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Orario di ricevimento
Simone LANDI
Ruolo attuale:
Professore Associato
PHYS-05/B - Fisica del sistema terra, dei pianeti, dello spazio e del clima
Afferenza organizzativa:
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
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Largo E. Fermi 2
Simone LANDI
Orario di ricevimento (aggiornato al 05/09/2014)
Il ricevimento avviene tramite appuntamento telefonico o per mail
Simone LANDI
Laureato in Fisica il 30 Aprile 1996 con voto 110/110 e lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze, ottiene il Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies presso l'Université Paris 7 "Denis Diderot" nel 1998 e il Diploma di Dottore di ricerca in Astrofisica e Tecniche Spaziali il 2 Dicembre 2001 presso l'Université Paris 7 "Denis Diderot". Dal Novembre 2001 è assegnista di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Il 1 Dicembre 2008 risulta vincitore di valutazione comparativa per un posto di ricercatore nel settore scientifico-disciplinare FIS05-Astronomia e Astrofisica; è, a partire dl 16 febbario 2009 ricercatore non confermato presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze. Il suo campo di attività scientifica risulta essere principalmente la modellizazione numerica del plasma eliosferico. In particolare con un metodo numerico innovativo ha studiato l'influenza delle collisioni coulombiane nel determinare le proprietà macroscopiche del plasma della corona e del vento solare. Con l'ausilio di una descrizione ibrida (elettroni fluidi e ioni trattati come particelle) ha studiato il ruolo di instabilità di tipo onda-particella nel vento solare confrontando i risultati dell'esperimento numerico con i dati provenienti da sonde (HELIOS, WIND, ULYSSES). Usando codici numerici che integrano le equazioni MHD ha studiato la propagazione di onde MHD su topologie di campo magnetico complesso, l'interazione di onde con strutture del vento solare, nonché instabilità di tipo tearing e Kelvin-Helmholtz che hanno un ruolo fondamentale nel plasma eliosferico. Vanta numerose collaborazioni con ricercatori italiani e stranieri, in particolare con personale dell'Observatoire de Paris, con personale del Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA) e con ricercatori dell'Accademia delle Scienze della Republica Ceca. Ha partecipato a numerosi progetti di ricerca di rilevanza nazionale finanziati dal MIUR e da altri enti di ricerca nazionali (ASI, INAF). Dal 2002 al 2006 ha partecipato al progetto RTN Europeo sulla fisica dello spazio. È attualmente responsabile scientifico per l'Unita di ricerca dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze di un progetto europeo finanziato all'interno del settimo programma quadro, su modellizzazione cinetica del plasma eliosferico (progetto SHOCK—Solar and Heliospheric Collisionless Kinetics: Enabling Data Analysis of the Sun to Earth Plasma System with Kinetic Modelling)
Simone LANDI
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Tesi di Dottorato
Hellinger P.; Verdini A.; Montagud-Camps V.; Franci L.; Papini E.; Matteini L.; Landi S. (2024). Anisotropy of plasma turbulence at ion scales: Hall and pressure-strain effects. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 684, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1432-0746
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Barbieri, Luca; Papini, Emanuele; Di Cintio, Pierfrancesco; Landi, Simone; Verdini, Andrea; Casetti, Lapo (2024). Temperature inversion in a confined plasma atmosphere: coarse-grained effect of temperature fluctuations at its base. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, vol. 90, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-3778
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Verdini, Andrea; Hellinger, Petr; Landi, Simone; Grappin, Roland; Montagud-Camps, Victor; Papini, Emanuele (2024). Decay of magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in the expanding solar wind: WIND observations. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 690, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-6361
Matteini, L.; Tenerani, A.; Landi, S.; Verdini, A.; Velli, M.; Hellinger, P.; Franci, L.; Horbury, T. S.; Papini, E.; Stawarz, J. E. (2024). Alfvénic fluctuations in the expanding solar wind: Formation and radial evolution of spherical polarization. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, vol. 31, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1070-664X
