CURRICULUM VITAE del Dott. Simone Vanni
Già prima della Laurea ha iniziato a dedicarsi alla ricerca nel campo delle scienze di base con particolare riguardo allo studio della catalisi enzimatica (1).
Vincitore del premio di laurea “Elena” per l’ anno accademico 1993/94 con la tesi “Il trapianto di midollo osseo da donatore non consanguineo”.
Dopo la Laurea e' entrato a fare parte del gruppo di ricerca guidato dal Prof. G.G. Neri Serneri ed ha partecipato a studi riguardanti il ruolo fisiologico dei fattori di crescita autocrino-paracrini nella omeostasi cardiocircolatoria.
Nel Marzo 2004 ha conseguito il titolo di dottore di ricerca in Fisiopatologia Clinica (XV Ciclo).
Negli ultimi anni si è dedicato a studi clinici inerenti la Medicina d’Urgenza, con particolare riguardo alla diagnosi, prognosi e terapia del trombo-embolismo venoso e di altri frequenti quadri acuti in emergenza-urgenza.
Nel 2017 ha conseguito l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale per il settore concorsuale 06/B1-Medicina Interna (dal 31/7/2017 al 31/7/2026).
Dal Marzo 2023 è Professore associato di Medicina Interna e d'Urgenza, Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale e Clinica, Università degli studi di Firenze
Dallo stesso periodo è Direttore della SODc Osservazione Breve Intensiva, dell'Azienda ospedaliero universitaria Careggi, Firenze
Nell'ambito degli studi sull'ipertrofia miocardica ha collaborato allo studio della produzione autocrina/paracrina cardiaca di alcuni fattori di crescita raggiungendo risultati che sono stati pubblicati su prestigiose riviste internazionali (2,4-11,13-16).
Nel Maggio 2000 e’ risultato vincitore del premio Boehringer Ingelheim Italia 2000 per la Cardiologia.
Nel Giugno 2000 ha iniziato il dottorato di ricerca sotto la guida del Prof. P.A. Modesti seguendo il curriculum di fisiopatologia cardiovascolare con un progetto di ricerca dal titolo: “Il sistema renina angiotensina cardiaco nell’insufficienza cardiaca”.
Nello stesso anno, presentando un progetto affine a quello del dottorato, è risultato vincitore di un borsa per giovani ricercatori bandita dall’Università di Firenze.
Nel corso dei 3 anni del dottorato ha approfondito lo studio dei recettori per l’Ang II sui cardiomiociti umani isolati raggiungendo risultati che sono stati raccolti nella tesi di dottorato, presentati a congressi internazionali (A-34, A-36) e pubblicati su prestigiose riviste internazionali (11, 14)
B) Studi sul ruolo dell’endotelina-1 nell’omeostasi del sodio e dell’acqua.
Ha partecipato agli studi sulla sede e sui meccanismi regolatori fisiologici della produzione renale di endotelina-1 e dei suoi recettori. Queste osservazioni per la prima volta nell’uomo hanno dimostrato da una parte il ruolo dell’ET-1 nella regolazione della clearance dell’acqua libera e del riassorbimento del sodio e dall’altra la “sodio-sensibilità” del recettore endotelinico renale di tipo B direttamente coinvolto in questi processi (3, 12).
C)Ricerche cliniche nell’ambito della Medicina d’Urgenza:
Dal 2005, stimolato dal coordinamento del Centro di Riferimento Regionale Toscano (CRRT) per la Diagnosi e la Terapia dell’ Embolia Polmonare acuta, si è dedicato allo studio della gestione clinica in emergenza-urgenza dei pazienti con trombo-embolismo venoso pubblicando numerosi lavori su riviste internazionali (19, 21, 23, 26, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44-46, 53, 54, 57, 65, 66, 73, 75, 76, 84-87, 93, 94).
Contemporaneamente, impegnato nell’attività clinica a tutto campo in Medicina d’Urgenza, si è dedicato allo studio della gestione di altri frequenti motivi di presentazione in emergenza-urgenza come l’insufficienza respiratoria acuta (17, 20, 59, 60, 63, 85, 89, 95) la sindrome coronarica acuta (18, 24, 28, 55), la fibrillazione atriale (29, 35), la sepsi (22, 91, 92), la sincope (50,71), le sindromi aortiche acute (39,43,47,52,72,82), l’ictus ed altre emergenze neurologiche (30, 37, 42, 74, 81, 89, 90), con particolare riguardo alla diagnosi differenziale dell’ictus posteriore e della sindrome vertiginosa acuta (44,49,56,67,70). Ha dedicato anche alcuni lavori agli aspetti organizzativi dei percorsi clinici in emergenza-urgenza (49,69,71,75,97)
Molte delle sue pubblicazioni derivano dallo studio approfondito e dalla progressiva acquisizione di esperienza nell’utilizzo dell’ecografia clinica in emergenzaurgenza, con particolare riguardo alla diagnosi precoce dei quadri acuti (23,27,38,41-43,47,48,51,63,65,67,77,80,82)
Partendo dai dati raccolti nel CRRT per la Diagnosi e la Terapia dell’Embolia Polmonare acuta si è dedicato anche allo studio ed ha sviluppato competenze nell’analisi statistica dei valori plasmatici di vari biomarcatori, come i peptidi natriuretici (19,27,30,66,69), la troponina (26,31,36,40,66), il D-dimero (30,41,72,82), il lattato plasmatico (33,46,54,66), sia presi singolarmente che integrati in score clinici (31,36,40,41,46,54,73,75,82).
Partecipazione a Editorial Board di riviste scientifiche:
Partecipazione a società scientifiche:
Fin dalla specializzazione ha iniziato a svolgere un’intensa attività didattica tenendo delle lezioni pratiche di semeiotica agli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia.
Durante il dottorato di ricerca, ha tenuto lezioni sulla fisiopatologia, approccio clinico e terapia della insufficienza cardiaca nel Corso di Laurea di Medicina e Chirurgia. Nello stesso periodo ha tenuto seminari per l’insegnamento della Cardiologia nel Corso di Specializzazione in Anestesia e Rianimazione e per l’insegnamento della Medicina Interna e nel Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica.
Dall’anno accademico 2002/2003 al 2003/2004 è stato professore a contratto di endocrinologia (0,3 CFU) nel corso integrato di Medicina Specialistica e Infermieristica Clinica Applicata del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Firenze.
Dall’anno accademico 2002/2003 al 2008/2009 è stato professore a contratto di Malattie del sangue (0,4 CFU) nel corso integrato di Medicina Specialistica e Infermieristica Clinica Applicata del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Firenze.
Dall'anno accademico 2005/2006 all’anno 2012/2013 è stato professore a contratto di Anestesiologia prima e poi di Rianimazione e terapia intensiva (1,25 CFU) nel corso integrato di Medicina d'Urgenza e Terapia Intensiva e infermieristica clinica applicata del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Firenze.
Dall’anno accademico 2008/2009 al 2010/2011 è stato professore a contratto di Medicina Interna (20 ore) del Corso di Laurea in Infermieristica della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia di Firenze.
Dal 2005 al 2011 è stato professore a contratto al Corso di Certificazione in Medicina di Urgenza dell’Università di Firenze in collaborazione con la Harvard Medical Faculty Physician, USA, prestando opera di docenza per un totale di 50 ore.
Dal 2005 al 2018 e’ stato professore a contratto nel Master di II livello in “Medicina di Urgenza” dell’università di Firenze.
Dall’anno accademico 2012/2013 è Docente Tutor della scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza della Università di Firenze.
Nel Gennaio 2014, e’ stato “visiting professor “(progetto Erasmus) presso l’Università Complutense di Madrid, tenendo un seminario intitolato “Clinical approach to pulmonary embolism in the Emergency Department”.
Dall’anno accademico 2016/2017 al 2019/2020 e’ stato docente a contratto di Emergenze Medico Chirurgiche (B014264) presso la Scuola di Scienze della Salute Umana di Firenze.
Dal 2018 è Direttore del corso nazionale SIMEU: Gestione avanzata della vertigine acuta in Pronto Soccorso.
Dal Giugno del 2019 è Direttore della SOC Centro Aziendale per la Simulazione dell’Azienda USL Toscana Centro e Direttore dell’area della Formazione del Dipartimento Emergenza e Area Critica della stessa azienda.
Dal Settembre 2021 e’ responsabile scientifico del corso di simulazione su cadavere “cadaver lab” della Azienda USL Toscana Centro.
Nel dicembre 2021 ha conseguito da l’ente italiano di accreditamento ACCREDIA il certificato (n° 046_2021) di Esperto Istruttore di Simulazione in Medicina (EISIM).
Dal Maggio 2022 è speaker and faculty member for the Neurological Emergencies CME Course of the Institute for the Emergency Department Clinical Quality Improvement, Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians.
Ha curato la stesura di tesi di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia e di Specializzazione in Medicina d’Emergenza-Urgenza.
Elenco delle Pubblicazioni del Dott. Simone Vanni
Pubblicazioni su riviste internazionali
107) Mavromanoli AC, Jiménez D, Sanchez O, Sobkowicz B, Vanni S, Kurzyna M, Becattini C, Pruszczyk P, Wilkens H, Bova C, Tschöpe C, Sawicka-Śmiarowska E, Grifoni C, Kostrubiec M, Torbicki A, Meneveau N, Kresoja KP, Konstantinides SV. Major in-hospital bleeding in patients with pulmonary embolism treated with systemic thrombolysis. Thromb Res. 2023 Nov;231:29-31. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2023.09.009. Epub 2023 Sep 28. PMID: 37778058.
106) Caldarola P, De Iaco F, Pugliese FR, De Luca L, Fabbri A, Riccio C, Scicchitano P, Vanni S, Di Pasquale G, Gulizia MM, Gabrielli D, Oliva F, Colivicchi F. ANMCO-SIMEU consensus document: appropriate management of atrial fibrillation in the emergency department. Eur Heart J Suppl. 2023 May 18;25(Suppl D):D255-D277. doi: 10.1093/eurheartjsupp/suad110.
105) Riccardi A, Guarino M, Serra S, Spampinato MD, Vanni S, Shiffer D, Voza A, Fabbri A, De Iaco F; Study and Research Center of the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine. Narrative Review: Low-Dose Ketamine for Pain Management. J Clin Med. 2023 May 2;12(9):3256. doi:
104) Edlow JA, Carpenter C, Akhter M, Khoujah D, Marcolini E, Meurer WJ, Morrill D, Naples JG, Ohle R, Omron R, Sharif S, Siket M, Upadhye S, E Silva LOJ, Sundberg E, Tartt K, Vanni S, Newman-Toker DE, Bellolio F. Guidelines for reasonable and appropriate care in the emergency department 3 (GRACE-3): Acute dizziness and vertigo in the emergency department. Acad Emerg Med. 2023 May;30(5):442-486. doi: 10.1111/acem.14728.
103) Grifoni E, Bini C, Signorini I, Cosentino E, Micheletti I, Dei A, Pinto G, Madonia EM, Sivieri I, Mannini M, Baldini M, Bertini E, Giannoni S, Bartolozzi ML, Guidi L, Bartalucci P, Vanni S, Segneri A, Pratesi A, Giordano A, Dainelli F, Maggi F, Romagnoli M, Cioni E, Cioffi E, Pelagalli G, Mattaliano C, Schipani E, Murgida GS, Di Martino S, Sisti E, Cozzi A, Francolini V, Masotti L. Predictive Factors for Hemorrhagic Transformation in Acute Ischemic Stroke in the REAL-World Clinical Practice. Neurologist. 2023 May 1;28(3):150-156. doi: 10.1097/NRL.0000000000000462.
102) Fabbri A, Voza A, Riccardi A, Vanni S, De Iaco F; Study & Research Center of the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU). Unfavorable Outcome and Long-Term Sequelae in Cases with Severe COVID-19. Viruses. 2023 Feb 9;15(2):485. doi: 10.3390/v15020485. PMID: 36851699; PMCID: PMC9959293.
101) Caldarola P, De Iaco F, Pugliese FR, De Luca L, Fabbri A, Riccio C, Scicchitano P, Vanni S, Di Pasquale G, Gulizia MM, Gabrielli D, Oliva F, Colivicchi F. Documento di consenso ANMCO-SIMEU: Gestione appropriata della fibrillazione atriale in Pronto Soccorso [ANMCO-SIMEU Consensus document: Appropriate management of atrial fibrillation in the emergency department]. G Ital Cardiol (Rome). 2023 Feb;24(2):136-159. Italian. doi: 10.1714/3963.39422. PMID: 36735313.
100) Nazerian P, Gigli C, Reissig A, Pivetta E, Vanni S, Fraccalini T, Ferraris G, Ricciardolo A, Grifoni S, Volpicelli G; WINFOCUS and US SIMEU study group. Retrospective analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of lung ultrasound for pulmonary embolism in patients with and without pleuritic chest pain. Ultrasound J. 2022 Aug 12;14(1):35. doi: 10.1186/s13089-022-00285-3.
99) Vanni S, Rosi N, Bartalucci P, Gaudiano P, Masotti L, Montenora I, Gelli AMG, Morecchiato F, Vannini R, Lanigra M, Bianchi S, Giannasi G, Baldini A, Tarquini R, Magazzini S. Accuracy of Point-of-Care Antigen Vs Molecular-Based Tests for Diagnosis of SARS-Cov-2 Infection. A Multicentre Study in the Emergency Department. J Emerg Med Trauma Surg Care. 2022;016:1-4.
98) Pecci R, Mandalà M, Marcari A, Bertolai R, Vannucchi P, Santimone R, Bentivegna L, Di Giustino F, Mengucci A, Vanni S, Pollastri F, Giannoni B. Vitamin D Insufficiency/Deficiency in Patients with Recurrent Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. J Int Adv Otol. 2022;18:158-166. doi: 10.5152/ iao.2022.21269. PMID: 35418365
97) Vanni S, Bartalucci P, Gargano U, Coppa A, Giannasi G, Nazerian P, Tonietti B, Vannini R, Lanigra M, Daviddi F, Baldini A, Grifoni S, Magazzini S. The presentations/physician ratio predicts door-to-physician time but not global length of stay in the emergency department: an Italian multicenter study during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Intern Emerg Med. 2022;17:829-837. doi: 10.1007/ s11739-021-02796-8. PMID: 34292458;
96) Chiara Sidoli, Antonella Zambon, Elena Tassistro, Emanuela Rossi, Enrico Mossello, Marco Inzitari, Antonio Cherubini, Alessandra Marengoni, Alessandro Morandi, Giuseppe Bellelli & on behalf of the Italian Study Group on Delirium. Prevalence and features of delirium in older patients admitted to rehabilitation facilities: a multicenter study.Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 2022.
95) Masotti L, Grifoni E, Pelagalli G, Cioni E, Mattaliano C, Cioffi E, Maggi F, Pinto G, Madonia EM, Micheletti I, Gelli AMG, Ciambotti B, Mannucci A, Bello R, Cei F, Dolenti S, Tarquini R, Montenora I, Spina R, Vanni S. Prognostic role of Interleukin-6/lymphocytes ratio in SARS-CoV2 related pneumonia. Int Immunopharmacol. 2022;103:108435. doi: 10.1016/j.intimp.2021.108435. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34920336.
94) Becattini C, Maraziti G, Vinson DR, Ng ACC, den Exter PL, Côté B, Vanni S, Doukky R, Khemasuwan D, Weekes AJ, Soares TH, Ozsu S, Polo Friz H, Erol S, Agnelli G, Jiménez D. Right ventricle assessment in patients with pulmonary embolism at low risk for death based on clinical models: an individual patient data meta-analysis. Eur Heart J. 2021;42:3190-3199 doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ ehab329. PMID: 34179965.
93) Cozzi D, Moroni C, Cavigli E, Bindi A, Caviglioli C, Nazerian P, Vanni S, Miele V, Bartolucci M. Prognostic value of CT pulmonary angiography parameters in acute pulmonary embolism. Radiol Med. 2021; 126:1030-1036. doi: 10.1007/ s11547-021-01364-6. PMID: 33961187.
92) Grifoni E, Vannucchi V, Valoriani A, Cei F, Lamanna R, Gelli AMG, Ciambotti B, Moroni F, Pelagatti L, Tarquini R, Landini G, Vanni S, Masotti L. Interleukin-6 added to CALL score better predicts the prognosis of COVID-19 patients. Intern Med J. 2021;51:146-147. doi: 10.1111/imj.14974. PMID: 33336833.
91) Grifoni E, Valoriani A, Cei F, Lamanna R, Gelli AMG, Ciambotti B, Vannucchi V, Moroni F, Pelagatti L, Tarquini R, Landini G, Vanni S, Masotti L. Interleukin-6 as prognosticator in patients with COVID-19. J Infect. 2020;81:452-482. doi:
90) Masotti L, Grifoni E, Migli L, Dei A, Spina R, Calamai I, Guazzini G, Micheletti I, Cosentino E, Pinto G, Vanni S. Prognostic determinants in patients with non traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage: a real life report. Acta Clin Belg. 2021; 12:1-8. doi: 10.1080/17843286.2020.1750151. PMID: 32279610.
89) Franco L, Paciaroni M, Enrico ML, Scoditti U, Guideri F, Chiti A, De Vito A, Terruso V, Consoli D, Vanni S, Giossi A, Manina G, Nitti C, Re R, Sacco S, Cappelli R, Beyer-Westendorf J, Pomero F, Agnelli G, Becattini C. Mortality in patients with intracerebral hemorrhage associated with antiplatelet agents, oral anticoagulants or no antithrombotic therapy. Eur J Intern Med. 2020;75:35-43. Doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2019.12.016.
