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Sesso F | Data di nascita07/04/1974 | NazionalitàItaliana
SETTORE PROFESSIONALE Pediatria, Immunologia ed Ematologia Pediatrica
POSIZIONE ATTUALE 2005-2018. Ricercatore Universitario a tempo indeterminato presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze. Dirigente Medico, Pediatria. Centro di Eccellenza di Oncologia ed Ematologia Pediatrica, SOC “Oncologia, Ematologia e Trapianto di Cellule Staminali”, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer, Firenze.
TITOLO DI STUDIO Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e Diploma di Specializzazione in Pediatria. Master II livelllo in Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica.
▪ 1999-2001: Frequentatore volontario. Laboratorio di Immunologia A.O.U. Meyer”: partecipazione a progetti di ricerca coordinati dalla Prof. Chiara Azzari e dal Prof. Alberto Vierucci. Attività clinica presso il reparto e il Day-Hospital della Clinica Pediatrica III.
▪ 2001-2006: Formazione Specialistica in Pediatria, Dipartimento di Pediatria, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
▪ 2003-2004: Ricercatore a tempo determinato presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Pediatria
▪ 2003-2009: Attività clinica presso il Servizio di Immunologia-A.O.U. Meyer, Firenze
▪ Aprile-Luglio 2004: Soggiorno a scopi collaborativi presso il laboratorio del San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene therapy (HSR-TIGET), diretto dalla Prof. Maria Grazia Roncarolo
▪ Gennaio 2005: Soggiorno a scopi collaborativi presso la Clinica Pediatrica e l’Unità di Trapianto Midollo Osseo, Università degli Studi di Brescia, diretta dal Prof. Luigi Notarangelo
▪ 2005-oggi: Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Pediatria/NEUROFARBA
▪ 2010-oggi: Attività clinica presso l’Unità di Trapianto di Midollo Osseo, Centro di Eccellenza di Oncologia ed Ematologia Pediatrica, SOC “Oncologia, Ematologia e Trapianto di Cellule Staminali”, A.O.U. Meyer, Firenze.
▪ Gennaio 2013-Dicembre 2014: partecipa al coordinamento delle Malattie Rare nella A.O.U. Meyer, Firenze.
▪ Settembre 2018: Vincitrice del concorso dell’Università di Firenze per la copertura di un posto di professore associato, SC 06/G1 ,SSD MED/38
▪ 2001-2002: Visiting researcher presso Department of Pediatrics, Division of Immunology, Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA. Direttore: Prof. Hans D. Ochs
▪ 2002-2003: Fellowship, Pediatric Immunology presso Division of Immunology, Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA. Direttore: Prof. Hans D. Ochs
▪ Luglio-Agosto 2005: Soggiorno a scopi collaborativi presso il laboratorio del Prof. Hans D. Ochs, Regional Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA
▪ Agosto 2008: Soggiorno a scopi collaborativi presso il laboratorio del Prof. Hans D. Ochs/ Troy R. Torgerson, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
▪ Novembre 2009-Settembre 2010: Clinical attachment presso Pediatric Immunology and BMT Unit, Newcastle General Hospital & University of Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. Direttore: Prof. Andrew J. Cant
▪ Dicembre 2010-2012: Visiting professorship a scopi collaborativi presso la Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
▪ Febbraio-Marzo 2017: Soggiorno a scopi collaborativi presso il laboratorio Prof. Hans D. Ochs/ Troy R. Torgerson, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA
▪ 1993: Diploma di Maturità Classica presso il Liceo Ginnasio “Dante” di Firenze
▪ 1999: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia con il massimo dei voti e la lode (110 e lode) presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze
▪ 2000: Diploma di abilitazione all’esercizio della professione medica
▪ Settembre 2003: ammessa alla European Society for Immunodeficiencies(ESID) Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies (Algavre, Portogallo)
▪ 2006: Diploma di Specializzazione in Pediatria con il massimo di voti e la lode (70 e lode) presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Firenze
▪ Novembre 2007: ammessa alla Clinical Immunology Society (CIS) Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies (Miami, USA)
▪ 2006-2008: Master di II livello in Allergologia ed Immunologia Pediatrica presso la Facoltà di Medicina, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma
▪ 2017: Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale: idonea, professore di seconda fascia, settore concorsuale 06/G1, Pediatria Generale e Specialistica
Lingua madre
Altre lingue
Produzione orale
2000-2001: corso avanzato di inglese presso il Wall Street Institute di Firenze
2001-2002: corso semestrale di inglese avanzato presso la University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Livelli: A1/A2: Utente base - B1/B2: Utente intermedio - C1/C2: Utente avanzato
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue
Competenze comunicative
Possiedo buone competenze comunicative acquisite durante la mia esperienza di relatrice a congressi/simposi/corsi didattici sia nazionali che internazionali
Competenze organizzative e gestionali
Competenze informatiche
▪ Dal 2006, in quando membro del consiglio direttivo dell’European Society for Immunodeficiencies,partecipo all’organizzazione di congressi internazionali e corsi didattici
▪ Dal 2004 coordino un team di laboratorio di ricerca (attualmente 2 assegnisti di ricerca e 2 borsisti) presso il Dipartimento NEUROFARBA, Università degli Studi di Firenze
▪ Ho una valida rete di collaborazioni internazionali e nazionali nell’ambito sia scientifico che clinico dell’immunologia pediatrica
Ottima conoscenza ed utilizzo sia della piattaforma Windows che Mac, Microsoft Word, Power Point, Excel, posta elettronica, navigazione internet, SPSS, STATA
Competenze professionali
Area di interesse
H index: 23
IF totale: 315,543
Citazioni totali: 2730
(Scopus Author ID: 7801396916)
Il mio interesse professionale si è sempre incentrato sulla patogenesi e le prospettive terapeutiche dei disturbi del sistema immunitario in età pediatrica. La mia attività clinica e di ricerca negli ultimi 15 anni si è concentrata principalmente sulle malattie da immunodeficienza primitiva e da disregolazione immunologica e allo studio dei fattori che possono influenzare la ricostituzione immunologica dopo trapianto di cellule staminale emopoietiche. Ho partecipato a numerose conferenze internazionali e nazionali presentando i miei dati di ricerca (poster e orali) e anche come relatrice invitata. Sono autrice di 48 articoli in riviste internazionali peer-reviewed, 7 capitoli di libri di cui 5 in inglese, oltre che di pubblicazioni su riviste nazionali (vedi allegato 1).
Altre competenze
Ricerca traslazionale sulle malattie da Immunodeficienza primitiva con particolare focus sui disturbi della tolleranza immunologica e sulla ricostituzione immune post-trapianto, attraverso studi molecolari e funzionali.
Esperienza clinica in immunologia/ematologia pediatrica ed in ambito di trapianto di cellule staminali emopoietiche
Incentivare e solidificare le collaborazioni internazionali
1994-1998: Giocatrice di pallanuoto femminile (squadra Rari Nantes Florentia, serie C e B)
2014-oggi: Podista amatoriale con partecipazione a gare podistiche nazionali ed internazionali (mezze maratone e maratone)
Fondi di Ricerca e Travel Grants
Riconoscimenti e premi
Attività Didattica
Presentazioni e
Attività di revisore per riviste scientifiche internazionali e grants
Attività editoriale
Organizzazioni Professionali
Presentazioni orale di dati e relazioni a congressi nazionali ed internazionali e/o seminari come relatore invitato:
Regulation of the immune response to encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae " (2012)
2009-2018: membro dell’Editorial Board di Pediatric Reports
Personal data
Date of Birth April 7th, 1974
Place of Birth Florence, Italy
Citizenship Italy
Languages Italian and English (fluent)
Sports (swimming, skiing, running, sailing etc.), cinema, traveling, photography, theatre, art
Computer Skills
MS Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, Powerpoint) both on Mac and Windows. Google Drive. Docs, Sheets, Slides, Forms. Spreadsheets. OpenOffice. Email. Database Management. MS Access, Social Media. SPSS, STATA.
1993-1999 University of Florence, Italy School of Medicine
Doctorate in Medicine with highest honors (110/110 cum laude)
2000 National Medical Board, Italy
2000- 2006 Residency, Pediatrics: University of Florence, “Anna Meyer” University Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy
2003, September ESID Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies: selected participant (Algavre, Portugal)
2007, November CIS Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies: selected participant (Miami, USA)
2006-2008 Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Master: Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy
2017 Scientific National Abilitation (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale-ASN) as Associate Professor of Pediatrics (SC 06/G1)
Professional experience and Postgraduate training
1996-2001 Research fellow in the Pediatric Immunology lab and in Primary Immunodeficiency Clinic, University of Florence, “Anna Meyer” University Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy.
2001-2003 Fellowship, Pediatric Immunology: Professor Hans Ochs, University of Washington, Department of Pediatrics, Medical Center, Seattle, WA.
2003-2004 Researcher (time-contract): University of Florence, Florence Italy.
2003-2009 Outpatient Clinic activity in Immunology Unit, “Anna Meyer” University Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy.
