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Titoli principali
2002/05 UNIVERSITA’ LA SAPIENZA, Roma Dottorato con borsa di studio in Storia e Civiltà dell’Asia Orientale
2001/02 INDIANA UNIVERSITY Bloomington, MA in Lingua e Cultura Cinese (Borsa di studio Fulbright)
1993/1999 UNIVERSITA’ LA SAPIENZA Roma, Laurea in lingua e letteratura cinese
1997/99 BEIJING LANGUAGE & CULTURE UNIVERSITY Pechino, Primo biennio di laurea in lingua cinese (Borsa di studio MAE)
Il mio principale ambito di ricerca è quello relativo alle lingue e culture di cinesi e discendenti che risiedono in Europa e, in particolare, in Italia. In secondo luogo, a partire da esigenze di tipo didattico, mi sono occupata anche di letteratura cinese contemporanea.
Da un punto di vista linguistico sono particolarmente interessata ai fenomeni di contatto linguistico che scaturiscono dalla migrazione cinese in Italia (bilinguismo, mantenimento della lingua madre, translanguaging, codeswitching e repertori linguistici). Per quanto riguarda gli aspetti culturali, la mia ricerca si focalizza sulla migrazione cinese verso l’Italia con particolare attenzione per gli aspetti religiosi, di genere, di identità etnica, di produzione culturale, di espressione artistica e di utilizzo dei media.
Sono interessata ai temi della costruzione identitaria tra i sinodiscendneti in Italia e alla loro produzione culturale (letteratura, arte visuale, media, musica e via dicendo). Nell’investigare questi temi mi concentro sull’orientalismo italiano, la performatività dell’identità etnica, la pratica del translaguaging e il discorso culturale cinese sulla migrazione cinese in Europa e in Italia.
Negli ultimi 15 anni ho svolto lavoro di ricerca sul campo tra i migranti cinesi e sinodiscendenti a Roma, Firenze, Prato e Wenzhou.
Dal 2012 ad oggi sono co-editor del comitato scientifico Florientalia: Asian Studies Series e della annessa collana, Firenze University Press, e dal 2014 sono membro del Collegio di dottorato in Lingue, letterature e culture comparate, Università di Firenze.
In quanto Fulbright scholar, svolgo regolarmente attività di referee per progetti di ricerca presso università statunitensi attraverso il programma Fulbright e sono revisore per le riviste Sulla via del Catai, Cambio, LEA, per la Nova Delphi, la Firenze University Press e per Sage publishing.
Didattica svolta presso atenei stranieri
-Docente del corso semestrale Chinese language 101 (Indiana University Bloomington)
-Docente del corso semestrale Cultural contacts between China and Italy (Tongji University Overseas Campus)
I am a scholar of Chinese Studies. My academic interest is directed to both the languages and cultures of Chinese people and descendants inside and outside China proper.
From a linguistic standpoint, I am especially interested in sociolinguistic issues related to Chinese immigrants in Italy (bilingualism, language contact phenomena, heritage language maintenance, codeswitching and language choice).
Concerning cultural aspects, the main focus of my research is Chinese migration to Italy and Europe, with special attention on language, religion, gender, ethnicity, cultural production, artistic expression and media.
I am interested in identity construction among people of Chinese heritage in Italy and in their cultural production (literature, drama, art, music). In investigating such issues, I focus on Italian Orientalism, the representation of Chinese and Chinese-Italians in mainstream Italian culture, Sinophone Italy, and Chinese cultural discourse about Chinese migration to Italy and Europe.
Brief summary of my academic interests:
From a linguistic standpoint I am especially interested in sociolinguistic issues related to Chinese immigrants in Italy (bilingualism, language contact phenomena, heritage language maintenance, codeswitching and language choice).
Brief description of my past, present and future projects:
My first research topic concerned identity construction and language use among youth of Chinese origin in Italy. On this topic I participated in a research project that spanned the years 2002-2006 and was funded by my Phd scholarship (University of Rome Sapienza, Italy) and by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies (project title: Seconde generazioni di stranieri in Italia, LABOS/CISP). The main results of that research project were later supplemented with new data on similar topics, which I gathered during a period of fieldwork at Wenzhou University (PRC) in 2010.
