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Via MIcheli 3 - 50121 Firenze
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Esperienza lavorativa
Settembre 2020-
Dipartimento di Biologia
Universita’ di Firenze, Italia, 50121
Assistant Professor (Fixed Term) BIO/01. RTDA L.240/10
Didattica, Ricerca e attivita’ progettuale ai fini di finanziamento.
Marzo 2020-Agosto 2020
Plant Biology
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1312
Assistant Professor (Fixed Term)
Ricerca e attivita’ progettuale ai fini di finanziamento
Settembre 2014-Febbraio 2020
MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory
Settembre 2009-Settembre 2014
Post-Doctoral Position
Marzo 2006-Agosto 2009
Dipartimento di Ortofloro
Universita’ di Firenze, Italia, 50019
Assegnista di ricerca
Ricerca e supporto sviluppo progettuale
Dicembre 2002-Gennaio 2004
Esperienza lavorativa post-laurea
Istruzione e formazione
06/11/2018 - 06/11/2029
10/01/2020 AL 10/01/2029
Department of Biology, University of Bonn (Germany)
Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
Dottorato di ricerca
Titolo della tesi
“Trans-Golgi Network as independent organelle from Golgi apparatus in plant cells ”.
Gennaio 2004-Gennaio 2006
Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
BIOL 825-Topics in Plant Molecular Biology;BIOL 832-Control of plant growth and development; BIOL 898-Plant Cell Structure; BIOL 990-Seminar; BIOL 994-Research
Master di ricerca
“AtArl1, a small GTPase and its role in the binding of the GRIP domain to the Golgi apparatus in plant cells”.
Luglio 2003
Ministero dell’istruzione dell’Universita’ e della ricerca
Abilitazione alla professione di Biologo
Ottobre 1996-Dicembre 2002
Universita’ del Salento (Italia).
Biologia cellulare e molecolare
Laurea in Science Biologiche con indirizzo Bio-molecolare
“Variazioni nel metabolismo del glucosio in cellule di tabacco durante lo stress ossidativo”.
Elementi di riferimento
Numero Registro :fg111n.1106
Capacità e competenze personali
Acquisite nel corso della vita e della carriera ma non necessariamente riconosciute da certificati e diplomi ufficiali.
Altre lingua
Dal 02/2023 al 06/2023: Botanica con laboratorio (BIO/01), Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Firenze. (9CFU/72 ore insegnamento);
Dal 02/2022 al 06/2022: Botanica con laboratorio (BIO/01), Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Firenze. (9CFU/72 ore insegnamento);
Dal 02/2021 al 06/2021: Botanica con laboratorio (BIO/01), Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Firenze. (2CFU/24 ore insegnamento);
Dal 22-01-2015 al 22-01-2015: Incarico di docenza presso Michigan State University, Plant biology, 2015: MMG 409 (2 hours) Undergraduate Level. Dal 22-01-2015 al 22-01-2015
Dal 13-01-2011 al 13-01-2011: Incarico di docenza presso Michigan State University, Plant biology 2011. Graduate Level : PLB 800 (2 hours) Seminar in plant Biology
Dal 30-05-2008 al 30-05-2008: Incarico di docenza presso il Dipartimento di Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, Polo Scientifico, Sesto Fiorentino (Firenze). Corso per dottorandi (Tecnologie innovative) (2 CFU): "Basi di microscopia confocale" 2008. Dal 30-05-2008 al 30-05-2008
Teaching assistant (corso biologia di base con laboratori) per l`anno accademico 2005-2006 presso il dipartimento di Biologia, Università del Saskatchewan (Canada), attività di tutoraggio studenti durante ore di lezione, assistenza durante esami, correzione e valutazione degli elaborati.
2019: Use of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) Jeol 1400 flash. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. November 2019.
2019: Light sheet microscopy. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. October 2019.
2019: Workshop PhotosynQ Hands-on Lead by Prof. David Kramer): how to operate and use the MultispeQ: 1. Overview of Applications and MultispeQ Fundamentals 2. Learn to navigate the apps and operate your instrument. 3. Project Generation and Experiment Design. 4. Live demonstration creating a project using existing protocols and best practices for experiment efficiencies and accuracy. 5. Hands on Data Collection 6. Actual field data collection in small teams. 7 Evaluation of data. 8.Live demonstration of analyses of real data sets using online PhotosynQ tools. April 2019.
