- Diploma di Maturità Classica, Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri, Firenze, 1990
- Laurea in Architettura, Università degli studi di Firenze, Novembre 1998
- Dottorato in Pianificazione urbanistica e del territorio, Dicembre 2003
- Ricercatore in Pianificazione urbanistica, Università degli studi di Firenze, Feb. 2005-Feb. 2018
- Professore associato in Pianificazione urbanistica, Università degli studi di Firenze, dal Marzo 2018
- Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (da 01-10-2006 a 02-28-2006)
- Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (da 07-01-2006 a 08-31-2006)
- Research Fellow in Urban Studies, Johns’ Hopkins University, Institute for Policy Studies (da 09-01-2007 a 05-31-2008)
- Visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (da 08-20-2012 a 09-20-2012)
- Visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (da 02-01-2013 a 05-31-2013)
- Visiting Associate Professor, University of California at Berkeley, Department of Architecture (da 08-15-2019 a 05-31-2020), lecturer of the Urban Design Studio in the Master of Urban Design.
Organizzazione o partecipazione come relatore a convegni di carattere scientifico in Italia o all'estero
dal 16-01-2006 al 17-06-2006
dal 18-05-2006 al 19-05-2006
dal 03-05-2007 al 04-05-2007
dal 10-02-2010 al 12-02-2010
dal 16-04-2013 al 16-04-2013
dal 09-05-2013 al 10-05-2013
dal 10-05-2013 al 12-05-2013
dal 01-01-2014 a oggi
dal 10-05-2014 al 12-05-2014
dal 15-05-2014 al 16-05-2014
dal 15-05-2014 al 15-05-2014
dal 19-06-2014 al 20-06-2014
dal 25-06-2014 al 27-06-2014
dal 13-11-2014 al 15-11-2014
dal 20-02-2015 al 16-06-2015
dal 06-06-2015 al 07-06-2015
dal 11-06-2015 al 13-06-2015
dal 19-06-2015 al 21-06-2015
dal 22-06-2015 al 25-06-2015
dal 19-11-2015 al 20-11-2015
dal 28-01-2016 al 28-01-2016
dal 29-01-2016 al 29-01-2016
dal 17-02-2016 al 11-06-2016
dal 27-06-2016 al 28-06-2016
dal 12-09-2016 al 14-09-2016
dal 01-03-2017 al 14-06-2017
dal 09-06-2017 al 10-06-2017
dal 11-07-2017 al 14-07-2017
dal 18-04-2018 al 22-04-2018
dal 19-06-2018 a oggi
dal 18-06-2019 al 19-06-2019
dal 25-02-2022 al 01-03-2022
dal 07-04-2022 al 09-04-2022
Direzione o partecipazione alle attività di un gruppo di ricerca caratterizzato da collaborazioni a livello nazionale o internazionale
dal 01-09-2015 a oggi
dal 01-09-2016 a oggi
dal 19-10-2016 a oggi
dal 01-11-2017 al 31-12-2018
dal 13-01-2018 a oggi
Responsabilità' di studi e ricerche scientifiche affidati da qualificate istituzioni pubbliche o private
dal 01-09-1999 al 31-12-2000
dal 01-02-2004 al 31-01-2005
dal 01-09-2016 al 31-12-2018
Responsabilità scientifica per progetti di ricerca internazionali e nazionali, ammessi al finanziamento sulla base di bandi competitivi che prevedano la revisione tra pari
dal 01-09-2007 al 31-05-2008
Direzione o partecipazione a comitati editoriali di riviste, collane editoriali, enciclopedie e trattati di riconosciuto prestigio
Abstract della collana: "Cultural production on Tuscany is rich and consolidated, making the region a stimulating area of investigation regarding cultural, political, and social dynamics that underlie the construction of this renowned space. In the collective imagination, Tuscany often symbolizes harmony between humans and their natural environment, as the embodiment of a millennial synthesis between nature and culture, or represents the quintessential fulcrum of the so-called spirit of the Renaissance. This idealized vision, however, does not account for its cultural, social, and material complexity. The purpose of the Critical Tuscan Studies series is to highlight such complexity through research that advances the theoretical debate on Tuscan space, history, society and culture in original and thought- provoking ways. This interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed series welcomes contributions on the region of Tuscany concerning different chronological periods and across a range of disciplines, including Architecture, Landscape Studies, Urban Planning, Literature, Cinema, Linguistics, Geography, History, Sociology, Tourism Studies, Art History, Philosophy and Politics, among others."
