Pagina Cercachi
Massimo BONINI
Ruolo attuale:
Professore Associato
CHEM-02/A - Chimica fisica
Afferenza organizzativa:
Dipartimento di Chimica 'Ugo Schiff' - DICUS
Massimo BONINI
Notizie Generali
- Da Febbraio 2009: Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
- Maggio 2007 - Febbraio 2009: Marie-Curie Experienced Researcher presso BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany). Assegnato al BASF ISIS Team, presso l'Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Strasbourg, France.
- Marzo 2007 - Aprile 2007: Co.co.co. presso il Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase - CSGI, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
- Marzo 2004 - Febbraio 2007: Assegnista di Ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Titolo del progetto: Sintesi e Caratterizzazione di sistemi nanofasici per applicazioni tecnologiche.
- Ottobre 2003 - Gennaio 2004: Visiting Fellow presso il Department of Applied Mathematics, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia).
- Aprile 2001 - Marzo 2004: Dottorato di Ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Titolo del progetto: Fluidi Magnetici Nanostrutturati: Sintesi e Caratterizzazione.
- Novembre 2000: Abilitazione alla professione di Chimico.
- Giugno 2000 - Aprile 2001: espletamento degli Obblighi di Leva.
- Settembre 1999 - Giugno 2000: Co.co.co presso il Consorzio per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase - CSGI, Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze, nell'ambito del progetto JOULE finalizzato alla formulazione di una emulsione Bio-Olio/Diesel e il suo impiego in motori diesel.
- 1999: Laurea in Chimica, Università degli Studi di Firenze.
Attività Scientifica
A partire dalla tesi di Laurea in Chimica, l'attività scientifica del Dr. Massimo Bonini si è svolta nell'ambito della chimica fisica dei sistemi nanostrutturati. Tale attività ha portato alla pubblicazione di più di 40 articoli scientifici, nella registrazione di in 1 brevetto Europeo, nonché in numerosi contributi a congressi internazionali. Durante la tesi di Laurea, il Dr. Bonini ha sviluppato una nuova metodica di preparazione di rivestimenti nanostrutturati mediante Flame-Spraying di microemulsioni. Durante il Dottorato di ricerca, il Dr. Bonini ha sviluppato dei metodi innovativi di sintesi e caratterizzazione di fluidi magnetici nanostrutturati mediante di Scattering di luce, di raggi X e di Neutroni polarizzati, in collaborazione con l'Helmoltz-Zentrum di Berlino. Nel corso del Dottorato, l'attività scientifica del Dr. Bonini è stata premiata da una borsa di studio dell'Ambasciata Italiana in Australia grazie alla quale ha trascorso un periodo di studio presso il Department of Applied Mathematics (Australian National University). Al termine del Dottorato, il Dr. Bonini ha proseguito l'attività di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Chimica di Firenze come assegnista, continuando a sviluppare le proprie compentenze sia nel campo della diffusione di Neutroni mediante numerosi stage all'estero (presso le facility LLB, IPNS, BENSC) che nel campo dei materiali nanostrutturati e dei nanocompositi. Nel Maggio 2007, nell'ambito del progetto Marie Curie RTN PRAIRIES, il Dr. Bonini è stato assunto come Experienced Researcher presso la BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) e assegnato presso il laboratorio satellite BASF ISIS Team (Strasbourg, France). In questo periodo, l'attivita' di ricerca del Dr. Bonini si è concentrata sulla caratterizzazione mediante tecniche di microscopia a scansione di sonda di nanostrutture. Nel Febbraio 2009 il Dr. Bonini è stato assunto come Ricercatore a tempo indeterminato presso l'Università degli Studi di Firenze. L'attività scientifica da tale data si è concentrata sulla preparazione e caratterizzazione di nanocompositi funzionali a partire da nanoparticelle magnetiche.
