Curriculum vitae - Francesco Becattini
General Information
Birth date: November 3rd 1964.
Military service: March 1987-March 1988
Marital status: Married, 2 children
Languages: Italian: mothertongue, English: fluent. French: very good written, good spoken.
Diploma di maturita' scientifica 1983, Final grade 60/60
Laurea in Fisica University of Florence, December 19 1991 Final grade 110/110 cum laude.
Diploma di Perfezionamento in Fisica University of Pisa, 1992.
PhD Physics University of Florence, November 1992-November 1995. Thesis: Studio della produzione inclusiva di adroni nelle collisioni e+e- a LEP
International Doctoral Schools: QCD, Lake of the Ozarks (USA), August 1994 e Vacuum and vacua, Erice, June 1995.
INFN Post-Doctoral Fellow, July 1996-April 1998
Post-Doctoral fellow, University of Florence, April 1998-September 1999
Assistant Professor (permanent) settore FIS-04 Department of Physics University of Florence, from September 29 1999.
Eligibility of Associate Professor since May 5 2006.
Associate Professor Department of Physics University of Florence from December 30 2010.
(from 2016 settore SSD FIS-02).
Eligibility of Full Professor, settore 02/A2 FIS02 in the first round call 2012.
Adjunct professor in New York University Florence 2016-17.
Appointment of permanent member (n. 3818) ofAcademia Europaea from 2014.
Full Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Florence from September 1st 2018, settore SSD FIS-02.
Work and visiting in foreign Institutions
CERN from January 1993 through November 1994 as part of PhD
Short-term Visiting:
- University of Bielefeld (November 1997)
- University of Cape Town, South Africa (October 2006), exchange programme of Ministery of Foreign
- MIT Boston, USA (October 2008 and October-November 2009) exchange programme Bruno Rossi MIT-INFN
- University of Frankfurt, several visits from 2010 onwards
- Fudan University Shanghai, July-August 2019
Research associate in the Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Frankfurt, Germany, February 2013 – August 2013 (sabbatical leave)
Teaching (in Italian)
Esercitazioni presso Università di Firenze
Esercitazioni del corso Istituzioni di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare (corso obbligatorio del 3° anno vecchio ordinamento) anni 1999-2000, 2000-2001, 2001-2002, 2002-2003.
Esercitazioni del corso Istituzioni di Fisica Nucleare e Subnucleare (corso obbligatorio del 3° anno nuovo ordinamento laurea triennale) anni 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2008-2009 e 2009-2010.
Esercitazioni del corso di Fisica II nel Corso di Laurea in Biologia anni 1999-2000 e 2000-2001 (vecchio ordinamento).
Esercitazioni del corso di Fisica II nel Corso di Laurea in Matematica anni 2003-2004 e 2004-2005 (nuovo ordinamento laurea triennale).
Corsi presso Università di Firenze
Modulo di statistica del corso Tecniche di programmazione e analisi dati per il Corso di Laurea Specialistica in Fisica, indirizzo Nucl. e Subn., anni accademici 2005-2006 e 2006-2007
Promotore e docente del modulo B del corso Fisica del plasma di quark e gluoni (due moduli di 30 ore) per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica, indirizzo Teorico, nell'anno accademico 2007-2008 e 2008-2009.
Docente del corso Teoria delle particelle elementari (60 ore) per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica, indirizzo Teorico, nell'anno accademico 2009-2010.
Docente del corso Meccanica Statistica I (48 ore)per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica, indirizzo Teorico, nell'anno accademico 2010-2011.
Docente del corso Meccanica Statistica 2 (48 ore),per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica, indirizzo Teorico, modulo A, 2011-2012.
Docente del corso di Fisica con esercitazioni (96 ore)per il Corso di Laurea Triennale Geologia/Scienze Naturali, anni accademici 2011-12, 2013-14, e Geologia nell'anno accademico 2014-15.
Promotore e docente del corso Sistemi relativistici (48 ore) per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica, indirizzo Teorico, anni accademici 2012-13 e seguenti fino ad oggi.
Docente del corso Introduzione at the teoria della relatività (48 ore)per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Fisica quale corso a scelta per il Corso di Laurea Triennale anni accademici 2014-15 e seguenti fino ad oggi.
Docente del corso Meccanica statistica dei sistemi relativistici, (14 ore) del Corso di Dottorato in Fisica, anni 2008, 2009, 2011.
Teaching in foreign Institutions
Adjunct professor in New York University Florence for the course Thermal and statistical physics Undergraduate Physics major (48 hours) 2016-17
Thesis supervision
Tesi di laurea quadriennali (Master thesis):
-Studio di un algoritmo di Monte-Carlo per il modello statistico di adronizzazione, December 2002, L. Ferroni
- Studio di un generatore di eventi per il modello statistico di adronizzazione, September 2004, T. Gabbriellini
Tesi di laurea triennali in Fisica (Degree thesis):
- Il gas di adroni e risonanze, April 2008, E. Grossi.
