Martedì dalle 14.30 alle 16.00 in Via di S. Marta 3, stanza 346, su appuntamento.
Grazia Tucci è Professore Ordinario di Geomatica presso l'Università di Firenze. Ha fondato il Laboratorio di Geomatica per l'Ambiente e la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali (GeCO), che si occupa della documentazione, conservazione e valorizzazione dell'ambiente e del patrimonio culturale attraverso tecnologie innovative.
Dal 2022 è membro del consiglio del Dottorato Nazionale in Heritage Science (, dove coordina il Curriculum 1: Materiali e metodologie avanzate per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale, favorendo le transizioni ecologica e digitale per mitigare i rischi antropici e naturali.
È Coordinatrice dello Spoke 7, "Protezione e Conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale dai Cambiamenti Climatici, Rischi Naturali e Antropici", all'interno dell'iniziativa di Partenariato Esteso 5 CHANGES (Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Next-Gen Sustainable Society), finanziata dal PNRR.
Per il 2024 - 2027 è Vicepresidente del Comitato Scientifico Internazionale CIPA Heritage Documentation, comitato congiunto ICOMOS (International Council of Monuments and Sites), e ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)
E’ membro del Consiglio di ICOMOS Italia (2023-2025).
Presiede il Gruppo di Lavoro IV/11 (commissione tecnica IV) dell’ISPRS (Società Internazionale di Fotogrammetria e Telerilevamento): Visualizzazione del Patrimonio Culturale e Restauro Virtuale.
Ha ricoperto ruoli di rilievo, tra cui la gestione scientifica della riproduzione del David di Michelangelo per il padiglione italiano all'Expo 2020 Dubai, e coordina il 'Centro di Ricerca e Alta Formazione per la digitalizzazione e ricostruzione del patrimonio culturale e per la produzione artistica e culturale basata sull'intelligenza artificiale e nuove tecnologie' (progetto CHEDAR, Legacy Expo 2020 Dubai).
Partecipa attivamente a comitati scientifici e fa parte dei consigli editoriali di diverse collane e riviste. Inoltre, contribuisce come revisore per riviste italiane e internazionali. E’ autrice di oltre 250 pubblicazioni accademiche.
Grazia Tucci è Professore Ordinario presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. L’attività di ricerca e didattica della Prof.ssa Tucci è centrata sulle discipline della misura e si focalizza sulla qualità dei dati metrici e semantici per la documentazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale. Temi di ricerca sono: la digitalizzazione 3D, digital twin architettonici e urbani, geoAI e mobile mapping. Il suo approccio interdisciplinare mira a favorire l’integrazione tra tecnologie geomatiche e strategie di conservazione e gestione dei beni culturali, affrontando anche i temi del rischio antropico, naturale e climatico.
Nel 2008 istituisce e tuttora coordina il Laboratorio GeCo (Geomatics for Environment and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Laboratory)
Membro della Giunta dell'International Doctoral School in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Consegue la Laurea con lode in Architettura (1992) e il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Scienze Geodetiche e Topografiche (1998) presso il Politecnico di Milano; svolge attività in qualità di ricercatore di Topografia e Cartografia presso il Politecnico di Torino (1998-2005).
Professore Associato di Topografia e Cartografia (SSD ICAR/06) presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale DICEA dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, al quale afferisce dal 2013.
Nel 2018 ottiene l’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale alle funzioni di Professore di prima fascia per il settore concorsuale 08/A4 – Geomatica (D.D. 29/07/2016 n. 1532/2016 – quarto quadrimestre).
Dal 2024 Professore Ordinario presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Docente Académico en carácter de Profesora Honoraria y Jerarquía de Extraordinaria, dell’Universitad Nacional de La Rioja (Argentina) (2012).
Svolge attività didattica in corsi di laurea di I e II livello, formazione di III livello e professionale.
Attualmente è titolare dei seguenti corsi:
- Geomatica per la Conservazione nel Laboratorio di Restauro
- Laboratorio di Digitalizzazione del Processo Edilizio
È relatrice di numerose tesi di laurea, di dottorato, di specializzazione e master.
