Ricevo, previo avviso per e-mail (luisa.rovero@unifi.it), nei giorni:
- mercoledì 12.30-13.30 sede piazza Brunelleschi 6, tel. 055 2756846;
- venerdì 12,30-13,30 sede piazza Brunelleschi 6, tel. 055 2756846.
Luisa Rovero si è laureata in Architettura nel 1991 e ha ricevuto il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in "Materiali e strutture per l'Architettura" dall' Università di Firenze nel 1996. Dal 2002 è Ricercatore in Scienza delle Costruzioni (settore scientifico disciplinare ICAR 08) presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell'Università di Firenze e nel 2015 ha ottenuto l'Abilitazione Nazionale per Professore Associato.
Dal 2005 insegna Scienza delle Costruzioni prima nel Corso di Laurea in Architettura e poi in quello in Scienza dellArchitettura dellUniversità di Firenze. Presso il corso di Laurea in Architettura dal 2006 insegna anche nel Laboratorio di Sintesi Architetture in terra e muratura: progetto, conservazione, innovazione.
Dal 2003 è membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in "Architettura" dell' Università di Firenze, nell'ambito del quale tiene delle lezioni sulla Meccanica delle murature.
La sua attività di ricerca corrente è focalizzata sul comportamento meccanico di strutture in muratura e sulle tecniche di consolidamento per le costruzioni in murature.
In particolare gli argomenti di ricerca trattati sono:
Partecipazione a progetti di ricerca:- 2005-2006. Participant to National Project ReLUIS 2005-2008, Line 8 "Innovative materials for vulnerability reduction in the existing structures", Coordinators: Proff. G. Manfredi and L. Ascione,- 2005-2007. Participant to National Project 40 % MIUR National Reserach Projects - 2005–2005089375 “ Scientific, experimental and tacit knowledge and conservation actions of Earthen Architectural Heritage in Southern Italy: developing, testing and validating a Web-based Knowledge Management Tool”.- 2005-2006. Participant to a cooperation project between Moroccan local associations and the Tuscany region: Regione Toscana, Legge Regionale 23 Marzo 1999 n. 17. MICRO PROGETTO - 2004: Réalisation d'un Centre de Formation pour la valorisation et l'innovation des techniques constructives traditionnelles à Chefchaouen Région Tanger Tetouan en soutien de la reconstruction après le tremblement de terre du février 2004.- 2006-2007. Lessons in the post-graduate course on “Restauration et mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel immobilier”, for the Minisètre de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche of Algeria”.- 2006-2007. Participant to International Project “Recovering and Improving Elbasan Fortress, an Albanian citadel from via Egnatia to n 8 trans-european transport network”.- 2006-2007. Participant to the European Culture 2000 Research Project, entitled “Terra Incognita”, studying the structural behavior and the pathologies of the earthen construction.- 2008-2009. Participation to European Culture Project, "Cupoles et Habitats. An architectural tradition shared by East and West", Contract n. 2007-1134/001-001 CTU COHANT.- 2007-2009. Research agreements with Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo for evaluate the structural repair guide lines for the Middle Aged citadel of Shali, Siwa (Egypt), and a pilot conservation action on Shali’s ancient city-walls.- 2007-2008. Participation to “Joint Scientific Mission ARCCH-UNESCO- World Monument Fund, Lalibela, Ethiopia 21– 28 December 2007”: “The static consistency of the complex of rock hewn churches in Lalibela” .- 2007-2010. Research agreement with “Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo” (fondi WMF): “Ancient masonry structural problems for the design of the restoration and consolidation of Hadji Piada, ancient Mosque in Balkh (Afghanistan), VIII century”.- 2008-2010. Research agreements with UNESCO and WMF for the study of the static of Lalibela Rock Hewn churches (World Heritage Site, Ethiopia) and the the Pilot Conservation Action Plan on Biet Gabriel Church.- 2011. Structural expert of historic buildings in Gansu Natural & Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Project, investigating on “Static consistency of the structural system of the Jiayuguan Great Wall Fortress” (China).- 2011-2013. Research agreements with Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC): “Stabilization of the damaged arches in the Noh Gunbad archeological site, Balkh, Afghanistan.