- La congettura di Berry e la sua applicazione at the Meccanica Statistica Quantistica, April 2010, R. Panerai.
- Equilibrio termodinamico in uno spaziotempo curvo: conservazione del tensore energia-impulso, December 2015, M. Marinucci
- La teoria di Einstein-Cartan, December 2015, L. Faggi
- Calcolo della rotazione di Wigner nella rappresentazione spinoriale del gruppo di Lorentz. December 2017, A. Palermo
- Simmetrie in relatività generale, July 2018, G. Redigonda
- Un sistema di navigazione relativistico, December 2018, A. Innocenti
Tesi di laurea magistrali (Master thesis):
- Studio del fluido ideale relativistico dotato di momento angolare intrinseco, July 2009, L. Tinti.
- Adronizzazione e modello statistico con simmetria SU(3), June 2011, E. Grossi.
- Corrente di entropia e tensore energia-impulso in un fluido relativistico rotante, April 2012, L. Bucciantini
- Correzioni quantistiche al tensore energia-impulso in stati di equilibrio termodinamico generalizzato, December 2014, R. Panerai
- Il tensore energia-impulso per un fluido relativistico accelerato all'equilibrio termodinamico, July 2016, A. Aniello
- Correzioni quantistiche all'equilibrio termodinamico generale per il campo di Dirac libero,July2016 del dr. M. Buzzegoli,
- Una soluzione esatta per la funzione di Wigner (provisional), A. Palermo, to be completed by October 2019
PhD theses:
-The microcanonical ensemble of the relativistic hadron gas, University di Firenze February 2007, dr. L. Ferroni
-Freeze-out in relativistic nuclear collisions , University di Oulu (Finland), October 2006, dr. J. Manninen
- Thermodynamics and the relativistic spin tensor University di Firenze, February 2013, dr. Leonardo Tinti
- Local thermodinamical equilibrium for a quantum relativistic fluid University di Firenze, February 2015, dr. Eduardo Grossi
- The chiral magnetic effect (provisional), M. Buzzegoli, to be issued end of 2019
- The entropy current in equilibrium quantum field theory (provisional), D. Rindori, to be issued end of 2020
Research work supervision
I have been the supervisor of research and post-doctoral staff:
Post-Doc INFN Dr. Antti Keranen (September 2003-December 2004)
Research visiting fellowDr. Agnieszka Bieniek, January 2005 through May 2005
Contratto di ricercaStudio dell'insieme microcanonico del gas adronico relativistico per il Dr. L. Ferroni (Gennaio 2007- September 2007) PRIN 2006 Fasi della cromodinamica quantistica: teoria e fenomenologia
Post-doctoral Assegno di ricercaFasi di QCD ad alta temperatura e densita' e fenomenologia delle collisioni di ioni pesanti ultrarelativisticiper la produzione del plasma di quarks e gluoni Dr. J. Rizzo, July 2007-July 2008 PRIN 2006 Fasi della cromodinamica quantistica: teoria e fenomenologia
Post-DocINFN Dr. Jaakko Manninen (September 2007-September 2009)
Contratto di ricerca per il Dr. K. Tamosiunas (July 2008-November 2008) PRIN 2006 Fasi della cromodinamica quantistica: teoria e fenomenologia
Post-Doc INFN Dr. Vinod Chandra (May 2012 – April 2014) (Borsa premiale assegnata all'iniziativa specifica RM31)
Assegno di ricercaCodici per il calcolo numerico nella fisica delle collisioni nucleari di altissima energia Dr. G. Inghirami (February 2012- January 2014) PRIN 2009 Il Quark-Gluon Plasma e le collisioni nucleari di alta energia
ScholarshipSviluppo e applicazione di codice numerico di fluidodinamica relativistica dissipativa at the simulazione di collisioni nucleari di altissima energia Dr. G. Inghirami (February 2014-October 2014)
Assegno di ricercaFluidodinamica e magnetoidrodinamica relativistica dissipativa al secondo ordine dr. E. Grossi (October 2015-October 2016) by the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
Post-Doc INFN Dr. I. Karpenko (November 2015-October 2017) (Borsa premiale assegnata all'iniziativa specifica SIM)
Assegno di ricerca Fisica dei fluidi relativistici fortemente interagenti dr. C. Bonati (October 2016-September 2017) grant Fisica dei plasmi relativistici: teoria e applicazioni moderne
Referee of PhD thesis (2)
Chair of PhD graduation committee, University of Pavia, January 2019
Board memberof Post-doctoral INFN fellowships, March 2004.
Board memberfor Concorso di Ricercatore, University of Milano, January 2008.
