March to June 2020 consulting hours are each Wednesday between 17.45 pm and 19.45 pm.
The next Wednesday 4th March 2020 consulting hours is already full.
IMPORTANT To be sure write always to mario.biggeri@unifi.it
Reception for thesis is usually taken in those hours or upon specific appointment.
January to February consulting hours: each Monday between 2pm and 4pm
Today 10/02/2020 there are no consulting hours due to the CL SECI commitee meeting
Therefore the consulting hours are posponed to tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday 11) between 17 to 19. Please note that the consulting hour is already full (urgent case).
17 Lucia Ferrone
18. Camilla Guasti
18.15 Vittoria Vineis
18.30 Sara Maiorino
18.45 Vito Azzara
From September to December consulting hours: each Monday between 2pm and 4pm
ATTENTION PLEASE NOTE THAT THE 9th of December is between 16.30 to 18.30
Monday 15th April 2019 the consulting hours are cancelled.
Monday 18th March 2019 the consulting hours are between 17.15 to 18.45
The consulting hours between the 11th February 2019 to the 31st of May 2019 (except the 29th of April) are Monday 16.00 to 18.00.
To be sure write always to mario.biggeri@unifi.it
Mario Biggeri is Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Florence. Since 2010, he is Fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association. Since 2008, he is Scientific Director of ARCO (Action Research for CO-development), as well as Director of the Scientific and Ethical Committee of Yunus Social Business Center, University of Florence (funded in April 2011). He is scientific coordinator of the SPES project - Sustainability Evidence, Performance and Scenarios - project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe programme. He is PI of THE The Tuscany Health ECOSYSTEM PROJECT (Spoke 10 M4). His research concentrates on sustainable human development, measutement of multidimensional development, international cooperation programmes, social economy and social enterprises / social business, local sustainable human development, strategic plan for territorial development, labour informal market, collective action, the well-being of children, persons with disabilities and migrants, health care system, public engaggement, multidimensional well-being and poverty measurement, impact evaluations, qualitative and quantitative research methods. He is the author and/or co-author of more than twenty books and has published numerous articles in prestigious international academic journals. He has been a consultant and advisor for UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank, ILO, UN-Habitat, Y20, G20, and the European Commission, among others.
Nato a Firenze il 15 novembre 1968, coniugato con tre figli vive a Firenze con la famiglia in una comunità di MCF.
Mario Biggeri
Dateofbirth: 15/11/1968 Placeofbirth: Firenze(Florence)
Nationality: Italian Sex: male
Residence: ViaRuotaallebuchen°100,(loc.Leccio)50066Reggello(FI).Phone+39-055-8657652
Domicile: Via Montughi,1,50139, Firenze,Italy,Cell.00393337895302
Office: DepartmentofEconomics and Management,
Firenze,Italy.Phone:+39-055-2759561 Fax:+39-055-2759905
E-mail: mario.biggeri@unifi.it
FiscalCode: BGGMRA68S15D612K
-Full Professor in Applied Economics attheUniversityofFlorence,DepartmentofEconomics and Management sinceNovember2006,confirmedin November2009). Applied Economics (Economia Applicata 13A4, SSD Economia Applicata Secs-P/06) field DevelopmentEconomics.
SCOPUS h-index 21
Google Scholar All: H-index 37, i10-index 80; Google Scholar from 2018: H-index 28, i10-index 58
Fulol propfessor qualitication in Economics - Economia Politica 13A1 SSD Secs-P/01 and Political Economics - Politica Economica 13A2 SSD Secs-P/02.
From November 2015 to November 2019 he has been Director of the BA in Sustainable Development Studies at the University of Florence, DepartmentofEconomics and Management (since 2019 vice-Director).
From 2009 to December 2012 he has been Academic Director of the MSc. in Development Economics.
Responsible for the Department of International Cooperation from 2015.
Member of the PhD teachingboard Development Economics and Local Systems (DELoS) University of Florence (Development Economics from its constitution 2001) to nowadays.
Research focus: Sustainable Human Development, CapabilitiesApproach, Social Protection, CommunityBasedOrganizationsofthePoorandCollectiveActions, Impact Evaluation,InternationalAidandCooperation, South-South cooperation, ChildDeprivationsandWellbeing,ChildLabor,ChildrenwithDisabilities,ChildrenRights,ChildrenParticipation,DisabilityStudies, Local Rural and Urban Development, Industrial Development, cleaner production, transition nexus between innovation and sustainability, InformalEconomy, informal sector labor market, Social Enterprises and Entrepreneurship, UpgradingandClustersofSmallandMediumEnterprises, BRICS Development (with a special focus on China and India).
Visiting professor (fellow) at the Bethlehem University since 2021
Otherrelevantactivities and current researches:
- PI and coordinator - Horizon Europe PI for the European Commission (12 partners) research project for Sustainability Transition Performances and measurement SPES within the European Green Deal from February 2023 to February 2026.
- PI - PNRR on The Tuscany Health Ecosystem, PI spoke 10 University of Florence, DISEIfrom December 2022 to February 2026.
- Research for the European Commission on R&I for Sustainability within the European Green Dealfrom January 2022 to September 2022.
- PNR Project REACT Casentino from December 2022 to February 2026.
- HEADCET Erasmus plus from December 2022 to February 2026.
- Consultant at the HORIZON EU on labour from December 2022 to February 2026.
- Consultant at UNICEF OoR - IRC from 16th August 2022 to 31th November 2022. Research impact of war on Child multidimensional wellbeing (impact of the war (Russia Ukraine) on other countries.
- Consultant at UN Habitat - from 16th April 2022 to 16th October 2022. Research SDGs Localization.
- Member of the steering committee on Caring children in Inland Areas (2021) UNICEF OoR IRC from February 2021
- Member of the steering committee on Migrant children (2021) UNICEF Italy OoR IRC from January 2021
- Member of the Advisory board for UN Human Development Report Office NY from February 2020 -
- Member of the Scientific Committee for UNDP Art Program on SDGs and Agenda 2030 from December 2019 to 2021
-ResearchcoordinatorfortheUniversityofFlorenceofthe HORIZON EU International Project(EU VII FP) Grant Agreement-870698-EUROSHIP(2019-2022).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Città Metropolitana di Firenze (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 Florence). In charge of the analysis of local socio and economic development perspectives in the Metropolitan Territorial Plan.
Principal Investigator (2020-2022) on strategic plan for SDGs implementation.
Principal investigator for the PNRR strategic plan (2021-2022).
-Member of the Advisory Board UNICEF OoR on Household impact on Children
-Member of the Advisory Board UNICEF OoR on Disable Children
-Elected member of the Executive CommitteeoftheAISSEC- since October 2019.
-Coordinator (since 2011) of the C-Met-05 for the ofUniversityofFlorence'sUnitoftheInteruniversityCenterofAppliedEconomicsforIndustrialandLocalDevelopmentandInternationalization(C-Met-05)(member of the C-Met-05 national committee since2005).
-FellowoftheHumanDevelopmentandCapabilityAssociation(HDCA)since 2010.
- International co-Coordinator of the HumanDevelopmentandCapabilityAssociationHDCA EUROPEAN NETWORK- since Sept. 2020.