2018: Strategies for teaching science practices using free technologies at MSU (Michigan State University), 13 Nov 2018.
2017: Write Winning Grant Proposals. John D. Robertson, Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops, LLC.Presentor: John D. Robertson, Ph.D., associate member of the Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops, LLC. Idea development, Identification of the most appropriate granting agency, How to write for reviewers, Tips and strategies that are of proven value in presenting an applicant's case to reviewers. January 2017.
2017: Conseguimento attestato di insegnamento. “Pathways to Scientific Teaching” (by Prof. Diane Ebert-May, Michigan State University) September-November 2016.
2016: Use of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and preparative equipment in the biological sciences. Sectioning for electron microscopy. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. December 2016.
2015: Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy and Super Resolution STORM imaging usingNikon A1 CLSM. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. June 2015.
2014: Laser Capture Microscopy (LCM) using Zeiss Palm MicroBeam IV Laser Capture Microscope. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. February 2014.
2013: Workshop: Fluctuation cross-correlation analysis for the study of fluorescent reporters in tip growth (organized by Luis Vidali) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2013.
2013:Workshop: Kinematics (organized by Wendy Silk, Edgar Spalding, and Nathan Miller) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2013.
2012: Workshop: Image signal quantification (Kevin Eliceiri) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2012.
2012: Workshop: Implementation of computational models: entry points and first steps (Anja Geitmann) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2012.
2011: Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy using Zeiss LSM Confocor 3 FCS system. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. December 2011.
2010:Spectral imaging using Spectral-based Olympus FluoView 1000 CLSM. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. January 2010.
2009:FRAP and FRET imaging and analysis. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. October 2009.
2006-2007: Corso di “Elementi di Bioinformatica” (12 ore totali) tenuto da Dr.Pietro Lio’, University of Cambridge presso Universita’ degli studi di Firenze.
2014: Anton Lang Memorial Award for Research Excellence, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University (Michigan). The Anton Lang Memorial Fund, established in 1997, supports the annual Anton Lang Memorial Awards and Seminar. Established in memory of the Plant Research Laboratories (PRL) founding director, monies from this fund are used each year to honor one postdoctoral associate who exemplify the research excellence, ideals, dedication, and vision of Anton Lang. Recipients are presented with a memento from the PRL (a handsome walnut clock engraved with their name) and a monetary award, and their names are added to a plaque in the Plant Biology building’s Anton Lang display case.
2013: National Science Foundation competitive travel fellowship (funds covered registration, travel and accommodation costs) to attend the Midwest Plant Cell Dynamics Meeting- Madison, WI-USA, June 5th to June 7th.
2012: National Science Foundation competitive travel fellowship (funds covered registration, travel and accommodation costs) to attend the Midwest Plant Cell Dynamics Meeting- Madison, WI-USA, June 20th-22nd.
2008: University of Florence scholarship – Physiological and qualitative parameter studies to build up growth model for Vitis vinifera.
2005-2006: Graduate Teaching Assistantships. The students are required to work as instructor from September to April. University of Saskatchewan-Canada
2004-2006: Graduate Scholarships (UGS).The students receive $16,000 per year subject to maintaining acceptable academic standing. University of Saskatchewan-Canada
2020 to present: Associate Editor of Frontiers in Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity;
2019 to present: Editor Board member of Plants (MDPI)
2020 to present: Guest Editor in Cells for the Special Issue “New Insight in Molecular and Cellular Mechanism of Plant Growth”.
2020: Guest Associate Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress-Frontiers in Plant Science. Research Topic:Salt Tolerance: Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms and Breeding Applications
2019: Guest Associate Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress-Frontiers in Plant Science. Research Topic: New Insights into Salinity Sensing, Signaling and Adaptation in Plants.
From 2017: Review Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress (Frontiers in Plant Science).
2016/2018: Seminar Committee (responsabile organizzazione seminari di dipartimento).
2016: Poster Committee (responsabile della selezione di presentazioni e poster durante il rinnovo del grant proposal del Plant Research Laboratory- Department Of Energy).
2015/2016: Personnel Affairs Committee (responsabile dell`orientamento e di fornire informazione riguardanti il Plant Research Laboratory (Michigan State University) ai nuovi studenti in visita, post docs e studenti di dottorato).
