ONLINE tutti i Mercoledì - ore 18:00 -
Nato il 06/03/1959 a Sannicola (Lecce). Sposato con un figlio.
Architetto, Designer, Dottore di Ricerca e Professore Associato in Design (Icar/13) insegna presso il Dipartimento di Architettura – DIDA dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze nei Corsi di Laurea triennali, magistrali in Design e in Fashion System oltre che al Master di Interior Design e al Dottorato.Direttore di sede del Design Campus è responsabile scientifico del Laboratorio Modelli per il Design, dello Smart Lighting Design Lab e del 2D-3D Virtual Reality Lab con il MICC (Centro per la Comunicazione e l'Integrazione dei Media). È membro del comitato coordinatore del Master Interior Design. Fa parte del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura e Design. Presidente della commissione esaminatrice del XXXVII Dottorato di Ricerca in Design. È membro dei comitati di indirizzo per la didattica nei settori Design e Fashion dell’UniFi. Membro comitato scientifico Fondazione Manzoni – Arte e Design. Consigliere permanente del comitato scientifico internazionale dell’ Electronic Imaging & The Visual Art.Gli attuali interessi accademici riguardano gli aspetti metodologici sullo sviluppo dei processi creativi relazionati all'evoluzione degli aspetti percettivi trasportati della cultura di massa. Particolare importanza assume lo studio delle modalità di approccio alla identificazione dei problemi e alla riconoscibilità delle influenze esercitate da diversi agenti sulla creatività nel progetto.Suoi studi scientifici sono incentrati sulle problematiche inerenti l'innovazione dei processi e dei prodotti di design in rapporto ai nuovi materiali e nuove tecnologie soprattutto sensibili a paradigmi per lo sviluppo sostenibile e la transizione Green.Svolge particolari ricerche presso Smart Lighting Design Lab strettamente orientate a sperimentare applicazioni di pigmenti fotoluminescenti come vantaggio per illuminare a costo zero. Come responsabile scientifico R&S dell’azienda Lucedentro è progettista di alcune strutture e apparati illuminotecnici ed è promotore di varie iniziative per divulgare e incentivare l’evoluzione della cultura percettiva della luce grazie alla Fotoluminescenza efficace al risparmio energetico. In relazione alla domotica ha in corso studi sulle qualità cromatiche degli ambienti illuminati con tecnologie Led e a Fibra Ottica. In collaborazione con CNR-INO e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria DINFO dell’ateneo fiorentino sperimenta le applicazioni e l’ottimizzazione della tecnologia LiFi che permette la trasmissione dati e la connessione ad internet attraverso la stessa sorgente luminosa utilizzata per illuminare.I suoi studi e ricerche sono commissionati da aziende design oriented, da enti e da istituzioni pubbliche e private. Progetta allestimenti principalmente a carattere istituzionale per la divulgazione dei risultati scientifici ed è ideatore e curatore di mostre ed eventi nel settore del design e dell’arti applicate. Ha pubblicato studi sull’incidenza del design nell’innovazione sia di prodotti della tradizione sia di nuove invenzioni prestazionali. Fa parte di alcuni comitati scientifici editoriali tra cui il DidaPress del FUP - Firenze University Press. Ha partecipato a concorsi nazionali e internazionali ricevendone attestazioni di merito. Suoi progetti sono stati esposti in mostre e competizioni nazionali ed internazionali e sono stati segnalati e recensiti da riviste di settore e da vari organi di informazione.