- Scientific Director of Action Research for CO-Development i.e. ARCO research center (at PIN Scrl Prato since2009).
- Director of the ScientificandEthicalCommitteeofYunusSocialBusinessCenterUniversityofFlorence(sinceApril2011).
-Member of the scientific committeeof Social Value Italy
-Member of the scientific committeeof NeXt
-FellowoftheGlobal Health Centre(Tuscany Region, Italy) since May 2013.
- Member of the ScientificandEthicalCommitteeofDevoto Foundation for the University of Florence(sinceApril2015).
Teachingactivities (2022-23)
Teaching University of Florence (ITALY) (Academicyear2022/2023):
MICAD Master 2017 and 2018 and 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023: Development Economics,University of Bethlehem (West Bank, Palestine),(16hours).
PhD in Development Economics and Development Studies, Research methods, Institute of Development Studies, Cambridge University (UK) (10 hours, in 2017 and 2018).
Summer School 2017 and 2019: Impact evaluation, module on evaluation and impact evaluation of complex aid programs,University of Bethlehem (West bank),(18hours).
Winter School 2020: Impact evaluation, module on evaluation and impact evaluation of complex aid programs,University of Bethlehem (West bank),(18hours).
Summer School of HDCA on Multidimensional Poverty (6hours) respectively in 2017 at Cape Town University (South Africa), in 2018 at Catholic University of Argentina (Argentina), in 2019 at University of London (UK).
Summer school of Ecological Economics (Pisa, Italy) June 2023.
Othercourses(outsideFlorenceUniv.)courses,seminarsfrom2002 to 2023:
-AnconaUniv., Bethlehem, BielefeldUniv.,InstituteofEducation(IOE,UniversityofLondon),BielefeldUniv.,L.BocconiMilanoUniv.,BolognaUniv.,CambridgeUniv.,FerraraUniv., Groningen Univ., PaviaUniv.IUSS,LaSapienzaRomaUniv.,FedericoIINapoliMasterISMED,OxfordQEH,Siena,St.AnnaPisa,UniversityCollegeofLondon(UCL), University of Salzburg.
ISPI(Milano),IAOMinistryofForeignAffairs (Florence),ISIAO (Roma),andL'INSTITUTE[InstituteforIndustrialDevelopmentPolicy –UniversityofBirmingham(UK),Ferrara(Italia)andWisconsin-Milwaukee(USA)-],InstituteofChildHealth(UCL),AccademiadeiGeorgofili (Florence),ConfuciusResearchCenter.
- November 1994 – 17/06/1998: UniversityofSiena.Ph.D.onAgriculturalEconomicsandPolicyGradeA].
PhDthesistitle: “FactorsexplainingtheDevelopmentofChineseAgricultureAftertheReforms:EmpiricalAnalysisBasedonaProvincialPanelDataSet”. (topic:Chineseprovincialruralandagriculturaldevelopmentincludingruralindustrializationthroughsmallandmediumenterprisesandimpactonpovertyreduction)
- 5/07/1996: UniversityofReading(UK).MSc.inDevelopmentEconomicsandPolicy [GradeofpasswithDistinction]. Including Industrial and Trade policies.
- 21/04/1994: UniversityofFlorence.LaureainEconomicsFacultyofEconomics[Gradeof110/110andDistinctionplusthehonor “'auspicio'ofpublication”ofthethesisofLaurea,enrolledinNovember1987].
- April 2009: UniversityCollegeofLondon.(Uk)LIFELONGLEARNINGPROGRAMME,forlecturers/professors onChildrenwithdisabilitiesissues.
- March 2008: UniversityCollegeofLondon.(Uk)LIFELONGLEARNINGPROGRAMME,forlecturers/professors onChildrenwithdisabilitiesissues.
-April 2008:UniversityofCambridge.(UK)LIFELONGLEARNINGPROGRAMME,forlecturers/professors,St.Edmundscollege on children issues.
-2nd to 18th July 2003:UniversityofCambridge.(UK)CambridgeAdvancedProgramonRe-thinkingDevelopmentEconomics,CAPORDE,Residentialcourseforyoungprofessorsandresearchers.
- June-July 2000 and May-June 2005 ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences.(CASS,Beijing,China) researchonSmallandmediumenterprisesinChina[withinagreementCASS/CNR(ConsiglioNazionaledelleRicerche).(FieldresearchinBeijing,Jiangsu,Shandong,Guangdong,Guangxi,Shanghai)] October-November 1996: VisitingresearcherattheRuralDevelopmentInstitute(RDI)forthePhDresearch.
- Visiting PhD student at the EuropeanUniversityInstitute(EUI,Fiesole,Firenze) for thefollowingcourses: 1993, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999.
-June1995 post-graduateresidentialcourse(Bertinoro,Italy)inEconometricsorganizedbyCIDE(CentroInteruniversitariodiEconometria).
- 1992/93 UniversityofReading(UK).Visitingstudent(Erasmusstudent)attheDepartmentofEconomics.
Since 2006 Ihaveparticipated(andpresentedapaper)in138internationalconferences/workshopsandin60 nationalconferences/workshops(detailsonrequest).
Articles in journals/reviews
Ielasi F., Bellucci M., Biggeri M., & Ferrone L. (2023). “Measuring banks' sustainability performances: The BESGI score”, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Vol. 102, ISSN 0195-9255, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eiar.2023.107216
Gai, L., Bellucci M., Biggeri M., Ferrone L., & Ielasi F. (2023). “Banks’ ESG disclosure: A new scoring model”, Finance Research Letters, Vol. Volume 57, ISSN 1544-6123, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2023.104199.
Noirjean, S., Biggeri, M., Forastiere, L., Mealli, F., & Nannini, M., (2023). “Estimating causal effects of community health financing via principal stratification”. Statistical Methods & Applications, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10260-023-00706-0.
Biggeri, M., Ciani, F., Menon, M., & Perali F. (2022). “Severe health conditions and household deprivation”. Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, n. 2, pp. 145-168
Bellucci M., Biggeri M., Nitti C., Terenzi L. (2023), “Accounting for disability and work inclusion in tourism”, ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH.
Biggeri M., Bortolotti L., Ferrannini A., Saccone D., (2023), “China’s subnational policies and the performance of provinces towards meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals”, Regional Studies, Regional Science, Volume 10, pp. 439-460.
Biggeri M., Bortolotti L., Saccone D., Tassinari M. (2023), “Policy and political challenges for a better world: The United States and China pathways towards the 2030 Agenda”, Ecological Economics, Volume 209.
Biggeri M., Borsacchi L., Braito L., Ferrannini A. (2023), “Measuring the compliance of management system in manufacturing SMEs: An integrated model”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 382.
Bortolotti L., Biggeri M. (2022), “Is the slowdown of China's economic growth affecting multidimensional well-being dynamics?”, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 63, pp. 478-489.
Biggeri, M., Carraro, A., Ciani, F. and Romano, D. (2022), “Disentangling the Impact of a Multiple-Component Project on SDG Dimensions: The Case of Durum Wheat Value Chain Development in Oromia (Ethiopia)”, World Development. ISSN: 0305-750X.
