AA 2021/2022
Martedì 09.30 - 10.30 Presso: Santa Marta Studio 247 al Secondo Piano / Viale Morgagni 48 A
Giovedì 10.00 - 11.00 Presso: Santa Marta Studio 247 al Secondo Piano / Viale Morgagni 48 A
Per appuntamento via mail. alberto.reatti@unifi.it
Fino a nuovo avviso, a causa delle restrizioni dettate dal Decreto Rettorale per il recepimento del DPCM 4/3/2020, per il contenimento dell'infezione da CoVid-19, avverranno in modalità telematica per mezzo dell'applicativo Google Meet
TESI DISPONIBILI - Available Thesis
Coil Positioning for Wireless Electric
Forecast of Driving Load of Electric Vehicles
Optimal Charging of Electric Vehicles
Optimal sizing of an electrical vehicle Power Train
Supercapacitors in electric vehicle
Supercapacitor for stationary energy storage
2004 - Present
Full Professor Professor, Florence University School of Engineering, Italy
Focus of research and teaching activities: Electrical Engineering, Power Electronics, Photovoltaics and Electric Drives
2000 - 2024
Associate Professor, Florence University School of Engineering, Italy
Associate Researcher, University of Florence School of Engineering, Italy - Areas of focus: Electrical Engineering, Power Electronic, Photovoltaics.
Research Associate, Wright State University, Department of Electrical Engineering, Dayton, Ohio, USA
Research area: power electronics
Supervisor: Prof. Marian K. Kazimierczuck
1994 - 1996
Postdoctoral Researcher in Electrical Engineering, University of Florence School of Engineering, Italy
2016 - Present
Chancellor delegate for University of Florence inside “Coordinamento della formazione post-laurea di ingegneri professionisti (CofIP) tra l’Università di Pisa, di Firenze, di Siena e La Federazione degli Ordini degli Ingegneri della Toscana”.
which stays for “Committee for post-degree learning for professional engineers of all Tuscany Engineer Federation”
IEEE Italy Section – Industry Relation Group.Member
2015 - Present
International Agreement Chief Responsible, Responsible for a Cooperation Agreement among University of Florence and University of Sulaimanian
2014 - Present
International Agreement Chief Responsible, Responsible for a Cooperation Agreement among University of Florence and Wright State University
2013 - Present
Co-Founder and Steering Committee Member, of BIP Best Idea Project (No profit Association for dissemination of Innovation)
2012 - Present
Member, Technical Committee of CET (Tuscany Region Energy Board)
Member, Research Committee of DINFO (Committee for the Research Policies at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Florence)
Member, Editorial Board of “Bollettino degli Ingegneri” (Journal of Tuscan Engineers)
Member, ANTER (Italy National Association for the Protection of Renewable Energy Sources)
2010 - 2015
Energy Consultant, Electric PlantsEnergy Saving, at the University of Florence
Tutor, provides support to prospective undergraduate and graduate students at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Florence University
Erasmus Program Advisor, provides support to graduate students who want to spend part of their Career at Universities Inside European Community
2005 - 2014
Member, Graduate School Advisory Committee, Florence University Department of Energetics and Industrial Technologies
Member, Scientific Committee at IRPET (Tuscan Institute for Economic Planning – Governmental Institution), Florence, Italy
Member, Scientific Committee at “CREAR" (Research Centre for Renewable Power Sources) – authorized by the Italian Ministry for Research, Florence, Italy
2002 - 2005
Member, Graduate School Evaluation Advisory Committee, Florence University Department of Electronics
Magnetek S.p.A. (Power One, and now ABB), Terranova, Arezzo, Italy
External Consultant in the sector of power electronics and energy saving and renewable power sources
Italian Army – Military Geographic Institute Second Lieutenant in the Italian Army. Computer aided maps design
Public Funding
Team leader of the Scientific Board, Italian Ministry for the Environment, “Solar Energy for Urban Areas”
Grant Amount: Euro 494.000 .
CREAR Principal Investigator, European Community, “UPP-SOL - Urban Photovoltaics: Polygeneration with Solar Energy".
Grant total amount: Euro 3,5 million
Consorzio Roma Ricerche (Mr. Lino Fiorentino Ms. Manuela Bistolfi)
Solar Heat And Power (Arch.Tullio Caselli)
Besel (Mr. Antonio Benitez)
Tel Aviv University (Prof. Abraham Kribus, Prof. Joseph Appelbaum, Mr. Gil Shelef)
Università di Firenze – CREAR (Prof. Francescco Martelli, Prof. Alberto Reatti)
Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy (Dr. Andreas Bett, Ms. Maike Wiesenfarth)
Comune di Colleferro (Mr. Roberto Priori)
Principal Investigator and National Supervisor, Italian Ministry of Research, “Study, Design and Optimization of Static Power Converters for Hybrid Electric Generation Plants”
Grant Amount: 133,800Euro
Partner: Universities of Firenze, Bologna, Salerno.
