Per appuntamento: Tel. 055 4573455;
Dipartimento di Chimica U.Schiff, Via della Lastruccia, 13, 50019 Sesto Fiorentino FI
By appointment: Tel. 055 4573455;
Antonella Salvini, nata a Firenze il 1/8/59. In data 10/4/87 ha conseguito il Diploma di Laurea in Chimica presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze con la votazione di centodieci su centodieci e lode (110/110 e lode). Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze Chimiche. (IV ciclo, ottobre1988-31/10/9). In data 11 dicembre 1991 ha preso servizio presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Organica "Ugo Schiff".come ricercatore universitario della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Firenze per il Gruppo Disciplinare C04X (Chimica Industriale). Professore Associato della Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università di Firenze per il settore CHIM/04 Chimica Industriale, in servizio presso il Dipartimento di Chimica Organica. A partire dall’Anno Accademico 1991-92 ha svolto attività didattica presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche e Naturali dell'Università di Firenze, in particolare per le materie dell’ambito di Chimica Industriale e per alcune nel settore della Chimica Organica. La sua ricerca scientifica è stata inizialmente focalizzata sulla catalisi omogenea. Parallelamente ha rivolto il suo interesse allo studio e alla sintesi di nuovi polimeri da utilizzare come adesivi del legno. Ha inoltre svolto studi sulla conservazione dei Beni Culturali e in particolare sulla sintesi di nuovi prodotti consolidanti e protettivi per i materiali lapidei e per il legno. Negli ultimi anni l’attività di ricerca è stata rivolta anche a studi su processi di bioraffineria e in particolare sulla valorizzazione di biomasse per la produzione di biofuel e composti chimici. In tale ambito, dal 2008 ha iniziato uno studio sulla produzione di biodiesel per transesterificazione di trigliceridi e la contemporanea trasformazione della glicerina in materiali con maggior valore aggiunto. Dal 2015 collabora all’interno del Centro di Competenza VALORE alla valorizzazione di biomasse algali mettendo a punto la separazione e la caratterizzazione di diversi componenti della microalga Nannochloropsis oceanica. Sembre nell’ambito della valorizzazione di biomasse ha svolto ricerche sulla sintesi di biopolimeri e nanocompositi a partire da fonti rinnovabili come le biomasse di scarto. Ha collaborato con numerose aziende in attività di trasferimento tecnologico prevalentemente su studi applicativi inerenti i materiali polimerici o loro formulazioni. E' coautrice di 73 pubblicazioni su Riviste Scientifiche Internazionali con Peer Review, 9 articoli su Riviste Scientifiche Internazionali o Nazionali o capitoli di libro, 1 Patent Internationale, 1 Patent Nazionale, > 100 comunicazioni a congressi nazionali e internazionali presentate personalmente o in qualità di coautrice.
Antonella Salvini, was born in Florence, Italy, August 1st, 1959.and graduated Chemistry in April 10th, 1987 - University of Florence, Italy
November 1988 - October 1991: Ph. D. degree in Chemical Sciences.
December 11th 1991: Research Assistant of Industrial Chemistry (Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences) at the University of Florence - Department of Organic Chemistry.
November 1st 2002: Associate Professor of Industrial Chemistry (Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences) at the University of Florence - Department of Organic Chemistry.
A.S. is professor of industrial chemistry at the University of Florence and she is titular of the course of Industrial syntheses of organic compounds, Chemistry and technology of polymeric materials and Materials Chemistry I at the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. The scientific activity of Antonella Salvini was initially focused on the studies in the field of the homogenous catalysis In the last years A. S. has turn her interest also on the adhesive compounds and in particular to the synthesis and characterisation of new polymers capable to bond wood’s surfaces. A.S. has undertaken studies on the conservation of the cultural heritage. In particular she has studied the synthesis of new materials having specific characteristics for their use as adhesives, wood and paper consolidants or stone protective agents. Recently, the attention has been focused on biorefinery processes and in particular on biomass valorization for fuel and chemicals production. New transesterification processes of triglycerides for the BioDiesel production from exhausted oils have been investigated. New biopolymers have been synthesized and characterized starting from different kind of renewable resources for their use in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Synthesis and characterization of “core-shell” biopolymer-based nanoparticles have been also performed. Recently. chemical gels have been synthesized and studied. processes. She has collaborated with several Companies on research projects. She is author of 73 publications on international scientific journals and presented various communications and notes to international and national congresses.
A.S. is professor of industrial chemistry at the University of Florence and she is titular of the course of Industrial syntheses of organic compounds, Chemistry and technology of polymeric materials and Materials Chemistry I at the School of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences. The scientific activity of Antonella Salvini was initially focused on the studies in the field of the homogenous catalysis In the last years A. S. has turn her interest also on the adhesive compounds and in particular to the synthesis and characterisation of new polymers capable to bond wood’s surfaces. A.S. has undertaken studies on the conservation of the cultural heritage. In particular she has studied the synthesis of new materials having specific characteristics for their use as adhesives, wood and paper consolidants or stone protective agents. Recently, the attention has been focused on biorefinery processes and in particular on biomass valorization for fuel and chemicals production. New transesterification processes of triglycerides for the BioDiesel production from exhausted oils have been investigated. New biopolymers have been synthesized and characterized starting from different kind of renewable resources for their use in the field of cultural heritage conservation. Synthesis and characterization of “core-shell” biopolymer-based nanoparticles have been also performed. Recently. chemical gels have been synthesized and studied. processes. She has collaborated with several Companies on research projects. She is author of 68 publications on international scientific journals and presented various communications and notes to international and national congresses.