Giulio Giovannoni University of Florence | Silvia Ross University College Cork Editorial Board
Mario Bevilacqua University of Florence | Marco Cenzatti University of California at Berkeley | Francesco Collotti University of Florence | Dario Gaggio University of Michigan | Richard Ingersoll Syracuse University of Florence | Anna Lambertini University of Florence | Medina Lasansky Cornell University | Mirella Loda University of Florence | Saverio Mecca University of Florence | Luca Somigli University of Toronto | Mariella Zoppi University of Florence Sito web: http://didapress.it/1 dal 01-01-2017 a oggi
dal 01-09-2017 a oggi
Partecipazione al collegio dei docenti ovvero attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento, nell'ambito di dottorati di ricerca accreditati dal Ministero
dal 07-03-2018 al 31-12-2022
dal 19-05-2022 a oggi
Formale attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento o di ricerca (fellowship) presso qualificati atenei e istituti di ricerca esteri o sovranazionali
dal 10-01-2006 al 28-02-2006
dal 01-07-2006 al 31-08-2006
dal 20-08-2012 al 20-09-2012
dal 01-02-2013 al 31-05-2013
dal 22-04-2018 al 25-04-2018
dal 15-08-2019 al 14-08-2020
Il nucleo della mia ricerca è incentrato su tre temi strettamente interrelati: la storia culturale e paesaggistica della Toscana contemporanea, la vita pubblica e il disegno urbano delle periferie, la vita pubblica e il disegno urbano dei nonluoghi. La mia attenzione alla teoria critica urbana e alla teoria critica della pianificazione costituisce lo sfondo teorico e metodologico con cui vengono indagate le tre macroaree. La relazione tra i suddetti campi di indagine non è immediata da cogliere e dipende in larga misura dal modo in cui il discorso sul paesaggio e sulla società si struttura in Toscana e in altre parti del mondo.Sinteticamente, il modo distopico di strutturare il discorso sulle periferie è l'altra faccia della medaglia del modo utopico di strutturare il discorso sul Paese e sui centri storici. Nel caso della Toscana, tali narrazioni sono a mio avviso sia storicamente false che politicamente controproducenti. Se da un lato lasciano che le periferie siano completamente trascurate, dall'altro lasciano che sia la campagna toscana sia i centri storici diventino una sorta di musei a cielo aperto privi di qualsiasi espressione di vita quotidiana, e pronti per essere "consumati" da enormi masse di turisti, come nel caso dei centri storici, o da ricchi vacanzieri internazionali, come nel caso degli immobili di campagna. Gran parte dei miei sforzi di ricerca sono dedicati a ribaltare tali narrazioni dominanti e fondamentalmente dualistiche, a svelare narrazioni alternative rimaste nascoste a causa di discorsi egemonici, e a creare i presupposti culturali per uno sviluppo più equilibrato della Toscana. Per questo la mia ricerca è politicamente impegnata, anche se in modo onesto e manifesto.Sebbene le suddette narrazioni siano strutturate in Toscana in modo peculiare e unico, esse riflettono discorsi simili che si possono trovare nella letteratura urbana di tutto il mondo, sia nella letteratura accademica che in quella politico-giornalistica. Il discorso sullo sprawl negli Stati Uniti, per fare un esempio, che ho ampiamente studiato durante il mio programma di borsa di studio alla Johns Hopkins University, anche se con grandi differenze, appartiene alla stessa tradizione. Uno dei suoi effetti collaterali è, a mio avviso, quello di impedire di affrontare in modo pragmatico ed efficace i problemi urbani contemporanei. Queste sono alcune delle ragioni per cui lo studio del caso toscano ha un interesse e una rilevanza più generali.
- Degree in Architecture, University of Florence, Nov. 1998
- Phd in Urban Planning, University of Florence, Dec. 2003
- Researcher in Urban Planning, University of Florence, Feb. 2005-Feb. 2018
- Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Mar. 2018-ongoing
- Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (from 07-01-2006 al 08-31-2006)
- Visiting scholar, Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (from 01-10-2006 al 02-28-2006)
- Research Fellow in Urban Studies, Johns’ Hopkins University, Institute for Policy Studies (from 09-01-2007 al 05-31-2008)
- Visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (from 08-20-2012 al 09-20-2012)
- Visiting scholar, University of California at Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (from 02-01-2013 al 05-31-2013)
- Visiting Associate Professor, University of California at Berkeley, Department of Architecture (from 08-15-2019 al 05-31-2020), lecturer of the Urban Design Studio in the Master of Urban Design.
