Il Prof. Emiliano Antiga si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia col Massimo dei voti e lode il 22 Ottobre 2003 presentando una tesi dal titolo: "Orticaria cronica idiopatica e orticaria cronica autoimmune: caratteristiche cliniche e immunopatologiche a confronto in una serie consecutiva di 68 pazienti" con il Prof. Paolo Fabbri come relatore.
Ha superato l'esame di abilitazione e si è iscritto all'Ordine dei Medici di Prato nel Dicembre 2003.
Ha ottenuto la Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia col massimo dei voti e lode in data 29/11/07, presentando una tesi dal titolo: "Ruolo dei linfociti T regolatori (T reg) nella patogenesi delle lesioni della dermatomiosite" con il Prof. Paolo Fabbri come relatore.
E' stato titolare di un Assegno di Ricerca dal titolo: "Interazioni tra linfociti T regolatori, linfociti T effettori e cellule dendritiche nella patogenesi delle malattie autoimmuni cutanee", dal Marzo 2008 al Gennaio 2009, presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Dermatologiche dell'Università di Firenze.
Ha vinto il concorso per l'assegnazione di una borsa di Dottorato di ricerca in Biotecnologie endocrinologiche, molecolari e rigenerative, anno 2009, XXIV ciclo, presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica, ottenendo il titolo di Dottore di Ricerca nel 2012 con una tesi dal titolo "Ruolo dei linfociti Th17 e dei loro precursori in pazienti con psoriasi volgare prima e dopo il trattamento con farmaci biologici".
Dal giorno 8 Febbraio 2012 al giorno 7 Febbraio 2015 è stato titolare di un contratto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo A presso l'Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Chirurgia e Medicina Traslazionale, Sezione di Dermatologia.
Da Aprile a Ottobre 2015 è stato titolare di un Co.Co.Pro. presso la Azienda Sanitaria Firenze per lo svolgimento del progetto di ricerca della durata triennale:"GR-2011-02346877: Direct immunofluorescence of the skin as a tool for the diagnosis of celiac disease".
Dal Novembre 2015 all’Ottobre 2018 è stato titolare di un contratto di Ricercatore a tempo determinato di tipo B presso l'Università di Firenze, Dipartimento di Chirurgia e Medicina Traslazionale, Sezione di Dermatologia.
Dal Novembre 2018 è Professore Associato di Dermatologia presso l’Università di Firenze.
Ha ottenuto l'Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale a Professore di I fascia nella tornata 2018.
Dal Novembre 2019 è Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia
Dal punto di vista assistenziale gestisce dal 2015 l’Ambulatorio di Immunopatologia cutanea presso la SC Dermatologia II del PO Piero Palagi, Firenze, Azienda USL Toscana Centro. Tale attività clinica prevede la gestione di pazienti con malattie autoimmuni cutanee complesse in cui è spesso necessario il confronto multidisciplinare. Svolge inoltre attività assistenziale presso l’Osservatorio delle lesioni cutanee difficili (PO Nuovo San Giovanni di Dio, Azienda USL Toscana Centro), in cui è inserito in un team multidisciplinare con altre figure specialistiche (angiologi, diabetologi, infettivologi, chirurghi vascolari, infermieri professionali). Infine, dall’Ottobre 2022, svolge attività assistenziale presso l’ambulatorio interaziendale (AOU Careggi-Azienda USL Toscana Centro) multidisciplinare di Dermatologia-Reumatologia presso l’AOU Careggi.
Dal 2022 è Responsabile della SOS Dermatologia Speciale Medica presso l’Ospedale Palagi, Azienda USL Toscana Centro.
Inoltre, il Prof. Antiga svolge ruolo di Principal Investigator in vari trial clinici per il trattamento di pazienti con pemfigo volgare cronico, pemfigoide bolloso, lupus eritematoso, vitiligine, prurito cronico.
Il Prof. Antiga è autore di oltre 150 articoli pubblicati in riviste internazionali con IF, di 3 capitoli di libri e di oltre 80 abstracts e presentazioni a congressi internazionali. Svolge attività di revisore per numerose riviste nazionali e internazionali. Dal 2013 fa parte dell'Editorial Board della rivista Biomed Research International, dal 2018 fa parte dell'Editorial Board della rivista Mediators of Inflammation, dal 2020 fa parte dell'Editorial Board della rivista Nutrients. Dal 2021 è Editor della rivista European Journal of Dermatology.
Il suo abstract “T regulatory cells in scleroderma” è stato selezionato tra i “Top ten abstracts” al Congresso EADV 2009 di Berlino. Il suo abstract “Regulatory T cells and T helper 17 cells in the pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid” è stato selezionato tra i “Top ten abstracts” al Congresso EADV 2011 di Lisbona. Ha vinto la John Stratigos Memorial Scholarship indetta dall’EADV per l’anno 2010. Ha vinto il “Lecturer of the year award 2013” indetto dall’EADV.
Ha vinto numerosi grants per la partecipazione a congressi internazionali ed è stato selezionato per la partecipazione a numerosi corsi a numero chiuso in ambito Europeo.
Dal 2013 svolge attività di docenza presso il Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia dell'Università di Firenze (Insegnamento: malattie cutanee e veneree); dal 2016 svolge attività di docenza presso il Corso di Laurea in Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria dell'Università di Firenze (Insegnamento: Patologia odontostomatologica e dermatologia); dal 2013 svolge attività di docenza presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia dell'Università di Firenze (Insegnamento: Dermatologia Clinica -Immunopatologia cutanea); dal 2018 svolge attività di docenza presso le Scuole di Specializzazione in Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica, in Genetica Medica, in Medicina Interna e in Reumatologia dell'Università di Firenze. Dal 2020 svolge attività di docenza nel Corso di Laurea in Assistenza Sanitaria e in Farmacia. Nel 2012 ha svolto attività di docenza presso la Scuola di Scienze Infermieristiche, Università di Firenze, Sezione di Pistoia (Insegnamento: Dermatologia e Venereologia). Dal 2010 al 2012 ha svolto attività di docenza nel corso ADE (attività didattica elettiva) dal titolo: "Le urgenze in dermatologia", riservato agli studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia, presso l'Università di Firenze.
Membro del Comitato ordinatore del Master di I livello in Biomeccanica applicata alla terapia ortesica podologica a.a. 2018/2019.
Membro del Comitato ordinatore del Master di I livello in Scienze Tricologiche dall'a.a. 2017/2018.
Attività di docenza nel Master di I livello in Scienze Tricologiche dall'a.a. 2017/2018.
Attività di docenza nel Master di I livello in Lesioni cutanee dell'adulto e del bambino dal 2016/2017.
Publication list
1) Giomi B, Cardinali C, Volpi W, Antiga E, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Orticaria cronica idiopatica ed orticaria cronica autoimmune: studio clinico ed immunopatologico sierico di citochine e chemochine coinvolte nella reazione cutanea. Annali italiani di Dermatologia allergologica clinica e sperimentale 2003; 57: 55-63.
2) Caproni M, Volpi W, Giomi B, Cardinali C, Antiga E, Melani L, D’Agata A, Fabbri P.Chronic idiopathic and chronic autoimmune urticaria: clinical and immunopathological features of 68 subjects. Acta Derm Venereol 2004; 84: 288-90.
3) Caproni M, Cardinali C, Giomi B, Antiga E, D’Agata A, Selvaggi W, Fabbri P.Serological detection of eotaxin, IL-4, IL-13, IFN-gamma, MIP-1alfa, TARC and IP-10 in chronic autoimmune urticaria and chronic idiopathic urticaria. J Dermatol Sci 2004; 36: 57-9.
4) Melani L, Giomi B, Antiga E, Torchia D, Caproni M, Fabbri P.Radiation therapy as a trigger factor for initially localized bullous pemphigoid. Breast J 2005; 11: 485-6.
