giovedì 9,30-12,00 a novoli, edificio d6 2 piano ufficio 57. Altri orari possono essere concordati per mail (
Students hours Thursday 9,30-12,30 novoli room 57 2nd floor building d6. For other time/day please send an email to
e-mail:, sposata, due figli (Laura, 1991; Paolo, 1996)PhD in Economia, Universita' di Cambridge, UK, Wolfson College, novembre 1989, Titolo della tesi: 'Essays on trade flows and exchange rates', supervisore Prof. H.Pesaran. Mphil in Economia, Università di Cambridge, UK, giugno 1982.Laurea in Scienze Statistiche e Demografiche, Università di Roma, febbraio 1980, Titolo della tesi: 'La trasmissione internazionale dell' inflazione', relatore Prof. L. Izzo, votazione 110/110 e lode. Pro rettore e poi delegata per le Relazioni Internazionali (dal 2015) e Professore ordinario, DISEI, Università di Firenze. Cattedra di Economia Politica, dal 1 febbraio 2001. Lead Author and team responsible, European Report on Development (ERD, presso European University Institute, Firenze), da ottobre 2008. Professore Associato, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Università di Firenze. Cattedra di Economia Politica. Vincitrice di concorso libero nel 1992, triennio 1992-1995 presso il Dipartimento di Economia e Territorio, Facoltà  ¤i Economia e Commercio, Università  ¤i Cassino, cattedra di Economia e Politica Internazionale, trasferita il 1 novembre 1995. Ricercatore, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Facoltà di Scienze Statistiche Demografiche ed Attuariali, Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza'. Vincitrice di concorso libero nel 1983, ricercatore confermato dal 1987. Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, dal settembre 1990. Dà  ¬e dimissioni il 30 settembre 1995. Lector, Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, settembre 1988-giugno 1989.
Visiting Positions:
Visiting Professor, European University Institute, da ottobre 2008.Fellow of the European Forum 1996-97 on the Political Economy of an Integrated Europe, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze, settembre 1996-giugno 1997;Visiting Professor, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze, 1994 -1995, 1995-1996, 1997-1998, 1998-1999,1999-2000 e 2000-2001.Visiting Professor, Universitat Torcuato de Tella, Buenos Aires, agosto 1999.Visiting Professor, Università Pompeu Fabra, Barcellona, Spagna, settembre-dicembre 1991 e gennaio-marzo 1994.Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, USA, giugno-luglio 1992.
Incarichi accademici
o PhD in Economia, Università di Cambridge, UK, novembre 1989, tesi: "Essays on trade flows and exchange rates", supervisore Prof. H.Pesaran.
o Mphil in Economia, Università di Cambridge, UK, giugno 1982.
o Laurea in Scienze Statistiche e Demografiche, Università di Roma, febbraio 1980, Titolo della tesi: "La trasmissione internazionale dell'inflazione", relatore Prof. L. Izzo, votazione 110/110 e lode.
Altri Incarichi:
Borse di studio e ricerca:
- B. Stringher, Banca d'Italia, Roma, 1981 - 1982;
- Ente L.Einaudi, Roma, 1982 - 1984;
- Fondazione L.Einaudi, Torino, 1980 - 1981;
- Ministerio de Economia, Spagna, 1991.
2. "Network Analysis to Detect Common Strategies in the Italian Foreign Direct Investment", (con G. De Masi e G. Ricchiuti), 2012, PhysicaA.
3. Location, Internationalization and Performance of Firms in Italy: a Multilevel Approach, (con G. Ricchiuti e M. Velucchi), Applied Economics, 2012.
6. Successes in Social Protection: Can We Extract Lessons? (con A. De Haan, R. Sabates Wheeler e M. Sanfilippo), Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 2011,Vol. 32, No. 4, December, pp. 440-455.
