Ricevimento su appuntamento via e-mail: cinzia.talamonti@unifi.it
inserire nell'oggetto RICEVIMENTO e "nome del corso seguito"
Scientific data:
ORCID- ID:0000-0003-2955-6451
SCOPUS (jan-2021) 116 documents, 2310 citation, 23 h-index
Academic career
2020 President of the School of Radiologic Technology at the University of Florence
2015 Associated Professor at University of Florence
2005 Researcher at University of Florence.
2002 Technical Coordinator of the “Inter-departmental Center of Magnetic Resonance L. Amaducci” (CIRM).
1998/2002 Master in Medical Physics at Florence University with a dissertation on “Characterization of a portal imaging device
1997/2004 Technical Collaborator at Florence University, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, Radiotherapy Section.
1997 Research Fellowship at the INFN Florence.
1995/1997 Research Fellowship at Edinburgh University
1995 PhD in Physics at Perugia University with a dissertation on “Study of systematic effects in the measurement of direct CP violation in the neutral kaon system at the NA48 experiment and development of analysis methods for rare kaon decays study”
1991 Graduated in Physics at Perugia University, Italy, with a dissertation on “Experimental Limit on the decay W±→π±γ by the UA2 experiment at the SPS collider at Cern”
Research Activity
My research activity started in 1990 in field of high-energy physics. In 1998 I moved to research in medical physics, with main focus on radiotherapy. Since 1999 I am active at the National Health Service Medical Physics Unit of the Careggi University Hospital of Florence with research interests in conformal, stereotactic, intensity modulated and advanced rotational treatment techniques both from dosimetric and imaging point of view, which are all of paramount importance in the advanced radiotherapy treatments. In particular, I focused on dosimetric characterization of Portal imaging systems, silicon and CVD diamond dosimeters. Starting in the framework of the MAESTRO project (founded by the European commission 2005-2009) I worked in the development of a suitable device for dosimetric verification of radiotherapy fields, where a high sensitivity to the absorbed dose is needed together with a high response velocity. The detector is a monolithic Si segmented 2D dosimeter. The sensors operate in current mode, as for the standard Si single diode dosimeters used in clinical radiotherapy. I am also co-inventor, of a patent deposited by the University of Florence “Rilevatore dosimetrico bidimensionale” (FI2006A000166patent US8563936). The characterization of the dosimeter was then supported by INFN (PRIMA – National ScientificCommittee 5-CSN5). Moreover I worked in the INFN project DIAPIX concerning CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition) diamond. The aim of this work is to develop a 2D diamond dosimeter; this research activity is strictly related to the development of new radiotherapy techniques which pose some specific requirement on the procedures and the detectors to be employed. Then I was involved in the 3DOSE INFN Project. The activity was mainly focused on the dosimetric characterization of pCVD diamond detectors with graphite electrodes manufactured using a pulsed laser technique. The detectors tested were of different sizes and with different contacts. The characterization of the detectors is aimed at dosimetry of small fields.
At present I am involved in 3D-SIAM and PERO funded by INFN. 3D-SIAM develop a radiation detector based on thin layers of a-Si:H deposited on a flexible insulator substrate. Moreover, the aim of the project is to test it as a transmission dosimeter and eventually to cover a 3D surface for pre-treatment use. PERO project aims to develop and characterize a crystalline CsPbBr point-dosimeters with sub-millimeter size, under 6MV 15X-photon beams used in clinical radiotherapy.
I am also interested of imaging with photons and charged particles. I have been holding numerous positions of responsibility in research projects, both national (MIUR and INFN funded) and international (EU funded), with the role of local coordinator or of work package leader.
Since 2000 I have been involved in European research projects (projects TARGET, DAHLIA (“Demonstration and Assessment of HPCN Large scale trials in Health care Applications”), TELEPLAN and TRITEX (“Automated 3D texture content management in large-scale data sets”) that were seminal for current developments in radiomics.
I carried out most of these research projects in strict collaboration and synergy with radiotherapy oncologists, with emphasis on medical applications and interdisciplinary aspects. Moreover, a collaboration with AOU Meyer and INFN started in 2020 with the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIM) project, which is focused on machine learning and deep learning data mining techniques. In this context I am the team leader of INFN- Florence group.
As coordinator of the AI group of AIFM, I am the scientific coordinator of a series of AIFM_INFN webinars. The aim is to start a collaboration between medical physicist (AIFM) and particle physicist (INFN) to constitute a fruitful ground of interchange and interdisciplinary development with exciting prospects, including the possibility of initiating rapid deployment of effective and reliable AI-based clinical tools.
I am author of more than 110 papers on peer reviewed journals.
I am also associate editor of “ Physica Medica”, and ad hoc referee for several journals of international relevance, including: Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research A , Medical Physics.
I am a member of the following scientific societies: AIFM (Italian Association of Medical Physics) and ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology)