Every day, by appointment (email: enrico.ravera@unifi.it)
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Enrico Ravera was born in Arezzo in 1986. He graduated with a B.Sc. in Chemistry at the University of Florence (2008, under the guidance of Prof. Roberta Pierattelli and Prof. Ivano Bertini). He graduated with a M.Sc. in Chemistry of Biological Molecules cum laude (2009, under the guidance of Prof. Claudio Luchinat and Prof. Ivano Bertini) and a Ph.D. in Chemistry (General and Inorganic, 2013, under the guidance of Prof. Claudio Luchinat and Prof. Ivano Bertini) from the same University.He has been Postdoctoral fellow (2013-2015) at CERM under the guidance of Prof. Luchinat and he has been a recipient (2016-2017) of a FIRC Fellowship at CIRMMP.In June 2017 he joined the faculty at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence as RTDa, transitioned to RTDb in January 2019 and to Associate Professor in January 2022.
He has been awarded the 2020 Premio "Raffaello Nasini", the 2016 GIDRM Under 35 Award, the 2016 Premio Italfarmaco Gastone de Santis from the Division of Biological Systems of the Italian Chemical Society, and the 2016 PhosAgro/UNESCO/IUPAC Green Chemistry for Life Award
Dr. Ravera's research interests include NMR in solution and in solids - with particular reference to paramagnetic systems and biomaterials, EPR spectroscopy, and integrated methods for structure and dynamics of biomolecules. He is co-author with I. Bertini, C. Luchinat and G. Parigi of the book "NMR of Paramagnetic Molecules" (Elsevier, 2016).