Altre Pubblicazioni (ultimi 10 anni)
Conferenze "Policy oriented"
Seminari, discussions e policy panels (ultimi 5 anni)
Conferenza Annuale di piccola Industria, panel sulle prospettive delle piccole imprese italiane, Prato, Ottobre 2010; WDR2011, Washington, luglio 2010, discussant; Presentazioni del Draft di European Report on Development, 2010, a Dakar, giugno 2010 e Paris, giugno 2010;Villa Mondragone, Giugno 2010, UN GAR Report 2011, Miami, Maggio 2010, discussant; Conferenza Annuale di piccola Industria, panel sulle prospettive delle piccole imprese italiane, Prato, Ottobre 2008; Milano, Meeting Chinese Opinion Leader, Italy and mechanics: a world leadership, January 2008. Caserta, Annual Meeting of Piccola Industria, Opening Speech, ottobre 2007; ICE-Prometeia Annual report Presentation: Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs, Roma, November 2007; Firenze, January 2007, Aid for Trade, Conference on development Issues and Aid; Rome, Convegno Fondazione De Benedetti, Le imprese e la specializzazione produttiva dell'Italia: dal Macrodeclino alla microcrescita? Come sta cambiando la specializzazione produttiva dell'Italia, March 2007; Milan, Globalizzazione, l'Italia e il settore del caffé, October 2007; EUI, Florence, Globalization, April 2006; Casablanca, Italy and Morocco: ICE-ABI-Confindustria: new opportunities for trade and FDI, November 2006; Canton, China, Italian districts, Invited Paper, CISMEF, September 2006; Rome, November 2006, Presentation of The Annual Report ICE- Prometeia;Prato, October 2006, Invited paper, Annual meeting of "Piccola Industria", Opportunities and Challenges for small medium enterprises;Firenze, March 2006, China and India and world trade; Bergamo, February 2006, oil producers and the new market opportunities; IAI, Asian Economic Outlook, Roma, April 2005; Aspen Institute, Rome, China's Challenge to Europe and the US, March 2005; Il Made in Italy e la Sfida Globale, Rome, 25-26 February 2005, Italy: "is there a competitiveness Problem?"; American Chambers of Commerce, UE and US: How to improve economic integration? February 2005; Aspen Institute, Rome, Rethinking Globalization: Italy's role in EU-India Relations, February 2005.
ERD2010: Parigi (giugno 2010), Dakar (giugno 2010), Firenze (settembre 2010); Roma, November 2009, "Competitiveness of the Italian Economy"; ERD2009 conferences in Cambridge (March 2009), Florence (April, 2009), Barcelona (May 2009), Accra (May 2009), Florence (June 2009); Lecce, May 2008 "theoretical and empirical aspects of firms internationalization"; Villa Mondragone, September 2007 "The Doha Round"; Turin, February 2007 "FDI and Exports"; Milan, June 2006; Conference on " FDI and Determinants of location of foreign activities", (joint with G. De Arcangelis, D. Castellani, A. Zanfei), Urbino, May 2005; Conference on "Southern Mediterranean Countries and the enlargement of EU", Il Cairo, October 2004 (on behalf of University of Florence, joint with University of Il Cairo and Central Bank of Egypt); Conference on "Outsourcing and Competitiveness in International Trade" (with R. Faini and G. De Arcangelis), Firenze, November 2003. Conference on "Clusters, Italian Districts and SME", ICE-CNR (with G Bruno), Rome, March 2003. Conference on "External Trade and International Integration", CNR-CreNos (with M. Vannini), Alghero, June 2002.Conference on "Macroeconomic Policy After EMU", (Schuman Centre-EUI, Oxford Review of Economic Policy and European Commission, with M. Artis), Florence, April 1999.Conference on "The Political Economy of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in EMU", (CEPR, Crei-UPF, EUI, DGXII, with R. Marimon, H. Uhlig, A. Marcet, P. Weil), Barcelona, December 1998; Conference on "Growth: transfer of technology, capital and skills", (CEPR, CreNos and CNR, with R. Baldwin), Alghero, September 1997; Summer School of Industrial Economics, Cargese, Corsica, (with J. de Bandt, R. Arena), September 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995; Second International Workshop in Game Theory and Applications, Cassino (with E. Agliardi), May 1995. First International Workshop in Game Theory and Applications, Cassino (with E. Agliardi), June 1994;
Ho diretto il PhD programme on Economic Development dell'Universita' di Firenze (2003-2005).