In 2009/10 I took part in a research project on the representation of Italy and Italians by Chinese migrants in Italy, led by the Sociology department of the University of Rome La Sapienza (project title: Come ci vedono e ci raccontano. Rappresentazioni sociali degli immigrati cinesi a Roma, University of Rome La Sapienza).
My following research project dealt with social mobility of Chinese migrants in the city of Prato. This project was funded by the Tuscany Region (project title: Essere cinesi a Prato. Dalla diaspora alla nuova stratificazione urbana. Come è cambiata l’immigrazione e come l’immigrazione ha cambiato la città, University of Siena) and it was carried out by a team of scholars in different disciplines in the years 2012-13.
From 2014 to 2017 I was involved in a national research project (PRIN) about religion among migrants in Italy (project title: Migrazioni, Legami Familiari e Appartenenze Religiose: Interrelazioni,Negoziazioni e Confini, University of Perugia). In this project I focused, along with other researchers, on the role among local Chinese migrants played by the first Chinese Buddhist Temple in Prato.
I have investigated the last two lines of research also in a general project of scientific collaboration and cooperation between the University of Florence (Dept. of Foreign Languages) and Wenzhou University (Dept of International Education), which I started coordinating in 2010 and which is still ongoing. The focus of this project is on cultural aspects of Chinese migration to Italy, and the project title is: Rappresentazione dell’altro nelle fonti cinesi e italiane: l’impatto sulla cultura contemporanea italiana e sulla costruzione dell’identità culturale minoritaria sinoitaliana).
Some of the results gathered during over 10 years of research on cultural aspects of Chinese migration to Italy (2002-2012) are discussed in a volume I authored, titled A Journey to the West: Observations on the Chinese Migration to Italy (Firenze University Press, 2013). The volume also has an edition in Chinese titled Xi xing zhi lu – Dui Yidali Zhongguo yimin de guancha 西行之路-对意大利中国移民的观察 (Zhejiang University Press, 2015).
My current research deals with literary and artistic production by people of Chinese origin in Italy. I started working on this topic in 2007, thanks to a three-year fellowship (assegno di ricerca) from the University of Urbino. From 2010, this line of research has been funded mainly by the University of Florence. Currently, I am working on a critical anthology of texts produced by people of Chinese origin based in Italy.
I am co-director of an editorial board named Florientalia Asian Studies Series, which guides a peer reviewed book series in Chinese and Japanese Studies. The works published in the field of Chinese Studies mainly deal with Chinese migration to Italy. Every year, the two directors of the editorial board organize an annual conference under the name of the book series on topics related to East Asia (Giornata di studi Florientalia). The series website is:
Teaching expertise
I have been teaching Chinese language structure with a comparative approach for over 15 years. From a literary standpoint, I have been teaching contemporary Chinese literature (inside and outside of China proper) and literary translation, focusing on the connections between texts and the cultural phenomena within which they are produced.
I have published teaching materials dealing with contemporary Chinese literature, literary translation CH-IT, and Chinese for specific purposes (Chinese for tourism).
University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
(Dissertation title: “Bilingualism and identity construction in second generation Chinese in Rome")
University of Rome, La Sapienza.
Associate professor
University of Florence, 2015-present.
Researcher (tenured)
University of Florence, 2010-2015.
Annual research grant (fondo di ateneo ex 60%), University of Florence, 2010-present
Post-doctoral research fellowship (assegno di ricerca), University of Urbino Carlo Bo, 2006-2010
Fulbright scholarship, 2001-2002
MAE scholarship (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 1997-1999
-currently supervising two doctoral candidates in the Phd Program in Comparative Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Florence
-Course titles: “Chinese language 1”, “Chinese literature1,2”, “Chinese language and literature”
Department of Languages, Literatures and Intercultural Studies, University of Florence, 2010-Present
-Course title: “Cultural contact between China and Italy”
Tongji University overseas campus in Florence, 2014
-Course title: “History and institutions of contemporary China”
Department of Sciences of Languages and Cultures, University for Foreigners of Siena, 2010-2011
-Course title: Chinese literature
Department of Modern Literatures and Philological and Linguistic Sciences, University of Urbino, 2006-2010
-Course title: “Chinese language 1,2”
Department of Interpreting and Translation, UNINT, 2008-2010
-Pedone Valentina (2018). “Il favoloso mondo di Chen Xi. Narrazioni pop nell’epoca della fluidità culturale. Presentazione”, LEA, n.7, pp. 3-17.