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Del Zanna, Luca; Landi, Simone; Serafini, Lorenzo; Bugli, Matteo; Papini, Emanuele (2024). A GPU-Accelerated Modern Fortran Version of the ECHO Code for Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics. FLUIDS, vol. 9, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2311-5521
Luca Barbieri; Lapo Casetti; Andrea Verdini; Simone Landi (2023). Temperature inversion in a gravitationally bound plasma: Case of the solar corona. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 681, pp. L5-1-L5-6, ISSN:0004-6361
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Franci L.; Papini E.; Del Sarto D.; Hellinger P.; Burgess D.; Matteini L.; Landi S.; Montagud-Camps V. (2022). Plasma Turbulence in the Near-Sun and Near-Earth Solar Wind: A Comparison via Observation-Driven 2D Hybrid Simulations. UNIVERSE, vol. 8, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2218-1997
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Petr Hellinger; Victor Montagud-Camps; Luca Franci; Lorenzo Matteini; Emanuele Papini; Andrea Verdini; Simone Landi (2022). Ion-scale Transition of Plasma Turbulence: Pressure???Strain Effect. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 930, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Luca Franci; Emanuele Papini; Alfredo Micera; Giovanni Lapenta; Petr Hellinger; Daniele Del Sarto; David Burgess; Simone Landi (2022). Anisotropic Electron Heating in Turbulence-driven Magnetic Reconnection in the Near-Sun Solar Wind. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 936, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Montagud-Camps V.; Hellinger P.; Verdini A.; Papini E.; Franci L.; Landi S. (2022). Quantification of the Cross-helicity Turbulent Cascade in Compressible MHD Simulations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 938, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1538-4357
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L. Bercic; S. Landi; M. Maksimovic (2021). The Interplay Between Ambipolar Electric Field and Coulomb Collisions in the Solar Wind Acceleration Region. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS, vol. 126, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2169-9380
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Laura Bercic; Milan Maksimovic; Jasper S. Halekas; Simone Landi; Christopher J. Owen; Daniel Verscharen; Davin Larson; Phyllis Whittlesey; Samuel T. Badman; Stuart. D. Bale; Anthony W. Case; Keith Goetz; Peter R. Harvey; Justin C. Kasper; Kelly E. Korreck; Roberto Livi; Robert J. MacDowall; David M. Malaspina; Marc Pulupa; Michael L. Stevens (2021). Ambipolar Electric Field and Potential in the Solar Wind Estimated from Electron Velocity Distribution Functions. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 921, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1538-4357
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Hellinger, Petr; Papini, Emanuele; Verdini, Andrea; Landi, Simone; Franci, Luca; Matteini, Lorenzo; Montagud-Camps, Victor (2021). Spectral Transfer and Kármán–Howarth–Monin Equations for Compressible Hall Magnetohydrodynamics. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 917, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
Emanuele Papini; Petr Hellinger; Andrea Verdini; Simone Landi; Luca Franci; Victor Montagud-Camps; Lorenzo Matteini (2021). Properties of Hall-MHD Turbulence at Sub-Ion Scales: Spectral Transfer Analysis. ATMOSPHERE, vol. 12, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2073-4433
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Papini E.; Cicone A.; Franci L.; Piersanti M.; Landi S.; Hellinger P.; Verdini A. (2021). Spacetime Hall-MHD Turbulence at Sub-ion Scales: Structures or Waves?. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 917, pp. L12-L19, ISSN:2041-8205
Hellinger P.; Verdini A.; Landi S.; Papini E.; Franci L.; Matteini L. (2021). Scale dependence and cross-scale transfer of kinetic energy in compressible hydrodynamic turbulence at moderate Reynolds numbers. PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS, vol. 6, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2469-990X
Berčič, Laura; Larson, Davin; Whittlesey, Phyllis; Maksimović, Milan; Badman, Samuel T.; Landi, Simone; Matteini, Lorenzo; Bale, Stuart. D.; Bonnell, John W.; Case, Anthony W.; Dudok de Wit, Thierry; Goetz, Keith; Harvey, Peter R.; Kasper, Justin C.; Korreck, Kelly E.; Livi, Roberto; MacDowall, Robert J.; Malaspina, David M.; Pulupa, Marc; Stevens, Michael L. (2020). Coronal Electron Temperature Inferred from the Strahl Electrons in the Inner Heliosphere: Parker Solar Probe and Helios Observations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 892, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1538-4357