Dal 1999 è responsabile di progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, in particolare:
Dal 1993 partecipa a progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali
Ha preso parte attivamente a progetti di ricerca nazionali e internazionali, anche col compito di responsabile scientifico coordinando sistematiche campagne di rilevamanto in Italia e all’Estero su complessi monumentali e centri antichi. Fra questi: rilievo multisensore e multiscala di una porzione dell'Arno in prossimità di Ponte Vecchio (2025), Grotta degli Animali presso la villa medicea di Castello, Fortezza da Basso (2015), Battistero di San Giovanni (2013), Parco mediceo di Pratolino (2011-2014), Galleria dell’Accademia (2011-17) a Firenze, Fortezza medicea (2008) e casa del Vasari (2014) ad Arezzo, Basilica dell’Umiltà (2008) e fregio dell’Ospedale del Ceppo (2015) a Pistoia, Torre del Mangia a Siena (2011-12), Torri di San Gimignano ( 2011-12-17), cupola della Basilica di San Vitale a Ravenna (2011), Basilica del Santo Sepolcro a Gerusalemme (2007-2009), Bazar della città di Multan in Pakistan (2012), edificio Morey in San Pedro de Macorís in República Dominicana. (2011) cattedrale di San Nicola di Bari e chiesa di Santo Domingo a La Rioja, Argentina (2010), Cittadella di Tartous (2010) e vllaggi in terra cruda (2008) in Siria, Promenade archeologica a Tiro, Libano (2010), isolato nel centro storico di Baku in Azerbaijan. (2008), Templete e Museo casa Martì a La Habana, Cuba (2013-17).
Ha partecipato a numerosi convegni nazionali e internazionali in qualità di relatore
E’ revisore per riviste scientifiche del settore.
E' autore di oltre 250 pubblicazioni a carattere nazionale ed internazionale.
I principali interessi ruotano intorno alle tematiche che riguardano la conservazione, la tutela e la valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale, con una particolare attenzione ai rischi connessi alle minacce naturali e antropiche e ai cambiamenti climatici, e agli studi sulla vulnerabilità sismica di edifici e monumenti storici.
Parallelamente, un significativo interesse è rivolto alle tecnologie innovative di acquisizione, gestione ed elaborazione dei dati geometrici e tridimensionali, applicati sia a complessi architettonici e monumentali che a contesti più specifici come sculture e bassorilievi di particolare complessità morfologica per scopi diversificati, dalla valorizzazione culturale alla realizzazione di copie per esposizioni internazionali, fino alla creazione di modelli tattili e supporti per interventi di restauro e studio strutturale.
All’interno di questo quadro metodologico e tecnologico si colloca anche il crescente interesse verso la GeoAI e la realizzazione di Digital Twins per i Beni Culturali. Questi "gemelli digitali", intesi come repliche virtuali interattive di siti o monumenti reali, rappresentano uno strumento avanzato per monitorare, preservare e valorizzare il patrimonio culturale. Essi consentono simulazioni di scenari di rischio, analisi predittive sulla vulnerabilità delle strutture e offrono opportunità innovative per fruire virtualmente di spazi e opere inaccessibili al grande pubblico.
Un'attenzione particolare è dedicata ai contesti di paesaggi storici, giardini monumentali e relative strutture idrauliche. In questa dimensione si intrecciano rilievi e analisi del patrimonio ipogeo e delle reti idrauliche storiche, arricchendo ulteriormente le prospettive applicative delle tecniche geomatiche.
Elemento importante è il carattere fortemente interdisciplinare che caratterizza le ricerche, come dimostrano collaborazioni continue fra il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale e altri dipartimenti dell'Ateneo, fra cui quelli di Lettere e Filosofia, Elettronica e Pedagogia. Queste sinergie interdisciplinari emergono chiaramente dalla partecipazione al Centro di Competenza NEMECH e al MICC – Media Integration and Communication Center, nonché da progetti specifici come quello relativo alla museologia interattiva per il patrimonio egeo e cipriota in Toscana (MUS.INT.) e quello europeo Erasmus+ SEPA360 per la didattica immersiva basata su video a 360 gradi. Inoltre, l'applicazione di intelligenza artificiale in contesti performativi, in collaborazione con registi teatrali, testimonia ulteriormente il carattere fortemente sperimentale e innovativo dell'approccio di ricerca adottato.
Di fondamentale interesse sono le attività svolte nell’ambito di numerose convenzioni di ricerca, in particolare con istituzioni locali e territoriali deputate alla tutela del patrimonio.
Un ulteriore e più recente fronte di ricerca è rappresentato dai rilievi batimetrici e dalle analisi idrauliche, nonché dalla sperimentazione di tecniche metriche e fotogrammetriche per applicazioni non convenzionali, come il rilievo metrico di biciclette o l’analisi di cumuli di rifiuti e microplastiche.