Massimo BONINI
Contributo su rivista |
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Contributo in atti di convegno (proceeding) |
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Tesi di Dottorato
Tordi, Pietro; Gelli, Rita; Tamantini, Simone; Bonini, Massimo (2025). Alginate crosslinking beyond calcium: Unlocking the potential of a range of divalent cations for fiber formation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES, vol. 306, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0141-8130
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Tordi, Pietro; Tamayo, Adrián; Jeong, Yeonsu; Bonini, Massimo; Samorì, Paolo (2024). Multiresponsive Ionic Conductive Alginate/Gelatin Organohydrogels with Tunable Functions. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, vol. 34, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1616-301X
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Cheli L.; Bonini M.; Tonelli M. (2024). Effect of Sodium Phosphate and Cellulose Ethers on MgO/SiO2 Cements for the 3D Printing of Forsterite Bioceramics. APPLIED SCIENCES, vol. 14, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2076-3417
Tordi, Pietro; Gelli, Rita; Ridi, Francesca; Bonini, Massimo (2024). A bioinspired and sustainable route for the preparation of Ag-crosslinked alginate fibers decorated with silver nanoparticles. CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS, vol. 326, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0144-8617
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Ballabio, Giorgia; Sangiorgio, Sara; Pargoletti, Eleonora; Gelli, Rita; Bonini, Massimo; Rabuffetti, Marco; Cappelletti, Giuseppe; Speranza, Giovanna (2024). From dairy waste to value-added bio-based surfactants. COLLOIDS AND INTERFACE SCIENCE COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 63, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2215-0382
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Tordi, Pietro; Ridi, Francesca; Samorì, Paolo; Bonini, Massimo (2024). Cation‐Alginate Complexes and Their Hydrogels: A Powerful Toolkit for the Development of Next‐Generation Sustainable Functional Materials. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1616-301X
Gelli, Rita; Tonelli, Monica; Ridi, Francesca; Terefinko, Dominik; Dzimitrowicz, Anna; Pohl, Pawel; Bielawska-Pohl, Aleksandra; Jamroz, Piotr; Klimczak, Aleksandra; Bonini, Massimo (2023). Effect of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet Treatments on Magnesium Phosphate Cements: Performance, Characterization, and Applications. ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, vol. 9, pp. 6632-6643, ISSN:2373-9878
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Tordi P.; Ridi F.; Bonini M. (2023). A green and sustainable approach for the preparation of Cu-containing alginate fibers. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. A, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, vol. 677, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0927-7757
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Mugnaini, Giulia; Gelli, Rita; Mori, Leonardo; Bonini, Massimo (2023). How to Cross-Link Gelatin: The Effect of Glutaraldehyde and Glyceraldehyde on the Hydrogel Properties. ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS, vol. 5, pp. 9192-9202, ISSN:2637-6105
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Cailotto, Simone; Massari, Daniele; Gigli, Matteo; Campalani, Carlotta; Bonini, Massimo; You, Shujie; Vomiero, Alberto; Selva, Maurizio; Perosa, Alvise; Crestini, Claudia (2022). N-Doped Carbon Dot Hydrogels from Brewing Waste for Photocatalytic Wastewater Treatment. ACS OMEGA, vol. 7, pp. 4052-4061, ISSN:2470-1343
Bonini M.; Fratini E.; Faraone A. (2021). Dynamics of Water and Other Molecular Liquids Confined Within Voids and on Surface of Lignin Aggregates in Aging Bio Crude Oils. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY, vol. 9, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2296-2646
Tonelli M.; Faralli A.; Ridi F.; Bonini M. (2021). 3D printable magnesium-based cements towards the preparation of bioceramics. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 598, pp. 24-35, ISSN:0021-9797
Bonini, Massimo (2021). Physico-Chemical Challenges in 3D Printing of Polymeric Nanocomposites and Hydrogels for Biomedical Applications. JOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY, vol. 21, pp. 2778-2792, ISSN:1533-4880
Mugnaini G.; Resta C.; Poggi G.; Bonini M. (2021). Photopolymerizable pullulan: Synthesis, self-assembly and inkjet printing. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 592, pp. 430-439, ISSN:0021-9797
Gelli, Rita; Mugnaini, Giulia; Bolognesi, Tessa; Bonini, Massimo (2021). Cross-linked Porous Gelatin Microparticles with Tunable Shape, Size, and Porosity. LANGMUIR, vol. 37, pp. 12781-12789, ISSN:0743-7463
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Gelli, Rita; Tonelli, Monica; Ridi, Francesca; Bonini, Massimo; Kwaambwa, Habauka M.; Rennie, Adrian R.; Baglioni, Piero (2021). Modifying the crystallization of amorphous magnesium-calcium phosphate nanoparticles with proteins from Moringa oleifera seeds. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 589, pp. 367-377, ISSN:0021-9797
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Cailotto S.; Gigli M.; Bonini M.; Rigoni F.; Crestini C. (2020). Sustainable Strategies in the Synthesis of Lignin Nanoparticles for the Release of Active Compounds: A Comparison. CHEMSUSCHEM, vol. 13, pp. 4759-4767, ISSN:1864-5631
Martella, Daniele; Pattelli, Lorenzo; Matassini, Camilla; Ridi, Francesca; Bonini, Massimo; Paoli, Paolo; Baglioni, Piero; Wiersma, Diederik S.; Parmeggiani, Camilla (2019). Liquid Crystal-Induced Myoblast Alignment. ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, vol. 8, pp. e1801489-e1801489, ISSN:2192-2659
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Daniele Martella; Lorenzo Pattelli; Camilla Matassini; Francesca Ridi; Massimo Bonini; Paolo Paoli; Piero Baglioni; Diederik S. Wiersma; Camilla Parmeggiani (2019). Liquid Crystals: Liquid Crystal-Induced Myoblast Alignment (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 3/2019). ADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS, vol. 8, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2192-2659
Huang C.-B.; Witomska S.; Aliprandi A.; Stoeckel M.-A.; Bonini M.; Ciesielski A.; Samori P. (2019). Molecule–Graphene Hybrid Materials with Tunable Mechanoresponse: Highly Sensitive Pressure Sensors for Health Monitoring. ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol. 31, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0935-9648
Tempesti, Paolo; Nicotera, Giovanni Simone; Bonini, Massimo; Fratini, Emiliano; Baglioni, Piero (2018). Poly(N-isopropylacrylamide)-hydroxyapatite nanocomposites as thermoresponsive filling materials on dentinal surface and tubules. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 509, pp. 123-131, ISSN:0021-9797
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Gelli, Rita; Scudero, Martino; Gigli, Lucia; Severi, Mirko; Bonini, Massimo; Ridi, Francesca; Baglioni, Piero (2018). Effect of pH and Mg2+ on Amorphous Magnesium-Calcium Phosphate (AMCP) stability. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 531, pp. 681-692, ISSN:0021-9797
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Gelli, Rita; Del Buffa, Stefano; Tempesti, Paolo; Bonini, Massimo; Ridi, Francesca; Baglioni, Piero (2018). Enhanced formation of hydroxyapatites in gelatin/imogolite macroporous hydrogels. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 511, pp. 145-154, ISSN:0021-9797
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Ridi, Francesca; Meazzini, Ilaria; Castroflorio, Benedetta; Bonini, Massimo; Berti, Debora; Baglioni, Piero (2017). Functional calcium phosphate composites in nanomedicine. ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. ..., pp. 0-0, ISSN:0001-8686
Bonini, Massimo; Gabbani, Alessio; Del Buffa, Stefano; Ridi, Francesca; Baglioni, Piero; Bordes, Romain; Holmberg, Krister (2017). Adsorption of Amino Acids and Glutamic Acid-Based Surfactants on Imogolite Clays. LANGMUIR, vol. 33, pp. 2411-2419, ISSN:0743-7463
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Gelli, Rita; Del Buffa, Stefano; Tempesti, Paolo; Bonini, Massimo; Ridi, Francesca; Baglioni, Piero (2017). Multi-scale investigation of gelatin/poly(vinyl alcohol) interactions in water. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. A, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, vol. 532, pp. 18-25, ISSN:0927-7757
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Nappini, Silvia; Fogli, Silvia; Castroflorio, Benedetta; Bonini, Massimo; Baldelli Bombelli, Francesca; Baglioni, Piero* (2016). Magnetic field responsive drug release from magnetoliposomes in biological fluids. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. B, vol. 4, pp. 716-725, ISSN:2050-7518
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Del Buffa, Stefano; Rinaldi, Elia; Carretti, Emiliano; Ridi, Francesca; Bonini, Massimo; Baglioni, Piero (2016). Injectable composites via functionalization of 1D nanoclays and biodegradable coupling with a polysaccharide hydrogel. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES, vol. 145, pp. 562-566, ISSN:0927-7765
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Raudino, Martina; Selvolini, Giulia; Montis, Costanza; Baglioni, Michele; Bonini, Massimo; Berti, Debora; Baglioni, Piero (2015). Polymer films removed from solid surfaces by nanostructured fluids: Microscopic mechanism and implications for the conservation of cultural heritage. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, vol. 7, pp. 6244-6253, ISSN:1944-8244
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Mariani, Stefano; Scarano, Simona; Ermini, Maria Laura; Bonini, Massimo; Minunni, Maria (2015). Investigating nanoparticle properties in plasmonic nanoarchitectures with DNA by surface plasmon resonance imaging. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 51, pp. 6587-6590, ISSN:1359-7345
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Tatini, D.; Tempesti, P.; Ridi, F.; Fratini, E.; Bonini, M.; Baglioni, P. (2015). Pluronic/gelatin composites for controlled release of actives. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES, vol. 135, pp. 400-407, ISSN:0927-7765
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Del Buffa, Stefano; Bonini, Massimo; Ridi, Francesca; Severi, Mirko; Losi, Paola; Volpi, Silvia; Al Kayal, Tamer; Soldani, Giorgio; Baglioni, Piero (2015). Design and characterization of a composite material based on Sr(II)-loaded clay nanotubes included within a biopolymer matrix. JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 448, pp. 501-507, ISSN:0021-9797
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Piero Baglioni;Debora Berti;Massimo Bonini;Emiliano Carretti;Luigi Dei;Emiliano Fratini;Rodorico Giorgi (2014). Micelle, microemulsions, and gels for the conservation of Cultural Heritage. ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 205, pp. 361-371, ISSN:0001-8686
P. Tempesti; M. Bonini; F. Ridi; P. Baglioni (2014). Magnetic polystyrene nanocomposites for the separation of oil and water. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. A, vol. 2, pp. 1980-1984, ISSN:2050-7488
F. Bellissima; M. Bonini; R. Giorgi; P. Baglioni; G. Barresi; G. Mastromei; B. Perito (2014). Antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles grafted on stone surface. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL, vol. 21, pp. 13278-13286, ISSN:0944-1344
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Chiara Carla Piccinetti; Costanza Montis; Massimo Bonini; Rosaria Laurà; Maria Cristina Guerrera; Giuseppe Radaelli; Fabio Vianello; Veronica Santinelli; Francesca Maradonna; Valentina Nozzi; Andrea Miccoli; Ike Olivotto (2014). Transfer of Silica-Coated Magnetic (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles Through Food: A Molecular and Morphological Study in Zebrafish. ZEBRAFISH, vol. 11, pp. 567-579, ISSN:1545-8547
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F. Ridi;M. Bonini;P. Baglioni (2014). Magneto-responsive nanocomposites: Preparation and integration of magnetic nanoparticles into films, capsules, and gels. ADVANCES IN COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 207, pp. 3-13, ISSN:0001-8686
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M.L. Ermini; S. Mariani; F. Bellissima; S. Scarano; M. Bonini; M. Minunni (2014). Coupling nanotechnology to optical affinity sensing: the case of surface plasmon resonance imaging for DNA detection. In: CONVEGNO NAZIONALE SENSORI Innovazione, attualità e prospettive, ROMA, 15-17 FEBBRAIO 2012, Springer, vol. 162, pp. 103-106, ISBN:9781461438601
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Martina Banchelli; Silvia Nappini; Costanza Montis; Massimo Bonini; Patrizia Canton; Debora Berti; Piero Baglioni (2014). Magnetic nanoparticle clusters as actuators of ssDNA release. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS, vol. 16, pp. 10023-10031, ISSN:1463-9084
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D. Jing; J. He; M. Bonini; J. R. Brucato; G. Vidali (2013). Sputtering Effects and Water Formation on an Amorphous Silicate Surface. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. A, MOLECULES, SPECTROSCOPY, KINETICS, ENVIRONMENT, & GENERAL THEORY, vol. 117, pp. 3009-3016, ISSN:1089-5639
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Stefano Mariani;Maria Laura Ermini;Simona Scarano;Francesca Bellissima;Massimo Bonini;Debora Berti;Maria Minunni (2013). Improving surface plasmon resonance imaging of DNA by creating new gold and silver based surface nanostructures. MIKROCHIMICA ACTA, vol. 180, pp. 1093-1099, ISSN:0026-3672
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Massimo Bonini;Debora Berti;Piero Baglioni (2013). Nanostructures for magnetically triggered release of drugs and biomolecules. CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 18, pp. 459-467, ISSN:1359-0294
L. Zalewski; J.M. Mativetsky; S. Brovelli; M. Bonini; N. Crivillers; T. Breiner; H.L. Anderson; Franco Cacialli; P. Samorì (2012). A Quaterthiophene-Based Rotaxane: Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Self-Assembly at Surfaces. SMALL, vol. 8, pp. 1835-1839, ISSN:1613-6810
Massimo Bonini; Pierandrea Lo Nostro (2012). Micelle Formation: Thermodynamic Aspects and Characterization. In: N. Garti, I. Anar-Yuli. Nanotechnologies for Solubilization and Delivery in Foods, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals, pp. 31-49, Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publications, ISBN:9781605950167.
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Andrea Liscio; Massimo Bonini; Emanuele Treossi; Emanuele Orgiu; Marcel Kastler; Florian Doetz; Vincenzo Palermo; Paolo Samorì (2012). Improving Charge Transport in Poly(3-hexylthiophene) Transistors via Blending with an Alkyl-Substituted Phenylene–Thiophene–Thiophene– Phenylene Molecule. JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE. PART B, POLYMER PHYSICS, vol. 50, pp. 642-649, ISSN:0887-6266
Piero Baglioni; Debora Berti; Massimo Bonini; Emiliano Carretti; Maria Del Carmen Casas Perez; David Chelazzi; Luigi Dei; Emiliano Fratini; Rodorico Giorgi; Irene Natali; Marcia Carolina Arroyo (2012). Gels for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage. In: aa.vv.. MRS proceedings, pp. 1-11, New York: -Cambridge University Press / New York:40 West 20th Street:New York, NY 10011:(800)872-7423, (212)924-3900, EMAIL: journals_subscriptions@cup.org, INTERNET: http://www.journals.cambridge.org, Fax: (212)691-3239 -Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications..
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S. Nappini; M. Bonini; F. Ridi; P. Baglioni (2011). Structure and permeability of magnetoliposomes loaded with hydrophobic magnetic nanoparticles in the presence of a low frequency magnetic field. SOFT MATTER, vol. 7, pp. 4801-4811, ISSN:1744-683X
David Chiaramonti; Andrea Maria Rizzo; N. Peruzzi; M. Bonini; E. Fratini; P. Baglioni (2011). Preliminary Investigation of Pyrolysis Oil Upgrading Via Emulsification with Biodiesel. In: 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Berlin (GERMANY), ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, pp. 1666-1671, ISBN:8889407557
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L. Zalewski; S. Brovelli; M. Bonini; J.M. Mativetsky; M. Wykes; E. Orgiu; T. Breiner; M. Kastler; Florian Dötz; F. Meinardi; H.L. Anderson; D. Beljonne; F. Cacialli; P. Samorì (2011). Self-Assembled Conjugated Thiophene-Based Rotaxane Architectures: Structural, Computational, and Spectroscopic Insights into Molecular Aggregation. ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS, vol. 21, pp. 834-844, ISSN:1616-301X
M. Bonini; L. Zalewski; E. Orgiu; T. Breiner; F. Doetz; M. Kastler; P. Samorì (2011). H-Bonding Tuned Self-Assembly of PhenyleneThiopheneThiophenePhenylene Derivatives at Surfaces: Structural and Electrical Studies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C, vol. 115, pp. 9753-9759, ISSN:1932-7447
Nappini S; Bonini M; Bombelli FB; Pineider F; Sangregorio C; Baglioni P; Norden B (2011). Controlled drug release under a low frequency magnetic field: effect of the citrate coating on magnetoliposomes stability. SOFT MATTER, vol. 7, pp. 1025-1037, ISSN:1744-683X
A.Ciesielski;C.-A.Palma;M.Bonini;P.Samori (2010). Towards Supramolecular Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials: Pre-Programming Multi-Component 2D Self-Assembly at Solid-Liquid Interfaces. ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol. 22, pp. 3506-3520, ISSN:0935-9648
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S. Lenz; M. Bonini; S.K. Nett; M.C. Lechmann; S.G.J. Emmerling; R.S. Kappes; M. Memesa; A. Timmann; S.V. Roth; J.S. Gutmann (2010). Global scattering functions: a tool for grazing incidence small angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) data analysis of low correlated lateral structures. THE EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL. APPLIED PHYSICS, vol. 51, pp. 10601-p1-10601-p10, ISSN:1286-0042
S. Nappini; F. Baldelli Bombelli; M. Bonini; B. Norden; P. Baglioni (2010). Magnetoliposomes for controlled drug release in the presence of low-frequency magnetic field. SOFT MATTER, vol. 6, pp. 154-162, ISSN:1744-683X
L. Zalewski; M. Wykes; S. Brovelli; M. Bonini; T. Breiner; M. Kastler; F. Doetz; D. Beljonne; H.L. Anderson; F. Cacialli; P. Samorì (2010). A Conjugated Thiophene-Based Rotaxane: Synthesis, Spectroscopy, and Modeling. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, vol. 16, pp. 3933-3941, ISSN:0947-6539
Michele Baglioni; Doris Rengstl; Debora Berti; Massimo Bonini; Rodorico Giorgi; Piero Baglioni (2010). Removal of acrylic coatings from works of art by means of nanofluids: understanding the mechanism at the nanoscale. NANOSCALE, vol. 2, pp. 1723-1732, ISSN:2040-3364
E. Carretti; M. Bonini; L. Dei; B. H. Berrie; L. V. Angelova; P. Baglioni; R. G. Weiss (2010). New Frontiers in Materials Science for Art Conservation: Responsive Gels and Beyond. ACCOUNTS OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH, vol. 43, pp. 751-760, ISSN:1520-4898
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M. Baglioni; D. Rengstl; D. Berti; M. Bonini; R. Giorgi; P. Baglioni (2010). Nano-structured fluids for the removal of polymer coatings from wall paintings - a study of the mechanism down to the nanoscale. In: Società Chimica Italiana, Divisione di Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali - XII Congresso Nazionale di Chimica dell'Ambiente e dei Beni Culturali, Taormina, 26-30 settembre 2010, Societa' Chimica Italiana, vol. La Scienza Chimica per un'Armonica Interazione tra Ambiente e Beni Culturali, pp. 23-23.
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C-A. Palma; J. Bjork; M. Bonini; M.S. Dyer; A. Llanes-Pallas; D. Bonifazi; M. Persson; P. Samorì (2009). Tailoring Bicomponent Supramolecular Nanoporous Networks: Phase Segregation, Polymorphism, and Glasses at the Solid-Liquid Interface. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, vol. 131, pp. 13062-13071, ISSN:0002-7863
C-A. Palma; M. Bonini; T. Breiner; P. Samorì (2009). Supramolecular Crystal Engineering at the Solid-Liquid interface from First Principles: Toward Unraveling the Thermodynamics of 2D Self-Assembly. ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol. 21, pp. 1383-1386, ISSN:0935-9648
M. Bonini; L. Zalewski; T. Breiner; F. Doetz; M. Kastler; V. Schaedler; M. Surin; R. Lazzaroni; P. Samorì (2009). Competitive Physisorption Among Alkyl-Substituted pi-Conjugated Oligomers at the Solid-Liquid Interface: Towards Prediction of Self-Assembly at Surfaces from a Multicomponent Solution. SMALL, vol. 5, pp. 1521-1526, ISSN:1613-6810
J.Zeitouny; C. Aurisicchio; D. Bonifazi; R. De Zorzi; S. Geremia; M. Bonini; C-A. Palma; P. Samorì; A. Listorti; A. Belbakra; N. Armaroli (2009). Photoinduced structural modifications in multicomponent architectures containing azobenzene moieties as photoswitchable cores. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, vol. 19, pp. 4715-4724, ISSN:0959-9428
I. Liritzis; N. Laskaris; M. Bonini (2008). Nano- and micro-scale resolution in ancient obsidian artefact surfaces: The impact of AFM on the obsidian hydration dating by SIMS-SS. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI. C, CURRENT TOPICS IN SOLID STATE PHYSICS, vol. 5, pp. 3704-3707, ISSN:1862-6351
I. Liritzis; M. Bonini; N. Laskaris (2008). Obsidian hydration dating by SIMS-SS: Surface suitability criteria from atomic force microscopy. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, vol. 40, pp. 458-463, ISSN:0142-2421
I. Liritzis; C.M. Stevenson; S.W. Novak; I. Abdelrehim; V. Perdikatsis; M. Bonini (2008). New prospects in obsidian hydration dating: An Integrated Approach. In: Proceedings of the 4th Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Archaeometry, pp. 9-22.