5) Antiga E, Melani L, Cardinali C, Giomi B, Caproni M, Francalanci S, and Fabbri P. A case of lichenoid drug eruption associated with sildenafil citrates. J Dermatol 2005; 32: 972-5.
6) Melani L, Caproni M, Cardinali C, Antiga E, Bernacchi E, Schincaglia E, and Fabbri P. A case of nodular scleroderma. J Dermatol 2005; 32: 1028-31.
7) Caproni M, Torchia D, Antiga E, Degl’Innocenti D, Barletta E, Baroni G, Santucci M, and Fabbri P. The role of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of dermatitis herpetiformis. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2005;18: 691-9.
8) Caproni M, Antiga E, Parodi A, Schena D, Marzano A, Quaglino P, De Simone C, La Placa M,Volpi W, Del Bianco E, and Fabbri P. Elevated circulating CD40 ligand in patients with erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis spectrum. Br J Dermatol 2006; 154: 1006-7.
9) Caproni M, Giomi B, Melani L, Volpi W, Antiga E, Torchia D, and Fabbri P. Cellular infiltrate and related cytokines, chemokines, chemokine receptors and adhesion molecules in chronic autoimmune urticaria: comparison between spontaneous and autologous serum skin test induced wheal. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2006; 19: 507-515.
10) Torchia D, Palleschi GM, Terranova M, Antiga E, Melani L, Caproni M and Fabbri P. Ulcerative carcinoma of the breast with zosteriform skin metastases. Breast J 2006; 12: 385.
11) Antiga E, Melani L, Caproni M, and Fabbri P. "An unusual cause of gastrointestinal bleeding in a young girl". CMAJ 2006; 175: 583.
12) Torchia D, Caproni M, Ketabchi S, Antiga E, Fabbri P. Bullous pemphigoid initially localized around an urostomy . Int J Dermatol 2006; 45: 1387-9.
13) Caproni M, Torchia D, Antiga E, Volpi W, and Fabbri P. Expression of adhesion molecules in atopic dermatitis is reduced by tacrolimus, but not by hydrocortisone butyrate: a randomized immunohistochemical study. Clin Exp Dermatol 2006; 31: 813-7.
14) Caproni M, Torchia D, Antiga E, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, and Fabbri P. The effects of tacrolimus ointment on regulatory T lymphocytes in atopic dermatitis. J Clin Immunol 2006; 26: 370-5.
15) Caproni M, Torchia D, Antiga E, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, D’Agata A, and Fabbri P. The comparative effects of tacrolimus and hydrocortisone in adult atopic dermatitis: an immunoistochemical study. Br J Dermatol 2007; 156: 312-319.
16) Melani L, Antiga E, Torchia D, Giomi B, Massi D, Caproni M, Emmi L, and Fabbri P. Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita and chronic autoimmune urticaria in a young man. J Dermatol 2007, 34; 210-3.
17) Melani L, Schincaglia E, Antiga E, Caproni M, Massi D, and Fabbri P. Chronic autoimmune urticaria in a patient with multiple piloleiomyomas. Clin Exp Dermatol 2007; 32: 449-50.
18) Quaglino P, Caproni M, Antiga E, Del Bianco E, Osella-Abate S, Savoia P, Frezzolini A, Schena D, Marzano A, Volpi W, De Simone C, Parodi A, Fabbri P, and Bernengo MG. Serum levels of the Th1 promoter IL-12 and the Th2 chemokine TARC (Thymus- and Activation-Regulated Chemokine) are elevated in erythema multiforme and Stevens-Johnson syndrome/Toxic epidermal necrolysis and correlate with soluble Fas ligand expression: an immunoenzymatic study from the Italian Group of Immunopathology. Dermatology 2007; 214: 296-304.
19) Caproni M, Antiga E, Torchia D, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Cappetti A, Feliciani C, and Fabbri P. The CD40/CD40 ligand system is involved in the pathogenesis of pemphigus. Clin Immunol 2007; 124: 22-5.
20) Caproni M, Antiga E, Torchia D, Volpi W, Barletta E, Gitti G, De Campora E, and Fabbri P. FoxP3-expressing T regulatory cells in atopic dermatitis lesions. Allergy Asthma Proc 2007; 28: 525-8.
21) Torchia D, Antiga E, Ricupero L, Caproni M, and Fabbri P. Magnetic resonance imaging for paraneoplastic dermatomyositis. Med J Austral 2007; 187: 589.
22) Caproni M, Torchia D, Antiga E, Giomi B, Mercuri M, Volpi W, and Fabbri P. The CD40/CD40 ligand system in the skin of patients with subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. J Rheumatol 2007; 34: 2412-16.
23) Quaglino P, Caproni M, Osella-Abate S, Torchia D, Comessatti A, Del Bianco E, Antiga E, Frezzolini A, Schena D, Marzano A, De Simone C, Parodi A, Fabbri P, and Bernengo MG. Serum interleukin-13 levels are increate in patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis but not in those with erythema multiforme. Br J Dermatol 2008; 158: 184-6.
24) Fabbri P, Chiarini C, Antiga E, Francalanci S. The diagnosis of atopic diseases. Annali italiani di Dermatologia allergologica clinica e sperimentale 2008; 62: 79-83.
25) Caproni M, Antiga E, Melani L, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Fabbri P. Serum levels of IL-17 and IL-22 are reduced by etanercept, but not by acitretin, in patients with psoriasis: a randomized-controlled trial.J Clin Immunol 2009; 29: 210-4.
26) Caproni M, Volpi W, Chiarini C, Antiga E, Giomi B, Fabbri P. A case of natural killer cell monoclonal expansion during efalizumab treatment in a patient with psoriasis.Br J Dermatol 2009; 160: 896-7.
27) Caproni M, Antiga E, Melani L, Fabbri P; Italian Group for Cutaneous Immunopathology. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis.J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009; 23: 633-8.
28) Caproni M, Antiga E, Cardinali C, Del Bianco E, Fabbri P. Antilaminin-1 antibodies in cutaneous lupus erythematosus patients. Lupus 2009; 18: 858.
29) Antiga E, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Plasma levels of metalloproteinase-9 are elevated in patients with chronic autoimmune urticaria.Br J Dermatol 2009; 161: 712-4.
30) Antiga E, Torchia D, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis. Exp Rev Dermatol 2009; 4: 495-508.
31) Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Dermatitis herpetiformis is the specific cutaneous manifestation of gluten sensitive enteropathy. [E-letter], Pediatrics January 14, 2010, (accessed January 14, 2010).
32) Antiga E, Volpi W, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Re: Serum thyroid autoantibodies in patients with idiopathic either acute or chronic urticaria. J Endocrinol Invest 2010; 33: 357.
33) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Bellandi S, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Comessatti A, Osella-Abate S, De Simone C, Marzano A, Bernengo MG, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Regulatory T cells in the skin lesions and blood of patients with systemic sclerosis and morphea. Br J Dermatol 2010; 162: 1056-63.
34) Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Immunosuppressive therapy may affect the number of circulating regulatory cells in systemic sclerosis: pay attention to the patient selection criteria. Cell Immunol 2010; 264: 186.
35) Antiga E, Volpi W, Chiarini C, Cardilicchia E, Filì L, Manuelli C, Parronchi P, Fabbri P, Caproni M. The role of etanercept on the expression of markers of T helper 17 cells and their precursors in skin lesions of patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol 2010; 23: 767-74.
36) Antiga E, Kretz CC, Klembt R, Massi D, Ruland V, Stumpf C, Baroni G, Hartmann M, Hartschuh W, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Enk A, Fabbri P, Krammer PH, Caproni M, Kuhn A. Characterization of regulatory T cells in patients with dermatomyositis. J Autoimmun 2010; 35: 342-50.
37) Antiga E, Volpi W, Torchia D, Fabbri P, Caproni M. The effects of tacrolimus ointment on Toll-like receptors in atopic dermatitis. Clin Exp Dermatol 2011; 36: 235-41.
