a partire dal 16/09/2024 l'orario di ricevimento è il seguente:
GIOVEDI' 16:00-17:00
VENERDI' 9:00-10:00
Stanza 3.09 (terzo piano D6) o skype (skypename: alegianno)
2010 - Ph.D in Finance at School of Finance – University of Trieste (Italy)
2004 - Degree in Economics (110 cum laude) at University of Florence – Italy
2019 – today – Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Florence
2020 – Qualified Full Professor of Finance
2020-today - Director of MSc in Finance and Risk Management at the University of Florence
10/2016-2018 – Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in Corporate Finance at University of Florence
11/2014-09/2016 – Assistant Professor in Corporate Finance Link Campus University, Via Nomentana 335, Roma
2011-2014 Research Fellow in Corporate Finance at the University of Florence
GIANNOZZI A., SRHOJ S., BALZANO M., ALTMAN E.I. (2023). The Omega Score: An improved tool for SME default predictions. Journal of the International Council for Small Business. DOI: 10.1080/26437015.2023.2186284
GIANNOZZI A., SRHOJ S., BALZANO M., ALTMAN E.I. (2022). Revisiting SME default predictors: The Omega Score. DOI: 10.1080/00472778.2022.2135718.Journal of Small Business Management
GIANNOZZI A., ANDERSEN T.J., SAX J., (2021). Conjoint effects of interacting strategy-making processes and lines of defense practices in strategic Risk Management: An empirical study. Long Range Planning, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lrp.2021.102164, ISSN 0024-6301
GIANNOZZI A., CIAMPI F., MARZI G., ALTMAN E.I. (2021), Rethinking SME default prediction: a systematic literature review and future perspectives. DOI:10.1007/s11192-020-03856-0. pp.1-48. In Scientometrics - ISSN:0138-9130
GIANNOZZI A., CIPOLLINI F., MENCHETTI F., ROGGI O. (2020), The beauty contest between systemic and systematic risk measures: Assessing the empirical performance, Journal of Empirical Finance, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jempfin.2020.06.005, Volume/Issue 58C, pp. 316-332
GIANNOZZI A.; CIPOLLINI F.; MENCHETTI F.; ROGGI O. (2018), Financial companies’ failures: early warning information from systematic and systemic risk measures, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Vol. 8, No. 3, DOI: 10.1142/S2010139218400074, ISSN 2010-1392
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O.; BAGLIONI T. (2017), Valuing emerging markets companies: new approaches to determine the effective exposure to country risk, Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. 39, pp. 553-567, ISSN 0275-5319
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O. (2015), Fair value disclosure, liquidity risk and stock returns, Journal of Banking & Finance, n. 58, pag. 327-342
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O., MIBELLI L. (2013). COCO-bonds, conversion prices and risk shifting incentives. How does the conversion ratio affect management’s behavior?, Financial Markets, Instruments and Institutions, Vol. 22/2, ISSN 1468-0416
GIANNOZZI A., CIOLI V., IPPOLITI V., ROGGI O. (2020), “Cross border M&A and financial performance: empirical evidence on bidder/target companies”, International Journal of Business and Management, Vol. 15, No 4, ISSN 1833-3850, E-ISSN 1833-8119, doi:10.5539/ijbm.v15n4p67, p. 67-86
GIANNOZZI A.; BAGLIONI T.; ROGGI O.; PAGLIAI F. (2019), Private Equity Funds Characteristics and Performance. An Analysis of North American Venture Capitalists and Buyout Funds, Economic Notes 2019;1–17, DOI: 10.1002/ecno.12128
GIANNOZZI A., CIOLI V., ROGGI O., FARGION R. (2019), Le determinanti nella decisione di rinuncia all'IPO. Un'analisi empirica sul mercato azionario italiano. DOI:10.1435/93957. pp.79-112. In BANCA IMPRESA SOCIETÀ - ISSN:1120-9453.
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O.; FOGLIA MANZILLO V.; VITTORIOSO G. (2019), Alternative performance measures: an assessment after ESMA Guidelines, Corporate Ownership and Control journal, 17(1), pag. 50-59, DOI:10.22495/cocv17i1art5, ISSN: 1727-9232.
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O.; BAGLIONI T. (2016), Firm valuation in emerging markets and the exposure to country risk, Global Journal of Management and Business Research (C), Vol. 16, n. 1, pp. 1-19, ISSN 2249-4588
GIANNOZZI A.; CIOLI V. (2014), Banche di credito cooperativo come leva di stabilità finanziaria. Un’analisi comparata con le banche commerciali, Economia e Diritto del Terziario, n. 2, pp. 239-268, ISSN 1593-9464
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O., ALTMAN E.I., SABATO G. (2013), Building SME rating. Is it necessary for lenders to monitoring financial statements of the borrowers?; Bancaria-Sezione Forum (peer-reviewed), n. 10, ISSN 0005-4623
GIANNOZZI A., CIOLI V. (2013), Basilea 3 e la stabilità finanziaria delle banche. Quale relazione con la dimensione della banca?, Economia e Diritto del Terziario, n. 2, ISSN 1593-9464
GIANNOZZI A.; CIOLI V. (2013), Banche di credito cooperativo e stabilità finanziaria. Un’analisi comparata con le banche commerciali, in AA.VV. (2013), The firm’s role in the economy, Cacucci editore, ISBN 9788866112945
GIANNOZZI A.; Roggi O. (2013), Fair value disclosure, liquidity risk and stock returns, in AA.VV. (2013), The firm’s role in the economy, Cacucci editore, ISBN 9788866112945
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2009), Predicting SME default risk. Does regional model make sense?; International Journal of Business and Economics, Fall 2009, Vol. 8, n. 1, ISSN 1543-1614
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O. (2009), Company distress in the fashion/textile industry. Questing for discriminant variables, in CELANT A., ITURRALDE JAINAGA T. (a cura di), (2009), Creativity and survival of the firm under uncertainty,European Academic Publishers, Madrid, ISBN 978-84-692-5174-4
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2017), Indagine sulla situazione economico-finanziaria e il rating delle imprese della Provincia di Pistoia, Aracne Editrice, Roma.
GIANNOZZI A. (2013), Fair value disclosure, rischio di liquidità e rendimenti azionari. Un’analisi empirica sulle imprese europee finanziarie e non finanziarie, Franco Angeli, Milano, ISBN 978-88-204-5827-0
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2015), “Credit risk, default and borrowing costs”, in Roggi O. (2015), Risk, Value and Default, World Scienfific Press, ISBN 978-981-4641-71-5 – DOI: 10.1142/9430
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2015), “Company default and discriminant variables for SME”, in Roggi O. (2015), Risk, Value and Default, World Scienfific Press, ISBN 978-981-4641-71-5 – DOI: 10.1142/9430
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2015), “Default risk and discriminant methodologies for SME”, in Roggi O. (2015), Risk, Value and Default, World Scienfific Press, ISBN 978-981-4641-71-5 – DOI: 10.1142/9430
GIANNOZZI A., ROGGI O. (2012), SME rating: Risk globally, measure locally, pag. 281-306 in ALTMAN E.I., ROGGI O. (2012), Managing and Measuring Risk. Emerging Global standards and Regulation after the financial crisis, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore.
GIANNOZZI A.; ROGGI O. (2009), Il rischio d’impresa in ROGGI O. (a cura di) (2009); Finanza Aziendale. La gestione del rischio d'impresa, la finanza evoluta e la crisi dei mercati finanziari. Letture critiche, Franco Angeli, Milano.
GIANNOZZI A. (2008), “I modelli di scoring basati sull’analisi discriminante lineare, univariata o multivariata” pp. 163 -170 in ROGGI O. (2008), Rischio d’impresa, valore e insolvenza, Franco Angeli.
GIANNOZZI A. (2008), “L’analisi esplorativa” p. 183-187 in ROGGI O. (2008), Rischio d’impresa, valore e insolvenza, Franco Angeli.
High level skills on R software and STATA
2008-today – Co-Organizer of the “International Risk Management Conference” and Member of the Scientific Committee, leading conference in the risk management area and banking
2011-2013 Referee for the journal Financial Markets, institutions and instruments, Journal of Banking and Finance, Quarterly Journal of Finance, Financial Reporting, Journal of Risk Governance and Control, Management Decisions, Journal of Small business management
Credit risk modelling, stock returns and information disclosure, bank's financial stability