Member of PhD selection board,
University of Florence, XXV ciclo, December 2009
University of Florence, XXXIII ciclo, September 2017
Referee ANVUR
Referee commissione IV INFN
Referee progetti FIRB
Referee of more than 130papers for these journals:
Nature Physics
Physical Review Letters
Physics Letters (awardedas excellent referee twice)
European Physical Journal C
European Physical Journal A
Physical Review C
Physical Review D
Nuclear Physics A
Journal of Physics G
Europhysics Letters
Acta Physica Polonica
Reviewer of Scientific Projects for:
Department of Energy (USA)
National Research Foundation (Sudafrica)
External referee, foreign institutions:
Master theses (1)
PhD theses (4)
Promotions and tenures (2)
Grants and research coordination
1999-2000 PI, Young researchers grant of the University of Florence (20 MLire) “Studio del processo di adronizzazione con modello statistico”
2003-2005Founder and National Coordinatorof the INFN project FI31 on theory and phenomenology of relativistic ion collisions from January 2003through December 2005.
2004-2006 Local Coordinator in theSezione INFN di Firenze of the EU project I3-HP Strongly Interacting Matter, for the period 2004-2006
2005-2007Proponent and coordinator for the Italian party of an exchange projectUniversity of Florence –Cape Town University UCT (South Africa) supported by Ministero degli Esteri e National Science Foundation South Africafor the period 2005-2007.
2006-2008Local Coordinator of the INFN project RM31 on theory and phenomenology of relativistic ion collisions directed by Prof. L. Maiani, replacing FI31.
2007-2009 Member of the project PRIN 2006 Fasi della Cromodinamica Quantistica: Teoria e fenomenologia PI Prof. L. Maiani
2009-2013 National Coordinator of the INFN project RM31 from January 2009 through December 2013.
2009-2011 Local Coordinator inSezione INFN di Firenze of the EU project I3-HPII TORIC for the period 2009-2011.
2011-2013 PI PRIN 2009 “Il Quark Gluon Plasma e le collisioni nucleari di alta energia” from 17 October 2011 through 17 October 2013
2012-2014LocalINFN Coordinator of the EU project HP3-TURIC for the period 2012-2014 with a 20000 € grant.
2014-2016 National Coordinator of the INFN project SIM, continuation of RM31 on theory and phenomenology of relativistic ion collisions from January 2014 through December 2016.
2017- oggi Local coordinatorin Sezione INFN di Firenze of the INFN project SIM
2015-2016 Proponent and coordinator of a grant of Ente Cassa di Risparmio Codice numerico per la magnetoidronamica relativistica dissipativa
2015-2017 PI of the special grant Fisica dei plasmi relativistici: teoria ed applicazioni moderne for the period October 2015-October 2017 by the University of Florence.
2016-2019Italian representativein the Management Committee of the EU project “COST Action THOR”
2000-2017 Local coordinator of small grants for various research project in the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence.
I have been PI for two PRINin 2015 e 2012 “Properties of the QCD plasma at high temperature”e “Proprieta' del plasma di QCD ad altissima energia” with very good scores 14/15.
The INFN projects I led, RM31 e SIM, have been evaluated as Excellent by international referees and for this reason they were assigned INFN Post-doctoral positions 4 times: in 2012 (RM31 intera, poi scelta Firenze), in 2014 (Firenze), 2016 (Torino) and 2017 (Catania)
Organization of Schools, Meetings and Conferences
2006 Chairman of the II edition of the international conference Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement held in Firenze, GGI, 3-6 July 2006 e of the II edition of the conference Correlations and fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions ididem 7-9 July 2006.
2008 Co-organizer of the workshop The statistical model of hadron formation and the nature of the QCD hadronization process, ECT* (Trento), (Prof. R. Stock chairman), 1-5 September 2008
2005-2013 Co-organizer of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th editions of the international school Quark Gluon Plasma and heavy ion collisions: past, present and future Villa Gualino (Torino)
11-17 May 2005, 1-8 February 2007, 8-14 December 2008, 7-12 March 2011, and University of Siena 8 - 14 July 2013; I have been the main organizer of the latter.
2013 Member of the Program Committee of the International Nuclear Physics Conference Florence, 2 - 7 June 2013 (700 participants).
2014-2018 Member of the organizing committee of the Doctoral GG School Frontiers in Nuclear and Hadronic Physics, held in GGI on a yearly basis from 2014.
2014 Co-organizer of the workshop QCD Hadronization and the statistical model, ECT* (Trento), 6-10 October 2014
2016Proponent and main organizer of the workshop Relativistic hydrodynamics: theory and modern applications, held inMainz Institute of Theoretical Physics, Mainz (Germania) 10-14 October 2016
2017Chairman of the 4th International QCD workshop on chirality, vorticity and magnetic fields in heavy ion collisions , held in Florence, GGI 19-22 March 2018.
I promoted the transformation of this meeting, usually held in UCLA, into a regular conference series founding the IAC and increasing by a factor 2 the number of participants. The last edition in Beijing, 2019, had an attendance of 100 participants, with a steadily increasing trend.
