Mercoledì pomeriggio dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 15.30 previo appuntamento
I have worked as Clinical and Radiation Oncologist since 2011 at the Radiation Oncology Unit of the Oncology Department at the Florence University Hospital (Florence, Italy). I am responsible for the outpatient clinics and clinical trials Units, and leader of the clinical oncology group of the breast cancer multidisciplinary team/Breast Unit. In 2018, I became associate professor at the Department of Clinical and Experimental Biomedical Sciences “Mario Serio” of the University of Florence (Florence, Italy).
I consider myself to be a passionate oncologist taking care of my patients in a holistic fashion, and integrating my clinical, empathic, and academic skills. I am married to a medical physicist active in the field of automated planning in radiation therapy and breast cancer. Outside of work, I am father of a wonderful daughter and I adore spending quality time with my family, traveling, playing tennis, and discovering cultures.
I am an active member of ESTRO, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer – EORTC, European Society of Medical Oncology – ESMO, and the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology – AIRO. I am a member of the steering committee of the EORTC Breast Cancer Group and Radiation Oncology Scientific Council and a former Chair of the AIRO Breast Cancer Group, and founder of the Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Group – COBCG cooperative network. In addition, I am a Core Group member of the ESTRO Guidelines Committee Sub-Group on Breast (former ACROP) and a Faculty member of the ESTRO teachers’ courses and of the College of the European School of Oncology – ESO.
My main fields of interest are breast cancer, multimodal treatments, oligometastatic disease, health-related quality of life, prevention of cardiac toxicity, hypofractionation, partial breast irradiation, clinical trials research. I am an author of over 220 peer-reviewed international papers and principal investigator of several phase 2-3 trials. My research focusses on de-escalation and optimisation of treatments, to tailor oncological approaches to improve cancer outcomes and health-related quality of life for patients (for example, I am principal investigator of phase 3 trials: EUROPA, SAFE, and Florence-APBI-IMRT).
I promote the international and national networking among professionals in a multidisciplinary fashion and facilitate connections between new generations of oncologists. I am a faculty teacher for ESTRO courses, namely the accelerated partial breast irradiation. Through ESTRO, I have highlighted the crucial importance of mentorship. I collaborate with surgical and medical oncologists, promoting mentorship teaching at preceptorship through the European Society of Surgical Oncology – ESSO and ESMO and I support social media activities with ESO.
I am involved in development of guidelines and recommendations within ESTRO, through the ESTRO Guidelines Committee, and contributed to DIBH, re-irradiation, oligometastatic definition and OligoCARE projects (ESTRO-EORTC joint initiative), and RT-drug combination guidelines in breast cancer.
I am involved in several initiatives promoting implementation of technological advances in radiation therapy to limit toxic effects of treatments and to increase the effectiveness of therapy. An example is minimising cardiac toxicity by using modern RT techniques and evaluating pharmacological prevention of subclinical heart damage in patients also receiving systemic therapy for breast cancer. As a clinical oncologist, I am fully involved in integrating RT and modern drugs, and I lead an international multidisciplinary expert panel to develop guidelines on concomitant treatment for breast cancer.
Lastly and importantly, I endeavour to promote and enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion in oncology, by limiting ethnic and gender inequality in science and facilitating equity of access to optimal treatments for all patients.
2018 – Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences “M. Serio” – University of Florence, Florence, Italy & Consultant Clinical Oncologist at AOU Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy.
2018 – 2024 National Scientific Qualification I-level as Full Professor for Radiation Oncology (Scientific Disciplinary Sector SSD MED/36).
2011 – 2018 Consultant Clinical/Radiation Oncologist at Radiation Oncology Unit, Oncology Department. AOU Careggi Hospital, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2010 – 2011 Post-training Research Fellowship at Radiation Oncology Unit, Oncology Department. AOU Careggi Hospital, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
Education and Qualifications
2017 – 2019 EORTC Early Career Investigators (ECI) Leadership Program for the management of Clinical Research in Oncology. Brussels, Belgium.