88) Franco L, Becattini C, Beyer-Westendorf J, Vanni S, Nitti C, Re R, Manina G, Pomero F, Cappelli R, Conti A, Agnelli G. Definition of major bleeding: Prognostic classification. J Thromb Haemost. 2020; 75:35-43. doi: 10.1111/ jth.15048. PMID: 32767653
87) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Bini G. From the quarantine diary of an emergency physician: the coronavirus and the dysautonomic storm. Intern Emerg Med. 2020 Nov;15(8):1361-1364. doi: 10.1007/s11739-020-02352-w. Epub 2020 May
86) Roncon L, Picariello C, Vatrano M, Enea I, Caravita S, De Michele L, Vanni S,
Casazza F, Zonzin P, Bongarzoni A, D'Agostino C, Azzarito M, Urbinati S, Gulizia MM, Gabrielli D. [Diagnostic and therapeutic models for the management of acute pulmonary embolism: an issue of local available resources]. G Ital Cardiol (Rome). 2020 Mar;21(3):179-186. Doi:
85) Vedovati MC, Cimini LA, Pierpaoli L, Vanni S, Cotugno M, Pruszczyk P, Di Filippo F, Stefanone V, Torrecillas LG, Kozlowska M, De Natale MG, Mannucci
F, Agnelli G, Becattini C. Prognostic value of respiratory index in haemodynamically stable patients with acute pulmonary embolism: The Respiratory Index model study. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care. 2020 Jun;9(4):286-292. doi: 10.1177/2048872620913849. Epub 2020 Mar 13.
84) Abrignani MG, Enea I, Colivicchi F, Roncon L, Aiello A, Becattini C, Bongarzoni A, Caravita S, Dasseni N, De Michele L, Faggiano PM, Mureddu GF, Picariello C, Rao CM, Riccio C, Urbinati S, Vanni S, Vatrano M, Di Lenarda A, Gabrielli D, Gulizia MM. [ANMCO statement: Arterial and venous thromboembolism: what implications for clinical practice?]. G Ital Cardiol (Rome). 2019;20:671-684. doi:
83) Foppiani O, Vanni S,Vanni D. Abridged academic biography of Professor Paolo Vanni: Emeritus of Biochemistry at the University of Florence School of Medicine.Medicina Historica, 2019; 3:58–62.
82) Nazerian P, Mueller C, Vanni S, Soeiro AM, Leidel BA, Cerini G, Lupia E, Palazzo A, Grifoni S, Morello F. Integration of transthoracic focused cardiac ultrasound in the diagnostic algorithm for suspected acute aortic syndromes. Eur Heart J. 2019;40:1952-1960. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz207. PubMed PMID: 31226214.
81) Nazerian P, Lazzeretti D, Vanni S, Donnarumma E, Magazzini S, Ruggiano G, Giannasi G, Grifoni S, Zaccara G. Incidence, management and short-term prognosis of status epilepticus in the emergency department: a population survey. Eur J Emerg Med. 2019;26:228-230. doi: 10.1097/ MEJ.0000000000000568. PubMed PMID: 31033621.
80) Pivetta E, Goffi A, Nazerian P, Castagno D, Tozzetti C, Tizzani P, Tizzani M, Porrino G, Ferreri E, Busso V, Morello F, Paglieri C, Masoero M, Cassine E, Bovaro F, Grifoni S, Maule MM, Lupia E; Study Group on Lung Ultrasound from the Molinette and Careggi Hospitals. Lung ultrasound integrated with clinical assessment for the diagnosis of acute decompensated heart failure in the emergency department: a randomized controlled trial. Eur J Heart Fail. 2019;21:754-766. doi: 10.1002/ejhf.1379. PubMed PMID: 30690825.
79) Vanni D, Palasciano G, Vanni P, Vanni S, Guerin E. Medical doctors and the foundation of the International Red Cross. Internal Emerg Med. 2018;13:301-305.
78) Vanni D, Vanni P, Vanni S. Great War: Military medical care and Italian red cross. Acta Medica Mediterranea. 2018;34:1863-1867.
77) Vanni D, Vanni P, Mannelli I, Vanni S. Elena, duchess of Aosta, inspector general of the red cross volunteer nurses in the great war- world war 1. Acta Medica Mediterranea. 2018;34:713-718.
