Chi desidera visionare l'elaborato scritto della prova del 10 dicembre può presentarsi il 9 gennaio alle ore 15 presso lo studio Galfré-Tacchi (san Gallo, piano II)
In presenza: 22.4 ore 15-16; 30.4 ore 15-16; 8.5 ore 13-14; 15.5 ore 13-14; 27.5 ore 15-16; 7.6 orario da stabilire; 12.6 ore 11-12; 27.6 ore 11-12. Contattare sempre preventivamente la docente via mail e controllare bacheca on line per eventuali variazioni.
febbraio 1989: laurea in Lettere, indirizzo Storia contemporanea (Unifi)
1991-1995: docente scuola secondaria II grado; tecnico documentalista presso Archivi storici comunali (Firenze, Fiesole)
1995-1998: dottorato di ricerca in Storia della società europea (Unipi)
1999-2001: post-doc in Storia contemporanea (Unifi)
2002-2004: assegnista di ricerca in Storia contemporanea, poi borsista (Unifi)
2005-2015: Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato in Storia contemporanea, Unifi
2015: professore associato di Storia contemporanea, Unifi
Professoressa associata di storia contemporanea, afferisce al Dipartimento SAGAS dell'Università di Firenze. Insegna/ha insegnato Storia dell'Europa contemporanea, Storia contemporanea, Storia del giornalismo, Fonti e metodi per la storia contemporanea, Storia dello sport, Storia globale, Historical cultures and collective identities (percorso HIPS), Le narrazioni dell'età contemporanea. Già docente per la SISS Toscana e il TFA e visiting professor presso la Facoltà di Sociologia di Urbino.
Assi principali di ricerca:
- biografia di Anna Garofalo
- Giornalismo illustrato dell'800 (di viaggio; popolare)
- immagine del femminile nel cinema italiano (anni 50/60)
- rappresentazione dei processi penali del secondo dopoguerra
- Guerra fredda culturale: le associazioni internazionali dei giuristi (1947-1980)
- La giustizia di transizione
- I giuristi e la legislazione di emergenza (terrorismo; mafia)
- sport femminili di squadra
Francesca Tacchi is Associate Professor of Contemporary History at SAGAS Department. After working as archivist in charge at the Historical Archives of Florence and Fiesole Municipalities (1991-95), she received a PhD in European History at the University of Pisa (1998). After a period as visiting professor at the Department of Sociology (University of Urbino, 2002-03), she joined the University of Florence in 2005 as researcher. She had long focused on liberal professions, transition studies, gender history, the cultural history of journalism as dissemination of knowledge (in 2004 member of the Commitee of the historical exhibition “”Lawyers in Milan. Six Centuries of history”). More recently, she focussed on public history and the relationship between history and cinema and the history of sport. She is member of the scientific committee of the PHD in Historical Sciences (Unifi-Unisi) and in charge of the Quality of the three-year BA program in History. She supervises the cultural agreement between Sagas and Hanoi University of Vietnam, and she is member of SAGAS Unit research MTS (Modern Transcultural Studies) and of the scientific commitee of the Interuniversity Centre for Global History. As member of the Consortium Agreement, she is coordinator of the UNIFI unit in the Erasmus Mundus joint Master Degree program "History in the Public Sphere" (HIPS: KA1 Partnership with Japan). She has taken part in several competitive research projects financed also by the Italian Ministry for University and Research (in 2007 manager of the Unifi unit). Among her main publications: Gli avvocati italiani dall'unità alla Repubblica (2002); Eva togata. Donne e professioni giuridiche in Italia (2009; Franco Momigliano Award 2010); Professioni e potere a Firenze tra 800 e 900 (2012). One of her books, Storia illustrata del fascismo (2000) has been translated and published in several countries. She is editor-in-chief of the contemporary history journal “Passato e Presente” and member of the Scientific committee of "Storia dello sport. Rivista di studi contemporanei"
1) Anna Garofalo. A biography
2) Illustrated popular press in XIX century (travel)
Relationship history/cinema:
1) women and gender in Italian cinema
2) movies and trials in transition justice (i.e. after WWII)
Cultural cold war: the International Associations of jurists and the International Commission of Jurists (1947-1980)
Transitional justice (after WWII)
terrorism and mafia
female team sports