2016 – 2018 Master’s degree in Oncologic Drugs and Radiotherapy. University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
2005 – 2009 Resident in Training, MD Program, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
2008 – 2009 Resident in Training Fellowship, Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK.
2005 – 2006 Postgraduate Fellow in Risk-assessment in Radiotherapy. European project LSHC-CT-2004-503564 of Sixth Program MAESTRO – Advanced Methods and Equipment for Simulation and Treatment in Oncology Radiology. Department of Clinical Physiopathology, University of Florence, Florence, Italy.
1999 – 2005 MD degree, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
H-index: 27, Publications: original peer-reviewed: 221 (available at, Book Editor: 1, Book Chapter Contributor: 5.
Esperienza lavorativa
Ottobre 2018 - Oggi
Professore Associato presso Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche Sperimentali e Cliniche “M. Serio” dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze (SSD MED/36) con attività clinica assistenziale presso la SOD complessa di Radioterapia della Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi di Firenze.
Referente formale del Gruppo Oncologico Multidisciplinare (GOM) neoplasia mammaria dell’AOUC come Oncologo Clinico/Radioterapista (da maggio 2012, incarico attualmente in corso).
Responsabile Ambulatori (Prime Visite, Rivalutazioni, e Follow Up) della SOD complessa di Radioterapia della AOUC di Firenze (da gennaio 2018, incarico attualmente in corso).
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale (ASN), Professore di I fascia Settore Scientifico Disciplinare (SSD) MED/36, conseguita nel 2018 (scadenza 2024).
Agosto 2011 - Settembre 2018
Dirigente Medico di 1° livello presso la SOD complessa di Radioterapia della Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi (AOUC) di Firenze.
Luglio 2010 – Luglio 2011
Titolare di Assegno di Ricerca dal titolo “Valutazione della predisposizione genetica alla tossicità radio indotta” (DAI Oncologia, SOD complessa di Radioterapia), afferente al Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze, dal 1° luglio 2010 al 30 luglio 2011. Supervisore: Prof. Giampaolo Biti.
Istruzione e formazione
2017-2018 Master di II livello “Farmaci oncologici e radioterapia: biologia e clinica”. Università degli Studi di Brescia, Dipartimento di Specialità Medico Chirurgiche, Scienze Radiologiche e Sanità Pubblica.
2005-2009 Specializzazione in Radioterapia conseguita in data 09/11/2009 con la votazione 70/70 e lode presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Radioterapia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze (durata 4 anni), con il lavoro di tesi: “Carcinoma mammario in pazienti trattate per Linfoma di Hodgkin: esperienza dell’Università di Firenze”. Relatore: Prof. Giampaolo Biti.
2008-2009 Fellowship presso l’Unità di Radioterapia Oncologica del Royal Marsden Hospital, London (UK). Supervisore: Prof. Michael Brada.
2005-2006 Titolare da ottobre 2005 a marzo 2006 di un incarico professionale presso il Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze dal titolo “Risk-assessment in Radiotherapy”. Progetto europeo no. LSHC-CT-2004-503564 del VI programma quadro MAESTRO (Methods and Advanced Equipment for Simulation and Treatment in Radio Oncology).
1999-2005 Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia conseguita in sei anni presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze il 25 luglio 2005 con il lavoro di tesi: “Carcinoma prostatico localizzato trattato con radioterapia ad intensità modulata (IMRT)”. Relatore: Prof. Giampaolo Biti. Laurea conseguita con voto 110/110 e lode.
1994-1999 Diploma di maturità scientifica conseguito in cinque anni presso il “Liceo Scientifico Statale N. Rodolico”, Firenze, a pieni voti (100/100) nel 1999.
