Curriculum vitae CT Supuran
Informazioni personali
Cognome e nome: SUPURAN, Claudiu Trandafir
ORCID: 0000-0003-4262-0323
Data di nascita: 15/06/1962
Natzonalità: Italiana
URL del sito web:
1991 Dottorato, Facoltà di Chimica/ Dipartimento di Chimica Organica, Università Politecnica di Bucarest, Romania
2001 PhD, Facoltà di Scienza/ Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze/ Italia
2017–presente Professore Ordinario di Chimica Farmaceutica
Dipartimento NEUROFARBA, Università degli Studi di Firenze/ Italia
2014 – 2017 Professore Associato di Chimica Farmaceutica
2012 – 2014 Ricercatore di Chimica Farmaceutica
2008–2008 Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University,/Brisbane/ Australia (Sir John W. Sewell fellowship)
2016, 2018, 2020 School of Chemistry, University of New South Wales, Sydney, New South Wales 2052, Australia (visiting professor)
2017 Medaglia Pratesi, dalla Società Chimica Italiana
2016-2017 Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (visiting professor)
2001–2025 Postdoc: 35/ Dottorandi: 18/ Laureandi: > 50
2014 – 2017 Analisi dei Farmaci IV, Università degli Studi di Firenze
2017 –presente Chimica Farmaceutica e Tossicologica II, Università degli Studi di Firenze
2012 9th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Antalya, Turchia, organizzatore/ presidente
2013 2nd Carbonic anhydrase satellite meeting, Napoli, Italia, organizzatore/presidente
2015 10th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Maastricht, Olanda, organizzatore
2017 3rd Carbonic anhydrase satellite meeting, Montecatini Terme, Italia, organizzatore/ presidente
2018 11th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Bucarest, Romania, organizzatore
2021 13th NPCF (Nuove Prospettive in Chimica Farmaceutica), Firenze, Italia, organizzatore/presidente
2011 -2021 Editorecapo, Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry (Taylor & Francis)
2012–2021 Editorecapo, Expert Opinion Therapeutic Patents (Taylor & Francis)
2010-2012 – American Chemical Society, USA
2012 –present Società Chimica Italiana
Ttrack-record degli ultimi 10 anni (max. 2 pages)
• Ho pubblicato 15 libri, 100 capitoli di libro, >2300 articoli in riviste internazionale peer-reviewed.
• H-index = 170 (Fonte : Google Scholar)
• > 143,000 citazioni (Source – Google Scholar)
Attività Editoriale/da Reviewer: Editore Capo di: Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Current Enzyme Inhibition, Antiinflammatory and Antiallergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.
Membro nel editorial board: Medicinal Research Reviews; ACS Med Chem Lett, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Therapy, Current Enzyme Inhibition, Revue Roumaine de Chimie; Roumanian Chemical Quarterly Reviews; Main Group Metal Chemistry, Metal Based Drugs. Section Editor (Infectious Diseases): Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. European Editor: Current Enzyme Inhibition.
Referee: le riviste menzionate sopra, più Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, Clinica Chimica Acta, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Conferenze ed Invited Lectures: Spoleto, Italy (1990); Firenze Italy (1991,1992,1994,1998, 2009); Albufeira, Portugal (1993); Zaragoza, Spain (1993); Gainesville, USA (1994), Rhodos, Greece (1994); Los Angeles, USA (1994); San Miniato, Italy (1995); Oxford, UK (1995); Valencia, Spain (1995); Murcia, Spain (1995); Parma, Italy (1995); Lübeck, Germany (1995); Torino, Italy (1996); Noordwijkerhout, Holland (1996); Santiago de Chile, Chile (1997); Corfu, Greece (1997); Hannover, Germany (1999); Namur, Belgium (2000); Cardiff, UK (2001); Stintino, Italy (2001); Toulouse, France (2002); Montepellier, France (2002); Nuerenberg (Germany) (2004); Marburg, Germany (2005); Varadero, Cuba (2005); Lisbon, Portugal (2006); Istanbul, Turkey (2006, 2007); Helsinki, Finland (2006); Berlin, Germany (2006, 2008); Milan, Italy (2007); Oxford, UK (2007, 2008); Namur, Belgium (2007); Erzurum, Turkey (2007); Brussels, Belgium (2007); Brisbane, Australia (2008); Gold Coast, Australia (2008); Bucharest, Romania (2008); Vilnius, Lithuania (2008); Riga, Latvia (2008); Canterbury, UK (2008); Monte Carlo, Monaco (2008); Nice, France (2009); Ankara, Turkey (2009); Copenhagen, Denmark (2009); Giresun, Turkey (2009), Trabzon, Turkey (2009); Frankfurt, Germany (2009); Manchester, UK (2009); La Plata, Argentina (2010); Aachen, Germany (2010); Cairo, Egypt (2010); Reims, France (2010); Jerusalem, Israel (2010); Antalya, Turkey (2010); Luxor, Egypt (2010); Erzurum, Turkey (2011); Madrid, Spain (2012); Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (2011); Toulouse, France (2012); Antalya, Turkey (2012); Ankara, Turkey (2012); Munchen, Germany (2013); Rome, Italy (2013); Marseille, France (2014); Siena, Italy (2014); Brisbane, Australia (2014); Maastricht, The Netherlands (2015); Siena, Italy (2015); Riga, Latvia (2015; Istanbul, Turkey (2015); Venezia, Italy (2015); Paris, France (2016); Antalya, Turkey (2016); Perugia, Italy (2016); Ischia, Italy (2016); Bucharest, Romania (2016); Adelaide, Australia (2016); Sydney, Australia (2016); Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2016); Montecatini, Italy (2017); Paestum, Italy (2017); Wollongong, Australia (2018); Bucharest, Romania (2018); Parma, Italy (2018); Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (2019); Iasi, Romania (2019); Lisbon, Portugal (2019); Parma, Italy (2019); Sydney, Australia (2020); Wollongong, Australia (2020); Istanbul, Turkey (2020; 2021), Atlanta, USA (2021); Forence, Italy (2021); Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2021)
Una molecola scoperta nel suo laboratorio (SLC-0111) è attualmente in sviluppo clinico (Fase Ib/II) come farmaco per il trattamento dei tumori solidi metastatici in Canada/USA.