38) Bellandi S, Amato L, Cipollini E, Antiga E, Brandini L, Fabbri P. Repigmentation of hair after latanoprost therapy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2011; 25: 1485-7.
39) Antiga E, Del Bianco E, Difonzo E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Serum levels of the regulatory cytokines transforming growth factor-b and interleukin-10 are reduced in patients with discoid lupus erythematosus. Lupus 2011; 20: 556-60
40) Beccastrini E, Emmi G, Caproni M, Antiga E, Francalanci S, Lorenzoni A, Emmi L. A case of lichenoid drug eruption associated with subcutaneous immunoglobulin therapy.Clin Immunol 2011; 139: 228-30
41) Antiga E, Caproni M, Pierini I, Bonciani D, Fabbri P. Gluten-free diet in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis: not only a matter of skin. Arch Dermatol 2011; 147: 988-9.
42) Antiga E, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Comment on “Dermatitis Herpetiformis Sera or Goat Anti–Transglutaminase-3 Transferred to Human Skin-Grafted Mice Mimics Dermatitis Herpetiformis Immunopathology”. J Immunol 2011; 187: 595.
43) Antiga E, Caproni M,Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Fabbri P. The last word on the so-called “Rowell’s syndrome”? Lupus 2012;21(6):577-85.
44) Quaglino P, Antiga E, Comessatti A, Caproni M, Nardò T, Ponti R, Novelli M, Osella-Abate S, Fabbri P, Bernengo MG. Circulating CD4+ CD25brightFOXP3+ regulatory T-cells are significantly reduced in bullous pemphigoid patients. Arch Dermatol Res. 2012; 304:639-45.45) Di Landro A, Cazzaniga S, Parazzini F, Ingordo V, Cusano F, Atzori L, Cutrì FT, Musumeci ML, Zinetti C, Pezzarossa E, Bettoli V, Caproni M, Lo Scocco G, Bonci A, Bencini P, Naldi L; GISED Acne Study Group. Family history, body mass index, selected dietary factors, menstrual history,and risk of moderate to severe acne in adolescents and young adults. J Am Acad Dermatol 2012; 67:1129-35.
46) Bonciolini V, Bonciani D, Verdelli A, D'Errico A, Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Newly described clinical and immunopathological feature of dermatitis herpetiformis. Clin Dev Immunol 2012;2012:967974.
47) Bonciani D, Verdelli A, Bonciolini V, D'Errico A, Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Dermatitis herpetiformis: from the genetics to the development of skin lesions. Clin Dev Immunol 2012;2012:239691.
48) Caproni M, Bonciolini V, D'Errico A, Antiga E, Fabbri P. Celiac diasease and dermatologic manifestions: many skin clue to unfold gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Gastroenterol Res Practice 2012;2012:952753.
49) D'Errico A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Verdelli A, Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. A case of Hailey-Hailey disease successfully treated with methotrexate. J Dermatol Case Rep 2012;6:49-51.
50) Antiga E, Bellandi S, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Pierini I, Cozzani E, Massi D, Fabbri P, Caproni M. A further case of subacute prurigo-like linear IgA bullous dermatosis: growing evidence of a new subset. Int J Dermatol 2012;51:1500-1.
51) Antiga E, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Dermatitis herpetiformis: Novel advances and hypotheses. World J Dermatol 2012; 1: 24-29.
52) Antiga E, Volpi W, Cardilicchia E, Maggi L, Filì L, Manuelli C, Parronchi P, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Etanercept downregulates the Th17 pathway and decreases the IL-17+/IL-10+ cell ratio in patients with psoriasis vulgaris. J Clin Immunol 2012; 32:1221-32
53) Lytton SD, Antiga E, Pfeiffer S, Matthias T, Poplawska AS, Ulaganathan VK, Placek W, Fabbri P, Hall R, Caproni M. Neo-epitope tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies as a biomarker of the gluten sensitive skin disease- Dermatitis Herpetiformis. Clin Chim Acta 2013; 415:346-9.
54) Biazar C, Sigges J, Patsinakidis N, Ruland V, Amler S, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A; EUSCLE co-authors. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: first multicenter database analysis of 1002 patients from the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE). Autoimmun Rev. 2013;12:444-54.
55) Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Is dermatitis herpetiformis changing? G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2013;148:159-62.
56) Antiga E, Verdelli A, Calabrò AS, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Clinical and immunopathological features of 159 patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. An Italian experience. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2013;148:163-9.
57) Verdelli A, Cozzani E, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Volpi W, Zuccati G, Caproni M. Mucous membrane pemphigoid and cancers: case report and review of the literature. Clinical dermatology 2013;1:219–224.
58) Sigges J, Biazar C, Landmann A, Ruland V, Patsinakidis N, Amler S, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A; EUSCLE Co-Authors. Therapeutic strategies evaluated by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE) Core Set Questionnaire in more than 1000 patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Autoimmun Rev 2013;12:694-702.
59) Antiga E, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Linear IgA bullous dermatosis: need for an agreement on diagnostic criteria. Dermatology 2013;226:329-32.
60) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Volpi W, Pierini I, Del Bianco E, Bianchi B, Savoia P, Bernengo MG, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Regulatory T cells in skin lesions and blood of patients with bullous pemphigoid. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2014; 28: 222-30.
61) Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Rowell syndrome: does it exist? Clin Exp Dermatol 2014;39:58.
62) Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Skin manifestations of celiac disease: not always dermatitis herpetiformis. Int J Dermatol 2014;53:e352-3.
63) Bonciolini V, Bonciani D Verdelli A, Volpi W, Antiga E, Caproni M. Dermatitis herpetiformis: not only in the adults. Pediatr Dermatol 2014;31:538.
64) Kuhn A, Sigges J, Biazar C, Ruland V, Patsinakidis N, Landmann A, Amler S, Bonsmann G, and the EUSCLE Co-Authors. Influence of Smoking on Disease Severity and Antimalarial Therapy in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis of 1002 Patients from the EUSCLE Database. Br J Dermatol 2014;171:571-9. IF: 3.759
65) Marzano AV, Fanoni D, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Caproni M, Crosti C, Meroni PL, Cugno M. Expression of cytokines, chemokines and other effector molecules in two prototypic autoinflammatory skin diseases, pyoderma gangrenosum and Sweet’s syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2014; 178:48-56.
66) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Bonciani D, Volpi W, Caproni M. Drug induction in connective tissue diseases. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2014; 149:573-80.
67) Antiga E, Caproni M, Parodi A, Cianchini G, Fabbri P. Treatment of cutaneous lichen planus: an evidence based analysis of efficacy by the Italian Group for Cutaneous Immunopathology. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2014;149:719-26.
68) Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Verdelli A, D’Errico A, Antiga E, Volpi W, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: a rare cause of erectile disfunction. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2014; 149:728-9.
69) Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Verdelli A, Caproni M, Senetta R. A case of rupioid psoriasis exacerbated by systemic glucocorticosteroids. Int J Dermatol 2015; 54:e100-2.
70) Fabbri P, Bonciani D, Antiga E, Caproni M. Classification and clinical diagnosis of cutaneous vasculitides. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015; 150:169-81.
71) Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Quintarelli L, Volpi W, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Drug-induced cutaneous vasculitides. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015; 150:203-10.
72) Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Acne: a new model of immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015; 150:247-54.
73) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Pierini I, Volpi W, Lami G, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Renzi D, Baroni G, Novelli M, Ponti R, Papini M, Di Lollo S, Calabrò AS, Fabbri P, Caproni M Regulatory T cells as well as IL-10 are reduced in the skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. J Dermatol Sci 2015; 77:54-62
74) Caproni M, Antiga E, Volpi W, Verdelli A, Venegoni L, Quaglino P, Fabbri P, Marzano AV. The Treg/Th17 cell ratio is reduced in the skin lesions of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum. Br J Dermatol 2015; 173:275-8.
