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Angelo Freni received his university degree (Laurea) in Electronics Engineering from the University of Florence in 1987. From 1990 to 2002, he was Assistant Professor of Electromagnetism at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Florence, Italy. In 2002, he was appointed Associate Professor of Electromagnetism, and in 2014 and again in 2020 obtained the Full Professor qualification. From 1995 to 1999, he was also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Pisa. Starting in 2012, he is a Visiting Professor at the TU Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. In 1994, he was involved in research at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, UK, concerning the extension and the application of the finite element method to electromagnetic scattering from periodic structures. Between 2009 and 2010, he also spent one year as a researcher at the TNO Defence, Security, and Safety, The Hague, NL, working on the design of THz superconducting kinetic induction detectors for deep-space observation. His research interests include meteorological radar systems, radio wave propagation, numerical and asymptotic methods in electromagnetic scattering and antenna problems in microwave and sub-millimetre bands, and remote sensing. He has made original (and significant) contributions to the field of numerical methods, particularly concerning the finite element method and fast methods based on integral equations. Remarkable is his contribution to the design and optimization of Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) antennas for far-field and near-field applications. He has been responsible for several research projects for the ASI (Italian Space Agency) and the ESA (European Space Agency) concerning new antenna systems and the electromagnetic analysis of terrain scattering for modeling interferometer SAR simulators. He was the University of Florence Team Leader of the Antenna Centre of Excellence in the VI European Framework for 2004-2005 and 2006-2007. He was deputy national delegate of the eight European COST Action on antennas (COST Action IC0603 "ASSIST"). Since 2004, he has been on the board of directors of the European School of Antenna ( Since 2014, he has been the Head of the Radio Engineering Section at the Osservatorio Ximeniano, Florence, Italy. In 2023 was appointed a member of the "Delegate Assembly" of the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).Angelo Freni is the author of over 90 papers in international journals and over 150 contributions at international conferences. He is an Associated Editor of Symmetry MDPI and reviewer of several international scientific journals: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (from 1997), IEE Microwave Antennas and Propagation (from 2002), IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (from 2003), IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (from 2010). He is also a Senior Member of IEEE.
Angelo Freni received his university degree (Laurea) in Electronics Engineering from the University of Florence in 1987. From 1990 to 2002, he was Assistant Professor of Electromagnetism at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Florence, Italy. In 2002, he was appointed Associate Professor of Electromagnetism, and in 2014 and again in 2020 obtained the Full Professor qualification. From 1995 to 1999, he was also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Pisa. Starting in 2012, he is a Visiting Professor at the TU Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands. In 1994, he was involved in research at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, UK, concerning the extension and the application of the finite element method to electromagnetic scattering from periodic structures. Between 2009 and 2010, he also spent one year as a researcher at the TNO Defence, Security, and Safety, The Hague, NL, working on the design of THz superconducting kinetic induction detectors for deep-space observation. His research interests include meteorological radar systems, radio wave propagation, numerical and asymptotic methods in electromagnetic scattering and antenna problems in microwave and sub-millimetre bands, and remote sensing. He has made original (and significant) contributions to the field of numerical methods, particularly concerning the finite element method and fast methods based on integral equations. Remarkable is his contribution to the design and optimization of Radial Line Slot Array (RLSA) antennas for far-field and near-field applications. He has been responsible for several research projects for the ASI (Italian Space Agency) and the ESA (European Space Agency) concerning new antenna systems and the electromagnetic analysis of terrain scattering for modeling interferometer SAR simulators. He was the University of Florence Team Leader of the Antenna Centre of Excellence in the VI European Framework for 2004-2005 and 2006-2007. He was deputy national delegate of the eight European COST Action on antennas (COST Action IC0603 "ASSIST"). Since 2004, he has been on the board of directors of the European School of Antenna ( Since 2014, he has been the Head of the Radio Engineering Section at the Osservatorio Ximeniano, Florence, Italy. In 2023 was appointed a member of the "Delegate Assembly" of the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP).
