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Nato a Prato il 30 settembre 1974.
Posizione attuale
Esperienza di ricerca
Aree di ricerca (Mathematical subject classification)
91A26 Rationality and learning in game theory; 91A43 Games involving graphs; 91A35 Decision theory for games; 03E25 Axiom of Choice and related propositions (logic); 0303 Historical (Mathematical Logic); 00A30 Philosophy of Mathematics; 03A05 Philosophical and critical for philosophy of mathematics; 01A60 20th century history of mathematics; 03F03 Proof Theory; 03F05 Cut elimination and normal-form theorems; 03D70 Inductive definability; 03F35 Second- and higher-order arithmetic and fragments; 03B30 Foundations of classical theories; 03F40 Gödel numberings and issues of incompleteness.
Born in Prato (PO), on September the 30th, 1974.
Current position
Research experience
Areas of research (Mathematical Subject Classification)