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Mobile phone: 0039 335 61.33.787
Skype: alessandrococchi
Institution - [ Date from - Date to ]
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained:
University of Florence (11/1972 – 07/1978)
Degree in Agricultural Science (110/110 cum laude)
Tuscia University (2007 - 2010)
PhD in “Economy and Local Development”
“An interpretation model of climate change impact on Food Security in Nicaragua at local level.”
Mother tongue
Agricultural economist with 38 year experience in international development with particular focus on national and regional programming, identification, formulation and evaluation of rural development programmes.
Familiar with EU Food Security policies under different tools such as geographical envelopes and thematic instruments, including the LRRD (Linking relief, rehabilitation and development) approach. Extremely familiar with all the steps of the Project Cycle Management and the different EU programming and financing methods (e.g.: Global Budget Support, Sector Budget Support).
Frequently responsible for leading international multi-disciplinary expert teams in social oriented and institutional strengthening projects, in poor and vulnerable social contexts. Robust experience in dealing with civil society organisations and local institutions in the framework of development projects.
Highly proficient in the method and practice of the Result Oriented Monitoring and Evaluation (ROM). Long experience in project and programme evaluation, including Agriculture Research for Development projects under both CGIAR and non-CGIAR research programmes.
Africa: Morocco, Libia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Gambia, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Mozambique, Somalia, Ethiopia, Congo RD., Congo Brazzaville, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Guinea Eq., Angola, Ghana
Central America, Latin America and Caribbean: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina, Cuba, Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, Jamaica, Uruguay, Paraguay, Dominican Rep.
Middle East and Mediterranean Countries: Malta, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine (West Bank)
Asia, East Europe, CIS and Balkans: Kazakhstan, Russia, Albania, Lithuania, Turkey, Taiwan, Nepal
Date from - Date to
Mr Javier Calzado
Agricultural Economist M&E Specialist
Result Oriented Monitoring, ROM: review of the EU funded project named EUROSAN with particular focus on the component denominated “Agricultural and Nutritional Extension System of the Municipal Associations of EUROSAN-Occidente (SEAN-EUROSAN)” managed by the FAO. The project is carried out in the framework of the “Dry Corridor Alliance” (“Alianza para el Corredor Seco”), a joint programme financied by the mayor international donors (EU included) end the Gob. of Honduras and is focused on the promotion of Food and Nutritional Security in the most vulnerable departments of Honduras affected by recurrent droughts.
DAI Europe Ltd
Gianfabrizio Ladini
Agricultural Economist and Evaluation Expert
Sector Budget Support Assist mission on the review of the National Competitiveness Policy of the Dairy Sector (CONPES 3675) – Colombia. The mission was carried out in the framework of the EU Budget Support to the Dairy Sector in view of the disbursement of the third tranche. At the end of the mission three main reports were produced and approved: (1) guidance and recommendations on the Government's assessment on the progress and main achievements of the Colombian Dairy policy, (2) recommendations to guide interventions related to the strengthening of the Dairy Organization in Colombia and recommendations on how to improve the sectoral policy dialogue, (3) TORs for technical assistance and activities related to the "strengthening of cluster initiatives and the identification of opportunities for differentiation and innovation of dairy products".
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brasil
Result Oriented Monitoring, ROM: review of the EU funded project named ECOCUENCAS. The project is part of the EU Regional Programme “WATERCLIMA LAC” promoting improved and climate change resilient models for watershed management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The project promotes pilot experiences in four Latin American countries in watershed management, payment for environmental services systems and improved regulatory framework in the water sector.
Ecuador / Peru
Result Oriented Monitoring, ROM: review of the EU funded project named “Aguas sin Fronteras”. The project is part of the EU Regional Programme “WATERCLIMA LAC” promoting improved and climate change resilient models for watershed management in Latin America and the Caribbean. The project promotes improved water management and water conservation pilot experiences in the bi-national watershed of the Macará River between Ecuador and Perú.