Professional experience:
2017- Lecturer of the PhD course in "Ingegneria dell'Informazione" of the University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2014- Head of the Radio Engineering Section at the Osservatorio Ximeniano, Florence, Italy
2012- Visiting professor at TU Delft - Faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (EWI), Delft, The Netherland;
2010-2010 Visiting professor at TU Delft - Faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (EWI), Delft, The Netherland;
2009-2010 Visiting researcher at TNO Defence, Security and Safety, The Hague, The Netherland;
2011-2016 Lecturer of the PhD course in "Ingegneria e Scienza dell'Informazione " of the University of Sienna, Sienna, Italy.
2002- Associate Professor of electromagnetism at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence, Florence, Italy;
2000-2013 Lecturer of the PhD course in "remote sensing" of the University of Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, Italy.
1997-1997 (August-October) visiting researcher at the Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden;
1995-1999 Adjunct Professor of microwave at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy
1994-1994 (August-November) visiting researcher at the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge, UK.
1990-2002 Assistant Professor of electromagnetism at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Scientific direction and financial responsibility of research projects:
2023-2025 Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - Analisi dei bisogni socio-sanitari per l'ottimizzazione dei servizi e l'introduzione di nuove tecnologie in una città
2023-2026 ASK INDUSTRIES Spa - Studio, simulazione e progetto di antenne e circuiti RF per applicazioni veicolari
2023-2023 Huber+Suhner - Design of the MIMO 77GHz MORAD antenna for radar applications
2021-2023 ASK INDUSTRIES Spa - Antenne a scansione di fascio per applicazioni 5G in ambito automotive
2021-2022 3dB Access AG (CH) - (S2PA) Small 2 port antenna with reasonable isolation between ports
2021-2021 Huber+Suhner - Design of 77GHz radar antennas (SODAR A0)
2021-2021 Huber+Suhner - Design of the H+S antenna SENCITY® OCCHIO
2019-2020 Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - Digital scanning metalized plastic antennas operating in the millimeter wave band for 5G automotive applications.
2019-2020 Huber+Suhner - Design of 77GHz radar antennas (SODAR3)
2018-2019 Regione Toscana - Integrated systems for the convergence of TETRA services on consumer platforms (Smart&Secure)
2018-2018 Huber+Suhner - Design of directive LTE antennas
2017-2017 Huber+Suhner - Support to the design of LTE and WiFi antennas for DT-PhoneBox project
2017-2019 ASK Industries S.p.A. - Study, simulation and design of antennas and RF circuits for vehicular applications
2017-2017 IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. - Optimization of the MLFMA algorithm currently integrated into the code IDS “IDSMMMP”
2015-2016 Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - Vortex wave generation for telecommunication applications
2015-2015 IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A - Update of the MLFMA algorithm currently integrated into the code IDS “IDSMMMP”
2014-2016 ASK Industries S.p.A. - Study, simulation and design of antennas and RF circuits for vehicular applications
2014-2016 TELEMICRO ITALIA - Supporto tecnico-scientifico al progetto di sensori radar compatti operanti nelle bande di frequenza di 24 e 77 GHz
2012-2012 Selex GALILEO - RLSA antenna scattering activity - Contract 5100105014-classified
2012-2014 ESA/ESTEC – "MBSE-A refinement with EAML maintenance" – ESTEC Contract 4000102408/IA 311/03/11
2011-2011 IDS Ingegneria dei Sistemi S.p.A. - Attività di consulenza sulle tecniche RPFMA-FAFFA (Ray-Propagation Fast Multipole Algorithm - Fast Far-Field Approximation) e SE-MLFMM (Spherical Harmonics - Multi Level Fast Multipole Method)
