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Mario , Mech Eng. Ph.D. Rapaccini is currently Associate Professor for SSD ING-IND/35 (Economic & Management Engineering) at the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Florence, where he teaches Economics and Business Organisation, Business Strategy, and Innovation Management. He has also taught courses in Business Information Management, Planning and Control Systems, Industrial Economics and Telecommunications Economics. His primary fields of research are digital transformation (Industry 4.0) and servitisation of industrial enterprises, in this latter he has done research for +15 years. He is author and co-author of over 100 publications in journals and conference proceedings, books and book chapters (published by Il Mulino, Franco Angeli, Palgrave). He have received some awards for best paper presentations (SSC2016, SSC2017), and highly cited papers (IJPR 2019). His work has received +830 citations and his H-index is 14. He has made significant contributions to numerous regional, national and international research projects. He has collaborated in technology transfer, vocational training and consultancy initiatives for global companies such as Ricoh, Canon, GE, Electrolux, Epson, IBM, TIM, ACEA, Unicoop Firenze, Enel Green Power. He has worked professionally as a manager: for 4 years he was responsible of information systems of a large firm with 1,000 employees. He founded two companies, including an academic spin-off, of which he was the Bord Chairman until 2019. He is also in the Faculty Staff of the MIP (Business School of the Politecnico di Milano), of the University of Bergamo, of the Scuola Sant'Anna of Pisa, of the University of Pisa, and of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, where he teaches in Masters and Advanced Courses. He founded and was scientific head of IBIS, a joint university and business laboratory (, national coordinator of the ASAP forum ( He was for many years a member of the teaching board of the PhD in Engineering Science (former PhD in Industrial and Reliability Engineering) at the University of Florence and is now a member of the teaching board of the SmartIndustry PhD. He is a delegate for internationalisation for the CL in Management Engineering at the University of Florence. He participated in the foundation and was national coordinator of the ASAP Forum. He is a member of IFIP WG5.7, EUROMA, AiIG, AfSM. He collaborated with the Italian Maintenance Association (, and was member of the scientific committee of the journal "Manutenzione Tecnica & Management" ( and Sistemi & Impresa. He has been General Chair of several scientific conferences, including MITIP 2007 and SOM 2011. He has been a member of the scientific committees of numerous events (e.g. MITIP, SDS, SSC, APMS).FULL LIST OF PUBLICATIONS PROJECTValuable experiences have been matured in numerous founded scientific project, in which I participated and - in the latest four ones - had the scientific responsibility of the research team. Among the many:- 1997 MURST (“Advanced Techniques for Industrial Plant Design and Management”)- 1998 MURST (“Quantitative models for PPC in complex industrial systems”),- 1999 MURST (“Quantitative models for quick response and integrated management of chained productive systems”),- 2000 PRIN (“WILD Web Integrated Logistic Designer”)- 2004 PRIN ("ASAP: After-Sales Advanced Planning: new logistical and organisational models for the integrated management of after-sales service for durable goods")- 2006 PRIN ("MIGEN, Models and innovative tools for the management of business networks")- 2011 7PQ IRSES (“PROSSALIC, PROduct Service Systems Across Life Cycle”)- 2015 PRIN (“Cost & performance Management System for Servitization”)- 2020 Erasmus+ (AE) (“IMPACT - Building values-based innovation cultures for sustainable business impact)The mentioned project have always been successful in achieving the expected results. In particular, worth of mention are: a) the ASAP experience (PRIN 2004), that is a still living community, totally funded by private companies, bridging together national and international scholars, managers, practitioners and industrial experts in the field of digital servitization b) the 2015 PRIN, whose outcome is the model labelled ROI 4.0, today registered trademark of Sant’Anna, UNIFI, and UNIPI.Other valuable experiences on technological transfer, applied and industrial research, have been matured through the participation to numerous funded regional projects such as PRAI ESF 2003 ("TT&T. net - Toscane Imprese in Rete"), PRAI ESF 2007("e-Mechanics: Virtual Integration in Plant Engineering"), POR CREO 2010 ("SIGMAR - Management System for Maintenance and Risk of Significant Incident"), POR CREO 2015 ("BPM4MTIL: development of a service platform for field operations"), POR CREO 2018 )"iMAAT , development of a VR/AR tool to support configuration and sales application services of turbomachinery equipment). Of these latter 3 projects I had the scientific responsibility of the research team.
Research interests: service management and service innovation, service technology management servitization of manufacturing industry, service design, service operations management, service system design.