Result Oriented Monitoring, ROM: review of the EU funded project named: “Los Caminos del Café”: promotion of a local sustainable socio-economic development based on cultural heritage and tourism”. The main project objective is the creation of job opportunities in the touristic sector related to the rehabilitation of the local cultural heritage linked to the traditional coffee growing sector.
Result Oriented Monitoring, ROM: review of the EU funded project named EUROSAN. The project is carried out in the framework of the “Dry Corridor Alliance” (“Alianza para el Corredor Seco”), a joint programme financied by the mayor international donors (EU included) end the Gob. of Honduras and is focused on the promotion of Food and Nutritional Security in the most vulnerable departments of Honduras affected by recurrent droughts.
(Isla de Pemba)
Cooperative Federation of Trento Province (Italia)
Agricultural Economist
Feasibility Study and Business Plan elaboration for an agricultural cooperative development project focused on the dissemination of environmental sustainable banana growing models and fair trade at national and international level on the Pemba Island (Zanzibar – Tanzania).
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): review of the multi-country EU funded project named: “Fortaleciendo a organizaciones andinas para la incidencia en política pública sobre seguridad alimentaria en Bolivia, Ecuador y Perú”, promoting a reinforced legal and political framework for Food Security in the region.
10/12/2015 - 1/1/2016
El Salvador
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): review of the multi-country EU funded project named: “Desarrollo de la Plataforma PECOSOL-CONSUACCION para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en Centroamerica” focused on strengthening the capacity of the civil society organisations to promote a favourable legal and political framework for Food Security in the region.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): review of two EU funded project named:
“Fortalecimiento de la organización, alianzas y la producción agropecuaria de grupos campesinos para mejorar la seguridad alimentaria y nutricional (SAN) en los municipios de Nacaome y San Lorenzo” and “Fortalecimiento de capacidades para un Desarrollo Económico Local Incluyente y Seguridad Alimentaria en el municipio de Yamaranguila”
Both projects were focused on the promotion of Food Security at local level through the reinforcement of local civil society organisations.
10/08/- 23/10/
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM) Review of the EU funded multi-country proyect: “Pastores andinos: tejedores de espacio económico y de la integración alimentaria alto-andina” focused on Food Security of pastoral Andean communities of Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador y Argentina.
17/05 – 21/05 2015
Economist M&E Specialist
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): SUPPORT TO END OF PROJECT RESULTS REPORTING.: Support to the EU Delegation in Jamaica to the identification, analysis and systematization of end project indicators of four EU funded interventions.
April 2015
UK, Italy, Kenya Taiwan, Nepal
Landell Mills Ltd.(UK)
Agro-economist Evaluation expert
Evaluation of the efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the Performance Management Funding Mechanism (PMFM) implemented by the of British Department for International Development (DFID) for financing five international agricultural research centres not belonging to the CGIAR system, namely: CABI (UK and Kenya), GFAR (FAO-Italy), ICIPE (Kenya), AVRDC (Taiwan), ICIMOD (Nepal).
June 2014
Central America
And Dominican Republic
Agricultural Economist/Food Security Expert
Integrated Support Services-Food and Nutrition Security, & Sustainable Agriculture (ISS-FANNSA): Identification mission in Central America and Dominican Republic of an EU funded regional project aimed at strengthening the resilience capacity of small and medium coffee producers in case of adversities brought about by the climate change and variability like the coffee leaf rust.
May 2014
Integrated Support Services-Food and Nutrition Security, & Sustainable Agriculture (ISS-FANNSA): Formulation mission of a EU funded project in Nicaragua to support the National Livestock (bovine) development Plan. The project was designed and formulated in agreement with the relevant line ministries and public authorities concerned by livestock sector.