76) Becattini C, Vedovati MC, Pruszczyk P, Vanni S, Cotugno M, Cimini LA, Stefanone V, de Natale MG, Kozlowska M, Mannucci F, Guirado Torrecillas L, Agnelli G. Oxygen saturation or respiratory rate to improve risk stratification in hemodynamically stable patients with acute pulmonary embolism. J Thromb Haemost. 2018;16:2397-2402. doi: 10.1111/jth.14299.PubMed PMID: 30251461.
75) Vanni S, Becattini C, Nazerian P, Bova C, Stefanone VT, Cimini LA, Viviani G, Caviglioli C, Sanna M, Pepe G, Grifoni S. Early discharge of patients with pulmonary embolism in daily clinical practice: A prospective observational study comparing clinical gestalt and clinical rules. Thromb Res. 2018;167:37-43.
74) Piccardi B, Arba F, Nesi M, Palumbo V, Nencini P, Giusti B, Sereni A, Gadda D, Moretti M, Fainardi E, Mangiafico S, Pracucci G, Nannoni S, Galmozzi F, Fanelli A, Pezzati P, Vanni S, Grifoni S, Sarti C, Lamassa M, Poggesi A, Pescini F, Pantoni L, Gori AM, Inzitari D. Reperfusion Injury after ischemic Stroke Study (RISKS): single-centre (Florence, Italy), prospective observational
protocol study. BMJ Open. 2018;8:e021183. doi: 10.1136/ bmjopen-2017-021183.
73) Bova C, Vanni S, Prandoni P, Morello F, Dentali F, Bernardi E, Mumoli N,
Bucherini E, Barbar S, Picariello C, Enea I, Pesavento R, Bottino F, Jiménez D; Bova Score Validation Study Investigators. A prospective validation of the Bova score in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Thromb Res. 2018;165:107-111.
72) Nazerian P, Mueller C, Soeiro AM, Leidel BA, Salvadeo SAT, Giachino F, Vanni S, Grimm K, Oliveira MT Jr, Pivetta E, Lupia E, Grifoni S, Morello F; ADvISED Investigators. Diagnostic Accuracy of the Aortic Dissection Detection Risk Score Plus D-Dimer for Acute Aortic Syndromes: The ADvISED Prospective Multicenter Study. Circulation. 2018;137:250-258. doi: 10.1161/ CIRCULATIONAHA.117.029457.
71) Ceccofiglio A, Peruzzi G, Pecci R, Rafanelli M, Rivasi G, Tesi F, Riccardi A, Esposito G, Vanni S. and Ungar A. Retrospective analysis of patients with dizziness evaluated in Syncope Unit:a real life experience. European Geriatric medicine 2018; 99: 383-387.
70) Vanni S, Pecci R, Edlow JA, Nazerian P, Santimone R, Pepe G, Moretti M, Pavellini A, Caviglioli C, Casula C, Bigiarini S, Vannucchi P, Grifoni S. Differential Diagnosis of Vertigo in the Emergency Department: A Prospective Validation Study of the STANDING Algorithm. Front Neurol. 2017;8:590. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00590. eCollection 2017.
69) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Fanelli A, Fallai L, Duranti C, Ognibene A, Rapi S, Betti L, Tomaiuolo M, Monica C, Grifoni S. Appropriate use of laboratory test requests in the emergency department: a multilevel intervention. Eur J Emerg Med. 2017 Nov 24. doi: 10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000518.
68) Vanni D, Palasciano G, Vanni P, Vanni S, Guerin E. Medical doctors and the foundation of the International Red Cross. Intern Emerg Med. 2017 Dec 21. doi: 10.1007/s11739-017-1775-9. PubMed PMID: 29270830.
67) Nazerian P, Bigiarini S, Pecci R, Taurino L, Moretti M, Pavellini A, Capretti E, Grifoni S, Vanni S; Ultrasound Study Group of the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU). Duplex Sonography of Vertebral Arteries for Evaluation of Patients with Acute Vertigo. Ultrasound Med Biol. 2018;44:584-592. doi:
66) Liedl G, Nazerian P, Pepe G, Caviglioli C, Grifoni S, Vanni S. Different time course of plasma lactate, troponin I and Nt-proBNP concentrations in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Thromb Res. 2017 May 26;156:26-28. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2017.05.030. PubMed PMID: 28582637.
65) Nazerian P, Volpicelli G, Gigli C, Lamorte A, Grifoni S, Vanni S. Diagnostic accuracy of focused cardiac and venous ultrasound examinations in patients with shock and suspected pulmonary embolism. Intern Emerg Med. 2017 May 24. doi: 10.1007/s11739-017-1681-1. PubMed PMID: 28540661.
