Mercoledì ore 10.15-11.15
Venerdì ore 11.15-12.15
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Nato a Firenze nel 1968.Laureato in Ingegneria Elettronica all'Università degli Studi di Firenze nel 1996.Conseguimento del titolo di Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria dell'Informazione nel 2000.Ricercatore Universitario a Tempo Determinato dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze per il settore scientifico-disciplinare Telecomunicazioni dal 2006 al 2023.Professore Associato dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze per il settore scientifico-disciplinare Telecomunicazioni dal 2023.
Il Professor Simone Morosi
Partecipazione a progetti di ricerca con esperienze di coordinamento e gestione
“Definizione di Protection Level e Analisi dell’Integrità per un Sistema di Posizionamento basato su Tecnologia GNSS”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Contratto per attività di ricerca tra ALSTOM e il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Firenze (soggetto finanziatore ALSTOM Ferroviaria SPA). Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi svolge il ruolo di Responsabile scientifico.
“BOOST HITRECH”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Regione Toscana – Bando A – Sostegno a progetti innovativi strategici o sperimentali – POR CREO FESR 2014 – 2020 Asse 1. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi è stato Responsabile scientifico e coordinatore delle attività dell’Unità di ricerca PIN.
“Studio di un sistema di posizionamento basato su tecnologia GNSS”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Contributo finalizzato a erogazione di assegno di ricerca (soggetto finanziatore ALSTOM Ferroviaria SPA). Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi ha svolto il ruolo di Responsabile scientifico per il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Firenze.
“Car floating Information for Monitoring road Anomalies By Using High accEleration value (CIMABUHE)”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Bando Ente Cassa di Risparmio 2019 per il settore Ricerca Scientifica e Innovazione XXX. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi svolge il ruolo di coordinatore delle attività del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Firenze.
“Supporto tecnico a Enel X sul progetto 5g/e-health: effettuazione di misure sulle performance della rete 5g per la valutazione dei KPI di progetto, effettuazione di analisi di esperienza d’uso”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Contratto per attività di ricerca (soggetto finanziatore ENEL X) Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi ha svolto il ruolo di referente tecnico delle attività per il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Firenze.
“Identificazione tramite Analisi Numerica dello Stress Idrico nelle Piante - IANSIP”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Bando Ente Cassa di Risparmio 2018 per il settore Ricerca Scientifica e Innovazione Tecnologica sulla tematica Nutraceutica e Agrifood: cibo per la salute, nuove colture e opportunità per il territorio. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi ha svolto il ruolo di responsabile scientifico delle attività del progetto e coordinatore delle attività del Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione dell’Università di Firenze.
“Ulisse 4.0: Wearable Position System Devices”. Fonte di Finanziamento: Regione Toscana – Bando B – Sostegno a progetti innovativi strategici o sperimentali – POR CREO FESR 2014 – 2020 Asse 1. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi ha svolto il ruolo di responsabile scientifico e coordinatore delle attività dell’Unità di ricerca PIN.
“Gli Alberi come Rilevatori dell’Inquinamento Ambientale” (A.R.I.A.). Fonte di Finanziamento: Avviso pubblico POR CReO FESR 2007-2013 Attività 1.5.a e 1.6. BANDO UNICO R&S – ANNO 2012. Periodo 2012 – 2014. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi è stato coordinatore e responsabile scientifico delle attività dell’Unità di ricerca CNIT Università di Firenze.
“Piattaforma Integrata per la Gestione delle Operazioni Aeroportuali” (Pitagora). Fonte di Finanziamento: Avviso pubblico POR CReO FESR 2007-2013 Attività 1.5.a e 1.6. BANDO UNICO R&S – ANNO 2012. Periodo 2012 – 2014. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi è stato coordinatore e responsabile scientifico delle attività dell’Unità di ricerca CNIT Università di Firenze.
“Mobile Continuos Connected Comprehensive – Care (MC3- Care) - Piattaforma integrata per registrare, sincronizzare e condividere dati ed accedere ad informazioni sulla salute e lo stile di vita ed al Sistema Sanitario in Mobilità”. Responsabile dell’attività Prof. Gino Paura. Fonte di finanziamento: Ministero delle attività produttive. Tipo di finanziamento: Programma Operativo Nazionale PON – Ricerca e competitività 2007-2013, Progetto ricerca - PON01_03096. Periodo Luglio 2012 – Ottobre 2015. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Simone Morosi ha coordinato le attività del task RI 2.4 (Definizione delle tecniche di localizzazione cooperativa) la cui responsabilità è affidata all’Unità di ricerca CNIT dell’Università di Firenze.