Nov 2013-April 2014
Burkina Faso
Natural Research Institute
Greenwich University (UK)
Mr Timothy Chancellor
Final Review of the Volta Basin Development Challenge. The mission was carried out according to the Priority System of the Agricultural Research Project of the CGIAR network financed by the EU in 2012-13. The project is managed by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and aims at “improving rainwater and small reservoir management to contribute to poverty reduction and improved livelihoods resilience while taking account of downstream and upstream water users including ecosystem services”. The VBDC is part of the wider Challenge Program on Water and Food (CPWF) co-financed by the EC.
EPTISA Servicios de Ingeniería SA (E)
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): the monitoring exercise was focused on the EU Global Budget Support to Honduras aimed at facilitating the implementation of the National Development Plan. The assignment was carried out in three different steps: desk phase (review of existing documents), filed phase in Honduras (meetings and interviews with the most relevant institutional actors) and reporting. At the end of the reporting phase a final debriefing was held in Brussels at DEVCO headquarters.
Team Leader
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The first project (Fondo Cultural UE-México II) promotes the cultural exchange between Mexico and the EU. The second project (PROCEI) is focused on improving trading capabilities of Mexican Small and Medium Enterprises with UE member countries.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. Both project were aimed at reinforcing the regional (Central American) integration process, being the first one focused on environmental conservation and the second one on applied agricultural research.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. Both project were focused on Food and Nutritional Security of vulnerable rural population in Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. Both project were focused on sustainable production of bio-energy at farm level.
21/07-18/12/ 2012
Mr Rory Hillocks
Monitoring mission carried out according to the Priority System of the Agricultural Research Project of the CGIAR network financed by the EU in 2010. In the framework of this mission three different research programmes were revised and evaluated, the three of them being focused on conservation agriculture Food Security and diversification of nutritional patterns in selected areas of Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Burundi, Malawi, Kenya and Ethiopia. The projects are managed by CIAT and CIMMYT, two international research centres of applied research in tropical agriculture.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. One of the projects was inscribed within the framework of the European support to the commercial integration of the Andean Region. The second project was aimed at the diffusion of improved varieties of potato in the Andean Region (Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador y Colombia), in areas affected by high food insecurity.
Reference person:
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission one project funded by the EU was visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The project was aimed at reinforcing the MERCOSUR environmental regulatory framework. During the monitoring mission meetings were held in Uruguay, Brazil and Argentina. Service rendered: team leader and quality controller, economist, expert in development projects
(West Bank)
Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare (IAO)
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Reference person:
Evaluation Expert
Final evaluation of the “Pilot project for high quality olive oil production in Palestine” funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by the Italian “Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare” (Research Institute for Tropical Agriculture).During the mission several filed visits and focus groups were carried out in different areas of the “West Bank”. Interviews with the highest Palestinian Authorities were also held. Service rendered: agricultural economist, project evaluation expert.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission one project funded by the EU was visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The project was inscribed within the framework of the European support to the Higher Education in Argentina. Service rendered: team leader and quality controller, economist, expert in development projects
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. Both projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to Human Rights promotion.
Nicaragua (El Salvador, Honduras)
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. One of the projects was inscribed within the framework of the European support to Food Security in Central America. The second project was aimed at strengthening the private and public institutions related to Nicaragua-EU trade exchange
12-28.09 2010
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to environment protection, trans-boundary/regional integration and UE-Ecuador trade development. Service rendered: team leader and quality controller, economist, expert in development projects and regional integration
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to rural development and social cohesion in Bolivia. Service rendered: team leader and quality controller, economist, expert in development projects and regional integration
AGRER, Brussel Agristudio s.r.l. (Italy) - Reference person:
Mr Fabio Sammicheli –
“Food Security and Climate Change at local level”: Framework contract mission aimed at assessing the impact of climate change on food security of both rural and urban population in different agricultural zones on Nicaragua. An evaluation of the national and donors strategy (EU in particular) to mitigate the effects of climate change and a set of recommendations completed the study. Service rendered: team leader, agro-economist, food security expert.
2003 - 2009
.2010- 2012
“Strengthening of farmers’ organisations in Chichicastenango”: The project was on the line of the Italian Cooperation support to the Poverty Reduction Strategy of the Country, the accomplishment of the Peace Agreements and the food security policy in the poorest areas of western Guatemala. Strong relationships were developed all along project duration, with local producers’ organisations, cooperative’s associations and local authorities. Service rendered: planner and Monitoring & Evaluation expert
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to rural development and social cohesion in Colombia.
Service rendered: economist and quality controller, expert in development projects and regional integration
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to rural development and social cohesion in Mexico.
Service rendered: team leader and quality controller, economist, expert in development projects
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to rural development and social cohesion in Nicaragua.
Service rendered: Economist, expert in development projects and regional integration
Saipem (Eni Group, Italy) –
Agristudio s.r.l. (Italy)
Food & Biodiesel Project: Identification mission aimed at the assessment of the best environmental and socio-economic conditions for the establishment of experimental farms for food production and Palm Oil for biodiesel in several areas throughout the country. Service Rendered: Economist, responsible for the socio-economic impact and sustainability assessment.
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission two projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were inscribed within the framework of the European support to rural development, social cohesion and food security in Guatemala. Service rendered: Economist, expert in development projects and regional integration
15/06-08/07 2008
Peru and Andean Community
Result Oriented Monitoring Mission (ROM): During the mission three projects funded by the EU were visited and monitored according to the ROM methodology. The projects were all inscribed within the framework of the European support to the integration process of the Andean Community (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). Service rendered: Economist, expert in development projects and regional integration
Equatorial Guinea
Marathon Oil Company (USA)/Agroils Srl/Agristudio Srl (Italy) - Reference person:
Bio-fuel development project: preliminary identification study for the implementation of palm oil plantations for the production of bio-diesel in Bioko Island and in-land. Identification and selection of susceptible areas for the cultivation of a about 45.000 hectares. Service Rendered: Economist, responsible for the socio-economic impact, risk management and sustainability assessment.
Ecobio srl(Italy) – Agristudio s.r.l. (Italy)
Energy, food and Development Project: Conduction of an agricultural feasibility study for the experimentation and cultivation of Jatropha Curcas for the production of biodiesel in Lower Congo. Identification and selection of susceptible areas for the cultivation of a surface of about 160.000 hectares. Service Rendered: Economist, responsible for the feasibility study and the socio-economic impact and sustainability assessment.
Republic of Congo
Snamprogetti (Eni Group, Italy) – Agristudio s.r.l. (Italy) - Reference person:
Feasibility study aimed at the experimentation and cultivation of Palm oil for the production of both food and biodiesel in several areas throughout the country. Identification and selection of susceptible areas for cultivation of surface of circa 850.000 ha.
Service Rendered: Economist, responsible for the feasibility study and the socio-economic impact and sustainability assessment.
Monitoring mission of CGIAR projects: Monitoring & Evaluation mission of the EU financed project denominated “Project 2”, Genetic Resources Conservation and Characterisation. Project Objective: To secure the long-term conservation and availability of well characterized wild and cultivated genetic resources of potato, sweetpotato and other Andean root and tuber crops (ARTC).
Socio- economist
“Applied Research Centre for Livestock and Fodder Production” in the Shabia of Sirt: Socio-economic analysis of the Shabia of Sirt and localisation of two pilot livestock modules.
WDC (Spain)/EC
Mr J. Bermejo
Preparation of Sector Analysis Reports for certain agricultural Products (Fruit and Vegetables, Meat): Sector Analysis of the most relevant agricultural sectors in the framework of Turkish rural economy, in view of the preparation of the Rural Development component within the IPA (Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance) 2007-2013.
Sierra Leone
Ms N. De Roeck -
Social Development Expert
Evaluation of the Commission’s support to Sierra Leone – (8th and 9th EDF) Country Level Evaluation: to provide (i) the beneficiary countries, the relevant external co-operation services of the EC and the wider public with an overall independent evaluation of the Commission’s past and current assistance to Sierra Leone; (ii) the Commission’s policy-makers and managers with a valuable aid both for the implementation of the current Strategy and Indicative Programmes, and for future programming.
01/2006 – 01/2007
Research Planning and Evaluation Expert
ERA-ARD (Agricultural Research for Development): Task 3.2) – Design common or compatible methodologies for ARD management. Responsible for the preparation of the Management of Joint Research Activities within ERA-ARD: guidelines for ARD programme planning, monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment.
Paris – France)
Reference person: Mr. Dominique Etienne
Agro economist Evaluation Expert
Proyecto ZONA NORTE (Nicaragua). Final Evaluation of the credit component. During the evaluation exercise a field survey was carried out in order to ascertain the impact and the sustainability of the credit facilities canalised by the project. The mission output was incorporated in the Final Project Evaluation.
INTEGRATION (Germany)/EC/AIDCO - Reference person:
Ms N. De Roeck
Social Development Specialist
“Pre-programming mission – Country Strategy Paper of the EC for Nicaragua (2007-2013):Phase 1: preliminary study (review and evaluation of the current CSP/NIP implementation, updating the national analysis and presentation of conclusions, review of the donor coordination, and the preparation of phase 2 on consultations). Phase 2: support to the Nicaragua Country Team (DG RELEX Nicaragua Desk officer and the operational section Nicaragua of the EC Delegation to Nicaragua) in organizing consultation on a concept paper and on a draft CSP with key stakeholders in Nicaragua including civil society, national administrations and donor community.
Agro-economist/ M&E
“Strengthening of farmers organisations in Chichicastenango”: The project is on the line of the Italian Cooperation support to the “Estrategia de Reducción de la Pobreza” (Poverty Reduction Strategy) of the Country, the accomplishment of the Peace Agreements and the Food Security Policy in the poorest areas of western Guatemala.
WDC (Spain)/EC – AIDCO
EC Food Security Programme for Honduras: Identification and formulation mission for the preparation of a Food Security Programme for Honduras to be financed by the EC according to a sector approach and a budgetary support method.
AFC (Germany)/EC ALA
Mr Udo Gergaut –
Project Management Expert
Estelí-Ocotal Integrated Project: Housing, rehabilitation and expansion of the water supply and sewerage system, institutional strengthening of local authorities in the towns of Estelí and Ocotal affected by the Hurricane “Mitch” (1998). Assistance to the Project management in the preparation of the 2004 Action Plan (Plan Operativo Annual 2004).
Agro-economist/ Coordinator
Organisation and management of an international workshop in Granada (Nicaragua) focused on the recent experience of the EC rural development “Facilitators” projects in Central America. Compilation of the workshop Final Document and elaboration of the “Reference Document on Facilitator Approach in the support to sustainable development” to be distributed by the EC Delegations in all Latin America.
AFC (Germany) EC ALA
Team leader/ agro-economist
Sustainable Rural Development National Programme (PRONADERS) of the Ministry of Agriculture of Honduras: Definition of a national political strategy of rural development and Food Security focused on the new political orientation of the Government of Honduras in the framework of the PRONADERS.
Expert in policy making and planning
War Damage Assessment, Phase III – Agricultural Planning and Policy Preparation): Support to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Lebanon Republic in defining new national rural development policies, implementing a national extension service, an agricultural credit system and a quality marketing policy of agricultural and agro-processed products. Fact finding mission for the preparation of a working method and operational plan of the whole project in the framework of EU-EC bidding procedures.
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Planning and Evaluation Expert
“Strengthening of Regional Planning of Tigray”: Technical assistance, education and training of the Tigray Regional Administration staff in land survey & planning and GIS implementation and use. Ex post project evaluation and formulation of a second phase.