Biggeri M., Braito L. and Zhou H. (2022), “Chinese migrant microenterprises and social capital: a multiple case study analysis in industrial clusters in Italy”, Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, DOI: 10.1080/08985626.2022.2062620
Biggeri M. and Braito L. (2022), “Chinese microentrepreneurs in industrial cluster in Italy: analysis of the ethnic microenterprises’ performance”, Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal, DOI 10.1108/CR-11-2021-0158.
Krishnakumar J., Biggeri M. and Mauro V. (2022), “Eat AND Study but Wii OR Ski!: Differentiating between 'basic' and 'non-basic' dimensions in a multidimensional index”, ”Social Indicators Research.
Biggeri, M., Braito, L., Caloffi, A., and Zhou, H. (2021), “Chinese entrepreneurs and workers at the crossroad: the role of social networks in ethnic industrial clusters in Italy”, International Journal of Manpower. ISSN: 0143-7720.
Biggeri, M., Cuesta, J., Ferrone, L., Hamza-Abbas, M., and Khurshid, A. (2021),"Children in the Context of War: Deprivation among Internally Displaced, Returnee, Host and Stayee Children in East Mosul", Journal of Development Studies. ISSN: 0022-0388. IF 2.10 (IF 5 year 3.2) e 60° in GEV 2016 in Economics.
Yunus, M., Biggeri, M., and Testi, E. (2021), “Social Economy and Social Business Supporting Policies for Sustainable Human Development in a Post-COVID-19 World”. Sustainability, vol. 13, issue 21, 12155. DOI: 10.3390 /su132112155. IF 3.251 (IF 5 year 3.473). (prof. di Economia e Premio Nobel per la pace).
Biggeri, M., and Ferrone, L. (2021), “Child Sustainable Human Development Index (CSHDI): Monitoring Progress for the Future Generation”, Ecological Economics, vol. 192, 107266, pp. 1-17. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107266. ISSN: 0921-8009. IF 5.389 (IF 5 year 6.233) e 10° in GEV 2016 in Economics.
Nannini M., Biggeri M., Putoto G. (2021), Financial protection and coping strategies in rural Uganda: an impact evaluation of community-based zero-interest healthcare loans, Health Policy and Planning, 00, 2021, 1–13, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/heapol/czab073
Biggeri, M., Ferrone, L. (2021) “Measuring Child Multidimensional Deprivation: A Sustainability Perspective”. Sustainability, 13(7) 3922. DOI: 10.3390/su13073922
Bianchi P., Biggeri M., and Ferrannini A. (2021), “The political economy of places in a Sustainable Human Development perspective: the case of Emilia-Romagna”, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, vol. 14, issue 1, 93-116, https://doi.org/10.1093/cjres/rsaa037
Belletti, M., Biggeri, M., & Ciani, F. (2021). “Assessing multidimensional wellbeing and capabilities of migrants hosted in the italian reception system”. Scienza e Pace, XII (1), 195-222.
Nanni, V., Biggeri M. (2021). “The Salvini Immigration-Security Decree-Law and its regional socio-economic effects: the case of Tuscany”, Scienza e Pace.XII (1), pp. 245-274.
Ferrannini A., Barbieri E., Biggeri M., Di Tommaso M. R., (2020), Industrial Policy for Sustainable Human Development in the post-Covid19 era, World Development, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105215
Biggeri M. and Cuesta J. (2020), “An Integrated Framework for Child Poverty and Well-Being Measurement: Reconciling Theories”, Child Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s12187-020-09774-0
Biggeri M., Bortolotti L. and Mauro V. (2020), “The Analysis of Well-being using the Income-adjusted Multidimensional Synthesis of Indicators: The Case of China”, Review of Income & Wealth. DOI:10.1111/roiw.12488
Biggeri M. (2020), Introduction: Capabilities and Covid-19, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities. https://doi.org/10.1080/19452829.2020.1790732
Biggeri M., Bortolotti L. (2020), “Towards a “Harmonious Society”? Multidimensional Development and the Convergence of Chinese Provinces”, Regional Studies, https://doi.org/10.1080/00343404.2020.1746759
Cuesta J., Biggeri M., Hernandez-Licona G., Aparicio R. & Guillén-Fernández Y. (2020), “The political economy of multidimensional child poverty measurement: a comparative analysis of Mexico and Uganda”, Oxford Development Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13600818.2020.1739261
Petti, C., Spigarelli, F., Lv, P. and Biggeri, M. (2019), "Globalization and innovation with Chinese characteristics: the case of the automotive industry", International Journal of Emerging Markets, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOEM-02-2018-0111.
Biggeri M., Di Masi D. and Bellacicco R. (2019), Disability and higher education: assessing students' capabilities in two Italian universities using structured focus group discussions, Studies in Higher Education, doi 10.1080/03075079.2019.1654448.
Ricci, A., Biggeri, M. and Ferrannini, A. (2019), 'Integrated local development in Mediterranean marginal territories: The case studies of Casentino (Italy), Algarve (Portugal) and Corse (France)', Region, 6(1): 1-16.
Biggeri M., Clark A. D., Ferrannini A. and Mauro V., (2019), Tracking the SDGs in an ‘integrated’ manner: A Proposal for a New Index to capture synergies and trade-offs between and within goals, World Development, 122, 628–647.
Biggeri M., Burchi F., Ciani F. and Herrmann R. (2018), Linking Small-Scale Farmers to the Durum Wheat Value Chain in Ethiopia: Assessing the Effects on Production and Wellbeing, Food Policy, Volume 79, August 2018, Pages 77-91.
Yousefzadeh S., Biggeri M., Arciprete C., Haisma H. (2018), Capability Approach to Child Growth, Child Indicators Research, p. 1-21
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Yang G (2018). Recent Trends in China-Africa Aid, FDI and Trade Relations: Implications for the Italian Foreign and Industrial Policy. L'INDUSTRIA, vol. 2, p. 195-220
Biggeri M. and Mauro V. (2018), Towards a more ‘Sustainable’ Human Development Index: Integrating the environment and freedom, Ecological Indicators, Volume 91, August 2018, Pages 220-231.
Biggeri M., Nannini M., Putoto G. (2018), Assessing the feasibility of community health insurance in Uganda: A mixedmethods exploratory analysis, Social Science & Medicine, 200 (2018) 145–155
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Arciprete C. (2018), “Local communities and capability evolution: The core of human development processes”, JournalofHumanDevelopmentandCapabilities, Volume 19, 2018 - Issue 2, p 126-146.
Biggeri M. (2017), “L’evoluzione dei cluster industriali nei paesi BRICS”, L’industria.
Testi E., Bellucci M., Franchi S., Biggeri M. (2017), “Italian social enterprises at the crossroads: their role in the evolution of the welfare state”, VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Non-profit Organizations, 28:2403–2422.
Biggeri M., Testi E., Bellucci M., (2017), “Enabling ecosystems for social enterprises and social innovation: a capability approach perspective.” Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, vol. 18(2), p. --, ISSN: 1945-2829
Biggeri M., Ciani F., Ferrannini A. (2016), "Assessing aid effectiveness within a multilevel governance perspective: The case of a value chains project in rural Ethiopia", European Journal of Development Research.
Mauro V., Biggeri, M., Maggino F. (2016), “Measuring and Monitoring Poverty and Well-being: A New Approach for the Synthesis of Multidimensionality”, Social Indicators Research.