Franci L.; Stawarz J.E.; Papini E.; Hellinger P.; Nakamura T.; Burgess D.; Landi S.; Verdini A.; Matteini L.; Ergun R.; Contel O.L.; Lindqvist P.-A. (2020). Modeling MMS Observations at the Earth's Magnetopause with Hybrid Simulations of Alfvénic Turbulence. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 898, pp. 175-184, ISSN:0004-637X
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Bandyopadhyay R.; Sorriso-Valvo L.; Chasapis A.; Hellinger P.; Matthaeus W.H.; Verdini A.; Landi S.; Franci L.; Matteini L.; Giles B.L.; Gershman D.J.; Moore T.E.; Pollock C.J.; Russell C.T.; Strangeway R.J.; Torbert R.B.; Burch J.L. (2020). In Situ Observation of Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Cascade in Space Plasma. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 124, pp. 225101-225106, ISSN:0031-9007
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Simone Landi ; Luca Franci; Petr Hellinger; Emanuele Papini; Andrea Verdini; Lorenzo Matteini (2020). Turbulence spectral anisotropy and energy flow at ion scales. MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETÀ ASTRONOMICA ITALIANA, vol. 91, pp. 286-290, ISSN:1824-016X
Matteini, L.; Franci, L.; Alexandrova, O.; Lacombe, C.; Landi, S.; Hellinger, P.; Papini, E.; Verdini, A. (2020). Magnetic Field Turbulence in the Solar Wind at Sub‐ion Scales: In Situ Observations and Numerical Simulations. FRONTIERS IN ASTRONOMY AND SPACE SCIENCES, vol. 7, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2296-987X
Papini E.; Cicone A.; Piersanti M.; Franci L.; Hellinger P.; Landi S.; Verdini A. (2020). Multidimensional iterative filtering: A new approach for investigating plasma turbulence in numerical simulations. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, vol. 86, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-3778
Landi, S; Franci, L; Papini, E; Matteini, L; Verdini, A; Hellinger, P (2019). Spectral anisotropies in high resolution three-dimensional simulations. IL NUOVO CIMENTO C, vol. 42, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2037-4909
Verdini, A; Grappin, R; Montagud-Camps, V; Landi, S; Franci, L; Papini, E (2019). Numerical simulations of high cross-helicity turbulence from 0.2 to 1 AU. IL NUOVO CIMENTO C, vol. 42, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2037-4909
Papini E.; Franci L.; Landi S.; Verdini A.; Matteini L.; Hellinger P. (2019). Can Hall Magnetohydrodynamics Explain Plasma Turbulence at Sub-ion Scales?. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 870, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Papini, E.; Landi, S.; Zanna, L. Del (2019). Fast Magnetic Reconnection: Secondary Tearing Instability and Role of the Hall Term. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 885, pp. 56-66, ISSN:1538-4357
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Verdini A.; Grappin R.; Alexandrova O.; Franci L.; Landi S.; Matteini L.; Papini E. (2019). Three-dimensional local anisotropy of velocity fluctuations in the solar wind. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 486, pp. 3006-3018, ISSN:0035-8711
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Papini E.; Franci L.; Landi S.; Hellinger P.; Verdini A.; Matteini L. (2019). Statistics of magnetic reconnection and turbulence in Hall-MHD and hybrid-PIC simulations. IL NUOVO CIMENTO C, vol. 42, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2037-4909
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Hellinger, Petr; Matteini, Lorenzo; Landi, Simone; Franci, Luca; Verdini, Andrea; Papini, Emanuele (2019). Turbulence versus Fire-hose Instabilities: 3D Hybrid Expanding Box Simulations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 883, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1538-4357
Bercic L.; Maksimovic M.; Landi S.; Matteini L. (2019). Scattering of strahl electrons in the solar wind between 0.3 and 1 au: Helios observations. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 486, pp. 3404-3414, ISSN:0035-8711
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Franci, L.; Hellinger, P.; Guarrasi, M.; Chen, C.H.K.; Papini, E.; Verdini, A.; Matteini, L.; Landi, S. (2018). Three-dimensional simulations of solar wind turbulence with the hybrid code CAMELIA. In: 12th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, ASTRONUM 2017, France, 2017, Institute of Physics Publishing, vol. 1031, pp. 0-0.