02/1996 – 11/1998
Russian Federation
EU-TACIS Project: “Technical Assistance to Joint-Stock Owned Farms in Russia” Technical Assistance to newly privatised Agricultural Enterprises. Basic project components: (1) assisting to the enterprises’ management in handing over the existing on-farm social infrastructures to the competent authority, (2) developing new marketing opportunities, (3) strengthening the ability of farms’ directors in finance management. Services Rendered: Project Backstopper, responsible for project planning, reporting and Final Evaluation.
06/1997– 09/1998
Agricultural /Environmental Economist
(EU-PHARE) Constitution of “Varniai Regional Park”: Assistance to the Ministry of Environmental Resources in the development of a Master Plan for the Varniai Regional Park. Responsible for the development of a business plan model of the Regional Park.
Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador
(MAB, Man and Biosphere Project): “Montecristo” Tri-national Park”: Compilation of the documents required by UNESCO for including the Park in the “Reserves of the Biosphere” world network. Formulation of a Medium-Long Term Management Plan for the “Montecristo” Tri-national Park.
04/1994 – 06/1997
(EU-TACIS Project): “Pilot Development of Private Farming and Food Processing in Akmola Oblast”. Technical assistance to the local University of Agricultural Science in developing farm privatisation models in the Northern Kazakhstan. Headquarters Project Manager and backstopper. “Ad interim” resident Team Leader until March 1995. Responsible for the implementation of a “Farm Management and Information Centre” in co-operation with the local organisation of the New Private Farmers. Responsible for the Final Project Evaluation.
(EU-PHARE) “Rehabilitation of the Water Supply network in the Town of Vlore”. Financial and Economic Analysis of the proposed Water Supply System and Waste Water Treatment Plant of the town of Vlore. Economist and planner, responsible for the feasibility study.
(The Word Bank): Socio-economic impact assessment of the liberalisation of soft wheat domestic prices on small farmers economy, in the rain-fed areas of Morocco. Rapid Rural appraisal, field survey, data treatment/analysis and report production. Responsible for the socio-economic analysis in co-operation with the Department of Rural Sociology of the University of Settat (Morocco)
04/94 - 11/95
(Rome – Italy)
(EC / ALA) "Trifinio Pilot Project" Integrated Rural Development Project aimed at promoting sustainable agricultural and forestry activities in a territory affected by a high human pressure on natural resources, poor living conditions and severe scarcity of social infrastructures. Agro-economist, planner and team leader of a multi-disciplinary expert team in the preparation of a "Rural Development Programme" for the areas of potential expansion of the "Trifinio Pilot Project. Evaluation of the experimental credit system implemented by Project in the framework of the existing credit systems of the three countries involved (6 short term missions).
10/1993 - 09/1994
Trinidad & Tobago
Agricultural Economist & Planning Expert
The Caribbean Development Bank, Barbados: “Master Plan of the Caroni river Basin”: Identification and Project design of potential irrigation development areas in the Caroni River Basin. Agro-socio-economic field survey, description of the existing farming system and planning criteria in the preparation of the Master Plan (irrigation and drainage) of the Caroni River Basin.
Planning Expert
“Queen Alia Jordan Social Welfare Fund” development Programme: Formulation of small-scale social centres in rural areas of northern Jordan. Responsible for the identification and formulation of the project.
11/1991 – 06/1992
Costa Rica
(EC /ALA) “Osa – Golfito Disctricts Integrated Rural Development Project”: Agricultural, housing and social infrastructure development project in the southern region of Costa Rica. Team leader and planning expert in the preparation of a “Medium-Long term development Programme”.
