Il ricevimento per gli studenti dei corsi di Disegno dell'Architettura e di Rilievo dell'Architettura è il Lunedì pomeriggio dalle 15:30 alle 18:30. L'orario specifico dell'appuntamento viene concordato tramite email.
Architetto laureato con il massimo dei voti presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze è Dottore di Ricerca, con riconoscimento Europeo, in Scienza della Rappresentazione e del Rilievo. Dal 2000 è cultore della materia in Disegno e Rilievo, dal 2006 è Assegnista di Ricerca e dal 2011 Ricercatore per il Settore Scientifico Disciplinare ICAR/17 - DISEGNO presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università degli Studi di Pavia, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Edile e del Territorio. Nell’ambito della tornata 2012 dell’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale è abilitato alla seconda fascia per il Settore Concorsuale 08/E1 - DISEGNO. Nel 2015 è vincitore di una valutazione comparativa per un posto di Professore Associato, prendendo servizio, nel giugno dello stesso anno, presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile e Architettura dell’Ateneo pavese. Nell’ambito della tornata 2016 dell’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale è abilitato alla prima fascia per il Settore Concorsuale 08/E1 - DISEGNO e nel 2022 risulta vincitore di una valutazione comparativa per un posto di Professore Ordinario, prendendo servizio, nel marzo del 2023 presso il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze. Dal 2010 al 2014 è stato professore esterno, a supplenza, presso la Facoltà di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze con l’affidamento degli insegnamenti di “Tecniche della Rappresentazione” e di “Disegno del Paesaggio”. Presso l’Ateneo di Pavia ha insegnato, negli anni, “Disegno dell’Architettura”, “Informatica Grafica”, “Rilievo dell’Architettura”, “Architectural Survey & Restoration” e “Fondamenti Disegno e Documentazione Grafica”, nel Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Edile-Architettura, nella Doppia Laurea con la Tongji University e nel corso di per la Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Conservazione e restauro dei beni culturali (classe LMR/02) abilitante alla professione di Restauratore dei beni culturali.Componente – fin dalla sua prima attivazione, nel 2017 - del collegio dei docenti del Dottorato Internazionale in “Patrimonio Cultural” de la Universidad de Oriente de Santiago de Cuba. Dal 2014 afferisce al collegio dei docenti del Dottorato in “Design, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering” presso l’Università di Pavia, dove è docente degli insegnamenti “Rappresentazione digitale dei beni culturali” e dei “Seminari di rilievo con tecnologie digitali”.In maniera continua, a partire dal 2006, ha svolto attività didattica internazionale avendo attribuzione di incarichi di insegnamento e/o di ricerca ufficiale all’estero, anche come Visiting Professor, in istituzioni universitarie in Brasile, Cuba, Finlandia, Russia, Spagna, Colombia, Palestina e Polonia. In particolare a Cuba è stato affidatario e responsabile di corsi di “Dibujo y Levantamiento Arquitectonico y Urbano” presso l’Università di Oriente e di corsi per la formazione di tecnici rilevatori svolti in collaborazione con l’Oficina del Conservador de la città di Santiago de Cuba e dell’ Oficina del Historiador de la Habana all’interno di percorsi di laurea magistrale, corsi di Diplomado e corsi di Master di primo e secondo livello. In Spagna ha condotto attività didattica in corsi di dottorato, mentre in Russia ha tenuto corsi sull’analisi dell’architettura del legno svolti nell’Università di Petrozavodsk e corsi, svolti con il ruolo di Visiting Professor dal 2012 al 2017, presso la Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Dalle collaborazioni con quest’ultima istituzione sono generate numerose summer school internazionali, promosse ufficialmente anche dall’ateneo pavese, lo sviluppo di un laboratorio permanente di rilevamento digitale presso la stessa Università russa e lo sviluppo di un progetto H2020 tutt’ora in corso. In Polonia svolge attività didattica nelle azioni di Visiting Professor presso la Cracow University of Technology, e l’Università Tecnologica di Danzica, partecipando a conferenze e mostre, allo sviluppo e al coordinamento di progetti europei. A Danzica è incaricato dall’Università come esperto di un progetto CUPRUM per fondare un laboratorio permanente sulle tecnologie di rilevamento digitale (DAB Lab). In Medio Oriente, tramite le relazioni con lo Shenkar College di Tel-Aviv, promuove numerosi seminari internazionali sulle tecnologie digitali applicate alla documentazione del patrimonio in territorio israeliano supportate dall’Ambasciata Italiana, con particolare riferimento alle azioni condotte sul sito archeologico di Masada. Attraverso le relazioni con le Nazioni Unite e la Welfare Association (Taawon), svolge inoltre attività didattica a supporto della formazione di tecnici palestinesi, che si sommano alle pluriennali relazioni con l’Università di Betlemme e le Università di Al-Quds e Birzeit, nei territori palestinesi, dove ha in corso numerose attività di didattica e ricerca all’interno di progetti finanziati dal MAE. È responsabile, negli anni, di numerosi workshop e summer school nazionali e internazionali dedicati al tema della documentazione del patrimonio storico e architettonico tra i quali 39 internazionali e oltre 20 svolti all’estero. È stato coordinatore, altresì, di accordi internazionali di cooperazione scientifica tra l’Università degli Studi di Pavia e le seguenti Università: la Cracow University of Technology (Polonia), la Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana (Colombia), la Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (Santo Domingo), la Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ucraina), lo Shenkar College di Tel-Aviv (Israele), la Samara State University (Russia) e la Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia).Componente della lista di Esperti per l’UNESCO nella rete del Forum Unesco dal 2006 è Socio Ordinario della Società Scientifica UID, Unione Italiana Disegno.È nominato, su delibera del Consiglio Accademico del 29 ottobre 2015 della Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Professore Onorario presso la medesima istituzione, a seguito delle attività di ricerca e cooperazione internazionale condotte con docenti e studenti ucraini.Esperto dell’albo REPRISE è Componente del Gruppo di Esperti per la Valutazione (esperto GEV) per l’esercizio della valutazione della qualità della ricerca (VQR) 2015-2019 per ANVUR, l’Agenzia nazionale di valutazione del sistema universitario e della ricerca nell’Area 8a – Architettura, per il S.S.D. ICAR/17.