Lista di pubblicazioni selezionate:-Alecci V., De Stefano M., Raimondo L., Rovero L., Stipo G. (In corso di stampa). Experimental investigation on bond behavior of cement matrix-based composites for strengthening of masonry structures. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE accepted 5, June 2015, ISSN:1090-0268 - Rovero L., Alecci V., Mechelli J., Tonietti U., De Stefano M. (2015). Masonry walls with irregular texture of L'Aquila (Italy) seismic area: validation of a method for the evaluation of masonry quality. Materials and Structures, ISSN:1871-6873, Published on-line 18 June, 2015, DOI: 10.1617/s11527-015-0650-2.- Rotunno T., Rovero L., Tonietti U., Briccoli Bati S. (2014). Experimental Study of Bond Behavior of CFRP-to-Brick Joints. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, ISSN 1090-0268/04014063(14).- Rovero L., Tonietti U. (2013). A modified corbelling theory for domes with horizontal layers. Construction and Building Materials, vol. 50, 50-61.- Abdessemed-Foufa A., Misseri G., Rovero L. (2013). Effects of the Boumerdes earthquake of May 21st, 2003 on the great mosque of Dellys (Algeria). In: Vienna Congress on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 2013 (VEESD 2013). C. Adam, R. Heuer , W. Lenhardt & C. Schranz (eds.), ISBN:9783902749048, Vienna, 28-30 August 2013.- Rovero L., Focacci F., Stipo G. (2012). Structural behavior of arch models strengthened using FRP strips of different lengths. Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE 17(2), 249-258.- Sani F., Moratti G., Coli M., Laureano P., Rovero L., Tonietti U., Coli N. (2012). Integrated geological-architectural pilot study of the Biet Gabriel-Rufael rock hewn church in Lalibela, northern Ethiopia. Italian Journal of Geosciences, 131(2), 171-186.- Rovero L., Tonietti U. (2012). Structural behaviour of earthen corbelled domes in the Aleppo's region. Materials and Structures, 45:171–184.- Fratini F., Pecchioni E., Rovero L., Tonietti U. (2011). The earth in the architecture of the historical centre of Lamezia Terme (Italy): Characterization for restoration. Applied Clay Science, 53 (3), 509-516.- Gamrani N., Chaham K. R., Ibnoussina M., Fratini F., Rovero L., Tonietti U., Mansori M., Daoudi L., Favotto C., Youbi N. (2012). The particular ''rammed earth'' of the Saadian sugar refinery of Chichaoua (XVIth century, Morocco): mineralogical, chemical and mechanical characteristics. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(1), 129-140.- Briccoli Bati S., Ranocchiai G., Reale C., Rovero L. (2010). Time dependent behavior of laminated glass. Journal of materials in Civil Engineering, 22(4), 389-396.- Rovero L., Tonietti U., Fratini F., Rescic S. (2009). The salt architecture in Siwa oasis ' Egypt (XII'XX centuries). Construction and Building Materials, 23, 2492-2503.- Briccoli Bati S., Rovero L. (2008). Towards a methodology for estimating strength and collapse mechanism in masonry arches strengthened with Fibre Reinforced Polymer applied on external surfaces. Materials and Structures, 41, 1291-1306.- Briccoli Bati S., Rovero L., Tonietti U. (2007), “Strengthening of masonry arches with composite materials”, journal of composite materials, ASCE, 11(1), 33-42.- Briccoli Bati S., Rovero L. (2001),“Natural additives for improving the mechanical properties and durability of adobe building material”, Materials Engineering, 3(12), 413-425.- Briccoli Bati S., Ranocchiai G., Rovero L., (1999) “A micromechanical model for linear homogenization of brick masonry”, Journal on Materials and Structures, RILEM, 32, 22-30.- Briccoli Bati S., Ranocchiai G., Rovero L. (1999). Suitability of micromechanical model for the elastic analysis of masonry. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 125(8), 922-929.