M. Nilsson; A.J.M. Valente; G. Olofsson; O. Soderman; M. Bonini (2008). Thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of host-guest association between bolaform surfactants and alpha- and beta-cyclodextrins. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, vol. 112, pp. 11310-11316, ISSN:1520-6106
M. Bonini; S. Lenz; E. Falletta; F. Ridi; E. Carretti; E. Fratini; A. Wiedenmann; P. Baglioni (2008). Acrylamide-Based Magnetic Nanosponges: A New SmartNanocomposite Material. LANGMUIR, vol. 24, pp. 12644-12650, ISSN:0743-7463
C-A.Palma; M. Bonini; A. Llanes-Pallas; T. Breiner; M. Prato; D. Bonifazi; P. Samorì (2008). Pre-programmed bicomponent porous networks at the solid-liquid interface: the low concentration regime. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 42, pp. 5289-5291, ISSN:1359-7345
E.Falletta; M.Bonini; E.Fratini; A.Lo Nostro; G.Pesavento; A.Becheri; P.Lo Nostro; P.Canton; P.Baglioni (2008). Clusters of poly(acrylates) and silver nanoparticles: structure and applications for antimicrobial fabrics. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C, vol. 112, pp. 11758-11766, ISSN:1932-7447
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M. DINELLI; M. BONINI; A. GIORGETTI; F. CASUCCI; F. RIDI; E. FRATINI; N. BALDANZINI; P. CITTI; P. BAGLIONI (2007). Flame Spraying Of TiO2 Nanoparticles: Deposition Onto Glass Substrate. In: International RILEM Symposium on Photocatalysis, Environment and Construction Materials, Firenze, 8-9 Ottobre 2007, RILEM Pubblication S.A.R.L., pp. 281-288, ISBN:9782351580561
L.Tattini; E.Falletta; M.Bonini; F.Weichelt; P.Lo Nostro; P.Baglioni (2007). Synthesis and characterization of PZT nanoparticles. In: VI Convegno annuale del CSGI, Santa Vittoria in Matenano (AP), 20 - 21 Settembre 2007, vol. Book of Abstracts, pp. ---.
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Rossi, S.; Bonini, Massimo; LO NOSTRO, Pierandrea; Baglioni, Piero (2007). Self-Assembly of beta-Cyclodextrin in Water. 2. Electron Spin Resonance. LANGMUIR, vol. 23, pp. 10959-10967, ISSN:0743-7463
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M. BONINI; E. FRATINI; P. BAGLIONI (2007). SAXS Study of Chain-like Structures Formed by Magnetic Nanoparticles. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. C, BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS, vol. 27, pp. 1377-1381, ISSN:0928-4931
M.Bonini; S.Lenz; R.Giorgi; P.Baglioni (2007). Nanomagnetic Sponges for the Cleaning of Works of Art. LANGMUIR, vol. 23, pp. 8681-8685, ISSN:0743-7463
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F. BETTI; F. BALDELLI BOMBELLI; D. BERTI; M. BONINI; A. BRANDT; P. BAGLIONI (2007). Microstructure of ternary system di-lauroylphosphatidyl adenosine/water/cyclohexane. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, vol. 40, pp. s240-s244, ISSN:0021-8898
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M. Bonini; A. Wiedenmann; P. Baglioni (2007). Study of ferrite ferrofluids by small-angle scattering of polarized neutrons. JOURNAL OF APPLIED CRYSTALLOGRAPHY, vol. 40, pp. S254-S258, ISSN:0021-8898
Falletta, Ester; Bonini, Massimo; Fratini, Emiliano; LO NOSTRO, Antonella; Becheri, A.; LO NOSTRO, Pierandrea; Baglioni, Piero (2007). Poly(acrylic) acid-coated Silver Nanoparticles for Antibacterial Textile Finishing. In: 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Santa Clara, CA (USA), May 20-24, 2007, TechConnect, vol. 4, pp. 412-414, ISBN:9781420063769
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E.Falletta; M.Bonini; A.Becheri; P.Lo Nostro; P.Baglioni (2006). Colloid nanosystem applications for textile uses. In: NanoItalTex2006, Milano, 15 - 16 Novembre 2006, vol. Book of Abstracts, pp. ---.