È responsabile scientifico per l’unità di ricerca dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze del Progetto Europeo ERC-StG “Venice's Nissology. Reframing the Lagoon City as an Archipelago: A Model for Spatial and Temporal Urban Analysis (16th-21st centuries)” (ERC-2021-StG, VeNiss, G.A. 101040474), dove coordina le attività di rilievo, documentazione e rappresentazione digitale delle isole della laguna di Venezia che sono interessate dagli studi del progetto. È responsabile scientifico del Progetto Europeo H2020 PROMETHEUS (H2020-MSCA-RISE2018), dove ha coordinato oltre cinquanta ricercatori da Italia, Russia, Polonia e Spagna, un gruppo misto di università e imprese, per lo sviluppo di sistemi di digitalizzazione e gestione delle rotte culturali, lavorando sulla rotta dei mercanti del sale lungo la Kama superiore, la rotta di Giacomo I d’Aragona nel territorio di Valencia e sulle fortezze e i sistemi difensivi presenti attorno alla città di Danzica. È responsabile scientifico del progetto di ricerca e cooperazione “BETLEMME SMART CITY”, cofinanziato da AICS - Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo, nel quale coordina le azioni tecniche di diciotto partner destinate alla promozione di un sistema di efficientamento energetico di alcuni edifici di Betlemme e allo sviluppo del Museo sulla città. È stato responsabile scientifico del progetto “3D BETHLEHEM”, cofinanziato da AICS - Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo sviluppo, nel quale ha diretto i rilievi del centro storico ed elaborato un modello informativo sull’intero centro storico. È stato inoltre responsabile scientifico del progetto europeo WOODEN ARCHITECTURE, finanziato nel programma Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions, People, International Research Staff Exchange, per la documentazione dei villaggi tradizionali della Carelia. Negli anni ha diretto numerosi progetti di ricerca finanziati da Regione Toscana, Regione Lombardia e Regione Veneto, tra cui rientrano il progetto sullo studio delle fortificazioni venete nel bacino del Mediterraneo orientale e sulla documentazione del sito archeologico di Calvatone. Per le Nazioni Unite (UNDP - Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People) è stato responsabile scientifico di una ricerca per la documentazione di un quartiere di Gerusalemme Est, finanziata dal progetto “PURE – Productivity and Urban Renewal in East Jerusalem” e della documentazione e analisi del complesso di Al-Nabi Musa. Ha diretto, in collaborazione con la Esquela de Arquitectura dell’Università di Granada, un progetto di ricerca per la Documentazione dell’Alhambra a Granada e, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università di Firenze, una ricerca per la documentazione dei grandi eremi della Toscana che ha interessato i complessi di Monte Senario, di Vallombrosa, di Camaldoli e di La Verna. Dal 2006 ad oggi, dirige una ricerca per lo studio delle opere degli Antonelli, in collaborazione con istituzioni universitarie e di tutela del patrimonio di Spagna, Cuba, Messico, Panama, Porto Rico, Santo Domingo e Colombia e con il supporto di ambasciate italiane e di istituti di ricerca. Per questa ricerca è nominato Expert (dal 2011 ad oggi) e Voting member (dal 2011 al 2016), come referente per l’Italia, al comitato scientifico internazionale ICOFORT (ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage). Per le attività di ricerca condotte con l’Università di Oriente di Santiago de Cuba viene dichiarato dal Rettore dell’Università di Santiago “Collaboratore di Merito” e riceve un premio dall’Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze di Cuba.È responsabile scientifico di una ricerca per la documentazione delle mura di Verona, promossa dal Comune di Verona e dall’Ufficio UNESCO della città e ha diretto una ricerca per lo studio dell’Arca di Mastino II funzionale alla redazione del progetto di restauro. È stato responsabile di una ricerca per l’analisi delle chiese terremotate nei dintorni di Teramo per la Fondazione EUCENTRE e di una ricerca per lo sviluppo di sistemi di rilevamento di supporto all’analisi della vulnerabilità sismica all’interno di un accordo tra il DICAr dell’Università di Pavia e l’Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Ha diretto una ricerca all’interno di un accordo con il Weelfare Association (Taawon) per lo studio della Moschea di Al-Jazzar ad Acri e una ricerca per la documentazione della Basilica della Natività a Betlemme promossa dalla Piacenti SPA. Ha diretto e coordinato numerose attività di ricerca in Russia su siti monumentali di interesse nazionale e federale ricevendo riconoscimenti dall’Accademia delle Scienze di Petrozavodsk.Per l’ufficio tecnico dell’Università di Pavia ha diretto ricerche per la documentazione del plesso dell’Università Centrale e della torre dell’Orologio e, all’interno di una collaborazione con EDiSU PAVIA - Ente per il diritto allo studio universitario, una ricerca per la documentazione dei collegi universitari pavesi. Per le attività di ricerca condotte sul territorio pavese gli viene conferita la targa dall’ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Pavia per le “straordinarie competenze e capacità tecniche” nell’ambito della documentazione del patrimonio.È responsabile di accordi di collaborazione scientifica con imprese che operano nell’ambito della documentazione del patrimonio e con produttori di strumenti per il rilevamento come DJI Enterprise e Leica Geosystems.Dal 2015 al 2023 è stato direttore del Laboratorio Sperimentale di Didattica e Ricerca DAda-LAB Drawing Architecture Document Action Laboratory dell’Università di Pavia e dal 2018 al 2023 coordinatore scientifico del laboratorio sperimentale PLAY – Photography and 3D Laser for virtual Architecture LaboratorY dell’Università di Pavia. È stato inoltre coordinatore scientifico e responsabile della sede di Pavia del Laboratorio Congiunto Landscape Survey & Design dell’Università di Firenze.Responsabile del progetto VREA -Virtual Reality Engineering and Game Design For Architecture and Cultural Heritage, finanziato all’interno del programma europeo EMDM, ha lavorato per la progettazione di un nuovo Corso di Laurea Magistrale LM-4 in sull’Architettura digitale.Direttore di due collane editoriali e di una rivista è componente del comitato editoriale di riviste scientifiche nazionali ed internazionali, è autore di oltre duecentocinquanta pubblicazioni scientifiche, tra scritti in volumi collettivi, monografie, e-book, curatele, atti di convegni e riviste.