from 2017 to present
Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, NEUROFARBA Department, University of Florence, Italy
from 2014 to 2017
Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
NEUROFARBA Department, University of Florence, Italy
from 2012 to 2014
Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
from 2006 to 2012
Research Professor
Chemistry Department, University of Florence, Italy
from 2001 to 2006
Research Fellow
from 1995 to 1998
Marie Curie Post-doc Fellow
from 1991 to 1994
Associate Professor
Chemistry Department, University of Bucharest, Romania
from 1990 to 1991
Assistant Professor
from 1998 to 2001
PhD in Chemistry
from 1988 to 1991
Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Department of Chemistry, Romania
Mother tongues
Italian, Romanian
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
2016 / 2017
Sir John W. Sewell visiting fellow at Eskitis Institute, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Visiting scientist, Dept. Chemistry Università La Plata, Argentina,
Visiting fellow at the Dept. of Chemistry, Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Visiting professor at Federal Univ. of Rio De Janeiro, Inst. of Microbiology, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Pratesi Medal of Italian Chemical Society for merit in Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Gold medal at the International Olympiad of Chemistry, Bourgas, Bulgaria.
Bronze medal at the International Olympiad of Chemistry, Linz, Austria.
from 2014 to 2018
from 2018 to present
Analysis of Drugs, SFA – CQ, University of Florence
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Part II, Pharmacy, University of Florence
6th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Smolenice (Bratislava), Slovakia
9th International Conference of Metal Ions in Biological Systems, Lisbon, Portugal
31th FEBS meeting, Istanbul, Turkey
8th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Florence, Italy
9th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Antalya, Turkey
2nd Carbonic anhydrase satellite meeting, Naples, Italy
10th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands
3rd Carbonic anhydrase satellite meeting, Montecatini Terme, Italy
11th International Carbonic Anhydrase conference, Bucharest, Romania
National Italian Chemical Society meeting for young researchers, Florence, Italy
4th International Symposium on Frontiers in Molecular Sciences, Florence, Italy
from 2012 to present
from 2014 to present
Faculty member, NEUROFARBA Dept., University of Florence, Italy
Graduating Student Advisor, NEUROFARBA Dept., University of Florence, Italy
PhD Committee member, NEUROFARBA Dept., University of Florence, Italy
Organizer of the Internal Seminars, NEUROFARBA Dept., University of Florence, Italy
from 2005 to present
from 2011 to present
Editorial Board member of the following journals: Medicinal Research Reviews; ACS Med Chem Lett, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Molecules, Current Pharmaceutical Design, Current Organic Chemistry, Metal Based Drugs, Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, Marine Drugs, Molecular Recognition, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry; Metabolites, Pathogens.
Editor in Chief: Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry
Editor in Chief: Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents
Editor in Chief International Journal of Molecular Sciences
from 2002 to 2007
American Chemical Society, USA
Italian Chemical Society, Italy
Relevant Publications
Research monographs
published in the last 10 years
Lectures as invited
speaker in the following events/institutions
Oxford, UK (2008); Namur, Belgium (2007); Brisbane, Australia (2008); Gold Coast, Australia (2008); Bucharest, Romania (2008); Vilnius, Lithuania (2008); Riga, Latvia (2008); Canterbury, UK (2008); Monte Carlo, Monaco (2008); Nice, France (2009); Ankara, Turkey (2009); Copenhagen, Denmark (2009); Giresun, Turkey (2009), Trabzon, Turkey (2009); Frankfurt, Germany (2009); Manchester, UK (2009); La Plata, Argentina (2010); Aachen, Germany (2010); Cairo, Egypt (2010); Reims, France (2010); Jerusalem, Israel (2010); Antalya, Turkey (2010); Luxor, Egypt (2010); Erzurum, Turkey (2011); Madrid, Spain (2011); Santiago de Compostela, Spain, (2011); Toulouse, France (2012); Antalya, Turkey (2012); Ankara, Turkey (2012); Munchen, Germany (2013); Rome, Italy (2013); Marseille, France (2014); Siena, Italy (2014); Brisbane, Australia (2014); Maastricht, The Netherlands (2015); Siena, Italy (2015); Riga, Latvia (2015; Istanbul, Turkey (2015); Venezia, Italy (2015); Paris, France (2016); Antalya, Turkey (2016); Perugia, Italy (2016); Ischia, Italy (2016); Bucharest, Romania (2016); Adelaide, Australia (2016); Sydney, Australia (2016); Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2016); Montecatini, Italy (2017); Paestum, Italy (2017); Wollongong, Australia (2018); Bucharest, Romania (2018); Iasi, Romania (2019); Parma, Italy (2019); Wollongong, Australia (2020); Sydney, Australia (2020); Atlanta, USA (2021); Rio De Janeiro, Brazil (2021); Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (2022).