01/1991 - 02/1989 – 12/1989
Agricultural Economist & Planning and Evaluation Expert
(Italy-Ethiopia Cooperation Programme) “Nura Era Enterprise” Rehabilitation and Development Project. Rehabilitation and Development of a 25.000 ha Sate Farm in the Awash River Valley. Project components: agriculture, irrigation, agro-processing, marketing, training and management technical assistance. Agro-economist, responsible for the economic (ex ante) evaluation of the “Nura Era Enterprise”, in Awash River Valley (horticultural oriented state farm); financial and economic analysis of different development alternatives. Responsible for the formulation of the following projects: (1) “Development of the export oriented state farm Tibila for Vegetable, Fruits and Flowers Production” in the Awash River Valley (2) “Privatisation of the Cereal State Farms in Arsi and Bale Regions”
11/1987 – 12/1987
(ex) Zaire
(Dem. Rep. of Congo
“National Development Programme for Animal Draft Promotion”: Project Formulation and identification of pilot actions in different agro-climatic areas in the Country. Responsible for comparative analysis and preliminary feasibility studies.
“Integrated agricultural co-operative development project”: Identification of small-scale projects to be implemented in the framework of the “Integrated agricultural co-operative development project”. Responsible for comparative analysis and preliminary feasibility studies.
Ravenna (Italia)
(Italian Aid Fund, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs) “Homoine Rehabilitation Poject”: Emergency aid programme for the realisation of irrigation facilities and the rehabilitation of co-operative farms in the Homoine District. Responsible for the preparation of a development plan for technical support and assistance to local communities.
The Gambia
(UNDP) “Prufu Bolon and Shima Bolon Irrigation Project” Evaluation of existing agricultural production patterns and labour availability. Economic analysis of different technical alternatives of irrigation development models; designing of experimental activities and pilot projects.
05/1985 -
“Sahel Programme” of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Formulation of an economic and organisational proposal for the establishment of co-operative enterprises in grain stocking and trading in Middle Casamance. Responsible for the economic analysis.
(EC / FED) “North-East Benue River Basin Development Project”: Assessment of the existing fodder resources in the area of the North-East Benue River Basin: identification and test of socio-economic criteria. Responsible for the identification of the agro-economic assessment criteria.
“Sahel Programme” of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Basic research on traditional production and processing of shea nuts and shea butter ("noix et beurre de karité") and analysis of market development perspectives at both national and international level.
10/1978 - 04/1979
Sokoto-Rima Basin Development Authority (SRBDA - Federal State of Nigeria) "Middle-Rima Valley Irrigation Development Project"
"Gagare and Bunsuru Valley Irrigation Development Project": Junior expert in the field survey and the description of the existing production patterns within the potential irrigation areas.
Main professional publications (not including technical reports):
Proceedings of the Convention on Irrigation and Land Re-organisation Provincial Adm., Arezzo
Istituto Italo Africano, Rome
Delegación UE de Managua
EU ERA-ARD Programme, Brussels
School of Agricultural Science, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Florence,
2002 to 2009
One week workshop on Project Cycle Management and Financial and Economic Analysis of Environmental Projects in the framework of the “Master Diamante” (First Level) in Land Management and Environmental Protection.. Beneficiaries: 20 students of the Master Course.
Regional Agency for the Environment (Tuscan, ARPAT) in cooperation with the School of Agricultural Science of the University of Florence
One week seminar on Financial and Economic Analysis of Irrigation the Framework of the Master course in “Irrigation projects in the Sahel”. Beneficiaries: officers and technicians from different institutions of Anglophone Sahelian Countries.
Istituto Agronomico per l’Oltremare (Tropical Agriculture Institute of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
One week seminar on Financial and Economic Analysis of Irrigation the Framework of the Master course in “Irrigation projects in the Sahel”. Beneficiaries: officers and technicians from different institutions of Francophone Sahelian Countries.
Two day workshop on Project Cycle Management. Beneficiaries: six Palestinian University Deans and Professors (An-Najah University, Birzeit University, Al-Quds University, Palestine, West Bank)
Department of Juridical Science, University of Florence
20 hours workshop on “Planning and Management of International Cooperation Projects”. Beneficiaries: managers, technicians and volunteers of the Italian NGO “Prijedor Project Association” (Italian NGO)
Province Administration of Trento, “Training Centre for International Solidarity”
Department of Economics and Management, University of Florence