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Laureata in Scienze Agrarie, PhD in Scienze Zootecniche nel 1992, Ricercatore dal 1995, Professore Associato dal 2006.
E’ titolare dei corsi di Acquacoltura e di Innovazione e qualità nelle produzioni animali: carne e prodotti ittici, presso la Facoltà di Agraria dell’Università di Firenze. E’ membro del Dottorato di Ricerca in Produzione di animali acquatici e terrestri e qualità dei prodotti. La sua attività di ricerca riguarda lo studio delle caratteristiche quantitative e qualitative dei prodotti ittici di differente specie ed origine, in relazione a differenti fattori di influenza, nonché lo studio dei processi di decadimento post-mortali nelle matrici carnee in relazione all’influenza di specifici stressori infra vitam o pre-mortem, o a diverse condizioni di conservazione del prodotto.
E’ stata responsabile di alcuni programmi di ricerca bi-laterali Italia-Francia, coordinatore scientifico di vari progetti di ricerca finanziati da organismi regionali e/o nazionali e ha collaborato a vari progetti finanziati dal Ministero per le Politiche Agricole e Forestali e dalla EU (V e VI Programma Quadro).
E' autore di oltre 170 articoli, pubblicati su riviste internazionali o nazionali o come abstract in Proceedings di Congressi internazionali o nazionali.
Graduated in Agricultural Science, PhD in Animal Production Science in 1992, Researcher since 1995 and Associate Professor since 2006. She teaches Aquaculture and Innovation and quality in animal production: meat and seafood, in the Agricultural Faculty of Florence University. Her research activity is related to:
1) the study of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the seafood from different species and origin
2) the study of the post mortem decay processes of fish and shellfish, due to the effects of infra vitam or pre-mortem stressors, or to the different post harvesting storage conditions.
She was responsible for some research programs between Italy and France and has been scientific coordinator of research projects founded by Regional Organizations and by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture. She has participated in some EU projects in the V Framework Program. Her research activity is documented by more than 170 published papers in international journals or in proceedings of international or national Congresses.
Classical matriculation (60/60) and graduation in Agricultural Science (110/110 cum laude and publication of thesis); qualified as professional agronomist in 1986; awarded PhD in 1992 with thesis entitled “Chemical, biometric and market characteristics of Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck from La Spezia gulf during a one-year cycle”.
Before graduating, she began collaboration with Dept. Animal Science, Florence University, concerned initially with meat quality, especially fatty acid composition of fatty tissue and muscle.
From 1995 to 2006 she was Researcher at Florence University (in sector SSD G09D – Zoocolture, now called AGR 20).
Since 1st November 2006, associate professor in sector SSD AGR20 (Zoocolture), in Dept. Animal Science, Florence University, and since 1st January 2010 in Dept. Agricultural Biotechnology of the same University.
She has taught the following subjects at the Faculty of Agriculture, Florence University:
1st level
MSc Degree Course
She also teaches Production of land and aquatic animals to PhD students in Agricultural and Environmental Science.
Institutional roles
- Secretary of the PhD course in Production of land and aquatic animals and product quality,Florence University (since January 2001)
- Secretary of the PhD school in Quality animal and plant production for environmental protection and landscape valorisation, Florence University(since January 2008)
- Secretary of the PhD school in Agriculture instituted from cycle XXVI (since 28th July 2010)
- Contact person for Production of land and aquatic animals and product quality for the PhD in Agricultural and Environmental Science of the Doctorate School in Agriculture (cycle XXVI) (since 1st January 2011)
- Director of the PhD School in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences of the Agricultural School of University of Florence (since January 2014).
In the ambit of the education activities, she has been tutor for graduate and postgraduate residencies, supervisor and co-supervisor of 1st level theses and of specialist and teaching degrees (total number: 33), as well as co-supervisor of Master’s and teaching degree dissertations in other universities (Genoa, Padua).
She is the Vice-President of the MSc Course in Food Science and Technology of the Florence University (from November 2012).
She has had the following roles in connection with Research PhDs:
Scientific co-supervisor of doctorate
Tutor of the PhD students
- Dr. M. de Francesco (cycle XVI of Doctorate in Aquaculture and Product Quality). Title of thesis: “Effects of plant protein intake on growth and flesh quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bream (Sparus aurata)” [original title:“Effetti dell’apporto proteico di origine vegetale sulla crescita e la qualità della carne in trota iridea (Oncorhynchus mykiss) e in orata (Sparus aurata)”]. Thesis co-supervised with Université Bordeaux 1-Ecole Doctorale: Sciences du Vivant, Géosciences, Sciences des l'Environnement - Spécialisation "Sciences des Aliments et Nutrition" (co-supervisor for France,prof. S.J. Kaushik)
- Dr. G. Giorgi (cycleXVII of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Mussel culture in Tuscany: potentiality for application and development” [original title: Molluschicoltura in Toscana: possibilità di applicazioni e sviluppo”]
- Dr. L. Barsalini (cycle XXII of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Plant protein intake and flesh quality of sea bream raised in sea cages” [original title:“Apporto proteico di origine vegetale e qualità della carne in orata allevata in gabbie a mare”]
- Dr. M. Pazzaglia (cycle XXIII of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Qualitative improvement of caviar and sturgeon production chain” [original title: “Miglioramento qualitativo della filiera produttiva del caviale e dello storione”].