75) Antiga E, Caproni M. The diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol 2015;8:257-65.
76) Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Caproni M. Oral curcumin (Meriva®) is effective as an adjuvant treatment and is able to reduce IL-22 serum levels in patients with psoriasis vulgaris. Biomed Res Int 2015;2015:283634.
77) Quaglino P, Fava P, Marzano AV, Antiga E, De Simone C, Papini M, Parodi A, Caproni M, Novelli M, Sanlorenzo M, Ponti R, Fierro MT, Savoia P. Phenotypical characterisation of circulating cell subsets in pyoderma gangrenosum patients: the experience of the Italian Immunopathology Group. J European Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30:655-8.
78) Cugno M, Marzano AV, Bucciarelli P, Balice Y, Cianchini G, Quaglino P, Calzavara Pinton P, Caproni M, Alaibac M, De Simone C, Patrizi A, Cozzani E, Papini M, Tedeschi A, Berti E, Rosendaal FR; INVENTEP Study Group. Increased risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with bullous pemphigoid. The INVENTEP (INcidence of VENous ThromboEmbolism in bullous Pemphigoid) study. Thromb Haemost 2015;114(6).
79) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Volpi W, Maio E, Caproni M. Docetaxel-induced-like subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Clin Exp Dermatol 2016;41:318-9
80) Grossi E, Cazzaniga S, Crotti S, Naldi L, Di Landro A, Ingordo V, Cusano F, Atzori L, Tripodi Cutrì F, Musumeci ML, Pezzarossa E, Bettoli V, Caproni M, Bonci A; GISED Acne Study Group. The constellation of dietary factors in adolescent acne: a semantic connectivity map approach. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30:96-100.
81) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Bonciani D, Volpi W, Caproni M. A fatal case of hidradenitis suppurativa associated to sepsis and squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Dermatol 2016;55:e52-53
82) Bonciani D, Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciolini V, Del Bianco E, Volpi W, Caproni M. Homocystein serum levels are increased and correlate with disease severity in patients with lupus erythematosus. Clin Exp Rheumatol 2016;34:76-81.
83) Cozzani E, Di Zenzo G, Calabresi V, Carrozzo M, Longanesi L, Cerri A, Caproni M, Sera F, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Marzano AV, Parodi A. Autoantibody profile of a cohort of 78 mucous membrane pemphigoid Italian patients. Acta Derm Venereol Acta Derm Venereol 2016;96:768-73.
84) Antiga E, Caproni M. Rowell's syndrome or subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus? G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2017;152:82-3.
85) Palterer B, Grandi V, Antiga E, Maio V, Maggi E, Liotta F. Cutaneous Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis with anti-EJ autoantibodies: mere coincidence or a manifestation of antisynthetase syndrome? Clin Exp Dermatol 2017;42:345-7.
86) Galeone M, Antiga E. Multiple mucosal ulcerations caused by idelalisib. Int J Dermatol 2017;56:e180-1.
87) Antiga E, Maglie R, Volpi W, Bianchi B, Berti E, Marzano AV, Caproni M. T helper 1-related molecules as well as IL-15 are hyperexpressed in the skin lesions of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum. Clin Exp Immunol 2017;189:383-91.
88) Maglie R, Antiga E, Vannucchi M, Del Bianco E, Bianchi B, Massi D, Caproni M. Bullous eruption in a patient with B-cells chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: a diagnostic challenge. Int J Dermatol 2017;56:1445-7.
89) Bilia AR, Bergonzi MC, Isacchi B, Antiga E, Caproni M. Curcumin nanoparticles potentiate therapeutic effectiveness of acitrein in moderate-to-severe psoriasis patients and control serum cholesterol levels. J Pharm Pharmacol 2018;70:919-28.
90) Maglie R, Vannucchi M, Quintarelli L, Caproni M, Massi D, Antiga E. At the root: cutaneous Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Am J Med 2018;131:922-26.
91) Cozzani E, Marzano AV, Caproni M, Feliciani C, Calzavara-Pinton P; Cutaneous Immunology group of SIDeMaST. Bullous pemphigoid: Italian guidelines adapted from the EDF/EADV guidelines. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2018;153:305-15.
92) Feliciani C, Cozzani E, Marzano AV, Caproni M, Di Zenzo G, Calzavara-Pinton P; "Cutaneous Immunology" group of SIDeMaST. Italian guidelines in pemphigus. Adapted from the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) and European Academy of Dermatology And Venerology (EADV). G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2018; 153: 599-608.
93) Samotij D, Szczech J, Kushner C, Mowla MR, Danczak-Pazdrowska A, Antiga E, Chasset F, Furukawa F, Hasegawa M, Hashizume H, Islam A, Ikeda T, Lesiak A, Polanska A, Misery L, Szepietowski JC, Adamski Z, Tsuruta D, Werth VP, Reich A. Prevalence of pruritus in cutaneous lupus erythematosus: brief report of a multicenter, multinational cross-sectional study. BioMed Res Int 2018; 2018:3491798
94) Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Ninci A, Maio V, Pimpinelli N, Caproni M. Granular IgA Deposits in the Skin of Patients with Coeliac Disease: Is it Always Dermatitis Herpetiformis? Acta Derm Venereol 2019;99:78-83.
95) Maglie R, Caproni M, Antiga E. Reply to "Pruritic arthropod bite-like papules in T-cell large granular lymphocytic leukaemia and chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia". Clin Exp Dermatol 2019;44:75-6.
96) Verdelli A, Coi A, Marzano AV, Antiga E, Cozzani E, Quaglino P, La Placa M, Benucci M, De Simone C, Papini M, Parodi A, Bianchi F, Caproni M. Autoantibody profile and clinical patterns in 619 Italian patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2019; 33:742-52.
97) Maglie R, Grandi V, Massi D, Caproni M, Pimpinelli N, Antiga E. Cutaneous eruptions associated with hematologic malignancies: the need for a unifying nomenclature. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2019;33:e191-2.
98) Maglie R, Quintarelli L, Caproni M, Antiga E. Is chemotherapy the best option for chronic lymphocytic leukemia associated Wells' syndrome? Reply to "Case of Wells' syndrome: A rare association with the clinical course of chronic lymphocytic leukemia". J Dermatol 2019;46:e146-7.
99) Maglie R, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Fabbri P, Antiga E, Caproni M. Specific dermatoses of pregnancy other than pemphigoid gestationis. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2019;154:286-98.
100) Maglie R, Borgi A, Caproni M, Antiga E. Indirect immunofluorescence in mucous membrane pemphigoid: which substrate should be used? Br J Dermatol 2019;180:1266-7.
101) Maglie R, Antiga E, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Caproni M. Dramatic exacerbation of bullous pemphigoid following rituximab and successful treatment with omalizumab. Eur J Dermatol 2019; 29:213-5.
102) Antiga E, Maglie R, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Caproni M. Dermatitis hepretiformis: novel perspectives. Front Immunol 2019; 10: 1290.
103) Grandi V, Maglie R, Antiga E, Vannucchi M, Delfino C, Lastrucci I, Gunnella S, Ciolli S, Massi D, Caproni M, Pimpinelli N. Eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy: a retrospective cohort of 37 patients from an Italian center. J Am Acad Dermatol 2019; 81: 246-9.
104) Gasperini C, Cozzani E, Caproni M, Antiga E, Signori A, Parodi A. Could Anti-Glycan Antibodies Be Useful in Dermatitis Herpetiformis?Eur J Dermatol 2019;29:322-3.
105) Maglie R, Quintarelli L, Lastrucci I, Sentaore G, Montefusco F, Pimpinelli N, Antiga E. Fatal occurrence of acquired haemophilia A in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris. Clin Exp Dermatol 2019;44:e247-8.
106) Pileri A, Baraldi C, Broccoli A, Maglie R, Patrizi A, Zinzani P, Antiga E. Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patients. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2019;154:605-6.
