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Maria Teresa CECCHERINI was born the 4th January 1967 in Poggibonsi (Siena, Italy). She is conjugated and has two sons. Her nationality is Italian; she speaks English and French. The 10th July 1992 she obtained the graduation in Biological Sciences at the University of Florence, Italy, (tutors: Prof. M. Bazzicalupo and R. Fani), obtaining the maximum final grade cum laude (110 cum laude) and a special mention for the curriculum studiorum. Actually she is Researcher (SSD AGR/13) at the School of Agricultural Sciences, DISPAA - Department of Agrifood and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Italy and collaborates with Prof. P. Nannipieri and G. Pietramellara. She has excellent relationship capacities and competences in multicultural environments, where it is important to work in equipe. She coordinates group of peoplein academic laboratories and in voluntary works as course in parish church, cultural associations, “menage de maison”. She has amateur knowledge of classical and modern dance, music and piano; She likes embroidery and bricolage and She has organized courses of amateur cooking, baking and floral decoration of the table.
Nationality Italian
Date and place of birth 4th Jan 1967 Poggibonsi (Siena)
Civil status conjugated; two sons
Gender Female
Work experience
2019-2022 Scientific coordinator of the research project Application of an innovative protocol for the traceability and geographical characterization of extra virgin olive oil (Applicazione di un protocollo innovativo per la tracciabilità e la caratterizzazione geografica dell’olio extra vergine di olive) – GeOEVO APP, funded by Regione Toscana;
2018 Winner of the funding for Base Research Activity by ANVUR;
2018-2019 Coordinator of the research project Accessing soil metagenome and pollinator community in a long term organic farming experiment in Tuscany, competitive projects for researchers, University of Florence;
2017-2020 Project manager of the research Characterization of soil microbial communities for the project AgrinMec cofunded by Regione Toscana;
2016 Researcher R.T.D. b, 07/E1 SSD AGR/13 at the School of Agricultural Sciences, DISPAA - Department of Agrifood and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Italy;
2016 Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the international journal Applied Soil Ecology;
2013 Researcher R.T.D. a, 07/E1 SSD AGR/13 at the School of Agricultural Sciences, DISPAA - Department of Agrifood and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Italy
Didactic activity in Biochemistry and Soil Chemistry at the wildlife sciences required course (Bachelor) of the university of Florence);
2013-2012 Postdoctoral research scientistat the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Florenceon "Characterization of soil microbial communities with metagenomic approach”;
2011 Didactic activity at the nursery sciences required course (Bachelor) of the university of Florence);
2011 Postdoctoral research scientistat the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Florence“Early diagnosis of Verticillium wilt by molecular methods”;
2009 Researcher with fixed-term contract for the project “Early diagnosis for phitopathongen wilts in Olive and Quercus in Toscany”;
2008 Postdoctoral research scientist at the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Florence “Characterization of the microbial community involved in soil organic matter decomposition in forest soils”;
2007 Didactic activity at the biotechnologies required course (Bachelor) of the university of Florence);
2007/2003 Postdoctoral research scientistat the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Florence“ The use of industrial biomasses as fertilizers”;
2003/2000 PhD thesis in Soil Science and Climatologyat the Universities of Florence and Lyon1 with an Italy-France cooperation program “The fate of genetically modified plant (Tobacco) DNA: persistence and biological activity in planta and in soil”;
1999/1998 Fellowship grantat the Soil Defense Institute (former ISSDS) of the CRA (Council for Agricultural Research) the Italy’s largest public agency operating in the field of agriculture: “Increase of soil microbial knowledge and of molecular biology techniques”;
1998/1997 Fellowship grantat the National Academy of Sciences for the project “Environmental monitoring of the presidential estate of Castelporziano, Roma, Italy;
1996 Winner of the “Marchetti awards” for the best work done by a young researcher “Effects of zootechnical waste fertilization on the soil microbial communities”;
1997/1994 Fellowship grant at the Soil Defense Institute (former ISSDS) of the CRA (Council for Agricultural Research) the Italy’s largest public agency operating in the field of agriculture: “Agricultural wastes, microbial community modifications and denitrification”;
1994 EERO Fellowship grant (European Environmental Research Organisation) at the Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK (Prof. A.J. Mcarthy) on “Environmental microbiology of ammonia oxidizing bacteria”;
1994/1993 Internship at the genetic and animal biology department of the University of Florence. Governmental license for the biology profession;
Education and training 10th July 1992 Graduation in Biological Sciences at the University of Florence, Italy, with an experimental thesis on “The iron capture system in Azospirillum: study of mutants” (tutor: Prof. Marco Bazzicalupo, co-tutor: Prof. Renato Fani), obtaing the maximum final grade cum laude (110 cum laude) and a special mention for the curriculum studiorum.
Occupation or position held Researcher (SSD AGR/13) at the School of Agricultural Sciences, DISPAA - Department of Agrifood andEnvironmental Science, University of Florence, Italy
Organization of scientific conferences and summer school:
2005 Water-soluble fertilizers, Florence 28-29th November 2005,
2014 What a brave new soil summer school for the Trainbiodiverse project, 7-11th July 2014, Florence);
reviewer activity for international scientific journals (Applied Soil Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Biology and Fertility of Soil, Annals of Microbiology, Soil Science);
Mother tongue Italian
Other languages English, French
European level Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction and production
English C2 C2 C2 C2
Franch C2 C2 C2 C2
Social skills and competences Excellent relationship capacities and competences alsoin multicultural environments, where it is important to work in équipe, acquired during travels in foreign institutes or private visits;
Organisational skills and competences:
Writing of research projects;
coordination of group of people in academic laboratories;
coordination of group of people in voluntary work as:
course of parish church catechism (parish of Santa Felicita al Ponte Vecchio, Florence);
cultural associations(Associazione per Boboli, Convegni di Cultura Maria Cristina di Savoia,Associazione Nazionale Donne Elettrici; Garden Club Firenze, Lyceum Club Firenze, Soroptimist);
“menage de maison”.
Technical skills and competences Excellent level of the personal computer use with the most used software;
Excellent level of the use of laboratory equipment;
Artistic skills and competences Amateur knowledge of classical and modern dance, music and pianoforte;
Excellent capacities of embroidery and bricolage;
Organization of amateur cooking and baking courses, floral decoration of the table;
Driving licence Cars, B licence
Reference peoples:
Dott. Pascal Simonet, Research director of the Environmental Microbial Genomics Group Laboratoire Ampère, École Centrale de Lyon,Université de Lyon I France;
Prof. Timothy M. Vogel, Laboratoire Ampère?École Centrale de Lyon?Université de Lyon?France;
Prof. Alan J. McCarthy, Department of Functional and Comparative Genomics, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Prof. Marco Bazzicalupo, Dip. di Biologia Evoluzionistica, University of Florence;
Prof. Giacomo Pietramellara, DISPAA University of Florence;
Prof. Paolo Nannipieri, DISPAA University of Florence.
Publications (in chronological order):
Texts of informative nature
Ceccherini Maria Teresa., 2020. Il lungo viaggio degli agrumi -The long journey of citrus fruits. In: Gli Agrumi ai Raggi X - Citrus fruits under X-rays. illustrated Edition. Giulio Clementi, Donatella Lippi, Jacopo Nori (Eds), Polistampa.
Ceccherini Maria Teresa, 2021. Sua altezza saporita il Pomodoro - His Tasty Highness the Tomato. In: Il pomodoro ai Raggi X - Tomato fruits under X-rays. illustrated Edition. Jacopo Nori, Donatella Lippi, Nicolò D’Afflitto (Eds), Polistampa.
Ceccherini Maria Teresa, 2021. Se non ci fosse non ci sarebbe: Osservazioni sulla Natura - If it wasn't there, it wouldn't be there: Observations on Nature, Toscana Oggi Eds.
Media Impact Factor tot: 2,865
Codici Scopus
h-index (powered by Scopus): 22
Subject area: Agricultural, Chemical and Molecular Sciences
Co-authors: 82
views (Powered by Science Direct): 33.741
Tot citaz Scopus:1.599 Tot citaz WOS:1.706
Total Citations: 3.305 - Subject area: Agricultural, Chemical and Molecular Sciences
Presso il laboratorio della Dott.ssa Ceccherini sono disponibili tirocini e tesi sul metagenoma del suolo mediante tecniche molecolari.
Tirocinio e tesi sul metagenoma del suolo.
To whom is interested in microbiome, I propose: Oral Lactobacillus Species in Systemic Sclerosis
L'università al carcere di Dogaia; seminario "Il lsuolo, molti ne parlano, pochi lo conoscono" 24 ottobre 2023
2007/2003 Postdoctoral research scientistat the Department of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition of the University of Florence“ The use of
industrial biomasses as fertilizers”;
1999/1998 Fellowship grantat the Soil Defense Institute (former ISSDS) of the CRA (Council for Agricultural Research) the Italy’s largest
public agency operating in the field of agriculture: “Increase of soil microbial knowledge and of molecular biology techniques”;
1998/1997 Fellowship grantat the National Academy of Sciences for the project “Environmental monitoring of the presidential estate of
Castelporziano, Roma, Italy;
1996 Winner of the “Marchetti awards” for the best work done by a young researcher “Effects of zootechnical waste fertilization on the soil
microbial communities”;
1997/1994 Fellowship grantat the Soil Defense Institute (former ISSDS) of the CRA (Council for Agricultural Research) the Italy’s largest
public agency operating in the field of agriculture: “Agricultural wastes, microbial community modifications and denitrification”;
1994 EERO Fellowship grant (European Environmental Research Organisation) at the Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool,
UK (Prof. A.J. Mcarthy) on “Environmental microbiology of ammonia oxidizing bacteria”;
1994/1993 Internship at the genetic and animal biology department of the University of Florence. Governmental license for the biology
Occupation or position held Researcher (SSD AGR/13) at the School of Agricultural Sciences, DISPAA - Department of Agrifood and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Italy
Organisational skills and competences Writing of research projects;
coordination of group of people in voluntary work as: course of parish church catechism (parish of Santa Felicita al Ponte Vecchio, Florence);
cultural associations (Associazione per Boboli, Convegni di Cultura Maria Cristina di Savoia,
Associazione Nazionale Donne Elettrici; Garden Club Firenze, Lyceum Club Firenze, Soroptimist);
Artistic skills and competences:
Amateur knowledge of classical and modern dance, pianoforte;
Organization of amateur cooking and baking courses, and floral decoration of the table;
Media Impact Factor tot: 2,928
Media IF ultimi cinque anni : 2,928
Documents: 39
Citations: 1463 total citations by 1249 documents
h-index: 19 Co-authors: 82
Thesis and PhD thesis available on soil metagenome.