2005-2018 Researcher/Assistant Professor (permanent position): University of Florence, Florence Italy.
01/2004 Appointed by the board of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) as head of the steering commitee for the IPEX sub-registry of European internet-based patient research database for primary immunodeficiency diseases.
05-07/2004 Collaborative work in Professor Maria Grazia Roncarolo’s laboratory, San Raffaele Telethon Institute for Gene therapy (HSR-TIGET), Milan, Italy.
01/2005 Collaborative work in Professor Luigi D. Notarangelo’s clinic, Department of Pediatrics, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy.
06-09/2005 Collaborative work in Dr Troy R. Torgerson/Professor Hans D. Ochs’ lab, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
08/2008 Collaborative work in Dr Troy R. Torgerson/Professor Hans D. Ochs’ lab, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
11/2009 to 10/2010 Clinical/Research attachment in Prof. Andrew Cant’s clinic and research program, Children’s Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit-Newcastle General Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
07/2010 "Honorary Observer Contract" at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital (Dr. Paul Veys, BMT Unit), Londra, UK.
12/2010-12/2011 Appointed as Visiting Professor at Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.
01/2013-12/2014 Collaboration with Department of Fetal and Neonatal Medicine: Rare Diseases, "Anna Meyer" University Children's Hospital, Florence, Italy.
02-03/2017 Collaborative work in Dr Troy R. Torgerson/Professor Hans D. Ochs’ lab, Seattle Children’s Hospital, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA.
10/2010 to date Children’s BMT Unit, Department of Hematology/Oncology “Anna Meyer” University Children’s Hospital, Florence, Italy.
10/2018 to date Associate Professor of Pediatrics (SC 06/G1,SSD MED/38, permanent position): University of Florence, Department of NEUROFARBA, Florence Italy.
Professional Organizations
Italian Society of Pediatrics, Member
Italian Society of Hematology/Oncology (AIEOP), Member
European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID), Member
Clinical Immunology Society (CIS), Member
European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID):
Honors and Invited addresses
09/2003 Selected as participant and travel grant recipient for ESID Summer School in Primary immunodeficiencies 2003, Faro, Algarve, Portugal (Sept 25th-29th, 2003)
10/2006 Elected as Head of ESID Juniors Working Partyand ESID Board Member 2006-2008
11/2006 Appointed Faculty member 2007 of the ESID Summer School in PID as ESID Junior representative
11/2007 Selected as participant and travel grant recipient for CIS Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies 2007, Miami, USA (Nov 1-5, 2007)
05/2008 Invited speaker, “IPEX – genotype/phenotype correlation, hints for the diagnosis and overview on therapeutic approaches”, ESID Spring School on PID, Prague (May 19-20, 2008).
10/2008 Elected as ESID Treasurerand ESID Board Member 2008-2010
11/2008 Elected as Congress Presidentof the 15thESID meeting, Firenze 2012
09/2009 Invited faculty member, ESID Summer School, Bled, September 1-6, 2009
09/2009 Appointed as guest-editor of a multi-author review on "Heritable Immunodeficiencies" for Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences (CMLS)
10/2009 Invited speaker, “IPEX e IPEX-like: il mondo enigmatico della disregolazione immunitaria” Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (IFIACI)meeting, Trieste (September 30-October 3, 2009)
11/2009 Appointed as Member of Editorial Board, Pediatrics Reports
09/2009 Selected as Memberof the “Anna Meyer Children’s Hospital Young Researchers’ Group”
01/2010 Meeting President, ESID Junior Education Workshop, Florence January 11-12, 2010.
02/2010 Invited speaker, “La malattia di Crohn è un’immunodeficienza?” Gastroped meeting, Florence (February 5-6, 2010).
01/2010 Appointed Editor-in-Chief, ESID Newsletter
10/2010 Elected as ESID Treasurerand ESID Board Member 2010-2012
11/2010 Invited speaker, BPAIIG Immunology training day (November 29, 2010-Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Type, UK) “IPEX and related diseases”
11/2011 Invited faculty member, ESID Summer School, Barga, Italy September 28-October 2, 2011
04/2012 Invited speakerat the XI Corso di Formazione avanzata in medicina genomica e terapia personalizzata in ematologia/oncologia: “Genomica e Malattie Autoimmuni”, Collegio Ghislieri, Pavia, Italy (April 16-20, 2012)
05/2012 Awarded with “Premio Giovani Ricercatori 2012(Young Researcher Award)” Anna Meyer Children’s Hospital
07/2012 Invited speakerat Great Ormond Children's Hospital: ‘The management of complex primary immunodeficiency in the context of an evolving economic and diagnostic landscape'
10/2012 Meeting Presidentof the 15thBiennial Meeting of ESID (October 3-6, 2012, Florence, Italy)
10/2012 Elected as ESID Treasurerand ESID Board Member 2012-2014
07/2013 Appointed Memberof the Scientific Committee of the Regional Paediatric Ethical Committee
09/2013 Invited faculty member, ESID Summer School, Heraklion, Greece, September 25-29, 2013
2009-2011-2013 -2016 Invited delegateat the Jeffrey Modell Foundation Immunology Conferences (2009-Dublin, 2011-New York, 2013-Berlin, 2016-Hollywood)
03/2014 Invited speakerat the“Non infectious complications of Primary Immunodeficiency”, Leuven, Belgium (March 8, 2014) with a talk entitled: “The puzzling world of Immune Regulation”
04/2014 Invited speakerat the CIS Annual Meeting Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases North American Conference a Baltimore, USA (April 10-13, 2014), Poster walk “IPEX and ‘IPEX-like’ syndrome: FOXP3 and related pathway”
06/2014 Invited speakerat theXXIV European Congress of Perinatal Medicine – Florence (June 4-7, 2014) with a talk entitled: “Rare neonatal autoimmune diseases”
10/2014 Invited speakerat theEBMT/ESID IEWP 17th - 19th October 2014 – Munich with a talk entitled: “Role of gut environment and microbiota in the pathogenesis of PID autoimmunity”
10/2014 Elected as ESID Educational Working Party Headand ESID Board Member 2014-2018
11/2014 Invited speakerat theCongresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Medicina Perinatale (November 27-29, 2014) with a talk entitled: “Rare autoimmune diseases: molecular and cellular markers”
01/2015 Appointed by Baxalta/Shire asmemberof PID management steering committee to develop and moderate an interactive CME workshop “Patient in Practice” at the IPIC meeting 2015 and ESID meeting 2016
4/2015 Invited speakerat the CIS Annual Meeting Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases North American Conference in Houston, USA (April 9-12, 2015), with a talk entitled: “Novel IL2Ra (CD25) gene mutation in CD25 deficiency syndrome”
9/2015 Invited faculty member and head of the ESID Educational Working Partyat the ESID Summer School in Primary Immunodeficiencies, Calambrone, Pisa, Italia (September 16-20, 2015)
11/2015 Invited speakerat the meeting “Le patologie eosinofile del tratto gastrointestinale: tra allergie ed autoimmunità”, Ospedale Bambino Gesù, Roma (November 20-21, 2015) with a talk entitled: “Immunodysregulation polyendocrinopathy enteropathy X-linked syndrome”
04/2016 Invited speakerat ICID conference, Teheran, Iran (April 24-25, 2016) with 2 talks entitled: “Congenital Disease of Immune Dysregulation” and “Immune reconstitution after HSCT”
06/2016 Invited delegateatJeffrey Model Global Immunology Summit, Hollywood, USA (June 8-12, 2016).
06/2016 Invited speakerat the meeting “Alti e Bassi dell’Immunità”, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy with a talk entitled “Autoimmunity and Immunodeficiencies” (June 23, 2016)
09/2016 Invited speakerand moderatorat XVII Biannual Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (Barcellona, Spagna 21-24 September 2016). Talk entitled: “Clinical Approach in understanding complex congenital autoimmunity”
10/2016 Invited speakerat IPOPI 7th Primary Immunodeficiency Forum (12th October 2016) at the European Parliament (rooms ASP 5G1 and ASP 3H1) in Brussels, Belgium. Talk entitled: “Diagnosis, Treatment and Care Disparities in Italy: Challenges and Opportunities”
10/2016 Invited speakerand moderatorat ASPID Autumn School and APAAACI/APAPARI Congress (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 17-20, 2016). Talks entitled: “Immune dysregulation, autoimmunity in PID…as if infection is not enough!” and “Immune reconstitution after HSCT”.
04/2017 Invited speakerat 3rd Clinical Immunology Congress, 12-15 April 2017, SHERATON HOTEL-CESME, IZMIR, TURKEY.
04/2017 Invited speakerat XXX Congresso Nazionale SIAAIC (6-9 April 2017), Florence, Italy. Talk entitled: “Le nuove immunodeficienze ai confini dell’atopia”.
06/2017 Invited speakerat EAACI Congress 2017 (17-21 June, 2017), Helsinki, Finland. Talk entitled: “Treg deficiencies and IPEX”.
09/2017 Invited speakerand moderatorat ESID Focus Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (Edinburgh, UK September 11-14, 2017). Talk entitled: “The new face of Evans Syndrome: how to look for PIDDs”.
01/2018 Elected as memberof Anna Meyer Children’s Hospital Physicians’ Council
03/2018 Invited speakerat AAAAI/WOA Congress 2018 (1-5 March, 2018), Orlando, FL, USA
04/2018 Invited speakerat the 20years celebration of the Belgian Primary Immunodeficiency Group (Ghent, Belgium 20thof April 2018). Talk entitled: “Autoimmune cytopenias as a new warning sign of PID”
09/2018 Invited delegateatJeffrey Model Global Immunology Summit, Hollywood, USA (September 27-29, 2018).
10/2018 Invited speakerand moderatorat XVIII ESID Biannual Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (Lisboa, Portugal October 24-27, 2018). Talks entitled: “Lymphoproliferation in PIDs” and “Congenital Immune Dysregulation: the answer to many questions”.
11/2018 Invited speakerat the USERN 2018 Congress and ESGM Course on Primary Immunodeficiencies (Reggio di Calabria, Italy November 10-14, 2018). Talks entitled: “Autoimmune cytopenias as a new warning sign of PIDs” and “Immune reconstitution after HSCT”.
2002-2012 Awarded with 9 Travel Grantsto attend international meetings (FOCIS, CIS Primary Immune Disorders Consortium Conference, AAAAI, CIS Annual Meeting Primary Immune Deficiency Diseases etc.)
2004-2017 Awarded with yearly internal funding of University of Florence(Fondi di Ateneo) based on evaluation of scientific production
12/2004 and 07/2007 Telethon Research Grant: “From FOXP3 mutation to IPEX: genotype-phenotype, pathogenetic mechanisms and therapeutic options” (2004-2006) and (2007-2010)
04/2005 MIUR-Cofin2005 (Italian National Institute of research and education) research grant:“Innovative approaches on gene therapy for neurological and immunological genetic diseases” (2006-2008)
12/ 2008 Health Ministry Research Grant for Young Investigators: “HLA-G: a new tolerogenic marker for tolerance induction mediated by regulatory T cells” (2008-2010)
03/2013 Jeffrey Modell Foundation Specific Defect Research Grant: “Role of gut immune system in controlling immune dysregulation: acute gut GvHD and IPEX/IPEX-like syndromes as models”(2013-2015)
12/2013 Health Ministry Research Grant for Young Investigators: “Role of gut environment in the immune reconstitution after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT)” (GR-2011-02349759) (2014-2017)
09/2014 Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze2014 Research Grant: “Ruolo del sistema immunitario intestinale nel controllo delle immunodisregolazioni: malattia del trapianto verso l'ospite sindromi IPEX e “IPEX-like” come modelli di studio” (2014-2015)
12/2017 MIUR-Cofin2016 (Italian National Institute of Research and Education) research grant:“From allergic and autoimmune diseases to immune-dysregulated disorders: clinical, immunological, genetic characterization and proposal of diagnostic and therapeutic protocols (2018-2021)
01/2018 Jeffrey Modell Foundation Specific Defect Research Grant: “Autoimmune cytopenias as “new warning sign” of primary immunodeficiency disorders”(2018-2020)
09/2018 Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze2018 Research Grant: “Citopenie autoimmuni come segno di immunodeficienza primitiva: approccio immunologico e molecolare per ottimizzare il percorso diagnostico-terapeutico” (2018-2019)
2005 to date: faculty member of School of Medicine and Pediatric Residency Program University of Florence
2006 to date: Member of ESID Educational Committee and faculty member of ESID Summer Schools
Editorial Board
2009-2018 Member of Pediatric Reports Editorial Board
Author of total 155 publications:
Presentation of data to several International Conferences
Invited speaker to national and international meetings
Referee for Scientific International Journals
Languages Italian (mother tongue), English (Fluent)
Prof. Luigi D. Notarangelo,Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Immunology and Microbiology, NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA
To study molecular immunology with particular focus on the molecular basis of primary immunodeficiency
Experience in immunology clinic/bone marrow transplantation in primary immunodeficiency
main research interest and invited addresses
My background and strong research interest has always been revolved around primary immunodeficiency and immune dysregulatory disorders. My clinical and research activity during the past 15 years has been mainly focused on these topics. I have participated to several international and national conferences presenting my research data (posters and orals) and also as invited speaker. I am author of 49 manuscripts, in peer-reviewed papers, and 6 chapters of books in English, besides several publications in national journals.