• Capacità di lettura
• Capacità di scrittura
• Capacità di espressione orale
Produzione Scientifica
Attività scientifica, didattica e servizi
Autore di oltre 120 pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali, dotate di Impact Factor e soggette a valutazione anonima ed indipendente da pari esperti del settore. Consultabili su
Organizzazione e partecipazione come relatore a convegni di carattere scientifico nazionali ed internazionali
Direzione, organizzazione e partecipazione alle attività di gruppi di ricerca e collaborazioni a livello nazionale ed internazionale
Responsabilità e coordinamento di studi e ricerche scientifiche
Responsabilità scientifica per progetti di ricerca internazionali e nazionali, ammessi al finanziamento sulla base di bandi competitivi che prevedano la revisione tra pari
Editorial Board
Peer-Reviewer per Riviste Scientifiche
Formale attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento o di ricerca (fellowship) presso qualificati atenei e istituti di ricerca
Attività assistenziale e clinica
Principali responsabilità clinico assistenziali (SOD complessa Radioterapia Oncologica - AOU Careggi Firenze; direttore Prof. Lorenzo Livi):
Autorizzo Il Trattamento Dei Dati Personali Contenuti Nel Mio Curriculum Vitae In Base All’art. 13 Del D. Lgs. 196/2003.
Firenze, 07/02/2019
Pubblicazioni su PubMed-NCBI su
work experience
2018 – present
2018 – 2029
2011 – 2018
2010 – 2011
- Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology at Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences “M. Serio” – University of Florence, Florence, Italy
- Consultant Radiation and Clinical Oncologist at Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Careggi (AOUC) University Hospital, Florence, Italy
- Chair of the breast cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT) for Radiation Oncology (2012 – present)
- Head of Outpatient Clinics of Radiation Oncology Unit (2017 – present)
National Scientific Qualification I level, Full Professor for Radiation Oncology (Scientific Disciplinary Sector (SSD) MED/36)
Consultant Radiation and Clinical Oncologist
AOUC University Hospital, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Radiation Oncology Unit, Oncology Department
Research Fellowship at Radiation Oncology Unit, Oncology Department
Topic “Evaluation of genetic predisposition to induced radio toxicity”. Supervisor: Prof. Giampaolo Biti
education and training
2017 – 2019
2016 – 2018
2005 – 2009
2008 – 2009
2005 – 2006
1999 – 2005
1994 – 1999
European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC)
Early Career Investigators (ECI) Leadership Program for the management of Clinical Research in Oncology
University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy
II Degree Master on “Oncologic Drugs and Radiotherapy”
Dissertation thesis “Hypofractionation in young breast cancer patients”
Supervisor: Prof. Stefano M. Magrini
University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Postgraduate Degree in Radiation Oncology. Dissertation topic “Breast cancer in patients treated for Hodgkin lymphoma: University of Florence experience”.
Supervisor: Prof. Giampaolo Biti. 70/70 cum Laude
Royal Marsden Hospital, London, UK
Fellowship at Royal Marsden Hospital, London (UK). Supervisor: Prof. Michael Brada.
Research fellow at Department of Clinical Physiopathology
Topic: "Risk-assessment in Radiotherapy". [European project LSHC-CT-2004-503564 of 6th program MAESTRO (Advanced Methods and Equipment for Simulation and Treatment in Oncology Radiology)].
Medical Degree. Dissertation topic “Localized prostate cancer treated with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)” Supervisor: Prof. Giampaolo Biti. 110/110 cum Laude.
High School “N. Rodolico”, Florence, Italy
Scientific High school degree. 100/100.
personal skills
Mother tongue
Foreign languages
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Scientific Publications
Scientific and Educational Activities
Author of more than 230 peer-reviewed scientific publications in international journals, available at:
h-index: 28 (May 25, 2023)
Organization and participation as a speaker at national and international scientific conferences.
• Local Organizing Committee of the XVII National Congress of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy Oncology (AIRO) 2007, Florence, Italy.
• Invited speaker. XXII AIRO National Congress. Rome. Topic: "Radiotherapy after neoadjuvant system therapy: irradiation of the lymph node chains? cons ". 17-20/11/2012.
• Invited speaker. Workshop topic: "Advanced Breast Cancer: Evidence and Future Perspectives". Montecatini Terme, Italy. 24/05/2013.
• Invited speaker. 17th ECCO - 38th ESMO - 32nd ESTRO. European Cancer Congress: Reinforcing Multidisciplinary. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
• Invited speaker in the Roundtable Session on "How to Improve Career Opportunities for Young Oncologists Across Europe". 27/09/2013-01/10/2013.