Didattica (graduate e undergraduate) Università di Firenze, Faculty of Economics, e Faculty of Engineering (1995-); New York University, Firenze,(2007-); Università di Cassino, Faculty of Economics (1992-1995), University of Cambridge, Faculty of Economics and Politics (1990-1995); Universitat Pompeu Fabra: programma di dottorato (1994); Università di Roma, Faculty of Statistics (1984 - 1990) e Faculty of Economics (econometria applicata per il dottorato, 1988- 1991). College teaching: Trinity College, King's, St Johns', Fitzwilliam, and Churchill College (1988-1995); Supervisore di tesi di dottorato, laurea magistrale e laurea triennale; membro di commissioni di concorso per concorsi universitari e borse di studio (entry level, grants, Associate Professors).
Istituto Commercio Estero, executive teaching in International Economics, 2003 - ; SACE, executive teaching in International Economics, 2007-2008; Presidenza del consiglio dei Ministri, SSPA, Caserta, lezioni per top managers su "Italy and the Monetary Union", May 1999; Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione, Rome, lezioni per managers della PA su "Globalization of Financial Markets", 1999-2003; University of Firenze, Corso per il Master for Engineering of Environmental Disasters (10 lezioni su teoria degli investimenti) 2001 -; Università di Firenze, Faculty of Political Science, lezioni nel corso di preparazione alla carriera diplomatica "International Relationships in a interdisciplinary perspective: the economists views", 1998- 2001 e "the development of the Mediterranean Area", September 1999; Corso speciale su "Effects of the European Monetary Union", Regione Toscana, 1998-2000; Corso speciale su "Economic Integration in Europe and the European Monetary Union" for Public Administration Employees (8 hours), Scandicci (Fi), settembre-dicembre 1998; lezioni per Managers su "International Macroeconomics", Ilea-Olivetti, Ivrea, 1985-89; lezioni per Managers su "Integration in Europe" e "The oil crises and counter-crises", ENI, Castel Gandolfo, 1984-1988.
Gruppi di Ricerca:
Coordinatore locale progetto FIRB su "delocalizzazione" , coordinatore nazionale Prof. Giorgio Barba Navaretti, (contributi 2005-2008).
- Dal 1990 al 1997 membro del Comitato Organizzatore della Scuola Mediterranea di Economia Industriale di Cargese.
- Membro del CEPR, associata dal 1994 al 1999 al gruppo di Economia Internazionale (settore "Trade"), coordinato da R. Baldwin and T. Venables.
- Fra il 1984 e il 1993 ha partecipato a numerose scuole estive e workshop di economia ( Cargese-Corsica 1984, 1986, 1987, 1990, 1991; Marina di Aurisina, Trieste, 1984; Certosa di Pontrignano, Siena, 1990; SITE-Stanford-US, 1992).
- Ha partecipato alla Scuola Estiva su "Expectations, Economic Theory and Economic Policy", Firenze, European University Institute, settembre 1999.
- Ha partecipato al workshop su "Le Economie dei paesi del Mediterraneo", Schuman Centre, marzo 2000 e marzo 2002.
Referee: Banca d'Italia, Contributi alla Ricerca; BNL Quarterly Review; Economic Notes; European Economic Review; European Journal of Political Economy; Joice; Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics; Manchester School; Metroeconomica; Moneta e Credito; Ricerche Economiche; Rivista di Politica Economica.
Italiano: lingua madre Inglese: conoscenza ottima. Francese: conoscenza buona (esami Grenoble 1, 2, 3). Spagnolo: conoscenza intermedia Tedesco: conoscenza elementare (Goethe Institute 5th year).
Economia dello Sviluppo. Economia Internazionale (commercio). Macroeconomia. Econometria Applicata. Africa Sub Sahariana.