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Papini, E.; Landi, S.; Del Zanna, L. (2018). Fast magnetic reconnection: The ideal tearing instability in classic, Hall, and relativistic plasmas. In: 12th International Conference on Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Flows, ASTRONUM 2017, France, 2017, Institute of Physics Publishing, vol. 1031, pp. 0-0.
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Hellinger, Petr; Verdini, Andrea; Landi, Simone; Franci, Luca; Matteini, Lorenzo (2018). Von Kármán-Howarth Equation for Hall Magnetohydrodynamics: Hybrid Simulations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 857, pp. L19-L24, ISSN:2041-8205
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Toci, C.; Galli, D.; Verdini, A.; Del Zanna, L.; Landi, S. (2018). Sub-structure formation in starless cores. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 474, pp. 1288-1295, ISSN:0035-8711
Franci, Luca; Landi, Simone; Verdini, Andrea; Matteini, Lorenzo; Hellinger, Petr (2018). Solar Wind Turbulent Cascade from MHD to Sub-ion Scales: Large-size 3D Hybrid Particle-in-cell Simulations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 853, pp. 26-37, ISSN:0004-637X
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Landi, S.; Papini, E.; Del Zanna, L.; Tenerani, A.; Pucci, F. (2017). Activation of MHD reconnection on ideal timescales. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, vol. 59, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1361-6587
Hellinger, Petr; Landi, Simone; Matteini, Lorenzo; Verdini, Andrea; Franci, Luca (2017). Mirror Instability in the Turbulent Solar Wind. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 838, pp. 158-165, ISSN:0004-637X
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Cerri, S. S.; Franci, L.; Califano, F.; Landi, S.; Hellinger, P. (2017). Plasma turbulence at ion scales: a comparison between particle in cell and Eulerian hybrid-kinetic approaches. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, vol. 83, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-3778
Franci, Luca; Cerri, Silvio Sergio; Califano, Francesco; Landi, Simone; Papini, Emanuele; Verdini, Andrea; Matteini, Lorenzo; Jenko, Frank; Hellinger, Petr (2017). Magnetic Reconnection as a Driver for a Sub-ion-scale Cascade in Plasma Turbulence. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 850, pp. L16-L22, ISSN:2041-8205
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Tenerani, A.; Velli, M.; Pucci, F.; Landi, S.; Rappazzo, A. F. (2016). ‘Ideally’ unstable current sheets and the triggering of fast magnetic reconnection. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, vol. 82, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-3778
Franci, Luca; Landi, Simone; Matteini, Lorenzo; Verdini, Andrea; Hellinger, Petr (2016). PLASMA BETA DEPENDENCE of the ION-SCALE SPECTRAL BREAK of SOLAR WIND TURBULENCE: HIGH-RESOLUTION 2D HYBRID SIMULATIONS. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 833, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Del Zanna, L.; Papini, E.; Landi, S.; Bugli, M.; Bucciantini, N. (2016). Fast reconnection in relativistic plasmas: the magnetohydrodynamics tearing instability revisited. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 460, pp. 3753-3765, ISSN:0035-8711
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Hellinger, P.; Franci, L.; Landi, S.; Matteini, L.; Verdini, A. (2016). Mirror Instability in the Turbulent Expanding Solar Wind. In: AGU fall meeting, general assembly, American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016,, pp. 41A-2518-41A-2518.
Franci, Luca; Hellinger, Petr; Matteini, Lorenzo; Verdini, Andrea; Landi, Simone (2016). Two-dimensional hybrid simulations of kinetic plasma turbulence: Current and vorticity vs proton temperature. In: THE FOURTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SOLAR WIND CONFERENCE, American Institute of Physics Conference Series, pp. 0-0.
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Franci, L.; Landi, S.; Hellinger, P.; Verdini, A.; Matteini, L. (2016). Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations of Decaying Plasma Turbulence from Fluid to Sub-ion Scales. In: AGU fall meeting 2016, General Assembly, Amercan Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly 2016, pp. 12A-07-12A-07.