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M. Bonini; A. Wiedemann; P. Baglioni (2006). Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles coated with a uniform silica shell. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. C, BIOMIMETIC MATERIALS, SENSORS AND SYSTEMS, vol. 26, pp. 745-750, ISSN:0928-4931
C. Cabaleiro-Lago; M. Nilsson; A.J.M. Valente; M. Bonini; O. Soderman (2006). NMR diffusometry and conductometry study of the host-guest association between beta-cyclodextrin and dodecane 1,12-bis(trimethylammonium bromide). JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, vol. 300, pp. 782-787, ISSN:0021-9797
E.Falletta; M.Bonini; E.Fratini; A.Lo Nostro; A.Becheri; P.Lo Nostro; P.Baglioni (2006). Poly(acrylic) acid coated Silver nanoparticles for antibacterial textile finishing. In: 2007 NSTI Nanotechnology Conference and Trade Show, Santa Barbara, 7 - 8 Settembre 2006, TechConnect, vol. 4, pp. 412-414, ISBN:1-4200-6376-6
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M. Ambrosi; P. Baglioni; M. Bonini; E. Fratini (2006). Nanoparticelle monodisperse di ossidi ed idrossidi metallici e loro applicazione nei settori tessile, cartario e ceramico.. Numero: 0001368826 Consorzio per Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase, C.S.G.I.
E. FRATINI; M. BONINI; A. OASMAA; Y. SOLANTAUSTA; J. TEIXEIRA; P. BAGLIONI (2006). SANS Analysis of the Microstructural Evolution during the Aging of Pyrolysis Oils from Biomass. LANGMUIR, vol. 22, pp. 306-312, ISSN:0743-7463
BONINI M.; ROSSI S.; KARLSSON G.; ALMGREN M.; LO NOSTRO P.; P. BAGLIONI (2006). Self assembly of beta-cyclodextrin in water. Part 1: CryoTEM and dynamic and static light scattering. LANGMUIR, vol. 22, pp. 1478-1484, ISSN:0743-7463
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C. Neto; M. Bonini; P. Baglioni (2005). Self-assembly of magnetic nanoparticles into complex superstructures: Spokes and spirals. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. A, PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND ENGINEERING ASPECTS, vol. 269, pp. 96-100, ISSN:0927-7757
M. Bonini; D. Berti; J.- M. Di Meglio; M. Almgren; J. Teixeira; P. Baglioni (2005). Surfactant aggregates hosting a photoresponsive amphiphile: structure and photoinduced conformational changes. SOFT MATTER, vol. 1, pp. 444-454, ISSN:1744-683X
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D. CHIARAMONTI; F. MARTELLI; I. SOLDAINI; M. BONINI; S. MILANI; P. BAGLIONI (2004). Utilizzo Di Olio Di Pirolisi Ed Emulsioni In Pompe Di Alimentazione Di Piccole Caldaie: Risultati Sperimentali Preliminari. In: ---, Genova, Settembre 2004, ---, pp. 1-12.
M. Bonini; A. Wiedenmann; P. Baglioni (2004). Small angle polarized neutrons (SANSPOL) investigation of surfactant free magnetic fluid of uncoated and silica-coated cobalt-ferrite nanoparticles. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, vol. 108, pp. 14901-14906, ISSN:1520-6106
M. Bonini; A. Wiedenmann; P. Baglioni (2004). Synthesis and characterization of surfactant and silica-coated cobalt ferrite nanoparticles. PHYSICA. A, vol. 339, pp. 86-91, ISSN:0378-4371
M. Bonini (2004). Three months in Canberra. BOLLETTINO DELLA COMUNITÀ SCIENTIFICA IN AUSTRALASIA, vol. June, pp. 49-50, ISSN:1446-9588
M. Bonini (2004). Nanostructures and Nanotechnologies: the Contribution of the Center for Colloid and Interface Science (CSGI). BOLLETTINO DELLA COMUNITÀ SCIENTIFICA IN AUSTRALASIA, vol. June, pp. 22-24, ISSN:1446-9588
D. CHIARAMONTI; M. BONINI; E. FRATINI; G. TONDI; K. GARTNER; A.V. BRIDGWATER; H.P. GRIMM; I. SOLDAINI; A. WEBSTER; P. BAGLIONI (2003). Development of emulsions from biomass pyrolysis liquid and diesel and their use in engines—Part 1: emulsion production. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, vol. 25, pp. 85-99, ISSN:0961-9534
LO NOSTRO, Pierandrea; Bonini, Massimo; Baglioni, Piero; Santoni, I. (2003). INCLUSION COMPOUND FROM A SEMIFLUORINATED ALKANE AND BETA-CYCLODEXTRIN. LANGMUIR, vol. 19, pp. 2312-2317, ISSN:0743-7463
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P. Baglioni; M. Bonini (2003). Il ruolo della scienza dei colloidi e delle interfasi nelle tecniche di formulazione. LA CHIMICA E L'INDUSTRIA, vol. 85, pp. 19-20, ISSN:0009-4315
D. CHIARAMONTI; M. BONINI; E. FRATINI; G. TONDI; K. GARTNER; A.V. BRIDGWATER; H.P. GRIMM; I. SOLDAINI; A. WEBSTER; P. BAGLIONI (2003). Development of emulsions from biomass pyrolysis liquid and diesel and their use in engines—Part 2: test in diesel engines. BIOMASS & BIOENERGY, vol. 25, pp. 101-111, ISSN:0961-9534
M. Bonini; U. Bardi; D. Berti; C. Neto; P. Baglioni (2002). A new way to prepare nanostructured materials: Flame spraying of microemulsions. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. B, CONDENSED MATTER, MATERIALS, SURFACES, INTERFACES & BIOPHYSICAL, vol. 106, pp. 6178-6183, ISSN:1520-6106
P.Baglioni;U.Bardi;M.Bonini (2000). New process for the production of nanostructured solid powders and nano-particles films by compartmentalised solution thermal spraying (CSTS). Consorzio Interuniversitario per lo Sviluppo dei Sistemi a Grande Interfase, C.S.G.I.