107) Maglie R, Quintarelli R, Caproni M, Antiga E. Impressive response of erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp to lymecycline monotherapy. J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 2019;17:1177-8.
108) Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Cazzaniga S, Alaibac M, Calabrò AS, Cardinali C, Cozzani E, Marzano AV, Micali G, Not T, Quaglino P, Vassallo C, Naldi L, Caproni M, the GISED Group and the Italian Group for Cutaneous Immunopathology. Female patients with dermatitis herpetiformis show a reduced diagnostic delay and have higher sensitivity rates at autoantibody testing for celiac disease. Biomed Res Int 2019;2019:6307035.
109) Maglie R, Grandi V, Antiga E. Response to "Hematologic-Related Malignancy-Induced Eosinophilic Dermatosis (He Remained): An Eosinophilic Dermatosis Predominantly Associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia". J Am Acad Dermatol 2020;82:e15-6.
110) Cozzani E, Di Zenzo G, Gasparini G, Salemme A, Agnoletti AF, Vassallo C,Caproni M, Antiga E, Marzano AV, Cavalli R, Ocella C, de Simone C, Parodi A. Autoantibody Profile of a Cohort of 54 Italian Patients with Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis: LAD-1 Denoted as a Major Auto-antigen of the Lamina Lucida Subtype. Acta Derm Venereol. 2020;100(4):adv00070.
111) Senatore S, Maglie R, Salemme A, Caproni M, Di Zenzo G, Antiga E. Serration pattern analysis as a tool for the diagnosis of IgA-mediated epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. J Dermatol 2020;47:e198-9.
112) Maglie R, Antiga E. Reply to "Comment on "Fatal occurrence of acquired haemophilia A in a patient with pemphigus vulgaris". Clin Exp Dermatol 2020;45:465-6.
113) Maglie R, Genovese G, Solimani F, Guglielmo A, Pileri A, Portelli F, Hertl M, Marzano AV, Antiga E. Immune-Mediated Dermatoses in Patients with Haematological Malignancies: A Comprehensive Review. Am J Clin Dermatol 2020;21:833-54.
114) Maglie R, Antiga E. Nivolumab-induced erosive pustular dermatosis of the scalp. Int J Dermatol 2020;59:e399-e400.
115) Tersigni C, Filippeschi C, Oranges T, Antiga E, Buccoliero AM, De Martino M, Bassi A. A misdiagnosed vesico-bullous recurrent eruption in a 7-years-old girl. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2020;155:688-9.
116) MaglieR, Souza Monteiro de Araujo D, Antiga E, Geppetti P, Nassini R, De Logu F. The role of TRPA1 in skin physiology and pathology. Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22:3065.
117) Maglie R, Orsini C, Bianchi B, Antiga E, Cinotti E. Mucous membrane pemphigoid with lichen planus-like features: not only in the oral mucosa. Eur J Dermatol 2021;31:11-2.
118) Antiga E, Maglie R, Lami G, Tozzi A, Bonciolini V, Calella F, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Renzi D, Mazzarese E, Calabrò AS, Caproni M. Granular Deposits of IgA in the Skin of Coeliac Patients Without Dermatitis Herpetiformis: A Prospective Multicentric Analysis. Acta Derm Venereol. 2021;101:adv00382.
119) Maglie R, Montefusco F, Senatore S, D'Erme AM, Bagnoni G, Antiga E. Localized pemphigus exacerbation associated with underlying breast cancer. JAAD Case Reports 2021;6:1268-70.
120) Maglie R, Antiga E, Payne AS. B-cell targeted therapies in pemphigus. G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2021;156:161-73.
121) Quintarelli L, Corrá A, Maglie R, Antiga E, Caproni M. The skin doesn't lie: a case of dermatitis herpetiformis in the setting of refractory coeliac disease. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2021;156:267-8.
122) Görög A, Antiga E, Caproni M, Cianchini G, De D, Dmochowski M, Dolinsek J, Drenovska K, Feliciani C, Hervonen K, Lakos Jukic I, Kinyó A, Koltai T, Korponay-Szabó I, Marzano AV, Patsatsi A, Rose,Salmi T, Schmidt E, Setterfield J, Shahid M, Sitaru C, Uzun S, Valitutti F, Vassileva S, Yayli S, Sárdy M. S2k guidelines (consensus statement) for diagnosis and therapy of dermatitis herpetiformis initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021;35:251-77.
123) Samotij D, Szczęch J, Antiga E, Bonciani D, Caproni M, Chasset F, Dańczak-Pazdrowska A, Furukawa F, Hasegawa M, Hashizume H, Ikeda T, Islam A, Kim HJ, Lesiak A, Misery L, Mowla MR, Polańska A, Szepietowski JC, Tsuruta D, Verdelli A, Werth VP, Reich A. Clinical characteristics of itch in cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a prospective, multicenter, multinational, cross-sectional study. Lupus 2021;30:1385-93.
124) Senatore S, Maglie R, Montefusco F, Maio V, Antiga E. Folliculitis decalvans with exclusive beard involvement. Ind J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2021;87:569-71
125) Antiga E, Maglie R, Fabbri P. T-Cell Response in Dermatitis Herpetiformis: May Epidermal Transglutaminase Play a Role in Predicting Clinical Relapse? J Invest Dermatol 2021;141:1585.
126) Maglie R, Ugolini F, De Logu F, Simi S, SenatoreS, MontefuscoF, Nassini R, Massi D, Antiga E. Dupilumab treatment for recalcitrant eosinophilic dermatosis of haematologic malignancy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021;35:e501-3.
127) Vanti G, Grifoni L, Bergonzi MC, Antiga E, Montefusco F, Caproni M, Bilia AR. Development and optimisation of biopharmaceutical properties of a new microemulgel of cannabidiol for locally-acting dermatological delivery. Int J Pharm. 2021;607:121036. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.121036.
128) Maglie R, Antiga E, Caproni M. Comment on "Association of bullous pemphigoid with malignancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis". J Am Acad Dermatol 2021;85:e343.
129) Senatore S, Maglie R, Montefusco F, Quintarelli L, Salemme A, Di Zenzo G, Antiga E. Inverted-U serration pattern: a novel clue for the diagnosis of anti-laminin-γ1 pemphigoid. Int J Dermatol. 2021;60:1547-9.
130) Baffa ME, Maglie, R, Giovannozzi N, Montefusco F, Senatore S, Massi D, Antiga E. Sweet Syndrome Following SARS-CoV2 Vaccination. Vaccines 2021;19:1212
131) Maglie R, Senatore S, Di Stefano G, Barzacchi M, Maio V, Montefusco F, Baffa ME, Bianchi B, Santucci M, Antiga E. Myelodysplasia cutis as the presenting sign of chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2022;47:773-5.
132) Benucci M, Damiani A, Infantino M, Manfredi M, Lari B, Grossi V, Mariotti EB, Corrà A, Aimo C, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Li Gobbi F, Antiga E, Caproni M. Vaccination for SARS-CoV-2 in patients with psoriatic arthritis: can therapy affect the immunological response? Front Med 2022;9:811829. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.811829.
133) Maronese CA, Caproni M, Moltrasio C, Genovese G, Vezzoli P, Sena P, Previtali G, Cozzani E, Gasparini G, Parodi A, Atzori L, Antiga E, Maglie R, Moro F, Mariotti EB, Corrà A, Pallotta S, Didona B, Marzano AV, Di Zenzo G. Bullous pemphigoid associated with COVID-19 vaccines: An Italian multicentre study. Front Med 2022;9:841506. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.841506.
134) Maglie R, Baffa ME, Senatore S, Montefusco F, Pipitò C, Maio V, Capassoni M, Matucci Cerinic M, Antiga E, Guiducci S. Bullous pemphigoid associated with morphea and lichen sclerosus: coincidental diseases or pathogenetic association? Front Immunol 2022;13:887279. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.887279.