Name, Surname Sandro, Parrinello
ORCID: 0000-0002-3698-7885
Date of birth: 09/05/1981
Nationality: Italy
Sandro Parrinello is Full Professor of Drawing and Survey at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence. He got a PhD with European mention in the science of representation and architectural survey. He is an expert in documentation systems and digital survey procedures applied to cultural heritage. His main research activities concern the production of digital databases and the development of models and representation systems for built environments. He is a well-established scholar in the field of the representation of architectural heritage and he studies the processes of analysis and construction of information for architecture. He has mainly focused on heritage management systems, developing information systems and simulation models for the analysis of the urban landscape as well as large monumental complexes. He has worked on the development of research centres in Italy and abroad on the topic of 3D digital surveying and, over the years, he has dedicated himself to developing relationships with companies operating in the field of heritage conservation and the production of digital tools and content. Sandro is a member of the Group of Experts for Evaluation (GEV Expert) for the Research Quality Evaluation (VQR) exercise 2015-2019 and 2020-2024 for ANVUR. He is also responsible for numerous national and international research projects and he is a member of many editorial committees of international scientific series and journals. In addition, he has organised numerous international conferences on the subject of heritage documentation. Responsible for numerous research grants and scholarships over the years, he teaches representation, drawing and architectural survey in undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as in PhD programs.
2010 PhD in "Sciences of Representation and Survey" with the title of Doctor Europaeus
2005 Master’s degree with highest marks in Architecture, University of Florence
2023 - today Full Professor ad DIDA - Department of Architecture, University of Florence
2015 - 2023 Associate Professor at DICAr - Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Pavia
2012 - 2015 Researcher at DICAr - Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia
2011 - 2012 Researcher at DIET - Department of Building Engineering and Territory of the University of Pavia
2006 - 2011 Research Grant at the Department of Architecture, Drawing, History, Project, University of Florence
2022 - 2024 Visiting Professor at Gdansk University of Technology (Poland)
2012 - 2020 Visiting Professor at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia)
2016 Visiting Professor at Cracow University of Technology (Poland)
2024 - 2028 HEPAHESTUS - HEritage Protocols for ArcHitecturAl European croSs-bordering siTes evalUationS (101182877)
2023 3D SEBENICO - 3D SurvEy of Built vENetian hIstoriC fOrtresses (Croatia)
2023 Venice's Nissology. Reframing the Lagoon City as an Archipelago. (ERC-2021-StG, VeNiss,GA 101040474)
2022 - 2023 DAB - Digital Architecture laB - Experience in Analysing the Landscape of the Fortified Area of Gdańsk (Poland)
2023 Urban greenery for air quality improvement - UG-4-AQI", (Poland)
2022 “MOEBHIOS - Multi-attribute values’ OntologiEs to improve Built Heritage InformatiOn assessment in clustered
territories” (Project ID: 101064433)
2022 “VREA, Virtual Reality Engineering & Game Design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage, EMDM P.ID101050449
2022 - today Documentation of archaeological excavations for the area of the former Santa Margherita clinic in Pavia (Italy)
2022 - today Bethlehem SMART City. Project financed by AICS -Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (Palestine)
2021 - 2023 Survey and H-BIM modelling University colleges of Pavia (Italy)
2021 Development of 3D printing models of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine)
2021 Donatello's Pulpit in Prato, Survey and documentation (Italy)
2021 - today Exhibition itinerary tell the story of the 20th-century excavations in Arsinoe, PRIN (Egypt - Italy)
2020 Survey and digital documentation of the fortified architecture of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
2020 Digitization of historical archives: analysis of drawings from the Locati Historical Archive (Italy)
2020 - today The documentation of the stone structures of the San Michele Facade in Pavia (Italy)
2020 - 2021 Digital documentation survey of the Ark of Mastino II in Verona (Italy)
2020 Digital documentation survey of Cigognola Castle (Italy)
2020 Documentation of the Clock Tower, which is part of the university complex of Pavia (Italy)
2019 Documentation of the Constantinian mosaics of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem (Palestine)
2019 Materic and geometric survey of portions of the complex of the Central University of Pavia (Italy)
2018 - 2023 3D Survey of historical musical instruments in Cremona’s University museum (Italy)
2018 Digitization of Archeological Museum of University of Pavia (Italy)
2018 - today Digital survey and documentation of Verona fortifications system (UNESCO, Verona, Italy)
2018 3D fast survey strategies for the monitoring of earthquake-affected structures in Abruzzo (Italy)
2019 - today “INTERSPECIES - INnovaTivE tRaining of SPECialized figures for Endangered heritage Safeguard”
2019 Venetian fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean basin” (Montenegro)
2019 - 2023 H2020 PROMETHEUS, Protocols for information Models tested on Cultural Heritage Routes [project ID 821870]
2019 - 2021 Archaeology 3.0, Calvatone (Italy)
2018 - 2021 3D BETHLEHEM, Survey and Documentation of the Historic Center of Bethlehem, (AICS - Palestine)
2017 Digitising the widespread heritage of Native American handicrafts (Wolakota Association - Italy)
2017 Seismic assessment of natural stone masonry buildings in Basel (Italy)
2017 3D Survey and Documentation of Alhambra, Granada (Spain)
2017 - 2018 Survey of the Al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre (Welfare Association - Palestine)
2016 - 2023 3D Survey of Charterhouse of Pavia (Italy)
2016 - today Surveying and digital documentation of the traditional Chinese urban landscape (China)
2016 - 2017 The survey of a portion of the urban area of East Jerusalem (United Nations - Palestine)
2016 - 2017 3D survey of the monumental staircase of the central university complex in Pavia (Italy)
2015 - 2017 The documentation of the monuments of Upper Kama (Russia)
2015 - 2016 The survey of the Al-Nabi Musa complex (United Nations - Palestine)