P. Baglioni; D. Chiaramonti; M. Bonini; I. Soldaini; G. Tondi (2000). Bio Crude Oil /Diesel Oil Emulsification: Main Achievements of the Emulsification Process and Preliminary Results of Tests on Diesel Engines. In: Progress in Thermochemical Biomass Conversion, Tyrol (Austria), pp. 1525-1539.
P. BAGLIONI;D. BERTI; M. BONINI (2000). Preparation and Stability of Emulsions. LA CHIMICA E L'INDUSTRIA, vol. 82, pp. 743-748, ISSN:0009-4315
Massimo BONINI
General Information
- Since February 2009: Permanent Researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence.
- May 2007 - February 2009: Marie Curie Fellow (Experienced Researcher) at BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany). Assigned to BASF ISIS team at the Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires, Strasbourg, France.
- March 2007 - April 2007: Fellow at the CSGI Consortium, Department of Chemistry, University of Florence.
- March 2004 - February 2007: Post-Doc Fellow at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence. Project Title: Synthesis and Characterization of nanophasic systems for technological applications.
- October 2003 - January 2004: Visiting fellow at the Department of Applied Mathematics, Australian National University, Canberra (Australia).
- April 2001 - March 2004: Ph.D. student at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence. Thesis Title: Nanostructured Magnetic Fluids: Synthesis and Characterization.
- November 2000: habilitation to the profession of Chemist.
- June 2000 - April 2001: military duties, performed in the Italian Land Force.
- September 1999 - June 2000: Fellow at the CSGI consortium, Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, within the JOULE project aimed at the formulation of Bio-Olio/Diesel emulsions and their use in diesel engines.
- 1999: Laurea (5 year Bachelor Sc.) in Physical Chemistry, University of Florence.
Scientific Activity
Since the Degree Thesis in Chemistry, Dr. Massimo Bonini focused his scientific activity on the field of Physical Chemistry of nanostructured systems. This activity has taken to the publication of more than 40 scientific papers, filing a European Patent, as well as a number of contributions to international conferences. During his experimental thesis, Dr. Bonini has developed a new method for the preparation of nanostructured coatings by Flame-Spraying of microemulsions. During his PhD, Dr. Bonini focused his research activity on the development of innovative methods for the synthesis and the characterization of Nanostructured Magnetic Fluids, in collaboration with the Helmoltz-Zentrum Berlin. In the course of his PhD, the research activity of Dr. Bonini was awarded a scholarship funded by the Italian Embassy in Australia, allowing him to spend a research stage at the Department of Applied Mathematics (Australian National University). After his PhD, Dr. Bonini continued his activity as a Post-Doc at the University of Florence, working in the field of nanostructured materials. During this period, he gained further experience in the field of Neutron Scattering carrying out several experiments in some of the most important facilities in the field, i.e. LLB, IPNS, BENSC. In May 2007, Dr. Bonini was hired as Experienced Researcher at BASF SE (Ludwigshafen, Germany) in the framework of the Marie Curie RTN project PRAIRIES. He was then assigned to the BASF satellite laboratory (BASF ISIS team) at the Institut de Science et d'Ingénierie Supramoléculaires (ISIS) in Strasbourg (France). There he carried out his research activity in collaboration with the Laboratory of Nanochemistry, focusing on the study of nanostructures by means of scanning probe microscopy techniques. In February 2009 Dr. Bonini was hired as permanent Researcher at the Department of Chemistry, University of Florence, a position that he still holds. The scientific activity of Dr. Bonini from that date to now has focused on the synthesis and characterization of functional nanocomposites using magnetic nanoparticles as building blocks.