2014-present: member of APC (Academic Personnel Council)(consiglio accademico).
2014/2015: Representative Research Associate for APC (rappresentante dei ricercatori incaricato a presenziare e partecipare alle riunioni di facolta`).
Nature Communications
Frontiers in Plant Science: Plant abiotic stress
New Phytologist
Journal of Experimental Botany
Plant Journal
The Plant Cell
Plant Physiology
Plant and Cell Physiology
Frontiers Plant Science:Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity
Plant Signaling & Behavior
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Dove Medical Press
Stefano Mancuso, Plant physiology, Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, University of Florence, Italy.
Lucia Gardini, Biophotonics Laboratory, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica” (INO-CNR), Florence, Italy.
Agnieszka Zienkiewicz, Autophagy/lipidomics, Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland.
Krzysztof Zienkiewicz, Plant and algal biotechnology and biochemistry, Centre for Modern Interdisciplinary Technologies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland.
Sergey Shabala /Plant adaptive responses to environment (salinity, oxidative stress, extreme temperatures, soil acidity, drought, waterlogging, nutritional disorders, biotic stresses)/(University of Tasmania), Australia.
Frantisek Baluska/Cytoskeleton and Vesicular Trafficking/University of Bonn, Germany .
Abstracts and Presentations:
2019: Stefano G and Brandizzi F- Novel players in plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. 22nd Meeting of the European Network for Plant Endomembrane Research- ENPER, September 3-6, 2019. Universidad de Valencia, Spain (speaker).
2019: Stefano G and Brandizzi F- Novel players in plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. 22nd Penn State Symposium in Plant Biology - Plant Cell Dynamics VIII.June 18 - 21, 2019. University Park, Pennsylvania, USA (Poster presentation).
2017: Stefano G and Brandizzi F- Plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis requires the ER membrane–anchored proteins PVA11 and PVA12 . 53rd annual meeting of the Canadian Botanical Association. July 4-8, 2017. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, CANADA (invited speaker).
2013: Stefano G and Brandizzi F-Functional and morphological integrity of the organelles in plant cells. Midwest plant cell dynamics, June 5-7.University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA (speaker).
2012: Stefano G and Brandizzi F-Spatial and dynamic organization of the early secretory organelles in plant cells. Midwest plant cell dynamics, June 20-22. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA (speaker).
2012: Stefano G and Brandizzi F- Spatial and dynamic organization of the early secretory organelles in plant cells. 15th European Plant Endomembrane meeting, August 29-31. Madrid, Spain (speaker).
2011: Stefano G and Brandizzi F. -Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum integrity in the plant early secretory pathway. iGRAD-Plant Seminar Series. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf , Germany (invited speaker).
2011: Stefano G and Brandizzi F-Integrity of the early secretory pathway organelles in plant cells. 22nd International conference on Arabidopsis research, June 22-26. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA (speaker).
2009: Renna L, Stefano G, Baluska F, Mancuso S- AGD5, an ARF-GAP, interacts with ARF1 GTPase at the Trans-Golgi Network. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, June 25-29. Firenze, Italy.
2009: Pandolfi C, Masi E, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Renna L, Stefano G, Mancuso S- Physiological response to temporary changes in gravity conditions on plants. In: Physiological response to temporary changes in gravity conditions on plants. ELGRA Symposium, September 1-4. Bonn, Germany.
2008: Masi E, Ciszak M, Pandolfi C, Azzarello E, Mugnai S, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Mancuso S- Characteristics of the artificial electrical activity generated in plant roots under artificial changes in gravity. 4rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, June 6-9. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Mugnai S, Pandolfi C, Azzarello E, Masi E, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D, Mancuso S- Root Apex Physiological Response To Temporary Changes In Gravity Conditions: An Overview On Oxygen And Nitric Oxide Fluxes. In: Life In Space For Life On Earth. June 22-27. Angers, France.
2008: Mancuso S, Masi E, Ciszak M, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D- Characteristics Of The Electrical Network Activity Generated In Plant Roots Under Changes In Artificial Gravity. In: 4th Symposium On Plant Neurobiology. June 4-7. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Mancuso S, Masi E, Ciszak M, Stefano G, Renna L, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Mugnai S, Baluska F, Arecchi T- Neuroid Conduction In Plants. In: 4th Symposium On Plant Neurobiology. June 4-7. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Masi E, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Ciszak M, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D, Mancuso S- Electrical network activity in plant roots under gravity-changing conditions. In: Symposium "Life in Space for Life on Earth." June 22-27. Angers, France.