2014 - 2016 3D survey of the Nativity Church in Bethlehem (Palestine)
2014 - 2016 3D survey of the hermitage of Sant’Alberto di Butrio (Italy)
2014 - 2023 Survey and documentation for the representation of the Oltrepò Pavese landscape (Italy)
2013 3D survey of the UNESCO site of Pasargade (Iran)
2012 - 2018 3D survey of Villa Adriana complex (Italy)
2012 - 2023 3D survey of the historic centre of Pavia (Italy)
2011 - 2012 Survey actions for the drafting of the reconstruction plan for the municipality of Acciano (Italy)
2010 - 2011 3D survey of the Pogost of the Kizhi island (Russia)
2010 3D survey of the monastery of Belem (Cuba)
2009 - today Surveys on the construction site of the New Uffizi Museum (Italy)
2009 - 2012 Survey of urban aggregates of the historic center of L'Aquila (Italy)
2009 - 2010 Survey and documentation of park and green areas in the municipality of Florence (Italy)
2006 - today Documentation of the Fortresses of Antonelli Family: Cuba (2006-2010); Puerto Rico (2010); Mexico (2011);
Panama (2010-2015); Spain (2012-2017); Gibilterra (2017); Colombia (2018); Dominican Republic(2020)
2006 - 2013 Documentation of the traditional wooden architecture in Karelia (Russia)
2005 - 2009 Documentation of Vista Alegre and Casco Antiguo in Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
2003 - 2015 Hermitage Architecture, documentation of the great hermitages of Tuscany: Monte Senario, Vallombrosa,
Camaldoli, La Verna (Italy)
2003 - 2010 Survey of the external walls of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence (Italy)
2003 - 2009 Survey of the archaeological sites on the Via Flaminia in the Martani mountains area (Italy)
2003 - 2016 Documentation and information system of the historic centre of Montepulciano (Italy)
2024 - today PhD Course in Architecture of the University of Florence
2019 - 2024 PhD Course in Cultural Heritage of the University of Oriente of Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
2017 - 2024 PhD Course in Design, Modeling, and Simulation in Engineering, University of Pavia (Italy)
2014 - 2017 PhD Course in Ingegneria Civile e Architettura, University of Pavia (Italy)
2022 - 2023 Lecturer at Gdańsk University of Technology (Poland)
2021 Lecturer at Bethlehem University (Palestine)
2020 Lecturer at National University Pedro Henriquez Urena of Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)
2019 Lecturer at Universidad San Buenaventura di Cartagena de Indias (Colombia)
2019 Lecturer at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana de Montería (Colombia)
2018 Lecturer at the University of Granada (Spain)
2017 Lecturer at Welfare Association (Taawon - Palestine)
2016 Lecturer at UNDP Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People (Palestine)
2012 Lecturer at University of Tehran (Iran)
2012 Lecturer at Polytechnic University of Madrid (Spain)
2011 - 2015 Lecturer at Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia)
2010 Lecturer at DAFAM, Mackenzie University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)
2008 - 2009 Director of a research Unit at Oficina del Historeador de la Habana (Cuba)
2008 Lecturer at University of Kiev, Architecture Faculty (Ukraine)
2008 Lecturer and Member of a research Unit at the University of Oulu (Finland)
2007 Lecturer at University San Jeronimo de La Habana and Oficina del Historeador de la Habana (Cuba)
2007 - 2008 Lecturer at the State University of Petrozavodosk (Russia)
2007 Member of a research Unit at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, (Spain)
2005 - 2009 Director of Research Unit and Lecturer at the University of Oriente, Department of Architecture (Cuba)
2023 Int. workshop “IV Seminario Internacional de Levantamiento del Patrimonio Arquitectónico,” (Colombia)
2021 Int. Summer School INTERSPECIES “Digital Strategies for Endangered Cultural Heritage” (telematic)
2021 Nat. workshop “Analysis and Virtual Reconstruction of Tabernacles in Valpolicella” (Italy)
2021 Nat. workshop “Pavia Gates, From survey to 3D modelling” (Italy)
2021 Int. workshop “PROMETHEUS: H-BIM shared modelling methods and tools for Cultural Heritage"(Italy)
2020 - 2021 Nat. workshop “Verona Gates, critical reading of construction technologies” (Italy)
2021 Nat. workshop “Survey of the waterways in Pavia plain"
2020 Int. Winter School “RE-SpaceS / REgenerating Space through Sound (telematic)
2020 Int. workshop “Alhambra - 3D Survey and H-BIM Modelling of the Baths of the Mezquita” (Spain)
2020 Nat. workshop “From 3D survey to VR systems for San Giorgio Gate in Verona” (Italy)
2020 Int. workshop “III Seminario Internacional de Levantamiento del Patrimonio Arquitectónico” (Colombia)
2020 Int. workshop “Digital Documentation of Antonelli's military fortification in Santo Domingo” (Dominican Republic)
2019 - 2023 Int. summer school “PROMETHEUS” (Russia, Spain, Poland)
2019 Nat. workshop “The Walls of Verona - Digital documentation of Porta Fura” (Italy)
2019 Nat. workshop “The digital documentation of the courtyards of the Central University of Pavia” (Italy)
2019 Int. workshop “II Seminario Internacional de Levantamiento del Patrimonio Arquitectónico” (Colombia)
2018 Int. workshop “Survey and Restoration Practices on Upper Kama Cultural Heritage” (Italy - Russia)
2018 Int. summer school “CHR DATE – DocumentAtion in digitTal Era” (Russia)
2018 - 2020 Series of Nat. workshop “3D Survey and analysis of the Charterhouse in Pavia (Italy)
2018 Nat. workshop “The Walls of Verona - Digital Documentation for the Study of the Fortified System” (Italy)
2017 Int. workshop “Digital Documentation for the Study of the Defensive System of Porta Nuova” (Italy)
2017 Nat. workshop “Pavia 3D-TAC Digital detection survey systems for the historical Centre” (Italy)
2016 Int. Summer School “Cultural Heritage of Upper Kama: Usolye” (Russia)
2016 Nat. workshop “Integrated survey systems for the hermitage of St Albert of Butrio” (Italy)
2016 Nat. workshop “The façade of the Charterhouse of Pavia and the Ducal Palace” (Italy)
2015Int. Summer School “Vanishing Heritage of Prikamye: Stroganovs architectural preservation” (Russia)
2015 Nat.l workshop "Integrated Survey Systems for the Historical Centre of Pavia" (Italy)
2015 Nat. workshop "Interpretative Processes for the Study of Nocca Palace in the Municipality of Barbianello” (Italy)
2014 Nat. workshop “Borgo Ticino, documentation of the urban landscape”
2014 Nat. workshop “ Urban landscape, from drawing to photography and multimedia communication systems" (Italy)
2014 - 2016 Series of Int. workshop “Gatteo – Redrawing the Urban landscape” (Italy)
2014 Int. workshop “Analyzing Samara: A New Image for the City Samara International Workshop” (Russia)
