La prof.ssa Petrucci è sempre contattabile inviando una mail
Il ricevimento viene effettuato presso il Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni (viale Morgagni, 59) su appuntamento ( si prega di inviare un messaggio di richiesta all’indirizzo: e, di norma, il martedì dalle 10:30 alle 11:30.
Nei mesi di silenzio didattico il ricevimento viene effettuato solo su appuntamento e viene sospeso nei giorni di esame.
Laureata nel 1988 in Ingegneria Civile sezione Idraulica presso l'Università di Firenze, nel 1994 ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di Ricerca in Statistica Applicata (Università di Firenze). Ha lavorato come borsista post-doc per 2 anni presso il Dipartimento di Statistica "G. Parenti" dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dal 1997 al 2002 è stato ricercatore per il settore scientifico-disciplinare SECS-S/01 (Statistica) presso la Facoltà di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri" dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dal 2002 al 2015 è stato professore di II fascia, sempre del settore SECS-S/01 e fino al 2012 presso la Facoltà di Psicologia dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dal 2015 è professore di I fascia del settore SECS-S/05
Ph.D. in Applied statistics, former Head of the Dept of Statistics, Computer Science, Application, and member of the Academic Senate of the University of Florence, her present position is Full Professor in Social Statistics at the University of Florence. She is the author or co-author of many papers on survey sampling, spatial statistics, environmental statistics, multivariate analysis, and teaching evaluation. She worked as well as a consultant for FAO. She is an elected member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and she is a fellow of the Italian Statistical Society (SIS).
Education1994 Ph.D. in Applied Statistics, University of Florence, Italy. 1988 Laurea in Engineering (Hydraulic), University of Florence, Italy.Professional Positions 2015 - present Full professor of Social Statistics,Department of Statistics, Computer Sciences, Applications, University of Florence. 2002 - 2012 Associate Professor of Statistics,Department of Statistics, Faculty of Psychology, University of Florence. 1997 -2002 Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Florence.Fellowship and Awards 1995 -1997 Postdoctoral fellowship, Department of Statistics, University of Florence.Institutional services 2016 - 2020 present Head of Dept of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications2016- 2020 present member of Academic Senate2013 - 2016 member of the Board of Trustees of University of Florence2011 -2014 Elected member of the National University Council (Consiglio Universitario Nazionale (CUN)) 2011 Feb-Jul Member of the committee in charge to review the Statute of the University of Florence according to the law n.240/2010 2007 -2010 Elected member of the National University Council (Consiglio Universitario Nazionale (CUN)) 2008 -2012 Deputy Director of the Department of Statistics “G. Parenti”, University of Florence.Membership in Scientific Societies 2011-present International Statistical Institute (ISI) elected member. 1997- present International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC).2007- present TIES (The International Environmetrics Society).1994- present Italian Statistical Society (Società Italiana di Statistica (SIS)).2006- present Italian Economy, Demography and Statistic Society (Società Italiana di Economia, Demografia Statistica (SIEDS)).Other Researches and Professional Activities 2008 -2009 Scientific coordinator of the working group on The geocoding of official statistical data under the sponsorship of the Commission for the Protection of Statistical Information (CoGIS) at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.2002 -present teaching experience for the Schools of the Italian Society of Statistics.2006 -2007 member of working group on FSE project EQUAL II FASE,MISURA 2.2 “Social Entertainment Service” 2004 Scientific coordinator of the project on “Mobility and accidentalness” under the sponsorship of the Municipality of Florence.2004 Scientific coordinator of the research grated from FAO on poverty mapping (spatial statistical approach) in Albania.2002 Senior Statistician/GIS Specialist in the working group on poverty mapping in Ecuador.2001 Member of the working group on “Implementation of computer assisted systems for the evaluation of teaching by students rating and occupational chances of the graduates and undergraduates” under the sponsorship of the National Committee for the University System Evaluation (CNVSU).1997 -2001 Statistical and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) expert in the FAO project on First Agricultural Census in China (gcp/cpr/010/ita, gcp/cpr/020/ita e gcp/cpr/025/ita).Services in Scientific Conferences Organization2017 Statistics and DataScience: new challenges, new generations, Firenze - Chair of the Organizing Commitee and member of the Program Committee.2014 XLVII Riunione Scientifica della Società Italiana di Statistica, Cagliari - Member of the Program Committee.2010 Valorizzazione responsabilità sociale della statistica pubblica, Roma,Italy - Member of the Program Committee.2006 Spatial Data Methods for Environmental and Ecological Processes, Foggia, Italy - Member of the Program Committee. 2005 Intermediate Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Messina, Italy - Member of the Program Committee. 2000 XL Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Florence, Italy - Member of the Organizing Committee.Referee activitiesStatistical Methods and Application (SMA)Journal of Environmental and Ecological StatisticsCommunications in Statistics: Theory and MethodsJournal of Geographical SystemsStatistica & ApplicazioniGrantsH2020 MAKing Sustainable development and WELL-being frameworks work for policy analysis - Coordinator ISTAT2008 -2009 Integration, management and use of georeferenced information for economic and social surveys (national coordinator Giorgio Eduardo Montanari), PRIN 2007 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.2006 -2007 Estimation methodologies and problems in agricultural and environmental surveys(national coordinator Andrea Giommi), PRIN 2005 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.2004 -2005 Innovations in sample surveys in the system of agri-environmental statistics: Methods, organization and contents (national coordinator Antonio Giusti), PRIN 2003 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.2003 -2004 Integrated information systems in small area estimation (national coordinator Alberto Zuliani), PRIN 2002 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.2001 -2002 Tools and methods for the representation and management of statistical information (national coordinator Gianfranco Galmacci), PRIN 2000 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.2000 -2001 Quality and Effectiveness of Higher Education and Training: Methods and Models of Evaluation (national coordinator Enrico Gori), PRIN 1999 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.1999 -2000 Innovation in production process and data analysis: methodological developments and applications. (national coordinator Luigi Fabbris), PRIN 1998 grant Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.1996 New technologies in statistics (national coordinator Corrado Provasi), CNR grant Italian National Research Council.1995 Teaching techniques and innovations in teaching statistic disciplines (national coordinator Enzo Lombardo), MURST ex40Italian Ministry of Research and Higher Education.1994 Statistical methods for analysis of environmental and territorial data (national coordinator Antonio Giusti), CNR grant Italian National Research Council.Technical Skills Advanced knowledge of many statistical package and extensive experience in Geographical Information Systems - GIS.She speaks Italian (mothertongue), English (good) and French (basic).Web pages: Update Jannuary 2018
Research interestsSurvey, sampling design, small area estimation, official statistics, social indicators, spatial statistics, environmental statistics, multivariate analysis, evaluation of teaching effectiveness.