rocks in the Mediterranean region; mineralogy and geochemistry of the K-T boundary in the stratigraphic sequence of the Barranco del Gredero (Caravaca, Spain); mineralogy and geochemistry of the ophiolitic soils and related plants in Tuscany; geochemistry and mineral chemistry of the amazonite artifacts from archeological sites in the Middle East; geochemistry of thermal and volcanic systems; geochemistry and petrology of the ultramafic xenoliths from the Carpatho-Pannonian region. In 1999, as a result of his scientific activity in this area, he received the EUROPROBE-PANCARDI award.
Since 1998 he has been dealing with eruptive mechanisms and volcanic events and the application of the fluid geochemistry to geothermal and highly anthropogenic systems. Several geothermal and volcanic systems worldwide (USA, Africa, Asia and Europe) were studied in order to evaluate the geothermal potential and efficiency of geotracers and geoindicators in active volcanoes, respectively. More recently, he has addressed his studies to the impact of pollutants released from volcanic and geothermal systems and from anthropogenic sources.
He has published more than 250 papers in international and national journals and participated in national and international congresses.
He acts as reviewer for top-quality journals such as J. Geophys. Res., Chem. Geol., Appl. Geochem., Ophiolites, Sci. Tot. Environ., Geoderma, J. Geophys. Res, Eur. J. Min. and so forth.