2014 Int. workshop “Laser scanner and shape from motion digital technologies,” (Italy)
2012 - 2018 Series of Int workshop “3D Survey of Villa Adriana (Italy)
2012 - 2015 Series of national workshops for the survey and documentation La Verna Hermitage (Italy)
2010 - 2014Series of Int. Summer School “Wooden Architecture. Traditional Karelian Timber Architecture” (Russia)
2009 - 2013 Series of national workshops for the survey and documentation of Vallombrosa monastery (Italy)
2009 Int. workshop “Reading the urban landscape of Centro Habana” (Cuba)
2009 Int. Workshops of Documentation of Kizhi Island (Russia)
2009 - 2014 Series of nat. workshops for the survey and documentation Camaldoli monastery (Italy)
2008 Int. Summer School for Documenting Panozero Village in Karelia (Russia)
2007 Nat. workshops for the survey and documentation of Carsulae Archeological site (Italy)
2006 - 2008 Eight National Workshops for the survey and documentation of Monte Senario Hermitage (Italy)
2005 - 2009Series of nat. workshop on digital survey of green park and naturalistic environments (Italy)
2005 - 2007 National Workshops for the survey and documentation of Montepulciano city centre (Italy)
2005 National Workshops for the survey and documentation “Opera del Duomo” of Florence (Italy)
2005 - 2006 National Workshops for the survey and documentation of Florence's urban landscape (Italy)
2023 - today Director of Research Experimental Laboratory DARWIN, University of Florence
2018 - 2023 Scientific Coordinator of Research Experimental Laboratory, PLAY, University of Pavia
2015 - 2023 Director of Research Experimental Laboratory, DAda-Lab, University of Pavia
2012 - 2023 Director of the Joint Laboratory University and Enterprise Landscape Survey & Design of the University of Pavia
2023 - today Director of TRIBELON, Journal of Drawing and Representation of Architecture, Florence University Press
2021 - today “Mimesis, Journal of Science of Architectural Drawing,” fundación Environment & Technology of Colombia
2018 - today Book Series “Quaderni di Rilievo e Restauro del Patrimonio Costruito”, Aracne, University of Bergamo
2018 - today Journal Building Information Modeling, Data & Semantics, Dn, DEI Tipografia del Genio Civile publishing house
2017 - todayJournal of Architectural Research and Development (JARD) Bio-Byword Scientific Publishing (Australia)
2017 - todayDirector of Book Series “Prospettive Multiple Engineering, Architecture and Art studies”, Pavia University Press
2015 - todayVitruvio - Int. Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain)
2015 - todayJournal Civil Engineering and Architecture, Saint Petersburg State University of Arch. and Civ. Eng. (Russia)
2014 - todayHerald of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University Urban development (Russia)
2012 - todayDirector of Book Series "Drawing, Survey and Design" Edifir publishing house
2012 - todayJournal "Arteconciencia" of Universidad de Guanajuato (Mexico)
2023 Int. conference “Documentation and Informative Databases on cultural heritage routes” Gdansk (Poland)
2018 - 2023 Series of Int. conferences “Digital & Documentation” , Pavia 2018, Turin 2019, Rome 2020 (online), Palermo 2021,
Pavia 2022, Catania 2023. (Italy)
2022 Int. webinar “Cultural Heritage for Cultural Exchange,” Odessa (Ukraine)
2022 Int. conference “Digital identity in the development of heritage knowledge activities” (Italy)
2022Series of conferences “Digital Practices, Digital Twins and Digital Humanities for Cultural Heritage” (Online)
2022 Int.webinar “Digital Documentation as a process of rewriting culture”, ResiliArt, Mondiacult 2022 by UNESCO
2022 Int. conference “Frontiers and perspectives for research development in heritage documentation” (Spain)
2022 Int. conference “Management and control of urban growth for the development of heritage' (Palestine)
2020 - 2022 Series of Int. conference “D-SITE, Drones and Systems of InformaTion on cultural hEritage”, (Italy)
2021Int. conference “State, problems and prospects of the development of modern cities” (Online)
2019 Int. conference “Città fortificate della serenissima nello Stato da Mar Dalmazia e Montenegro”, (Italy)
2018 - 2019 Series of International conference “Digital Survey and Documentation” Bethlehem (Palestine)
2017 Int. conference “Architectural survey for restoration and structural analysis”, (Italy)
2017Int. conference "Del levantamiento digital al proyecto de gestión” (Spain)
2016 Int. conference REUSO documentation, conservation, and recovery of architectural heritage (Italy)
2014Series of conferences “Survey and documentation of UNESCO sites” (Italy)
2014 Int. conference "Historic Urban Landscape: New Vision" (Russia)
2014Int. conference “II International Conference dedicated to the theme of restoration in Italy and China” (Italy)
2013Int. conference "The Archaeological Survey: UNESCO, Heritage Experience of research" (Italy)
2013Int. conference "Perspectives on the Volga and Kama. (Russia)
2013 Int. conference, "Between East and West: military technology of fortified landscapes" (Italy)
2011 Int. conference "Russian-European Forum Cube: Communication, Urbanism, Building, Education" (Italy)
2010 - 2021 Series of Int. conference “Architettura Eremitica” / Hermitic Architecture, (Italy)
2009 Int. conference “heritage conservation procedure for historical buildings” (Cuba)
2009 Int. conference “Wooden Architecture in Karelia II" (Russia)
2008 Int. congress "Degree & Profession, Florence International Exchange" (Italy)
2008 Int. conference "Architecture and Cities: Cuba and the Caribbean" (Italy)
2007 Int. conference "From the Survey to the Project: Heritage and Historical Town Centers" (China)
2007 Int. conference, "Wooden Architecture in Karelia," (Italy)
2006 - 2008Series of Int. conference "From the Survey to the Project: The Identity of the Towns" (China - Italy)
2023 3D SEBENICO - 3D SurvEy of Built vENetian hIstoriC fOrtress, Veneto Region
2022 VREA – Virtual Reality Engineering and Game Design for Architecture and Cultural Heritage
2022 Betlemme SMART City Environmental Monitoring and Technological Renewal System, AICS
2019 Venetian fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean basin”, Veneto Region
2019INTERSPECIES - INnovaTivE tRaining of SPECialized figures for Endangered Heritage Safeguard, Inroad UNIPV
2019 H2020 PROMETHEUS, H2020 MGA MSCA-RISE — Multi - 5.0
2018 Archaeology 3.0, Lombardy region
2018 3D BETHLEHEM, Survey and documentation of the historic center of Bethlehem, AICS
2017Documentation of the White Mosque of Al-Jazzar in Acre, Welfare Association
2016PURE - Productivity and Urban Renewal program in East Jerusalem, UNDP