- Dr. G. Fratini (cycle XXIV of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Effect of different farming sites and techniques on the growing performances and quality of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg).Concluded in 2013.
- Dr. R. Martelli (cycle XXV of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Characteristics of raw and cooked fillets in species of actual and potential interest for Italian aquaculture: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and meagre (Argyrosomus regius). Concluded in 2013.
- Dr. A. Concollato (cycle XXVII of Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products). Title of thesis: “Fish welfare and quality assessment by conventional and innovative methods”. In course.
- Dr. G. Secci (cycle XXVIII of Doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences). Title of thesis: “Lipid fractions and oxidation products in fresh and preserved seafood”.
In course.
- Dr. V. Iaconisi (cycle XXIX of Doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences). In course.
Co-tutor of the PhD students
- Dr. F. Cenni (XXI cycle of Research Doctorate in: Ethology and Animal Ecology; University of Florence). Title of thesis: “Indicators of well-being of aquatic species: an ethological approach” [original title: “Indicatori di benessere in specie acquatiche: un approccio etologico”].
- Dr. A. Boanini (cycle XXIX of Doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences). In course.
Responsible for foreign students hosted for internships and / or research activities under international agreements
-Supervisor for the stage of the student Regiane Scharf (Faculty of Pharmacy, Master of Science in Tecnologia de Alimentos; Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil) (from 1st September 2008 to 1st March 2009)
-Supervisor for the stage of the PhD student Ligia Uribe Gonçalves (PhD Student at the 3rd year of the PhD Course in Zootecnia of the FZEA of the University of São Paulo/USP, Brazil), thanks to a grant obtained under the Programa de Apoio à Mobilidade Pós-Graduação PRO-MOB CRInt/FZEA, Edital 2009 (from 9th December 2009 to 20th April 2010)
-Supervisor for the PhD sandwich of Sheyla Cristina Vargas of the São Paulo/USP University (Brazil) titled “Influência de diferentes métodos de abate sob parametros fisico, químicos e sensoriais da carne refrigerada e congelada de bijupirá (Rachycentron canadum)” (15th September 2013 to 15th May 2014).
-Supervisor for the stage of the PhD student Adriana Cristina Bordignon (studentessa di dottorato al 3° anno nell’ambito del Postgraduate Program in Aquilcultura of the Centro de Aquicultura da Universidade Estadual Paulista - “Julio de Mesquita Filho” (from 25th April 2014 to 16th May 2014)
Cycles of lessons abroad as invited lecturer
- Teacher responsible for Segurança e Qualidade na Produção da Aquiculture (ZAZ-5811-1-1) of the PhD Programme in Animal Science, and for Master’s course in “Qualidade e Produtividade Animal”, at the Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos –FZEA, Università di São Paulo/USP, at Pirassununga, Brazil in the period 11.08.2009-07.09.2009.
- Teacher responsible for Segurança e Qualidade na Produção da Aquiculture (ZAZ-5811-1-1) of the PhD Programme in Animal Science, and for Master’s course in “Qualidade e Produtividade Animal”, at the Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos –FZEA, Università di São Paulo/USP, at Pirassununga, Brazil in the period 03.11.2013-18.11.2013.
Cycles of lessons abroad as lecturer in specific Projects founded by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
-“Aquaculture production in the Marchlands of Dhi Qar: Aquaculture & fishery management”, as a part of the project “Training plan on sustainable management of wetlands of Dhi Qar (Iraq)”, funded by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by the Dept. Economics, Engineering, Science and Agriculture/Forestry, Florence University, Italy (Tallil-Nassiryia, 13th-23th June 2010)
- “Advanced course of aquaculture in Italy”, as a part of the project “Training plan on sustainable management of wetlands of Dhi Qar (Iraq)”, funded by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by the Dept. Economics, Engineering, Science and Agriculture/Forestry, Florence University, Italy (Florence, 11th- 26th November 2010).
- “Rational management of fish production chain”, as a part of the project “Rational management of water resources for agricultural development of rural areas in South Iraq”, funded by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems (GESAAF) of the Florence University (Bassora, 2nd-27th June 2013)
- “Training course on Aquaculture”, as a part of the project “Rational management of water resources for agricultural development of rural areas in South Iraq”, funded by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems (GESAAF) of the Florence University (Florence, 9th-27th September 2013).