Major collaborations
Industrial innovation/collaboration
A sulfonamide carbonic anhydrase inhibitor discovered in my laboratory, SLC-0111, completed Phase I clinical trials as antitumor/antimetastatic agent in 2014 and is presently in Phase Ib/II clinical trials in Canada, being developed by Welichem Biotech Inc., for the treatment of advanced, metastatic solid tumors (FDA identifier number: NCT03450018).
See also:
I collaborated with the major world drug companies in various projects involving carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, among which: Solvay Pharmaceuticals (Hannover, Germania) – 1999- 2006; Pfizer (Groton, USA) – 2000 – 2002; Pharmacia, St. Louis, USA – 2002-2003; Nicox (Nice, France) – 2004 – 2006; IRBM/Merck (Pomezia, Italy) – 2005 – 2006; Merck KgA (Darmstadt, Germany) – 2006 – 2007; Inotek Pharmaceuticals. Ra’anana, Israel and Boston, MA (USA): 2007- 2008; Bayer-Schering Pharma, Berlin (Germany): 2006 – 2008; Morphotek, Cambridge, MA (USA): 2009 – 2011; Gruenenthal, Aachen, Germany: 2010 – 2011; PerkinElmer, Boston, MA (USA): 2010-2011; Merck, Sharp and Dohme, Rahway (USA), 2012; Pierre Fabre, Toulouse (France): 2012-2013; Signal Life Sciences & Co., Vancouver (Canada): 2014-2018; L'Oréal, Paris (France): 2015-2020.
Track Record (Scopus)
> 1900
110036 (Google Scholar)
The >45 papers on obesity are found at this link:
>125000 (Google Scholar)
> 2000
> 125000
Progettazione di farmaci
Drug design
Inibitori enzimatici
Anidrasi carboniche
Un composto scoperto nel mio laboratorio è in fase II come antitumorale (CAnada e USA)
Curriculum vitae Claudiu T. Supuran
Family name, First name: SUPURAN, Claudiu Trandafir
Researcher unique identifier(s) ORCID: 0000-0003-4262-0323
Date of birth: 15/06/1962; Nationality: Italian
2017–present Full Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Health Sciences/ Department NEUROFARBA, University of Florence/ Italy
2014 – 2017 Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
School of Health Sciences/ Department NEUROFARBA, University of Florence/ Italy
2012 – 2014 Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
2008–2008 Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University,/ Brisbane/ Australia (Sir John W. Sewell fellowship)
1995 - 2012 Research fellow and contract professor, Chemistry Dept., University of Florence/ Italy
1990-1995 Assistant and then associate professor, University of Bucharest, Romania
2014 – 2017 Teaching position – Analysis of Drugs IV, University of Florence/ Italy
2017 –present Teaching position – Pharmaceutical Chemistry II, University of Florence/ Italy
• H-index = 170 (Source: Google Scholar)
• > 133,700 citations (Source – Google Scholar)
Editorial/Refereeing Activity: Editor-in-Chief of: Journal of Enzyme Inhibition and Medicinal Chemistry, Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Current Enzyme Inhibition, Antiinflammatory and Antiallergy Agents in Medicinal Chemistry.
Member of editorial board: Medicinal Research Reviews; ACS Med Chem Lett, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, Current Medicinal Chemistry, Therapy, Current Enzyme Inhibition, Revue Roumaine de Chimie; Roumanian Chemical Quarterly Reviews; Main Group Metal Chemistry, Metal Based Drugs. Section Editor (Infectious Diseases): Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry. European Editor: Current Enzyme Inhibition.
Referee: above journals and Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Life Sciences, Clinica Chimica Acta, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Main Group Chemistry, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.
Has collaborated with various drug companies (Pfizer, Pharmacia, Merck, Bayer-Schering, Solvay, Nicox, Novartis, SignalChem Lifesciences) in the period 1999-2024.
Financing: I had grants from the major drug companies in the period 1999-2018 and from EU, Australian and Italian financing agencies
Enzyme inhibitotrs
Carbonic anhydrase
Antitumor agents
Enzyme activators
A compound discovered in my laboratory is in Phase II clinical trials as antitumor agent (Canada and USA)