2015Documentation of the Al-Nabi Musa complex and the development of museum systems, UNDP
2011 Study of the requalification of the Vieliki Novgorod Kremlin Museum of Textiles, Novgorod Kremlin Museum
2010 Documentation and Musealization of a naval wreck emerged in Lake Ladoga, Ministry of Culture Karelia Republic
2010 The documentation of the Pogost of the Kizhi island, Kizhi Museum
2018 - today Member of the UID (Unione Italiana Disegno) “International Affairs” Commission
2011 - today Affiliation to academies: appointed Expert (from 2011 to present) and Voting member (from 2011 to 2016), as
referent for Italy, to the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage (ICOFORT)
2010 - today Affiliation to Academies: UID (Unione Italiana Disegno), Ordinary Member
2020 Award for Best Paper Presentation at IMEKO TC-4 International Conference on Metrology for Archaeology and
Cultural Heritage, virtual conference - October 22, 24, 2020
2019 Recognition of merit by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Pavia for research activities on digital surveying
2015 Honorary Professor at the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture for the
International research and cooperation activities conducted
2012 Best contribution presentation to EXCO 2012, Valencia International Construction Exhibition
2010 Recognition of merit by the University of Oriente of Santiago de Cuba as a senior research expert of
the University
2009 Prize for the best architecture book,” The Village of Bolshaya Selga” in the National architecture
competition (Russia - Republic of Karelia)
2010 Prize of the National Academy of Sciences of Cuba in the result of scientific research "Identity and
heritage of “santiaghera” architectural culture" for the work in Santiago de Cuba
2008 Mention for the book “El Department of Vista Alegre in Santiago de Cuba” at the VII Biennial of
Caribbean Architecture (FCAA)
2008 Prize in the category of Theory and critics of Architecture and urbanism at the Provincial Hall of Cuban
architecture (promoted by UNAICC) to the book El levantamiento de Vista Alegre in Santiago de Cuba
2008 Best award for architectural book El levantamiento de Vista Alegre in Santiago de Cuba in the National
Architecture Contest of Cienfuegos (Cuba)
1998 Prize at international drawing award "Sister Cities International," for a drawing exhibited in the "Tower Museum" of
Philadelphia (United States)
2021 - 2023 Responsible for Scientific Collaboration Agreement between the University of Pavia and the company SOGEIN Srl
2021 - 2023 Scientific coordinator of a Scientific Collaboration Agreement between University of Pavia and Leica Geosystems
2020 - 2023 Responsible for a scientific cooperation agreement between University of Pavia and DJI Enterprise (Hong Kong),
2011 - 2019 Scientific coordinator of the research project promoted by MIBACT and Grandi Uffizi
2011Lecturer for ICE (Institute of Foreign Trade) in the training courses for the promotion of Italian excellence at the
Federal Institute of Design in Restoration, in Moscow
2010 Involvement in official delegation of ICE and Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Panama
2010 spin-off project at the 'Centro di Servizi di Ateneo per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca' CSAVRI
2010 Invited by ICE to participate in the "Actions in favours of restoration: Seminar and B2B meetings" in Cuba
2010 Participated in the "Training Seminars on Restoration Technologies in Turkey" promoted by ICE
2006 - 2011 Collaboration with "Toscana Promozione," to promote the image of Tuscan restoration in China
2023 Scientific coord. and curator “Arsinoe 3D. Riscoperta di una città perduta dell'Egitto greco-romano” Florence (Italy)
2022 Scientific coord. and curator “Bethlehem Reborn.Il racconto di una storia tra Betlemme e Pavia” Pavia (Italy)
2021 Scientific coord. and curator “Castel Montorio e i castelli scaligeri”, Montorio (Italy)
2021 Scientific coord. and curator “Verona, i mondiali ‘90 e la scoperta della necropoli romana”, Verona (Italy)
2020 Scientific coord. and curator “Le Porte Monumentali della Cinta Magistrale Veronese”, Verona (Italy)
2019 Scientific coord. and curator “Venetian fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean basin”, Verona (Italy)
2019 Responsible for the permanent exhibit. “Centro di Documentazione Verona Città Murata UNESCO”, Verona (Italy)
2018 Scientific coord. and curator “Le sete di Petra”, Florence (Italy)
2017 Scientific coord. and curator “Documentation Arquitectonica del Palacio del Generalife”, Granada (Spain)
2016 Scientific coord. and curator “ Signs and drawings in search of models”, Cracow (Poland)
2016 Scientific coord. and curator “Barbianello e Palazzo Nocca” Barbianello (Italy)
2016 Scientific coord. and curator “Applied Research for Architecture and Cultural Heritage Experience Carried Out in
Experimental Research Laboratories of DICAr, Pavia (Italy)
2014Scientific coord. and curator “UNESCO World Heritage Sites”, Florence (Italy)
2014Scientific coord. and curator “Historic Urban Landscape: Dreaming, Drawing, Design” Kazan (Russia)
2013Scientific coord. and curator “UNESCO archaeological site: some experience of investigation”, Florence (Italy)
2012Scientific coord. and curator “Documentation of the Antonellis’ Fortresses”, Arezzo (Italy)
2012Scientific coordinator and curator of the exhibition in Camaldoli monastery, Camaldoli (Italy)
2011 Scientific coord. and curator “Carelia Segni, immagini, momenti”, Petrozavodsk (Russia)
2010Scientific coordinator and curator of the permanent exhibition in Monte Senario monastery, Vaglia (Italy)
2008 Scientific coord. and curator “Santiago de Cuba: documentazione della città caraibica” Prato (Italy)
2008 Responsible for the permanent exhibit. of one room in the Museum Castillo del Morro,Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
2007 Scientific coord. and curator “Village of Bolshaya Selga and the Karelian Landscape”, Bolshaya Selga (Russia)
2006Scientific coord. and curator “El barrio de Vista Alegre estudio del medio ambiente”, Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
2006Scientific coord. and curator “El Castillo del Morro, Forma y color de una fortificacion”, Santiago de Cuba (Cuba)
Tot. n° of publication 304
Citation n° 973
h-index 15
i10-index 26
Svolge attività di ricerca nell’ambito della rappresentazione dell’architettura e del paesaggio sviluppando ricerche relative alle possibilità offerte dal rilievo digitale nel campo del rilievo archeologico, del rilievo architettonico e del rilievo urbano.È esperto in sistemi informativi e banche dati connesse con modelli 3D e sistemi rappresentativi per la documentazione, la gestione e lo sviluppo di grandi architetture, complessi storici e sistemi urbani.