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A. (2016), "Sistemas territorial integrados para el desarrollo humano sustentable en nivel local", Revista Española de Desarrollo y Cooperación, n° 37, Special issue on "El rol estratégico de los territorios y de la cooperación descentralizada en la Agenda Post 2015", Instituto Universitario de Desarrollo y Cooperación.
Mauro V., Biggeri M., Grilli L. (2015), “Does Community-Based Rehabilitation Enhance the Multidimensional Well-Being of Deprived Persons With Disabilities? A Multilevel Impact Evaluation”, World Development, Vol. 76, December 2015, Pages 190–202.
BiggeriM.andMehrotraS.,(2014), “Politiche industriali e sviluppo in India: il ruolo dei cluster manifatturieri”, L’Industria. Vol., n. 3, 2014.
Mauro V., Biggeri M., Deepak S., Trani J.-F., (2014), “The Effectiveness of Community based rehabilitation programs: An impact evaluation of a quasi-randomised trial”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 68(11): p.1102-8.
Biggeri M. and Ferrannini A. (2014) “Opportunity Gap Analysis: Procedures and Methods for Applying the Capability Approach in Development Initiatives”, Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, vol. 15,n.1, pp. 60-78.
Biggeri M., Deepak S., Mauro V., Trani J.-F., Kumar J. Y. B., (2014), “Do Community-Based Rehabilitation programs promote the participation of persons with disabilities? A case control study from Mandya District, in India”, Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation, Aug 2014, Vol. 36, No. 18, Pages 1508-1517.
Deepak S., Biggeri M., Mauro V., Kumar J. and Griffo G. (2013), “Impact of Community-based Rehabilitation on Persons with Different Disabilities”, Disability, CBR and Inclusive Development Journal (DCIDJ), vol. 24, n. 4. 5-23
Trani J-F., Biggeri M., and Mauro V. (2013), “The Multidimensionality of Child Poverty: Evidence from Afghanistan”, Social Indicators Research, Vol. 112 (2), pp. 391-416.
BiggeriM.,SantiM.(2012), “MissingDimensionsof Children’s Well-beingandWell-becoming in Education Systems: Capabilities and Philosophy for Children”,JournalofHumanDevelopmentandCapabilities,vol. 13,n.3,August, pp. 373-395.
Bellucci,M.,BagnoliL.,BiggeriM.,RinaldiV.(2012), “PerformanceMeasurementinSolidarityEconomyOrganizations:TheCaseofFairTradeShopsinItaly”,AnnalsofPublicandCooperativeEconomics.
Biggeri,M.,Bellanca,N.TraniJ-F.(eds)(2011),Specialissueintroduction: “The"Capabilityapproach"torethinkpoliciesforpersonswithdisabilities”,ALTER.EuropeanJournalofDisabilityResearch.5 (3)
TraniJ-F,BakhshiP.,BellancaN.,BiggeriM.andMarchettaF.(2011), “DisabilitiesthroughtheCapabilityApproachLens:Implicationsforpublicpolicies”,ALTER.EuropeanJournalofDisabilityResearch. 5(3), 143-157.
BellancaN.,BiggeriM.andMarchettaF.(2011), “Anextensionofthecapabilityapproach:TowardsatheoryofDis-capability”,ALTER.EuropeanJournalofDisabilityResearch.5(3), 158-176
BiggeriM.,BellancaN.,BonfantiS.andTanzjL.(2011), “RethinkingPoliciesforPersonswithDisabilitiesthroughtheCapabilityApproach:theCaseoftheTuscanyRegion”,ALTER.EuropeanJournalofDisabilityResearch.
BarbutoR.,BiggeriM.andGriffoG.(2011), “LifeProject,PeerCounsellingandSelf-helpGroupsasToolstoExpandCapabilities,AgencyandHumanRights”,ALTER.EuropeanJournalofDisabilityResearch, 5(3), 192-205.
BellancaN.,BiggeriM.,BonfantiS.(2010), “L’approcciodellecapabilityealcuneriflessionisullepoliticheperl’autodeterminazionedellepersonecondisabilitàinToscana”,IlSemel’Albero,Rivistaquadrimestraledipolitichedellasalutenellacomunità,FondazioneDevoto,AnnoXVIII,agosto.InItalian.
BiggeriM.andMehrotraS.,(2010) “ChildreninhomeworkerhouseholdsinPakistanandIndonesia”,InternationalJournalofManpower,Vol.3,N°1.
BiggeriM.andAnichR.(2009), “TheDeprivationofStreetChildreninKampala:CantheCapabilityApproachandParticipatoryMethodsUnlockaNewPerspectiveinResearchandDecisionMaking?”,MondesenDéveloppementVol.37-2009/2-n°146
BiggeriM.,SanfilippoM.,(2009), “UnderstandingChina’sMoveintoAfrica:AnEmpiricalAnalysis”,January,JournalofChineseEconomicandBusinessStudies.Vol7n1January,pp.31-53.
BellancaN.,BiggeriM.,(2008), “Ilsignificatodellosviluppo” aSviluppo,capacitazioniebenessere,numeromonograficodiStudienotedieconomia,AnnoXIII,N°2.pp.211-216.
BiggeriM.,GambelliD.(2008), “IfattorichiavedellacrescitaeconomicainCina:unostudioalivelloregionale”,Studienotedieconomia,AnnoXIII,N°2.pp.245-264
BiggeriM.,HirschG.,(2008), “L’altraCina”,Studienotedieconomia,AnnoXIII,N°2.pp.265-298.
BiggeriM.,(2007), “Choosingdimensionsinthecaseofchildren'swellbeing”,Maitreyee,HumanDevelopmentandCapabilityAssociation,VOL7N°2,pp.4-7.
BiggeriM.,LibanoraR.,MarianiS.andMenchiniL.,(2006), “ChildrenConceptualizingTheirCapabilities:ResultsoftheSurveyDuringtheFirstChildren'sWorldCongressonChildLabour”,JournalofHumanDevelopment,vol.7,n.1,March.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.,(2005) “CanIndustrialOutworkEnhanceHomeworkers’ Capabilities?EvidencefromClustersinSouthAsia”,WorldDevelopment,Vol.33,No.10,pp.1735–1757.
BiggeriM.(2003), “KeyFactorsofRecentChineseProvincialEconomicGrowth”,JournalofChineseEconomicandBusinessStudies,Vol.1,n.°2,p.159-183,Routledge,Taylor&FrancisGroup.
BiggeriM.,GambelliD.andPhillipsC.(1999), “SmallandMediumEnterpriseTheory:EvidenceforChineseTVEs”,JournalofInternationalDevelopment,Vol.IIn°2,March-April,pp.197-219,JohnWiley&SonsLtd.
Basile E., Biggeri M., Cecchi C., Volpi F. (2021) Istituzioni e sviluppo economico nel capitalismo contemporaneo. Il caso di Cina e India,FrancoAngeli,Milano.
Clark D.A., Biggeri M., Frediani A.A. (Eds.) (2019), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Palgrave MacMillan, Basingstoke, New York.
Biggeri M., Maggino F., Mauro V. (a cura di) (2018), Analisi del benessere e della povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile, Pacini Editore, Pisa.
