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2001 - Laurea in Ingegneria Meccanica con votazione 108/110 presso Università degli Studi di Firenze con tesi dal titolo “Le Emissioni Inquinanti Dei Combustori Per Turbine A Gas: Analisi Del Comportamento In Condizioni Nominali E Fuori Progetto” 2004 – Dottorato di ricerca in Energetica e tecnologie industriali innovative (XVI Ciclo) presso Università degli studi di Firenze. Tesi dal titolo “Sviluppo Di Modelli Numerici Per L’analisi Della Combustione Turbolenta Premiscelata Nelle Turbine A Gas”
CARRIERA ACCADEMICA E PROFESSIONALE 1/7/2004 – 30/6/2006 Assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Energetica “Sergio Stecco” – Univ. di Firenze
1/7/2006 – 30/6/2008 Dipendente del consorzio universitario ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze
1/7/2008 – 30/06/2014 Ricercatore T.D. (ai sensi della Legge 04.11.2005 n. 230) presso Università degli Studi di Firenze
01/7/2014 – 27/12/2021 Ricercatore T.D. (dell’art. 24, comma 3, lettera A), della Legge 30.12.2010, n. 240)
28/12/2021 – oggi
Professore Associato di Macchine a Fluido SC09/C1 SSD: ING-IND/08
Dr. Antonio Andreini is currently Associate Professor in Fluid Machinery (ING/IND-08) at the University of Florence (Italy), member of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF).
The main research topic is the high-fidelity CFD modelling of heat transfer and combustion in fluid machinery. Since 2006, Prof. Antonio Andreini is involved in most part of the research activities carried out by the HTC Group (Heat Transfer and Combustion) at DIEF. The team is active in the field of heat transfer and combustion in turbomachinery, by both computational and experimental methodologies. Particularly relevant are the research investigations carried out on gas turbine and aero-engines components. The development of the research topics related to combustion systems and in particular the modelling of reactive processes, is mostly due to the specific contribution of Prof. A. Andreini, who is now the operative responsible of all the research programs related to gas turbine and aero-engines combustors. Generally speaking, Prof. A. Andreini is currently the scientific point contact for all the research projects involving numerical modelling and codes development which see also several collaborations with some important gas turbine and aero-engines companies.
Most part of the research studies are carried out in the framework of programs funded by the European Commission, where the group has been involved in more than 15 projects starting from 5th Framework Program. Significant projects have also been funded by National Government (PRIN programs 2007, 2011 and 2022) as well as by Regional Government. In each research consortia Prof. A. Andreini has been always one of the reference person, with widely recognized skills and experience in conducing and managing research tasks.
In most part of such programs it has to be point out the partnership of the HTC-Group with the main Italian gas turbine and aero-engines companies such as AvioAero (GE-Avio), Baker-Hughes (Nuovo Pignone, ex GE Oil&Gas), Ansaldo Energia, but also with SAFRAN (F) and MTU (D). In particular, with the Italian companies several direct research and consultancy contracts have been activated and completed across the years where the team was involved in both experimental and numerical investigations as well as in the development of customized models (combustion, heat transfer, turbulence, two-phase flows) or design tools (pollutant emissions, cooling, thermoacoustics). In such activities Prof. A. Andreini represents the contact operative point with the industrial partners, often with a personal involvement in code development and always as supervisor and coordinator of the involved team. Since 2017, Prof. Antonio Andreini has been appointed as Director of Operations of the Joint ComHeat-Lab Laboratory established between GE-Avio S.r.L. and the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence (https://www.unifi.it/upload/sub/ricerca/lab/pres_comheat_lab.pdf).
Particularly relevant are the roles of scientific responsibility and coordination of several projects funded by European Commission. A list of the most recent is reported hereafter:
The huge number of research programs participated, has permitted to Prof. Antonio Andreini to establish a wide network of academic collaborations with important national and international universities or research centres. It is worth to be mentioned the collaborations with the KIT- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D), ENSMA of Poitiers (F), CORIA University of Rouen (F), INSA University of Rouen (F), University of Cambridge (UK), Imperial College (UK), CNRS (F), DLR (D), CERFACS (F), TU Berlin (D).
Particularly relevant are the collaborations currently on going with Prof. F. X. Demoulin of the University of Rouen – CORIA (F) in the field of numerical modelling of two-phase flows which has led to the co-tutorship of some PhD researches, and the collaboration with Prof. C. O. Paschereit at TU Berlin in the field of thermo-acoustics in gas turbine combustors leading also in this case to the co-tutorship of PhD students. Significant is also the collaboration with CERFACS (F) focused on the numerical modelling of heat transfer and combustion process with Large Eddy Simulation, also adopting the state of art code AVBP.
