Tutti i giorni ma solo per appuntamento: Tel. 055 2755861; cell 320 7981875; laura.mugnai@unifi.it
Every day but only by appointment: Tel. 055 2755861; mobile 320 7981875; laura.mugnai@unifi.it
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Laura Mugnai è nata a Firenze il 16.3.1958. Laureata in Scienze Forestali presso la Facoltà di Scienze Agrarie dell'Università di Firenze, dal 1983 svolge attività di ricerca in Patologia vegetale in collaborazione con studiosi della Facoltà di Agraria di Firenze e di altre Istituzioni scientifiche, sia italiane che straniere. Ha usufruito di borse di studio del CNR, di cui una presso il Commonwealth Mycological Institute di Kew (GB), dove accanto all’attività di ricerca ha seguito un corso semestrale sulla identificazione di funghi patogeni. Dal 1992 presta servizio presso la Facoltà di Agraria di Firenze prima in qualità di ricercatore universitario, poi di professore associato e, dal 2019, di professore ordinario in Patologia vegetale per i corsi di primo e secondo livello di Patologia della vite e Patologia dei prodotti in post-raccolta, Crop protection in Tropical crops e Malattie fungine delle colture agrarie. In questi anni ha portato avanti o collaborato a ricerche su varie problematiche della patologia vegetale, prima nel settore forestale (in particolare sui marciumi radicali da Heterobasidion annosum) e in seguito della patologia di specie di interesse agrario, approfondendo in particolare aspetti della tassonomia, anche tramite tecniche di biologia molecolare, di patogeni fungini e anche batterici, e aspetti di biologia ed epidemiologia. Negli ultimi 30 anni si è particolarmente dedicata agli studi sulle malattie della vite e sugli aspetti legati alla difesa sostenibile del vigneto, partecipando in qualità di esperta al Network of Excellence “Endure” (European Network for the durable exploitation of crop protection strategies, 2007-2011, Grapevine Case Study), e al progetto Europeo PURE (IPM Solutions To Reduce Pesticides Reliance In Grapevine).
Gran parte della sua attività di ricerca è stata dedicata alle malattie del legno della vite, presentando relazioni a invito sull’argomento in convegni in numerose zone viticole del mondo, e assumendo la responsabilità scientifica o collaborando a vari progetti nazionali e internazionali. E’ socio fondatore e, per 12 anni, è stata presidente dell’International Research Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases ed è chairperson della Subject Matter Committee su “Grapevine trunk diseases” all’interno dell’International Society of Plant Pathology, per la quale ha organizzato numerosi convegni. E’ attivamente impegnata nella gestione delle attività della Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, per la quale ha co-organizzato vari convegni internazionali, co-Editor-in-Chief della rivista ISI Internazionale Phytopathologia Mediterranea e referee per varie riviste internazionali di Patologia vegetale. E’ stata rappresentante italiano della COST action sulle malattie del legno della vite COST ManaGTD – FA1303 Sustainable control of Grapevine Trunk Diseases), e parte della Management Committee della stessa azione COST.
Gran parte della sua attività di ricerca è stata dedicata alle malattie del legno della vite, presentando relazioni a invito sull’argomento in convegni in numerose zone viticole del mondo, e assumendo la responsabilità scientifica o collaborando a vari progetti nazionali e internazionali. E’ socio fondatore e, per 12 anni, è stata presidente dell’International Research Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases ed è chairperson della Subject Matter Committee su “Grapevine trunk diseases” all’interno dell’International Society of Plant Pathology, per la quale ha organizzato numerosi convegni. E’ attivamente impegnata nella gestione delle attività della Mediterranean Phytopathological Union, per la quale ha co-organizzato vari convegni internazionali, co-Editor-in-Chief della rivista Internazionale ISI e Open access Phytopathologia Mediterranea (https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/pm/edit-team ), e referee per varie riviste internazionali di Patologia vegetale. E’ stata rappresentante italiano della COST action sulle malattie del legno della vite COST ManaGTD – FA1303 Sustainable control of Grapevine Trunk Diseases), e parte della Management Committee della stessa azione COST.
E' parte del direttivo dell'associazione internazionale Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU, https://www.mpunion.org/structure/ ), Vicepresident dell' International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP, https://www.isppweb.org/about_executive_2018.asp ) e Vicepresidente della Società Italiana di Patologia vegetale (SIPAV, https://www.sipav.org/it/37/Il_Consiglio_Direttivo/).