Grazia Tucci is Full Professor of Geomatics at the University of Florence. She is the founder of the Geomatics Laboratory for the Environment and Cultural Heritage Conservation (GeCO), which is dedicated to the documentation, conservation, and enhancement of the environment and cultural heritage through innovative technologies.
Since 2022, she has served on the board of the National PhD Program in Heritage Science (, where she coordinates Curriculum 1: Advanced Materials and Methodologies for Cultural Heritage Safeguard, promoting ecological and digital transitions to mitigate anthropogenic and natural risks.
She is the Coordinator of Spoke 7, Protection and Conservation of Cultural Heritage from Climate Change, Natural and Anthropogenic Risks, within the Extended Partnership initiative CHANGES – Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Next-Gen Sustainable Society, funded by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).
For the period 2024–2027, she serves as Vice President of the International Scientific Committee CIPA Heritage Documentation, a joint committee of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and ISPRS (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing).
She is also a member of the ICOMOS Italy Council (2023–2025).
She chairs ISPRS Technical Commission IV, Working Group IV/11: Cultural Heritage Visualization and Virtual Restoration.
She has held prominent roles, including the scientific direction of the reproduction of Michelangelo’s David for the Italian Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai. She currently leads the Research and Higher Education Center for the Digitization and Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage and for Artistic and Cultural Production Based on Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies (CHEDAR project, Expo 2020 Dubai Legacy).
She actively participates in scientific committees and serves on the editorial boards of various series and journals. Additionally, she acts as a peer reviewer for both Italian and international academic publications. She is the author of over 250 scholarly works.
Grazia Tucci is Full Professor at the University of Florence. Professor Tucci's research and teaching activities are centered on the disciplines of measurement, with a focus on the quality of metric and semantic data for the documentation and enhancement of cultural heritage. Her research topics include 3D digitization, architectural and urban digital twins, geoAI, and mobile mapping. Her interdisciplinary approach aims to foster the integration between geomatics technologies and conservation and management strategies for cultural heritage, also addressing the issues of anthropogenic, natural, and climate-related risks.
In 2008, she established and still coordinates the GeCo Laboratory (Geomatics for Environment and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Laboratory):
Since 2022, she has been a member of the board of the National PhD Program in Heritage Science (, where she coordinates Curriculum 1: Materials and Advanced Methodologies for the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage, promoting ecological and digital transitions to mitigate anthropogenic and natural risks.
She is also a member of the board of the International Doctoral School in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
She earned her degree with honors in Architecture (1992) and obtained a Ph.D. in Geodetic and Topographic Sciences (1998) from the Politecnico di Milano. From 1998 to 2005, she worked as a researcher in Topography and Cartography at the Politecnico di Torino.
She has been an Associate Professor in Topography and Cartography (SSD ICAR/06) at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICEA) of the University of Florence since 2013.
In 2018, she received the National Scientific Qualification for Full Professor in the competition sector 08/A4 – Geomatics (Ministerial Decree 29/07/2016 no. 1532/2016 – fourth session).
Since 2024, she has been Full Professor at the University of Florence.
She has also held the title of Honorary Professor with Extraordinary Rank at the National University of La Rioja (Argentina) since 2012.
She teaches in first- and second-level degree programs, as well as third-level and professional training courses.
She is currently responsible for the following courses:
Geomatics for Conservation in the Restoration Laboratory
Digitization Laboratory of the Building Process
She supervises numerous undergraduate, doctoral, specialization, and master's theses.
Since 1999, she has been responsible for national and international research projects, in particular:
2025 – Responsible, for the University of Florence unit, of the ARTEMIS project – led by the National Institute of Optics of the CNR – which began on January 1, 2025, with the ambitious goal of revolutionizing the conservation, restoration, and safeguarding of cultural heritage. Through the innovative technology of Reactive Digital Twins, ARTEMIS aims to offer dynamic and predictive tools to address the challenges of a constantly evolving world.
2024 – Responsible, for the University of Florence unit, for the international cooperation project with Brazil: VISION - VIrtual Immersive experiences of cultural heritage with Synergy with ON-site environment measures for community engagement on digital twins.
2023 – Member of the Monitoring Unit for the Cultural Heritage of the Municipality of San Gimignano.
2022 – Director of the CHEDAR Project - Cultural HEritage Digitization And Reconstruction - Legacy Expo 2020 Dubai (Ministerial Decree no. 377 dated 13-10-2022).