Luisa Rovero graduated in Architecture in 1991 and received the PhD in “Materials and Structures for the Architecture” from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1996.
She is an Associate Professor of Structural Mechanics (ICAR08) at the Department of “Architecture” of the University of Florence and teaches “Structural Mechanics” and “Safeguard and structural safety of Built Heritage” at the Architecture School of the University of Florence. Since 2003, she is a member of the Committee of the PhD Curriculum “Structures and Restoration of Architecture and Cultural Heritage” of PHD Program in Architecture of the University of Florence.
Her current research activity is mainly focused on mechanical behaviour of masonry structures and innovative consolidation techniques for historical buildings.In particular, her research activity dealt with:
• Composite materials for the structural strengthening of masonry structures
• Earthen construction: laboratory and in situ experimental analysis for the characterization of the material
• Earthen construction and seismic actions: experimental analysis of scale modeling on shaking table
• Structural analysis of historical and monumental constructions
• Analytical modeling of the structural behavior of corbelled domes
• Pointed arches under seismic actions
On these topics he obtained a scientific production quantified by the following SCOPUS parameters (March 2018): journals numbers: 31; total citations: 335; H-index: 11).
- 2015-2016Rediscovering vernacular earthquake-resistant knowledge: identification and analysis of built best practice in Chilean masonry architectural heritage", Chilean NATIONAL COMMISSION FOR SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGICAL RESEARCHFONDECYT, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of Chile University.
- 2008-2009UNESCO, form 205A (ix.02), No. de contrat.4500049379, "Structural study of Lalibela Rock Hewn churches (Ethiopia) and the Pilot Conservation Action Plan on Biet Gabriel Church", 2008.
- 2008-2009European Culture Project, "Cupoles et Habitats. An architectural tradition shared by East and West", Contract n. 2007-1134/001-001 CTU COHANT, 2008-2009.
- 2006-2007European Culture 2000 Research Project, “Terra Incognita”, developing topics related to structural behavior and earth building pathologies.
- 2006-2008Pilot scheme for knowledge, conservation and improvement of Elbasan Kala Fortress, Albania. Scientific supervisor: R.G. Pierini, Pisa University. Ministero Italiano dell'Università e della Ricerca.
- 2005-2006Regione Toscana, Legge Regionale 23 marzo 1999 n. 17: MICRO PROGETTO - ANNO 2004: “Réalisation d'un Centre de Formation pour la valorisation et l'innovation des techniques constructives traditionnelles à Chefchaouen Région Tanger Tetouan en soutien de la reconstruction après le tremblement de terre du février 2004”.
- 2005-2007Programma di ricerca di interesse nazionale PRIN 2005-2007, MIUR, Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca - Anno 2005 2005089375 " Scientific, experimental and tacit knowledge and conservation actions of Earthen Architectural Heritage in Southern Italy: developing, testing and validating a Web-based Knowledge Management Tool”.
- 2017Preliminary studies aimed at the restoration of Cappella di Sant'Agata in Pisa. Agreement with the Municipality of Pisa.
- 2015-2018Research Agreement with Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC): “Stabilization of external load bearing walls of the Noh Gunbad mosque and archeological site, Balkh, Afghanistan”.
- 2014Collaboration with Missione Archeologica Italiana in Anatolia Orientale (Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Sapienza Università di Roma) Scientific supervisor: Marcella Frangipane, on the study and evaluation of structural aspects, construction techniques and building materials used in the living levels of the fourth and third millennium BC of Arslantepe-Malatya (Turkey).
- 2011-2013Research Agreement with Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC): “Stabilization of the damaged arches in the Noh Gunbad archeological site, Balkh, Afghanistan, VIII century.
- 2011-2011Research Agreement with Hydea srl: Static consistency of the structural system of the Jiayuguan Great Wall Fortress (China), belonging to World Heritage Sites, and finally proposing Guidelines for the consolidation design, Gansu Natural & Cultural Heritage Protection and Development Project, funded by World Bank.
- 20008-2010Research Agreement with IPOGEA srl, in the project of World Monument Fund, partner UNESCO, Lalibela Conservation Action Plan. “Study on the static consistency of the Biet Gabriel-Rufael rock church, in Lalibela (Etiopia).