2018 Co-organizer of the workshop Observables of Hadronization and the QCD Phase Diagram in the Cross-over Domain, ECT* (Trento) per 24-28 September 2018
2017-18Member of the organizing committee ofQuark Matter 2018 and convener of the session “Chirality, Vorticity and Polarization effects”
2018 Convener of the session on Hadronic and nuclear phenomena of the SPIN 2018 International Conference in Ferrara
Speaker in several popular seminars about general relativity and recent related discoveries in high schools and associations
Author of La temperatura più alta sulla terra inIl Colle di Galileo
Interviews with popular US science magazines:
- Inside Science
- Discover magazine
after the discovery of global polarization in 2017 by the STAR experiment and predicted in previous papers of mine.
Administrative duties
Member of the Giunta del Dipartimento di Fisica, University of Florence from June 2000 through 2003.
Member of the Giunta del Dipartimento from January 2017.
Member of the PhD Physics board in the Department of Physics and Astronomy Florence from June 2012
Member of the board of Corso di studi in Physics, University of Florence, from November 2018
Member of the council of the Faculty of Science, University of Florence, from March 2019
2007-2018 Member of the advisory board of the conference series Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement
2011-2016 and 2019- Member of the advisory board of the conference series Strangeness in Quark Matter
2018 – today Founder and permanent member of the internazional conference series Chirality, vorticity and magnetic field in heavy ion collisions
2013-2014 Member of the advisory board of the conference series International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics
2014 – oggi Member of the International Editorial Council of Acta Physica Polonica B.
2014 – Appointed member (n. 3818) of the international academy Academia Europaea
International Conferences
QCD 94, Montpellier (France), 7-13 July 1994, talk given: Measurement of inclusive production of neutral hadrons from Z decays at LEP, published in Nucl. Phys. B, Proc. Suppl., 39B, C (1995) pag. 153.
XXV International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Stara Lesna (Slovakia), 12-16 September 1995, talk given: A thermodynamical model of hadron production in e+e- collisions, published in the proceedings, pag. 480.
Rencontres de Moriond on QCD and hadronic interactions, Les Arcs (France), 23-30 March 1996, talk given: Hadron multiplicities in e+e- collisions with a thermodynamical model, published in the proceedings, pag. 269.
XXVI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Faro (Portugal), 1-5 September 1996, talk given: Extension of the thermodynamical model of hadron production to pp and p anti-p collisions, published in the proceedings, pag. 331.
XXXIII Eloisatron Workshop on Universality features in multihadron production and the leading effect, Erice, 19-25 October 1996, talk given: Universality of thermal hadron production in e+e-, pp and p anti-p collisions, published in the proceedings, pag. 74.
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Santorini (Greece), 14-18 April 1997, plenary talk presentata:Thermal hadron production in high energy collisions, published in J. Phys. G 23 (1997) pag. 1933. invited
XXVII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Frascati, 8-12 September 1997, talk given: Thermal fits of hadron abundances in heavy ion collisions, published inNucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl.71 (1999), pag. 324.
Quark Matter, Tsukuba (Japan), 1-5 December 1997, parallel talk given: “Thermal fits of hadron abundances from pp to AA collisions”, published in Nucl. Phys. A 638(1998), pag. 403.
Nuclear matter in different phases and transitions, Les Houches (France), 31 March-10 April 1998, talk given:”Hadron multiplicities in high energy e+e-,pp and p anti-p collisions with a statistical-thermal model”, published in the proceedings, pag. 19. invited
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Padova, 20-24 July 1998, plenary talk: Strangeness counting in high energy collisions, published in J. Phys. G. 25 (1999) pag. 287.
XXIX International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Providence (USA), 8-13 August 1999, talk given: Study of transverse momentum spectra in pp collisions with a statistical model of hadronization, published in the proceedings, pag. 220.
Correlations and fluctuations, Torino, June 2000, talk given:”Transverse momentum spectra of identified particles in high energy collisions with statistical hadronisation model”, published in Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl. 92 (2001) 137.
QCD at work, Martinafranca (Bari), 16-20 June 2001, talk given: Strangeness production in a statistical effective model of hadronization, published in the proceedings, pag. 333.
Statistical QCD, Bielefeld, 26-30 August 2001, talk given: Statistical hadronization phenomenology, published in Nucl. Phys. A 702 (2002) pag. 336.
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Franfkurt (Germany), 25-29 September 2001, plenary talk: Hadrosynthesis at SPS and RHIC and the statistical model, published in J. Phys. G 28 (2002) pag. 1553. invited
Quark Matter, Nantes (France), 18-24 July 2002, parallel talk given: Strange quark production in an effective statistical model, published in Nucl. Phys. A 715 (2003) 557.
XLI International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio, 26 January-2 February 2003, talk given: The statistical model of hadronization in high energy elementary and heavy ion collisions, published in the proceedings, pag. 100. invited
XXXIII International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Cracow (Poland), 5-11 September 2003, talk given: Statistical hadronization and microcanonical ensemble, published in Acta Phys. Polon. B35 (2004), pag. 207.
Focus on Multiplicity, Bari, 17-19 June 2004, talk given: What is the meaning of the statistical hadronization model?, published in J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 5 (2005) 175. invited
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cape Town (South Africa), 15-20 September 2004, parallel talk given:Statistical model and microcanonical ensemble, published in J. Phys. G 3, (2005) S1091.