64) Franco L, Becattini C, Vanni S, Sbrojavacca R, Nitti C, Manina G, Masotti L, Pomero F, Cattinelli S, Cappelli R, Re R, Agnelli G. Clinically relevant nonmajor bleeding with oral anticoagulants: non-major may not be trivial. Blood Transfus. 2018;16:387-391. doi: 10.2450/2017.0335-16. PMID: 28488972.
63) Zanobetti M, Scorpiniti M, Gigli C, Nazerian P, Vanni S, Innocenti F, Stefanone
VT, Savinelli C, Coppa A, Bigiarini S, Caldi F, Tassinari I, Conti A, Grifoni S, Pini R. Point-of-care ultrasonography for evaluation of acute dyspnea in the emergency department. Chest. 2017 Feb 14. pii: S0012-3692(17)30199-X. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2017.02.003
62) Vanni S, Bianchi S, Bigiarini S, Casula C, Brogi M, Orsi S, Acquafresca M, Corbetta L, Grifoni S. Management of patients presenting with haemoptysis to a Tertiary Care Italian Emergency Department: the Florence Haemoptysis Score (FLHASc). Intern Emerg Med. 2018;13:397-404. doi: 10.1007/ s11739-017-1618-8. PMID: 28160237.
61) Volpicelli G, Vanni S, Becattini C, Sferrazza Papa GF, Gigli C, Grifoni S, Nazerian P. Prediction rule for diagnosis of pulmonary embolism enhanced by lung and venous ultrasound: making confusion or increasing efficiency? Acad Emerg Med. 2016 Dec 22. doi: 10.1111/acem.13153. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28008681.
60) Zanobetti M, Prota A, Coppa A, Giordano L, Bigiarini S, Nazerian P, Innocenti F, Conti A, Trausi F, Vanni S, Pepe G, Pini R. Can non-invasive ventilation modify central venous pressure? Comparison between invasive measurement and ultrasonographic evaluation. Intern Emerg Med. 2017;12:1279-1285. PubMed PMID: 27878445.
59) Nazerian P, Cerini G, Vanni S, Gigli C, Zanobetti M, Bartolucci M, Grifoni S, Volpicelli G. Diagnostic accuracy of lung ultrasonography combined with procalcitonin for the diagnosis of pneumonia: a pilot study. Crit Ultrasound J. 2016 Dec;8(1):17. PubMed PMID: 27830508.
58) Becattini C, Franco L, Beyer-Westendorf J, Masotti L, Nitti C, Vanni S, Manina G, Cattinelli S, Cappelli R, Sbrojavacca R, Pomero F, Marten S, Agnelli G. Major bleeding with vitamin K antagonists or direct oral anticoagulants in reallife. Int J Cardiol. 2016 Nov 9. pii: S0167-5273(16)33576-8. doi: 10.1016/ j.ijcard.2016.11.117
57) Nazerian P, Volpicelli G, Gigli C, Becattini C, Sferrazza Papa GF, Grifoni S, Vanni S; Ultrasound Wells study group. Diagnostic performance of Wells score combined with point-of-care lung and venous ultrasound in suspected pulmonary embolism. Acad Emerg Med. 2017:24:270-280. Nov 12. doi: 10.1111/acem.13130.
56) Vanni S, Vannucchi P, Modesti PA. Vertigo: Dr Jekyll or Mr Hyde? A video tutorial for assessment of nystagmus in the emergency room. Intern Emerg Med. 2016 ;11:1041-1043. PubMed PMID: 27650537.
55) Conti A, Lazzeretti D, Bianchi S, Vanni S, Grifoni S, Bonini R, Gallini C, Costanzo E. Changes over time in diagnostics with nuclear scan strategy in a large series of special subsets of chest pain patients analyzed with the propensity score matching. Int J Cardiol. 2016;222:658-660. PubMed PMID: 27517658.
54) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Bova C, Bondi E, Morello F, Pepe G, Paladini B, Liedl G, Cangioli E, Grifoni S, Jiménez D. Comparison of clinical scores for identification of patients with pulmonary embolism at intermediate-high risk of adverse clinical outcome: the prognostic role of plasma lactate. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2017;12:657-665. PubMed PMID: 27350628.
