** DATI ANAGRAFICI nome e cognome: MATTEO FOCARDI. codice fiscale: FCRMTT73T27D612P. luogo e data di nascita: Firenze 27 Dicembre 1973, cittadinanza italiana. ruolo: Professore Ordinario in Analisi Matematica, presso la Università degli Studi di Firenze. indirizzo: DiMaI ``Ulisse Dini'', V.le Morgagni 67/A, 50134, Firenze, Italy. telefono/fax: +39-055-4237136, +39-055-4222695 e-mail: matteo.focardi@unifi.it homepage: https://people.dimai.unifi.it/focardi/index.html
** ISTRUZIONE1987-1992: Diploma di Maturita' Scientifica presso il liceo Scientifico ``A.M.E. Agnoletti'' di Sesto Fiorentino (FI), con la votazione di 60/60; 1992-1996: Laurea in Scienze Matematiche presso l'UNIFI (votazione 110/110 con lode). Relatrice Prof.ssa E. Mascolo, titolo della tesi ``Semicontinuità di Funzionali Vettoriali nella Classe di Orlicz-Sobolev'' (discussione 25.10.96); 1997: Borsa di Studio junior INdAM, presso l'Universita' ``La Sapienza'' di Roma; 1998-2000: Perfezionamento in Matematica presso SNS di Pisa (votazione 70/70 con lode). Relatore Prof. L. Ambrosio, titolo della tesi ``Variational Approximation of Vectorial Free-Discontinuity Problems: the Discrete and Continuous case'' (discussione 14.06.2002). * POSIZIONI 1.09.21-oggi: Professore Ordinario presso il DiMaI, UNIFI;
1.11.14-30.08.21: Professore Associato presso il DiMaI, UNIFI; 1.09.00-31.10.14: Ricercatore presso il DiMaI, UNIFI; 2003: Postdoc presso il Max Planck Institut fur Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften a Lipsia (D)
Matteo Focardi, born in 1973 in Firenze (Italy), Italian citizen** Positions2021-today: Full Professor at the U. Firenze2017: National Italian habilitation as Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis2014-2021: Associate Professor at the U. Firenze2000-2014: Research associate at the U. Firenze2013: Research fellow at the Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften in Leipzig2013: National Italian habilitation as Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis2003: Postdoc at the Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften in Leipzig2002: Perfezionamento in Matematica (Ph.D.) at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa1996: Master Degree in Mathematics at the U. Firenze** TeachingI have been teaching since the a.y. 2000-01 in the ensuing Corsi di Laurea (undergraduate and/or master)of the U. Firenze: Biotecnologie, Fisica, Matematica, Scienze Biologiche* Ph.D. courses and schools2021: “Γ-convergenza e applicazioni alla teoria dell’elasticità”, 20/40 ore, Dottorato in Matematica, Informatica e Statistica, DiMaI, U. Firenze, U. Perugia, INdAM.2018: “An introduction to BV functions and Γ-convergence”, ModeMat - Escuela Politècnica Nacional, Quito (EC)2014: “School on Free Discontinuity problems”, Centro De Giorgi Pisa2008: “Una introduzione alla Γ-convergenza”, Dottorato in Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica, U. Firenze* Mentoring2 Postdocs1 Ph.D. student3 master students2 undergraduate students** ResearchI am (co-)author of about 50 papers published in international journals on Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory, and PDEs.* Bibliometric information on my publications:- 52 articles in scientific journals- 2 articles in conference proceedings- 1 chapter in collective volumes- 1 editorial* Citations (as of 18/02/2022):- Scopus: 50 cited documents, 488 citations (h-index 13), 393 citations excluding self citations (h-index 10),355 citations excluding self-citations of all authors (h-index 10)- ISI Web of Knowledge: 44 cited documents, 414 citations (h-index 11), 267 citing articles,353 citations excluding self-citations, 237 citing articles without self-citations- MR Citation Database: 53 publications, 430 citations by 282 authors* Main contributions- Homogenization of non-local obstacle functionals- Regularity for the jump set of Mumford-Shah (almost-)minimizers- Phase-field approximation via Gamma-convergence of models in fracture mechanics- Free boundary regularity for thin and thick obstacle problems* CollaboratorsM. Cicalese (TUM München), S. Conti (HCM Bonn), G. Cupini (U. Bologna), C. De Lellis (IAS Princeton),N. Fusco (U. Napoli), A. Garroni (U. Roma La Sapienza), M.S. Gelli (U. Pisa), F. Iurlano (CNRS, Sorbonne U.),F. Leonetti (U. L’Aquila), P. Marcellini (U. Firenze), P.M. Mariano (U. Firenze), E. Mascolo (U. Firenze), M. Ponsiglione (U. Roma La Sapienza), E. Spadaro (U. Roma La Sapienza), N. Van Goethem (U. Lisboa), C.I. Zeppieri (U. Münster)* Scientific visits- Universities: Zürich, Marne-la-Vallèe, Minnesota, Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, Roma Tor Vergata, EPFL Lausanne, Politécnica de Madrid, Napoli Federico II, Würzburg, Parma, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Roma La Sapienza, TU München, Leipzig, Pavia, Torino, Univ. of Sussex- Istitutions: Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig, Centro