• Invited speaker. XXIII AIRO National Congress. Taormina, Italy. "Toxicity in associations with systemic therapies". 26-29/10/2013.
• Report. ESTRO 33, Vienna, Austria. Selected oral communication in the session Clinical. Topic: “Breast cancer. Toxicity of APBI using IMRT versus whole breast irradiation: 3-year follow-up of a Phase III randomized trial with first (presenting author) I. Meattini. 4-8 / 04/2014.
• Invited speaker. Workshop topic: "Aggressive disease and indolent disease in advanced stage breast cancer". Pontedera, Italy. 06/19/2014.
• Invited speaker. Workshop topic: "Metastatic breast cancer therapy: role of anthracyclines", Pisa, Italy. 08/10/2014.
• Invited speaker. Workshop topic: "Building the best therapeutic program for the BC+ HR+/HER2- patient", Montecatini, Italy. 31/10/2014.
• Invited speaker. XXIV AIRO National Congress. Padua, Italy. "Wide Angle in Oncological Radiotherapy 2014". 9-11/11/2014.
• Invited speaker. Topic: "Consensus on the new indication in the eribulin as second line therapy ", Reggio Emilia. 03/03/2015.
• Report. 3rd ESTRO Forum, Barcelona, Spain. Presentation as a poster discussion in the Clinical session. APBI versus whole breast irradiation in women age 70 years or older: a subgroup analysis of a phase 3 randomized trial with first (presenting author) I. Meattini. 24-28 / 04/2015.
• Consensus Conference speaker. Topic: from the practice of "follow up" to the culture of "survivorship care", organized by the Italian Association of Medical Oncology (AIOM). Rome, 10-11/09/2015.
• Invited speaker. XXV AIRO National Congress. Rimini, Italy. Symposium "Breast reconstruction and radiotherapy implications". 7-10/11/2015.
• Invited speaker. V AIRO ZOOM Journal Club 2015, Bologna, Italy. 19/02/2016.
• Invited speaker. Workshop Topic: "HER2 determination" amplification methods. AOUC Florence, Italy. 26/02/2016.
• Invited speaker. Workshop topic: "The Breast Unit as a model of care for gender medicine in the AOU Careggi", AOUC Florence, Italy. 08/03/2016.
• Invited speaker. "HER2 positive breast carcinoma: Highlights and perspectives". AOU Careggi Florence, Italy. 13/04/2016.
• Invited speaker. "We Breast". Workshop topic: “Treatment of HR +/HER2 metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal patients: from literature to clinical practice. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy”. Prato, Italy 14/06/2016.
• Invited speaker. Advisory Board. Topic: "Treatment of patients with ER + HER2 metastatic breast cancer with Everolimus plus Exemestane: sharing of clinical and practical aspects to optimize treatment and management of patients". Antignano (Livorno), Italy. 27/06/2016.
• Invited speaker. Sustainability forum and opportunities in the health sector. Roundtable "The new frontiers in oncology". Stazione Leopolda, Florence, Italy. 23/09/2016.
• Invited speaker. Workshop Topic: "The Government of Pharmaceutical Innovation: Models of Sustainable Management of Innovative and High Cost Oncology Drugs". Istituto Toscano Tumori, Florence, Italy. 27/09/2016.
• Scientific Commission of the XXVII and XXVIII National Congress of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy Oncology (AIRO). Rimini, Italy 2017-2018.
• Invited speaker. XXVI AIRO National Congress. Symposium: "Innovative drugs in breast cancer". Rimini, Italy. 30/09/2016 - 02/10/2016.
• Invited speaker. Conference "Primary therapy in breast cancer". Oncological Tuesdays of AIOM Toscana. Pisa, Italy. 04/10/2016.
• Invited speaker. Senological diagnostics seminary with interactive presentation. Topic: "Disease recovery: diagnosis and biological meaning. Utilities and limits of follow-up ". Florence, Italy. 17-20/10/2016.