2011-2011 Selex GALILEO - Design and assistance activities for the construction of a RLSA planar antenna - Contract 5100089731-classified
2010-2012 European Community – "Mobile, autonomous and affordable system to increase safety in large unpredictable environments" – (VII Framework Programme)
2010-2012 Ministry for University and Scientific Research – Scientific research program of remarkable national interest (PRIN2008) – "Full-wave simulation of electrically large reflectarray antennas and definition of new active reflectarray feeds"
2010-2011 Italian Space Agency (ASI) "Sea object detection with COSMO/SkyMed"
2010-2010 European Space Agency (ESA) "Innovative planar highly directive antenna based on artificial surfaces - AO/1-6064/09/NL/JD”
2009-2010 European Space Agency (ESA) "European Antenna Modelling Component Library” – Step 3
2008-2009 Thales Alenia Space France “Reflectarray simulations” – in the frame of the European Space Agency (ESA) project “Test Campaign on Reflectarray Samples”
2007-2009 European Community – Marie Curie Conference and Training Courses (VI Framework Programme) – “European school of antennas” – MSCF-CT-2006-46042
2007-2008 Ingegneria dei Sistemi (IDS) “Supporto allo sviluppo di un codice di metodo dei momenti MLFMA (Multilevel Fast Multipole Approach)”
2006-2007 European Community – Network of Excellence: "Antenna Centre of Excellence 2 – ACE-2," (VI Framework Programme);
2005-2008 European Space Agency (ESA) "European Antenna Modelling Component Library" – Steps 1 & 2;
2003-2004 European Community – Network of Excellence: "Antenna Centre of Excellence – ACE," (VI Framework Programme) WP3.1-3 Leader – Virtual Antenna Laboratory - VALab";
2002-2004 European Space Agency (ESA) "SAF method for the modelling of corrugated cavity-backed antenna large array," program ESA/EMSAT;
2000-2003 Italian Space Agency (ASI) "Radar processing algorithms for the Cassini mission";
1999-2001 European Space Agency (ESA) "WARM: WAveguide Radiator Modeler," Antenna Design Framework Follow On;
1999-2001 Italian MURST "Millimeters wave antennas";
1995-1997 Italian Space Agency (ASI) "Electromagnetic analysis of terrain scattering for modeling interferometer SAR simulators";
1994-1998 Italian MURST "Hard and soft surfaces for scattering and antenna problems."
Participation in research projects
2023-2026 Ministero dell'Università e Ricerca (MUR) - Program PNRR 14 (Telecomunicazioni del futuro) - Project RESTART (RESearch and innovation on future Telecommunications systems and networks, to make Italia more smART) – WP3 “Integrated Terrestrial and non Terrestrial Networks (ITA NTN)" - Role: task leader T3.3 "Antenna technologies, MIMO, and NOMA techniques" – Coordinator Prof. Nicola Blefari Melazzi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
2020-2022 Regione Toscana – “Sviluppo di un sistema di monitoraggio meteorologico ad alta risoluzione per l’ARGRicoltura di precisione, basato sull’integrazione di un innovativo fully pOlarimetric x-band RADar e strumenti informatici di ultima generazione (AGRORAD),” – Regione Toscana programma operativo regionale FESR 2014 – 2020 – Coordinator Prof. L. Facheris, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
2020-2022 Regione Toscana – “INStruments for Intelligent Detection and Estimation of Rain for Agricultural INnovation (INSIDERAIN),” – Regione Toscana programma operativo regionale FESR 2014 – 2020 – Coordinator Prof. L. Facheris, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
2011-2012 ESA/ESTEC – “Analysis of Normalised Differential Spectral Attenuation (NDSA) technique for Inter-Satellite Atmospheric Profiling (ANISAP),” – ESTEC Contract no. 4000104831;
2008-2010 Marina Militare (Mariteleradar) - Progetto LOTHAR-FATT “Feasibility study of an adaptive ionospheric wave HF radar for Mediterranean surveillance, with LPI characteristics”.