Biggeri M., Testi E., Bellucci M., During R., Persson H. T. R. (Eds.) (2018). Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe. ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN INNOVATION, ORGANIZATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY, p. 1-224, London: Routledge
Halvorsen R., Hvinden, Biggeri M., Tassebro J., Jarvis C. E. Waldschmidt A., (Editors) (2017), Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe Volume 2. Routledge, London.
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Borsacchi L. (2015), Emersione, sviluppo ed integrazione nel territorio pratese: Professionalità e strumenti di facilitazione, Ricerca, Pacini Editore, Pisa.
Biggeri M., Borsacchi L., Ferrannini A., Ferrara F. Grassi C. (2015), Emersione, sviluppo ed integrazione nel territorio pratese: Un modello di sensibilizzazione e accompagnamento, Ricerca, Pacini Editore, Pisa.
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A. (2014), Sustainable Human Development: A new territorial and people-centred perspective, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, New York.
Hart C.S., Biggeri M., Babic B. (2014) (Eds.), Agency and Participation in Childhood and Youth: International Applications of the Capability Approach in Schools and Beyond, London, Bloomsbury
Collino A., Biggeri M. and Murgia L., (2014), Processi industriali e parti sociali, Florence University press FUP, Firenze.
BiggeriM.,DeepakS.,MauroV.,TraniJ.-F.,KumarJ.Y.B.,RamasamyP.,BakhshiP.andGiriyappaR.(2012),ImpactofCommunity-BasedRehabilitation(CBR)ProgramsforPersonswithDisabilityinMandyaDistrict(Karnataka,India),AIFOHealth Cooperation Volume 18, India, Bangalore. 9788890710810.
Biggeri M., Ballet J. and Comim F. (Eds.) (2011), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, New York.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.,(Editors)(2007),AsianInformalWorkers:GlobalRisksLocalProtection, Routledge,London(andNewDelhiforAsianCountries).
Chapters in books
Biggeri, M., Ferrannini, A., Mehrotra, S., Di Tommaso, M. R., & Bianchi, P. (2023). “Sustainable human development, capabilities and the new trajectories of industrial policy.”. in Bianchi et al Handbook of Industrial Development, 106. Ch. 7.
Biggeri, M., Ciani, F., Griffo, G., & Deepak, S. (2023). “Knowledge production and human rights enhancement: the role and potentialities of emancipatory disability research.” Research Handbook on Disability Policy: pp. 17-32.
Biggeri, M., & Arciprete, C. (2022), “Children as Capable Agents and Citizen: Empowering Children and Youth”. in Graciela Tonon (ed.) Social Justice for Children in the South Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, pp. 157-175.
Frediani A.A., Clark D. A. and Biggeri M. (2019), “Introductory chapter”, in D. A. Clark, M. Biggeri and A.A. Frediani (Eds), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Palgrave MacMillan
Biggeri M., Ciani F. (2019), “Emancipatory Research as Empowerment: An Illustration from a Research Study of Persons with Disabilities in Palestine”, in D. A. Clark, M. Biggeri and A.A. Frediani (Eds), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Palgrave MacMillan
Biggeri M., Arciprete C. and Karkara R. (2019), Children and Youth Participation in Decision Making and Research Processes, in D. A. Clark, M. Biggeri and A.A. Frediani (Eds), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Palgrave MacMillan, 193-221
Clark D. A., Biggeri M. and Frediani A.A. (2019), “Participation, Empowerment and Capabilities: Key Lessons and Future Challenges”, in D. A. Clark, M. Biggeri and A.A. Frediani (Eds), The Capability Approach, Empowerment and Participation: Concepts, Methods and Applications, Palgrave MacMillan, 385-401.
Biggeri M. (2019), “Children Capabilities and Agency”, in Enrica Chiappero Martinetti, Siddiq Osmani, and Mozaffar Qizilbash (eds), Cambridge Handbook of the Capability Approach, CUP Handbook, Cambridge.
Biggeri M. (2020), “Industrial Clusters in BRICS Countries: a Sustainable Human Development Perspective”, in PB Anand, Flavio Comim, Shailaja Fennell (eds), OUP Handbook, Oxford.9780198827535
Testi E., Biggeri M., Bellucci M., During R., Persson H. T. R. (2018). An introduction to social entrepreneurship in Europe. In: Mario Biggeri Enrico Testi, Marco Bellucci, Roel During H. Thomas R. Persson. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe. p. 1-12, London: Routledge.
During R., Persson H. T. R., Biggeri M., Testi E., Bellucci M. (2018). Research background, theoretical frameworks and methodologies for social entrepreneurship. In: Mario Biggeri Enrico Testi Marco Bellucci Roel During H. Thomas R. Persson. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe. p. 13-23, London: Routledge.
Bellucci M., Testi E., Franchi S., Biggeri M. (2018). Emerging managerial aspects of social entrepreneurship in Europe. In: Mario Biggeri Enrico Testi Marco Bellucci Roel During H. Thomas R. Persson. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe. p. 54-68, London: Routledge.
Testi E., Biggeri M., Colucci D., Doni N., Valori V. (2018). Are decision makers in Social Enterprises more pro-social than their peers? An analysis of production and consumption choices. In: M. Biggeri E. Testi M. Bellucci R. During and T. Persson (Eds.). Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe. p. 69-95, London: Routledge.
Biggeri M., Testi E., Ferrannini A. (2018). A framework to understand enabling ecosystems for social enterprises. In: M. Biggeri E. Testi M. Bellucci R. During and T. Persson (Eds.). Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Ecosystems for Inclusion in Europe. p. 179-199, London: Routledge
Persson H. T. R., Biggeri M., Testi E., Bellucci M., During R. (2018). Remarks and policy implications on social entrepreneurship in Europe. In: Mario Biggeri Enrico Testi Marco Bellucci Roel During H. Thomas R. Persson. Social entrepreneurship and social innovation: ecosystems for inclusion in Europe. p. 200-208, London: Routledge.
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Arciprete C. (2018). Il metodo partecipativo del focus group strutturato: caratteristiche e applicazione. In: Marina Santi Diego Di Masi. Un progetto di ricerca partecipata per una Università inclusiva. p. 77-94, Padova University Press.
Biggeri M., Mauro V. (2018). Sustainable Human Development Measurement Issues: A New Proposal. In: F. Comim S. Fennell & P. Anand. New Frontiers of the Capability Approach. p. 314-328, LONDON: Cambridge University Press
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Mauro V. (2018). Povertà e benessere multidimensionale: una prospettiva di sviluppo umano sostenibile. In: Biggeri M. Maggino F. Mauro V. (a cura di), Analisi del benessere e della povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile. p. 21-43, Pisa:Pacini editore
Biggeri M., Clark D. A., Mauro,V., Mehrotra S. (2018). La scelta delle dimensioni per l’analisi del benessere e della povertà. In: Biggeri M. Maggino F. Mauro V. (a cura di), Analisi del benessere e della povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile. p. 43-59, Pisa: Pacini Editore
Mauro V., Biggeri M., Maggino F. (2018). Metodi di aggregazione: MPI e MSI. In: Biggeri M. Maggino F. Mauro V. (a cura di), Analisi del benessere e della povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile. p. 61-79, Pisa:Pacini editore
Biggeri M., Mauro V. (2018). Sviluppo umano sostenibile a livello paese: l’indice di sviluppo umano sostenibile multidimensionale. In: Biggeri M. Maggino F. Mauro V. (a cura di), Analisi del benessere e della povertà multidimensionale nello sviluppo umano sostenibile. p. 99-112, Pisa:Pacini editore
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A. (2017), ‘Territorialità e sviluppo umano nella globalizzazione’, in V. Ianni (Ed.), Lo sviluppo nel XXI secolo. Concezioni, processi, sfide, Carrocci Editore, Roma.