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Bergen (Norway) 30 March-3 April 2005, talk given: Production of multiply heavy flavoured from QGP in heavy ion collisions.
Correlations and fluctuations in relativistic nuclear collisions, MIT Boston (USA), 21-23 April 2005, talk given: Fluctuations in statistical ensembles published in J.Phys.Conf.Ser.27:164-173,2005. invited
QCD@Work, Conversano, Bari, Italia, 16-20 June 2005, talk given: Production of multiply heavy flavoured baryons from Quark Gluon Plasma”, published su AIP Conf.Proc.806:266-271,2006
New trends in high energy physics, Yalta (Ukraine), 10-17 September 2005, talk given: “The statistical hadronization model”, published in the proceedings. invited
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Firenze, 3-9 July 2006, talk given “Remarks on statistical model fits” , published on-line in
Soft Physics in Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Catania 27-29 September 2006, talk given: Production of multiply heavy flavoured baryons from Quark Gluon Plasma”, published in the proceedings. invited
Heavy ion collisions at the LHC: last call for predictions CERN (Switzerland), 14 May-8 June 2007, talk given: The effects of angular momentum conservation in heavy ion collisions at the LHC, published inJ.Phys.G35:054001, 2008.
QCD @ work 2007, Martinafranca (Bari), 16-20 June 2007, talk given: The effects of angular momentum conservation in relativistic heavy ion collisions, published in AIP Conf. Proc. 964 (2007) 238.
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, GSI Darmstadt (Germany) 9-13 July 2007, plenary talk presentata: The effects of angular momentum conservation in relativistic heavy ion collisions: published on-line in
Quark Matter, Jaipur (India) 4-10 February 2008, plenary talk: Strangeness production from SPS to LHC, published in J. Phys. G 35 (2008) 104013. invited
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Beijing (China) 5-10 October 2008, plenary talk: Thermal production of strange particles, published in J. Phys. G 36 (2009) 364019.invited
Dense nuclear matter 2010, Stellenbosch (South Africa) 6-9 April 2010, talk given: Hydrodynamics of fluids with spin, published in Phys. Part. Nucl. Lett. 8, 801 (2011).invited
Critical Point And Onset Of Deconfinement, Dubna (Russia) 23-29 August 2010, plenary talk: Strangeness and onset of deconfinement, published in Phys. Atom. Nucl. 75 (2012) 646-649. invited
IX Conference On Quark Confinement And The Hadron Spectrum, Madrid (Spain) 30 August-3 September 2010, talk given: Strangeness production in relativistic heavy ion collisions, proceedings not sent. invited
IX Conference On Quark Confinement And The Hadron Spectrum, Madrid (Spain) 30 August-3 September 2010, round table speaker: Debate on the current understanding on relativistic heavy ion collisions, published in AIP Conf. Proc. 1343:25-29,2011. invited
International Workshop on Early Physics with heavy-Ion Collisions at LHC (EPIC@LHC), Bari 6-8 July 2011, talk given: Predictions of hadron abundances in pp and PbPb collisions at LHC, published in AIP Conf.Proc. 1422 (2012) 74-78. invited
Linear Collider 2011 Workshop: understanding QCD at linear colliders in searching for old and new physics, Trento 12-16 September 2011, talk given: The statistical hadronization model in e+e- collisions, published in Frascati Phys.Ser. 54 (2012) 370-377. invited
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Cracow (Poland) 18-24 September 2011, plenary talk: Statistical Hadronization with exclusive channels in e+e- annihilation, proceedings published in Acta Physica Polonica B 43 vol 4 (2012) 571. invited
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Wuhan (China) 7-11 November 2011, plenary talk : Study of the chemical freeze-out, proceedings not sent. invited
International Workshop on Recent Developments in Astronuclear and Astroparticle Physics, Trieste 19-21 November 2011, talk given: Quark-Gluon Plasma and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. invited
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Napa Valley, California (USA) 11-15 March 2013, plenary talk (talk given by Dr. J. Steinheimer): Hadronization, chemical equilibrium and chemical freeze-out, published in PoS CPOD 2013 (2013) 010. invited
Three days of critical behaviour in hot and dense QCD, Wroclaw (Poland) 14-16 June 2013, talk given: Chemical equilibrium and chemical freeze-out, proceedings not sent.