Member of Doctorate Final Exam Commission
for the title of Doctor of Research
-in Forestry, Agriculture and Food Science – cycles XIX – XX – Animal Science Curriculum, Turin University (29th January 2008)
-in Nutrition and Food Science - Feed and Food Science, Bologna University (10th April 2008)
-in Agriculture, Forestry and Food Production – Animal Science and Technology specialisation (cycles XXIV and XXIII extension) Sassari University (9th February 2012)
-Member of the adjudication committee for fulfilment of the requirements for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Trondheim University NTNU, Norway (18th March 2011).
- Member of the Committee for the PhD qualification exam of the PhD student Julio Guerra Segura del Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zootecnia-Área de Concentração “Qualidade e Produtividae Animal”, which subject of tesi was “Evolução do metabolismo de ácidos graxos n-3 a n-6 em juvenis de pacu (Plaractus mesopotamicus) alimentados com níveis variáveis da relação 18:3n-3/18:2n-6 na dieta” (Campus Piassununga, University of San Paulo, Brazil, 13th November 2013).
Principal topics of study
Molluscs and crustaceans
- performance in aquaculture
- relations between origin of product, quality and deterioration during storage
- identification of new areas for aquaculture not previously involved in production
- quality assessment of invasive allocthonous species established in many parts of Italy for their commercialisation as a containment strategy
- application of detoxification techniques to enable marketing of products outside the fishing season
- behaviour, welfare and problems related to animals in captivity
- evaluation of nutritional quality of algal biomass produced by innovative methods on growth performance of larval stages
with reference to species traditionally raised in Italian aquaculture (mussel) and of potential interest for aquaculture (abalone, cupped oyster, flat oyster, small clam Tapes decussatus) or for commercialisation (Louisiana red swamp crayfish).
Research focused on:
- analysis of more ethical innovative methods of stunning and killing fish that safeguard product quality
- relationship between stress parameters at death and changes in tuna quality in the pre-rigor stage and during shelf life
- identification of optimal sensorial, nutritional and freshness parameters characterising the quality of fish products
- definition of the main indicators of dynamic quality in various fish species of commercial interest
- evaluation of effects of diet on quality (including healthiness) and changes during shelf life obtained by diets with high levels of plant proteins in partial or total replacement of fish meal.
Problems of environmental sustainability. Research activity has consisted in participation in several national and European projects, some of which are still underway, tackling the problems of invasive species and links between the spread of alien species and aquaculture. Some research regarded the genetic, morphofunctional and productive characterisation of various fish species present in natural river environments of Florence Province, in order to plan protection and restoration for optimisation of production and valorisation of germplasm.
Research projects coordinated and/or directed
Major projects include:
- for two consecutive years (1998 and 1999), winner of the “Galileo” competition financing bilateral research projects between Italy and France, organised by C.R.U.I. (Conference of Italian University Vice Chancellors) and the corresponding French body (A.P.A.P.E.) (as director of the project)
- winner of another “Galileo” competition in 2002 and 2003 for a joint Italy-France research project in collaboration with the Unité Mixte INRA-IFREMER of Saint Pée sur Nivelle (France), directed by Dr. S.J. Kaushik (as director of the project)
- "Responsible aquaculture of new species. Artificial reproduction of the gastropod mollusc Haliotis tuberculata. Intensive farming trials with macroalgae produced in phytodepuration ponds and artificial feed. Investigation of major diseases", funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, General Director of Fisheries and Agriculture, VI triennial plan for fisheries and agriculture – Topic aquaculture no. 6C03 (Research unit director)
- “Mussel farming”, funded by ARSIA (Regional Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture of Tuscany Region) in 2002 (director and coordinator)
- “New mariculture research project – Subproject B: Identification and mapping of areas of Tuscany suitable for mollusc farming and trials of capture and raising of flat oysters”, funded by ARSIA (Regional Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture of Tuscany Region) in 2004 (director and coordinator)
- “Chemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of diploid and triploid forms of oyster (Crassostrea gigas) from Orbetello lagoon and analysis of changes during shelf life”, funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze in 2005 (director)
- “Valorisation for human food of the allocthonous crayfish Procambarus clarkii, naturalised in Lake Massaciuccoli”, funded by Tuscan Regional Administration (director and coordinator)