Eziologia, epidemiologia e difesa dalle malattie della vite.
Malattie fungine del legno della vite
Malattie delle colure frutticole
Malattie dei cereali
Laura Mugnai was born in Florence on 16.3.1958. She graduated in Forestry Sciences at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Florence and since 1983 she carries out research in Plant pathology in collaboration with researchers of the Faculty of Agriculture, now School of Agriculture, of other scientific Institutions, both from Italy and abroad. She has received CNR (National Research Council) study grants, including one for the Commonwealth Mycological Institute at Kew (UK). Since 1992 she has been working, first as a researcher, then as Associate Professor, and since 2019, as Full professor in Plant pathology at the Faculty of Agriculture, now School of agriculture in Florence, running the courses of Grapevine plant pathology, Diseases caused by fungal agents, Tropical plant pathology and, for many years.
Laura Mugnai has conducted or collaborated in research on various aspects of plant pathology, first in forestry, where she focused on different aspects of taxonomy, as in the description of a new intersterility group of Heterobasidion annnosum, and later also in plant pathology of agricultural crops carrying out the characterization of new pathogenic fungi and also of bacteria, also by the application of molecular biology techniques. In the last twenty five years she gave a special attention to research related to sustainable control of diseases, in particular in the vineyard participating as Expert to the Network of Excellence “Endure” (European Network for the durable exploitation of crop protection strategies, 2007-2011, Grapevine Case Study), and to the European Project PURE (IPM Solutions To Reduce Pesticides Reliance In Grapevine). Her research activity focused also on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, and expecially to esca complex disease. On the subject she was called as an invited speaker to give seminars and lectures both in Italy and in many foreign countries, in all grape growing areas in the world, and she got the scientific responsibility and collaborated to several national and international projects, including EU funded projects. She was a cofunder and Chair person for 12 years of the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, for which she organized many workshops and meetings. She is the Chairperson of the Subject Matter Committee on “Grapevine trunk diseases” within the International Society of Plant Pathology. She was in the management committee and Italian representative of the COST action on this subject at European level (COST ManaGTD – FA1303 Sustainable control of Grapevine Trunk Diseases). She is actively engaged in running the activities of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union and she is Co-Chief Editor of the international journal Phytopathologia Mediterranea.
Curriculum vitae et studiorum - Laura Mugnai
Laura Mugnai has conducted or collaborated in research on various aspects of plant pathology, first in forestry, where she focused on different aspects of taxonomy, as in the description of a new intersterility group of Heterobasidion annnosum, and later also in plant pathology of agricultural crops carrying out the characterization of new pathogenic fungi and also of bacteria, also by the application of molecular biology techniques. In the last twenty five years she gave a special attention to research related to sustainable control of diseases, in particular in the vineyard participating as Expert to the Network of Excellence “Endure” (European Network for the durable exploitation of crop protection strategies, 2007-2011, Grapevine Case Study), and to the European Project PURE (IPM Solutions To Reduce Pesticides Reliance In Grapevine). Her research activity focused also on Grapevine Trunk Diseases, and expecially to esca complex disease. On the subject she was called as an invited speaker to give seminars and lectures both in Italy and in many foreign countries, in all grape growing areas in the world, and she got the scientific responsibility and collaborated to several national and international projects, including EU funded projects.
She was a cofunder and Chairperson for 12 years of the International Council on Grapevine Trunk Diseases (www.icgtd.org), for which she organized many workshops and meetings. She is the Chairperson of the Subject Matter Committee on “Grapevine trunk diseases” within the International Society of Plant Pathology. She was in the management committee and Italian representative of the COST action on this subject at European level (COST ManaGTD – FA1303 Sustainable control of Grapevine Trunk Diseases).
She is actively engaged in running the activities of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU, https://www.mpunion.org/structure/ ).
She is Co-Editor in Chief of the international journal Phytopathologia Mediterranea (https://oajournals.fupress.net/index.php/pm/edit-team ), she is vicepresident of the International Society of Plant Pathology (ISPP, https://www.isppweb.org/about_executive_2018.asp and Vicepresident of the Italian Society of Plant pathology (SIPAV, https://www.sipav.org/it/37/Il_Consiglio_Direttivo/)
Grapevine diseases etiology, epidemiology and management.
Grapevine trunk diseases.
Fruit crops fungal diseases.
Fungal diseases of wheat