Architect, graduated at the University of Florence, he holds a Ph.D., with European recognition, in the Science of Representation and Surveying. Since 2000, he has been an expert in Drawing and Surveying. Since 2006, he has been a Research Fellow and, since 2011, a Researcher in the Italian Scientific Disciplinary Sector ICAR/17 - DRAWING at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Pavia. In 2015 he became Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University of Pavia. In 2016, he obtained National Scientific Accreditation for the level of Full Professor and in 2022 he won a comparative evaluation for that position, he began his employment in March 2023 at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence.From 2010 to 2014, he was an external adjunct professor at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence, teaching "Representation Techniques" and "Drawing of Landscape". At the University of Pavia, he has taught, over the years, "Architectural Drawing", "Graphic Informatics", "Architectural Survey", "Architectural Survey & Restoration," and "Fundamentals of Graphic Design and Documentation", in the Master's Degree Course in Building Engineering-Architecture, in the double degree course with Tongji University and in the Master's Degree Course in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage (class LMR/02) qualifying for the profession of Restorer of Cultural Heritage.Member - since its first activation in 2017 - of the teaching body of the International Doctorate in "Cultural Heritage" of the Universidad de Oriente de Santiago de Cuba. Since 2014 he has been a member of the teaching body of the Doctorate in "Design, Modeling and Simulation in Engineering" at the University of Pavia, where he teaches the courses "Digital representation of cultural heritage" and "Surveying seminars with digital technologies".Since 2006, he has been continuously involved in international teaching activities. He has been assigned teaching and/or official research assignments abroad as a Visiting Professor in different university institutions in Brazil, Cuba, Finland, Russia, Spain, Colombia, Palestine, and Poland.In Cuba, he has been responsible and accountable for the course "Dibujo y Levantamiento Arquitectonico y Urbano" at the University of Oriente. He also conducted lessons for the training of surveyor technicians in collaboration with the Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad de Santiago de Cuba and the Oficina del Historiador de la Habana as part of Master's degree programs, Diplomado courses, and first and second-level Master's degree courses.In Spain he conducted teaching activities in doctoral courses, while in Russia he held courses on the analysis of wooden architecture at the University of Petrozavodsk and courses, held with the role of Visiting Professor from 2012 to 2017, at the Perm National Research Polytechnic University. The collaborations with the latter institution have generated numerous international summer schools, also officially promoted by the University of Pavia, the development of a permanent digital documentation laboratory at the same Russian University and the development of an H2020 project on the documentation of the route of the salt merchants along the upper kama river.In Poland he carries out teaching activities as a Visiting Professor at the Cracow University of Technology, and the Gdansk University of Technology, participating in conferences and exhibitions, and in the development and coordination of European projects. In Gdansk he is appointed by the University as an expert in a CUPRUM project to establish a permanent laboratory on digital detection technologies (DAB Lab).In the Middle East, through relations with the Shenkar College in Tel-Aviv, over the years he has promoted numerous international seminars on digital technologies applied to the documentation of heritage in Israeli territory supported by the Italian Embassy, with particular reference to the actions conducted on the archaeological site of Masada. Through relations with the United Nations and the Welfare Association (Taawon), it also carries out teaching activities to support the training of Palestinian technicians, which add to the multi-year relations with the University of Bethlehem and the Universities of Al-Quds and Birzeit, in Palestinian territories, where he has numerous teaching and research activities underway within projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Over the years, he has been responsible for numerous national and international workshops and summer schools dedicated to documenting historical and architectural heritage, including 39 international ones and over 20 held abroad.He was also coordinator of international scientific cooperation agreements between the University of Pavia and the following universities: Cracow University of Technology (Poland), the Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana (Colombia), Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra Santo Domingo), Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine), Shenkar College of Tel-Aviv (Israel), Samara State University (Russia) and the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Russia).Member of the list of Experts for UNESCO in the UNESCO Forum network since 2006, he is an Ordinary Member of the scientific association UID, Unione Italiana Disegno.He was appointed, by resolution of the Academic Council of 29 October 2015 of the Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Honorary Professor at the same institution, following the research and international cooperation activities conducted with Ukrainian teachers and students.Expert of the REPRISE register, he is a member of the Group of Experts for Evaluation (GEV expert) for the exercise of the evaluation of the quality of research (VQR) 2015-2019 for ANVUR, the national agency for the evaluation of the university system and research in the 'Area 8a – Architecture, for the S.S.D. ICAR/17.He is the scientific director for the research unit of the University of Florence of the ERC-StG European Project “Venice's Nissology. Reframing the Lagoon City as an Archipelago: A Model for Spatial and Temporal Urban Analysis (16th-21st centuries)” (ERC-2021-StG, VeNiss, G.A. 101040474), where he coordinates the survey, documentation and digital representation activities of the islands of the lagoon of Venice which are the subject of the project's studies.He is the scientific responsible for the European Project H2020 PROMETHEUS (H2020-MSCA-RISE2018), coordinating more than fifty researchers from Italy, Russia, Poland, and Spain, a blended group of universities and enterprises, for the development of digitization and management systems of cultural heritage routes; working on the route of salt merchants along the Upper Kama river in the Ural region, the route of James I of Aragon in the territory of Valencia in Spain and on the fortresses and defensive systems around the city of Gdańsk. He is the scientific director of the research and cooperation project "BETHLEHEM SMART CITY", co-financed by AICS - Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, in which he coordinates the technical actions of eighteen partners aimed at promoting an energy efficiency system for some buildings in Bethlehem and at developing a city Museum on history and architecture. He was the scientific director of the “3D BETHLEHEM” project, also co-financed by AICS, in which he directed the 3D surveys of the entire historic center for the development of an informative system for the architecture management.He was also scientific director of the European project WOODEN ARCHITECTURE, funded in the Seventh Framework Programme, Marie Curie Actions, People, International Research Staff Exchange, for the documentation of traditional villages in Karelia. Over the years he has directed numerous research projects financed by the Tuscany Region, the Lombardy Region and the Veneto Region, including the project on the study of the Venetian fortifications in the eastern Mediterranean basin and on the documentation of the archaeological site of Calvatone.For the United Nations (UNDP - Program of Assistance to the Palestinian People) he was director of research for the documentation of a neighborhood in East Jerusalem, financed by the “PURE – Productivity and Urban Renewal in East Jerusalem” project, and responsible for the documentation and analysis of the Al-Nabi Musa complex.He directed, in collaboration with the Esquela de Arquitectura of the University of Granada, a research project for the Documentation of the Alhambra in Granada and, in collaboration with the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence, a research for the documentation of the great hermitages of Tuscany which involved the complexes of Monte Senario, Vallombrosa, Camaldoli and La Verna.From 2006 to date, he has been conducting research to study the architectural works created by the military engineers of the Antonelli family in collaboration with university and institutions dealing with heritage protection in Spain, Cuba, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Santo Domingo, and Colombia, and with the support of Italian embassies and research institutes. For this research he was appointed Expert (from 2011 to the present) and a Voting member (from 2011 to 2016) as a referent for Italy at the international scientific committee ICOFORT (ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Fortifications and Military Heritage).For the research activities conducted with the University of Oriente in Santiago de Cuba he was declared "Collaborator of Merit" by the Rector of the University of Santiago and received an award from the National Academy of Sciences of Cuba. He is the scientific director of a research for the documentation of the city walls of Verona, promoted by the Municipality of Verona and the UNESCO Office of the city and, also in Verona, he directed a research project focused on studying the Ark of Mastino II, contributing to developing a restoration project. He was responsible for both research for the analysis and digital survey of the earthquake-stricken churches in the province of Teramo for the EUCENTRE Foundation and research for the development of 3D detection systems to support the analysis of seismic vulnerability within an agreement between the DICAr of the University of Pavia and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. He has directed research efforts within an agreement with the Weelfare Association (Tawoon) to study the Al-Jazzar Mosque in Acre. He also served as the scientific responsible for the 3D digital documentation of the Basilica of the Nativity in Bethlehem, a project supported by Piacenti SPA.In Russia, he has directed and coordinated numerous research activities related to monumental national and federal interest sites, earning recognition for the work carried out by the Academy of Sciences of the Karelian Republic. For the technical office of the University of Pavia he has directed research for the documentation of the Central University complex and the Clock Tower and, as part of a collaboration with EDiSU PAVIA - Ente per il diritto allo studio universitario - a research for the documentation of Pavia's university colleges. For his research activities in the Pavia area, he was awarded a plaque by the Order of Engineers of the Province of Pavia for his "extraordinary skills and technical abilities" in the field of heritage documentation. He is responsible for scientific collaboration agreements with heritage documentation enterprises and manufacturers of surveying instruments, such as DJI Enterprise and Leica Geosystems. From 2015 to 2023, he was director of the Experimental Teaching and Research Laboratory “DAda-LAB, Drawing Architecture Document Action Laboratory” of the University of Pavia, and from 2018 to 2023 he was scientific coordinator of the experimental laboratory “PLAY - Photography and 3D Laser for virtual Architecture LaboratorY of the University of Pavia”. He was also the scientific coordinator and head from the Pavia side of the Joint Laboratory Landscape Survey & Design of the University of Florence. Scientific responsible of the “VREA - Virtual Reality Engineering and Game Design For Architecture and Cultural Heritage” project, funded within the European EMDM program, he worked on the design of a new Master's Degree Course in Digital Architecture. He is the chief editor of two book series and a journal. He is a member of national and international scientific journals editorial board and author of over two hundred and fifty scientific publications, including writings in collective volumes, monographs, e-books, conference proceedings, and journals.
He carries out research activities in the field of representation of architecture and landscape, developing research relating to the possibilities offered by digital surveying in the field of archaeological surveying, architectural surveying and urban surveying.He is an expert in information systems and databases connected with 3D models and representative systems for the documentation, management and development of large architectures, historical complexes and urban systems.