Secondo Mercoledì del mese 11.00-13.00
ELISABETTA COPPI, Department of Neurofarba
04/04/2007 PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Florence, Italy
23/04/2003 Master’s Degree in Biology, University of Florence, Italy (110/100 cum laude & honourable mention)
25/07/1997 Baccalaureate, Scientific High School, (experimental physics) Liceo Scientifico Niccolò Rodolico, Florence, Italy (60/60)
2022 – to date. Researcher (RTDa), Dept. of Neurofarba, University of Florence, Italy
2007 – 2022 Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dept. Pharmacology University of Florence, Italy.
2006; 2018; 2020, 2022 Visiting scientist, Prof. Alasdair Gibb’s lab, Dept. of Neuroscience, Physiology and Pharmacology, UCL, London, UK.
2020-2022: FISM (Fondazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla) PI of a 2 years, 52.000 euros, project (n. 2019/BS/015); Dept. Neurofarba, University of Florence, Italy.
2020: Human Cell Corporation, 1701 Quincy Ave, Naperville, IL 60540, US. PI of a 9 months, 14000 euros founded project. Dept. Neurofarba, University of Florence, Italy.
2022 – to date. Lecturer of General Pharmacology, Master’s Degree in Applied Pharmacological Sciences, University of Florence, Italy.
2020-2021 Didactic activity for the PhD school in Neuroscience, University of Florence.
2020 Master FIRA level II, AOUC Careggi, University of Florence, Italy.
2017 – 2020 Assistant to the laboratory of Pharmacology (PhD students in Pharmacology and Toxicology; Master’s Degree in Biological Sciences), University of Florence, Italy.
2022 IJMS: 800 CHF travel grant award to attend an International Conference
2019-2020 “Fondazione Umberto Veronesi”: One year, 30.000 euros post-doctoral fellowship award 2020 (FUV2020-3299), Dept. of Neurofarba, Univ Florence, Italy.
2018 “Italian Purine Club”: 800 euros International Travel Award to participate as an invited speaker the world congress “Purines 2018”, Brazil, 19th – 22th Jun 2018
2017 “Società Italiana di Farmacologia” (SIF) and Merck Sharp & Dohme Corporation (MSD) 25000 euros, 1 year Postdoctoral fellowship, Dept. of Neurofarba, Univ Florence.
2008 “Florence University Press” (FUP): awarded of the publication of the PhD thesis. Internal competition of the Athenaeum of Florence.
2007 “Plymouth, Marine Biological Association”: £ 800 Bursary from the Physiological Society to attend the Int. Workshop “Microelectrode Techniques for Cell Physiology”