Giorgia Giovannetti is vice president for Interantional Relation (since 2015) and Professor of Economics at the University of Florence, Director of the strand Development and Member of the Board of Directors of the Global Governance Programme at the European University Institute. She has acted as Scientific Director of the European Report on Development in 2009 and 2010 and Director of the Research Centre of the Italian Trade Institute (2005-2007). She has advised the Italian Treasury and Ministry of Foreign Trade (2002-12), is fellow of FERDI and Luca D'Agliano, member of a Group for the Reform of the Rome Agencies at the Center for Global Development. She holds a PhD and an MPhil in Economics from Cambridge University, a Laurea cum laude in Statistics (Rome). She has been fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge (1990-1995) and visiting Professor in several universities. Her main research interests are development economics and international trade. Her work has been published in leading academic journals.
Giorgia Giovannetti,
2015-present Vice president for International Relations, Università di Firenze2001-present Full Professor of Economics – Università di Firenze 2007- present Part time/ visiting professor/fellow European University Institute2007-present2007-present Visiting Professor and lecturer, New York University, study abroad programmeMember of the board of the Bank of Italy (consiglio di Reggenza)2007-2018 Member of Scientific Committee for the Annual Report on Italian Trade, advisor of the President and coordinator of “economics” for the professional Master Programs as trade analyst and export manager, Italian Trade Agency (ICE- Agenzia)2009-2011 Team Leader of the First and Second European Report on Development, a project on behalf of the European Commission, DG Development and 7 members’ countries 2011-2015 President of the Master programme in Economics and Development, University of Firenze2002-2019 Scientific coordinator, Fondazione ICE Manlio Masi2005-2007 Head of Research and Study Area, Italian Trade Agency (ICE- Agenzia)2006-2008 Advisor, Ministry of International Trade2002-2005 Director of PhD programme on Development Economics, Università di Firenze1995- 2001 Assistant Professor, Università di FirenzeSummer 2001 Visiting Professor, Universitat Torcuato de Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina1992-1995 Assistant Professor, Università di Cassino1994-1998 Research Associate, Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)1990 - 1995 Lecturer and Fellow, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK1991-1993 Visiting Professor (and lecturer) Universitad Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain)Summer 1992 Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, US1987 -1991 Researcher (ricercatore confermato) Università di Roma, La Sapienza 1988 - 1989 Lector, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, UK1983 - 1987 Researcher (ricercatore), Università di Roma, La Sapienza
1983 - 1989 Ph.D. in Economics, University of Cambridge, UK 1981- 1982 M.Phil in Economics, University of Cambridge, UK 1975-1980 Laurea cum Laude in Statistics and Economics (best thesis prize, Mario Negri, 1981), Università di Roma, Sapienza 1970-1974 Maturità Classica (A levels) 60/60 and honors Liceo Classico T. Tasso, RomaWORK ACTIVITIES
Boards Fondazione Manlio Masi, member (2019- present)Bank of Italy, Florence (2000-present, member of the “Consiglio di Reggenza”)
Editorial activity Editorial BoardsEconomia Italiana, 2021- currentEconomia Italiana, Journal of Unicredit, 2011- 2014IeMED, Year book, Barcelona, 2010- presentItalian Economic Journal, 2017-present
Scientific CommitteesISTAT, member of selection committee laboratory tematici, 2017 – to dateFondazione Manlio Masi, 2007- to date Rapporto Commercio Estero, Italian Trade Institute, 2004-to date; ISTAT, Annual Report, and Statistical Journal, 2017- to date