- “Development of mollusc farming in Tuscany” (MolTo), funded by ARSIA (Regional Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture of Tuscany Region) (decree no. 121 of 8th April 2008) (director and coordinator)
- “Concession of contributions for the promotion of international activities of the University – 2007, Action 2: Visits by eminent foreign scholars”, funded by Florence University (director)
- “Innovative methods of stunning and killing fish to reduce suffering and improve product quality”,funded by Florence University, ex-quota 60%; 2007-2008-2009 (director)
- “Innovative methods of stunning and killing fish to reduce suffering and improve product quality” funded by Skretting Europe - East Mediterraneancontribution for participation in the research (director)
- SEAFOODPlus contribution for demonstration and validation of the tool TraceShell for traceability of bivalve molluscs (director)
- “Chemical and physical characterisation of trout fillets belonging to five genetic strains from different aquaculture environments (Filidea)”, funded by Centro Trasferimento Tecnologico, Fondazione Edmund Mach, S. Michele all'Adige (Trento) (director)
- “Oxidation products of raw and cooked rainbow trout fillets (Oncorhynchus mykiss)”, University contribution 2010 (director)
- “Confronto tra metodi di macellazione in trota iridea” [Comparison between slaughtering methods in rainbow trout], funded by ASTRO (Association of trout farmers of Trentino) (year 2013) (director)
-“Shelf life di filetti di trote alimentate con diete integrate con Mixoil” [Shelf life of fillets of rainbow trout fed diet added with Mixoil], funded by AWP, Animal Wellness Products (year 2013) (director)
- “Realizzazione di un prodotto trasformato a base di pesce per la valorizzazione dell’acquacoltura Toscana - TRA.AC.TO.”[Creation of a processed product made with fish for the enhancement of the Tuscanyaquaculture], funded by Tuscany Region (23th April 2013-31st December 2014) (director).
Collaboration in research projects
Recent projects include:
- “Innovative model of integrated management of marine fish farms for product safety and quality of product and environment - ALLITTIMA” (funded by FISR, Director: B.M. Poli)
- “Welfare and quality of raised fish in relation to diet and stress during life and at death”. Title of project of Florence research unit “Innovative methods of stunning/killing fish to reduce suffering and improve product quality” (funded by MIUR, Director: B.M. Poli)
- “Post mortem indicators of fish quality in relation to stress at death and post-harvest procedures”. Title of coordinated project “Total quality in aquaculture for strategic innovation and recovering competitivity: technical-economic descriptors and guidelines” (funded by MIPAF, VI National Programmes for Fisheries DM 11.11.05) (Director: B.M. Poli)
- “Concerted action to identify scientific contributions for the development of organic aquaculture in Italy – Subproject Stress at death and conservation of organic products” (funded by Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry) (Director: B.M. Poli).
- "Variações das condições de abate de tilápia do Nilo utilizando o choque elétrico: efeito sobre a qualidade do peixe fresco e filés congelados", funded by CNPq of Brazil (MCTI/CNPq N0 14/2012); research responsible: prof. Elisabete Maria Macedo Viegas of the University of San Paolo, Brazil (Italian participant).
Participation in European projects
V Framework Program
-PEPPA “Perspectives of plant protein use in aquaculture" (PEPPA - Q5RS-2000-30068; in "Quality of life and management of living resources")
VI Framework Program
- IMPASSE - Environmental impacts of alien species in aquaculture (Project no. 044142)
- ERMES - European research for Mediterranean seafood
- EUROLATSEA - European Research for the Latin American Seafood industry
- AQUAT-Net (Contract no. 225991–CP–1–2005–1–BE–ERASMUS–TN), coordinated by University of Ghent, Belgium (Prof. Peter Sorgeloos)
- SEAFOODPlus Health promoting, safe seafood of high eating quality in a consumer driven fork-to-farm concept (Contract no. 506359). Participation in framework of Research and Technology Development (RTD) Project 6.3 VALIDATION: Seafood traceability to ensure consumer confidence ITD 3 Demonstration and SME involvement – Project n. 2 on TraceShell: A useful tool for the Bivalve sector
- AQUAT-Net3, coordinated by University of Stirling, GB (Prof. John Bostock), started in Juanary 2012.
Member of the Management Committee of COST Action FA1305 “The EU Aquaponics Hub: Realising Sustainable Integrated Fish and Vegetable Production for the EU” (14th April 2014-13th April 2018).
Participation in projects in developing countries
- “Training plan on sustainable management of wetlands of Dhi Qar (Iraq)”, financed by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by Dept. Economics, Engineering, Science and Agriculture/Forestry, Florence University, Italy.
- “Sustainable integrated pilot water / agricultural projects” (SIPWAP), financed by Eni Iraq B.V., for Basra Province (Iraq).
- “Rational management of water resources for agricultural development of rural areas in South Iraq”, funded by Foreign Affairs Ministry, General Direction of Cooperation for Development and coordinated by the Department of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Systems (GESAAF) of the Florence University.