• Invited speaker. Itinerary section AIRO "Consensus for the irradiation of the mammary lymph node stations", Ospedale dell'Angelo di Venezia Mestre, Italy. 21/10/2016.
• Invited speaker. Brescia Meetings in Radiation Oncology. "International Research projects in cardio-oncology: focus on breast cancer". Brescia, Italy. 17-18 /11/2016.
• Report. ECCO 2017. Amsterdam, Netherlands. Proffered Paper Session: "Breast Cancer". Oral Presentation in a Proffered Paper Session. IMRT-Florence phase 3 trial: "Health-related quality of life analysis from the accelerated partial breast irradiation". 29/01/2017.
• Invited speaker. "Advanced Breast Cancer HR +: HER2- versus HER2 +. Open questions. BreastINg Work: aBC HR + / HER2 - an evolving panorama ". Camogli, Italy 31/03/2017 - 01/04/2017.
• Invited speaker. Topic: “Lecture on External beam partial irradiation”. ESTRO 36, Vienna, Austria. 5-9 /05/2017.
• Invited speaker. Topic: “Management of the patient with metastatic breast cancer”. Pisa, Italy 11 May 2017.
• Consensus conference. Topic: "In situ carcinoma of the breast". Catania, Italy. 18-20/05/2017.
• Invited speaker. Topic: "Update Course in Cardio-Oncology". Pietrasanta, Italy. 15/09/2017.
• Invited speaker. Topic: "Metastatic breast carcinoma with positive hormone receptors. Which clinical entity? ". Bergamo, Italy. 22-23/09/2017.
• Invited speaker. European Society for Radiation Oncology (ESTRO) and European Organization for the Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). Speaker at the Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Radiation Oncology (KOSRO). Seoul, Korea. 13/10/2017.
• Executive Committee of the IX edition of the Congress in Senology (AIS). Florence, Italy. 8-10/11/2017.
• Invited speaker. Topic: "Highlights in Radiotherapy. What news from the 2017 International Congresses”? "Il Cardello" Radiological Research Center. Rome, Italy. 25/01/2018.
• Executive Committee and Expert Board of the "2nd Think Tank meeting on research challenges in breast cancer", endorsed by ESTRO Assisi, Italy 1-3/03/2018.
• Local Organizer of the Spring Meeting of the Oncology Radiotherapy Group (ROG) of the European Organization for Cancer Research and Treatment (EORTC). Florence, Italy 11-13/03/2018.
• Invited speaker. Panel of Experts. 11th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC). Multidisciplinary Team in the Real-World session on "Young HER2 Negative Patients with Breast Cancer". Barcelona (Spain). 21-23/03/2018.
• ESTRO Conference 37, selected Oral Communication on: "DCIS treated with breast conservative surgery and radiotherapy: a national multicentre experience". Barcelona (Spain). 20-24/04/2018.
• Faculty and Invited Speaker. 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference (SGBCC). Vienna, Austria, 15-18 March 2023.
Management, organization and participation in the activities of national and international research groups.
• Co-Chair of the Inter-regional Section Tosco-Umbra of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy Oncology (GTUOR). Biennium 2013-2015.
• Co-Chair of the Breast Cancer Group of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO). Biennium 2014-2016.
• Radiation Oncology Group (ROG) and the Breast Cancer Group (BCG) of the European Organization for Cancer Research and Treatment (EORTC). 2014-today.
• Co-Chair of the Breast Working party (BWP) of the ROG of the EORTC. 2013-2018.
• Selected for the program promoted by the European Organization for Cancer Research and Treatment (EORTC): Early Career Investigator (ECI) EORTC Program. 2017-2019.
• European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) - Radiation Oncology Group (ROG) -Disease Oriented Groups Junior Representative (jRDR) for Breast Cancer. March 2018-2020.
• Founding Partner and Chair of the National / International Multi-Center Study Group "Clinical Oncology Breast Cancer Group - Group of Clinical Oncology of Breast Cancer" (COBCG). March 2018-today.
• Member the Italian College of Senologists. 2016-2020.