“TETRis – Servizi innovativi Open Source su TETRA”. Responsabile dell’attività Prof. Sergio Palazzo. Fonte di finanziamento: Ministero delle attività produttive. Tipo di finanziamento: Programma Operativo Nazionale PON – Ricerca e competitività 2007-2013, Progetto ricerca - PON01_00451. Periodo 2011 – 2013. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Simone Morosi ha coordinato le attività dei task la cui responsabilità è affidata all’Unità di ricerca CNIT dell’Università di Firenze:
“Studio di implementazioni di sensori wireless per applicazioni in reti di monitoraggio e controllo ambientale” (i-Nature). Responsabile dell’attività Prof. Enrico Del Re. Fonte di Finanziamento: Regione Toscana. Tipo di finanziamento: POR CREO/FESR 2007/2013. Linea di Intervento 1.3a) "Aiuti alla ricerca e all'innovazione per le imprese dei settori manifatturieri". Linea di intervento 1.3 a) "Sostegno dello Sviluppo Sperimentale". Periodo 2010 – 2012. Ruolo: nell’ambito di questo progetto l’ing. Morosi ha coordinato le attività dell’Unità di ricerca MICC Università di Firenze.
[IT] “Satellite-Assisted LocalIzation and Communication for Emergency services” (SALICE). Coordinatore nazionale: Prof. Enrico Del Re. Fonte finanziamento: MIUR. Tipo di finanziamento: programma di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN – COFIN 2007). Periodo 2008 – 2010. Ruolo: Coordinatore delle attività del Work Package 3 “Reconfigurable NAV/COM Systems”.
Attività professionale
Il Professor Simone Morosi ha svolto attività di Consulenza riguardo ai Progetti di Cablaggio per il Comune di Campi Bisenzio (FI) dal Giugno 2001 al Giugno 2004; nell’ambito di tale consulenza il Professor Simone Morosi ha preso in esame i progetti di cablaggio interessanti il territorio comunale, le specifiche problematiche inerenti la tecnologia per il trasferimento dati e l’esecuzione di verifiche relative alle problematiche di emissione ed esposizione elettromagnetica;
Tra il 12 e il 16 giugno 2006, il Professor Simone Morosi ha svolto il ruolo di Valutatore per conto della Commissione Europea delle proposte sottomesse alla terza Call dell’iniziativa Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) 2006.
In collaborazione con l’ing. Luca Simone Ronga, dal 01-05-2006 al 15-12-2006 il Professor Simone Morosi ha svolto il collaudo della rete intercomunale “Val di Cornia Wireless” (determina n.122 del 17/03/06 del Circondario della Val di Cornia)
PREMI E Riconoscimenti
Insieme ad Alessio Fanfani, Sara Jayousi, Luca Simone Ronga ed Enrico Del Re, co-autori del paper "Experimental Low Complexity CubeSat-based Network for Alert Messages Broadcasting" il Professor Simone Morosi ha ricevuto il Best Paper Award of the Global Wireless summit 2016 (GWS 2016) assegnato dal Technical Program Committee di GWS 2016.
Insieme ad Alessio Fanfani, Luca Simone Ronga ed Enrico Del Re, co-autori del paper "Effective Doppler Mitigation in Critical Satellite Communications" il Professor Simone Morosi ha ricevuto il Best Paper Award of the 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless and SATellite Systems (WiSATS 2016) assegnato dal Technical Program Committee di WiSATS 2016.
Insieme a Massimiliano Biagini, Fabrizio Argenti ed Enrico Del Re, co-autori del paper "Time-frequency MSE analysis for pilot aided channel estimation in OFDM systems" il Professor Simone Morosi ha ricevuto il Best Student Paper Award of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems (Wireless Vitae Conference 2014) assegnato dal Technical Program Committee di Wireless Vitae 2014.
Il Professor Simone Morosi è stato ammesso al Finanziamento annuale delle attività base di ricerca per l’anno 2017, ricevendo il contributo pari a tremila euro.
Nell’ambito delle attività del Progetto Regionale Toscano “Ulisse 4.0: : Wearable Position System Devices”, il Professor Simone Morosi ha contribuito alle definizione della richiesta di brevetto domanda n. 102017000062080 (UA2017A004096), dal titolo “Sistema e Metodo di Tracciamento Individuale”, domanda depositata in data 07 Giugno 2017 e successivamente aggiornata.