In December 2017 Prof. A. Andreini has been hosted as Visiting Professor at the Polytechnic University of S. Petersbug where he held some Lectures about combustion systems in the International Master in Power plants. In August-September 2019 Prof. A. Andreini has been hosted as Visiting Professor at the ENSMA University of Poitiers (F) where he gave some seminars and Lectures related to his research activities.
In the last years Prof. A. Andreini has been invited speaker at several international workshops and conferences.
Regarding the publishing activity, Prof A. Andreini is author of more than 220 papers of which more than 60 published on renowned international journals with peer review and most part of the remaining included in the proceedings of international conferences with peer review.
Prof. A. Andreini has been admitted as official member to the Committee for Combustion Fuels & Emissions and the Committee for Heat Transfer of ASME IGTI (International Gas Turbine Institute) and he is Member of the Combustion Institute
Prof. A. Andreini acts regularly as reviewer for several international journals in the field of fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion. Since March 2018 Prof. A. Andreini is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Aerospace Engineering of Hindawi Publisher. Since June 2021 Prof. A. Andreini is Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power
At the following links it’s possible to access the Scopus and Google Scholar pages of Prof. A. Andreini's personal profile.
Scopus, Google Scholar
2001 – Master degree in Mechanical engineering (vote 108/110)
2004 – PhD Title in Energetics with a thesis entitled “Development of numerical models for the analysis of turbulent premixed combustion in gas turbine”
01/07/2004 – 30/06/2006: PostDoc. fellowship at University of Florence, Italy
01/07/2006 – 30/06/2008: Employed in the academic consortium ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) at the University of Florence, Italy
01/07/2008 – 31/12/2018: Assistant Professor University of Florence, Italy
01/01/2019 – today: Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) at University of Florence, Italy
Co-tutor of 2 PhD Thesis carried out in collaboration with French research center CORIA (COmplexe de Recherche Interprofessionnel en Aérothermochimie – Rouen F) at the l’Università di Rouen (F).
Antonio Andreini has been appointed as jury member for the final examination of PhD courses at the Universitè de Pau et Des pays de l’Adour (F), TU Munich (D), EM2C Lab – Centrale Supelec (F).
Starting from 2017 Antonio Andreini is member of the Board of the PhD course in Industrial Engineering (Energy Engineering area, cuycles 33 and 34) at the University of Florence (Italy), where is currently tutor of 3 PhD Thesis.
Antonio Andreini is Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Senior Lecturer) at the University of Florence (Italy), member of the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF). Starting from December 2014 he has obtained the Professorship Qualification for Associate Professor. The qualification has been renewed in March 2018 (up to March 2024).
Antonio Andreini is involved since 2006 in the most part of research activities carried out by the HTC Group (Heat Transfer and Combustion) coordinated by Prof. Bruno Facchini at DIEF. The team is active in the field of heat transfer and combustion in turbomachinery, by both computational and experimental methodologies. Particularly relevant are the research investigations carried out on gas turbine and aero-engines components. The development of the research topics related to combustion systems and in particular the modelling of reactive processes, is mostly due to the specific contribution of Antonio Andreini, who is now the operative responsible of all the research programs related to gas turbine and aero-engines combustors.
Generally speaking, Antonio Andreini is currently the scientific point contact for all the research projects involving numerical modelling and codes development which see also several collaborations with some important gas turbine and aero-engines companies.
Thanks to his role of connection with the team involved in the experimental activities in the HTC-Group, Antonio Andreini has gained during the years a deep knowledge and experience in the field of experimental investigation of combustion systems. This key role has permitted to improve the quality of the research investigations carried out by HTC-Group, by supporting the physical understanding of measurements and by a proper use of data for numerical codes validation. A fundamental contribution is also to be mentioned in the development of the new experimental facility called THT-Lab coordinated by Prof. Bruno Facchini, where heat transfer and combustion tests up to TRL 3-4 can be carried out on gas turbine components.
Most part of the research studies are carried out in the framework of programs funded by the European Commission, where the group has been involved in more than 15 projects starting from 5th Framework Program. Significant projects have also been funded by National Government (PRIN programs 2007 and 2011) as well as by Regional Government. In each research consortia Antonio Andreini has been always one of the reference person, with widely recognized skills and experience in conducing and managing research tasks. In most part of such programs it has to be point out the partnership of the HTC-Group with the main Italian gas turbine and aero-engines companies such as AvioAero (GE-Avio), Baker-Hughes-GE (ex GE Oil&Gas), Ansaldo Energia, but also with SAFRAN and Alstom. In particular, with the Italian companies several direct research and consultancy contracts have been activated and completed across the years where the team was involved in both experimental and numerical investigations as well as in the development of customized models (combustion, heat transfer, turbulence, two-phase flows) or design tools (pollutant emissions, cooling, thermoacoustics). In such activities Antonio Andreini represents the contact operative point with the industrial partners, often with a personal involvement in code development and always as supervisor and coordinator of the involved team.
