Nei periodi di silenzio didattico (settembre, gennaio-febbraio, giugno-luglio) si riceve concordando l'appuntamento per mail.
L'orario di ricevimento a partire da ottobre 2024 sarà il seguente:
martedi ore 10.15-11.15 aula ricevimento del plesso didattico della Torret
venerdi ore 9.00-10.00 aula ricevimento del plesso didattico della Torretta
Si consiglia agli studenti di verificare preliminarmente la regolarità del ricevimento cui si intende prendere parte, poiché sono possibili modifiche per motivi istituzionali; eventuali modifiche sono comunicate attraverso i siti istituzionali.
Nata a Roma, il 31/1/1969. Residente a Firenze
1986 Diploma di Lingua e Civilizzazione Francese "Grenoble I" presso il Centro Culturale Francese in Roma.
1987 Maturià Classica presso il L.G.S. Giulio Cesare di Roma.Voto 60/60.
1993 Laurea in Fisica presso l’Università "La Sapienza" di Roma. Voto: 110 e Lode. Indirizzo di Studi: Struttura della Materia ad indirizzo teorico.Titolo della Tesi di Laurea: "Memoria semantica: funzione e disfunzione in un modello di reti neuronali". Relatore: Prof. Miguel Angel Virasoro.
1995 Corso di Neurolinguistica e Afasiologia presso il DIPSCO (Ospedale S.Raffaele) di Milano.
1996-1997 European Postgraduate Specialization Course in Cognitive Science presso la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (S.I.S.S.A.) di Trieste. Valutazione finale:exceptional distinction
1999 Conseguimento del titolo di Doctor Philosophiae in Neuroscienze Cognitive presso la Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (S.I.S.S.A.) di Trieste.Titolo della Tesi: Semantic memory impairments; models and experimental investigations. Relatore: Prof. Tim Shallice
2001 Ricercatore non confermato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia della Universita’ di Firenze, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare M-PSI/03.
2005 Ricercatore confermato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia della Universita’ di Firenze, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare M-PSI/03.
2008 Ricercatore confermato presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia della Universita’ di Firenze, Settore Scientifico-Disciplinare M-PSI/07.
2014 Professore Associato di Psicologia Dinamica con afferena al Dipartiemento di Scienze della Salute della Università di Firenze
Rosapia Lauro-Grotto, nata a Roma il 31/01/1969, ha conseguito presso l’Ateneo romano de La Sapienza/> la Laurea in Fisica Teorica con Lode e successivamente presso la SISSA/> di Trieste il Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze Cognitive e l’European Diploma in Cognitive Sciences.
Dal 2001 è Ricercatore (Sett.Disciplinare M-PSI/03) presso il Dipartimento di Psicologia dell’Università di Firenze, e presso il diversi Corsi di Laurea della Facoltà di Psicologia ha ottenuto in affidamento i corsi di Intelligenza Artificiale (M-PSI/01), Modelli Computazionali dei Processi Cognitivi (M-PSI/03) e Tecniche di Ricerca Psicologica ed Analisi dei Dati (M-PSI/03). E’ membro del Consiglio dei Docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Psicologia e di quello in Dinamica Non Lineare e Sistemi Complessi. Nel 2008, a/> seguito di un ri-orientamento degli interessi di ricerca, ottiene il passaggio al Settore Scientifico Disciplinare M-PSI/07, psicologia dinamica.
Svolge attività di ricerca in due ambiti correlati: l’area della ricerca concettuale in psiconalisi e l’ambito dello sviluppo di metodologie di studio informate alle conoscenze psicodinamiche e all'approccio fenomenologico-ermeneutico, con particolare riferimento alla ricerca e all’intervento in psico-oncologia pediatrica.