135) Baffa ME, Pipitò C, Montefusco F, Senatore S, Brandini L, Antiga E, Maglie R. Marie Antoinette syndrome following COVID-19 vaccination. Int J Dermatol. 2022;61:903-4.
136) Maglie R, Ugolini F, De Logu F, Nassini R, Simi S, Nardiello P, Pasqualini E, Baroni G, Del Bianco E, Massi D, Antiga E. Over-expression of Th2-related molecules in the skin of patients with eosinophilic dermatosis of hematologic malignancy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022;87:761-770.
137) Gasparini G, Cozzani E, Di Zenzo G, Salemme A, Dematté E, Vassallo C, Marzano AV, Genovese G, Caproni M, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Parodi A. Anti-laminin 332 antibody detection using biochip immunofluorescence microscopy in a real-life cohort of Italian patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid. Eur J Dermatol. 2022 Nov 1;32(6):756-761. PMID: 36856373
138) Borradori L, Van Beek N, Feliciani C, Tedbirt B, Antiga E, Bergman R, Böckle BC, Caproni M, Caux F, Chandran NS, Cianchini G, Daneshpazhooh M, De D, Didona D, Di Zenzo GM, Dmochowski M, Drenovska K, Ehrchen J, Goebeler M, Groves R, Günther C, Horvath B, Hertl M, Hofmann S, Ioannides D, Itzlinger-Monshi B, Jedličková J, Kowalewski C, Kridin K, Lim YL, Marinovic B, Marzano A, Mascaro JM, Meijer JM, Murrell D, Patsatsi K, Pincelli C, Prost C, Rappersberger K, Sárdy M, Setterfield J, Shahid M, Sprecher E, Tasanen K, Uzun S, Vassileva S, Vestergaard K, Vorobyev A, Vujic I, Wang G, Wozniak K, Yayli S, Zambruno G, Zillikens D, Schmidt E, Joly P. Updated S2 K guidelines for the management of bullous pemphigoid initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022;36:1689-1704.
139) Baffa ME, Corrà A, Maglie R, Mariotti EB, Montefusco F, Pipitò C, Senatore S, Quintarelli L, Caproni M, Antiga E. Rituximab in mucous membrane pemphigoid: a monocentric retrospective study. J Clin Med 2022;11:4102. doi: 10.3390/jcm11144102.
140) Quintarelli L, Coi A, Maglie R, Corrà A, Mariotti EB, Aimo C, Ruffo di Calabria V, Verdelli A, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Antiga E, Caproni M. Clinical patterns, survival, comorbidities and treatment regimens in 149 patients with pemphigus in Tuscany (Italy): a 12-year hospital-based study. Front Immunol 2022;13:895490. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.895490.
141) Quintarelli L, Magnaterra E, Maglie R, Corrà A, Ruffo di Calabria V, Aimo C, Mariotti EB, Verdelli A, Maio V, Antiga E, Caproni M. Lepromatous leprosy presenting with erythema nodosum leprosum mimicking Bechet's disease. Travel Med Infect Dis. 2022;52:102521. doi: 10.1016/j.tmaid.2022.102521.
142) De Logu F, Maglie R, Titiz M, Poli G, Landini L, Marini M, Monteiro de Araujo DS, De Siena G, Montini M, Cabrini DA, Otuki MF, Pawloski PL, Antiga E, Tuccinardi T, Calixto JB, Geppetti P, Nassini R, André E. miRNA-203b-3p induces acute and chronic pruritus via 5-HTR2B and TRPV4. J Invest Dermatol. 2023;143:142-53.e10.
143) Maglie R, Baffa ME, Montefusco F, Pipitò C, Senatore S, Antiga E. Severe bullous pemphigoid following Covid-19 vaccination resistant to rituximab and successfully treated with dupilumab. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2023;37:e135-e137
144) Maglie R, Vieira De Almeida C, Baffa ME, Bianchi B, Caproni M, Di Zenzo G, Li X, Hirako Y, Hashimoto T, Tusa I, Lulli M, Rovida E, Antiga E. Anti-β4 integrin autoantibodies in patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid: a retrospective analysis from a tertiary centre in Italy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2023;37:e249-e251.
145) Antiga E, Bech R, Maglie R, Genovese G, Borradori L, Bockle B, Caproni M, Caux F, Chandran NS, Corrà A, D'Amore F, Daneshpazhooh M, De D, Didona D, Dmochowski M, Drenovska K, Ehrchen J, Feliciani C, Goebeler M, Groves R, Günther C, Handa S, Hofmann SC, Horvath B, Ioannidis D, Jedlickova H, Kowalewski C, Kridin K, Joly P, Lim YL, Marinovic B, Maverakis E, Meijer J, Patsatsi A, Pincelli C, Prost C, Setterfield J, Sprecher E, Skiljevic D, Tasanen K, Uzun S, Van Beek N, Vassileva S, Vorobyev A, Vujic I, Wang G, Wang M, Wozniak K, Yayli S, Zambruno G, Hashimoto T, Schmidt E, Mascarò JM Jr, Marzano AV. S2k guidelines on the management of paraneoplastic pemphigus/paraneoplastic autoimmune multiorgan syndrome initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Jun;37(6):1118-1134. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18931. Epub 2023 Mar 25. PMID: 36965110.
146) Baffa ME, Pipitò C, Montefusco F, Senatore S, Quintarelli L, Antiga E, Maglie R. Tralokinumab efficacy in a case of dupilumab-resistant severe atopic dermatitis complicated by eczema herpeticum. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Apr 5. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19091. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37016961.
147) Maglie R, Mercurio L, Morelli M, Madonna S, Salemme A, Baffa ME, Quintarelli L, Di Zenzo GM, Antiga E, Albanesi C. Interleukin-36 cytokines are overexpressed in the skin and sera of patients with bullous pemphigoid. Exp Dermatol. 2023 Mar 20. doi: 10.1111/exd.14791. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36940975.
148) Maglie R, Solimani F, Didona D, Pipitò C, Antiga E, Di Zenzo G. The cytokine milieu of bullous pemphigoid: Current and novel therapeutic targets. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Feb 6;10:1128154. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1128154.
149) Pipitò C, Baffa ME, Maglie R, Senatore S, Antiga E. Post-Surgical anti-BP230 Bullous Pemphigoid: A Rare Cause of Non-Healing Wound. Dermatol Pract Concept (in press)
150) Meijer JM, Rashid H, Vergadi S, Antiga E, Vezzoli P, Balestri R, Patsatsi A, Uzun S, Skiljevic D, Jedlickova H, Janickova L, Corrà A, Ponziani A, Günther C, Cianchini G, Schefzyk M, Marzano A, Di Zenzo G, Shimanovich I, Fairley J, Mascaró JM Jr, Caproni M, Maglie R, Schmidt E, Horváth B. Impact of COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune bullous diseases: Report from an international registry. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Jun 8. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19242. PMID: 37291996.
151) De Almeida CV, Antiga E, Lulli M. Oral and Topical Probiotics and Postbiotics in Skincare and Dermatological Therapy: A Concise Review. Microorganisms. 2023 May 27;11(6):1420. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11061420.
152) Merli M, Accorinti M, Romagnuolo M, Marzano A, Di Zenzo G, Moro F, Antiga E, Maglie R, Cozzani E, Parodi A, Gasparini G, Sollena P, De Simone C, Caproni M, Pisano L, Fattore D, Balestri R, Sena P, Vezzoli P, Teoli M, Ardigò M, Vassallo C, Michelerio A, Satta RR, Dika E, Melotti B, Ribero S, Quaglino P. Autoimmune bullous dermatoses in cancer patients treated by immunotherapy: a literature review and Italian multicentric experience. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023 Jul 20;10:1208418. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1208418.
153) Boch, Antiga E, et al Serum reactivity in dermatitis herpetiformis: an international multicenter study. Clin Exp Dermatol (in press)
Work experience
From November 2019-To date: Chair, Residency program in Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
From November 2018-To date: Associate Professor at the University of Florence, Department of Health Sciences, Section of Dermatology.