Born in Florence in 1968.Graduated in Electronic Engineering at the University of Florence in 1996.Achievement of the title of PhD in Information Engineering in 2000.Fixed-term University Researcher at the University of Florence for the Telecommunications scientific-disciplinary sector from 2006 to 2023.Associate Professor of the University of Florence for the scientific-disciplinary sector Telecommunications since 2023.
Professor Simone Morosi
on 5 April 2017 he obtained the national scientific qualification for the functions of Associate Professor pursuant to art. 16 of law 240/2010 for the 09/F2 competition sector;
on 08 April 2000 he obtained the title of PhD in "Computer and Telecommunications Engineering", discussing the thesis "Multi-user detection techniques for code division multiple access communication systems" written under the supervision of Professors Enrico Del Re and Romano Fantacci.
in March 1997 he won the competition for the PhD (XII cycle) in "Computer and Telecommunications Engineering" with administrative headquarters at the University of Florence;
he obtained the qualification to practice the profession of Engineer in November 1996 in Florence;
graduated in Electronic Engineering, address digital communications and telematics, at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Florence, on 03/05/1996, discussing the thesis "Multi-user rake receivers for personal communication systems", (supervisors Prof. Enrico Del Re and Romano Fantacci), obtaining a score of 110/110 with honors;
Working activity
From 01/03/2023 to today (current position) he is Associate Professor, scientific disciplinary sector ING-INF/03 Telecommunications, at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence via di Santa Marta, 3, 50139, Florence .
from 01/03/2020 to 28/02/2023 he was an employee of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence as a fixed-term researcher - t. full (art. 24 c.3-b L.240/10), competition sector 09/F2, scientific disciplinary sector ING-INF/03, at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence via di Santa Marta, 3, 50139, Florence. The research activity concerned the development of telecommunications systems and networks with reference to new emerging technologies in the sector and the related application contexts.
from 01/05/2017 to 29/02/2020 he was an employee of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence as a fixed-term researcher - t. full (art. 24 c.3-a L.240/10) for the research program defined by the contract or in the "field of Wireless Communications and Digital Signal Processing with particular reference to new generation terrestrial and satellite systems, to positioning and localization systems and energy saving in telecommunications systems", referring to the competition sector 09/F2 and to the scientific disciplinary sector ING-INF/03;
from 01/07/2013 to 30/04/2017 he was an employee of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence as a fixed-term researcher - t. full (art. 24 c.3-a L.240/10) for the research program “Study of advanced methodologies at a mainly physical level (signal transmission) in relation to different types of wireless and wired networks. The research activity will concern the study of innovative systems for the transmission of broadband information in wireless networks with reference to both transmission level (physical) and access and network level problems" for the competition sector 09/F2, disciplinary scientific sector ING-INF/03;
from 01/01/2013 to 06/30/2013 he was a project collaborator of the National Inter-university Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) within the National Operational Program PON – Research and competitiveness 2007-2013 – Innovative Open Source Services on TETRA (TETRis), Research project - PON01_00451: its activity was aimed at the definition, study, validation and documentation of cooperative synchronization and localization techniques for TETRA/TEDS terminals;
from 11/20/2012 to 12/31/2012 he was the holder of a project collaboration contract with the CNIT as part of the National Operational Program PON – Research and competitiveness 2007-2013 – Innovative Open Source Services on TETRA (TETRis) : his activity was aimed at defining synchronization and cooperative localization techniques for TETRA/TEDS terminals;
from 11/21/2009 to 11/20/2012 he was an employee of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Florence as a fixed-term researcher for the research program "Terrestrial and satellite communication techniques and systems for broadband applications bandwidth and high reliability in heterogeneous mobile radio networks”;
• from 01/11/2009 to 30/11/2009 he acted as an occasional CNIT collaborator within the framework of the agreement between the Tuscany Region and CNIT for the implementation of the intervention project to extend broadband coverage and for the creation of the Broadband Observatory aimed at studying protocols for emergency networks;
• from 01/11/2006 to 31/10/2019 he was an employee of the Department of Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Florence as a fixed-term researcher for the research program "Terrestrial and satellite communication techniques and systems for applications broadband and high reliability in heterogeneous mobile radio networks”;
• from 01/07/2006 to 30/10/2006 he was the holder of a coordinated and continuous collaboration contract with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications as part of the research program “Reconfigurability of traffic and terminal in integrated optical networks and broadband radio”;