- 2007-2010Research Agreement with “Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo” (fondi Word Monuments Fund): Ancient masonry structural problems for the design of the restoration (and consolidation) of Hadji Piada, ancient Mosque in Balkh (Afghanistan), VIII century.
- 2007-2009Research Agreement with “Associazione Giovanni Secco Suardo” e “Ricerca e Cooperazione”: “Evaluation of the static consistency of the wall at the north gate of the ancient fortress of Shali (Siwa, Egypt) and identification of the possible strategies for their consolidation, in the project “SHALI - Tutela e Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale e Sviluppo di Attività Ecoturistiche nelle Oasi di Siwa e El Gara (EGITTO).
- 2007Joint Scientific Mission ARCCH-UNESCO- World Monument Fund, Lalibela, Ethiopia 21– 28 December 2007”: “The static consistency of the complex of rock hewn churches in Lalibela.
- 2005-2008Project ReLUIS 2005-2008, Linea 8 " Innovative materials for reducing vulnerability in existing structures", Coordinatori: Proff. G. Manfredi e L. Ascione, Task 8.2. Coordinatore M.Savoia.
- 2002- oggiProgetti di ricerca scientifica d'Ateneo. Supervisor of the activities of the research group on fiber-reinforced composite materials for the safety of masonry structures.
- 08/02/2017Tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. Conoscenza, sicurezza e accessibilitá. Italia-Spagna: un confronto tra esperienze di ricerca. Italia-España: una comparación de las experiencias de investigación.
- 07/04/2016La conoscenza dei caratteri delle murature in terra cruda e vernacolari, Dipartimento di Architettura, Università degli Studi Federico II Napoli, 2016. Relazione su: Strutture in terra: dal materiale alla costruzione.
- 10/02/2016III Simposio de investigación del patrimonio arquitectónico en España e Italia: los casos de Cáceres y Florencia. Cáceres, 10 de febrero de 2016, Rectorado de la Universidad de Extremadura.
- 03/09/2015Patrimonio en riesgo: Diagnòstico e intervenciòn del patrimonio arquitectònico en zonas sismicas.Santiago, Chile. Organizzato da: Municipalidad de Santiago; Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad de Chile, Icomos Chile.
- 21/11/2013-23/11/2013The Unesco International protection of Landscapes 2.0. “The landscapes of the caves. The cut rock cities traditional knowledge for the proper management of ecosystems”. Matera, 2013.
- 27/05/2013-28/05/2013Disaster-resistant building cultures: the ways forward, organizzato da CRAterre laboratory / Research Unit AE&CC, National School of Architecture of Grenoble, 2013. Effectiveness and fallout of seismic retrofits.
- 19/09/2012-21/09/2012The International Protection of Landscapes, UNESCO and International Traditional, Knowledge Institute, Florence, 2012. Relazione su: Global threats for Architectural World Heritage: the blindness of modernity.
Composites Part B: Engineering, Elsevier; Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, Springer; Engineering Structures, Elsevier; International Journal of Architectural Heritage, Taylor & Francis; Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE; Journal of Building Engineering, Elsevier; Journal of Research on Engineering Structures and Materials, Construction and building materials, Elsevier.
- 07/2015-oggiAssociation with Istituto per la Conservazione e la Valorizzazione dei Beni Culturali, CNR, Firenze, to carry out research activities on structural aspects of masonry constructions.
- 2017Scientific Committee of the International Conference RIPAM2007, Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen, Genova, 20-22 settembre 2017.
- 2017Scientific Committee of the International Conference APLOBMA2017, Patrimoine Architectural et matériaux de Construction Locaux. Errachidia, Maroc 13-15 ottobre 2017.
- 2016-oggiMember of the Editorial Board Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze.
- 2016-oggiAdvisory Board Member of Journal Research on Engineering Structures and Materials.
2013-oggiRoster of Experts (Unesco Teams) active in protecting Syrian cultural heritage, within the framework of the “Emergency Safeguarding of the Syrian Cultural Heritage Project.