• Member of the Italian Association of Radiotherapy and Clinical Oncology (AIRO). 2006-today.
• Member of the Italian Association of Radiobiology (AIRB).
• Member of European Society for Radiation Oncology (ESTRO) since 2012
• Member of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) since 2014.
• Writing Committee of Breast Cancer AIRO Italian Guideline. 2017-2018.
• Reviewer Committee of Breast Cancer AIRO Italian Guideline. 2019-2020.
• Reviewer Committee of Breast Cancer Italian Guideline of the Medical Oncology Italian Association (AIOM). 2018-2020.
• Executive Committee of the Biannual Meeting “Attualità in Senologia”. Florence. 2019 and 2021.
• Scientific Committee of SenoNetwork. 2020-2022.
• Scientific Committee of the National Meeting AIRO. 2016-2022.
• Chair of the Breast Cancer Group of AIRO. 2020-2022.
• Board Member of the Radiation Oncology Scientific Council (ROSC) EORTC. 2020-present.
• Member of the ESTRO SAG for Clinical Radiotherapy SAG. ESTRO Meeting 2020 (virtual), ESTRO Meeting 2021 (Madrid), and ESTRO Meeting 2022 (Copenhagen).
• Board member of the ESTRO-ACROP guidelines breast cancer focus group. 2022-present.
• Scientific Committee of Tuscany Region Senologic Network on axillary management. Comitato Scientifico Regionale sul Trattamento dell'Ascella. Rete Senologica Toscana. 2021-2022.
• Faculty member of the College of the European School of Oncology (ESO). 2022-present.
• Task force member of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) Replacement: An ASTRO Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline. March, 2022.
• Faculty member of 13th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC). Barcelona, Spain, 16-18 November 2022.
• Faculty member of 18th St. Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference (SGBCC). Vienna, Austria, 15-18 March 2023.
• Faculty member of 134h European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC). Milan, Italy, March 2024.
• ESTRO clinical Board member. 2023 – 2026.
Responsibility and coordination of scientific works and research
• Co-Principal Investigator. APBI-IMRT-Florence (NCT02104895) phase III trial. Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation Using Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy Versus Whole Breast Irradiation. Institution: University of Florence, Italy.
• Sub-Investigator. PERTAIN Trial (Hoffmann-La Roche) A Study of Pertuzumab in Combination With Trastuzumab Plus an Aromatase Inhibitor in Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-positive Metastatic Breast Cancer patients. NCT01491737.
• Sub-Investigator. SAFE HER trial (Hoffmann-La Roche). A Safety and Tolerability Study of Assisted- and Self-Administered Subcutaneous Herceptin (Trastuzumab) as Adjuvant Therapy in Patients with Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer (SafeHer). NCT01566721.
• Sub-Investigator. BELLE3 trial (Novartis). Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, Phase III trial with BKM120 in combination with fulvestrant in postmenopausal patients with HER2-negative hormone receptor positive, locally advanced or metastatic carcinoma treated with aromatase inhibitors and presented progression during or after therapy with a regimen containing an mTOR inhibitor.
• Sub-Investigator. SAFE phase III trial (NCT02236806). Role of ACE Inhibitors and Beta Blockers as Cardiotoxicity Prevention in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With (Neo) Adjuvant Anthracyclines and / or Trastuzumab: a Four Arm, Placebo Control, Randomized Trial. Institution: University of Florence, Italy.
• Sub-Investigator. GIM13 AMBRA (Oncotech Consortium). Longitudinal cohort study on the therapeutic choices of HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer in Italian clinical practice.
• Sub-Investigator. GIM10 CONSENT (IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST). Phase III clinical study comparing the concomitant and sequential administration of CT and AI as adjuvant treatment of postmenopausal patients with hormone-sensitive breast cancer.
• Sub-Investigator. SANDPIPER Trial (Hoffmann-La Roche). SANDPIPER Study: A Study of Taselisib + Fulvestrant Versus Placebo + Fulvestrant In Patients With Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer Who Have Disease Recurrence or Progression During or After Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy. NCT02340221.