• from 04/01/2006 to 06/30/2006 he was the holder of a project collaboration contract within the “Virtual Immersive Communications” research program (VICOM), financed by the Italian Fund for Basic Research ( FIRB): this assignment was carried out at the CNIT in Florence and was aimed at the "Study of advanced receivers for ultra-wideband communication systems";
• from 01/04/2005 to 31/03/2006 he was the holder of a project collaboration contract within the European research project NEWCOM “Network of Excellence in Wireless COMunications” Noe Contract n. 507325; this assignment was carried out at the CNIT in Florence and was aimed at "research integration activity with the other partners of the NEWCOM network of excellence";
• from 01/10/2004 to 31/03/2005 he was the holder of a project collaboration contract within the WAVE (W bandwidth Analysis and VErification) research project with the CNIT aimed at the feasibility study of satellite payload in W band;
• from 01/03/2001 to 28/02/2005 he was the holder of a research grant pursuant to art. 51, paragraph 6 of law 449/97, for the needs of the research program "Study of the optimal receiver for base stations and mobile terminals in third generation systems" at the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University of Florence;
• from 01/10/2001 to 30/09/2004 he was the holder of a coordinated and continuous collaboration contract with the CNIT as part of the research project "Study, design and construction of a reconfigurable satellite network with guaranteed quality of service for multimedia applications” aimed at the study and implementation of possible advanced reception schemes for next generation satellite communications;
• from 10/01/2001 to 01/31/2002 he held an occasional collaboration position with the CNIT within the “ASI/ACE” project aimed at the design and development of software modules for the emulation of the ACE project with reference to the physical layer;
• from 01/01/2001 to 03/31/2001 he held an occasional collaboration position with the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications within the Marconi agreement aimed at the design and development of software modules for the development of a receiver for third generation cellular systems;
• from 01/11/1999 to 31/12/2000 he was the holder of a coordinated and continuous collaboration contract with the National Inter-university Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) as part of the research project “CNR 5% Multimedia – Linea 3, carrying out research in the telecommunications sector, with particular attention to the problems inherent to future mobile radio systems;
Participation in research projects with coordination and management experience
• 2021 – 22
“Definition of Protection Level and Integrity Analysis for a Positioning System based on GNSS Technology”. Source of Funding: Contract for research activities between ALSTOM and the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence (funding entity ALSTOM Ferroviaria SPA). Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi carries out the role of Scientific Manager.
• 2019
“BOOST HITRECH”. Source of Funding: Tuscany Region – Notice A – Support for strategic or experimental innovative projects – POR CREO FESR 2014 – 2020 Axis 1. Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi was scientific director and coordinator of the activities of the PIN research unit.
• 2019 – 21
“Study of a positioning system based on GNSS technology”. Source of Financing: Contribution aimed at providing a research grant (financier ALSTOM Ferroviaria SPA). Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi held the role of Scientific Director for the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
“Car floating Information for Monitoring road Anomalies By Using High accEleration value (CIMABUHE)”. Source of Funding: Ente Cassa di Risparmio 2019 Announcement for the Scientific Research and Innovation XXX sector. Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi plays the role of coordinator of the activities of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
• 2019 – 20
“Technical support to Enel Source of Funding: Contract for research activities (funding entity ENEL Morosi acted as technical contact for the activities for the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
• 2018 – 20
“Identification through Numerical Analysis of Water Stress in Plants - IANSIP”. Source of Funding: Ente Cassa di Risparmio 2018 announcement for the Scientific Research and Technological Innovation sector on the topic of Nutraceuticals and Agrifood: food for health, new crops and opportunities for the territory. Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi acted as scientific manager of the project activities and coordinator of the activities of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Florence.
• 2017 – 18
“Ulisse 4.0: Wearable Position System Devices”. Source of Funding: Tuscany Region – Notice B – Support for strategic or experimental innovative projects – POR CREO FESR 2014 – 2020 Axis 1. Role: within this project the engineer. Morosi acted as scientific manager and coordinator of the activities of the PIN research unit.
• 2012 – 14
“Trees as Environmental Pollution Detectors” (A.R.I.A.). Source of Funding: Public notice POR CReO FESR 2007-2013 Activities 1.5.a and 1.6. SINGLE R&D NOTICE - YEAR 2012. Period 2012 - 2014. Role: within the scope of this project, Eng. Morosi was coordinator and scientific manager of the activities of the CNIT University of Florence research unit.
“Integrated Platform for the Management of Airport Operations” (Pitagora). Source of Funding: Public notice POR CReO FESR 2007-2013 Activities 1.5.a and 1.6. SINGLE R&D NOTICE - YEAR 2012. Period 2012 - 2014. Role: within the scope of this project, Eng. Morosi was coordinator and scientific manager of the activities of the CNIT University of Florence research unit.
