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Lorenzo Bettini is an associate professor in computer science at the Dipartimentodi Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni "Giuseppe Parenti," Università di Firenze,Italy. Previously, he was a researcher in computer science at Dipartimento diInformatica, Università di Torino, Italy. He also was a Postdoc and a contractualresearcher at Dipartimento di Sistemi e Informatica, Università di Firenze, Italy.He has a master degree summa cum laude in computer science and a PhD in"Logics and Theoretical Computer Science." His research interests cover design,theory, and the implementation of programming languages (in particular, object-oriented languages and network-aware languages). He is committer of the Eclipse projectsSWTBot and Xtext, and project co-lead of the Eclipse project EMF Parsley.He is the author of both editions of thebook "Implementing Domain-Specific Languages with Xtext and Xtend", publishedby Packt Publishing (1st edition August 2013, 2nd edition August 2016).He is also the author of about 90 papers published in international conferences and international journals. You can contact him at