Since February 2018 Antonio Andreini is the Coordinator and scientific responsible of a European research program funded by the Clean Sky 2 platform of Horizon 2020. The project, called START (inveSTigation of an ultrA compact Reverse flow combustor) will see HTC-Group involved in the support to AvioAero (Topic Manager of the call) in the development of an innovative reverse flow combustor entirely realized by additive manufacturing.
Since January 2019 Antonio Andreini is the Coordinator and scientific responsible of a European research program funded as a Thematic Topic by the Clean Sky 2 platform of Horizon 2020. The project, called CHAiRLIFT (Compact Helically ARranged Lifted Flame combusTor) is based on a consortium of four leading Universities at European level (KIT – Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D), University of Rouen (D) and Univresità del Salento (I)). The objective is to assess an innovative combustor concept capable to achieve an ultra-lean, low NOx, operation of future aero-engines, in order to address future ICAO standards and satisfy the requirements of ACARE Flightpath 2050.
With the objective of taking advantage of the experience in consultancy and supply chain activities, Antonio Andreini founded, with other associates, Ergon Research SRL company which has recognized as official academic Spin-Off of the University of Florence (since April 2012). This company has as first mission the objective of preserve the scientific and technical know-how of his associates (all former researcher or PostDoc) and to offer additional research and business opportunities to the University.
Thanks to his experience in the analysis of combustion processes in gas turbine combustors and in the evaluation of pollutant emissions formation, Antonio Andreini was designated (between 2008 and 2010) as scientific advisor for ENAC (Italian Civil Aviation Authority) in the WorkingGroup3 – WG3 of CAEP (Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection). CAEP is one of the committee of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) devoted to introduce new standards regarding the pollutant emission of civil aero-engines. During his participation to WG3 activities, Antonio Andreini gave his technical contribution to the definition of the new standards regarding Particulate Matter emissions (soot) and he organized a workshop, at the University of Florence, supporting the works for the introduction of the CO2 standards in civil aviation.
The huge number of research programs participated, has permitted to Antonio Andreini to establish a wide network of academic collaborations with important national and international universities or research centres. It is worth to be mentioned the collaborations with the University of Bergamo, Udine, Università Sapienza di Roma, Politecnico di Bari, Università del Salento and University of Genoa. Among the collaborations with international institutions are to be cited the relationships with the KIT- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (D), ENSMA of Poitiers (F), Universitè de Pau et Des pays de l’Adour (F), CORIA University of Rouen (F), INSA University of Rouen (F), University of Cambridge (UK), CNRS (F), Universitè Marseille, (F), DLR (D), CERFACS (F), TU Berlin (D) and the Polytechnic University of S. Petersbug.
Particularly relevant are the collaborations currently on going with Prof. F. X. Demoulin of the University of Rouen – CORIA (F) in the field of numerical modelling of two-phase flows which has led to the co-tutorship of some PhD researches, and the collaboration with Prof. C. O. Paschereit at TU Berlin in the field of thermo-acoustics in gas turbine combustors leading also in this case to the co-tutorship of PhD students. Recently an official agreement has been signed with CERFACS (F) to allow the use of the code AVBP for carrying out Large Eddy Simulations in combustion and heat transfer related research programs.
Regarding the publishing activity, Antonio Andreini is author of more than 140 papers of which 44 published on renowned international journals with peer review and most part of the remaining included in the proceedings of international conferences with peer review. He has been speaker and presenter of more than 20 international conference papers, as well as invited speaker at some international public workshops held in the framework of different research programs funded by European Commission.
Since June 2013, Antonio Andreini has been admitted as official member to the Committee for Combustion Fuels & Emissions of ASME IGTI (International Gas Turbine Institute), after a formal election during a plenary session of the committee. It is an important acknowledgement of the research activities carried out by Antonio Andreini in the field of gas turbine combustors. Antonio Andreini is currently the only Italian member coming from academia. Since 2014 Antonio Andreini is involved in the organization and chairing of technical sessions at the ASME Turbo Expo Conference. After a formal election, he has also been admitted in 2015 as a member of the Committee for Heat Transfer of ASME IGTI. Recently he serves as Vanguard Chair for HT Committee.
Antonio andreini acts regularly as reviewer for the following international journals: Fuels, Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Science, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbine and Power, aerospace Science and Technology, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow.
Since March 2018 Antonio Andreini is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Aerospace Engineering of Hindawi Publisher.
Since September 2016 Antonio Andreini is the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the Summer School ART (Advanced Research in Turbomachinery) organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering (DIEF) at the University of Florence. The School is organized to give to PhD students involved in research programs on turbomachinery and energy systems, an overview of the most recent research topics through lectures given by DIEF people as well as by international experts.
At the following links it is possible to reach Scopus and Google Scholar profiles of Antonio Andreini