• 2012 – 15
“Mobile Continuos Connected Comprehensive – Care (MC3-Care) - Integrated platform to record, synchronize and share data and access information on health and lifestyle and the Mobility Healthcare System”. Head of the activity Prof. Gino Paura. Source of financing: Ministry of Productive Activities. Type of funding: National Operational Program PON – Research and competitiveness 2007-2013, Research project - PON01_03096. Period July 2012 – October 2015. Role: within this project, Eng. Simone Morosi coordinated the activities of task RI 2.4 (Definition of cooperative localization techniques) whose responsibility is entrusted to the CNIT research unit of the University of Florence.
• 2011 – 13
“TETRis – Innovative Open Source Services on TETRA”. Head of the activity Prof. Sergio Palazzo. Source of financing: Ministry of Productive Activities. Type of funding: National Operational Program PON – Research and competitiveness 2007-2013, Research project - PON01_00451. Period 2011 – 2013. Role: within this project, Eng. Simone Morosi coordinated the activities of the tasks whose responsibility is entrusted to the CNIT research unit of the University of Florence:
• 2010 – 12
“Study of wireless sensor implementations for applications in environmental monitoring and control networks” (i-Nature). Head of the activity Prof. Enrico Del Re. Source of Funding: Tuscany Region. Type of financing: POR CREO/FESR 2007/2013. Line of Intervention 1.3a) "Aid for research and innovation for companies in the manufacturing sectors". Line of intervention 1.3 a) "Support of Experimental Development". Period 2010 – 2012. Role: within this project, Eng. Morosi coordinated the activities of the MICC University of Florence research unit.
• 2008 – 10
[IT] “Satellite-Assisted Localization and Communication for Emergency services” (SALICE). National coordinator: Prof. Enrico Del Re. Funding source: MIUR. Type of funding: scientific research program of significant national interest (PRIN – COFIN 2007). Period 2008 – 2010. Role: Coordinator of the activities of Work Package 3 “Reconfigurable NAV/COM Systems”.
Professional activity
Professor Simone Morosi carried out consultancy activities regarding cabling projects for the municipality of Campi Bisenzio (FI) from June 2001 to June 2004; as part of this consultancy, Professor Simone Morosi examined the cabling projects affecting the municipal territory, the specific problems inherent to the technology for data transfer and the execution of checks relating to the problems of electromagnetic emission and exposure;
Between 12 and 16 June 2006, Professor Simone Morosi acted as Evaluator on behalf of the European Commission of the proposals submitted to the third Call of the Preparatory Action for Security Research (PASR) 2006 initiative.
In collaboration with Eng. Luca Simone Ronga, from 05/01/2006 to 12/15/2006 Professor Simone Morosi carried out the testing of the “Val di Cornia Wireless” intermunicipal network (determination n.122 of 03/17/06 of the Val di Cornia district )
Together with Alessio Fanfani, Sara Jayousi, Luca Simone Ronga and Enrico Del Re, co-authors of the paper "Experimental Low Complexity CubeSat-based Network for Alert Messages Broadcasting", Professor Simone Morosi received the Best Paper Award of the Global Wireless summit 2016 (GWS 2016) awarded by the Technical Program Committee of GWS 2016.
Together with Alessio Fanfani, Luca Simone Ronga and Enrico Del Re, co-authors of the paper "Effective Doppler Mitigation in Critical Satellite Communications", Professor Simone Morosi received the Best Paper Award of the 8th EAI International Conference on Wireless and SATellite Systems (WiSATS 2016) awarded by the Technical Program Committee of WiSATS 2016.
Together with Massimiliano Biagini, Fabrizio Argenti and Enrico Del Re, co-authors of the paper "Time-frequency MSE analysis for pilot aided channel estimation in OFDM systems", Professor Simone Morosi received the Best Student Paper Award of the 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Vehicular Technology, Information Theory and Aerospace & Electronic Systems (Wireless Vitae Conference 2014) awarded by the Technical Program Committee of Wireless Vitae 2014.
Professor Simone Morosi was admitted to the annual funding of basic research activities for the year 2017, receiving the contribution of three thousand euros.
As part of the activities of the Tuscan Regional Project “Ulisse 4.0: Wearable Position System Devices”, Professor Simone Morosi contributed to the definition of the patent application no. 102017000062080 (UA2017A004096), entitled “Individual Tracking System and Method”, application filed on 07 June 2017 and subsequently updated.