Architetto, Designer, Dottore di Ricerca e Professore Associato in Design (Icar/13) è Docente presso il Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA - Università degli Studi di Firenze - dei seguenti corsi:
E' stato anche docente per Corso di Laurea interfacoltà di Cultura e Progettazione della Moda / Università di Firenze (CdL disattivato nel 2010) e del "Laboratorio di Interior Design" (icar/13) per il Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Design fino all'A.A. 2020/2021.La sua formazione scientifica è concentrata sulle problematiche inerenti l'innovazione dei processi e dei prodotti di design in rapporto ai nuovi materiali e nuove tecnologie soprattutto se rivolte alla assunzione di paradigmi per lo sviluppo sostenibile: rispetto ambientale, risparmio delle risorse e dei materiali senza mai rinunciare all'innovazione formale.Gli attuali interessi scientifici riguardano gli aspetti metodologici dello sviluppo del processo creativo relazionato all'evoluzione dei sistemi di processo.Particolare importanza assume lo studio delle modalità di approccio alla identificazione dei problemi e alla riconoscibilità relazionale delle influenze esercitate da diversi agenti sulla creatività nel progetto.Come Professore Associato svolge ricerche accademiche sui materiali innovativi focalizzando studi e sperimentazioni soprattutto sulle esplorazioni degli aspetti applicativi e sulle dinamiche progettuali delle potenzialità prestazionali dei nuovi materiali.Il suo maggiore contributo scientifico si può caratterizzare nella capacità di espletare un'attenta lettura sull'incidenza dell'innovazione tecnologica nella cultura del progetto sapendone trasformare le potenzialità in risorsa per il progetto.Ha prodotto studi mirati sul fattore di reciprocità tra i saperi di un territorio e la pratica del sapere creativo. Studi e ricerche che hanno avuto come finalità lo scambio sinergico tra il perseverare della perpetua unicità che ha l'artigianato e la permanenza della variabilità espressa dal design. In questo filone di ricerca si inseriscono le numerose sperimentazioni progettuali avviate attraverso workshop istituzionali promossi nell'ambito del food design legato ai prodotti tipici.Nel settore dell'exhibition design, ha sviluppato, con crescente interesse, ricerche sul carattere performativo dei luoghi superando il semplice effetto estetico, rivolgendosi piuttosto all'esperienza sensoriale completa in quanto fattore globale della percezione e della comunicazione.Nel corso dell'attività didattica ha studiato alcuni aspetti del progetto per gli allestimenti particolarmente sensibili all'incidenza delle innovazioni tecnologiche sulle dinamiche culturali, ossia: la proposta e la fruizione di luoghi emozionali. Uno studio orientato a ciò che si può definire "design dell'esperienza" sia nelle capacità percettive che espressive.Da tempo approfondisce lo studio sugli aspetti della rappresentazione visiva del pensiero analitico e progettuale che traducono e trasferiscono un'idea in prodotto. Rientrano in questo studio, oltre alle convenzionali declinazioni del disegno, anche vari strumenti di rappresentazione grafica: modellazione virtuale 3D e prototipazione rapida utilizzati come tecniche di comunicazione per il trasferimento delle idee e dei processi costruttivi.Studi puntuali riguardano l'interazione tra eidomatica e l'attuale possibilità di trasferimento di know-how trasversale agli ambiti disciplinari.Ha sviluppato un particolare interesse per le metodologie didattiche e per gli strumenti operativi che le accompagnano specie se strettamente relazionate a quanto la cultura del progetto riesce ad incidere sui processi decisionali, in particolare, sui fattori che influenzano scelte di tipo incrementale per il valore del prodotto.Le ricerche intraprese sulle capacità del Design di imprimere, secondo il suo compito "storico", significato al nuovo, rendendolo comprensibile e comunicabile, ma soprattutto oggi, più che mai accettabile, hanno seguito una prassi trans-disciplinare corrispondente alla multi-dimensionalità delle variabili a cui sono sottoposte le straordinarie trasformazioni dei prodotti.I risultati raggiunti sono scaturiti dalle diverse impostazioni metodologiche con le quali ha impostato i suoi studi.Di volta in volta rispetto allo specifico tema di ricerca, gli aspetti significativi della cultura del progettosono stati categorizzati secondo i principali aspetti che, nel consesso della cultura internazionale di area,sono ritenuti i fondanti approcci metodologici allo studio della disciplina, ossia:
Complessivamente tutte le sue attività esercitate nell'ambito delle tematiche oggetto della propria esperienza di ricercatore perseguono l'obiettivo di contribuire all'avanzamento della cultura operativa progettuale.I risultati di questa finalità sono riconducibili alla produzione scientifica espressa sia a livello didattico che di prodotti divulgativi.Il contributo consiste in una attenta lettura dell'incidenza dell'innovazione tecnologica, specie nei casi in cui la tecnologia viene intesa come risorsa per il progetto.Per ciò che riguarda l'esperienza didattica, l'esercizio di tale attività è svolto come un continuo stimolo all'aggiornamento e alla revisione critica della disciplina. Molti dei risultati, acquisiti attraverso la parallela ricerca scientifica, sono riversati nei contenuti dei vari programmi didattici esaltandone la pratica di interscambiabilità adottata come strumento metodologico avvalendosi del carattere di trasversalità, rispetto ai settori specifici, tipico dell'ambito disciplinare.Nella ricerca, prevalentemente applicativa, ha prodotto risultati di tipo operativo spendibili sul piano della progettazione e consulenza per le aziende e nella definizione di briefing di progetto oltre che nella definizione di linee guida per le procedure di processo costruttivo.Gran parte delle competenze acquisite, così come la validità dei risultati scientifici conseguiti, sono riscontrabili nella produzione scientifica, nelle pubblicazioni e nelle attività culturali espresse con continuità sin dalla fase di formazione accademica.Ha pubblicato studi di documentazione e applicazione sulla capacità del design di innovare e di meglio presentare sia prodotti della tradizione sia nuove invenzioni prestazionali.I suoi studi e ricerche sono commissionati da aziende design oriented, da enti e da istituzioni pubbliche e private.Progetta allestimenti principalmente a carattere istituzionale ed è ideatore e curatore di mostre ed eventi nel settore del design.Ha partecipato a concorsi nazionali e internazionali ricevendone attestazioni di merito.Suoi progetti sono stati esposti in mostre e competizioni nazionali ed internazionali e sono stati segnalati e recensiti da riviste di settore e da organi di informazione locale e nazionale.