2004-2004 ESA/ESTEC – “Alternative Measurement Techniques for LEO-LEO Radio Occultation (AlMetLEO),” – CNN 17831/03/NL/FF;
2002-2003 PRIN 2001 – “Study of electromagnetic reirradiation from urban environments” – Coord. nazionale Prof. P. Corona;
2002-2003 ASI – “Innovative technology and electromagnetic modelling of antennas for space observation”;
2000-2001 PRIN 1999 – “Design of antennas and their installation for mobile communications and wireless networks” – Coord. nazionale Prof. O. Bucci;
1999-2000 PRIN 1998 – Study of electromagnetic reirradiation from scenarios of practical interest in the context of microwave remote sensing problems” – Coord. nazionale Prof. P. Corona;
1998-2000 ISPESL – “Minimization of electromagnetic pollution produced in an urban environment by cellular telephone systems through the adoption of special antennas”;
1989-1990 CNR – "Remote sensing techniques for flood risk monitoring ";
1989-1989 CNR – Progetto Strategico "Advanced measurement technologies for flood warning: Progetto Arno";
-TU Delft, Delft, The Netherland (Prof. A. Neto, from 2010)
-Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain (Prof. Jose Antonio Encinar - from 2008 to 2010)
- TNO Defence, Security and Safety, The Hague, The Netherland (Prof. G. Gerini, from 2005 to 2013)
-Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, CH (Prof. Anja Skrivervik - from 2002)
- University of Zagreb, Zagreb, HR (Prof. Z. Sipus - from 1998)
- University of Warwick, Coventry, UK (Prof. C. Mias - from 1998)
- University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK (Dr. R.L. Ferrari - from 1994 to 1999)
- Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, SE (Prof. P-S. Kildal - from 1992 to 2000)
- Polytechnic of Turin, Turin, Italy (Prof. G. Vecchi - from 1998)
- University of Siena, Siena, Italy (Prof. S. Maci - from 1995)
- IDS S.p.A., Pisa, Italy (from 1998)
Invited keynote:
2015 - Keynote Speaker - "Low cost antennas for space applications," alla 11th Loughborough Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC2015), Loughborough, UK, 2-3 Nov. 2015
2007 - Invited Speaker - "A broadband low-cost single-layer printed reflectarray,” alla 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2007), 11-16 November 2007
2003 - Invited Speaker - "BMIA/AIM Formulation for the Electromagnetic Analysis of Large Patch Arrays," alla 17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECOM'03), Dubrovnik, Croazia, October 1-3, 2003
2002 - Keynote Speaker - "A BMIA/nCAG formulation for the analysis of large stacked patch antennas," alla 2002 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET*02), 10-13 Sept., Kiev, Ukraine, 2002.
1999 - Invited Speaker - "Hybrid finite element analysis of electromagnetic plane wave scattering from axially periodic cylindrical structures," alla 15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications (ICECOM'99), Dubrovnik, Croazia, 11–13 October, 1999-
Technical Program Committee:
-EuCAP 2023 – 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, March 26-21, 2023 (Vice-Chair);
-EuCAP 2019 – 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Krakow March 31 - April 5, 2019 (Award-Chair);
-ICECoM 2019 – 23rd International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik 2019 (TPC);
Scientific committees:
-EuCAP 2019 – 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Krakow 2019;
-EuCAP 2016 – 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos 2016;
-EuCAP 2013 – 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Gothenburg 2013;
-EuCAP 2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague 2012;
-EuCAP 2011 – 5th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Roma 2011;
-20th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 2010;
-EuCAP 2010 – 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcellona 2010;
-EuCAP 2009 – 3rd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Berlin 2009;
-EuCAP 2007 – 2nd European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Edinburgh 2007;
-EuCAP 2006 – 1st European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Nice, 2006;
-18th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 2005;
-Science Advisory Group of mission “Atmosphere and Climate Explorer” (ACE+), ESA Earth Explorer Opportunity Missions, 2005;
-17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 2003;
-Shuttle Radar Laboratory Science Meeting Local Committee, Florence, Italy, 2001;
-15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 1999;
-NATO Conference on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Florence, 1995;
-2nd Workshop on Finite Element Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Problems, Siena, 1994;
-Workshop on Ingegneria delle Microonde, Florence, 1994;
-Workshop on 'Il metodo degli elementi finiti (FEM) nelle applicazioni dell'elettromagnetismo', San Miniato Pisa, Italy, 1992;
-Workshop on 'The role of radar in the Arno Project: related problems and research opportunities,' Florence, Italy, 1990.