Del Zanna, L.; Landi, S.; Papini, E.; Pucci, F.; Velli, M. (2016). The ideal tearing mode: theory and resistive MHD simulations. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES, vol. 719, pp. 012016-012026, ISSN:1742-6588
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Verdini, Andrea; Grappin, Roland; Hellinger, Petr; Landi, Simone; Müller, Wolf Christian (2015). ANISOTROPY OF THIRD-ORDER STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS IN MHD TURBULENCE. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 804, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1538-4357
Del Zanna, L.; Matteini, L.; Landi, S.; Verdini, A.; Velli, M. (2015). Parametric decay of parallel and oblique Alfvén waves in the expanding solar wind. JOURNAL OF PLASMA PHYSICS, vol. 81, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0022-3778
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Franci, Luca; Landi, Simone; Matteini, Lorenzo; Verdini, Andrea; Hellinger, Petr (2015). High-resolution hybrid simulations of kinetic plasma turbulence at proton scales. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 812, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Hellinger, Petr; Matteini, Lorenzo; Landi, Simone; Verdini, Andrea; Franci, Luca; Trávnícek, Pavel M. (2015). PLASMA TURBULENCE and KINETIC INSTABILITIES at ION SCALES in the EXPANDING SOLAR WIND. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 811, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2041-8205
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Franci, Luca; Verdini, Andrea; Matteini, Lorenzo; Landi, Simone; Hellinger, Petr (2015). SOLAR WIND TURBULENCE FROM MHD TO SUB-ION SCALES: HIGH-RESOLUTION HYBRID SIMULATIONS. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL LETTERS, vol. 804, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2041-8205
Del Zanna, Luca; Landi, Simone; Matteini, Lorenzo; Verdini, Andrea; Velli, Marco (2015). MHD simulations of the parametric decay of large-amplitude Alfven waves in the expanding solar wind. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS, vol. 17, pp. 3571-3571, ISSN:1607-7962
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Landi, Simone; Del Zanna, Luca; Pucci, Fulvia; Velli, Marco; Papini, Emanuele (2015). The ideal tearing mode: 2D MHD simulations in the linear and nonlinear regimes. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS, vol. 17, pp. 3494-3494, ISSN:1607-7962
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Landi, Simone; Del Zanna, Luca; Papini, Emanuele; Pucci, Fulvia; Velli, Marco (2015). RESISTIVE MAGNETOHYDRODYNAMICS SIMULATIONS OF THE IDEAL TEARING MODE. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 806, pp. 131-138, ISSN:1538-4357
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Matteini, L.; Hellinger, P.; Schwartz, S.J.; Landi, S. (2015). FIRE HOSE INSTABILITY DRIVEN by ALPHA PARTICLE TEMPERATURE ANISOTROPY. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 812, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0004-637X
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Lorenzo Matteini;Simone Landi;Marco Velli;William H. Matthaeus (2013). Proton temperature anisotropy and current sheet stability: 2-D hybrid simulations. In: G. P. Zank, J. Borovsky, R. Bruno, J. Cirtain, S. Cranmer, H. Elliott, J. Giacalone, W. Gonzalez, G. Li, E. Marsch, E. Moebius, N. Pogorelov, J. Spann, O. Verkhoglyadova. AIP Conference Proceedings, pp. 247-250 AIP (American Institute of Physics).
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Lorenzo Matteini;Petr Hellinger;Bruce E. Goldstein;Simone Landi;Marco Velli;Marcia Neugebauer (2013). Signatures of kinetic instabilities in the solar wind. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH. SPACE PHYSICS, vol. 118, pp. 2771-2782, ISSN:2169-9402
L. Del Zanna; L. Matteini; S. Landi; M. Velli (2012). Parametric decay of large-amplitude Alfve'n waves: MHD and hybrid simulations. In: AIP Conference Proceedings. PHYSICS OF THE HELIOSPHERE: A 10 YEAR RETROSPECTIVE, pp. 12-17 AIP (American Institute of Physics).
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L. Del Zanna; S. Landi; L. Matteini; M. Velli (2012). The Expanding Box Model in ECHO: Application to the Parametric Decay of Alfvén Waves in the Fast Solar Wind. In: N.V. Pogorelov, J.A. Font, E. Audit, G.P. Zank. 459, Numerical Modeling of Space Plasma Slows (ASTRONUM 2011), pp. 196-201 Astronomical Society of the Pacific, ISBN:978-1-58381-800-8.