Collaboration with overseas research centres
- Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile
- Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University (Belgium)
- Dipartimento de Engenharia de Alimentos della Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos dell’Universidade de São Paulo, Pirassununga Campus (Brazil)
- Dipartimento de Zootecnia della Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos -FZEA dell’Università di São Paulo/USP, Pirassununga (Brazil)
- Centro de Aqüicultura dell’Universidade Estadual Paulista/UNESP, Jaboticabal Campus (Brazil)
- Universidade Federal De Santa Catarina (Brazil)
- Instituto de Investigaciones Marinas - CSIC, Sezione Quimica de Productos Marinos di Vigo (Spain)
- Laboratoire de Physiologie des Invertébrés Marins, IFREMER, Plouzané (France)
- Ege University, Faculty of Fisheries, Bornova, 35100 (Turkey), Erasmus funding to Faculty of Agriculture, Florence University, May 2008.
Reviewer for scientific journals
Peer reviewer for assessment of research projects
- Fondazione Cariparo and Fondazione Cari Modena
- Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo
- Padua University, Italy
- Ministry for Education, Universities and Research (evaluation of projects presented for the FIRB “Future in Research” competition)
- Lombardy Regional Administration (evaluation of projects of research, experimentation and demonstration in agriculture)
- Dept. Animal Science, Florence University (evaluation of research projects for University of Florence funding in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009)
- selection of projects for PhD scholarships (XXIX cycle), year 2013.
- member of ASPA (Associazione Scientifica di Produzione Animale, now called Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali), since 1997
- member of CERA (Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per la Valorizzazione degli Alimenti) of Florence University since its foundation and council representative of Dept. Agricultural Biotechnologies, since 2010
- member of CIST (Centro Interuniversitario di Scienze del Territorio) between Florence, Pisa and Siena Universities,the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa and the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa; council representative of Dept. Agricultural Biotechnologies since 2011
- member of the Research Unit CLASSE (Cambiamenti Climatici e sistemi ed ecosistemi, Climate Changes and Systems and Ecosystems) of the Florence University
- member of the Research Unit RITRATTO (Tutela e Valorizzazione del Made in Italy, Protection and Enhancement of Made in Italy) of the Florence University
- coordinator of the cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the Universidad Arturo Prat, Chile (February 2007)
- coordinator of the cultural and scientific collaboration agreement with the Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana of Mexico
- member of ASPA (Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali) Commission on “Quality of foods of animal origin and human health” coordinated by Emeritus Prof. Pierlorenzo Secchiari (instituted 7th December 2010).
- member and coordinator of ASPA (Associazione per la Scienza e le Produzioni Animali)Commission on“Present status and potential development of Italian aquaculture” (instituted2nd February 2011).
- winner of Study Grant as Visiting Professor – Pós-Graduação 613/2008, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Member of Scientific Committees
- 1st International Congress of Seafood Technology "Nourish by fish..", 18-21 May 2008, Cesme-Izmir (Turkey),
- International Meeting Physiomar 08 "Marine molluscs in a changing environment", 1-4 September 2008, Brest (France), IMPASSE Conference Managing Alien Species for Sustainable Development of Aquaculture and Fisheries (MALIAF), 5 7 November 2008, Florence (Italy), “Wefta Congress” to be held in Florence, Italy on September, 2008
- Chair in the 1st International Congress of Seafood Technology "Nourish by fish..", 18-21 May 2008, Cesme-Izmir (Turkey)
- Chair in the 40th WEFTA Congress "Nourish by fish..", 04-07 October 2010, Cesme-Izmir (Turkey).
Member of the Editorial Board
of the Journals
- International Aquatic Research
- Ege Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (since 29th.10.2012)
- Italian Journal of Animal Sciences (since June 2012), Section Editor for Aquaculture topic
Member of the International Advisory Board
of the
-Journal of Genetic and Environmental Resources Conservation (since September 2013).
Overseas activity
- Centro IFREMER, Brest, Brittany (France)
- Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos –FZEA, Università di São Paulo/USP, Pirassununga, Brazil.
The research activity is documented by n. 243 papers published as scientific papers in national or international scientific journals, as short or long abstracts in Proceedings of national and international congresses, as chapters of books.
