Curriculum Vitae
Information Personali
Nome Cognome
Cristina Martelli
Office address:
Department of Statistics “G. Parenti”
59, Viale Morgagni
I-50134 Firenze
+39 0554237268)
+39 3293603327
+39 055 4223560
Date of birth
Esperienze lavorative
1/11/2007 →
Occupazione o posizione
Professore Associato in Statistica Economica
Principali attività e responsabilità
Attività Academica: ricerca einsegnamento : Informatics and statistical data management, Economic Statistics, Datawarehousing, Statistical ontologies systems, Metadata glossaries.
Economy Faculty Referee for Students Stages
Università di Firenze
Piazza San Marco 4
I-50121 Firenze
Occupazione o positione
Occupazione e posizione
Progettazione e direzione del gruppo di ricerca del sistema Informativo statistico dal titolo “Information system for monitoring working conditions on the ‘Florence to Bologna’ High-Speed Rail Track.
Azienda Sanitaria di Firenze
Piazza Santa maria Nuova 1,
I-50122 Firenze
Direzione Scientifica del progetto di predisposizione del sistema informativo statistico dal titolo Statististical Information System Project of Tuscan Destination Tourism Observatories: Florence (together with Giovanni Liberatore) and Barberino del Mugello.
Municipalities of Florence and Barberino del Mugello
Direzione Scientifica del progetto di predisposizione del sistema informativo statistico in supporto di reti collaborative in sanità, attarverso la gestione di glossari e semantiche condivise
Agenzia regionale di sanità della Toscana
Via Pietro Dazzi 1
I-50141, Firenze
Direzione Scientifica del progetto ““the feasibity of statistical information system in support of microbiology laboratories network.
Travel Consultant
Field research for the usage of administrative data for labour statistics in Serbia
Direzione Scientifica del progetto di predisposizione del sistema informativo statistico dal titolo SIDOC Sistema Documentale Statistico della Regione Toscana
Regione Toscana
Assistenza alla predisposizione del sistema informativo statistico e formazione del team di sviluppo nell’ambito del progetto Osservatorio economico regionale della Sardegna
Regione Sardegna
Responsible for questionnaire and system project of the First National Survey (INFOR - 2004) of Informal Sector in Mozambique
ICStat (Intenational Cooperation Center for Statistics Luigi Bodio)-
Development of a three year training project for the Romanian national Statistical Institute Unicef e Centre Européen pour la Statistique et le Développement CESD
Unicef e Centre Européen pour la Statistique et le Développement CES
Education and training
Title of qualification awarded
Dottorato in demografia
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered
Information systems and models in demography and statistics
Name and type of organisation providing education and training
University of Florence , Italy
Level in national or international classification
Laurea in Ingegneria elettronica
Programming languages , data analysis, Mathematics, Electronics
University of Florence, Italy
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
European level (*)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Proficient user
Independent user
Indipendent user
Basic user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences
Team work:
Participation to several National Research Projects funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universityand Research in the fields of applied statistics.
Participation to several research groups of the Italian Authority “Commissione di Garanzia per l'Informazione Statistica”, Board of the President of the Italian Government.
Member of the team working on the network of Tuscan Observatories of Tourism Destinations, coordinated by the Tuscany Region for NECSTour.
Professional memberships:
Member of: Italian Statistical Society (SIS),Italian Society for Tourism Sciences (SISTUR).
Member of CIRT (Interuniversity Center For Research in Tourism
2000-2002 : deputy director of the Statistical laboratory Department of Statistics “G. Parenti”.
2003-2007: member of the Team for the project, organization and management of the Professional modules “Expert in Statistical Information Systems”.
2000-: member of the research group on “Statistical Information Systems” funded by the Municipality of Florence
2001→: Member of the Executive Committee of “Corso di Laurea Triennale” (first level degree) in “Economia e Commercio” University of Florence.
2008→: member of the Committee for the Evaluation of Teaching Activities of “Corso di Laurea Triennale” (first level degree) in “Economia e Commercio” (University of Florence) and of “Corso di Laurea Triennale” (first level degree) in “Statistics” (University of Florence).
2010: coordinator of the Workgroup “Tourism sustainability” of the Italian Society for Tourism Sciences (SISTUR).
Computer skills and competences
Relational data bases management systems
Multidimensional data bases (Pentaho, Business Object)
Packages in support of data and process modelling
Ontologies management instruments
Metadata information systems
Additional information
Some publications on statistical information systems in support to decisions and
Buzzigoli L. and C. Martelli (2010), A Sustainable Approach for Sustainability Indicators: the Case of Tourism Destinations, Paper presented at the III International Congress on Tourism & Environment, Florence, 20th-21st May 2010.
Buzzigoli L., C. Martelli and L. Varra (2010), "Complex knowledge Representation for The Management of a Competitive and Sustainable Tourism Destination", in G. Schiuma, J.C. Spender, M. Weir: Intellectual Capital in a Complex Business Landscape , ISBN 978-88966870204 (5th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera 24-26 June 2010).
Martelli C., (2009) “How to implement a tourism statistical information system”, in Ferrari G., Mondéjar Jimenez J., Mondéjar Jimenez J., Vargas Vargas M., Principales tendencies de investigatión en turismo, Septem Ediciones
Martelli C,(2007) “A Statistical Information System in Support of the Italian Competence System Governance, Working Paper 2007/17, Dipartimento di Statistica G. Parenti.
Martelli C., (ed.) (2007) “Il sistema documentale statistico della Regione Toscana: modello, progetto e prototipo”, Regione Toscana, collana Diritti, Valori, Innovazione, Sostenibilità.
Calzaroni M., Cappiello A., Della Rocca G., Di Zio M., Martelli C., Pieraccini G., Profili, F. and Tembe C. (2006): Methodology Handbook - Informal Sector in Mozambique - First National Survey (INFOR - 2004). Published in: © 2006 Instituto Nacional de Estatística, Maputo, Moçambique O Sector Informal em Mogambique: Resultados do Primeiro Inquérito Nacional (2006).
Florence, april 28 , 2012
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s)
Home address:
14, Via Vittorio Emanuele II,14
I-50134 Firenze,
+39 0554237268 (office hours)
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Associate Professor in Economic Statistics
Main activities and responsibilities
Academic activity: research and teaching: Informatics and statistical data management, Economic Statistics, Datawarehousing, Statistical ontologies systems, Metadata glossaries.
Name and address of employer
University of Florence
4, Piazza San Marco
Statististical Information System Projecting and direction of developing team for the “Information system for monitoring working conditions on the ‘Florence to Bologna’ High-Speed Rail Track.
Florence Local health Authority
1, Piazza Santa maria Nuova,
Scientific direction of the Statististical Information System Project of Tuscan Destination Tourism Observatories: Florence (together with Giovanni Liberatore) and Barberino del Mugello.
Scientific direction of the Statististical Information System Project in support of collaborative networks in sanity, through the management of common glossaries and semantics
Regional Agency on Health- Tuscany
1, Via Pietro Dazzi
Scientific direction of the Statististical Information System Project team on the feasibity of statistical information system in support of microbiology laboratories network.
Research Responsible
Statististical Information System Project and direction of developing team
SIDOC Regional Statistical Documentation System
Regione Toscana, ?
Statististical Information System assistance and training of developing team
Regional Economic Observatory
Sardinia Region Economic Observatory
Master Degree in Electronic Engeneering