2007: Masi E, Ciszak M, Montina A, Malachovska V, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Hlavacka A, Arecchi FT, Mancuso S- Spatio-temporal dynamics of the electrical network activity in the root apex. A multi-electrode array (MEA) study. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology. May 14-18. Štrbské pleso, Slovakia.
2006: Stefano G and Brandizzi F. -Trans Golgi Network dynamics: a new light in plants.Department of Experimental Plant Biology. Prague, Czech Republic (invited speaker).
2006: Matheson L, Stefano G, Brandizzi F- Matrix protein targeting to the plant Golgi apparatus. Plant Biology: August 5-9. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
2006: Matheson L, Stefano G, Brandizzi F- Dissection of the molecular mechanisms for matrix protein targeting to the plant Golgi apparatus. 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Analytical Cytology", May 20-24. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
2004: Brandizzi F, Hawes C, Hanton SL, Renna L, Stefano G- Use of fluorescent proteins to dissect the dynamics of the plant secretory pathway. European Microscopy Congress, Antwerpen, Belgium.
Competenze informatiche
Software: R, Matlab, Origin 8, Graphpad Prism, Unigene, Microsoft Office (Excel, Power Point, Word, Onenote), Photoshop, Illustrator, Inkscape, GIMP, Fiji/ImageJ.
Operating Systems: Mac OS, Linux & Windows.
Competenze tecniche
1) Advanced Confocal Microscopy:
- FRAP (Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching), iFRAP (inverse FRAP), 2-color FRAP, FRET (fluorescence resonance energy transfer)
-Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) variant, also named Variable Epifluorescence Microscope VAEM)
- Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy (STORM)
-Multi-channnel fluorescence imaging,
-High-speed resonance scanning
-3D rendering and animation
-Co-localization analysis
-Cell counting and image analysis software
-Live cell imaging and quantitative analysis over time
-FRAP and FRET imaging and analysis
-BiFC analysis
-Spectral imaging
-Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS)
2) TEM ( transmission electron microscope) and Ultramicrotome (Leica)
3) Uso di ULTRA Microplate fluorescence Reader per misurare Fluorescence intensity, BRET, FRET, and Luminescence.
4) qPCR; quantitative gene expression analysis using real-time qPCR.
5)Yeast Two-Hybrid (Y2H) Screening
6)Biochemical/Molecular biology techniques used: SDS-PAGE, Agarose Gel
Electrophoresis, Co-immunoprecipitation, protein expression and purification via affinity
chromatography (Ni-NTA, Cobalt, glutathione columns), protein assays, PCR, RT-PCR, western blot, silver stains, enzyme kinetics, protein-protein interaction technique; protein pull down assays.
7) Conoscenze pratiche e teoriche di tecniche di biologia cellulare e biochimica: isolamento di organelli, estrazione di proteine mediante SDS PAGE; cromatografia su carta, su colonna e su strato sottile; elettroforesi ad alto voltaggio su carta.
8) Esperienza nelle metodologie di crescita in ambiente controllato di specie vegetali: Nicotiana tabacum ed Arabidopsis thaliana; esperienza nelle metodologie di allestimento e mantenimento di colture cellulari vegetali in terreni liquidi e solidi. Colture di lieviti.
Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati personali, secondo quanto previsto dalla Legge 196/03
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Sono un biologo vegetale le cui attività di ricerca abbracciano vari aspetti della biologia delle piante, con un particolare focus sulle risposte delle piante agli stress abiotici, la segnalazione degli ormoni e le interazioni pianta-microbo. Il mio lavoro mira a svelare i meccanismi molecolari che sottendono questi processi per migliorare la nostra comprensione della crescita, dello sviluppo e dell'adattamento delle piante. Studiando i componenti molecolari e i pathways regolatori coinvolti nelle vie di segnalazione dello stress, cerco di identificare fattori genetici e molecole segnalatrici che contribuiscono alla tolleranza e alla resilienza delle piante in ambienti e condizioni ostili. Ho 18 anni di esperienza nello studio del patway secretorio delle piante. Utilizzando la microscopia confocale, tecniche di imaging con microscopio elettronico e approcci biochimici abbinati alle risorse genomiche di Arabidopsis thaliana, ho identificato macchinari molecolari importanti per gli organelli nel creare e mantenere la loro integrità funzionale e morfologica, fondamentale per la crescita e lo sviluppo delle cellule vegetali.