Scientific Head of a Research Unit within the T-PLACE project (Teaching Places, building community – A multidimensional model for the education to territory and its Heritage through a cross-media approach and immersive environment), University of Florence, funded by the National Research Plan 2021-2027.
Appointed Scientific Coordinator for the University of Florence in the National Technological Cluster for Cultural Heritage – TICHE.
Coordinator of Spoke 7 “Protection and conservation of Cultural Heritage against climate changes, natural and anthropic risks” of the Extended Partnership 5 CHANGES - Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Nex-Gen Sustainable Society (funded by the PNRR), University of Florence (spoke leader).
Principal Investigator of the project GEOPLAN - GEOmatics for inbound monitoring strategies and outbound visualization approaches of PLAnt Nurseries, funded by the GIOVANI@RICERCASCIENTIFICA call of the Cassa di Risparmio di Pistoia e Pescia Foundation. Postdoctoral researcher: Erica Isabella Parisi.
Principal Investigator of the project InterACT - Multimedia supporting materials for smart educational approaches in Geosciences: 360° interactive and enriched videos, funded by ISPRS Education and Capacity Building Initiatives 2022, (Co-Investigators: Valentina Bonora, Alessandro Conti, Lidia Fiorini, Erica Isabella Parisi, University of Florence, Italy; Anjana Vyas, Centre for Applied Geomatics, CRDF, CEPT University, Ahmedabad, India).
2021 – Scientific Coordinator of the DHEMSY Project - 4D Digital HEritage Management System, funded by the Regional Government of Tuscany through a call for Advanced Training Projects with postdoctoral fellow Adele Meucci.
2020 – Principal Investigator (with Juan Ortiz - Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain) of the project D3MOBILE Metrology World League for the development of educational content, funded by ISPRS Education and Capacity Building Initiatives 2020; (Co-Investigators: Mariluz Gil and Marcos Arza, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain; Teresa Rego, Xunta de Galicia; Erica Isabella Parisi, Valentina Bonora, Lidia Fiorini, University of Florence, Italy).
2019 – Co-Scientific Coordinator for DICEA of the Agreement between the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence and the Municipalities of Lastra a Signa and Signa for the "Study of possible criticalities of the bridge and walkway over the Arno between Signa and Lastra a Signa and for the hydraulic and morphological study of the Arno River in the section corresponding to the aforementioned crossing works".
2018 – Scientific Coordinator for DICEA of the Agreement with the Department of History, Culture, and Civilization of the University of Bologna for the development of topics related to the study, evaluation, and optimization of multispectral numerical data and models from aerial and terrestrial photogrammetric acquisitions, using multispectral sensors to characterize the presence, quantity, and dimensions of plastics and microplastics in rivers.
Co-Scientific Coordinator of the research contract aimed at the study, monitoring, and restoration of the marble pulpit by Giovanni Pisano in the Church of Sant’Andrea in Pistoia.
Scientific Coordinator of the metric documentation of the Grotta degli Animali at the Villa Medicea di Castello, including its environmental context and related hydraulic system.
Scientific Coordinator for the quality control of management modules for the MOSE System, with a Lidar survey for updating the state of works and lagoon boundaries.
Scientific Coordinator of research for the study, survey, recovery programs and enhancement of the historical artefacts and places in the Municipality of Lastra a Signa (FI).
Scientific Coordinator of the metric documentation for the Camellia Garden in the Boboli Gardens in Florence, aimed at restoration works of the garden, the hydraulic system, vegetation, and architectural and decorative structures.
Scientific Coordinator of research activities for the development of a geographic information system for the national railway network, titled “Unified Model of Physical Infrastructure – MUIF”, in collaboration with Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.A. and the SCHEMA joint laboratory.
Scientific Coordinator of the critical bibliographic/documentary analysis, 3D geomatic surveys and computational models of the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence.
2017 – Quality verification of cartographic products (aerial surveys, train-borne surveys, database creation) for the development of the MUIF GIS for the national railway network.
Principal Investigator of the project “Education and Training Resources on Digital Photogrammetry”, funded by ISPRS (TC V) within the Education and Capacity Building Initiatives.
Scientific Coordinator and trainer for Cuban staff in the international project “Innova Cuba: International and cross-sectoral intervention for the safeguarding of the country’s cultural heritage.”
Since 1993, she has participated in national and international research projects.