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Birmingham (UK), 22-27 July 2013, plenary talk: A review on global strangeness production, proceedings not sent. invited
Relativistic aspects of nuclear physics, Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 23-27 September 2013, talk given: Spin effects in relativistic hydrodynamics. invited
Cracow Epiphany conference 2014, Cracow (Poland) 8-10 January 2014, talk given: Quark Gluon Plasma and relativistic heavy ion collisions in the LHC era, proceedings not sent. invited
Resonance workshop, Catania 3-7 November 2014, talk given: Centrality dependence of hadronization and chemical freeze-out conditions at the LHC, proceedings not sent. invited
EU-Russia Year of Science: A Window on Physics, Biology and Technology, Trieste 4-6 November 2014, talk given: Relativistic thermodynamics and hydrodynamics in high energy nuclear collisions. invited
Critical point and onset of deconfinement, Bielefeld (Germany) 17-21 November 2014, talk given: Hadronization, chemical equilibrium and chemical freeze-out, proceedings pubblicati in PoS CPOD 2014, 002 (2015).invited
12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, Catania 21-26 June 2015, plenary talk given: Hadron formation in relativistic nuclear collisions and the QCD phase diagram, proceedings not sent.invited
14th Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity on Recent Developments in Theoretical and Experimental General Relativity, Astrophysics, and Relativistic Field Theories, Roma 12-18 July 2015, parallel talk given: Quantum corrections to the stress-energy tensor in thermodynamical equilibrium with acceleration, proceedings not sent.
Strangeness in Quark Matter,Berkeley, California (USA) 27 June- 1 July 2016, plenary talk: Polarization and relativistic hydrodynamics: a theoretical overview, proceedings not sent. invited
Particle Production in Hadronic Collisions. A conference in honor of A. Bialas , Cracow (Poland) 25 July 2016, talk given: Thermodynamic Equilibrium in Relativity: Four-temperature, Killing Vectors and Lie Derivatives, published in Acta Physica Acta Physica Polonica B 47, 1819 (2016) invited
3D Parton Distributions: path to the LHC, Frascati, 29 November-2 December 2016, talk given: Polarization and vorticity in relativistic heavy ion collisions. invited
Strangeness in Quark Matter, Utrecht (Netherlands) 10-15 July 2017, plenary talk given: Polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions: a theoretical perspective, proceedings in via di pubblicazione. invited
4th International Conference on Initial Stages in high energy nuclear collisions, Cracow (Poland), 18-22 September 2017, plenary talk given: Theory of polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions. invited
3rd Resonance Workshop, Bergamo, 10-13 October 2017, talk given: Resonance decay and polarization transfer. invited
3rd conference on Geometric Science of Information, Paris (France) 7-9 November 2017, parallel talk given: Thermodynamic equilibrium and relativity: Killing vectors and Lie derivatives, proceedings pubblicati in Geometric Science of Information, p. 442 Springer (2017). invited
Quark Matter, Venezia 14-19 May 2018, plenary talkgiven: Polarization and chirality: the quantum features of the Quark Gluon Plasma. invited
Chirality, vorticity and magnetic field in heavy ion collisions, Beijing (China) 8-12 April 2019, talk given:Vorticity and polarization in the QGP: where do we stand?
invited, opening theory talk
Other workshops and meetings
ECT workshop Hadrosynthesis in nuclear collisions, Trento, 7-11 April 1997, talk given: Thermal hadron production in high energy collisions. invited, opening talk
ECT workshop Event by event physics in relativistic heavy ion collisions, Trento, September 1998, talk given:Statistical and thermal behaviour in high energy collisions
ECT workshop Strangeness production in nuclear collisions from 1 to 200A GeV, Trento, June 2001, talk given:Strangeness production and statistical model of hadronization invited,
ECT workshop Tracing deconfinement in nucleus-nucleus collisions, Trento, 20-29 April 2004, talk given: Statistical model: overview and new developments invited
Thermal fest, Brookhaven National Laboratories, July 2001, talk given:Chemical equilibrium of strangeness invited
RHIC and AGS User meeting: Bulk Dynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions, Brookhaven National Laboratories, May 2004, talk given: Statistical models in high energy collisions. invited
ECT* workshop Heavy flavour physics in heavy ion collisione at the LHC, Trento, 6-10 September 2006, talk given: Production of multiply heavy flavoured baryons from Quark Gluon Plasma at the LHC
ECT* workshop The statistical model of hadron formation and the nature of the QCD hadronization process, Trento, 1-5 September 2008, talks given: “An introduction to the statistical hadronization model” and“The statistical hadronization model in elementary collisions”.
New ideas in hadronization, Durham (UK), 15-17 April 2009, talk given: The statistical hadronization model.
