Mercoledì dalle ore 10.00, sede di Santa Teresa, previa comunicazione via mail al docente entro il giorno precedente
Leonardo Zaffi, architetto, Phd in tecnologia dell’architettura, professore associato nel Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA dell’Università di Firenze, si occupa di pianificazione strategica e attuazione dei programmi complessi, delle tematiche inerenti alla rigenerazione urbana e delle aree industriali, del progetto di sistemi temporanei e delle strategie nella fase esecutiva. Ricercatore universitario dal 2009 ha fatto parte di unità operative di ricerca, commissioni tecniche e gruppi di lavoro. Ha fatto parte di unità operative in programmi di ricerca europei, PRIN sui laboratori biomedici per la ricerca avanzata, MIUR sulla valutazione del fabbisogno di edilizia universitaria, C.N.R. sui sistemi innovativi per la riqualificazione e il recupero dell’esistente, e in convenzioni per la valorizzazione e recupero delle aree ex ospedaliere, sull’agricoltura urbana, sui masterplan per l’alta formazione e le università, sul progetto degli insediamenti temporanei per le emergenze.
Responsabile scientifico di programmi di ricerca pubblici e in convenzione sui temi dell’autocostruzione, della rigenerazione dello spazio urbano e del Patrimonio. E’ componente delle Unità di ricerca FAL Florence Accessibility Lab, CORE Community Resilience e UD Laboratorio di Urban Design.
E’ associato alla Società Italiana di Tecnologia dell’Architettura, ed è stato membro della commissione CIB W104 “Open Building Implementation”
Ha fondato ed è co-direttore del Laboratorio di Architettura e Autocostruzione struttura operativa per la formazione, la ricerca e il trasferimento del Dipartimento di Architettura orientata alle metodologie di Learning by Doing, e alla sperimentazione attraverso la realizzazione di allestimenti, installazioni e modelli e prototipi in scala reale.
E’ membro del collegio e coordinatore del Curriculum in Tecnologia del Dottorato di Ricerca in Sostenibilità e Innovazione per il progetto dell’Ambiente Costruito e del Sistema Prodotto.
E’ docente per le discipline dell’Area Tecnologica presso la Facoltà di Architettura di Firenze, dove s’interessa in particolare di approfondire i processi formativi e l’innovazione nei laboratori di progettazione tecnologica con il focus sul ruolo del modello e dei rapporti fra modellazione fisica e digitale nei percorsi orientati allo sviluppo della dimensione creativa applicata al progetto esecutivo e alla comprensione della fase costruttiva e di detailing.
Ha tenuto corsi all'Università di Ferrara e lezioni in altre sedi universitarie, master, dottorati e corsi di specializzazione. Ha promosso workshop e seminari sulla rigenerazione di strutture industriali dismesse e degli spazi residuali urbani tramite l’apporto dell’arte e dell’autocstruzione, della valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico meno noto e dell’inclusione.
Relatore e correlatore dal 2005 ad oggi di oltre cento Tesi di Laurea nei corsi di Laurea in Architettura e Scienze dell’Architettura
Dal 2019 è docente per il modulo di Produzione Edilizia nel laboratorio di Architettura e Struttura peresso l’Università NSBC di Tirana.
Leonardo Zaffi, architect, Ph.D. in architectural technology, associate professor in the Department of Architecture DIDA of the University of Florence, deals with strategic planning and implementation of complex programs, issues related to urban regeneration and industrial areas, and design of temporary systems and strategies in the executive phase. A university researcher since 2009, he has been a member of operational research units, technical commissions, and working groups. Served as a member of operational units in European research programs, PRIN on biomedical laboratories for advanced research, MIUR on university building needs assessment, C.N.R. on innovative systems for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of the existing, and in conventions for the redevelopment and rehabilitation of former hospital areas, on urban agriculture, on master plans for higher education and universities, on the design of temporary settlements for emergencies. He was scientifically responsible for public and convention research programs on self-building, regeneration of urban space, and heritage. He is a member of the FAL Florence Accessibility Lab, CORE Community Resilience, and U.D. Urban Design Laboratory research units. He is associated with the Italian Society of Architectural Technology and was a member of the CIB W104 "Open Building Implementation" committee. He founded and is co-director of the Laboratory of Architecture and Self-Building operational structure for training, research, and transfer of the Department of Architecture, focusing on Learning by Doing methodologies and experimentation through creating installations, full-scale models, and prototypes. He is a board member and coordinator of the Technology Curriculum of the PhD Program in Sustainability and Innovation for the Built Environment and Product System Design. He is a lecturer for the disciplines of the Technology Area at the Faculty of Architecture in Florence, where he is particularly interested in deepening the training processes and innovation in technological design laboratories with a focus on the role of the model and the relationships between physical and digital modeling in paths oriented to the development of the creative dimension applied to the executive project and the understanding of the construction and detailing phase.He has taught courses at the University of Ferrara and lectured in other university venues, as well as master's, doctoral, and postgraduate courses. He has promoted workshops and seminars on the regeneration of disused industrial structures and urban residual spaces through the contribution of art and self-construction, the enhancement of lesser-known artistic heritage, and inclusion. Since 2005, he has been thesis supervisor of more than one hundred Theses in the degree courses in Architecture and Architectural Science. Since 2019, he has been a lecturer for the module on Building Production in the Laboratory of Architecture and Structure at the NSBC University of Tirana.
He is associated with the Italian Society of Architectural Technology, and was a member of the CIB W104 "Open Building Implementation" committee.
He founded and is co-director of the Laboratory of Architecture and Self-Building operational structure for training, research and transfer of the Department of Architecture oriented to Learning by Doing methodologies, and experimentation through the creation of installations and full-scale models and prototypes.
He is a board member and coordinator of the Curriculum in Technology of the PhD Program in Sustainability and Innovation for the Built Environment and Product System Design.
He is a lecturer for the disciplines of the Technology Area at the Faculty of Architecture in Florence, where he is particularly interested in deepening the training processes and innovation in technological design laboratories with the focus on the role of the model and the relationships between physical and digital modeling in paths oriented to the development of the creative dimension applied to the executive project and the understanding of the construction and detailing phase.
He has taught courses at the University of Ferrara and lectured in other university venues, as well as master's, doctoral, and postgraduate courses. He has promoted workshops and seminars on the regeneration of disused industrial structures and urban residual spaces through the contribution of art and self-construction, the enhancement of lesser-known artistic heritage, and inclusion. Since 2005, he has been thesis supervisor of more than one hundred Theses in the degree courses in Architecture and Architectural Science. Since 2019, he has been a lecturer for the module on Building Production in the Laboratory of Architecture and Structure at the NSBC University of Tirana.