Biggeri M., Arciprete C., Barbuto B., Ciani F. and Griffo G. (2017), "The role of the family in structuring the opportunities for exercising Active Citizenship among persons with disabilities ", in R. Halvorsen , Hvinden, M. Biggeri, J. Tassebro, C. E. Jarvis, A. Waldschmidt (Editors) (2017), Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe, Volume 2. Routledge, London.
Halvorsen R., Hvinden B., Biggeri M., Tassebro J., Jarvis C. E., Waldschmidt A.. (2017), "Chapter 1 Introduction", in R. Halvorsen , Hvinden, M. Biggeri, J. Tassebro, C. E. Jarvis, A. Waldschmidt (Editors) (2017), Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe, Volume 2. Routledge, London.
Halvorsen R., Hvinden B., Biggeri M., Tassebro J., Jarvis C. E., Waldschmidt A.. (2017), "Chapter 13 Conlcusions", in R. Halvorsen , Hvinden, M. Biggeri, J. Tassebro, C. E. Jarvis, A. Waldschmidt (Editors) (2017), Lived Experiences of Persons with Disabilities: Active Citizenship and Disability in Europe, Volume 2. Routledge, London.
Biggeri M. and Karkara R. (2014), “Transforming Children's Rights into Real Freedom: A Dialogue between Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach from a Life Cycle Perspective”, in Stoecklin D. and Bonvin J-M, Children’s Rights and the Capability Approach: Challenges and Prospects, Springer, Dordrecht.19-41
Borsacchi L., Ferrannini A., Biggeri M., (2014) Fostering the compliance of production processes in area with high incidence of ethnic entrepreneurship: the creation of a check-up tool in Prato industrial district, in: T. Sikora, J. Dziadkowiec (eds.) Commodity Science in Research and Practice – Towards Quality – Management Systems and Solutions, Polish Society of Commodity Science, Cracow, pp. 31-41. ISBN: 978-83938909-5-8
Ferrannini A. and Biggeri M. (2014), “L’approccio dello sviluppo umano locale nella programmazione territoriale”, in S.G. Milani (Ed.), Agenzie per lo sviluppo del territorio. Comunità, Cooperazione, Comunicazione, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Biggeri M. (2014), “Education Policies for Agency and Participation”, in C.S.Hart, M. Biggeri, B. Babic (2014) (Eds.), Agency and Participation in Childhood and Youth: International Applications of the Capability Approach in Schools and Beyond, Bloomsbury Editors.
Hart C.S., Biggeri M., Babic B. (2014), “Concluding Remarks”, in C.S.Hart, M. Biggeri, B. Babic (2014) (Eds.), Agency and Participation in Childhood and Youth: International Applications of the Capability Approach in Schools and Beyond, Bloomsbury Editors.
Biggeri M., Ferrannini A., Mauro V., Bellandi M. (2014), “Gli indici di sviluppo locale umano applicati ai territori toscani “, in Marco Bellandi and Annalisa Caloffi (eds), I nuovi distretti industriali. Rapporto di Artimino sullo sviluppo locale 2012-2013, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Chiapppero-Martinetti E. and Biggeri M. (2013), “Oltre l’agente rappresentativo e la metrica monetaria: il contributo di Amartya K. Sen”, in E. Basile, G. Lunghini, F. Volpi (2013), Pensare il Capitalismo: nuove prospettive per l’Economia Politica, Franco Angeli, Milano.
Biggeri, M., (2012), “La globalizzazione economica in Africa: una prima riflessione sull'impatto economico e sociale” in C. Fiamingo (a cura di), Africa che cambia. Processi evolutivi in Africa subsahariana: un’antologia di analisi e studi di caso, Edizioni UNICOPLI, Milano, pp. 83-99.
Bellucci M., Biggeri M and Testi E. (2011), Efficienza economica e sociale nella cooperazione toscana, in Mariani S. et al (2011), Le imprese cooperative nel sistema economico della Toscana Quinto Rapporto, IRPET Firenze.
Comim, F., Biggeri, M., Ballet, J., and Iervese V. (2011), “Introduction: Theoretical Foundations and the Book’s Roadmap” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Ballet, J., Biggeri, M. and Comim, F. (2011), “Children’s agency and the capability approach: A conceptual framework” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Biggeri, M. and Mehrotra S. (2011), “Child Poverty as Capability Deprivation: How to Choose Domains of Child Well-being and Poverty” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Biggeri, M. and Libanora R. (2011), “From Valuing to Evaluating: Tools and Procedures to Operationalize the Capability Approach” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Anich, R., Biggeri, M., Libanora, R., Mariani, S., (2011), “Street Children in Kampala and NGOs’ Action: Understanding Capabilities Deprivation and Expansion” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Biggeri, M., Ballet, J., and Bhukuth A. (2011), “Re-examining Children’s Economic and Non-Economic Activities Using the Capability Approach” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Trani,J-F,Bakhshi,P., and BiggeriM. (2011), “Re-thinking Children’s Disabilities through the Capability Lens: A Framework for Analysis and Policy Implications” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
Biggeri, M., Ballet, J., and Comim, F. (2011), “Final remarks and conclusions: the promotion of children’s active participation” in M. Biggeri, J. Ballet, F. Comim (eds), Children and the capability approach, Palgrave Macmillan.
BiggeriM.,BalletJ.andComimF.(2011), “CapabilityApproachandResearchonChildren:CapabilityApproachandChildren’sIssues”,pp75-89,inAndresen,S.;Diehm,I.;Sander,U.;Ziegler,H.(Eds.)(2011)ChildrenandtheGoodLife:NewChallengesforResearchonChildren.Children’sWell-Being:IndicatorsandResearch,Vol.4,2011,Springer.
Biggeri M., Canitano G. (2010), “Il panorama della cooperazione internazionale nel xxi secolo”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Biggeri M., Chiappero Martinetti E. (2010), “Sviluppo umano sostenibile, capability approach e cooperazione internazionale”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Bellanca N., Biggeri M., De Muro P., Vicari S. (2010), “Azione collettiva, co-sviluppo e imprese cooperative”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Biggeri M., Montagna F., Sanfilippo M. (2010), “La cooperazione internazionale Sud-Sud: il sistema di cooperazione cinese in Africa e la cooperazione tra Cuba e Venezuela”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Bellandi M., Biggeri M., Marchetta F. (2010), “Sviluppo umano locale attraverso cluster di PMI”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
Biggeri M., Pighini A. (2010), “Aiuto internazionale verso i minori: evoluzione storica: approcci, settori e prospettive”, in M. Biggeri and G. Canitano (eds), (2010), Temi avanzati di economia e politica della cooperazione internazionale allo sviluppo, FrancoAngeli, Milano.
