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Present position
Since September 2021 Full professor in wood technology and forest operation at the University of Firenze.
From 2005 to 2021 Associate professor in wood technology and forest operation at the University of Firenze, Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Systems.
From 1995 to 2005 Researcher in wood technology and forest operation at the University of Firenze.
Education Work experience
1993 PhD in Wood science, curriculum "Forest operation", at University of Firenze.
1988 Laurea magistrale (degree+MSc) in Forest Science, University of Firenze, 110/110 cum laude.
Position in scientific societies
- Member of the Italian Accademy of Forest Science as Accademico ordinario dell’Accademia Italiana di Scienze Forestali.
- Member of the Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology (SISEF).
Main visits or field campaigns
From July 6th to 12th, 2002 - Study visit at the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks addressed at improving knowledge and skills on prescribed burns.
Visiting professor at the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb (Croatia) with the aim of developing bilateral agreements and improving the collaboration in international projects, April 17th – 20th, 2012.
Visiting professor at the Hokkaido University (Japan) for giving seminars on forest operation addressed to students and government specialist, and for developing bilateral agreements, February 16th -21st, 2015.
Visiting professor at the faculty of Silviculture and forest engineering of the Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) with the aim of developing bilateral agreements and improving the collaboration in international projects, June 10th - 13th, 2015.
Visiting professor at the University of Lleida (Spain) for giving seminars on forest operation addressed to master students, and for developing bilateral agreements and improving the collaboration in international projects, September 26th -30st, 2016.
Editorial activity
- Since 2011 member of the Editorial board of the journal “L’Italia forestale e Montana”, Editor: Italian Accademy of Forest Science.
- From November 2011 to August 2012 member of the editorial board of Open Journal of Forestry.
- From Augut 2012 to October 2013 Editor in chief of Open Journal of Forestry.
- Since 2013 subject editor of the journal iforest.
- peer reviewer of many international and national scientific journals.
Research Activities
Harvest system planning, productivity and efficiency, including system modeling
Mechanized harvesting in close-to-nature mountain forestry
Mechanized harvesting of dedicated wood plantations, including SRC
Woody biomass harvesting and transport logistics for bio-energy
Industrial and non-industrial harvesting technologies
Grants and Sponsored Research
Principal investigator or participant in international and national R&D projects sponsored by the European Union or Italian government on a competitive basis. Scientist in charge for UNIFI in COST Actions; principal investigator or participant in 40 national, regional or local R&D project.
- 48 peer-review scientific publications on international scientific journals with IF
- 3 peer-review scientific publications on international scientific journals without IF
- 107proceedings or technical publications on Italian and International magazines
- 24 books or book chapters
Standardization commettees
- 2012- 2014 Member as an expert of the CEN/TC144/WG8 committee for the preparation of the CEN Standard: "Forest yarder' safety standard".
- 2014-2015 Member of the committee for the preparation of a national standard (UNI) on “forest workers”.
Teaching and Supervising Activities
- Responsible for the course “Forest operation” – Bachelor degree in Forest and Environmental Science;
- Responsible for the course “Forest management and technology” - Second Level Degree courses (Master) in Forest Systems Sciences and Technologies;
- Responsible for the course “Planning, development, monitoring and assessment in forest operation” - Ph.D. program in Sustainable Management of Agricultural Forestry and Food Systems;
- Responsible and/or trainer in more than 50 training courses for forest technicians or forest operators;
- Supervisor of 89 Bachelor and Master degree thesis, and 5 PhD students.
Staff and Facilities
Supervises a total staff of 5 researchers
Volunteer forest firefighter