-Berti Fabio, Pedone Valentina (2018). “Buddhismo alla wenzhouese: L’esperienza del Tempio Puhuasi di Prato”. Religioni e società, n.91, pp. 56-65.
-Pedone Valentina(2018). “In the eye of the beholder: The Orientalist representation of Chinese migrants in Italian documentaries”. Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies, pp. 81-95.
-Pedone Valentina (2016). “Nuove declinazioni identitarie: quattro narratori dell’esperienza sinoitaliana”. In: Ayse Saraçgil, Letizia Vezzosi (eds). Lingue, Letterature e Culture Migranti. Firenze: Firenze university press pp. 101-120.
-Pedone Valentina (2015). “La letteratura cinese oltre il continente (1949-2010)”. In: Valentina Pedone Serena Zuccheri (eds). Letteratura cinese contemporanea. Milano: Hoepli pp. 331-381.
-Pedone Valentina (瓦伦蒂娜佩多内) (2015). 西行之路——对意大利中国移民的观察. Repubblica Popolare Cinese: Zhejiang University Publishing House.
-Pedone Valentina (2014). “La nascita della letteratura sinoitaliana: Osservazioni preliminari”. In: Clara Bulfoni Silvia Pozzi (eds). Atti Del XIII Convegno. Dell'associazione Italiana. Studi Cinesi. Milano: Francoangeli pp. 48-56.
-Pedone Valentina (2013). “Chinese tales of Italy”. Journal of Chinese Studies, vol. 1, 4, pp. 30-43.
-Pedone Valentina (2013). 意大利华人青年的语码转换. Zhongguo Shehui Yuyanxue, pp. 48-56.
-Pedone Valentina, Berti Fabio, Valzania Andrea (eds) (2013). Vendere e comprare. processi di mobilità sociale dei cinesi a Prato. Siena: Pacini Editore, pp. 221-271.
-Pedone Valentina (2013). A Journey to the West. Observations on the Chinese Migration to Italy. Firenze: Firenze University Press.
-Pedone Valentina (2012). “A Wenzhouese perspective on Europe: the Italian case-study”. Zhongguo Yanjiu, vol. 8, pp. 201-215.
-Pedone Valentina (2012). “La conversazione bilingue tra giovani di origine cinese in Italia”. In: Francesca Congiu Barbara Onnis Cristina Pinna (eds). Cina. La centralità ritrovata. Cagliari: Apisa edizioni, pp. 355-367.
-Pedone Valentina (2012). “L'Italia nella letteratura sinoitaliana”. In: Maria Concetta Pitrone Fabrizio Martire Gabriella Fazzi (eds). Come ci vedono e come ci raccontano. Rappresentazioni sociali degli immigrati cinesi a Roma. Milan: Francoangeli, pp. 42-64.
-Pedone Valentina (2012). “Attività commerciali cinesi a Roma: l'impatto sul territorio”. In: Roberto Antonelli Maria Immacolata Macioti (eds). Metamorfosi. La cultura della metropoli. Roma: Viella libreria editrice, pp. 87-101.
-Pedone Valentina (2011). “'As a rice plant in a wheat field': identity negotiation among children of Chinese immigrants”. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, vol. 16, pp. 492-503.
-Pedone Valentina (2010). “Alcune analogie tra l'immagine pubblica degli immigrati cinesi di oggi in Italia e gli immigrati Italiani del XX secolo nel mondo”. In: Paolo De Troia (ed). La Cina e il mondo. Roma: Edizioni Nuova Cultura, pp. 463-484.
-Pedone Valentina (2010). “La parabola dell'import export cinese a Roma: ascesa, apogeo e decadenza della capitale europea del commercio cinese”. In: VVAA. Osservatorio romano sulle migrazioni. Roma: Idos, pp. 232-240.
-Pedone Valentina (2009). “Hong Kong: la più antica delle tigri asiatiche”. Sulla Via del Catai, vol. 3, pp. 65-79.
-Pedone Valentina (2008). “La lingua dei giovani sino-italiani”. In: Valentina Pedone (ed). Il vicino cinese. Roma: Nuove Edizioni Romane pp. 117-140.
-Pedone Valentina (2006). “Patterns of language choice for the second generation Chinese bilinguals in Italy”. In: VV AA. Chinese Linguistics in Budapest. Paris: Centre de Researches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, pp. 113-125,