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Progetti di ricerca
Partecipa/ha partecipato ai seguenti progetti di ricerca nazionali:
Premi e riconoscimenti
Membro di Società Scientifiche
Spin Off
Responsabile scientifico della Società AllerGenio s.r.l. riconosciuta con decreto del Senato Accademico del 8 Marzo 2017 quale Spin Off Accademico dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze
Brevetti e Copyright
Titolare del Copyright “MEDI-LITE: un software per il calcolo dell’aderenza alla dieta Mediterranea” – ceduto all’Università degli Studi di Firenze, e depositario presso la Società Italiana Brevetti del database originale di riferimento del software (depositato in data 18/06/2018 con numero 2018001556; rif.: MEDI-LITE)
Relatore a congressi nazionali ed internazionali su invito
Research projects
2012 – 2018 Research projects funded by the Kamut Int. Ltd for the development of nutritional intervention studies based on products made with Khorasan grain. Coordinator of the Research Unit. Funded for a total of 100,000€
2012 – 2014 Project funded by the Tuscany Region - Misura 124 – PSR 2007-2013 “Valorisation of the cereal food chain aimed at producing products made with regional and typical grain varieties - Progetto QUANTICA”. Coordinator of the Research Unit. Funded for 86,100 €
2010 – today Epidemiological study “MONTIGNOSO Study” funded by the Tuscany Region. Coordinator of the Research Unit for the study of dietary habits and their role on the occurrence of cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases
2010 – today Epidemiological study “MUGELLO Study” funded by the Tuscany Region and Minister of Health. Coordinator of the Research Unit for the study of dietary habits and their role on longevity and health status in a cohort of nonagenarians
2016-2018 Project funded by the Tuscany Region – Sottomisura 16.2 – PSR 2014-2020 “Pasta and Tuscany baked products for subjects with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease - Project PRINCE”. Coordinator of the Research Unit. Funded for 63,259 €
2018-2020 Project funded by the HDHL-INTIMIC cofounded call “Interrelation of the Intestinal Microbiome, Diet and Health” “Faecal microbiome as determinant of the effect of diet on colorectal cancer risk: comparison of meat based versus pesco-vegetarian diets”. Coordinator of the Research Unit responsible for the dietary intervention trial. Funded for 285,714 €
2018-2022 Project funded by the Italian Minister of Health – Call for Research 2016. “Modulation of gut microbiota through nutritional interventions in Behcet’s syndrome patients: the MAMBA study”. Principal investigator and coordinator of the Research Unit. Funded for 424,000 €
2019-2021 Project funded by the Tuscany Region - European Partnership for Innovation in Productivity and Sustainability of Agriculture "Ortobioactive: agroecology for the sustainable production of nutraceutical vegetables (OBA.NUTRA.FOOD)". Coordinator of the Research Unit responsible for the dietary intervention trial. Funded for €40,000
2022 – 2025 Project funded with the PNRR fundings from EU – THE Tuscany Health Ecosystem – Spoke 2-Preventive and Predictive Medicine. “Diet and prevention of colon cancer, the role of microbiota in determining the risk of cancer associated with dietary habits”. Principal investigator and coordinator of the study. Funded for €215,870
2024 – 2025 Project funded by Cerbios-Pharma S.A. to carry out a clinical study entitled “Interventional, randomized, single-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of an SF68®-based probiotic formulation on body composition and low-to-moderate cardiovascular risk (PrOBesity study).” Principal investigator and study coordinator. Funded for €70,000
2023 – 2025 Project funded by Barilla G. & R. SpA to conduct a clinical study entitled “Impact of pasta consumption timing on health outcomes.” Principal investigator and study coordinator. Funded for €160,320
2023 – 2025 Project funded by the Tuscany Region - RDP 2014 - 2020 Submeasure 16.2 “Support for pilot projects and the development of new products, practices, processes and technologies. “Innovative bioreactor for the production of a biostimulant obtained from vermicompost of horticultural waste. (INNOVA.BIO.ORT).” Principal investigator and coordinator of the operating unit. Funded for €42,000.
2024 – 2027 Project co-funded by the European Union under the ERA4HEALTH Partnership with the call “Research targeting development of innovative therapeutic strategies in cardiovascular disease (CARDINNOV). Project title: “Cardiac metabolic reprogramming by a nutritional intervention: high-fat diet for heart failure.” Principal investigator and Coordinator of the clinical study of nutritional intervention. Funded in the amount of € 215,000
Honours and awards
2003 Best abstract for the XIX Congress of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis - Italian Society for Studies on Haemostasis and Thrombosis. Title of communication: “Protein Z levels in Acute Coronary Syndromes”.
2006 Best oral communication for the XIX Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Haemostasis and Thrombosis. Title of communication: “Coffee consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis”
2006 Best oral communication for the XXXIV Congress of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition. Title of communication: “Adherence to a healthful life attenuates lipid parameters among a healthy Italian population”
2007 Best poster presentation at the Euro Prevent 2007, Congress of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation, Madrid 19-21 April, 2007. Title of poster: “Fish intake and LPA 93C>T polymorphism: gene-environment interaction in modulating lipoprotein (a) concentrations”
2008 Best oral communication for the XX Congress of the Italian Society for the Study of Haemostasis and Thrombosis. Title of communication: “High lipoprotein (a) levels are associated with an increased risk of retinal vein occlusion”.
2009 Best oral communication at the XXIIth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Boston 11-16 July, 2009. Title of communication: “Homocysteine, B-group vitamins (vitamin B6 and folic acid) and rheological parameters as independent risk factors for retinal vein occlusion”.
2010 Best poster presentation at the 21st International Congress on Thrombosis, The Mediterranean League against thromboembolic diseases, Milan 06-09/07/2010. Title of the poster: Lifestyle modifications in patients after acute coronary syndromes enrolled in a subset of the AMI-Florence 2 study: which changes after the acute event?
2017 Award for the best contribution offered to the “International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Health: a lifelong approach”, held in Ostuni (BR), Italy, from March 30th to April 1st 2017 and organized by the Menarini International Foundation. Title of the lecture: “Mediterranean diet and metabolic disorders”
2017 Pantaleo Giannuzzi Award for Most Highly Cited Paper 2016 – Eur J Prev Cardiol. Award given by the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation – European Society of Cardiology
2006 Italian Society of Human Nutrition (SINU)
2007 European Society of Cardiology (ESC)
2007 European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation
Editorial activities
Peer-reviewer for the following Journals
Associate Editor for:
2010-2013 Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
2016-2018 Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
2019-today Frontiers in Nutrition - Nutritional epidemiology
2023-today Nutrition & Metabolism
Invited lectures
SELECTED, LIST of most recent congresses (2016-2024)