(University of Florence)
Department of Biology
Via Micheli 3,
Firenze, 50121, Italy
tel. office +39 055 4574065
09/2020 – present
Assistant Professor (RTDA-Fixed Term)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, University of Florence/ Italy
▪ Teaching and research activities
01/2020 –08/2020
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, Michigan State University, / USA
▪ Research activities
09/2014 –12/2019
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Energy (DOE) Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, / USA
▪ Research activities and Research supervisor
09/2009 –08/2014
Post-doctoral research associate
Full Professor National Scientific Habilitationin Botany 05/A1
MIUR (Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca, Italy)
▪ Botany 05/A1
Associate Professor National Scientific Habilitationin Molecular Biology 05/E2
▪ Molecular Biology 05/E2
Teaching certificate - “Pathways to Scientific Teaching”
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, Michigan State University,USA
▪ Plant Biology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Department of Biology, University of Bonn (GERMANY)
▪ Plant Cell and Molecular Biology
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan (CANADA)
Licence ofProfessional Biologist
▪ Biology
Degree in Biological Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/Department of Biology, Universita’ del Salento (Italy).
Use of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) Jeol 1400 flash. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. November 2019.
Light sheet microscopy. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. October 2019.
Workshop PhotosynQ Hands-on Lead by Prof. David Kramer): how to operate and use the MultispeQ: 1. Overview of Applications and MultispeQ Fundamentals 2. Learn to navigate the apps and operate your instrument. 3. Project Generation and Experiment Design. 4. Live demonstration creating a project using existing protocols and best practices for experiment efficiencies and accuracy. 5. Hands on Data Collection 6. Actual field data collection in small teams. 7 Evaluation of data. 8.Live demonstration of analyses of real data sets using online PhotosynQ tools. April 2019.
Strategies for teaching science practices using free technologies at MSU (Michigan State University), 13 Nov 2018.
Write Winning Grant Proposals. John D. Robertson, Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops, LLC. Presentor: John D. Robertson, Ph.D., associate member of the Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops, LLC. Idea development, Identification of the most appropriate granting agency, How to write for reviewers, Tips and strategies that are of proven value in presenting an applicant's case to reviewers. January 2017.
“Pathways to Scientific Teaching” (by Prof. Diane Ebert-May, Michigan State University) September-November 2016.
Use of the transmission electron microscope (TEM) and preparative equipment in the biological sciences. Sectioning for electron microscopy. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. December 2016.
Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy and Super Resolution STORM imaging usingNikon A1 CLSM. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. June 2015.
Laser Capture Microscopy (LCM) using Zeiss Palm MicroBeam IV Laser Capture Microscope. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. February 2014.
Workshop: Fluctuation cross-correlation analysis for the study of fluorescent reporters in tip growth (organized by Luis Vidali) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2013.
Workshop: Kinematics (organized by Wendy Silk, Edgar Spalding, and Nathan Miller) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2013.
Workshop: Image signal quantification (Kevin Eliceiri) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2012.
Workshop: Implementation of computational models: entry points and first steps (Anja Geitmann) University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA. June 2012.
Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy using Zeiss LSM Confocor 3 FCS system. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. December 2011.
Spectral imaging using Spectral-based Olympus FluoView 1000 CLSM. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. January 2010.
FRAP and FRET imaging and analysis. Center for Advanced Microscopy, Michigan State University Core Facility, East Lansing-MI, USA. October 2009.
Course of "Elements of Bioinformatics" (12 hours total) held by Dr. Pietro Lio', University of Cambridge at the University of Florence.
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Job-related skills
expert in the following techniques:
3) Use of the ULTRA Microplate Fluorescence Reader for measuring Fluorescence intensity, BRET, FRET, and Luminescence.
5) Experience with yeast cultures; Yeast Two-Hybrid (Y2H) Screening.
