ITAPrimo Semestre: dal 16 Settembre al 30 Dicembre 2024, Martedì ore 9.00-10.00, stanza 3.43.Secondo Semestre: dal 24 febbraio al 24 maggio 2024, Giovedì ore 13.30-14.30, stanza 3.43.Nei restanti mesi: su appuntamento da concordare tramite mail.
ENGFall-Winter term: from 16th September to 30th November 2024, Tuesday 9.00-10.00 a.m., building D6, room 3.43.Spring-Summer term: from 24th February to 24th May 2025, Thursday 1.30-2.30 p.m., building D6, room 3.43.During other periods: please contact me via email to arrange a meeting.
Francesco Mazzi is Associate Professor at the University of Florence. He received his PhD in Accounting from University of Florence in 2013. After an experience as Certified Public Accountant, Francesco joined the University of Florence as Assistant Professor in 2018 where he became Associate Professor in 2022.
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Francesco's research focuses on the causes and consequences of disclosure, the impact of country characteristics on accounting policy choices, the causes and consequences of non financial information and its assurance, the banking industry, natural disasters and disaster risk.