In details:
1 – Papers published in Journals: n. 87 (n. 50 indexed on Scopus)
2 – Chapters in books: n. 10
3 - Short or long abstracts in Proceedings of National and International Congresses: n. 145
4 – Other (Research Report): n. 1
Supervisor in BSc and in MSc thesis
- Author: Biscontin Alessandro
Original title: Ricircolo e depurazione dell'acqua per l'allevamento di Oreochromis niloticus in "estanque de trinchera" English title: Recirculating system and water depuration for the rearing of Oreochromis niloticus in "estanque de trinchera" Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana
MSc Course: Scienze Agrarie Tropicali e Subtropicali (Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Sciences)
Year of Degree: 2004
-Author: Parenti Silvia
Original title: Caratterizzazione dei prodotti di suini Cinta Senese allevati in bosco.English title: Characterization of the products of Cinta Senese pigs reared in woods.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana
MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2004
- Author: Marchetti Leonardo
Original title: Caratteristiche produttive e qualitative del mitilo (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck) allevato in Toscana in due differenti siti sperimentali.English title:Productive and qualitative characteristics of the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck ) reared in Tuscany in two different experimental sites.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (Agricultural Technologies and Sciences)
Year of Degree: 2005
-Author: Bessi Natascia
Original title: Performance di crescita, caratteristiche merceologiche e chimico-composizionali di giovanili di abalone (Haliotis tubercolata L.) alimentati con macroalga prodotta in bacini di fitodepurazione.English title: Growth performance, product characteristics and chemical compositional of abalone (Haliotis tuberculate L.) juveniles fed macroalgae produced in phytodepuration basins.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Agrozootecnica (Animal Production)
-Author: D'Adorante Stefania
Original title: Tipizzazione dei prodotti stagionali di suini cinta senese allevati in bosco.English title: Characterization of seasoned products of Cinta Senese pigs reared in woods.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2005
-Author: Marchetti Lorenzo
Original title: Qualità e cambiamenti di qualità durante la conservazione a 4 °C in mitili (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819) e ostriche (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg 1793) allevati in Toscana.English title:Quality and quality changes during storage at 4 ° C in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819) and oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg , 1793) reared in Tuscany
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Gestione della Qualità dei Prodotti Alimentari (Management of Food Quality)
-Author: Bonvicini Ramona
Original title: Produzione della pasta alimentare fresca con ripieno e parametri di qualità delle carni fresche utilizzateEnglish title: Production of pasta stuffed with fresh meat and quality parameters of the fresh meat utilised.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies)
-Author: Valentini Marco
Original title: Cambiamenti legislativi inerenti l'immissione in acque pubbliche di materiale ittico allevato: iter applicativo di una troticoltura storica della Toscana.English title:Legislative changes relating to the placing reared fish on the public waters: application process on a trout's historic farm in Tuscany.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2006
-Author: Braccini Stefano
Original title: Il fiume Serchio nel comune di Lucca: applicazione dell'Indice di Funzionalità Fluviale.English title: The river Serchio in the Lucca town: application of the Fluvial Functioning Index.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze Forestali e Ambientali (Forestry and Environmental Sciences)
Year of Degree: 2007
-Author: Nannucci Lapo
Original title: Studio sugli aspetti qualitativi utili alla certificazione della spigola di Orbetello.English title: Study on the qualitative aspects useful for the certification Orbetello European seabass.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2007
-Author: Ordofendi Stefano
Original title: Il prodotto ittico commercializzato presso il Centro MERCAFIR di Firenze.English title: The seafood sold at the MERCAFIR Center in Florence.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2007
-Author: Martini Marco
Original title: Qualità e conservabilità dell'orata prodotta con una dieta più sostenibileEnglish title: Quality and shelf life of gilthead seabream fed a more sustainable diet.
Year of Degree: 2008
-Author: Andrei Lorenzo
Original title: Prima caratterizzazione qualitativa del "Pulpo del Norte" cileno (Octopus mimus).English title: First qualitative characterization of the "Pulpo del Norte" from Chili (Octopus mimus).
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2008
-Author: Seghi Francesco
Original title: Tre insaccati tipici della tradizione italiana: cambiamenti di alcuni parametri qualitativi in fase di produzione e di conservazione.English title:Three typical Italian salamis: changes in some quality parameters during production and storage phases.
-Author: Bonsignori Maura
Original title: L'ambiente di transizione della costa versiliese. Caratterizzazione e specificità.English title: The transition environment of the Versilia coast. Characterization and specificity.
Year of Degree: 2009
-Author: Volpone Alessandro
Original title: I laghetti per la pesca sportiva in provincia di Arezzo: caratteristiche e criticità ambientali.English title: The lakes for sport fishing in the Arezzo province: characteristics and environmental criticism issues.
-Author: Bottaini Giacomo
Original title: Presenza di specie non indigene: controlli e gestione nell'area di transizione Versilia-Massaciuccoli.English title: Presence of non-native species: control and management in the Versilia -Massaciuccoli transition area.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (Agricultural Technologies and Sciences)
-Author: Campolmi Pietro
Original title: Le specie alloctone delle acque interne italiane: il problema siluro (Silurus glanis).English title:Non-native species of the Italian inland waters: the catfish (Silurus glanis) problem.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana BSc Course: Scienze Faunistiche
Year of Degree: 2010
-Author: Chitan Radu Horia
Original title: Qualità della carcassa e della carne del muscolo Longissimus lumborum in due incroci suini allevati con metodo biologico.English title: Carcass and Longissimus lumborummuscle meat quality in two breeding pigs reared by organic method.