Co-fondatore del gruppo di ricerca in Computational Psychoanalysis
( )
e membro del VirtHuLab ( )
Risultati dell’esonero di Psicodinamica dei gruppi, a.a. 2014-2015
(30 e lode – 5848655, 5848261, 5840453, 5833913, 5848194, 5848100)
(30 – 5720188, 5848211, 5848249, 5839745, 5848350, 5848172)
(29 – 5847906, 5830094, 5720877)
(28 – 5842534, 5720427, 5661643, 5669562, 5844665, 5721059, 5848299, 5840514, 5720033, 5079802)
(27 – 5830711, 5848049, 5720299)
(26 – 5522693, 5505988, 5871678)
(25 – 5848338, 5840497, 5811692)
(24 – 5304146, 5668029, 5518444, 5811692)
(23 – 586724, 5668091)
(22 – 5844582, 5664590, 5848322)
(20 – 5844471, 5851072, 5860548)
(19 – 5662297)
(18 – 5670519)
(INSUFF – 5373593, 5720300, Cristina C.)
Accademic Role
Since 2014 – Associate Professor of Dynamic Psychology, S.S.D. M-PSI/07
2008 - 2014 – Researcher in Dynamic Psychology, S.S.D. M-PSI/07
2001 – 2007 – Researcher in Psychometrics, S.S.D. M-PSI/03
Since 2013 – Department of health Sciences, Psichology and Psychiatry Section, University of Florence
2001 - 2012 – Department of Psychology, University of Florence
Formal Training
2011 – Master Degree in Clinical Dynamic Psychology cum laude, University of Padua. Dissertation Title: ‘Paradigmi metapsicologici’. Supervisor: Prof. Maria Vittoria Costantini.
2009 –Degree in Psychological Sciences and Thechniques, Salento University, Lecce.
1997 – Doctor Philosophiae in Cognitive Neurosciences, International School for Advanced Studies (S.I.S.S.A.), Trieste. Dissertatio title: ‘Semantic memory: theories and experimental investigations’. Supervisor: Prof.Tim Shallice.
1997 – European Postgraduate Specialization Course in Cognitive Neurosciences, International School for Advanced Studies (S.I.S.S.A.), Trieste. Final evaluation: exceptional distinction.
1995 – Dyploma in Neurolinguistics and Aphasiology, DIPSCO (Dep. of Cognitive Sciences -Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano).
1993 – Master Degree in Physics cum Laude, University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’. Dissertation title: ‘Semantic memory: function and dysfunction in a neural network model’. Supervisor: Prof. Miguel Angel Virasoro.
Menagement roles at Florence University.
Since 2015, Head of the Group for Stage Activities of the School of Psychology.
Scientific Activities
2017 _ Foundation of the Laboratory for Multidisciplinary Analysys of Health Care Relationships (M.A.H.R.C.) in collaboration with UNISER, Pistoia, Italy
2014- Foundation of the Computational Psychoanalysis Group, in collaboration with prof.F.Murtagh, School of Computer Sciences & Informatics, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K. and Prof.Marco Tonti, Salento University, Italy (
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%) 2014 – Title: Clinical Applications of Virtual Reality in reducing paediatric procedural pain, P.I., in collaboration with B.Atzori, Ph.D. student in Clinical Sciences at Florence University. The study is co-granted and conducted in collaboration with Prof. Hunter Hoffmann, Head of the Human Interface Technology Laboratory (HIT Lab), Washington State University, who freely provided the Snoworld V.R. softwere program.
Since 2013 – Member of the Reseach Unit ‘Foundations and Ethics of Life and Mind Sciences - FESVEM’, Head Prof.A.Pagnini, Phylosophy Department, Florence University.
2013-2014 – Co-conduction of the reserch program: “Feelings of guilt and development of social competence in children: an empirical verification study” GRANT N.863, 8075$ from theSubcommettee for Evaluation of Research Proposals and Resultsof the International Psycho-Analytical Association (CERP-I.P.A.), in collaboration with Prof.F.Tani, Department of Health Sciences, Florence Univesity.
2011-2014 – Research Activity within the "Revelance and Cognition for Self-Awareness in a Content Centric Internet", 7 FP/-ICT-20090-8.5, GRANT Agreement 257756, GRANT RECOGNITION, Reference 257756, total budget
€ 3.150.000, with the supervision of the following research positions:
-Research Position (‘Ricercatore a T.D.’, € 157.000) at the Psychology Department of Florence University for the reserach activity: Theoretical analysis, simulation study and empirical investigations of models of group dynamics: focus on emergence and stability in small group dynamics.
