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Alessandro Pratesi è professore associato di Sociologia presso la Scuola di Scienze Politiche «Cesare Alfieri» dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche, dove è anche membro del Collegio dei docenti del programma di dottorato interdisciplinare «Mutamento Sociale e Politico» (unifi/unito).
Prima di giungere all'università di Firenze, si è formato e ha lavorato in Francia, presso l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), negli Stati Uniti, presso la University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), e nel Regno Unito, presso la Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) e l'Università di Chester (UK). Alla University of Pennsylvania ha sviluppato competenze e conoscenze nel campo della Sociologia delle Emozioni lavorando con Randall Collins.
Collabora con diverse riviste scientifiche internazionali, è membro dei networks internazionali di ricerca sulle emozioni della European Sociological Association (ESA) e della British Sociological Association (BSA), e da anni lavora sui temi delle emozioni, della cura, della cittadinanza e dell'inclusione sociale. Numerosi articoli su questi argomenti sono stati presentati nell'ambito di conferenze internazionali in Europa, nel Regno Unito, in Canada e negli Stati Uniti.
Presiede il Corso di Studi Magistrali in Sociologia e Sfide Globali SOSGLO.
E' membro del Comitato Scientifico della Sezione «Vita Quotidiana» dell'Associazione Italiana di Sociologia (AIS) e collabora con diverse riviste accademiche nazionali e internazionali.
I suoi interessi di ricerca ruotano attorno alle seguenti aree:
Sociologia delle emozioni; Inclusione sociale e Cittadinanza; Relazioni, intimità e famiglie; Cura ed etica della cura; Ricerca Qualitativa
In una recente monografia curata da Palgrave Macmillan tali interessi di ricerca dialogano tra loro:
Pratesi, A. (2018). Doing Care, Doing Citizenship. Towards a Micro-situated and Emotion-based Model of Social Inclusion. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-63109-7 – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63109-7. Link:
Altri interessi di ricerca includono il tema dei Confini e delle Migrazioni e la relazione tra Emozioni, Politica e Sfera Pubblica.
PhD in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (Stati Uniti)
Master in Storia e Civilta' (DEA), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (Francia)
Laurea in Sociologia, Facolta' di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri", Universita' degli Studi di Firenze (Italia)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, UK, ASN britannica)
PG Cert Learning and Teaching in Higher Education, University of Chester (UK)
Networks di ricerca
ESA, European Sociological Association
ESA Sociology of Emotions Research Network RN11 ESA Sociology of Emotions
BSA, British Sociological Association
BSA Sociology of Emotions Study Group, BSA Sociology of Emotions
ASA, American Sociological Association
Care Ethics, Ethics of Care Theorists
AIS, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia
Incarichi istituzionali
Presidente del Corso di Studi Magistrali in Sociologia e Sfide Globali SOSGLO
Membro del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Mutamento Sociale e Politico (unifi/unito)
Membro della Commissione Ricerca
Membro del Florence Accessibility Lab (FAL)
Membro del Centro di ricerca professional development (CEPROD)
Sociologia delle emozioni. Inclusione sociale e cittadinanza. Relazioni, intimità e famiglie transnazionali. Cura ed etica della cura. Ricerca qualitativa.
Alessandro Pratesi is an Associate Professor in Sociology at the School of Political Sciences of the University of Florence, Department of Social and Political Sciences, where he is also a member of the interdisciplinary PhD programme «Social and Political Change» (unifi/unito) and leads and coordinates the MA programme in Sociology and Global Challenges.
Before joining the university of Florence, he studied and worked in France, at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), the United States, at the University of Pennsylvania (UPENN), where he held the «William Penn Fellowship» and was awarded his PhD in 2008, and the United Kingdom, at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Chester (UK). At the University of Pennsylvania, he developed his expertise in the Sociology of Emotions by working with Randall Collins.
He is a member of the emotion networks of the European Sociological Association (ESA) and the British Sociological Association (BSA) and has published extensively in the areas of care, emotions, citizenship and social inclusion. A number of papers on these topics have been presented at international conferences in Europe, in the UK, in Canada, and in the United States.
He is also a member of the Scientific Committee of the network «Vita Quotidiana» of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS) and contributes to several national and international academic journals, including the recently issued interdisciplinary journal «Indiscipline».