From November 2015-To October 2018: Type B Researcher at the University of Florence, Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine, Section of Dermatology.
From April 2015-To October 2015: Researcher at Azienda Sanitaria Firenze, Section of Dermatology.
From February 2012-To February 2015: Type A Researcher at the University of Florence, Department of Surgery and Translational Medicine, Section of Dermatology.
From 2009-To 2012: PhD student in Endocrinological, Molecular and Rigenerative Biotechnologies, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence
From 2008-To 2009: Research Fellow at the Department of Dermatological Science, University of Florence
From 2009 - To 2012: PhD in Endocrinological, Molecular and Regenerative Biotechnologies, Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence with a thesis entitled: “Role of Th17 cells and their precursors in patients with psoriasis vulgaris before and after biologic therapy”.
From 2003 – To 2007: Specialization in Dermatology and Venereology University of Florence, Florence, Italy, presenting a thesis entitled: "Regulatory T cells in Dermatomyositis".
From 1997 – To 2003: Degree in Medicine and Surgery (110/110 with honours) University of Florence, Florence, Italy, presenting a thesis entitled: “Chronic idiopathic and chronic autoimmune urticaria: clinical and immunopathological features of 68 subjects”
Research topics and Projects
He actively participated to the ideation and the implementation of several research projects funded by both private and public institutions. Moreover, he is the principal investigator of the following projects:
- “Direct immunofluorescence of the skin as a tool for the diagnosis of celiac disease”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Health in 2014 (project duration: 3 years; funding: 388000 €).
- "Cutaneous gluten sensitivity: skin involvement as a tool for the diagnosis of non celiac gluten sensitivity",funded by the Italian Ministry of Health in 2019 (project duration: 3 years; funding: 301110 €).
- “The immunomodulation in pemphigus”, granted by the Italian Ministry of University in 2021 with a research grant for an Assistant Professor.
Teaching and supervision
He is the Chair of the Residency program in Dermatology and Venereology at the University of Florence.
He is professor of Skin Diseases at the School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy; Specialization in Dermatology and Venereology, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Genetics, Internal Medicine, Rheumatology; Master in Wound Care, Master in Trichology of the University of Florence.
He acted as a supervisor and examiner of research students. In the last year, he supervised 4 students from the School of Medicine, one student from the School of Dentistry, 4 residents at the Specialization of Dermatology and Venereology, and a PhD student. Moreover, in the last year he examined 2 degree thesis of students of the School of Medicine, one project of a PhD student, one degree thesis of a resident at the Specialization of Dermatology and Venereology, 4 thesis of students of the Master in Trichology.
Clinical trials
He is currently participating or has participated in clinical trials on skin diseases (pemphigus, bullous pemphigoid, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, pruritus) as principal investigator or subinvestigator.
He is a member of the "Società Italiana di Dermatologia e Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse" (SIDeMaST) since 2005, of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) since 2006 and of the European Society of Dermatological Research (ESDR) since 2007.
He participated to several national and international Congresses, including the following as a speaker: 2005-2022 SIDeMaST Congresses; 2008-2021 EADV Congresses; 21st World Congress of Dermatology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2007; 2nd ICCLE, Kyoto, Japan, 2008; 22nd World Congress of Dermatology, Seoul, South Korea, 2011; 24th World Congress of Dermatology, Milan, Italy, 2019.
He won the EADV John Stratigos Memorial Scholarship 2010.
He won the EADV “Lecturer of the year” award 2013.
He won the grant for the best poster about psoriasis at the National Congress of the SIDeMaST in 2018.
He won grants to participate to the following Congresses:
- International Investigative Dermatology, Kyoto, Japan, 2008.
- Congress of the American Academy of Dermatology, San Francisco, California, USA, 2009.
- 8th Lupus European Meeting, Porto, Portugal, 2011.
- 2nd International Summer Academy of Dermatology, Munich, Germany, 2011.
- International Investigative Dermatology, Edinburgh, UK, 2013.
- 3rd International Summer Academy of Dermatology, Munich, Germany, 2013.
He was selected to participate to the following courses:
-“Training Course Cryotherapy”, helded in Saariselka (Finland) on 07/02/2006, within the EADV program “Fostering Dermatology”, during the “IV EADV Spring Symposium”.
- “Training Course Pediatric Dermatology”, helded in Lindos (Greece) on 2-3/10/06, within the EADV program “Fostering Dermatology”, during the “XV EADV Congress”.
- “Euroderm Excellence 2007”, helded in Rome (Italy) on 7-11 November 2007.
- “Summer School Microbiology 2009” helded in Vienna (Austria) on 20-24/07/09, within the EADV program “Fostering Dermatology”.
- “ESDR/EADV Summer Research workshop: Research and Imaging Techniques”, helded in Vienna (Austria) on 26-30/07/10, within the EADV program “Fostering Dermatology”.
- “ESDR Future leaders in dermatology”, helded in Madrid (Spain) on 6-8/11/14.
His abstract entitled “T regulatory Cells in Scleroderma” was awarded as one of the “Top ten abstracts” at the XVIIIth EADV Congress in Berlin, Germany, 2009; his abstract entitled “Regulatory T cells and T helper 17 cells in the pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid” was awarded as one of the “Top ten abstracts” at the XXth EADV Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, 2011.
He is author of more than 140 scientific articles published on national and international biomedical journals, 1 book chapter in an international book, 3 book chapters in national and international books and more than 100 abstracts accepted by international congresses.
2) Caproni M, Volpi W, Giomi B, Cardinali C, Antiga E, Melani L, D’Agata A, Fabbri P. Chronic idiopathic and chronic autoimmune urticaria: clinical and immunopathological features of 68 subjects. Acta Derm Venereol 2004; 84: 288-90.
3) Caproni M, Cardinali C, Giomi B, Antiga E, D’Agata A, Selvaggi W, Fabbri P. Serological detection of eotaxin, IL-4, IL-13, IFN-gamma, MIP-1alfa, TARC and IP-10 in chronic autoimmune urticaria and chronic idiopathic urticaria. J Dermatol Sci 2004; 36: 57-9.
4) Melani L, Giomi B, Antiga E, Torchia D, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Radiation therapy as a trigger factor for initially localized bullous pemphigoid. Breast J 2005; 11: 485-6.
12) Torchia D, Caproni M, Ketabchi S, Antiga E, Fabbri P.Bullous pemphigoid initially localized around an urostomy . Int J Dermatol 2006; 45: 1387-9.
27) Caproni M, Antiga E, Melani L, Fabbri P; Italian Group for Cutaneous Immunopathology. Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2009; 23: 633-8.
33) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Bellandi S, Volpi W, Del Bianco E, Comessatti A, Osella-Abate S, De Simone C, Marzano A, Bernengo MG, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Regulatory T cells in theskin lesions and blood of patients with systemic sclerosis and morphea. Br J Dermatol 2010; 162: 1056-63.
57) Verdelli A, Cozzani E, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Volpi W, Zuccati G, CaproniM. Mucous membrane pemphigoid and cancers: case report and review of the literature. Clinical dermatology 2013;1:219–224.
60) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Volpi W, Pierini I, Del Bianco E, Bianchi B, Savoia P, Bernengo MG, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Regulatory T cells in skin lesions and blood of patients with bullous pemphigoid. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2014;28:222-30.
64) Marzano AV, Fanoni D, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Caproni M, Crosti C, Meroni PL, Cugno M. Expression of cytokines, chemokines and other effector molecules in two prototypic autoinflammatory skin diseases, pyoderma gangrenosum and Sweet’s syndrome. Clin Exp Immunol 2014;178:48-56.
65) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Bonciani D, Volpi W, Caproni M. Drug induction in connective tissue diseases. G Ital Dermatol Venereol2014;149:573-80
66) Kuhn A, Sigges J, Biazar C, Ruland V, Patsinakidis N, Landmann A, Amler S, Bonsmann G, and the EUSCLE Co-Authors. Influence of Smoking on Disease Severity and Antimalarial Therapy in Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis of 1002 Patients from the EUSCLE Database. Br J Dermatol 2014;171:571-9.
69) Antiga E, Quaglino P, Pierini I, Volpi W, Lami G, Bianchi B, Del Bianco E, Renzi D, Baroni G, Novelli M, Ponti R, Papini M, Di Lollo S, Calabrò AS, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Regulatory T cells as well as IL-10 are reduced in the skin of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. J Dermatol Sci 2015; 77:54-62
70) Fabbri P, Bonciani D, Antiga E, Caproni M. Classification and clinical diagnosis of cutaneous vasculitides. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015;150:169-81.
71) Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Quintarelli L, Volpi W, Fabbri P, Caproni M. Drug-induced cutaneous vasculitides. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015;150:203-10.
72) Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Caproni M, Fabbri P. Acne: a new model of immune-mediated chronic inflammatory skin disease. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2015;150:247-54.
73) Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Antiga E, Verdelli A, Caproni M, Senetta R. A case of rupioid psoriasis exacerbated by systemic glucocorticosteroids. Int J Dermatol 2015;54:e100-2.
74) Caproni M, Antiga E, Volpi W, Verdelli A, Venegoni L, Quaglino P, Fabbri P, Marzano AV. The Treg/Th17 cell ratio is reduced in the skin lesions of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum. Br J Dermatol 2015;173:275-8.
77) Cugno M, Marzano AV, Bucciarelli P, Balice Y, Cianchini G, Quaglino P, Calzavara Pinton P, Caproni M, Alaibac M, De Simone C, Patrizi A, Cozzani E, Papini M, Tedeschi A, Berti E, Rosendaal FR; INVENTEP Study Group. Increased risk of venous thromboembolism in patients with bullous pemphigoid. The INVENTEP (INcidence of VENous ThromboEmbolism in bullous Pemphigoid) study. Thromb Haemost 2015;115:193-9.
78) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciolini V, Bonciani D, Volpi W, Caproni M. A fatal case of hidradenitis suppurativa associated to sepsis and squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Dermatol 2016;55:e52-53.
79) Grossi E, Cazzaniga S, Crotti S, Naldi L, Di Landro A, Ingordo V, Cusano F, Atzori L, Tripodi Cutrì F, Musumeci ML, Pezzarossa E, Bettoli V, Caproni M, Bonci A; GISED Acne Study Group. The constellation of dietary factors in adolescent acne: a semantic connectivity map approach. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30:96-100.
80) Verdelli A, Antiga E, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Volpi W, Maio E, Caproni M. Docetaxel-induced-like subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Clin Exp Dermatol 2016;41:318-9.
81) Quaglino P, Fava P, Caproni M, Antiga E, De Simone C, Papini M, Parodi A, Novelli M, Osella-Abate S, Ribero S, Sanlorenzo M, Ponti R, Fierro MT, Marzano AV, Savoia P. Phenotypical characterisation of circulating cell subsets in pyoderma gangrenosum patients: the experience of the Italian Immunopathology Group. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2016;30:655-8.
82) Bonciani D, Antiga E, Verdelli A, Bonciolini V, Del Bianco E, Volpi W, Caproni M. Homocystein serum levels are increased and correlate with disease severity in patients with lupus erythematosus. Clin Exp Rheumatol2016;34:76-81.
83) Cozzani E, Di Zenzo G, Calabresi V, Carrozzo M, Longanesi L, Cerri A, Caproni M, Sera F, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Marzano AV, Parodi A. Autoantibody profile of a cohort of 78 mucous membrane pemphigoid Italian patients. Acta Derm Venereol 2016;96:768-73.
91) Cozzani E, Marzano AV, Caproni M, Feliciani C, Calzavara-Pinton P; Cutaneous Immunology group of SIDeMaST. Bullous pemphigoid: Italian guidelines adapted fromthe EDF/EADV guidelines. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2018;153:305-15.
92) Feliciani C, Cozzani E, Marzano AV, Caproni M, Di Zenzo G, Calzavara-Pinton P; "Cutaneous Immunology" group of SIDeMaST. Italian guidelines in pemphigus. Adapted from the European Dermatology Forum (EDF) and European Academy ofDermatology And Venerology (EADV). G Ital Dermatol Venereol. 2018; 153: 599-608.
101) Maglie R, Antiga E, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Caproni M. Dramatic exacerbation of bullous pemphigoid following rituximab and successful treatment with omalizumab. Eur J Dermatol 2019; 29: 213-5.
102) Antiga E, Maglie R, Quintarelli L, Verdelli A, Bonciani D, Bonciolini V, Caproni M. Dermatitis hepretiformis: novel perspectives. Front Immunol 2019;10:1290.
104) Gasperini C, Cozzani E, Caproni M, Antiga E, Signori A, Parodi A. Could Anti-Glycan Antibodies Be Useful in Dermatitis Herpetiformis? Eur J Dermatol 2019;29:322-3.
109) Maglie R, Grandi V, Antiga E. Response to "Hematologic-Related Malignancy-Induced Eosinophilic Dermatosis (He Remained): An Eosinophilic Dermatosis Predominantly Associated with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia". J Am acad Dermatol 2020;82:e15-6.
120) Maglie R, Antiga E, Payne AS. B-cell targeted therapies in pemphigus. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 2021; 156:161-73.
121) Quintarelli L, Corrá A, Maglie R, Antiga E, Caproni M. The skin doesn't lie: a case of dermatitis herpetiformis in the setting of refractory coeliac disease. G Ital Dermatol Venereol 202;156:267-8.
122) Görög A, Antiga E, Caproni M, Cianchini G, De D, Dmochowski M, Dolinsek J, Drenovska K, Feliciani C, Hervonen K, Lakos Jukic I, Kinyó A, Koltai T, Korponay-Szabó I, Marzano AV, Patsatsi A, Rose,Salmi T, Schmidt E, Setterfield J, Shahid M, Sitaru C, Uzun S, Valitutti F, Vassileva S, Yayli S, Sárdy M. S2k guidelines (consensus statement) for diagnosis and therapy of dermatitis herpetiformis initiated by the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV). J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2021;35:1251-77.
125) Antiga E, Maglie R,Fabbri P. T-Cell Response in Dermatitis Herpetiformis: May Epidermal Transglutaminase Play a Role in Predicting Clinical Relapse? J Invest Dermatol 2021;141:1585.
127) Vanti G, Grifoni L, Bergonzi MC, Antiga E, Montefusco F, Caproni M, Bilia AR. Development and optimisation of biopharmaceutical properties of a new microemulgel of cannabidiol for locally-acting dermatological delivery. Int J Pharmaceutics 2021;607:121036.
129) Senatore S, Maglie R, Montefusco F, Quintarelli L, Salemme A, Di Zenzo G, Antiga E. Inverted-U serration pattern: a novel clue for the diagnosis of anti-laminin-γ1 pemphigoid. Int J Dermatol 2021;60:1547-9.
137) Gasparini G, Cozzani E, Di Zenzo G, Salemme A, Dematté E, Vassallo C, Marzano AV, Genovese G, Caproni M, Antiga E, Quaglino P, Parodi A. Anti-laminin 332 antibody detection using biochip immunofluorescence microscopy in a real-life cohort of Italian patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid. Eur J Dermatol. 2021 Aug 26. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2021.4104. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34463277.
144) Maglie R, Vieira De Almeida C, Baffa ME, Bianchi B, Caproni M, Di Zenzo G, Li X, Hirako Y, Hashimoto T, Tusa I, Lulli M, Rovida E, Antiga E. Anti-β4 integrin autoantibodies in patients with mucous membrane pemphigoid: a retrospective analysis from a tertiary centre in Italy. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2023;37:e249-e251