6) Biochemical/Molecular biology techniques used: SDS-PAGE, Agarose Gel
7) Practical and theoretical knowledge of cellular biology and biochemistry techniques: organelle isolation, protein extraction using SDS-PAGE; paper chromatography, column chromatography, and thin-layer chromatography; high-voltage electrophoresis on paper.
8) Experience in controlled environment growth methodologies of plant species: Nicotiana tabacum and Arabidopsis thaliana; proficiency in establishing and maintaining plant cell cultures in both liquid and solid mediums.
Digital skills
2014: Anton Lang Memorial Award for Research Excellence, MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University (Michigan)/USA.
2013: National Science Foundation competitive travel fellowship/ University of Madison (Wisconsin)/USA
2012: National Science Foundation competitive travel fellowship/ University of Madison (Wisconsin)/USA
2008: University of Florence scholarship – Physiological and qualitative parameter studies to build up growth model for Vitis vinifera. Faculty of Agriculture/ Department of Plant,
Soil and Environmental Science, University of Florence/ ITALY
2005 – 2006: Graduate Teaching Assistantships/ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan/ CANADA
2004 – 2006: Graduate Scholarships (UGS)/ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, University of Saskatchewan/ CANADA
Editorial activity
2020-present: Frontiers inPlant Metabolism and Chemodiversity (Associate Editor);
2019-present: Plants (Editorial Board Member);
2020: Frontiers in Plant Science; Guest Editor in Cells for the Special Issue “New Insight in Molecular and Cellular Mechanism of Plant Growth”.
2020: Frontiers in Plant Science; Guest Associate Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress-Frontiers in Plant Science. Research Topic:Salt Tolerance: Molecular and Physiological Mechanisms and Breeding Applications
2019: Frontiers in Plant Science; Guest Associate Editor in Plant Abiotic Stress-Frontiers in Plant Science. Research Topic: New Insights into Salinity Sensing, Signaling and Adaptation in Plants.
2022: Cells(guest editor).
Review Editor in Nature Communications; Frontiers in Plant Science: Plant abiotic stress; New Phytologist; Journal of Experimental Botany; Plant Journal; The Plant Cell; Plant Physiology; Plant and Cell Physiology; Frontiers Plant Science: Plant Metabolism and Chemodiversity; Plant Signaling & Behavior; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Planta
Abstract and presentations
2019: Stefano G. and Brandizzi F- Novel players in plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. 22nd Meeting of the European Network for Plant Endomembrane Research- ENPER, September 3-6, 2019. Universidad de Valencia, Spain (speaker).
2019: Stefano G. and Brandizzi F- Novel players in plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis. 22nd Penn State Symposium in Plant Biology - Plant Cell Dynamics VIII.June 18 - 21, 2019. University Park, Pennsylvania, USA (Poster presentation).
2017: Stefano G. and Brandizzi F: Plant clathrin-mediated endocytosis requires the ER membrane–anchored proteins PVA11 and PVA12 . 53rd annual meeting of the Canadian Botanical Association. July 4-8, 2017. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON, CANADA (invited speaker).
2013: Stefano G and Brandizzi F:Functional and morphological integrity of the organelles in plant cells. Midwest plant cell dynamics, June 5-7.University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
2012: Stefano G and Brandizzi F:Spatial and dynamic organization of the early secretory organelles in plant cells. Midwest plant cell dynamics, June 20-22. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
2012: Stefano G and Brandizzi F: Spatial and dynamic organization of the early secretory organelles in plant cells. 15th European Plant Endomembrane meeting, August 29-31. Madrid, Spain.
2011: Stefano G and Brandizzi F:Integrity of the early secretory pathway organelles in plant cells. 22nd International conference on Arabidopsis research, June 22-26. University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA.
2009: Renna L, Stefano G, Baluska F, Mancuso S: AGD5, an ARF-GAP, interacts with ARF1 GTPase at the Trans-Golgi Network. 5th International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, June 25-29. Firenze, Italy.
2009: Pandolfi C, Masi E, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Renna L, Stefano G, Mancuso S: Physiological response to temporary changes in gravity conditions on plants. In: Physiological response to temporary changes in gravity conditions on plants. ELGRA Symposium, September 1-4. Bonn, Germany.