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L. Matteini; P. Hellinger; S. Landi; P. Travnicek; M. Velli (2012). Ion Kinetics in the Solar Wind: Coupling Global Expansion to Local Microphysics. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, vol. 172, pp. 128-151, ISSN:0038-6308
S. Landi; L. Matteini; F. Pantellini (2012). On the competition between radial expansion and Coulomb collisions in shaping the electron velocity distribution function: Kinetic simulations. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 760, pp. 143-153, ISSN:0004-637X
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F Pantellini;S Landi;A Zaslavsky;N Meyer-Vernet (2012). On the unconstrained expansion of a spherical plasma cloud turning collisionless: case of a cloud generated by a nanometre dust grain impact on an uncharged target in space. PLASMA PHYSICS AND CONTROLLED FUSION, vol. 54, pp. 045005-045004-14, ISSN:0741-3335
S. Landi; L. Bettarini (2011). Three-Dimensional Simulations of Magnetic Reconnection with or Without Velocity Shears. SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS, vol. 172, pp. 1-17, ISSN:0038-6308
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L. Matteini; S. Landi; M. Velli; P. Hellinger (2010). Kinetics of parametric instabilities of Alfvén waves: Evolution of ion distribution functions. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, vol. 115, pp. A09106-A09106-12, ISSN:0148-0227
L. Matteini; S. Landi; M. Velli; P. Hellinger (2010). On the role of wave-particle interactions in the evolution of solar wind ion distribution functions. In: M. Maksimovic, K. Issautier, N. Meyer-Vernet, M. Moncuquet, F. Pantellini. Twelfth international solar wind conference, pp. 223-226 American Institute of Physics, ISBN:9780735407596.
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S. Landi; L. Matteini; F. Pantellini (2010). Radial Evolution of the Electron Velocity Distribution Functions in the Heliosphere: Role of Collisions. In: Milan Maksimovic, Karine Issautier, Nicole Meyer-Vernet, Michel Moncuquet, Filippo Pantellini. 12th International Solar Wind Conference; Saint-Malo; France; 21 June 2009 through 26 June 2009, pp. 218-222 AIP, ISBN:9780735407596., vol. 1216:
V. Greco; F. Cavallini; F. Berrilli; M. Velli; L. Roselli; A Bigazzi; P. F. Moretti; M. Romoli; S. Orsini; P. Sabatini; V. Carbone; G. Consolini; M. P. Di Mauro; I Ermolli; E. Pietropaolo; P. Romano; P. Ventura; L. Valdettaro; S. M. White; F. Zuccarello; G. Cauzzi; F. Giammaria; K. Reardon; R. Briguglio; S. Landi; A. Vecchio; F. Lepreti; L. Sorriso-Valvo; L. Contarino; S. Guglielmino; B. De Pontieu; D. Cardini; A. Chieffi; A. Milillo; A. Mura; E. De Angelis; V. Mangano; S. Selci; S. Criscuoli; F. Giorgi; F. Alimenti; V. Palazzari; L. Biferale; S. Cantarano; D. Del Moro; A. Egidi; V. Penza; R. Piazzesi; M. Stangalini; M. Vantaggiato; B. Viticchiè; M. Casolino; C. De Santis; R. Sparvoli (2010). The telescope and the double Fabry-Pérot interferometer for the ADAHELI solar space mission.. In: Jacobus M. Oschmann, Mark C. Clampin, Howard A. MacEwen. Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, pp. 773142-773142-9 SPIE.