Principal Investigator and National Supervisor, Italian Ministry of Research, “Study Design and Optimization of a Modular Photovoltaic Module Provided with a Solar Concentrator, Heat Recovery System, and dc-ac Converter”
Grant Amount: Euro136,430
Partner: Universities of Firenze, Bologna, Salerno, Milano Politecnico
Private Funding
Principal Investigator, University of Florence, Italy, “Maintenance, Monitoring, and Innovation of Electric Power Plants at Florence University
Grant Amount: Euro 22.000
Grant period: 12 months
Grant Amount: Euro 20.000
Grant period: 24 months
CREAR Principal Investigator, IRPET, Italy “Development of Hydrogen Technology in Tuscany ”
Grant Amount: Euro 19.000
Grant period: 6 months
Principal Investigator, STRHOLD S.p.A. (Reggio Emilia, Italy),“An innovative system for monitoring and controlling electric power plants ”
Grant Amount: Euro 100.000,00
Principal Investigator, ASL 10 (Florence, Italy), “Healthcare Quality and Innovation in Florence”
Grant Amount: Euro 25.000,00
Principal Investigator,IRMIE IMPIANTI s.r.l. (Firenze, Italy) “Design and installation of a PV power plant on the roof of an industrial building”
Grant Amount: Euro 103.291,38
Refereed Journals and Conference Proceedings/Symposium Contributions
1992 – Present
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems
2002 - 2003
Associate Editor
Power Electronics for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and System.
1994 – 1995
Guest Editor
Journal on Circuits, Systems, and Computers published by World Scientific.
Book Reviews
ISBN: 978-0-470-77301-7, 808 pages
Local Co-chair
Several Paper Reviewed and Meta Reviewer.
IEEE EEEIC15 Several Paper Reviewed and Chair of Sessions:
Session Chair: Alberto Reatti, University of Florence, Italy, Saturday, June 13th, 2015
Invited Speaker International Symposium on Fundamentals on Electrical Engineering, Bucharest, Romania, November 28-29, 2014.
Invited Paper
Member of the Scientific Committee at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference – Milan, Italy
Chairman at the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Hong Kong, June 9 - 12 1997
Session 2L7 - Power Electronics . International conference on Circuits and Systems.
Chairman at the IEEE ECCTD'99, European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design, Stresa, Italy August 29-September 2, 1999.
Session R14 - Power Electronics I.
Invited Lecturer.
Italian School for Electric Engineering PhD students “Ferdinando Gasparini", Seminar on “Current Issues in Power Electronic Circuits”
Naples, Italy, January 30-31, 2001,
Member of the Scientic Committee at the IX WORLD RENEWABLE ENERGY CONGRESS AND EXHIBITION (IX WREC), Florence, Italy, August 19-25, 2006
Member of the Scientific Committee at the MULTIMEDIA DELIVERY OF MODERN POWER ELECTRONICS CURRICULUM September 3-5, 2003 Salerno (Italy)
Member of the Scientific Committee at the National Workshop on Finite Element Method as Applied to Electrical and Information technology April 19-20, 2001, Cassino, Italy
Fotovoltaico. Energie Rinnovaibili. Sistemi per la conversione di energia solare. Concentratori Solari. Circuiti elettronici di potenza lineari e non lineari. Modelli numerici per la loro caratterizzazione. Modellamento di componenti avvolti, induttori di potenza e trasformatori anche per circuiti a commutazione. Algoritmi per la progettazione automatica di dispositivi magnetici e di detti circuiti. Caratterizzazione di circuiti tempo varianti a commutazione. Studio di topologie innovative di convertitori dc-dc e dc-ac per impiego ad elevata frequenza di commutazione ed elevata densità di potenza
“La scienza conduce a un punto oltre il quale non ci può più guidare; e l’uomo, giunto a questo punto, è necessitato a cercare un’altra guida, che non trova se non sostituendo alla conoscenza scientifica la fede religiosa.
Scienza e religione non sono in contrasto, ma hanno bisogno l’una dell’altra per completarsi nella mente di un uomo, che pensi seriamente.”
Max Plank
2000 - Present
Power Electronics. DC-DC converters. Resonant power Converters. Renewable Power Sources. Electric Machine and Drives. Smart Grids. Inverters for Renewable Power Sources. Solar Hybrid Electro-Thermal Concentrators. Electric Circuit Theory and Analysis. Switching Converter Modeling.
Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are part of nature and therefore part of the mystery that we are trying to solve. (Planck, 1981, p. 217)
No matter where and how far we look, nowhere do we find a contradiction between religion and natural science. On the contrary, we find a complete concordance in the very points of decisive importance. Religion and natural science do not exclude each other, as many contemporaries of ours would believe or fear. They mutually supplement and condition each other.
The most immediate proof of the compatibility of religion and natural science, even under the most thorough critical scrutiny, is the historical fact that the very greatest natural scientists of all times — men such as Kepler, Newton, Leibniz — were permeated by a most profound religious attitude. (Planck 1949, pp. 185-6)