Institutional committeesCRUI committee Internationalization of Italian Universities, co-author of the report on Internationalization of Italian Universities (chapter on “L’ internazionalizzazione a casa” with I Poggiolini and in the new edition, chapter on rankings)CRUI committee on RankingsWorking Group on relations between US and Italian Universities (joint with Italian Embassy in Washington) Working Group on Cooperation with Chinese Universities Member of the Scientific Committee of SICES, Tongji University, Shanghai and Italian Ministry of Environment
Main presentations (selected in the last 5 years)Pontignano bilateral UK-Italy meeting, September 2021, invited speaker in a panel and a lunch seminar;State of the Union, May 2021 panel on “Vaccines in Africa” (with J. Barroso, S. Manservisi, J Mariona, Vera Songwe)Iemed, Barcelona, Invited lecture in the Annual Report presentation, April 2021European Economic Association (EEA), August 2019, Manchester, Belt and Road and Global Value ChainsIemed, IAI, Rome, January 2018, presentation of Iemed Annual Report; Spanish Economic Association, Madrid, December 2018, FDI and cultural proximityASSET, November 2018, FDI and cultural proximityMondragone Conference, June 2018, Belt and RoadRoyal Economic Society (RES), Sussex, Brighton, March 2018, FDI and cultural distanceChina-Italy Science, Technology & Innovation Week, Bejiin, November 2017, panel on Agri food Global Value chains, G7 of Universities, Udine, June 2017, panel on internationalization of Italian Universities; IAI, Rome, March 2016, discussant of EU policies (with the Italian Treasury Minister, PC. Padoan)European Economic Association (EEA), 2017, Lisbon, on Global Value Chain in North Africa and firms productivityInternational Economic Association (IEA), Mexico city, June 2017, Global Value chains and opportunities for heterogeneous firms to enter the international fragmentation of productionState of the Union 2016, EUI, May, invited panelist on TTIPCSAE Conference, Oxford, 2016, April, Paper on Global Value Chain in North Africa
Grants Last five years EUniWell Weff, 2023- 2027, PI of the Florence Unit and deputy PI EUniWEll, 2020-2023, PI of the Florence Unit EUniWell#research, H2020, 2021-2024, PI of Florence Unit Member of the Research Group RESPECT, Horizon 2020 project on Trade Policies and developing countries 2019-2022 (as part of EUI team) REMEDIHA, 2019 (Florence, member) ERD2010 (EC and 7 member states) Scientific Coordinator (1.6 million euro); ERD2009 (EC and 6 member states) Scientific Coordinator (1.2 million euro);
Mother tongue(s) ItalianOther language(s) English (C2), French (B2), Spanish (B2), German (B1), Catalan (A2)Data/statistical skills:
Communication skills Use of stata and R, study of nightlights and mapping, data from the Visible InfraredImaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Day/Night Band (DNB).Network theory methods, visual analysis of granular data (geolocalized)Excellent communication skills gained through several years of experience with academic teachingand training (Public Administration School, trade experts, ministries, firms). Organisational / managerial skills Leadership acquired also through legally representative positions.Digital skills Stata
Publications Applied Economics; Banca d'Italia, Contributi alla Ricerca; BNL Quarterly Review; Economia e Politica Industriale; Economic Notes; European Economic Review; European Journal of Political Economy; Journal of Development Economics; Journal of European Economy, Middle East Review, Journal of African Economy, Joice; Journal of Post-Keynesian Economics; Land Economy; Manchester School; Metroeconomica; Moneta e Credito; Review of Middle East Economics and Finance; Ricerche Economiche; Rivista di Politica Economica, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (SCED), Rivista Italiana di Economia, World Economy, World Development etc.