- Reserach Position (‘assegno di ricerca’, €22.000) at the Department of Health Sciences, for the Research Activity: Development of computational models of information processing in social contexts and validation in web studies.
- Research Position (‘borsa di studio’, € 6000) for the research activity: Small Group Dynamics and Interaction Models.
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%) 2012 – Title: Interpersonal and emotional dimensions of Dental Anxiety: a mixed research design, P.I., in collaboration with M.Calabrò, M.D.
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%) 2010 – Title: Life experiences in a onco-hematology pediatric ward. P.I. in collaboration with the Unidad de Oncología Pediatrica, Hospital Universitario Infantil Viergen del Rocío Seville, Spain and with E.Quiroga, M.D. and Prof.E.Padilla-Muñoz, Department for Evaluation, and Personality and Psychological Treatment, Seville Univesity, Spain.
Since 2009 – Founding member of the VirtHuLab – Laboratory for the Study of Human Virtual Dynamics, at the Interdipartimental Center for the Study of Complex Dynamics (C.S.D.C.) – Florence University ( ) in collaboration with Prof. F.Bagnoli, Department of Physiscs, Florence University, Prof. Timoteo Carletti, Department of Complex System of the University of Namur, Belgium, il Prof.José Ramasco, Institute of Physics of Complexity, University of Baleares, Spain and Prof. Guillome Deffuant, Chef du LISC (Laboratoire d’ingénierie des systèmes complexes), Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%)2008 – Title: Taking care of patients in end-of-life situations. P.I. in collaboration with the Palliative Care Unit of the Florence A.S.L. 10, and with R.Morino, M.D.
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%)2007 – Title: Behavioral measures of mutual informations and metric content, P.I.. in collaboration with A.Treves (S.I.S.S.A.). P.I.
Atheneum Budget for Research (ex 60%)2006 – Title: Taking care of children with brain cancer: a phenomenological-hermeneutic study. Co-grated by Fondazione Tommasino Bacciotti ONLUS Florence. The study took place at the Neurosurgery Unit of the A.Meyer Pediatric Hospital in collaboration with L.Genitori, MD.
PRIN 2005114092_002 – Title: Integration of infrmation in perceptual decision making: neral and behavioral correlates. P.I. Prof. David C. Burr, Department of Psychology, Florence University.
PRIN 2003119411_002 – Title: Effects of saccades on the perception of space and time, P.I. Prof. David C. Burr, Department of Psychology, Florence University.
Since 2014 Quality of Research menager at the Department of Health Sciences.
Since 2014 Vice-Director of the Master Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and Neuropsychology.
Since 2014 Member of the Quality Group of the Master Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology and Neuropsychology.
2014-2015 Member of the Board for the Master Degree in Pain Therapy and Palliatice Care for Psychologists.
2011-2013 Member of the Quality Group of the Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques.
Since 2013 Member of the Board of the School of Psychology
Since 2013 Member of the Board of Directors of the Linguistic Center of Florence University.
2004-2006 Head of the Autoevaluation Group of the Degree in Psychological Sciences and Techniques.
2003-2009, member of the Board of Directors of the Linguistic Center of Florence University.
Referee at M.I.U.R.
Since 2014 V.Q.R. Referee, sector SH4_5 Social and Clinical Psychology.
2011-2014 – Research Activity within the "Revelance and Cognition for Self-Awareness in a Content Centric Internet", 7 FP/-ICT-20090-8.5, GRANT Agreement 257756, GRANT RECOGNITION, Reference 257756, total budget € 3.150.000, with the supervision of the following research positions:
Prof. Rosapia Lauro Grotto's actual research interests are focused on two interrelated fields: the modellization of psychodynamic intrapsychic and groupal phenomena and the development of phenomenologic-hermeneutic research methods for action-research in the context of helth care institutions.