2008: Masi E, Ciszak M, Pandolfi C, Azzarello E, Mugnai S, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Mancuso S: Characteristics of the artificial electrical activity generated in plant roots under artificial changes in gravity. 4rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology, June 6-9. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Mugnai S, Pandolfi C, Azzarello E, Masi E, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D, Mancuso S: Root Apex Physiological Response To Temporary Changes In Gravity Conditions: An Overview On Oxygen And Nitric Oxide Fluxes. In: Life In Space For Life On Earth. June 22-27. Angers, France.
2008: Mancuso S, Masi E, Ciszak M, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D: Characteristics Of The Electrical Network Activity Generated In Plant Roots Under Changes In Artificial Gravity. In: 4th Symposium On Plant Neurobiology. June 4-7. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Mancuso S, Masi E, Ciszak M, Stefano G, Renna L, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Mugnai S, Baluska F, Arecchi T: Neuroid Conduction In Plants. In: 4th Symposium On Plant Neurobiology. June 4-7. Fukuoka, Japan.
2008: Masi E, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Ciszak M, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Volkmann D, Mancuso S: Electrical network activity in plant roots under gravity-changing conditions. In: Symposium "Life in Space for Life on Earth." June 22-27. Angers, France.
2007: Masi E, Ciszak M, Montina A, Malachovska V, Mugnai S, Azzarello E, Pandolfi C, Renna L, Stefano G, Voigt B, Hlavacka A, Arecchi FT, Mancuso S: Spatio-temporal dynamics of the electrical network activity in the root apex. A multi-electrode array (MEA) study. 3rd International Symposium on Plant Neurobiology.May 14-18. Štrbské pleso, Slovakia.
2006: Matheson L, Stefano G, Brandizzi F: Matrix protein targeting to the plant Golgi apparatus. Plant Biology: August 5-9. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
2006: Matheson L, Stefano G, Brandizzi F: Dissection of the molecular mechanisms for matrix protein targeting to the plant Golgi apparatus. 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Analytical Cytology", May 20-24. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
2004: Brandizzi F, Hawes C, Hanton SL, Renna L, Stefano G: Use of fluorescent proteins to dissect the dynamics of the plant secretory pathway. European Microscopy Congress, Antwerpen, Belgium.
2006: Stefano G and Brandizzi F. Trans Golgi Network dynamics: a new light in plants.Department of Experimental Plant Biology. Prague, Czech Republic (invited speaker).
2009: Stefano G and Brandizzi F. Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum integrity in the plant early secretory pathway. iGRAD-Plant Seminar Series. Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf , Germany (invited speaker).
2008 Scientific support for the Space Biology area at Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, University of Florence (Italy).
2008 ESA (European Space Agency) Project: 49th Parabolic Flights - Electrical network activity, ROS production and endocytosis dynamics in plant roots under gravity-changing conditions.
2007 ESA Project: 47th Parabolic Flights - Oxidative burst: Earliest response of roots to changes of gravitational force.
2006 ESA Project: 46th Parabolic Flights - Electrical network activity and endocytosis dynamics in plant roots under gravity-changing condition.
2020 – present Botany–Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, University of Florence/ Italy
2020 – present Biology and Ecology of Algae–Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Department of Biology, University of Florence/ Italy
2017 “Pathways to Scientific Teaching”, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ Plant Biology, Michigan State University, / USA
2015 MMG 409 (2 hours)–(Undergraduate Level)– Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, / USA
2011 PLB 800 (2 hours)–Seminar in plant Biology (Graduate Level)– Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences/ MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University/ USA
2008 Graduate level course on Innovative Technologies (2 CFU), confocal microscopy– Faculty of Agriculture/ Department of Plant, Soil and Environmental Science, University of Florence/ Italy
I am a plant biologist whose research activities encompass various aspects of plant biology, with a particular focus on plant responses to abiotic stresses, hormone signaling, and plant-microbe interactions. My work aims to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying these processes to enhance our understanding of plant growth, development, and adaptation. By studying the molecular components and regulatory networks involved in stress signaling pathways, I seek to identify genetic factors and signaling molecules that contribute to plant tolerance and resilience in challenging environments. I have 18 years of experience in studying the plant secretory pathway. Using quantitative live-cell confocal microscopy, electron microscopy imaging techniques, and biochemical approaches coupled with Arabidopsis genomics resources, I have identified molecular machineries important for organelles to establish and maintain their functional and morphological integrity, which is crucial for plant cell growth and development.