De Giorgi Pisa, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Bonn* Workshops and invited talks (last 3 years)2021:- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Regularity Theory for Free Boundary and Geometric Variational Problems, Levico Terme- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Nonlinear Potential Theoretic Methods in Partial Differential Equations, Banff, online meeting- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science - MS21, online meeting- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Seminario de Investigación del Centro de Modelización Matemática - Modemat de la EPN- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Mathematics Colloquium, Universität Münster2020:- “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Incontri di Analisi Matematica tra Firenze, Pisa e Siena, online meeting2019:- “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, workshop “Modeling of Crystalline Interfaces and Thin Film Structures”, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Wien- “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, workshop “Regularity aspects in linear growth problems”, Augsburg- “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, Turkey-Italy Colloquium on Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, Hacettepe U., Ankara- “The measure and the structure of the free boundary in the lower dimensional obstacle problem”, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis and Calculus of Variations, U. Torino- “The measure and the structure of the free boundary in the lower dimensional obstacle problem”, U. Pavia- “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, Levico Terme (TN)* Organization of schools and workshops2022:- “Advances in Calculus of Variations”, Naples2019:- “Two days in CalcVar&PDEs”, Bologna- “Geometric Measure Theory and Applications. From Geometric Analysis to Free Boundary Problems”, CIME Summer School, Cetraro2018:- “Workshop on dynamical systems, calculus of variations and control”, Firenze2017:- “New Trends on Calculus of Variations and PDE’s”, Firenze-Montecatini- “Harnack’s inequalities and nonlinear operators”, Cortona2009:- “Workshop on Calculus of Variations and PDEs”, Firenze2005:- “Weekend di Calcolo delle Variazioni - Workshop a Firenze”, Firenze* Coordination of research projects- PRIN 2015 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni”, Firenze local unit coordinator (9.11.2017-5.02.20)- Bando Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 2020, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze -“Struttura della frontiera libera per soluzioni di problemi di ostacolo sottile”, progetto individuale- Bando Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 2015, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze -“Materiali intelligenti: l’analisi matematica al servizio delle applicazioni”, coordinatore negli a.a. 2017-2019- GNAMPA 2020 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali: vincoli unilaterali ed equazioni non uniformemente ellittiche”- GNAMPA 2017 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali d’ostacolo e libero”- GNAMPA 2015 - “Regolarità per problemi di Analisi Geometrica e del Calcolo delle Variazioni”- GNAMPA 2013 - “Semicontinuità e regolarità in problemi variazionali”- GNAMPA 2013 - programma Professori Visitatori, guest Prof. E. Spadaro- GNAMPA 2010 - “Semicontinuità di funzionali definiti su mappe multivoche, vettoriali e problemi collegati”* Participation in research projects- PRIN 2015 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni”- PRIN 2010 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni”- PRIN 2008 - “Equazioni ellittiche: problemi vettoriali e regolarità”- PRIN 2006 - “Equazioni ellittiche e paraboliche: problemi vettoriali e regolarità”- PRIN 2004 - “Calcolo delle variazioni: problemi vettoriali e regolarità”- PRIN 2002 - “Equazioni e sistemi differenziali nonlineari degeneri: esistenza e regolarità”- PRIN 2000 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni”- GNAMPA 2019 - “Regolarità per equazioni non uniformemente ellittiche e nel Calcolo delle Variazioni”- GNAMPA 2018 - “Regolarità per problemi ellittici e del calcolo delle variazioni: non convessi, discontinui, degeneri, singolari”- GNAMPA 2016 - “Regolarità per problemi ellittici e di teoria geometrica della misura”- GNAMPA 2014 - “Metodi variazionali per la meccanica e i materiali”- GNAMPA 2012 - “Esistenza e regolarità per problemi vettoriali e variazionali”- GNAMPA 2011 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali non lineari e questioni connesse”- GNAMPA 2008 - “Analisi di stati stazionari e fenomeni di evoluzione dissipativa nei corpi complessi”- GNAMPA 2004 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple”- GNAMPA 2003 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple”- GNAMPA 