Supervisor: Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Scienze Alimentari ed Enologia (Food and Wine Sciences)
Year of Degree: 2011
-Author: Nuti Valentina
Original title: Stress e bovine da latte: risultati di un'indagine condotta su dieci allevamenti toscani.English title: Stress and dairy cattle: results of a survey of ten Tuscany farms.
-Author: Casini Claudio
Original title: Evoluzione delle popolazioni ittiche del fiume Sieve nell'ultimo decennio.English title: Evolution of the fish population of the Sieve river in the last decade.
-Author: Orioli Gabriele
Original title: Dreissena polymorpha: ipotesi di distribuzione futura in Italia e interazioni con il gambero invasivo Procambarus clarkii.English title: Dreissena polymorpha: a hypothetical future distribution in Italy and interactions with the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii
Supervisor: Gherardi Francesca, Parisi Giuliana MSc Course: Scienze Biologiche (Biological Sciences)
Year of Degree: 2012
-Author: Mastrodomenico Antonio
Original title: Caratterizzazione qualitativa di cinque ceppi di trota iridea allevati in tre impianti trentini.English title:Qualitative characterization of five strains of rainbow trout reared in three plants in Trentino.
-Author: Bardini Giovanni
Original title: Studio sulla possibilità di allevare ostrica concava in siti diversi della costa toscana.English title: Study on the possibility of rearing cupped oyster in different sites of the Tuscan coast.
-Author: Banchelli Simone
Original title: Incidenza della conformazione muscolare sulla resa in tagli commerciali di razze bovine da carne.English title: Incidence of the muscular conformation on the commercial cut yields in beef cattle.
BSc Course: Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Technologies)
Year of Degree: 2013
-Author: Agostini Francesco
Original title: Caratteristiche del pesce spada prima e dopo il processo di affumicatura.
English title:Swordfish characteristics before and after the smoking process.
BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies)
Year of Degree: 2014
-Author: Mandolini Alessio
Original title: La fauna ittica del Bacino del fiume Reno in provincia di Pistoia.English title: The fish fauna of the Reno river Basin in Pistoia province.
MSc Course: Scienze e Gestione delle Risorse Faunistico-Ambientali
Co-Supervisor in MSc thesis
-Author: Colace Davide
Orignal Title: Resistenza allo schiacciamento delle valve di Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck.
English Title: Crush resistance of the Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck valves
Supervisor: Geri Giancarlo MSc Course: Scienze Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences) Year of Degree: 1992
-Author: Paolucci Marco
Orignal Title: Caratteristiche ed evoluzione dello scheletro di Dicentrarchus labrax e Sparus auratus. English title: Characteristics and evolution of the skeleton in Dicentrarchus labrax and Sparus auratus. Supervisor: Geri Giancarlo MSc Course: Scienze Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences) Year of Degree: 1995
-Author: Renzi Federico
Original title: Evoluzione dello scheletro in Perca fluviatilis.English title: Evolution of the skeleton in Perca fluviatilis.
Supervisor: Geri Giancarlo MSc Course: Scienze Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences) Year of Degree: 1996
-Author: Fioravanti Lorenzo
Original title: Valorizzazione alimentare a scopi commerciali del gambero invasivo Procambarus clarkii.English Title: Food enhancements for commercial purposes of the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii.
Supervisor: Gherardi Francesca MSc Course: Scienze Naturali (Natural Sciences) Year of Degree: 2006
-Author: Squarcini Lorenzo
Original title: Applicazione del Naso Elettronico Libra Nose per la valutazione della qualità e della freschezza dei prodotti ittici.English Title: Utilization of the Libra Nose Electronic Nose for the evaluation of the seafood quality and freshness.
Supervisor: Poli Bianca Maria MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Agrarie (Agricultural Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2006
-Author: Giusti Matteo
Original title: Analisi degli aspetti energetici e ambientali in un impianto di allevamento semi-intensivo della spigola (Dicentrarchus labrax )English title: Analysis of the energy and environmental aspects in a farm for the semi-intensive rearing of European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax ) Supervisor: Cini Enrico BSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari (Food Sciences and Technologies) Year of Degree: 2009
-Author: Secci Giulia
Original title: Applicazione LCA al settore acquacolturale: caso studio di un'azienda in MaremmaEnglish title: Application of LCA to aquacultural sector: the case study of a farm in Maremma
Supervisor: Cini Enrico MSc Course: Scienze Alimentari ed Enologia (Food and Wine Sciences) Year of Degree: 2010
-Author: Tasoniero Giulia
Original title: Influence of the culture technique and sampling period on meagre (Argyrosomus regius) fillet quality.Italian title: Infuenza della tecnica di allevamento e dl periodo di campionamento sulla qualità del filetto di ombrina boccadoro (Argyrosomus regius).