Last 10 yearstotal number of citations 1916H index 21 (google); i10-Index 39; H index scopus 11 (72 articles, 483 citations)
In refereed Journals• Damoah, K.A., Giovannetti, G., Marvasi, E. Five Stylized Facts on Belt and Road Countries and Their Trade Patterns (2023) China and World Economy, 31 (1), pp. 149-181.• Di Stefano, E., Giovannetti, G., Mancini, M., Marvasi, E., Vannelli, G. Reshoring and plant closures in Covid-19 times: Evidence from Italian MNEs (2022) International Economics, 172, pp. 255-277.• Ayadi, R., Giovannetti, G., Marvasi, E., Vannelli, G., Zaki, C.Demand and supply exposure through global value chains: Euro-Mediterranean countries during COVID (2022) World Economy, 45 (3), pp. 637-656.• Import tariff liberalization, employment and gender in Ethiopia, with M. Sanfilippo & A. Vivoli, The Journal of Development Studies (FJDS), 2022,• Do country centrality and similarity to China matter in the allocation of belt and road projects? With K. Damoah and E. Marvasi, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2022• Asymmetric Cultural Proximity and Greenfield FDI, with M. Fiorini, F. Santi, M. Lanati, 2021, The World Economy, Wiley Blackwell, vol. 44(9), pages 2572-2603, September.• Markup Dispersion and Firm Entry: Evidence from Ethiopia, with Kaku Attah Damoah and Marco Sanfilippo, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2021, vol. 83(2), pages 299-327, April.• Demand and supply exposure through global value chains: Euro-Mediterranean countries during COVID, 2021, with R. Ayadi, C. Zhaki, E. Marvasi and G. Vannelli, The World Economy,• UK trade with Africa after Brexit, 2021, with F. Santi and E. Marvasi, in in Revisiting EU-Africa Relations in a Changing World, V. Fargion and M. Gazibo, Elgar publishing• The resilience of Global Value Chains during the Covid 19 pandemic: the case of Italy, 2021, with S. Giglioli, E. Marvasi and A. Vivoli, Economia Italiana• Il Ruolo delle Catene Globali del Valore nella Pandemia: effetti sulle imprese italiane, with M. Mancini, E. Marvasi, G. Vannelli, 2020, Rivista di Politica Economica• The asymmetric effects of twenty years of tariff reforms on Egyptian workers, with E. Marvasi and A. Vivoli, Economia Politica, 2020, July• Does the Same FDI Fit All? How Competition and Affiliates Characteristics Affect Parents’ Productivity with E. Marvasi and G. Ricchiuti, Italian Economic Journal, 5(3), 369-402 DOI 10.1007/s40797-019-00103-1, 2019• The Dynamics of Foreign Direct Investments in Land and Pollution Accumulation, Environmental and Resource Economics with S. Borghesi, GL Iannucci and Russo, 2018 • Global Value Chains: new evidence for North Africa, The Review of International Economics, 2018, with D. Del Prete and E. Marvasi, November 2017, Volume 153, Issue 4, pp 675–701• The Role of Trade and Offshoring in the Determination of Relative Wages and Child Labour, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development RJTE Global, with S. Cigno and L. Sabani, volume 27, number 3, 2018• Diverse Twins: Analyzing China's Impact on Italian and German Exports using a Multilevel Quantile Regressions Approach in Applied Economics, with M. Sanfilippo and M. Velucchi, 2017 • Governance, value chain positioning and firms' heterogeneous performance: The case of Tuscany, International Economics, 2017, with E. Marvasi• Value Chains Participation and Productivity Gains for North African Firms, Review of World Economy, 2017, with D. Del Prete and E. Marvasi• Size and technology: The Odd Couple for affiliates survival, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Volume 40, March 2017, Pages 64-71 (con Giorgio Ricchiuti, Margherita Velucchi)• Determinants of biofuel-oriented land acquisitions in Sub-Saharan Africa (with E. Ticci), Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2016• Food Exporters in Global Value Chains (with E. Marvasi), Food Policy, 2016• Supply chains and the internationalization of small firms (with E. Marvasi and M. Sanfilippo), Small Business Economics, 2015• China’s competition and the export