• Sub-Investigator. BONADIUV phase II trial (NCT02616744). A Single - blind, Randomized, Placebo - controlled Phase II Study to Evaluate the Impact of Oral Bisphosphonate Treatment on Bone Mineral Density in Osteopenic Women Receiving Adjuvant Aromatase Inhibitors - BONADIUV Trial. Institution: University of Florence, Italy.
• Sub-Investigator. GIM16 FEVEX (Consorzio Oncotech). Fulvestrant followed by everolimus plus exemestane vs examestane and everolimus followed by fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hormone receptor positive (HR +) ad human epidermal growth factor receptor type 2 negative (HER2-) locally advanced (LABC) or metastatic breast cancer (MBC) previously treated with non steroidal aromatase inhibitors (NSAI): a multicentre, phase III trial.
• Sub-Investigator. SINODAR ONE trial (Humanitas Research Foundation - Rozzano, Milan). T1-T2 mammary carcinoma: comparison of excision and preservation of axillary lymph nodes in the presence of metastases to the sentinel lymph node.
• Sub-Investigator. PAINTER trial (Medical Oncology of the Fatebenefratelli Hospital) .PAINTER: Polymorphism And INcidence of Toxicity in ERibulin Treatment. NCT02864030.
• Co-Investigator. LUCY Study: Lynparza Breast Cancer Real-World Utility, Clinical Effectiveness and Safety Study A Phase IIIb, Single-arm, Open-label Multicentre Study of Olaparib Monotherapy in the Treatment of HER2-ve Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients with Germline BRCA1 / 2 Mutations. Eudract Code: 2017-001054-34.
• Co-Investigator. Patients With Her2-Positive Unresectable Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Breast Cancer (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd). Protocol Number MO39146.
• Co-Investigator. A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Atezolizumab In Combination With Chemotherapy For Patients With Early Relapsing Recurrent (Inoperable Locally Advanced Or Metastatic) Triple-Negative Breast Cancer "(F. Hoffmann -La Roche Ltd). Protocol Number MO39193. Eudract Number 2016-005119-42.
• Co-Investigator. A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of atezolizumab (Anti-PD-L1 antibody) In Combination With Paclitaxel compared With Placebo With Paclitaxel For Patients With Previously Untreated Inoperable Locally Advanced Or Metastatic Triple Negative Breast Cancer (F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd). Protocol Number MO39196 Eudract Number 2016-004024-29.
• Co-Investigator. Palbociclib Collaborative Adjuvant Study: A Randomized Phase III Trial Of Palbociclib With Standard Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Versus Standard Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy Alone For Hormone Receptor Positive (HR+) / Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) -Negative Early Breast Cancer (Pallas). Alliance Foundation Trials, Llc. Clinicaltrials.Gov Identifier: Nct02513394.
• Co-Investigator. Non-Interventional Study To Characterize The Real World Treatment Patterns And Outcomes Of Women With ER+, HER2- Advanced Or Metastatic Breast Cancer In Italy (Pfizer). Protocol Number A5481031.
• Co-Investigator. Compleement-1: “An open-label, multicenter, Phase IIIb study to assess the safety and efficacy of ribociclib (LEE011) in combination with letrozole for the treatment of men and pre / postmenopausal women with hormone receptor-positive (HR +) HER2- negative (HER2) advanced breast cancer (BC) with no prior hormone therapy for advanced disease”. Eudract Code: 2016-003467-19.
- Principal Investigator. Phase III trial (EUROPA trial). ExclUsive endocRine therapy Or Partial breast irradiation for women aged ≥70 years with luminal A-like early stage breast cancer (EUROPA): a randomized phase 3 non-inferiority trial. Identifier NCT04134598. Institution: University of Florence.
Scientific responsibility for national and international projects.
• Professional Research Assign at the Department of Clinical Physiopathology of the University of Florence, Italy. Topic: "Risk-assessment in Radiotherapy". European project no. LSHC-CT-2004-503564 - VI Program MAESTRO (Methods and Advanced Equipment for Simulation and Treatment in Radio Oncology). 10/1/2005 - 01/03/2006.