2002 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple”* Miscellaneous scientific activities- I have participated in several committees of evaluation of Ph.D. candidates- Referee for the ensuing journals: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, ESAIM COCV, DCDS-B, ZAMM, MMAS, Physica D,IFB, JDE, Applicable Analysis, IFB, Calc. Var. & PDEs, CPDE, ARMA, Advances in Calculus of Variations, JFA, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A, IMRN, Philosophical Transactions A, JNLS, Advances in Mathematics, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Duke Mathematical Journal, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, AMPA, JEMS, Publications mathématiques de l’IHÉS, Mathematische Annalen, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées.** Service* Ph.D. School in Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics - U. Firenze, U. Perugia, INdAM2021-today: Coordinator2013-2021: Member of the board and Mathematics Curriculum Referent* Corso di Laurea in Matematica2016-2021: Gruppo del Riesame (coordinator)2016-2021: Commissione Tesi2016-2021: Commissione Compiti Didattici2014-2015: Gruppo del Riesame (member)* Mathematics and Computer Science Department2018-2021: Commissione Internazionalizzazione2012-today: Commissione Sicurezza
A complete an up-to-dated version of the CV can be found at the link https://people.dimai.unifi.it/focardi/curriculum/Focardi_Vitae.pdf
My research is devoted to Calculus of Variations and Geometric Measure Theory.
I first studied both the lower semicontinuity properties of integral functionals
having non-standard growth and the asymptotic analysis by means of
Gamma-convergence of some variational problems coming from applied sciences.
In particular, in my PhD Thesis I focused on the variational approximation of
free-discontinuity problems for vector valued maps, both in a discrete and a continuous setting.
My interests were then driven towards naturally related homogenization and relaxation
More recently, apart from continuing the issues quoted above, I started to investigate new topics:
(i) convergence problems for variational numerical schemes,
(ii) homogenization for obstacle problems for non-local energies,
(iii) lower semicontinuity properties for quasiconvex energies defined on Sobolev maps
taking values in non-flat spaces,
(iv) regularity properties for minimizers of the Mumford-Shah energy,
(v) regularity properties for solutions of the classical obstacle problems in case
the matrix of the coefficients of the relevant quadratic form is only Lipschitz continuous,
(vi) lower semicontinuity properties for non-coercive polyconvex energies in the limit case
for the admissible weak topology,
(vii) variational approximation of cohesive fracture (type) models in Fracture Mechanics and
related issues,
(viii) abstract regularity results, i.e. stratification of the singular set for solutions to
variational problems or of PDEs arising in problems of geometric analysis,
(ix) a variational approach to Weiss' epiperimetric inequality for obstacle problems,
(x) regularity for minimizers of the thin obstacle problems.
In addition, I wrote an up-to-date survey paper on $Gamma$-convergence theoryand a survey paper on some sharp regularity properties for local minimizers of the Mumford-Shah energy. Moreover, a simplied proof of a classical lower semicontinuity result dating back to Morrey has been provided.
I am author of about fifty research papers published on international journals.
** PERSONAL DATA name/surname: MATTEO FOCARDI birth place/date: Firenze 27 Dicembre 1973, Italian citizenship position: Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis at Università di Firenze. address: DiMaI ``U. Dini'', V.le Morgagni 67/A, 50134, Firenze, Italy telefono/fax: +39-055-2751442, e-mail: matteo.focardi@unifi.ithomepage: https://people.dimai.unifi.it/focardi/index.html
** EDUCATION 1998-2000: Perfezionamento in Matematica at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, final grade: summa cum laude. Advisor Prof. Luigi Ambrosio, thesis title ``Variational Approximation of Vectorial Free-Discontinuity Problems: the Discrete and the Continuous case'', defended on 14.06.021997: INdAM junior scholarship, courses held at Universita' di Roma ``La Sapienza''1992-1996: Laurea in Matematica at Università di Firenze, final grade: summa cum laude. Advisor Prof. Elvira Mascolo, thesis title "Lower Semicontinuity of vector valued functionals in Orlicz-Sobolev spaces'', defended on 25.10.96** POSITIONS1.09.21-Present: Full Professor at the DiMaI, University of Florence,
2017: national Italian habilitation as Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis
1.11.14-30.08.21: Associate Professor at the DiMaI, University of Florence, 2012: national Italian habilitation as Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis2003: postdoc position at MPI Leipzig, from 16.03.03 to 27.07.032000-2014: Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Florence, since 1.09.00 to 31.10.14