price strategies of developed countries, (with M. Sanfilippo) International Review of Applied Economics, 2015• Location, Internationalization and Performance of Firms in Italy: a Multilevel Approach, (with G. Ricchiuti and M. Velucchi), Applied Economics, 2013• FDIs and growth: What cross-country industry data say, (with M. Cipollina, F. Pietrovito and A. Pozzolo), the World Economy, 2012• A spillover analysis of shocks from US, UK and China on African financial markets (with Margherita Velucchi), 2013, Review of Development Finance, 2013, • Foreign Acquisitions of Land in Developing Countries. Risks, Opportunities and New Actors (with N. Cuffaro and S. Monni), QA – Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, n. 2, 2013• Foreign Direct Investment in Sub Saharan Africa: Drivers and the Challenge of the Land-energy nexus (with E. Ticci), QA – Rivista dell’Associazione Rossi-Doria, n. 2, 2013• Heterogeneity in Managerial Strategies and Internationalization of Firms: the case of Italy," (with G. Ricchiuti and M. Velucchi), Rivista di Economia Politica, 2013• “Network Analysis to Detect Common Strategies in the Italian Foreign Direct Investment”, (with G. De Masi and G. Ricchiuti), PhysicaA, 2012Books, chapters and Reports• THE EXPOSURE OF ARAB COUNTRIESTO THE COVID 19 SHOCK:A FOCUS ON THE GLOBALVALUE CHAINS OF TOURISMAND TRANSPORTU with E. Marvasi and G. Vannelli, UNDP, 2021,• The Impact of Covid-19 on the Arab Countries: What can we “see”?, with E. Perra and V. Bigi, UNDP WP, 2021 • L’Italia nelle catene globali del valore. Il Made in Italy nascosto e i legami produttivi internazionali, a cura di G. Giovannetti e E. Marvasi, 2022, Rubbettino editore• Uk Trade With Africa After Brexit, with Enrico Marvasi and Filippo Santi in Revisiting EU-Africa relations in a changing world, V. Fargion and M. Gazibo eds.Edward Elgar Publishers• Science and Innovation for Development (with P. Engel), 2016, European Commission, Brussels;• Contrastare povertà e esclusione sociale: una riflessione a partire dai casi di Spagna e Italia, con F. Paolini, Quaderni Fratelli Rosselli, 2020• Vecchie e nuove povertà: La Spagna, con A. Carli, E. Monticelli, L. Corsini in Vecchie e nuove povertà, Quaderni Astrid, il Mulino, 2018, ISBN 978-88-15-27997-2• Vecchie e nuove povertà: Aspetti economici in Italia, con A. Carli, E. Monticelli, L. Corsini e L. Filistrucchi, in Vecchie e nuove povertà, Astrid, il Mulino, 2018, ISBN 978-88-15-27997-2• Migration and Trade in the Mediterranean, within “Mediterranean Migration and the Labour Market: Policies for Growth and Social Development in the Mediterranean Area”, Routledge 2018 con M. Lanati e A. Venturini ,2018 • Qualità del Commercio e Skill dei Migranti: il Caso del Mediterraneo, in Rapporto sulle Economie del Mediterraneo, Edizione 2017 a cura di Eugenia Farragina ISSM-CNR. Con M. Lanati e A. Venturini, 2017• Do FDI in Business Services Affect Firms’ TFP? Evidence from Italian Provinces (with M. Armenise and G.Santoni) in C. Mussida, F. Pastore (eds.), Geographical Labor Market Imbalances, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015 AIEL Series in Labour Economics, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-55203-8_9• Financing development in risky contexts (with M. Lanati) in M. Boussichas and P. Guillamont, Economica, 2015;• ERD 2009 Overcoming Fragility, Brussels• ERD 2010 Social Protection in Sub Saharan Africa, Brussels
Financed Projects
Last 10 yearsPrincipal Investigatir (local Unit) Erasmus plus EUniWellWEFF, 2023-2027
Principal Investigator (local Unit) Horizon 2020 EuniWell Principal Investigator (local Unit) Erasmus plus EUniWell Member of the Research Group RESPECT, Horizon 2020 project on Trade Policies and developing countries ERD2010 (EC and 7 member states) Scientific Coordinator (1.6 million euro); ERD2009 (EC and 6 member states) Scientific Coordinator (1.2 million euro); Grant Regione Sardegna (2012) local coordinator;
Development economics; International Economics (trade); macroeconomics; applied econometrics; Sub Saharan Africa