Supervisor: Antonella Dalle Zotte MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Animali dell’Università di Padova (Animal Sciences and Technologies of Padova University)
-Author: Celia Chiaracarmen
Original title: Use of near infrared spectroscopy to predict the quality of fillets of rainbow trout (Oncorhyncus mykiss) and for discriminating rearing and genetic strain of origin.Italian title: Impiego della spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso per predire la qualità di filetti di trota iridea (Oncorhyncus mykiss) e per discriminare l’allevamento e il ceppo genetico di provenienza.Supervisor: Antonella Dalle Zotte MSc Course: Scienze e Tecnologie Animali dell’Università di Padova (Animal Sciences and Technologies of Padova University)
Supervisor of PhD thesis
1.Author: Ponis Emanuele
Original title: Produzione e conservazione di microalghe concentrate: determinazione del loro valore nutrizionale su larve e giovanili di Crassostrea gigas.English title: Production and conservation of concentrated microalgae: determination of nutritional value on larvae and juveniles of Crassostrea gigas.
Scientific Supervisor for Italy: Giuliana Parisi Co-supervisor for France: prof. M. Le Pennec and Dr. R. Robert (scientific co-supervisor)
PhD Course: Research Doctorate in Aquaculture(cycle XIV)
Year of Degree:
Original title: Effetti dell’apporto proteico di origine vegetale sulla crescita e la qualità della carne in trota iridea (Oncorhynchus mykiss) e in orata (Sparus aurata).
English title: Effects of plant protein intake on growth and flesh quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sea bream (Sparus aurata).
Scientific Supervisor for Italy: Giuliana Parisi
co-supervisor for France:prof. S.J. Kaushik
PhD Course: Research Doctorate in Aquaculture and Product Quality (cycle XVI).
Thesis cotutored with the Université Bordeaux 1-Ecole Doctorale: Sciences du Vivant, Géosciences, Sciences des l'Environnement - Specialisation Sciences des Aliments et Nutrition
Original title: Molluschicoltura in Toscana: possibilità di applicazioni e sviluppo.
English title: Mussel culture in Tuscany: potentiality for application and development.
Supervisor: Giuliana Parisi
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycleXVII)
Original title: Apporto proteico di origine vegetale e qualità della carne in orata allevata in gabbie a mare.
English title: Plant protein intake and flesh quality of sea bream raised in sea cages.
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycle XXII)
Original title: Miglioramento qualitativo della filiera produttiva del caviale e dello storione.
English title: Qualitative improvement of caviar and sturgeon production chain.
PhD Course: Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycle XXIII).
Original title: Effect of different farming sites and techniques on the growing performances and quality of Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg).
Italian title: Effetto del sito e delle tecniche di allevamento sulle prestazioni di crescita e sulla qualità dell’ostrica del Pacifico (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg).
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycle XXIV)
Original title: Characteristics of raw and cooked fillets in species of actual and potential interest for Italian aquaculture: rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and meagre (Argyrosomus regius).
Italian title: Caratteristiche dei filetti crudi e cotti in specie di reale e potenziale interesse per l’acquacoltura italiana: la trota iridea (Oncorhynchus mykiss) e l’ombrina boccadoro (Argyrosomus regius).
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycle XXV)
Original title: Fish welfare and quality assessment by conventional and innovative methods.
Italian title: Benessere dei pesci e valutazione della qualità mediante metodi convenzionali ed innovativi.
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Production of land and aquatic animals and quality of products (cycle XXVII)
Year of Degree: In course.
Original title: Lipid fractions and oxidation products in fresh and preserved seafood.
Italian title: Frazioni lipidiche e prodotti di ossidazione in prodotti ittici freschi e conservati.
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (cycle XXVIII)
Original title: Insect meal as innovative source of protein in diet and effects in performance and quality traits of rainbow trout and gilthead seabream.
Italian title: Farina di insetti come fonte innovative di proteina nella dieta ed effetti su performance e caratteristiche qualitative di trota iridea e orata.
PhD Course:Research Doctorate in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (cycle XXIX)
-Author: Cenni Federica
Original title: Indicatori di benessere in specie acquatiche: un approccio etologico.
Italian title: Indicators of well-being of aquatic species: an ethological approach.
Supervisor: Francesca Gherardi
Co-Supervisor: Giuliana Parisi
PhD Course: Research Doctorate in Ethology and Animal Ecology of University of Florence (cycle XXI)
-Author: Boanini Andrea
Original title: Microalgae as probiotics: effect on gut microbiota and innate immunity in fingerlings of freshwater fish species.
Italian title: Microalghe come probiotici: effetto sul microbiota intestinale e sull’immunità innata in giovanili di specie di pesci di acqua dolce.
Supervisor: Mario R. Tredici