Participation in editorial committees of magazines and editorial series
• Cancer and Clinical Oncology (ISSN: 1927-4858, Print; ISSN: 1927-4866, Online)
• Case Reports in Pathology (ISSN: 2090-6781)
• Translational Cancer Research (Translator Res TCR; Print ISSN: 2218-676X; Online ISSN 2219-6803)
• Subject Editor (Radiation Therapy) Critical Review in Oncology/Hematology (ISSN 1040-8428).
Reviewer for Scientific Journals
• Cancer and Clinical Oncology (ISSN: 1927-4858, Print; ISSN: 1927-4866, Online).
• Case report in Pathology (ISSN: 2090-6781).
• BMC Cancer (ISSN: 1471-2407).
• Onkologie (ISSN: 1423-0240).
• Medical radiology (ISSN: 1826-6983).
• Tumor Biology (Tumor Biology Tumor Markers, Tumor Targeting and Translational Cancer Research, ISSN: 1010-4283).
• Clinical Breast Cancer (ISSN: 1526-8209).
• Urologic Oncology (ISSN: 1078-1439).
• The Breast (ISSN: 0960-9776).
• Future Oncology (ISSN 1479-6694).
• Radiotherapy and Oncology (ISSN 0167-8140)
• Critical Review in Oncology/Hematology (ISSN 1040-8428)
Assignments in University teaching courses and research institutes
• Fellowship. Oncology Radiotherapy Unit - Radiation Oncology Unit, Royal Marsden Hospital, London (UK). Supervisor: Prof. Michael Brada from 01.10.2008 to 31.03.2009. Clinical activity at the "Royal Marsden Hospital" (RMH), London (UK) and research activity at The Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London, Sutton (UK). Consulting at the Chelsea and Sutton institute of the RMH specialized in lung and brain cancer (Prof. Michael Brada). Outpatient clinical activity at the Sutton site of the specialized RMH in hematological malignancies (Prof. Alan Horwich). Discussion and participation in Multi-Diciplinary Team (MDT) of lung cancer (Sutton's RMH site) and cerebral cancer (St. George Hospital, Wimbledon, London).
• Frontal teaching and student tutor in Master's Degree course, Medical School and Three-year Degree Course in Medical Radiology Techniques.
• Frontal teaching and mentoring in specialized training Specialization school in Radiation Oncology AOUC Florence.
• Thesis co-supervisor (Supervisor Prof. Lorenzo Livi) Medical School, University of Florence, Italy.
• Local Speaker of the Advanced Course on Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Treatment of the European Society of Radiotherapy Oncology (ESTRO), ESTRO Teaching Course on the Multidisciplinary Management of Breast Cancer 2015, ESTRO School of Radiation Oncology.
• Teacher of the ESTRO Teaching Course on Accelerated partial Breast Irradiation. 2020-today.
• Teacher of the ESTRO teaching Course on Breast Cancer. 2024-on.
University of Florence academic teaching courses
Clinical activity
Main clinical care responsibilities (Radiation Oncology Unit - AOU Careggi Firenze, Prof. Lorenzo Livi):
• Clinical, diagnostic, therapeutic and follow-up phases; participation in MDT, concomitant therapies (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, molecular therapies), supportive and palliative therapies;
• Referent Breast Cancer MDT of the AOU Careggi as Clinical Oncologist/ Radiation Oncologist;
• Day-Hospital activities: chemotherapies and molecular therapies in primary, adjuvant and metastatic settings of cancer patients; supportive therapy; management of revaluations under treatment; participation in internal, national and international clinical trials (sponsored and academics);
• Activities in the radiotherapy planning unit: management of early therapy and tolerance consulting; linear accelerators, tomotherapy, GammaKnife, CyberKnife; use of treatment plan systems for the contouring and planning of standard, conformational, stereotactic, IMRT, VMAT (XiO, Odyssey, Pinnacle, Monaco) treatments;
• Knowledge of record and verify systems; use of PACS systems for image management; use of patient positioning verification systems and immobilization systems.
Florence, Italy
PubMed publications at