Statistical particle production: beyond the first moment, Bad Liebenzell (Germany) 25-28 April 2010, talk given: Introduction to the Statistical Hadronization model. invited
TURIC workshop 2010, Villasimius 26-30 September 2010, talk given: Hydrodynamics of fluids with spin
TURIC workshop 2012,Chersonissos (Greece) 25-30 June 2012, talk given: Hadronization and hadronic freeze-out in relativistic nuclear collisions
10th polish workshop on Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions: The Unreasonable effectiveness of statistical approaches to high-energy collisions Kielce (Poland) 14-15 December 2013, talk given: “Do we understand statistical mechanics?”invited opening talk
ECT* workshop Hydrodynamics for Strongly Coupled Fluids, Trento, 12-16 May 2014, talk given: Local thermodynamical equilibrium, beta frame and transport coefficients
Non equilibrium dynamics 2014, Chersonissos - Creta (Greece) 9-14 June 2014, talk given: Local thermodynamical equilibrium and the hydrodynamical beta frame
ECT* workshop QCD Hadronization and the Statistical Model, Trento, 6-10 October 2014, talk given: Centrality dependence of hadronization and chemical freezeout conditions at the LHC
QCD Workshop on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions, UCLA, Los Angeles (USA), 23-26 February 2016, talk given: Polarization induced by acceleration and vorticity: spin effects in relativistic hydrodynamics invited
Helmut Satz celebration colloquium, Bielefeld (Germany), 27-28 May 2016, talk given: Thermodynamic equilibrium with acceleration and the Unruh effect invited
ULtra-RelativistICH HEavy IoNZ, CERN (Switzerland) 18-21 July 2016, talk given: Polarization in a relativistic fluid invited
MITP workshop on Relativistic Hydrodynamics: theory and modern applications, Mainz (Germany) 10-14 October 2016, talk given: Quantum terms in relativistic hydrodynamics and the four-temperature vector.
LHCb Heavy Ion and Fixed Target physics, CERN (Switzerland) 9-10 January 2017, talk given: (Lambda) polarization and vorticity in relativistic heavy ion collisions invited
QCD Workshop on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions, UCLA, Los Angeles (USA), 27-30 March 2017, talk given: Some phenomenological and theoretical remarks about polarization and vorticity invited
Problemi Attuali di Fisica Teorica (PAFT) 2018, Vietri sul Mare, 24-28 March 2018, talk given: Thermodynamic equilibrium with acceleration and the Unruh effect
ECT* workshop Foundational aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics, Trento, 7-11 May 2018, talk given: Exact solution for an accelerated relativistic fluid
THOR meets THOR (COST action THOR yearly meeting), Lisbon (Portugal), 11-14 June 2018, talk given: An overview on polarization in relativistic heavy ion collisions
MIAPP Workshop Probing the Quark-Gluon Plasma with Collective Phenomena and Heavy Quarks, Garching (Germany) 27 August-21 September 2018, talk given: Polarization in relativistic fluids
Italian conferences
Quark Gluon Plasma and heavy ion collisions, GISELDA meeting, Frascati, Gennaio 2002, talk given:Heavy ion collisions phenomenology I – Soft observables, published in the proceedings, pag. 31.
X Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona, 6-9 October 2004, talk given: Il Quark Gluon Plasma e ioni pesanti ultrarelativistici, published in the proceedings. invited
XIV Convegno su problemi di fisica nucleare teorica, Cortona, 29-31 October 2014, talk given:”The Quark Gluon Plasma and relativistic heavy ion collisions in the LHC era”, published sugli proceedings in Journal of Physics: conference series 527 (2014) 012012 invited
New frontiers in theoretical physics, Cortona 28-31 May 2014, talk given: Local thermodynamic equilibrium and the hydrodynamical beta frame
21st SIGRAV Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physics, Alessandria, 15-19 September 2014, parallel talk given: Local thermodynamical equilibrium and the hydrodynamic beta frame
Incontro sulla fisica con ioni pesanti a LHC, Bologna 26-27 May 2015, talk given: Flusso diretto, viscosità, vorticità e polarizzazione della Lambda invited
SIGRAV 2016: A century of general relativity, Cefalù 12-18 September 2016, plenary talk given: Thermodynamic equilibrium in relativity and quantum field theory
INFN 2016, Frascati 14-16 November 2016, talk given: Polarization and vorticity in relativistic heavy ion collisions invited
XVI Conference on Theoretical Nuclear Physics in Italy, Cortona 3-5 October 2017, talk given: Polarization and vorticity in relativistic heavy ion collisions invited
Lectures in Italian and international schools
3 lectures at theXI Chris Engelbrecht summer school in theoretical physics: hadrons in dense matter and hadrosynthesis, Cape Town (South Africa), 4-13 February 1998: The use of statistical mechanics to describe particle production in high energy collisions, pubblicate in the proceedings, pag. 71.
2 lectures at the Italian doctoral school Dinamica della produzione multipla nelle interazioni forti, I edizione, Bologna, 31 May - 3 June 1999: Approccio statistico all'adronizzazione
3 lectures per i corsi di dottorato dell'University di Perugia, June 2000: La ricerca del Quark Gluon Plasma
2 lectures at the Italian doctoral schoolDinamica della produzione multipla nelle interazioni forti, II edizione, Trieste, 11-16 June 2001: L'adronizzazione dal punto di vista della meccanica statistica
2 lectures at the international school Strong Interactions and Multiparticle Dynamics, Bologna, 23-27 June 2003: Hadronization process in a statistical model approach
2 lectures at the international school Quark Gluon Plasma and relativistic heavy ions: past present and future, Torino, I edition, 1-5 December 2003: Statistical and thermal equilibrium models
4 lectures at the international school Quark Gluon Plasma and relativistic heavy ions: past present and future, Torino, IV edition, 8-14 December 2008: Introduction to the physics of Quark Gluon Plasma and the relativistic heavy ion collisions e An introduction to the statistical hadronization model.