His research interests revolve around the following areas:
Sociology of Emotions
Social Inclusion and Citizenship
Relationships, Intimacies and Families
Care and the Ethics of Care
Qualitative Research.
In a book his book published by Palgrave Macmillan he makes them all interact and talk with each other.
More recently, he is interested in the complex relationship between emotions, politics and the public sphere.
PhD in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (USA)
MA (DEA), École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris (France)
BA (Hons), University of Florence (Italy) – Summa cum Laude (110/110 e LODE)
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA, UK)
Research Networks
Selected publications
2023 Lavoro emotivo, lavoro emozionale e strutture sociali nel contributo di Arlie Hochschild, in: Idee di lavoro e di ozio per la nostra civiltà, a cura di G. Mari, F. Ammannati, S. Brogi, T. Faitini, A. Fermani, F. Seghezzi, Firenze, Florence University Press (FUP).
2023 Doing Family and Intimacy at a Distance. Implications for Theory and Social Change in: Flam, H. and Blossfeld, H-P., (eds.) Research Handbooks in Sociology Series, University of Bamberg, Germany: Edward Elgar Publishing.
2023 Six Memos for the Current Time. Rethinking six contemporary sociological matters in light of the emotional dynamics shaping them. CAMBIO. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, vol. 12, pp. 109-123, ISSN:2239-1118.
2023 Emozioni e Mutamento Sociale. Ripensare la rilevanza teorica delle emozioni alla luce di fenomeni sociali e politici emergenti. Sociologia Italiana, AIS Journal of Sociology, Egea-Bocconi Ed., Milano. ISSN 2281-2652, ISSNe 2611-5255. pp. 1-19.
2022 Pratesi, A., Casas-Cortés, M., Sielert, D., & Supik, L. Politics of Care, Emotions and Social Change. In: Kleinschmidt, M., Natarajan, R., Peeck-Ho, C., Sielert, D., & Supik, L. (Eds.) Gender, Race and Inclusive Citizenship. Dialogues about Acts and Regimes of Belonging, pp. 119-145, Leibniz Research Center for Inclusive Citizenship (CINC), Leibniz University Hannover: Springer, ISBN:978-3-658-36390-1.
2022 The «edge effect»: unfolding the phenomenological potential of citizenship through intersectional, interdisciplinary and emotion-based approaches, in: Kleinschmidt, Natarajan, Neuburger, Peeck-Ho, Schröder, Sielert, Supik,Gender (Eds.), Race and Inclusive Citizenship. Dialogues about Acts and Regimes of Belonging, Leibniz University Hannover, Springer.
2022 Triangulation in qualitative research, in: Qualitative, Multimethod, and Mixed Methods Research. International Encyclopedia of Education 4th Edition, XI Volume. pp.301-318, Elsevier publications.
2021 Ain’t I family? Transnational acts of family and social change, in: Bertone, C. and Satta (eds.), Overcoming Family Boundaries. The promises and situatedness of the «family practices» perspective, Special Issue, RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI SOCIOLOGIA - ISSN:0486-0349 vol. 4
2020 Emotions, Politics and Social Change: an Interview with Randall Collins in: Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, vol. 10, pp. 1-8, ISSN:2239-1118. Co-author: Angela Perulli.
2020 Sociologia della vita famigliare. Soggetti, contesti e nuove prospettive. Satta, C., Magaraggia, S. e Camozzi, I., Carocci editore. Recensione. In: Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, vol. 10, pp. 1-5, ISSN:2239-1118.
2020 Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, recensione critica di Cura ed emozioni. Un’alleanza complessa (a cura di Elena Pulcini e Sophie Bourgault, Bologna, Il Mulino), in: Iride. Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica, Il Mulino, vol. 33, pp. 397-405, ISSN:1122-7893.
2019 Europe and Emotions: between love and hatred, fear and hope, in Leonardi, L. e Scalise G. Social challenges for Europe. Addressing failures and perspectives of the European project, Bologna, Il Mulino. ISBN: 88-15-28355-2.
2019 Riflessioni sulla rilevanza sociologica delle emozioni: sfide presenti e potenzialità future, in Quaderni di Teoria Sociale, Morlacchi Editore, n. 2, 2019, pp 127-152.
2019 The emotional spectrum of "care": an interdisciplinary overview. Review of Emotions and Care: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Elena Pulcini and Sophie Bourgault (eds.), Iride. Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica, Il Mulino.
2019 Emotions, Media and Politics, Wahl-Jorgensen, Cambridge, Polity Press, recensione critica, Cambio. Rivista sulle trasformazioni sociali, Vol. 9, n.17, 139-14, ISSN online 2239-1118.
2018 Unconventional relationships, positive marginalities and citizenship, Digithum. A relational perspective on culture and society, Iss. 22, July 2018.
2018 Doing Care, Doing Citizenship. Towards a Micro-situated and Emotion-based Model of Social Inclusion. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-63109-7 – DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63109-7. Link:
2018 Unequally entitled citizens: towards a micro-situated and emotion-based model of social inclusion, Mondi Migranti, 1/3, 2018.
2017 Cittadinanza e inclusione sociale tra emozioni e pratiche di cura. Il caso dei rifugiati e dei richiedenti asilo in Europa. In: Casalini, B. (Ed.) Il peso del corpo e la bilancia della giustizia. IF Press, pp.61-83.
2016 Citizenship and Social Inclusion between emotions and care practices. The case of refugees and asylum seekers. Etica e Politica / Ethics and Politics, XVIII, 2016, 3, pp. 363-379.
2014 Social Control Theory. In: Taylor, P. Karen Corteen, K. and Morley, S. (Eds.) A Companion to Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Risk. The Policy Press, University of Bristol, pp. 268-269.
2014 Reconciling Work, Care and Justice: informal care, status inclusion and self-empowering dynamics. In: Taylor, P. and Wagg, P. (Eds.) Work and Society: Identities, Places and Spaces. University of Chester Publisher, pp. 1-36.
2013 Genuine partnership and equitable research: working “with” older people to develop a smart activity monitoring system. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal. Co-authors: Judith Sixsmith and Ryan Woolrych. Volume 18 (6), Dec. 2013, pp. 1-17.
2013 The Productivity of Care. In: C. Koggel and J. Orme (Eds.): Care Ethics. New Theories and Applications. Routledge.
2012 A Respectable Scandal: Gay Parenthood, Emotional Dynamics, and Social Change. Journal of GLBT Family Studies. Vol. 8, N. 5, pp. 305-333.
2012 Participatory design for future care related technologies: lessons from the Smart Distress Monitor Project. In: Serrano-García, Pérez Jiménez, Resto-Olivo, Figueroa-Rodriguez (Eds.) International Community Psychology: Approaches to Contemporary Social Problems Vol. II, pp. 183-195. Co-authors: Judith Sixsmith and Ryan Woolrych.
2012 Please, just call us parents: engaging with inclusive approaches to research with marginalised communities. In: Azzopardi, A. and Grech, S. (Eds.) Inclusive Communities: a Critical reader. Rotterdam, Boston: Sense Publishers, pp. 183-198.
2012 Exploring the Emotional Experience of Same-sex Parents by Mixing Creatively Multiple Qualitative Methods. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. Vol. 11, No 2 (2012), pp.82-101. Special Issue: Health Equity.
2011 Not so usual families: overlaps and divergences in the practice of care within disabled and same-sex families. International Journal of Sociology of the Family, Vol. 37, Number 2, pp. 243-262. Co-author: Katherine Runswick-Cole.
2011 The Productivity of Care: contextualizing care in situated interaction and shedding light on its latent purposes. Ethics and Social Welfare – Special Issue. Vol. 5, N. 2, pp. 123-137. ISSN 1749-6535. DOI: 10.1080/17496535.2011.571063. Routledge.
2011 Activity Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living: the Smart Distress Monitor. In: Healthy Technology in a Regional Environment, CoralEurope. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith [Online publication. Retrievable at:].
2006 Genitori soli nel welfare mix al Centro e nel Nord-Est. In: Bimbi, F. and Trifiletti, R. (Eds.) Madri Sole e Nuove Famiglie, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, pp. 81-149. Co-authors: Rossana Trifiletti e Simonetta Simoni.
2005 Tipi di famiglie, vulnerabilità e percorsi nel Centro e nel Nord-Est. In: Bimbi, F. (Ed.) Madri sole, sfide politiche e genitorialità alla prova, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, pp. 86-123. Co-author: Rossana Trifiletti.
2004 New kinds of families, new kinds of social care. SOCCARE Project. Final report. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004, ISBN 92-894-8453-5.
2003 National reports on SOCCARE Project. Online publications. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
Selected presentations
2023 Ageing Differently: Imagining Older People as Agents. In: Carework in uncertain times: convergences and divergences around the world, San Jose, Costa Rica, 7th-9th June 2023. With Brunella Casalini.
2022 Transnational acts of family, emotions and social change, Midterm-Conference ESA Sociology of Emotions Research Network (RN11), University of Hamburg, Germany, August 31st-September 2nd 2022.
2021 Pandemic Narratives: emotional attitudes and political choices in Italy during the Covid-19 emergency, 15th International Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA),Barcelona (Spain), 31th August-2nd September 2012. Co-author: Angela Perulli.
2020 Rethinking the theoretical relevance of emotions in light of emerging social and political phenomena, 9th Midterm Conference of the ESA Sociology of Emotions Research Network (RN11), 25th-27th November 2020.
2019 The Social Construction of Fear and Hatred in Italy, 14th International Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Manchester (UK), 20th-24th August 2019.
2018 Ripensare i concetti di cittadinanza e di inclusione sociale alla luce delle dinamiche emozionali e delle pratiche di cura, Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università degli Studi di Firenze. Invited speaker.
2018 Global citizens, emotions and social inclusion. 8th Midterm BSA/ESA Conference on the Sociology of Emotions, Edinburgh, 28th–30th August 2018.
2017 Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Europe: ‘Doing Citizenship’ through Emotion-based Forms of Social Inclusion. 13th International Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). (Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities. Research strand: Sociology of emotions, Athens, 29th Aug.-1st Sept. 2017.
2017 Interazioni, energia emozionale e inclusione sociale: trasformare l’accoglienza in Cittadinanza. Migrare e accogliere al tempo dei muri - Scuola Estiva di Sociologia delle Migrazioni. Università degli Studi di Milano, Università di Genova, Associazione Italiana di Sociologia (AIS). Genova, 3-7 luglio 2017.
2016 Rethinking citizenship and social inclusion through care practices and the emotional dynamics revolving around them: the case of EU refugees. Ethics and Social Welfare Conference 2016, 10th Anniversary Conference, Friends House, London (UK) 1st–2nd September 2016.
2016 Unconventional in all respects: same-sex, married and living apart together. Unequal Families and Relationships - Centre for Research on Families & Relationships International Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (Scotland) 13–15 June 2016.
2016 Global families, Emotional Dynamics and Social Change. Towards a Micro-situated and Emotion-based Model of Citizenship and Social Inclusion. Annual Conference of the British Sociological Association (BSA) Department of Political, Economic and Social Science. Aston University (UK), 6–8 April 2016.
2016 Discussing citizenship and social inclusion through the lenses of emotions and care practices, Invited speaker at the University of Milan (Italy) Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Economiche e Sociali. Università degli Studi di Milano, 16 Febbraio 2016.
2015 Rethinking Citizenship in light of the EU refugee crisis. A Study day on The ‘Calais crisis’, University of Chester, 18 November 2015.
2015 The ‘possibility’ of happiness: going beyond the discreet charm of happiness. 12th International Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA). Differences, Inequalities and the Sociological Imagination. Research strand: Sociology of emotions. Prague, 25-28 August 2015.
2014 Emotions, Relationships and Citizenship: grounding multiculturalism to an ethics of care. 10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA). P03-Affective citizenship: on the role of emotions in social, urban and environmental policy. Lille (France) 8-10 July 2015.
2013 Nonconventional forms of intimacy and migration: towards a micro-situated and emotion-based model of social inclusion. International conference: Nationalist Responses to Economic and Political Crises, Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN) and Nationalism Studies Program at Central European University (CEU) Budapest (Hungary), 12-14 June 2014. Panel: Intimacy and Migration.
2013 The politics of care: same-sex parenthood, emotional dynamics and social change. Symposium: Contemporary Narratives of Care - Birkbeck University of London, 25 October 2013.
2012 Neither Marginalisation nor Incorporation: Gay and Lesbian Caregivers as a Case for Anti-Assimilationist Citizenship. 1st International Conference on LGBT Psychology and related fields – Coming out for LGBT Psychology in the current international scenario. ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE), Lisbon (Portugal) 20-22 June 2013.
2012 I was the apple of his eye and he was the apple of mine: critical care, status inclusion and self-empowering dynamics. Critical Care: Advancing an Ethic of Care in Theory and Practice - University of Brighton (UK), 13-14 September 2012.
2011 Reconciling Work and Family Care: informal care, emotional dynamics and productivity. Annual Conference of the Department of Social Studies and Counselling - Earning a Crust. Deconstructing Work, Wealth and Opportunity. University of Chester (UK), Department of Social Studies and Counselling, 5-7 March 2012.
2011 Monitoring the in-home activity of older people: Establishing the challenges and potentialities of data collection and interpretation. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. Annual Conference of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), 1st July 2011.
2011 Not so usual families: overlaps and divergences in the practice of care within disabled and same-sex families. Co-author: Katherine Runswick-Cole. Annual Conference of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK).
2011 Safe and independent at home: Older people, technology and activity monitoring. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. Society for Community Research and Action Biennial Conference, Chicago, IL (USA), 16-19 June 2011.
2011 Enabling older adults’ safety, independence and well-being through technology: Lessons from two case studies. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. British Sociological Association (BSA) Annual Conference: Science & Technology Studies Stream. London School of Economics (LSE), London (UK), 6‐8 April 2011.
2011 The Productivity of Care: contextualizing care in situated interaction and shedding light on its latent purposes. British Sociological Association Annual Conference: Families, Lifecourse, Relationships. London School of Economics (LSE), London (UK), 6‐8 April 2011.
2010 A Respectable Scandal: Same-sex families, emotional dynamics and social change, Forum: Who Cares? New Perspectives on Families, Intimacies and Care, Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), Manchester (UK), 30 November 2010.
2010 Space and time allocation within and outside the domestic environment. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. Annual Conference of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), 1-2 July 2010.
2010 Chain reaction: interviewing interviewers. Positionality and qualitative research. Co-authors: Katherine Runswick-Cole and Ryan Woolrych. Annual Conference of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), 1-2 July 2010.
2010 Participatory design for future technology: developing user-sensitive and holistic approaches to improve older/disabled people’s safety and quality of life. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. 3rd International Conference on Community Psychology: Community Agendas for Contemporary Social Problems. 3–5 June 2010, Puebla (Mexico).
2010 A Smart Distress Monitor for independent living. Co-authors: S. Hollock, N. Johnson, F. Smart, J. Sixsmith. International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference, Vancouver (Canada), 27-30 May 2010.
2009 Developing user centred technologies to improve older adults’ safety and quality of life. Co-authors: Judith Sixsmith and Ryan Woolrych. British Society of Gerontology 38th Annual Conference. Culture, Diversity and Ageing. University of Bristol (UK), 2-4 September 2009.
2009 Working within user centred, participatory frameworks towards assistive technology solutions. Co-author: Judith Sixsmith. 19th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics on Longevity, Health and Wealth, Paris (France), 5-9 July 2009.
2009 Designing technology with older people: A person-centred approach to the development of a Smart Distress Monitor. Co-authors: Judith Sixsmith and Ryan Woolrych. 5th Annual Conference of the Research Institute for Health and Social Change, (RIHSC), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), Manchester (UK), 1-3 July 2009.
2009 The Smart Distress Monitor project. Co-authors: Judith Sixsmith and Ryan Woolrych. Bolton Forum in Health & Wellbeing Conference, University of Bolton (UK), 30 June 2009.
2008 Informal Care, Emotional Dynamics, and Social Change. 8th European Sociological Association Conference (ESA). Conference stream: Emotion. Section on Sociology of Emotions, University of Glasgow, Scotland. 3-6 September 2008.
2006 Doing Care, Doing Difference. Towards a Multidimensional Analysis of Informal Care. 101st Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Conference stream: Sociology of Emotions. Palais des Congrès de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 10-12 August 2006.
Sociology of emotions. Social inclusion and citizenship. Relationships, intimacies and transnational families. Care and the ethics of care. Qualitative research.
Since 2013, he is a Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Some of the prizes and awards he received in the UK for his teaching and scientific activities:
RESEARCH EXCELLENCE FRAMEWORK (REF) _ outstanding record of research outputs and publications