L. Matteini; S. Landi; L. Del Zanna; M. Velli; P. Hellinger (2010). Parametric decay of linearly polarized shear Alfvén waves in oblique propagation: One and two-dimensional hybrid simulations. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 37, pp. L20101-L20101-4, ISSN:0094-8276
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L. Bettarini; S. Landi; M. Velli; P. Londrillo (2009). Magnetic and Velocity Shear Driven Instabilities in the Heliospheric Plasma. EARTH MOON AND PLANETS, vol. 104, pp. 135-137, ISSN:0167-9295
S. Landi; P. Londrillo; L. Del Zanna; M. Velli (2009). Three-dimensional magnetic reconnection simulations using the Eulerian Conservative High Order (ECHO) code. NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA. C, GEOPHYSICS AND SPACE PHYSICS, vol. 32, pp. 41-44, ISSN:1826-9885
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S. Landi; M. Velli (2009). Magnetic reconnection in astrophysical plasmas: Three-dimensional simulations.. MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETÀ ASTRONOMICA ITALIANA SUPPLEMENTI, vol. 13, pp. 39-45, ISSN:1824-0178
L.Bettarini; S. Landi; M. Velli; P. Londrillo (2009). Three-Dimensional Evolution of Magnetic and Velocity Shear Driven Instabilities in a Current-Vortex Sheet. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, vol. 16, pp. 062302-062302-15, ISSN:1070-664X
L. Del Zanna; S. Landi; O. Zanotti; N. Bucciantini; P. Londrillo (2009). The ECHO code for astrophysical plasmas: special and general relativistic MHD.. NUOVO CIMENTO DELLA SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA. C, GEOPHYSICS AND SPACE PHYSICS, vol. 32, pp. 109-113, ISSN:1826-9885
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F. Pantellini; S. Landi (2008). Species segregation in one-dimensional granular system simulations. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. E, SOFT MATTER, vol. 25, pp. 201-212, ISSN:1292-8941
S. Landi; P. Londrillo; M. Velli; L. Bettarini (2008). Three-dimensional simulations of compressible tearing instability. PHYSICS OF PLASMAS, vol. 15, pp. 012302-012302-15, ISSN:1070-664X
L. Matteini; S. Landi; P. Hellinger; F. Pantellini; M. Maksimovic; M. Velli; B. E. Goldstein; E. Marsch (2007). Evolution of the solar wind proton temperature anisotropy from 0.3 to 2.5 AU. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 34, pp. 20105-20105-5, ISSN:0094-8276
L. Bettarini; S. Landi; P. Londrillo; M. Velli (2006). On Linear and Nonlinear Analysis of Jet and Current Sheet Interactions in the Solar System: 2D Hybrid Compact Shock Capturing Simulations. In: SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Giardini Naxos, 7-12 maggio 2006, vol. 617, pp. 52-55, ISBN:9789290929284
L. Matteini; S. Landi; P. Hellinger; M. Velli (2006). Parallel proton fire hose instability in the expanding solar wind: Hybrid simulations. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH: SPACE PHYSICS, vol. 111, pp. 10101-10101-8, ISSN:0148-0227
L. Matteini; S. Landi; P. Hellinger; M. Velli; M. Maksimovic; F. Pantellini; E. Marsch (2006). On the Role of the Parallel Proton Fire Hose Instability in the Expanding Solar Wind: Simulations and Observations. In: SOHO-17. 10 Years of SOHO and Beyond, Giardini Naxos, 7-12 maggio 2006, vol. 617, pp. 101-105, ISBN:9789290929284
S. Landi; P. Hellinger; M. Velli (2006). Heliospheric magnetic field polarity inversions driven by radial velocity field structures. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, vol. 33, pp. 14101-14101-5, ISSN:0094-8276
L. Bettarini; S. Landi; F. A. Rappazzo; M. Velli; M. Opher (2006). Tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in the heliospheric plasma. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 452, pp. 321-330, ISSN:0004-6361
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L. Bettarini; S. Landi; F. Rappazzo; M. Velli (2006). Numerical simulations of Kelvin-Helmholtz and tearing instabilities in the global Heliosphere.. In: M. Voli, P. Coluccia. Science and Supercomputing at CINECA 2005, pp. 48-53, Bologna: CINECA, Centro di Calcolo Interuniversitario dell'Italia Nord-Orientale, ISBN:9788886037167.
L. Matteini; S. Landi; M. Velli; P. Hellinger (2006). Simulations of the proton fire hose instability with an Hybrid Expanding Box code. In: M. Voli, P. Coluccia. Science and Supercomputing at CINECA 2005, pp. 97-102, Bologna: CINECA, Centro di Calcolo Interuniversitario dell'Italia Nord-Orientale, ISBN:9788886037167.