53) Becattini C, Agnelli G, Lankeit M, Masotti L, Pruszczyk P, Casazza F, Vanni S, Nitti C, Kamphuisen P, Vedovati MC, De Natale MG, Konstantinides S. Acute pulmonary embolism: mortality prediction by the 2014 European Society of Cardiology risk stratification model. Eur Respir J. 2016;48:780-786. doi:
52) Morello F, Ravetti A, Nazerian P, Liedl G, Veglio MG, Battista S, Vanni S, Pivetta E, Montrucchio G, Mengozzi G, Rinaldi M, Moiraghi C, Lupia E. Plasma Lactate Dehydrogenase Levels Predict Mortality in Acute Aortic Syndromes: A Diagnostic Accuracy and Observational Outcome Study. Medicine (United States). 2016 Feb;95(6):e2776.
51) Nazerian P, Tozzetti C, Vanni S, Bartolucci M, Gualtieri S, Trausi F, Vittorini M, Catini E, Cibinel GA, Grifoni S. Accuracy of abdominal ultrasound for the diagnosis of pneumoperitoneum in patients with acute abdominal pain: a pilot study. Crit Ultrasound J 2015;7:15. PMID: 26443344
50) Ungar A, Tesi F, Chisciotti VM, Pepe G, Vanni S, Grifoni S, Balzi D, Rafanelli M, Marchionni N, Brignole M. Assessment of a structured management pathway for patients referred to the Emergency Department for syncope: results in a tertiary hospital. Europace. 2016; 18:457-462. pii: euv106.
49) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Casati C, Moroni F, Risso M, Ottaviani M, Pecci R, PepeG, Vannucchi P, Grifoni S. Can emergency physicians accurately and reliably assess acute vertigo in the emergency department? Emerg Med Australas 2015;27(2):126-31.
48) Nazerian P, Volpicelli G, Vanni S, Gigli C, Betti L, Bartolucci M, Zanobetti M, Ermini FR, Iannello C, Grifoni S. Accuracy of lung ultrasound for the diagnosis of consolidations when compared to chest computed tomography. Am J Emerg Med 2015;33:620-625.
47) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Morello F, Castelli M, Ottaviani M, Casula C, Petrioli A, Bartolucci M, Grifoni S. Diagnostic performance of focused cardiac ultrasound performed by emergency physicians for the assessment of ascending aorta dilation and aneurysm. Acad Emerg Med. 2015;22:536-41.
46) Vanni S, Jiménez D, Nazerian P, Morello F, Parisi M, Daghini E, Pratesi M,L pez R, Bedate P, Lobo JL, Jara-Palomares L, Portillo AK, Grifoni S. Short-term clinical outcome of normotensive patients with acute PE and high plasma lactate. Thorax 2015; 70:333-338.
45) Fernàndez C, Bova C, Sanchez O, Prandoni P, Lankeit M, Konstantinides S, Vanni S, Fernàndez-GolfC, Yusen RD, Jiménez D. Validation of a model for the identification of patients at intermediate to high risk for complications associated with symptomatic pulmonary embolism. Chest 2015; 148:211-218.
44) Vanni S, Pecci R, Casati C, Moroni F, Risso M, Ottaviani M, Nazerian P,Grifoni S, Vannucchi P. STANDING, a four-step bedside algorithm for differential diagnosis of acute vertigo in the Emergency Department. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital 2014;34:419-26.
43) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Castelli M, Morello F, Tozzetti C, Zagli G, Giannazzo G,Vergara R, Grifoni S. Diagnostic performance of emergency transthoracic focus cardiac ultrasound in suspected acute type A aortic dissection. Intern Emerg Med 2014; 9:665-70.
42) Ottaviani M, Vanni S, Moroni F, Peiman N, Boddi M, Grifoni S. Urgent carotid duplex and head computed tomography versus ABCD2 score for risk stratification of patients with transient ischemic attack. Eur J Emerg Med. 2014 May 20. [Epubahead of print] PubMed PMID: 24849610.
41) Nazerian P, Morello F, Vanni S, Bono A, Castelli M, Forno D, Gigli C, Soardo F, Carbone F, Lupia E, Grifoni S. Combined use of aortic dissection detection risk score and D-dimer in the diagnostic workup of suspected acute aorticdissection. Int J Cardiol 2014;175(1):78-82.
40) Bova C, Sanchez O, Prandoni P, Lankeit M, Konstantinides S, Vanni S, Jimènez D. Identification of intermediate-risk patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism. Eur Respir J 2014;44:694-703.
39) Nazerian P, Giachino F, Vanni S, Veglio MG, Castelli M, Lison D, Bitossi L, Moiraghi C, Grifoni S, Morello F. Diagnostic performance of the aortic dissection detection risk score in patients with suspected acute aortic dissection. