1) Corso Tecniche di selezione, mantenimento e manipolazione di cellule staminali: Giovedì ore 9-10
2) Corso Fisiopatologia cellulare e molecolare del trapianto d’organo e di tessuto: Giovedì ore 10-11
3) Corso Rigenerazione e ripristino delle funzionalità renali mediante l’utilizzo di cellule staminali: Giovedì ore 11-12
Elena Lazzeri nata a Firenze il 6 Dicembre 1974.Stato civile: coniugata
-Febbraio 1999: Laurea in Scienze Biologiche presso la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze con la votazione 108/110. Titoli e Borse di studio
-2000: Vincitrice di una borsa di studio “Fondazione Anna Villa Rusconi” con il progetto “Analisi del ruolo delle chemochine Interferon- inducile Protein (IP-10) e monokine Induced by Interferon- (Mig) e del loro recettore (CXCR3) nella patogenesi delle glomerulonefriti proliferative”. Seconda classificata su 110 candidati a livello nazionale.
-2001: Vincitrice di una borsa di studio triennale della Fondazione Italiana Ricerca sul Cancro (FIRC) per il progetto “Studio dei meccanismi funzionali alla base dell’effetto angiostatico delle chemochine IP-10/CXCL10, Mig/CXCL9, I-TAC/CXCL11 e PF4/CXCL4, attraverso l’identificazione di una nuova variante recettoriale del CXCR3 (CXCR3-B)”
-2003: Conseguita specializzazione in “Biochimica e Chimica Clinica” presso la facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
-2003: Vincitrice del concorso per ricercatore a tempo determinato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, per l’attuazione del Progetto di Ricerca “Terapie con cellule staminali prelevate da soggetto adulto”.
-2005: Vincitrice del concorso per ricercatore a tempo indeterminato in Scienze Tecniche di Medicina di Laboratorio (Settore scientifico disciplinare MED46) presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Linee di ricerca
Le ricerche effettuate dalla Dott.ssa Elena Lazzeri hanno riguardato in particolare lo studio del ruolo delle chemochine e dei loro recettori nella patogenesi delle glomerulonefriti e delle reazioni di rigetto del trapianto renale. Ha inoltre effettuato studi sulla timopoiesi, sui linfociti T regolatori e sulla regolazione dell’angiogenesi. La Dott.ssa Lazzeri si è, inoltre, occupata dello studio di una nuova popolazione di cellule staminali nel sangue periferico, che rappresenta la fonte principale di progenitori endoteliali circolanti, finalizzata alla messa a punto di nuove strategie terapeutiche nei confronti delle malattie ischemiche e degenerative. Più recentemente, la Dott.ssa Lazzeri si è occupata dell’identificazione di una popolazione di cellule staminali multipotenti nel rene umano adulto, aprendo importanti prospettive per l’utilizzo delle cellule staminali nel trattamento dell’insufficienza renale acuta e cronica. Attualmente, la Dott.ssa Elena Lazzeri sta lavorando all’identificazione di quelli che sono i meccanismi molecolari che controllano la migrazione, la crescita e il differenziamento della popolazione di cellule staminali multipotenti del rene.Impact Factor e Citation Index-Impact factor totale 226,04-Impact factor medio 8.37-Numero di citazioni 993.
Elena Lazzeri
Date of birth: 06/12/1974
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9505-2115
1999: Degree on Biological Sciences at the University of Florence.2003: Specialization in Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry at the School of Medicine, University of Florence.
2017: Associate Professor in Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (MED46) of the Human Health Medical School at the University of Florence and works at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences of Florence.
2003: Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence with the project “Therapies with stem cells obtained from adult subject”.2005: Researcher in Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (Scientific disciplinary sector MED46) at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Florence.
2000: Winner of a fellowship of “Anna Villa Rusconi Foundation” with the project “Analysis of the role of Interferon-g inducible Protein (IP-10) and monokine Induced by Interferon-g (Mig) and their receptor (CXCR3) in the pathogenesis of proliferative glomerulonephritis” 2001: Winner of a three years-fellowship of “Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro”. (FIRC) with the project “Study of the mechanisms of the angiostatic effect of the chemokines IP-10/CXCL10, Mig/CXCL9, I-TAC/CXCL11 and PF4/CXCL4, through interaction with a novel receptor variant of CXCR3 (CXCR3-B)”
Publications: 76
H-Index: 43 (Scopus)
Total citations: 8156 (Scopus)
Scientific track-record: Elena Lazzerihas published 76 original manuscripts and reviews in international peer-reviewed journals. Her h-index is 43 (Scopus) with 8156 total citations.
She is invited speaker at national and international meetings.
She has a solid expertise in the field of Nephrology Research. Of note, she contributed to identify renal progenitors in adult human kidney. She has characterized the renal progenitor system in adult human kidney and demonstrated its capacity to generate novel podocytes as well as tubular cells of different portions of the nephron, leading to the description of the kidney progenitor system, in human. The discovery of the renal progenitor system has established an entirely novel view that is changing the way of thinking the renal physiology and pathophysiology. More recently, she demonstrated the existence of two response mechanisms, which act synergistically to promote the recovery of renal function after an acute kidney injury: 1. proliferation of renal progenitors; 2. an increase of tubular epithelial cell ploidy. Whereas renal progenitors play an important role in the regeneration of injured tubule segments, an increased tubular epithelial cell ploidy plays a crucial role to sustain the kidney function after an acute kidney injury. However, polyploidization of tubular cells in the long run promotes fibrosis and acute kidney injury-chronic kidney disease transition. Elena Lazzeri has also established and patented a method for selection and identification of renal progenitors from the urine of patients affected by kidney disorders. This method may allow personalized modelling of kidney disorder and be extremely useful to complement genetic diagnosis of inherited kidney disorders.
EDUCATION1999: Degree on Biological Sciences at the University of Florence.2003: Specialization in Biochemistry and Clinical Chemistry at the School of Medicine, University of Florence.
CURRENT POSITION2017: Associate Professor in Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (MED46) of the Human Health Medical School at the University of Florence and works at the Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences of Florence.
PREVIOUS POSITIONS2003: Post-doctoral researcher at the Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence with the project “Therapies with stem cells obtained from adult subject”.2005: Researcher in Technical Sciences of Laboratory Medicine (Scientific disciplinary sector MED46) at the Department of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Florence.
2000: Winner of a fellowship of “Anna Villa Rusconi Foundation” with the project “Analysis of the role of Interferon-g inducible Protein (IP-10) and monokine Induced by Interferon-g (Mig) and their receptor (CXCR3) in the pathogenesis of proliferative glomerulonephritis”2001: Winner of a three years-fellowship of “Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro”. (FIRC) with the project “Study of the mechanisms of the angiostatic effect of the chemokines IP-10/CXCL10, Mig/CXCL9, I-TAC/CXCL11 and PF4/CXCL4, through interaction with a novel receptor variant of CXCR3 (CXCR3-B)”
-In 2005 she is teacher in “Stem cell biology and regeneration”, “Cellular and molecular transplant pathophysiology”, “Renal function regeneration and restoration through the use of stem cells” at School of Biotechnology, University of Florence.
-In 2013/2014, she carries out didactic activities in the integrated course of "Pathological Anatomy and Histopathology-Diagnostic Techniques", within the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence.
-Starting from the academic year 2018/2019, she carries out didactic activities in the integrated course of "Clinical Microbiology- Diagnostic Methods”, within the Degree Course in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence.
-Starting from the 2013/2014 academic year, she is a teacher at the School of Specialization of Nephrology and Allergology and Immunology, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence.
-Starting from the 2019/2020 academic year, she is a teacher at the School of Specialization of Clinical Biochemistry and clinical Pathology and Anatomic Pathology, School of Human Health Sciences, University of Florence.
- Starting from the academic year 2005/06, she carried out exams of profit, followed by degree thesis, also acting as a speaker and / or co-supervisor in the aforementioned Degree Courses.
-She is a member of the Council of the School of Specialization of Nephrology and Allergology and Immunology.
From 2005: she works at SOD of Immunology and Cellular Therapies of the Careggi University Hospital, where she performs the diagnostic of autoimmune organo specific diseases (indirect immunfluorescence on tissues and organs) and the diagnostic of renal diseases (indirect immunofluorescence on kidney biopsies).
From 2023: she works at SOD of DIAGNOSTIC CENTER OF CYTOFLUORIMETRY AND IMMUNOTHERAPY of the Careggi University Hospitalwith an interdipartimental collaboration, where she performs the diagnostic of autoimmune diseases (indirect immunfluorescence ANA and tissue and organ assays) and the diagnostic of renal diseases (indirect immunofluorescence on kidney biopsies).
2019: EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course Molecular mechanisms of tissue injury, repair and fibrosis. 23-31 May 2019, Spetses island, Greece.
2014: Leica advanced course in confocal microscopy, Milan, Italy. One week theoretical and practical course.
2016: Evento formativo accreditato a livello regionale n°903201650357 denominato Prevenzione della corruzione trasparenza e integrità: il codice etico e di comportamento aziendale-II ciclo
2016: Evento formativo accreditato a livello regionale n°9032016550103 denominato Rischio biologico.
2016: Evento formativo accreditato a livello regionale n°9032016050061 denominato Rischio chimico.
2017: Evento formativo accreditato a livello regionale n°9032017052797 denominato Rischio chimico-gas medicinali, bombole e azoto liquido.
2017: Corso Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi n. 9032017053668, Utilizzo degli autorespiratori.
2020:“Rischi comuni a tutte le mansioni” del corso di “Formazione specifica dei lavoratori del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Sperimentali e Cliniche in materia di salute e sicurezza ai sensi dell'Accordo Stato Regioni del 21.12.2011”.
2020:“Attrezzature” del corso di “Formazione specifica dei lavoratori del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Sperimentali e Cliniche in materia di salute e sicurezza ai sensi dell'Accordo Stato Regioni del 21.12.2011”.
2020:“ROA e CEM” del corso di “Formazione specifica dei lavoratori del Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Sperimentali e Cliniche in materia di salute e sicurezza ai sensi dell'Accordo Stato Regioni del 21.12.2011”.
Lazzeri E, Lasagni L, Romagnani P. Method fo the isolation, purification and amplification of renal progenitors from the urine of patients with kidney disorders. Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Meyer. FI2013A000303 del 24/12/2013 patent number 0001421589.
2018: Scientific committee of 30th Meeting of European Renal Cell Study Group, 19-22 aprile 2018, Artimino, Prato.
-64°Congresso della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, 4-7 ottobre 2023, Torino. “I progenitori renali derivati dalle urine: un bene prezioso da tesorizzare”.
-30th Meeting of European Renal Cell Study Group, 19-22 aprile 2018, Artimino, Prato. “Endocycle-related tubular cell hypertrophy and progenitor proliferation recover renal function after acute kidney injury”.
-VIII meeting SCRI: Chieti 25-27 maggio 2017. “Kidney stem cells and their therapeutical potential”.
-First Consensus Meeting on Renal Progenitors and Kidney Regeneration, 10-12 giugno 2016, Florence.
-56° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, 1-4 ottobre 2015, Rimini. “Podocitopatie: alla ricerca di nuovi strumenti di indagine”.
-54° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, 25-28 settembre 2013, Firenze. “Progenitori renali: dalle urine dei pazienti all’utilizzo clinico”.
-Cinquantenario della dialisi in Italia, 25 novembre 2011, Pescara. “Cellule staminali e rene”.
-52° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, 21-24 settembre 2011, Genova. “Ruolo dei progenitori renali nella rigenerazione tubulare”.
-Giornate Nefrologiche in Versilia, 5-6 maggio 2011, Lido di Camaiore. “Stem cells in glomerular diseases”.
-51° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia. 6-9 ottobre 2010, Rimini. “La Real-Time PCR”.
-49° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia. 8-11 ottobre 2008, Rimini. “Nuove tecniche di microdissezione e microscopia”.
Other oral comunications:
-60°ERA CONGRESS, Milan 15-18 June 2023. “Kidney tubule polyploidization during physiologic ageing in mice”.
-Polyploidy Conference, Palm Coast, Florida, 9-12 may 2023. “Kidney tubule polyploidization during physiologic ageing in mice”.
-35th Meeting of the European Renal Cell Study Group. Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 30 marzo -1 aprile 2023. “Polyploid tubular cells initiate a TGF-β controlled loop that sustains polyploidization and fibrosis during AKI-CKD transition”.
-29th Meeting of the European Renal Cell Study Group, GÖTTINGEN, GERMANY
APRIL 27TH - 30TH 2017. “Tubular cell endocycle and progenitor proliferation rescue acute kidney injury despite persistent tubular cell loss”.
-Kidney Week: 50th Annual Meeting, New Orleans 1-5 November 2017:“Endocycle-mediated hypertrophy and progenitor proliferation as central mechanisms of response to acute injury”.
- Kidney Week: 49th Annual Meeting, Chicago 15-20 November 2016:“Tubular Cell Endocycle-Related Hypertrophy and Renal Progenitor Mitosis Drive Kidney Function Recovery After AKI But Cannot Avoid Persistent Tubular Cell Loss”.
-28th Meeting of the European Renal Cell Study Group, Chantilly, Paris 21-24 april 2016:“Tubular progenitors drive repair following acute kidney injury despite an irreversible tubular cell loss occurs”.
-Kidney Week: 48th Annual Meeting, San Diego 3-8 November 2015:“Tubular Regeneration after Acute Kidney Injury is limited and only driven by Tubular Progenitors”.
-26th Meeting of the European Renal Cell Study Group, Regensburg 27-30 march 2014:“Urine-derived human renal progenitor cultures for modeling of genetic kidney disorders”.
-Academy of Ideas, Ariano Irpino, 1-3 September 2014: “Urine-derived human renal progenitors for the functional diagnosis and disease modeling of genetic kidney disorders”.
-47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Nephrology, Porto 18-20 september 2014:“Urine-derived human renal progenitor cultures for modeling of genetic kidney disorders”.
-ISN Forefronts Symposium 2013. Stem Cells and Kidney Regeneration, Florence 12-15 september 2013:“Isolation and characterization of urine-derived renal progenitors from pediatric patients affected by glomerular diseases”.
-KIDSTEM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, Liverpool 17–19 september 2008:“Regeneration of glomerular podocytes by human renal progenitors”.
-49° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, Rimini 8-11 ottobre 2008:“Ruolo dei recettori chemochinici CXCR4 e CXCR7 nella migrazione e nella capacità rigenerativa delle cellule staminali renali in modelli murini di insufficienza renale acuta”.
-Primo incontro con la giovane nefrologia, Roma 30 ottobre 1 novembre 2006:“Isolation and characterization of multipotent stem cells from the Bowman’s capsule of adult human kidneys”.
-47° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Nefrologia, Roma 24-27 maggio 2006:“Isolamento e caratterizzazione di cellule staminali multipotenti dalla capsula di Bowman di reni umani adulti”.
Evaluator CINECA VQR 2011-2014.
2018: Review Editor of the journal Frontiers, section Renal Pharmacology.
2020: Associate Editor of the journal Frontiers, section Renal Pharmacology.
2023-2025: Coordinator of PRIN: PROGETTI DI RICERCA DI RILEVANTE INTERESSE NAZIONALE – Bando 2022, with the study titled “Tubular epithelial cell polyploidy in MYH9-related disease nephropathy”.
2022-2025: Principal investigator of the Research Unit in the European project ERA PerMed JTC2021, with the study titled “Implementation of personalised management in nephrotic syndrome" acronym PER-NEPH.
2020-2023: Principal investigator of the Research Unit of Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi (AOUC) in the national project Bando Ricerca Salute 2018, with the study titled "Set-up of a platform for personalized diagnosis of rare kidney diseases" acronym NIKE.(AOUC Unit Funding Euro 110,000).
2008-2010: Principal investigator of the Research Unit of the national project PRIN / FIRB prot. 2008NY2B9T_002, with the study titled "Study of the role of chemokines CXCL9 and CXCL10 as predictors of chronic graft nephropathy".
2005-2007: Principal investigator of the Research Unit of the national project PRIN / FIRB prot. 2005068145_002, with the project entitled "Isolation and characterization of a multipotent human glomerular stem cell".
2021-2026: Participant in the European project ERC Advanced Investigator Grant-Horizon 2020: “Sexual dimorphIsM in renal PrOgenitors to explain gender-Specificity In kidney physiOlogy aNd diseases SIMPOSION.
2015-2019: Participant in the European project ERC Consolidator Grant ERC-2014 CoG-648274_Renoir. "Renal progenitors: Tools for modeling and targets for treatment of kidney disorders".
2012-2017: Participant in the European project European Cooperative Grant FP7, STELLAR, "Stem-cell based therapy for kidney repair" Grant number 305436.
2009-2011: Participant in the project of the Regional Health Research Program 2009 - Tuscany Region, "Renal stem cells amplification from the urine of patients with glomerular disorders for the set-up of autologous cell therapy of chronic renal injury".
2008-2012: Participant in the European ERC project Starting Grant Young Investigator Award, RESCARF, Renal stem cells: possible role in kidney pathologies and as new therapeutic tools. Grant number 205027.
2008-2011: Participant in the European project European Cooperative Grant Seventh Framework program theme-Health-2007-1.4-8 FP7 Program, STAR-T REK, Set up and comparison of multiple stem cell approaches for kidney repair. Grant number 223007.
2007-2009: Participant in the AIRC project "Renal cancer stem cells: isolation, characterization and comparison with normal renal stem cells".
-Angelotti ML, Lazzeri E, Romagnani P. Localization of Injury and Repair Pathways Critical Care Nephrology: Third Edition, 2019, pp. 173–178.e2
-Lasagni L, Lazzeri E, Peired A, Romagnani P. Kidney Development, Disease, Repair and Regeneration: Edited by Melissa Little, Elsevier 2015.
-Lazzeri E, Peired A, Ballerini L, Lasagni L. Adult stem cells in tissue homeostasis and disease: Current frontiers and perspectives in cell biology. Edited by Stevo Najmam, InTech, 2012
-Lasagni L, Lazzeri E, Romagnani P. Stem cell niche in the kidney: Regenerative nephrology; pg. 233-243; Edited by M Goligorsky. Elsevier, 2011.