4 lectures at the IV edizione della international school di Fisica Nucleare Raimondo Anni, Otranto (Lecce) 1-5 June 2009: Statistical hadronization model and heavy ion collisions
2 lectures at theinternational school sulla Fisica di LHC, Martignano (Lecce), 14-19 June 2010: Introduction to the physics of Quark Gluon Plasma and the relativistic heavy ion collisions
1 lecture at the international school 2012 Berkeley School of Collective Dynamics, Berkeley (USA) 14-18 May 2012: Statistical hadronization,hadron-resonance gas and relativistic heavy ion collisions
1 lecture at the international school 49th Winter School on Cosmology and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics, Ladek Zdroj (Polonia) 11-16 February 2013 : Thermodynamics and the quantum stress-energy and spin tensors”, published in Int. J. Geom. Meth. Mod. Phys. 11 (2014) 1450020.
6 lectures at the summer school for advanced students in Fudan University Shanghai (China) Relativistic statistical mechanics
I have given very many seminars all over the world, this is a list of those I kept trace of:
University of Berlino Von Humboldt (Germania), April 1996
University of Napoli, June 1996
CERN Heavy Ion Forum, September 1997
CERN, NA49 meeting, September 1997
University of Bielefeld (Germania), November 1997
University of Regensburg (Germania), November 1997
CERN Heavy Ion Forum, February 2001
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen (Danimarca) March 2002
SUBATECH, Nantes, Gennaio 2003
MIT, Boston, April 2005
ALICE physics workshop, Erice, December 2005
Meeting italiano sulla Fisica di ALICE, Vietri sul Mare, May 2006
University of Pavia, Gennaio 2007
Meeting italiano sulla Fisica di ALICE, INFN Frascati, November 2007
University La Sapienza of Roma, Gennaio 2008.
Commissione III INFN Roma, “Il Quark Gluon Plasma come liquido quasi perfetto”, April 2008
University of Francoforte, May 2008
MIT, Boston, October 2008
University of Torino (special colloqium) December 2008
University La Sapienza of Roma, April 2009
University of Pavia, February 2010
CERN Heavy Ion Forum, July 2010
University of Ferrara, September 2010
University of Bielefeld, October 2011
University of Francoforte, October 2011
SISSA, Trieste, November 2012
Frankfurt Institute of Advanced Studies, Francoforte, April 2013
University of Pisa, June 2013
ALICE physics Week, Padova, 20-24 May 2013
RIKEN, Tokyo, September 2015
University of Heidelberg, July 2016
CERN ALICE journal club, May 2017
IKF Cracovia, May 2017
University of Pavia, Gennaio 2019
University of Hefei, April 2019
The list of my theoretical physics publications can be found below. I am presently (April 2019) the author of 78 published papers as a theoretical physicist with an h index of 36 (SPIRES), an average citation of 73 for a total of approximately 5350 (SPIRES).
Single-authored books
World Scientific invited me in 2017 to write a book on the theory of relativistic fluids with special emphasis on quantum effects and polarization. I signed a contract for a book with title Quantum relativistic statistical mechanics to be delivered at the end of 2020
Contributions in books and reviews
F. Becattini, and R. Fries, The QCD confinement transition: hadron formation,
Springer-Verlag, in Relativistic heavy ion physics, 2010, Landolt-Boerrnstein: Numerical Data and Functional Relationships in Science and Technology - New Series / Elementary Particles, Nuclei and Atoms.
F. Becattini, The use of statistical mechanics to describe hadron production in high-energy collisions, ed. J. Cleymans, H. Geyer, F. Scholtz in Hadrons in dense matter and hadrosynthesis, 1998
F. Becattini and M. Lisa, Polarization and Vorticity in the Quark-Gluon Plasma, articolo di review invited da parte di Annual Review of Particle and Nuclear Science, to be issued in 2020.
Books as Editor
Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement: 3rd edition, Correlations and Fluctuations in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions, 2nd edition, Florence, 3-9 July 2006,
PoS Proceedings of Science, Trieste – ITA,, 2007, proceedings del Congresso Internazionale Critical Point and Onset of Deconfinement, Firenze, 3-6 July 2006, organizzato da F. Becattini (chairman), A. Barducci, L. Ferroni
Editore of a book of the seriesLecture Notes in Physics Springer with title Strongly Interacting Matter under RotationCo-editors: Prof. M. Lisa (Ohio State University) and Prof. Jin Feng Liao (Indiana University) to be issued in 2020.
Firenze, Luglio 2019
I miei interessi scientifici attuali vertono su:
- Materia e fluidi relativistici in spaziotempo piatto e curvo
- Meccanica statistica relativistica
- Fisica delle collisioni nucleari di altissima energia e plasma di QCD
- Effetti quantistici nella materia relativistica e polarizzazione nei fluidi relativistici
Pagina web personale
6 lectures at the summer school for advanced students in Fudan University Shanghai (China)