BiggeriM.,andSanfilippoM.,(2009), “UnderstandingtheChina’sMovetoAfrica:AnEmpiricalInvestigation”,inZhongminWu(acuradi)FinancialSectorReformandInternationalIntegrationofChina,Routledge,Taylor&FrancisGroup.
BiggeriM.andSantoshMehrotra(2008) “Ilpesodelleattivitàinformalinelmercatodellavoroindiano” inGianPaoloCalchiNovati,SilvioBerettaeSimonettaCasci(Eds.)L’Indiafraigrandi:Politica,economiaesocietàsessant’annidopo,AsiaMajorNuovaSerie/2,Carocci,pp.125-144.
BiggeriM.,(2008), “LeattivitàinformalieiclustercomestrategiadisviluppoumanoedilottaallapovertàinAfricasub-sahariana” inPavanelloM,(eds)withBellancaN.,BiggeriM.eLibanoraR.,Leformedell’economiael’economiainformale,Editoririuniti.
BiggeriM.,(2008) “ChinainPerspective:FromEconomic ‘Miracle’ toHumanDevelopment?”,inAshwiniDeshpande(Ed),GlobalizationandDevelopment:AHandbookofNewPerspectives,OxfordUniversityPress,NewDelhi.
BiggeriM.,(2007), “Children’sValuedCapabilities”,inWalkerMelanieandUnterhalterElaine(Eds),AmartyaSen’sCapabilityApproachandSocialJusticeinEducation,Chapter10,pp.197-214,Palgrave,NewYork,Oxon.
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “The empirical context and a theoretical framework”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries), pp. 3 - 31
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Research Methodology”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries), pp. 32-61
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Subcontracting and Homework in the Value Chain”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries), pp. 62-81
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Homeworkers”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries)., pp. 82-122
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Child Labour in Homework households”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries) pp. 123-169
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Upgrading Informal Micro- and Small Enterprises through Clusters – Towards a Policy Agenda”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries) pp. 361-399
Mehrotra S., Biggeri M., (2007), “Extending Social Insurance to Informal Wage Workers”, in S. Mehrotra, M. Biggeri, (a cura di) (2007), Asian Informal Workers: Global Risks Local Protection Routledge, London (and Delhi for Asian Countries) pp. 400-467
BiggeriM.,(2006), “L’industrializzazionedellaCina:fasistoricheevarietàgeografiche”,inDiTommasoM.R.eBellandiM.(Eds),IlFiumedellePerle:LuoghieindustriainCinaeilconfrontoconl’Italia,Rosenberg&Sellier,Torino.
BiggeriM.,(2005), “L’industriacinese,lesuevarietà,el’importanzadelGuangdongcomelaboratorio”,inBellandiM.,BiggeriM.,(Eds)(2005),LasfidaindustrialecinesevistadallaToscanadistrettuale,L’institute,ToscanaPromozione,ConsorzioFerraraRicerche,pp.13-37
BellandiM.,BiggeriM.,(2005), “Introduzione”,inBellandiM.,BiggeriM.,(Eds)(2005),LasfidaindustrialecinesevistadallaToscanadistrettuale,L’institute,ToscanaPromozione,ConsorzioFerraraRicerche,pp.7-9.
BellandiM.,BiggeriM.,(2005), “LeprospettivedelconfrontointerdistrettualeconlaCina”,inBellandiM.,BiggeriM.,(Eds)(2005),LasfidaindustrialecinesevistadallaToscanadistrettuale,L’institute,ToscanaPromozione,ConsorzioFerraraRicerche,pp.203-211.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.(2004), “Inter-GenerationalTransferofPoverty:ChildLabourinHome-BasedManufacturinginIndiaandPakistan”,inSmallHandsinSouthAsia.ChildLabourinPerspective.EditedbyG.K.Lieten,RaviSrivastavaandSukhdeoThorat(2004)Chapter8,IDPADeManoharPublishersandDistributors,NewDelhi,India.
Working papers and conferences with proceedings
Biggeri, M., Ciani, F., & Francescutto, A. (2023). “Intersectionality and the assessment of gaps in social citizenship”. Euroship Working Paper No 27.
Arciprete, C., Biggeri, M., & Ciani, F. (2022). “Intersecting inequalities: theoretical challenges and implications for research on poverty and social exclusion in Europe”. Euroship Working Paper No. 19
Halvorsen, R., Ciani, F., Schoyen, M., Hvinden, B., Arciprete, C., Biggeri, M. (2022). “Analysing gaps in European social citizenship. The interaction of capabilities active agency and social resilience”. Euroship Working Paper No 15.
Gábos, A., Ciani, F., Tomka, Z., & Biggeri, M. (2021). “State-of-the-art review of indicators and data on poverty and social exclusion”." EUROSHIP Euroship Working Paper No. 1
Biggeri M., Colucci D., Doni N., Valori V. (2021), Good deeds, business and social responsibility in a market experiment, Working paper, DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
Biggeri M. and Ferrannini A. (2020), Framing R&I for transformative change towards sustainable development in the European Union Working paper, EC.
Borsacchi L., Biggeri M., Ferrannini A. (2018). Corporate citizenship in Prato textile organisations: Design and experimentation of the “Responsible Business Textile” label. In: XXVIII Congresso Nazionale Di Scienze Merceologiche. p. 326-332
Borsacchi L, Biggeri M, Ferrannini A (2016). Application and review of an integrated check-list to promote legal compliance and socially responsible behaviors among ethnic enterprises. In: 20th IGWT Symposium Commodity Science in a changing world. Proceedings scientific works. p. 733-740, Varna:Publishing house „Science and Economics“ University of Economics, Varna, ISBN: 978-954-21-0904-4, Varna, Bulgaria, September 12th-16th 2016
Borsacchi L, Biggeri M, Ferrannini A (2016). Needs and compliance of production processes by Chinese companies in Prato industrial district: an innovative assessment model. In: D.E.Im (Dipartimento di Economia e Impresa), Università degli Studi della Tuscia . Atti del Congresso AISME 2016 . p. 64-70, Viterbo:Cintest-Centro Innovazione Tecnologica e Sviluppo del Territorio , ISBN: 978-88-941647-0-1, Viterbo, 2-4-Marzo 2016
Bellanca N. and Biggeri M. (2013), “Capabilities and human dilemmas: how to cope with incompleteness”, n°8/2013,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
Biggeri M. (2012), “The Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): the Case of the Chinese Provinces during the Economic Transition”, C-Met Working Paper, 11/12. ISSN: 2281-5023
BiggeriM., Trani JFandMauroV.(2011), “ChildPovertyMeasurement:theCaseofAfganistan”,Workingpaper,n°18/2011,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BiggeriM.andMauroV.(2010), “ComparingHumanDevelopmentPatternsAcrossCountries:IsitPossibletoReconcileMultidimensionalMeasuresandIntuitiveAppeal?”,Workingpaper,n°15/2010,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BiggeriM.,TraniJ.-F.andBakhshiP.(2009), “Leteoriedelladisabilità:unareinterpretazioneattraversol’approcciodelleCapabilitydiAmartyaSen”,Workingpaper,n°4/2009,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BellancaN.,BiggeriM.andMarchettaF.(2009), “Ladisabilitànell’approcciodellecapability:definizioneeunmodellointerpretativo”,Workingpaper,n°5/2009,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BellancaN.andBiggeriM.(2009), “Dallecapabilityesterneallecapabilitycollettive”,Workingpaper,n°6/2009,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdegliStudidiFirenze.