She has actively participated in national and international research projects, often serving as Scientific Coordinator, managing systematic survey campaigns in Italy and abroad on monumental complexes and historical centers. Among these:
Multisensor and multiscale survey of a portion of the Arno River near Ponte Vecchio (2025)
Grotta degli Animali at Villa Medicea di Castello
Fortezza da Basso (2015), Baptistery of San Giovanni (2013), Parco Mediceo di Pratolino (2011–2014), Galleria dell’Accademia (2011–2017) in Florence
Medici Fortress (2008) and Vasari House (2014) in Arezzo
Basilica of the Humility (2008) and Ospedale del Ceppo frieze (2015) in Pistoia
Torre del Mangia in Siena (2011–2012), Towers of San Gimignano (2011–2012–2017)
Dome of San Vitale Basilica in Ravenna (2011), Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (2007–2009)
Bazaar of Multan in Pakistan (2012), Morey Building in San Pedro de Macorís, Dominican Republic (2011), Cathedral of San Nicola di Bari and Church of Santo Domingo in La Rioja, Argentina (2010)
Citadel of Tartous (2010) and earthen villages in Syria (2008), Archaeological promenade in Tyre, Lebanon (2010), historic district block in Baku, Azerbaijan (2008)
Templete and Casa Martì Museum in Havana, Cuba (2013–2017)
For the term 2024–2027, she is Vice President of the International Scientific Committee CIPA Heritage Documentation, a joint committee of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites) and ISPRS (International Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing).
She is a member of the ICOMOS Italy Council (2023–2025).
Since October 2023, she has been an Ordinary Academic in the Architecture Class of the Accademia delle Arti del Disegno.
She chairs the ISPRS Working Group IV/11 (Technical Commission IV): Cultural Heritage Visualization and Virtual Restoration.
She is a board member of the International Doctoral School in Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Since 2000, she has been a member of AUTeC (University Association of Topography and Cartography) and SIFET (Italian Society of Photogrammetry and Topography); from 2000 to 2004, she was also a member of AIT (Italian Remote Sensing Association).
She has participated as a speaker in numerous national and international conferences.
She is a reviewer for scientific journals in the field.
She is the author of over 250 national and international publications.
The main research interests revolve around topics related to the conservation, safeguarding, and enhancement of cultural heritage, with particular attention to risks associated with natural and anthropogenic threats and climate change, as well as studies on the seismic vulnerability of historical buildings and monuments.
In parallel, significant attention is devoted to innovative technologies for the acquisition, management, and processing of geometric and three-dimensional data, applied both to architectural and monumental complexes and to more specific contexts such as sculptures and bas-reliefs of particular morphological complexity. These applications serve diverse purposes, ranging from cultural enhancement to the creation of replicas for international exhibitions, as well as tactile models and support for restoration interventions and structural analyses.
Within this methodological and technological framework, growing interest is also placed in GeoAI and the creation of Digital Twins for Cultural Heritage. These “digital twins,” understood as interactive virtual replicas of real sites or monuments, represent advanced tools for monitoring, preserving, and enhancing cultural heritage. They enable risk scenario simulations, predictive analyses of structural vulnerabilities, and offer innovative opportunities for virtual accessibility to spaces and artworks otherwise inaccessible to the general public.
Special attention is dedicated to historical landscapes, monumental gardens, and related hydraulic structures. Within this dimension, surveys and analyses of underground heritage and historical hydraulic networks intersect, further enriching the application prospects of geomatic techniques.
An important aspect is the strongly interdisciplinary nature that characterizes the research, demonstrated by ongoing collaborations between the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and other departments of the university, including Humanities and Philosophy, Electronics, and Pedagogy. These interdisciplinary synergies clearly emerge through participation in the NEMECH Competence Centre and MICC – Media Integration and Communication Center, as well as through specific projects such as the interactive museology project for Aegean and Cypriot heritage in Tuscany (MUS.INT.) and the European Erasmus+ SEPA360 project for immersive teaching based on 360-degree videos. Furthermore, the application of artificial intelligence in performative contexts, in collaboration with theater directors, further highlights the highly experimental and innovative character of the research approach.
Of fundamental interest are activities carried out within numerous research agreements, particularly with local and territorial institutions responsible for heritage protection.
A further and more recent research area includes bathymetric surveys and hydraulic analyses, as well as experimentation with metric and photogrammetric techniques for unconventional applications, such as metric surveys of bicycles or analyses of waste piles and microplastics.