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Laura Grazzini è Ricercatrice a tempo determinato (RTD-B) di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese presso l'Università di Firenze. Ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca con lode in Management and Law presso l'Università Politecnica delle Marche e ottenuto l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale a Professore di Seconda Fascia per il settore 13/B2. I suoi interessi di ricerca includono la sostenibilità di prodotto e di packaging, i comportamenti e le scelte di consumo sostenibili, le strategie di branding in chiave sociale e i disegni sperimentali. È membro del Laboratorio di Ricerca in Economia e Management Sperimentale (BEELab+) e del programma di dottorato in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing (S3W), consorziato con la scuola IMT alti Studi di Lucca. È stata inoltre Visiting Scholar presso la London Business School di Londra e la Cardiff Business School della Cardiff University. È autrice di articoli su autorevoli riviste scientifiche internazionali e nazionali. È membro dell'Editorial Board di Psychology & Marketing (3 ABS – fascia A ANVUR) e dell’ International Journal of Management Reviews (3 ABS – fascia A ANVUR). È reviewer per molte riviste tra le quali: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Qualitative Market Research, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Product and Brand Management. A livello nazionale, è membro della Consulta Junior della Società Italiana Marketing.
Novembre 2021 – presente Ricercatore a tempo determinato L.240/10 tipo B di Economia e gestione delle imprese - Università degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Scienze per l'Economia e l'Impresa, Via delle Pandette, 32, 50127, Firenze.
Conseguimento dell’Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per il ruolo di Professore di II fascia nel Settore Scientifico Disciplinare SECS-P/08 – Economia e Gestione delle Imprese
ISTRUZIONE - Marzo 2017 Dottorato in Management & Law, Università Politecnica delle Marche
Membro dell'Editorial Board di Psychology & Marketing (3 ABS – fascia A ANVUR). Membro dell’Editorial Board di International Journal of Management Reviews Guest Editor della Special Issue su European Journal of Marketing (3 ABS – fascia A ANVUR) dal titolo “Bringing Behavior Back: Field Studies and Marketing Research”. Membro della Consulta Junior della Società Italiana Marketing (SIM). Membro della Società Italiana Marketing (dal 2014 ad oggi). Membro della European Marketing Academy (EMAC). Ad hoc reviewer per la Global Fashion Management Conference (GFMC). Ad hoc reviewer per la Global Marketing Conference (GMC). Ad-hoc Reviewer per le seguenti riviste: Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Qualitative Market Research, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Journal of Product and Brand Management.
Visiting PhD Student presso la London Business School e la Cardiff Business School
Vincitrice PRIN 2022 - Sustainable Food Labels for Product Communication
Vincitrice del Research Grant dell’Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)-SIM 2020, con Acuti D. e Pitardi V. con il progetto: “Saturate it till you make it. The combined role of color saturation and sustainable claims’ frame and cues on purchasing behavior”.
Best conference paper XVI Convegno SIM per il paper "Grazzini L., Acuti D., Mazzoli V., Petruzzellis L., Korschun D., Standing for politics: what consequences for brands?".
Best paper sessione "Marketing Communication & Branding" XVI Convegno SIM per il paper "Grazzini L., Acuti D., Mazzoli V., Petruzzellis L., Korschun D., Standing for politics: what consequences for brands?".
Vincitrice del Bando Giovani Ricercatori Protagonisti (2017) promosso da Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze
sostenibilità di prodotto
sostenibilità di packaging
comportamenti di acquisto e consumo sostenuibili
brand activism
disegni sperimentali
Laura Grazzini is Senior Assistant Professor in Economics and Business Management at the University of Florence. She holds a PhD with distinction in Management and Law from the Marche Polytechnic University and the National Scientific Qualification for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector SECS-P/08 – Economics and Business Management. Her research interests include sustainable products and packaging, sustainable behaviors, brand activism and experimental design. She is a member of the Behavioral and Experimental Economics Lab (BEELab+) and of the PhD program in Social Sciences for Sustainability and Wellbeing. She was a Visiting Scholar at the London Business School and Cardiff Business School. She is the author of articles in influential international and national scientific journals. She is member of the Editorial Board of Psychology & Marketing (3 ABS – ASN classification: class A) and of International Journal of Management Reviews (3 ABS – ASN classification: class A). She is ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Qualitative Market Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management. She is member of the Junior Faculty of Italian Marketing Society (SIM).
Senior Researcher (Assistant Professor), RTDb, Scientific Disciplinary Sector SECS-P/08 – Economics and Business Management, at the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Florence (from 01.11.2021 to date)
Achievement of the National Scientific Qualification for the Scientific Disciplinary Sector SECS-P/08 – Economics and Business Management – (valid from 10/07/2020 to 10/07/2029).
EDUCATION - Ph.D. in Management at Marche Polytechnic University – Ancona.
Member of the Editorial Board of Psychology & Marketing (3 ABS – ASN classification: class A; Member of the Editorial Board of International Journal of Management Reviews (3 ABS – ASN classification: class A); Member of the Società Italiana Marketing (SIM) Junior Faculty; Guest Editor of the Special Issue on European Journal of Marketing (3 ABS – ASN classification: class A) titled “Bringing Behavior Back: Field Studies and Marketing Research”. Ad-hoc reviewer for Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Psychology & Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, Annals of Tourism Research, Qualitative Market Research, International Journal of Hospitality Management.
Visiting Ph.D. Student at London Business School and Cardiff Business School
Winner of PRIN 2022 - Sustainable Food Labels for Product Communication
Winner of the Academy of Marketing Science (AMS)- Società Italiana di Marketing (SIM) Research Grant 2020, with the project “Saturate it till you make it. The combined role of color saturation and sustainable claims’ frame and cues on purchasing behavior”, by Grazzini L., Acuti D. e Pitardi V.
Winner of the Best conference paper XVI SIM Conference, Marketing 4.0: le sfide della multicanalità, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 24 - 25 October 2019, with the paper “Standing for politics: what consequences for brands?”, by Grazzini L., Acuti D., Mazzoli V., Petruzzellis L., Korschun D. The paper has been selected for publication in Journal of Italian Marketing (ISBN: 978-88-943918).
Winner of the Best Selected Papers Award for "Marketing Communication & Branding" session, XVI SIM Conference, Marketing 4.0: le sfide della multicanalità, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 24 - 25 October 2019, with “Standing for politics: what consequences for brands?”, by Grazzini L., Acuti D., Mazzoli V., Petruzzellis L., Korschun D.
Winner of the Giovani Ricercatori Protagonisti (2017) Grant by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze from September 2018 to November 2019.
sustainable products
sustainable packaging
sustainable behaviors
experimental design