Organization of or participation as a speaker at scientific conferences in Italy or abroad
16-01-2006 to 17-06-2006
18-05-2006 to 19-05-2006
03-05-2007 to 04-05-2007
10-02-2010 to 12-02-2010
16-04-2013 to 16-04-2013
09-05-2013 to 10-05-2013
10-05-2013 to 12-05-2013
01-01-2014 to present
10-05-2014 to 12-05-2014
15-05-2014 to 16-05-2014
15-05-2014 to 15-05-2014
19-06-2014 to 20-06-2014
25-06-2014 to 27-06-2014
13-11-2014 to 15-11-2014
20-02-2015 to 16-06-2015
06-06-2015 to 07-06-2015
11-06-2015 to 13-06-2015
19-06-2015 to 21-06-2015
22-06-2015 to 25-06-2015
19-11-2015 to 20-11-2015
28-01-2016 to 28-01-2016
29-01-2016 to 29-01-2016
17-02-2016 to 11-06-2016
27-06-2016 to 28-06-2016
12-09-2016 to 19-09-2016
12-09-2016 to 14-09-2016
01-03-2017 to 14-06-2017
09-06-2017 to 10-06-2017
11-07-2017 to 14-07-2017
18-04-2018 to 22-04-2018
19-06-2018 to 20-06-2018
18-06-2019 to 19-06-2019
25-02-2022 to 01-03-2022
07-04-2022 to 09-04-2022
Direction or participation in the activities of a research group characterized by national or international collaborations
01-09-2015 to present
01-09-2016 to present
19-10-2016 to present
01-11-2017 to 31-12-2018
13-01-2018 to present
Responsibility for scientific studies and research entrusted by qualified public or private institutions
01-09-1999 to 31-12-2000
01-02-2004 to 31-01-2005
01-09-2016 to 31-12-2018
Scientific responsibility for international and national research projects accepted for funding on the basis of competitive calls involving peer review
01-09-2007 to 31-05-2008
Editing or serving on editorial boards of journals, publishing series, encyclopedias and treatises of recognized prestige
Series abstract: "Cultural production on Tuscany is rich and consolidated, making the region a stimulating area of investigation regarding cultural, political, and social dynamics that underlie the construction of this renowned space. In the collective imagination, Tuscany often symbolizes harmony between humans and their natural environment, as the embodiment of a millennial synthesis between nature and culture, or represents the quintessential fulcrum of the so-called spirit of the Renaissance. This idealized vision, however, does not account for its cultural, social, and material complexity. The purpose of the Critical Tuscan Studies series is to highlight such complexity through research that advances the theoretical debate on Tuscan space, history, society and culture in original and thought- provoking ways. This interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed series welcomes contributions on the region of Tuscany concerning different chronological periods and across a range of disciplines, including Architecture, Landscape Studies, Urban Planning, Literature, Cinema, Linguistics, Geography, History, Sociology, Tourism Studies, Art History, Philosophy and Politics, among others."
Mario Bevilacqua University of Florence | Marco Cenzatti University of California at Berkeley | Francesco Collotti University of Florence | Dario Gaggio University of Michigan | Richard Ingersoll Syracuse University of Florence | Anna Lambertini University of Florence | Medina Lasansky Cornell University | Mirella Loda University of Florence | Saverio Mecca University of Florence | Luca Somigli University of Toronto | Mariella Zoppi University of Florence Sito web: http://didapress.it/1
01-01-2017 to present
Participation in the faculty board or awarding of teaching assignments, as part of PhD programs accredited by the Ministry
07-03-2018 to 31-12-2022
19-05-2022 to present
Formal award of teaching or research positions (fellowships) at qualified foreign or supranational universities and research institutes
10-01-2006 to 28-02-2006
01-07-2006 to 31-08-2006
20-08-2012 to 20-09-2012
01-02-2013 to 31-05-2013
22-04-2018 to 25-04-2018
15-08-2019 to 14-08-2020
The core of my research is centered in three strictly interrelated topics: contemporary Tuscan cultural history and landscape history, public life and urban design in peripheries, public life and urban design of non-places. My focus on critical urban theory and on critical planning theory provides as the theoretical and methodological background by which the three macro-areas are being investigated. The relationship between the aforementioned fields of inquiry is not immediate to grasp and largely depends on the way the discourse on landscape and society is structured in Tuscany and in other parts of the world.
Synthetically, the dystopian way of structuring the discourse on peripheries is as the other side of the coin of the utopian way of structuring the discourse on the country and on historical centers. In the case of Tuscany, such narratives are in my mind both historically false and politically counterproductive. If on the one hand they are letting peripheries being completely neglected, on the other hand they are letting both the Tuscan countryside and historical centers becoming sort of open-air museums devoid of any expression of everyday life, and ready to be ‘consumed’ by huge masses of tourists, as in the case of historical centers, or by wealthy international vacationers, as in the case of country real estates. Much of my research efforts are devoted to overturning such dominant and basically dualistic narratives, to unveiling alternative narratives which remained hidden due to hegemonic discourses, and to create the cultural preconditions for a better balanced development in Tuscany. This is why my research is politically engaged, although in an honest and manifest way.
Although the aforementioned narratives are structured in Tuscany in a peculiar and unique manner, they reflect similar discourses that can be found in the urban literature all over the world, both in scholarly literature and in political/journalistic literature. The discourse on sprawl in the U.S., to make an example, which I largely studied during my fellowship program at Johns Hopkins University, although with major differences, belongs to the same tradition. One of its side-effects is in my mind that of impeding to deal pragmatically and effectively with contemporary urban problems. These are among the reasons for the study of the Tuscan case has a more general interest and relevance.