Svolge ricerche sui materiali innovativi, studi e sperimentazioni sugli aspetti applicativi dei nuovi materiali sulle dinamiche progettuali. Il suo contributo scientifico si caratterizza per la capacità di espletare un’attenta lettura sull’incidenza dell’innovazione tecnologica nella cultura del progetto sapendone trasformare le potenzialità in risorsa.
Ha pubblicato studi di documentazione e sulle applicazioni del design in prodotti sia della tradizione artigianale che realizzati con nuove tecnologie sperimentali.Progettista di oggetti, di complementi d’arredo, di accessori per la moda e di allestimenti, oltre che ideatore e curatore di mostre ed eventi nel settore del design.Ha partecipato a concorsi nazionali e internazionali ricevendone attestazioni di merito.Suoi progetti sono stati esposti in mostre e competizioni nazionali ed internazionali e sono stati segnalati e recensiti da riviste e da organi di informazione di vari settori.
Born on 06/03/1959 in Sannicola (Lecce). Married with one son.
Architect, Designer, PhD and Associate Professor in Design (Icar/13), he teaches at the Department of Architecture - DIDA of the University of Florence in the three-year degree courses, the master's degree courses in Design and Fashion System as well as the Master of Interior Design and the PhD.
Director of the Design Campus is scientifically responsible for the Modelling for Design Laboratory, the Smart Lighting Design Lab, and the 2D-3D Virtual Reality Lab with the MICC (Centre for Media Communication and Integration). He is a member of the coordinating committee of the Interior Design Master. He is a member of the teaching board of the PhD in Architecture and Design. Chairman of the examination board for the XXXVII PhD in Design. Member of the steering committees for didactics in the Design and Fashion sectors at UniFi. Member of the scientific committee of Fondazione Manzoni - Art and Design. Permanent advisor of the international scientific committee of Electronic Imaging & The Visual Art.
Her current academic interests concern the methodological aspects of creative processes related to the evolution of perceptual aspects transported by mass culture. Particular importance is given to the study of the approach to identifying problems and recognising the influences exerted by different agents on creativity in the project.
His scientific studies focus on the problems inherent in the innovation of design processes and products concerning new materials and technologies, susceptible to paradigms for sustainable development and the Green transition.
He carries out detailed research at Smart Lighting Design Lab strictly oriented to experiment with applications of photoluminescent pigments as an advantage to illuminate at zero cost. As scientific R&D manager of the Lucedentro company, he designs several lighting structures and equipment. He promotes various initiatives to disseminate and encourage the evolution of the culture of light perception thanks to photoluminescence, which effectively saves energy. He is currently studying the chromatic quality of environments illuminated with LED and optical fibre technologies about domotics. In collaboration with CNR-INO and the DINFO Engineering Department of the University of Florence, he is experimenting with the applications and optimisation of LiFi technology, which allows data transmission and internet connection through the same light source used for lighting.