Special sessions at conferences/workshops
- Smart Electromagnetic Skins and their Applications (Monday, June 5, 14:00 ÷ 16:00) AES2023 – 9th International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems, Torremolinos, 2023
-Plastic Based Antennas: a Real Alternative (Friday, March 31, 9:00 ÷ 10:40) EuCAP 2023 – 17th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Florence, 2023
-Reflectarray and Transmitarray Antennas for Emerging Applications (Monday, April 1, 14:00 ÷ 18:30) EuCAP 2019 – 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Krakow, 2019
-New Trends in Reflectarrays and Transmitarrays (Monday, March 20, 14:00 ÷ 18:30) EuCAP 2017 – 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris, 2017
-Integral Techniques for Electromagnetics INTELECT (Monday, March 26, 14:00 ÷ 16:20, Tuesday, March 27, 09:00–12:40) EuCAP 2012 – 6th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Prague, 2012
-Integral Techniques for Electromagnetics (INTELECT'2011) – Friday September 9, 2011 in the Osservatorio Ximeniano, Florence, Italy
-Integral equation techniques for large and multiscale challenging problems (Wednesday, April 14, 8:30 ÷ 13:00) EuCAP 2010 – 4th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Barcellona, 2010
-Reflectarrays (Thursday, August 14, 15:40 ÷ 18:00) XXIXth URSI General Assembly, Chicago, USA, August 7-16, 2008.
-Reflectarray antennas (Session 34, Thursday 20 Sept. – 14:00 ÷ 17:00) ICEAA’07 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, September 17-21, 2007, Turin, Italy.
-Computational Methods and Numerical Modelling, 17th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 1-3 October 2003, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
-Numerical techniques in electromagnetics, 16th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, Dubrovnik, 1-3 October 2001, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
-Numerical techniques in electromagnetics, 15th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications, October 11-13, 1999, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
Organization of International Courses
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, October 3-7, 2022 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, October 14-18, 2019 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, September 11-15, 2017 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, September 7-11, 2015 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, September 16-20, 2013 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, September 19-23, 2011 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, October 5-9, 2009 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
- Frequency Domain Techniques for Antenna Analysis, October 2-6, 2006 – within the European School of Antennas (ESoA).
Awards and other honours
2022 EuMA Best paper contest (third prize) at 2022 Microwave Mediterranean Symposium (MMS) for the paper "60-GHz-band OAM Multiplexing with a RLSA that Simultaneously Generates Three OAM modes.”
2012 Best paper contest at ISAP 2012, International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, with the paper "A Metasurface Antenna for Space Application"
2011 Antenna Innovation Award by ESA/ESTEC at the 33rd Antenna Workshop with the paper of the title "A Holographic Isoflux Antenna Prototype for Satellite Applications"
2007 Deputy national delegate of the eight European COST Action on antennas (COST Action IC0603 "ASSIST")
1994 Expert member for the 2nd SIR-C/X-SAR mission on behalf of Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI)
Publication record
Peer Reviewed Journals = 88 (First Author: 15; Only author: 5, Invited: 2)
Citations = 2388 (928 since 2018),
H index = 25 (15 since 2018),
i10-index = 53 (25 since 2018)
Conference contributions = 151 (Invited: 10)
Patents = 7
Book chapters = 4
Research experience:
- Meteorological radar systems, radiowave propagation, simulation models for meteorological radar. He took part in the Arno Project, sponsored by the Italian Council of National Research and the Italian Space Agency;
-Numerical and asymptotic methods in electromagnetic scattering and antenna problems. Concerning numerical methods he gave original contributions concerning mode-matching techniques, integral equations, variational techniques, method of moments, adaptive integral method and finite element method. Furthermore, he developed several algorithms that are currently integrated in the ADF-EMS framework supported by ESA, among which: the GAM/MoM rectangular horns and horns array modelling WARM, the multilayer Adaptive Integral Method (MLayAIM) for the analysis of very large microstrip arrays, the multilevel fast Physic Optics algorithm (MLFPO) for the fast computation of the scattering from large and complex metallic objects;
- Design of large arrays, reflectarrays and radial line slot arrays (RLSA);
-Remote sensing, satellite sensors modelling, numerical models for the evaluation of the electromagnetic scattering from rural and urban areas;
- He was also involved in a few medical research projects about heart rate variability and functional severity of congestive heart failure secondary to coronary artery disease.
Professional Institutions:
IEEE Senior Member
Associated Editor of Symmetry MDPI
Reviewer of the international scientific journals: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (from 1997), IEE Microwave Antennas and Propagation (from 2002), IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (from 2003), IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (from 2010).