For foreign students: for a meeting, please write through the email to enrico.vicario<AT>
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In ogni caso prego comunque gli studenti di conttarmi per posta elettronica per fissare un appuntamento.
(october 2017)
Enrico Vicario is a Full Professor of Computer Science and Engineering and Head of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence (since November 2016).
He was born in 1965, he is married, with two children born in 1989.
He received the Master Degree in Electronics Engineering (cum laude) in 1990 and the Ph.D. in Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Florence in 1994.
From 1994 to 1998 he was an Assistant Professor at the Engineering School of the University of Florence. From 1998 to 2002, he was Associate Professor of Information Engineering, first at the University of Ancona, and then at the University of Florence.
He is a Full Professor since 2002.
He was a member of the Academic Senate of the University of Florence (Nov.2012-Nov.2016), and vice-President of the national board of the GII (Scientific society of Italian Professors of Computer Science and Engineering - (Sept.2013-Sept.2017).
He presently teaches "Software Engineering" and "Software Architectures and Methodologies" at the Engineering School of the University of Florence. In the past he also taught "Verification and Testing Methods", "Foundations of Computer Programming", "Internet SW Technologies", "Computer Architectures", "Operating Systems", "Usability Engineering". He is the author of the monographic book "Fondamenti di Programmazione: linguaggio c, strutture dati e algoritmi elementari, c++".
He is a member of the Faculty of the PhD program in Smart Computing (, jointly delivered by the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena, with the participation of Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, with the support of the Tuscany Region Pegaso Programme.
He carries out scientific research and technological experimentation in the area of Software Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence, and more specifically at the Software Technologies Lab ( His activity is specifically focused on two major subjects:
Until year 2000, he mainly worked on
He is author of more than 100 papers indexed on Scopus (including 11 papers in the IEEE Transactions on SW Engineering, 1 in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, and 6 in other IEEE Transactions), with more than 1000 citations from 547 documents, and a total H-Index 15 (figures taken from Scopus, October 2017).
He was the National Scientific Coordinator of the project Wireless Sensor Networks for Dependable Monitoring of Critical Applications (WiSeDeMon) funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Reasearch in the PRIN 2007 Programme. He was responsible for several projects for technology transfer in the area and was scientific responsible for the research acivity on "Design and Verification Methods for Concurrent Real Time SW" of the SW Initiative of FinMeccanica Group.
He is a member of the steering committee of QEST ( and DCIT conferences, and was member of the Program Committee of various conferences, including FORMATS, QEST, ValueTools, ECRTS, ATPN, InfQ. He was the general chair of QEST'14 and EPEW'14, and chair of the organizing committee of FORMATS'14 and FMICS'14.
The technological activity addresses SW engineering methods and architectures, with major interests in OO analysis, design, and testing, enterprise architectures, application interoperability (cooperazione applicativa), healthcare information systems.
On these subjects he has been scientific responsible for a number of contracts with local and national enterprises and administrations. He served for several years as a member of the eToscana Commitee and was scientific responsible for the certification of compliance of cooperation components in the Tuscany e-government infrastructure. He was a member of the testing committee of the Italian National eGovernment Interoperability Framework (SICA) at the Italian National Center for IT in the Public Administration (CNIPA). He has been scientific responsible of the competence center on Information systems in healthcare working with the University Hospital of Careggi (AOUC) in the years 2008-2011, then with the central Tuscany healthcare system (ESTAV-Centro) in the years 2011-2013, and now with the Institute for Oncological Studies and Prevention (ISPO - of the Tuscany Region.
He is scientific responsible for the UniFi Unit in the following projects funded by the Tuscany Regional government:
RACE: on ICT tools supporting compliance in evidence based Cardiology (years 2016-2018 - FESR Program)
Geniale: on the development of an electrometrical system for biological analyses (years 2017-2018 - FESR Program)
LINFA: on prediction and optimization methods for smart replenishment of drugs stocks in hospital units (years 2016-2018 - PAR-FAS program).
He is Inventor of the World Patent "Job scheduler for electromechanical system for biological analysis", developed in a collaboration with BioMérieux Italia spa.
He is co-founder and scientific director of Jaewa, a spin-off of the University of Florence started in the year 2013.
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