His studies and research are commissioned by design-oriented companies, public and private bodies and institutions. He designs installations mainly of an institutional nature to disseminate scientific results and is the creator and curator of exhibitions and events in the field of design and applied arts. He has published studies on the impact of design in the innovation of both traditional products and new performance inventions. He is a member of several scientific editorial committees, including DidaPress of FUP - Firenze University Press. He has participated in national and international competitions, receiving certificates of merit. His projects have been exhibited in national and international exhibitions and competitions and mentioned and reviewed in trade magazines and various media. Translated with (free version)
01.06.2018 / in progressMember of the Steering Committee for the Design and Fashion Sector2016 / in progressScientific Director Joint Laboratory "Lighting Smart Lab"Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2016/2020Member of the Steering Committee and Self-evaluationDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2016 / in progressDelegate for Alternating School/Work for the Industrial Design SectionDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2016 / in progressPresident of the "Campus Design Laboratories" ClusterDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2014/2019Headquarters referent SID - Italian Society of Design2013 / in progressScientific Responsible "2D-3D and Virtual Reality Laboratory" with MICC (Centre for Media Communication and Integration)Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013 / in progressScientific Director "Models for Design Laboratory" - DIDALabs Laboratory SystemDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013 / in progressMember of the Commission for Institutional Web Communication and PromotionDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013 / in progressCoordinating Committee Master I level "Interior Design"Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2012 / in progressEditor of the website of the three-year degree and master's degree courses in Design of the School of ArchitectureUniversity of Florence2012 / in progressDirector of DESIGN CAMPUSDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2011 / in progressTutor Stage and internships - CDL in Fashion DesignUniversity of Florence2010 / in progressBoard of teachers of the PhD in Architecture - Design addressDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2007 / in progressTutor Stage and internships - CDL in Industrial Design and Magistral in DesignUniversity of Florence
2020Academic Working Invitation "Henan Center for Outstanding Overseas Scientists".Zhenghou University of Aeronautics2016Lecturer in "The perception of space" workshop "The hotel room - Designing the interior with the exterior in mind, for an eco-responsible hotel" - GreenHub - PlatformDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florencesince Academic Year 2014/2015 - in progressLecturer in "Innovation in Materials and Finished" - International School Tongji University (China)Overseas Campus (E11C1400007)since A.Y. 2014/2015 - in progressLecturer in "Lighting Design" (Icar/13)Master of Interior DesignDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2012Lecture PhD in Architecture - Design curriculum"The communication of research / The research of communication - visual/interaction/web3.0".University of Florencesince Academic Year 2012/2013 - in progressDesign Laboratory II - Product DesignBachelor's Degree Course in Industrial Design - University of Florence2011/2012Design II + Industrial Design Laboratory II + Materials and ComponentsBachelor of Industrial Design - University of Florence2010/2011Design II + Industrial Design Laboratory II (curriculum Objects of Use)Bachelor of Industrial Design - University of Florence2009/2010 - in progressLaboratory of Interior DesignMaster's Degree Course in Design - University of Florencefrom A.Y. 2009/2010 to A.Y. 2011/2012Laboratory of Fashion Production Processes and MethodsBachelor's Degree Course in Fashion Culture and Design - University of Florence2008/2009 - 2009/2010Event DesignThree-year degree course in Industrial Design - University of Florence2007/2008Industrial Design for furniture products III + LaboratoryThree-year degree course in Industrial Design - University of Florence2007/2008Project technician in graphics and photographyThree-year degree course in Fashion Design - University of Florence2001/2002 - 2004/2005Contract Lecturerfrom A.A. 1991/1992 to A.A. 1997/1998Expert in the subject "Morphology of Components".Prof. G. ChigiottiFaculty of Architecture - University of Florence1994/1995 - 1995/1996Expert in "Communication Tools and Techniques".Prof. E. MucciFaculty of Architecture - University of Florence1994/1995 - 1995/1996Expert in the subject "Industrial Design".Prof. G. ChigiottiSchool of Specialisation in Industrial Design - University of Florence