Matteo Focardi, born in 1973 in Firenze (Italy), Italian citizen ** Positions 2021-today: Full Professor at the U. Firenze 2017: National Italian habilitation as Full Professor in Mathematical Analysis 2014-2021: Associate Professor at the U. Firenze 2000-2014: Research associate at the U. Firenze 2013: Research fellow at the Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften in Leipzig 2013: National Italian habilitation as Associate Professor in Mathematical Analysis 2003: Postdoc at the Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften in Leipzig 2002: Perfezionamento in Matematica (Ph.D.) at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 1996: Master Degree in Mathematics at the U. Firenze ** Teaching I have been teaching since the a.y. 2000-01 in the ensuing Corsi di Laurea (undergraduate and/or master) of the U. Firenze: Biotecnologie, Fisica, Matematica, Scienze Biologiche * Ph.D. courses and schools 2021: “Γ-convergenza e applicazioni alla teoria dell’elasticità”, 20/40 ore, Dottorato in Matematica, Informatica e Statistica, DiMaI, U. Firenze, U. Perugia, INdAM. 2018: “An introduction to BV functions and Γ-convergence”, ModeMat - Escuela Politècnica Nacional, Quito (EC) 2014: “School on Free Discontinuity problems”, Centro De Giorgi Pisa 2008: “Una introduzione alla Γ-convergenza”, Dottorato in Matematica, Dipartimento di Matematica, U. Firenze * Mentoring 2 Postdocs 1 Ph.D. student 3 master students 2 undergraduate students ** Research I am (co-)author of about 50 papers published in international journals on Calculus of Variations, Geometric Measure Theory, and PDEs. * Bibliometric information on my publications: - 52 articles in scientific journals - 2 articles in conference proceedings - 1 chapter in collective volumes - 1 editorial * Citations (as of 18/02/2022): - Scopus: 50 cited documents, 488 citations (h-index 13), 393 citations excluding self citations (h-index 10), 355 citations excluding self-citations of all authors (h-index 10) - ISI Web of Knowledge: 44 cited documents, 414 citations (h-index 11), 267 citing articles, 353 citations excluding self-citations, 237 citing articles without self-citations - MR Citation Database: 53 publications, 430 citations by 282 authors * Main contributions - Homogenization of non-local obstacle functionals - Regularity for the jump set of Mumford-Shah (almost-)minimizers - Phase-field approximation via Gamma-convergence of models in fracture mechanics - Free boundary regularity for thin and thick obstacle problems * Collaborators M. Cicalese (TUM München), S. Conti (HCM Bonn), G. Cupini (U. Bologna), C. De Lellis (IAS Princeton), N. Fusco (U. Napoli), A. Garroni (U. Roma La Sapienza), M.S. Gelli (U. Pisa), F. Iurlano (CNRS, Sorbonne U.), F. Leonetti (U. L’Aquila), P. Marcellini (U. Firenze), P.M. Mariano (U. Firenze), E. Mascolo (U. Firenze), M. Ponsiglione (U. Roma La Sapienza), E. Spadaro (U. Roma La Sapienza), N. Van Goethem (U. Lisboa), C.I. Zeppieri (U. Münster) * Scientific visits - Universities: Zürich, Marne-la-Vallèe, Minnesota, Carnegie Mellon Univ. Pittsburgh, Roma Tor Vergata, EPFL Lausanne, Politécnica de Madrid, Napoli Federico II, Würzburg, Parma, The Univ. of Texas at Austin, Roma La Sapienza, TU München, Leipzig, Pavia, Torino, Univ. of Sussex - Istitutions: Max Planck Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig, Centro De Giorgi Pisa, Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Bonn * Workshops and invited talks (last 3 years) 2021: - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Regularity Theory for Free Boundary and Geometric Variational Problems, Levico Terme - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Nonlinear Potential Theoretic Methods in Partial Differential Equations, Banff, online meeting - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science - MS21, online meeting - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Seminario de Investigación del Centro de Modelización Matemática - Modemat de la EPN - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Mathematics Colloquium, Universität Münster 2020: - “On the regularity of singular sets of minimizers for the Mumford-Shah energy”, Incontri di Analisi Matematica tra Firenze, Pisa e Siena, online meeting 2019: - “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, workshop “Modeling of Crystalline Interfaces and Thin Film Structures”, Erwin Schrödinger Institute, Wien - “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, workshop “Regularity aspects in linear growth problems”, Augsburg - “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, Turkey-Italy Colloquium on Applied Analysis and Differential Equations, Hacettepe U., Ankara - “The measure and the structure of the free boundary in the lower dimensional obstacle problem”, Topics in Nonlinear Analysis and Calculus of Variations, U. Torino - “The measure and the structure of the free boundary in the lower dimensional obstacle problem”, U. Pavia - “How a minimal surface leaves a thin obstacle”, Levico Terme (TN) * Organization of schools and workshops 2022: - “Advances in Calculus of Variations”, Naples 2019: - “Two days in CalcVar&PDEs”, Bologna - “Geometric Measure Theory and Applications. From Geometric Analysis to Free Boundary Problems”, CIME Summer School, Cetraro 2018: - “Workshop on dynamical systems, calculus of variations and control”, Firenze 2017: - “New Trends on Calculus of Variations and PDE’s”, Firenze-Montecatini - “Harnack’s inequalities and nonlinear operators”, Cortona 2009: - “Workshop on Calculus of Variations and PDEs”, Firenze 2005: - “Weekend di Calcolo delle Variazioni - Workshop a Firenze”, Firenze * Coordination of research projects - PRIN 2015 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni”, Firenze local unit coordinator (9.11.2017-5.02.20) - Bando Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 2020, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - “Struttura della frontiera libera per soluzioni di problemi di ostacolo sottile”, progetto individuale - Bando Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica 2015, Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze - “Materiali intelligenti: l’analisi matematica al servizio delle applicazioni”, coordinatore negli a.a. 2017-2019 - GNAMPA 2020 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali: vincoli unilaterali ed equazioni non uniformemente ellittiche” - GNAMPA 2017 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali d’ostacolo e libero” - GNAMPA 2015 - “Regolarità per problemi di Analisi Geometrica e del Calcolo delle Variazioni” - GNAMPA 2013 - “Semicontinuità e regolarità in problemi variazionali” - GNAMPA 2013 - programma Professori Visitatori, guest Prof. E. Spadaro - GNAMPA 2010 - “Semicontinuità di funzionali definiti su mappe multivoche, vettoriali e problemi collegati” * Participation in research projects - PRIN 2015 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni” - PRIN 2010 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni” - PRIN 2008 - “Equazioni ellittiche: problemi vettoriali e regolarità” - PRIN 2006 - “Equazioni ellittiche e paraboliche: problemi vettoriali e regolarità” - PRIN 2004 - “Calcolo delle variazioni: problemi vettoriali e regolarità” - PRIN 2002 - “Equazioni e sistemi differenziali nonlineari degeneri: esistenza e regolarità” - PRIN 2000 - “Calcolo delle Variazioni” - GNAMPA 2019 - “Regolarità per equazioni non uniformemente ellittiche e nel Calcolo delle Variazioni” - GNAMPA 2018 - “Regolarità per problemi ellittici e del calcolo delle variazioni: non convessi, discontinui, degeneri, singolari” - GNAMPA 2016 - “Regolarità per problemi ellittici e di teoria geometrica della misura” - GNAMPA 2014 - “Metodi variazionali per la meccanica e i materiali” - GNAMPA 2012 - “Esistenza e regolarità per problemi vettoriali e variazionali” - GNAMPA 2011 - “Regolarità per problemi variazionali non lineari e questioni connesse” - GNAMPA 2008 - “Analisi di stati stazionari e fenomeni di evoluzione dissipativa nei corpi complessi” - GNAMPA 2004 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple” - GNAMPA 2003 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple” - GNAMPA 2002 - “Tecniche di omogeneizzazione e metodi asintotici per problemi a scale multiple” * Miscellaneous scientific activities - I have participated in several committees of evaluation of Ph.D. candidates - Referee for the ensuing journals: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, ESAIM COCV, DCDS-B, ZAMM, MMAS, Physica D, IFB, JDE, Applicable Analysis, IFB, Calc. Var. & PDEs, CPDE, ARMA, Advances in Calculus of Variations, JFA, Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, The Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Section A, IMRN, Philosophical Transactions A, JNLS, Advances in Mathematics, Indiana University Mathematics Journal, Duke Mathematical Journal, Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, AMPA, JEMS, Publications mathématiques de l’IHÉS, Mathematische Annalen, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. ** Service * Ph.D. School in Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics - U. Firenze, U. Perugia, INdAM 2021-today: Coordinator 2013-2021: Member of the board and Mathematics Curriculum Referent * Corso di Laurea in Matematica 2016-2021: Gruppo del Riesame (coordinator) 2016-2021: Commissione Tesi 2016-2021: Commissione Compiti Didattici 2014-2015: Gruppo del Riesame (member) * Mathematics and Computer Science Department 2018-2021: Commissione Internazionalizzazione 2012-today: Commissione Sicurezza