I. Zouganelis; N. Meyer-Vernet; S. Landi; M. Maksimovic; F. Pantellini (2005). Acceleration of the Solar Wind: Kinetic Models and Effect of Coulomb Collisions.. In: Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere, Whistler, Canada, 12-17 giugno 2005, vol. 592, pp. 171-176, ISBN:9789290929031
L. Matteini; S. Landi; P. Hellinger; M. Velli (2005). Proton Fire Hose Instability in the Expanding Solar Wind. In: Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere, Whistler, Canada, 12-17 giugno 2005, vol. 592, pp. 503-506, ISBN:9789290929031
I. Zouganelis; N. Meyer-Vernet; S. Landi; M. Maksimovic; F. Pantellini (2005). Acceleration of Weakly Collisional Solar-Type Winds. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 626, pp. L117-L120, ISSN:0004-637X
L. Bettarini; F. A. Rappazzo; S. Landi; M. Velli (2005). Tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities in the Heliospheric Plasma. In: B. Fleck, T. H. Zurbuchen, H. Lacoste. Solar Wind 11 / SOHO 16 Conference, pp. 589-592 ESA, ISBN:9789290929031.
S. Landi; M. Velli; G. Einaudi (2005). Alfvén Waves and Shock Wave Formation at an X-Point Magnetic Field Configuration. THE ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL, vol. 624, pp. 392-401, ISSN:0004-637X
S. Landi; P. Hellinger; M. Velli (2005). On the Origin of the Heliospheric Magnetic Field Polarity Inversion at High Latitudes. In: Solar Wind 11/SOHO 16, Connecting Sun and Heliosphere, Whistler, Canada, 12-17 giugno 2005, B. Fleck, T. H. Zurbuchen, H. Lacoste, vol. 592, pp. 785-788, ISBN:9789290929031
M. Velli; G. Einaudi; C. Chiuderi; P.L. Veltri; R. Betta; P. Londrillo; F. Rappazzo; L. Del Zanna; S. Landi; F. Malara; V. Carbone; G. Zimbardo; L. Primavera; A. Greco; L. Sorriso-Valvo; P. Pommois; F. Lepreti (2003). Nonlinear processes in heliospheric plasma: models and observations. MEMORIE DELLA SOCIETÀ ASTRONOMICA ITALIANA, vol. 74, pp. 425-429, ISSN:1824-016X
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S. Landi; F. Pantellini (2003). Kinetic simulations of the solar wind from the subsonic to the supersonic regime. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 400, pp. 769-778, ISSN:0004-6361
S. Landi; F. Pantellini (2001). On the temperature profile and heat flux in the solar corona: Kinetic simulations. ASTRONOMY & ASTROPHYSICS, vol. 372, pp. 686-701, ISSN:0004-6361
F. Pantellini; S. Landi (2001). A Simulation Method for Semicollisional Plasmas. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, vol. 277, pp. 149-152, ISSN:0004-640X
Simone LANDI
Simone Landi: Degree in Physics with 110/110 with laude in 1996 at the University of Florence, Diplome d'etudes Approfondies in 1998 at the Paris 7 "Denis Diderot" University, PhD in Astrophysics and Space Sciences in 2001 at the Paris 7 "Denis Diderot" with a dissertation on kinetic models of the solar wind, he has a post-doc position at the Department of Astrophysics and Space Science since November, 2001. In February 2009 obtains a researcher position in Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Florence. His research interest mainly focused on the numerical modeling of the Heliospheric plasma. Using a kinetic model developed during his PhD, he studied the influence of collisions in the macroscopicic properties of the solar corona and solar wind. With the use of an hybrid code (protons treated as particles, electrons as fluid) he investigated the role of kinetic wave-particle interactions in the solar wind, comparing the numerical results with spacecraft data (HELIOS, WIND, ULYSSES). With the use of numerical codes based on the integration of the MHD equation he studied wave propagation in complex MHD topologies, interaction of MHD waves with magnetic and plasma structures observed in the high latitude solar wind, and the properties of tearing and Kelvin-Helmholtz like instabilities in the heliosphere. Simone Landi has a lot of collaboration in his research topics both from Italy and abroad, in particular with the researchers from Paris Observatory, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (USA) and Czech Republic's Academy of Science. He participated to several national projects financed by MIUR, ASI and INAF. From 2002 to 2006 he participated in a EU financed project on space physics.He is scientific advisor for the University of Florence unity for a FP7 financed research program on kinetic modeling of the heliospheric plasma (project SCHOCK: Solar and Heliospheric Collisionless Kinetics: Enabling Data Analysis of the Sun to Earth Plasma System with Kinetic Modelling)