2018Component of the examining board of the Assegno di Ricerca in "Applicazioni di tecnologie Industria 4.0 al cantiere edile" (SSD Icar/13) - Università degli Studi di Firenze(decree n. 11635/2018 - prot.n. 169697 VII/1 - 16.10.18)2018Member of the examining board Research grant in "Document and information management applied to the building site" (SSD Icar/13) - University of Florence(decree n. 11611/2018 - prot.n. 168917 VII/1 - 15.10.18)2018Member of the examining board of the Research Fellowship in "Sensors applied to buildings" (SSD Icar/13) - University of Florence(decree n. 11610/2018 - prot.n. 168910 VII/1 - 15.10.18)2018Member of the examining board Research grant in "Applications and devices for the generation of remote data in the construction sector" (SSD Icar/13) - University of Florence(decree no. 11608/2018 - prot. no. 168898 VII/1 - 15.10.18)2018Member of the examining board Research grant in "Social Media Manager" (SSD Icar/13)Master I Level Interior Design - University of Florence (07.05.18)2017Member of the examining board Tutor "Industrial Design".School of Architecture - University of Florence (27.09.17)2017Member of the board of examiners for the admission examResearch Doctorate in Architecture XXXIII cycle - address Design - University of Florence2016Scientific coordinator of the workshop "La camera d'Hotel - Designing the interior with the exterior in mind, for an eco-responsible hotel" - GreenHub - Platform - DIDA - UNIFI2016Examination Board Tutor - Master Interior DesignDepartment of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2016Examining Board Tutor "Industrial DesignSchool of Architecture - UNIFI2016President of the Extraordinary Examination Board for Industrial Design (SSD Icar/13)School of Architecture - University of Florence2016Member of the research grant commission "Eco exhibition and visual merchandising of products for Horeca" (SSD Icar/13)Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2016Chairman of the Technical/Administrative board of examiners (TD)Department DIDA - University of Florence2014Admission Examination BoardResearch Doctorate in Architecture XXX cycle - address Design - University of Florence2013/2016Member of examining board "Computer assistance for LMA/LMD laboratories".Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013/currentMember of the Joint Commission "DidaLabs Laboratory System".Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013/2016Member of the examining board for "Computer lab assistants".Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2013/currentCommission member "Transfer of knowledge and relations with the territory".Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence2012/2013Member of the Commission for the assignment of the degree course in Fashion Culture and DesignUniversity of Florence2012Selection Committee for the comparative procedure for coordinated and continuous collaboration assignments related to SSD ICAR/13 - University of Florence2011/2014Member of the "Fund for the support of young people" of the Faculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Florence2011/2012Ordering Committee Master Level I "Yacht design interior and product".University of Florence2011Member of the Admission Examination BoardResearch Doctorate in Architecture XXVII cycle - address Design - UNIFI2010 - 2013WEB Communication Project Group of the Faculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Florence2010 - 2011Member of the Joint Teaching Commission of the Faculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Florence2010 - 2012Member of the Board of Examiners for the selection of Junior Tutors - Faculty of ArchitectureUniversity of Florence2010The technical referee for evaluation activities for "Industrial research projects and experimental development projects" - Province of Bolzano2009 - 2014Vice-President ProMo Design s.cons. a r.l. - University consortium for research, modelling and rapid prototyping - Calenzano - Florence2009/2010 - 2010/2011Component GAV (Self-evaluation Group) of the CDL in Fashion Culture and DesignUniversity of Florence2008/2009 - 2015/2016Component of the SAG (Self-evaluation Group) of the degree course in Industrial Design.University of Florence2008/2009 - 2015/2016Member of the Teaching Commission CDL Magistrale in DesignUniversity of Florence2008/2009Member of the D.Q. Self-Assessment Group for the self-certification of quality of the CDL Magistrale in DesignUniversity of Florence2008/2009Component of the D.Q. Self-Assessment Group to self-certify the quality of the Fashion Culture and Design degree course.University of Florence2007 - 2014Member of the Board of Directors ProMo Design s.cons. a r.l. - University consortium for research, modelling and rapid prototyping - Calenzano - Florence2007 - 2009Member of the Commission for the didactics CDL in Industrial DesignUniversity of Florence2005/2006Didactic Manager of the Industrial Design degree courseUniversity of Florence2005/2017President of the classroom commission of the Entrance Test CDL in Industrial DesignUniversity of Florence2003/2004Tutor CampusOne Project for the Degree Course in Industrial DesignUniversity of Florence
Architect, Designer, PhD and Associate Professor in Design (Icar/13), he teaches the following courses at the Department of Architecture DIDA - University of Florence:
"Design Laboratory 2 - Product Design" (12 CFU) - Three-year degree course in Industrial Design"Laboratory of Interior Design" (6 CFU) - Master's Degree Course in Design"Lighting Design" (3 CFU) - First Level Master Course in Interior Design"Innovation in Materials and Finished" - International School Tongji University (China) - Overseas CampusHe was also a lecturer for the Interfaculty Degree Course in Fashion Culture and Design - the University of Florence (deactivated in 2010).
His scientific training is focused on the problems inherent in the innovation of design processes and products concerning new materials and new technologies, mainly if aimed at the assumption of paradigms for sustainable development: respect for the environment, saving resources and materials without ever renouncing formal innovation.His current scientific interests concern the methodological aspects of developing the creative process about process systems' evolution. Particular importance is given to the study of the methods of approach to identifying problems and the relational recognition of the influences exerted by various agents on creativity in the project.As Associate Professor he carries out academic research on innovative materials, focusing his studies and experiments mainly on exploring the application aspects and design dynamics of the performance potential of new materials.His main scientific contribution can be characterised by his ability to carry out a careful reading of the impact of technological innovation on design culture, knowing how to transform its potential into a resource for the project.He has produced targeted studies on the reciprocity factor between the knowledge of a territory and the practice of creative expertise. Studies and research aimed at the synergic exchange between the perpetual uniqueness of craftsmanship and the permanence of design variability. In the exhibition design sector, he has developed, with growing interest, research on places' performative character, going beyond the simple aesthetic effect, turning instead to the complete sensory experience as a global factor of perception and communication.In his teaching activity, he has studied some aspects of design for installations that are particularly sensitive to the impact of technological innovations on cultural dynamics, namely: the proposal and enjoyment of emotional places. A study oriented towards what can be defined as "experience design" is perceptive and expressive capacities.He has been studying in-depth the aspects of visual representation of analytical and design thinking that translate and transfer an idea into a product for some time. In addition to the conventional forms of drawing, this study also includes various graphic representation tools: 3D virtual modelling and rapid prototyping used as communication techniques to transfer ideas and construction processes.Specific studies concern the interaction between idiomatic and the current possibility of transferring know-how across disciplines.He has developed a particular interest in didactic methodologies and in the operational tools that accompany them, especially when they are closely related to how design culture can influence decision-making processes, particularly the factors that influence incremental choices for product value.The research was undertaken on the capacity of design to impart, according to its "historical" task, meaning to the new, making it understandable and communicable. Still, above all, today, more acceptable than ever before has followed a trans-disciplinary practice corresponding to the multi-dimensionality of the variables to which the extraordinary transformations of products are subjected. The results achieved have resulted from the different methodological approaches with which he has set out his studies.For the specific theme of the research, the significant aspects of the culture of the project have been categorised according to the main elements which, in the consensus of the international culture of the area, are considered the fundamental methodological approaches to the study of the discipline, namely:
historical-typological: which privileges a philological and categorical framing of the problems;technical-scientific: aimed at the study of the rationalisation and systematisation of processes;experimental-pragmatic: which uses the analysis of creative intuition and professional experience to verify and reliability the results pursued.Overall, all the activities carried out in the context of the themes covered by his research experience pursue the objective of contributing to the advancement of the operational design culture.This aim can be traced back to the scientific production expressed at the teaching level and in popular products.The contribution consists of a careful reading of technological innovation incidence, especially in cases where technology is understood as a resource for the project.As far as the teaching experience is concerned, this activity is a continuous stimulus to update and critically review the discipline. Many of the results acquired through parallel scientific research are incorporated into the contents of the various teaching programmes, enhancing the practice of interchangeability adopted as a methodological tool, taking advantage of the discipline's transversal nature concerning specific sectors.In research, mainly applied, it has produced results of an operational type expendable on the level of design and consultancy for companies and in the definition of project briefings and the description of guidelines for construction process procedures.Most of the skills acquired, and the validity of the scientific results achieved can be seen in the scientific production, publications and cultural activities expressed with continuity since the academic training phase.He has published documentation and application studies on design to innovate and better present both traditional products and new performance inventions.His studies and research are commissioned by design-oriented companies, public and private organisations and institutions.He designs installations mainly of institutional nature and is the creator and curator of exhibitions and events in the design sector.He has taken part in national and international competitions, receiving certificates of merit.His projects have been exhibited in national and international exhibitions and competitions and have been mentioned and reviewed in trade magazines and local and national media.
2020 / in progressEditorial board "Ricerche - Architettura, Design, Territorio" - Editorial series DidaPress, Florence.2019Organizing Committee of the Conference CUID (Italian University Conference of Design) - "The educational offer in Industrial Design and Design" composed by: Francesca Tosi (Coordinator), Gianpiero Alfarano, Elisabetta Benelli, Alba Cappellieri, Medardo Chiapponi, Elisabetta Cianfanelli, Claudio Germak, Debora Giorgi, Laura Giraldi, Lorenzo Imbesi, Francesca La Rocca, Vincenzo Legnante, Giuseppe Losco, Giuseppe Lotti, Carlo Martino, Sabina Martusciello, Isabella Patti, Daniela Piscitelli, Kuno Prey, Patrizia Ranzo, Raimonda Riccini, Alessandra Rinaldi, Dario Russo, Benedetta Spadolini, Carlo Vinti, Francesco Zurlo - (23-24. 05.2019 - Florence).2018 / in progressEditorial board "AND - Rivista di Architettura, Città e Architetti" - Anvur scientific journal (area 08 - 10).2018Advisory member EVA 2018 Florence - Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts with James Hemsley (Chair), Cristina Acidini, Andreas Bienert, Paolo Blasi, Enrico Bocci, Nikolay Borisov, Edoardo Calia, Andrea De Polo, Carlo Francini - (10-11.05.2017 - Florence).2017National Committee for the Celebrations of the Centenary of the death and the 150th anniversary of the birth of Giuseppe Sommaruga composed by: Gianpiero Alfarano, Angela Baila, Renato Barilli, Alessandro Bellenda, Fabio Benzi, Claudia Caramel, Cecilia Casadei, Giorgio Di Genova, Maria Flora Giubilei, Riccardo Gresta, Eugenio Guglielmi, Maurizio Lorber, Luigi Matteoni, Lara Vinca Masini, Antonio Paolucci, Paolo Portoghesi, Eugenio Rizzo, Ettore Sessa, Cristina Sirchia, Vittorio Sgarbi, Andrea Speziali, Ulisse Tramonti, Enrica Zaru, Paolo Zanzi. - (28.05/31.07.2017 - Varese).2017Advisory member EVA 2017 Florence - Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts with James Hemsley (Chair), Cristina Acidini, Andreas Bienert, Paolo Blasi, Enrico Bocci, Nikolay Borisov, Edoardo Calia, Andrea De Polo, Carlo Francini - (10-11.05.2017) Florence.2016 / in progressEditorial board "Città e Design" - Navarra Editore, Palermo.2016Scientific Committee Member - National Forum of PhDs in Design - IUAV (25-25.02.2016) Venice.2015 / in progressEditorial Committee Collana editorial "Gli Arieti" - Section Architecture, Design, Visual Arts - Bergamo.2012 / 2017Editorial Committee "Design & Didattica" series - Design Campus Edizioni, Florence.2009 / in progressEditorial committee "Amerigo Vespucci a Casa sua" - Florence.2000 / 2004The editorial committee "".
29.11.2019 / in progressSCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE / SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBERResearch title: MANZÙ DESIGN LAB. VALORISATION PROJECT OF THE MANZONI FOUNDATION - ART AND DESIGN;26.10.2019 / 03.11.2019SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE COMPONENT;Title: IL DESIGN NELLE DIMORE / PIO MANZU' DESIGNER;05.10.2015 / 29.04.2016SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE FOR RESEARCH GROUP;Title: ACOUSTOTEM - PHONO-CORRECTIVE PANELS FOR HOTEL ROOMS;15.01.2014 / 30.06.2014SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH GROUPTitle: FLORENCE ILLUMINATED - LIGHT AT NIGHT - VISUAL IMPACT;2013 ongoingSCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE;Project title: 2D-3D LABORATORY AND VIRTUAL REALITY;Awarded by: MICC - Centre for Media Communication and Integration;2012 | 2013SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE;Research title: FYLED - FLORENCE YOUNG LIGHT EDITION DESIGN - NEW LIGHT IN PONTE VECCHIO;2011 | 2012SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLEResearch title: DESIGN OF ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR THE VIRTUAL ARCHIVE AND TEMPORARY DESIGNER'S OFFICE;2010 | 2014RESEARCH GROUP SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE;Scientific research title: WEB COMMUNICATION PROJECT OF THE ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT;2010 | 2011SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE / SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEMBER;Research title: I CERAMIBUONI / CERAMIC & FOOD DESIGN;2009 | 2010SCIENTIFIC RESPONSIBLE FOR RESEARCH GROUP;Title: DESIGN RE-GENERATION;2010PRIN project: "Design for food cultures: an access policy".University of Florence2010"FoodDesign - iCeramibuoni" - Montelupo Culture and PromotionMontelupo Fiorentino - Department TAED - University of Florence2009PRIN Project: "Manufactum - Fashion Design System".University of Florence2009"Exhibit Design - Criteria and methods for environmental sustainability".TAED Department - University of Florence2009"Design Innovation for Typical ProductsTAED Department - University of FlorencePRIN 2008Progettazione di dispositivi formali e disposizioni spaziali per la simulazione delle prestazioni di materiai tecnologici in ambienti ad elevata salubrità" - Unifi2008 "Inserimento ambientale e visivo del termovalorizzatore di Sesto Fiorentino" - Unifi2008 "Environmental and visual integration of the waste-to-energy plant in Sesto Fiorentino".TAED Department - University of Florence2008"Strategies and projects for business and territory".TAED Department - University of Florence2006"The energy quality of the project. Methods and tools".TAED Department - University of Florence2003"Recycling and reuse in the construction industry: production potential and real application in contemporary architecture".Department TAED - University of Florence2003"Innovative and traditional materials in the furniture and complementary sector".Department TAED - University of Florence2000"The concept of the transience of building in a sustainable design perspective".Province of Florence / TAED Department - University of Florence1993"Technological innovation in the system of objects".Dpmpe - University of Florence1992"Archetypes of industrial production".Dpmpe - University of Florence1991"Avant-garde and industrial designDpmpe - University of Florence
2018 - conference "Lighting Design Evolution" - Design Campus (08.05.18)2018 - conference "Pio Manzù Designer" - Design Campus (29.05.18)2018 - conference "To conceive your light" - Design Campus (01.06.18)2017 - conference "Project Value" - Design Campus (13.06.17) Calenzano2016 - Speaker International Conference Illuminotronica "Light and Design" - (09.10.16) Padova2016 - Speaker International Conference "The transcultural design" - (17.09.16) Lecco2016 - Speaker International Conference "EVA 2016 Florence - Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts" - (11.05.16) Florence
2015President of the International Commission "La luce che si fa vedere" award - DIDA/WELT Electronic/NICHIA Corporation - Florence2012Compasso d'Oro Awarded. 2012 participation with the essay "Design Conduttivo" in the publication "Il Design Italiano 20.00.11" anthology by T. Paris, V. Cristallo, S. Lucibello (edited by)2008Prize Calenzano City of Oil - Calenzano - Florence2007Oliade Prize - Trevi - Perugia2007Argillux Prize - Montelupo Fiorentino - Florence2006Vespucci Prize - Design Section - Notification of merit with the project "Settello di Scarperia", a knife celebrating the 7th centenary of the foundation of the town - Tuscany Region
2015International Patent Holder with the project "Lumicina" LampNumber: PCT/IB2015/0001522014International Patent Holder with the "Octopod" projectNumber: W.O. 2015/101825 A12010International Patent Holder with the design "Peter" beakerNumber: PCT/IT2010/000368
2012Contribution to creating the B2Green network, which offers total integrated management for eco-sustainable installations and events with a full concept, design and implementation service. The network was created based on the Eco Exhibit Design Guidelines for Temporary Exhibits of the Tuscany Region and Unifi. Partners in the project: Milan Polytechnic, Bicocca University (Milan), University of Florence, DipartimentoTAeD, Certiquality Srl, Easy Consulting Srl, Etifor Srl, Goldmann & Partners Srl, Palm Spa, Susanna Gonnella Srl.2012Creation of a consultancy agency for design and digital processing "CED - Centro Elaborazione Digitale" - Virtual Archive and Temporary Designer Desk at the Ceramics Museum of Montelupo Fiorentino (MontelupoFiorentino - Florence)2011Product development with the application of photoluminescent pigments in the moulding of clothing fabrics, company "Giomoda" (Pistoia)2010Creation of new company "Purple Innovation s.r.l." (Lucca) for applying photoluminescent pigments in plastic materials - www.purpleinnovation.it2010International glass patent "Peter" - PCT/IT2010/000368, Purple innovation s.r.l.2010Pilot application with the company "Caneschi Arreda" of the "EcoExhibit Design" guidelines adopted by the Region of Tuscany for the eco-compatibility of temporary and provisional fittings.2007Development of research activities on application technologies for latest-generation photoluminescent pigments in collaboration with the company "Lucedentro" (Modena) - www.lucedentro.com2007Product development and technological innovation using laser cutting technology and mechanised laminate bending company "OMCF" (Calenzano - Florence)2009Product development, design and differentiation for the companies "Coltellerie Berti" and "Consigli coltelleria" (Scarperia - Florence)2006Requalification of waste material of the company "OMCF" (Calenzano - Florence) and reuse for temporary and provisional fittings2004Creation of the consortium company "ProMo Design s.cons. a r.l.". (Calenzano - Florence) university consortium for modelling and rapid prototyping.
He researches innovative materials, studies and experiments on the application aspects of new materials on design dynamics. His scientific contribution is characterised by his ability to carefully read the impact of technological innovation on the culture of design, knowing how to transform its potential into a resource.
He has published studies on documentation and design applications in products both of traditional craftsmanship and made with new experimental technologies.He is a designer of objects, furnishings, fashion accessories and installations, and a creator and curator of exhibitions and events in the design sector.He has taken part in national and international competitions and received certificates of merit.His projects have been exhibited in national and international exhibitions and competitions and have been mentioned and reviewed in magazines and media in various sectors.