BellancaN.,BiggeriM.andMarchettaF.(2009), “Strumentiperlepolicysulledisabilità”,Workingpaper,n°7/2009,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BiggeriM.(2004), “CapabilityApproachandChildrenWell-being”,Studiediscussioni,n°141,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BiggeriM.(2004), “GrowthwithDevelopment:InformalSectorandHumanDevelopmentinLow-IncomeSub-SaharanEconomies”,Studiediscussioni,n°140,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze.
BiggeriM.,GuarcelloL.,LyonS.andRosatiF.C.(2003), “Thepuzzleof “idle” children:neitherinschoolnorperformingeconomicactivity:evidencefromsixcountries”,UCWWorkingPaper,UnderstandingChildren’sWork(UCW)Project,ILO/UNICEF/WORLDBANK.
BiggeriM.(2003), “HumanResources,PhysicalInfrastructureandInstitutionalChangesinaSmallSizedFarmHouseholdsAgriculture: ‘theChineseCase’”,inPerspectiveoftheAgri-foodSystemintheNewMillennium,EditedbyFanfaniR.andBrasiliC..ProceedingsoftheAIEA2,V°InternationalSymposiumC.Bologna,5-8Sept.2001.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.(2002a), “TheSubterraneanChildLabourForce:SubcontractedHomeBasedManufacturinginAsia”.InnocentiWorkingPaper,no.96,UNICEFInnocentiResearchCentre,Florence.www.unicef.org/irc.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.(2002b), “SocialProtectionintheInformalEconomy:HomebasedWomenWorkersandOutsourcedManufacturinginAsia”,InnocentiWorkingPaper,no.97,UNICEFInnocentiResearchCentre,Florence.www.unicef.org/irc.
GiovanniniE.,Biggeri,M.(2002), “TheChineseRuralNon-AgriculturalEnterprises:EvidencefromtheFirstAgriculturalCensus”,inProceedingsoftheInternationalSeminaronChinaAgriculturalCensusResults,19-22September2000,ISCACR,FAO,Beijing,China.
MehrotraS.,BiggeriM.(2001), “ChildlabourandpovertyinHome-BasedManufacturinginIndiaandPakistan”,InternationalconferenceonChildLabourinSouthAsia,JawaharlalNehruUniversity,NewDelhi,15-17Oct..
BiggeriM.,(2001), “TheTownshipandVillageEnterprises:TheSuccessofSMEsinRuralChina”,QuaderniISESAO,UniversitàBocconi,Milan.
BiggeriM.(1999), “DeterminantsofChineseProvincialEconomicGrowthintheLastDecade:Empiricalevidenceforhumancapital,physicalinfrastructureandsectoralandinstitutionalchanges”,StudieDiscussioni,DipartimentodiScienzeEconomiche,UniversitàdiFirenze,n.114.
Luca Bagnoli, Marco Bellucci, Mario Biggeri, Carmela Nitti, Enrico Testi (2021) SROI – Social Return On Investment: un caso di studio /. - ELETTRONICO. , pp. 123-135.
With ARCO (2020) "Social Impact Assessment Report for SOS Children's Villages programme in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan", SOS Children's Villages report.
Biggeri M. and Ciani F. (2017), Women with Disabilities: ER on Well-being and Deprivations in Palestine, Report, (English and Arab), EDUCAID, MAECI, AICS.
Biggeri M., Ciani F. and Ferrannini A. (2014), “Assessing aid effectiveness of the Agricultural Value Chains Projects in Oromia (Ethiopia) funded by the Italian bilateral cooperation: An intermediate evaluation”, Report for the Overseas Agronomic Institute for (IAO) - Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE).
Biggeri M., Cornelli C., Membretti A. and Testi E. (2014), “Valutazione dell’impatto sociale del Programma per l’Oncologia Pediatrica di Soleterre ONLUS a Kiev – Ucraina”, Report for the NGO Soleterre – Strategie di Pace Onlus.
Biggeri et al. (2013), Le gravi Cerebrolesioni Acquisite (GCA) e i percorsi riabilitativi per lo sviluppo umano: Il caso del protocollo ASL 10 - ASS.C.A., Regione Toscana and PRIN.
BagnoliL.,BiggeriM.,LanzettaA.,FediC.,FredianiA.A.,OlivoM.eBonfantiS.(2007),LaprefeituradiVitóriadoMearim:strategiediintervento,Studiodifattibilità – Cooperazioneinternazionale.ComunidiPontassieveediPelago,BancadiCreditoCooperativodiPontassieveECORES,RicercaeDidatticaperl’EconomiaResponsabile,FacoltàdiEconomia – UniversitàdiFirenze,pp.1-139.
BagnoliL.,BiggeriM.,LanzettaA.(2006),LaprefeituradiVitóriadoMearim:Caratteristichesocio-economicheepotenzialitàdisviluppo,Studiodiprefattibilità – Cooperazioneinternazionale.ComunidiPontassieveediPelago,BancadiCreditoCooperativodiPontassieveECORES,RicercaeDidatticaperl’EconomiaResponsabile,FacoltàdiEconomia – UniversitàdiFirenze,pp.1-142.
Florence, 03 8 2023
Il docente dal 1 gennaio 2017 prende un numero massimo di 12 tesi annuali di cui triennali (max 8) e magistrali (max 4) e solo se legate ai propri interessi di ricerca (che sono molti).
Il docente prenderà in considerazione le tesi di dottorato solo se legate ai propri interessi di ricerca.
Mario Biggeri is Full Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Florence. Since 2010, he is Fellow of the Human Development and Capability Association. Since 2008, he is Scientific Director of ARCO (Action Research for CO-development), as well as Director of the Scientific and Ethical Committee of Yunus Social Business Center, University of Florence (funded in April 2011). He is scientific coordinator of the SPES project - Sustainability Evidence, Performance and Scenarios - project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe program. He is PI of THE The Tuscany Health ECOSYSTEM PROJECT (Spoke 10 M4). His research concentrates on sustainable human development, measurement of multidimensional development, international cooperation programs, social economy and social enterprises / social business, local sustainable human development, strategic plan for territorial development, labor informal market, collective action, the well-being of children, persons with disabilities and migrants, health care system, public engagement, multidimensional well-being and poverty measurement, impact evaluations, qualitative and quantitative research methods. He is the author and/or co-author of more than twenty books and has published numerous articles in prestigious international academic journals. He has been a consultant and advisor for UNICEF, UNDP, the World Bank, ILO, UN-Habitat, Y20, G20, and the European Commission, among others.
Prof. Mario Biggeri is married with three sons. He lives in Florence with his family in a community of MCF.
For master students:
Professor Mario Biggeri may take other one or two thesis only before the 1 April 2014.
Students already accepted to write the dissertation, with prof. Biggeri as supervisor, are invited to contact him asap.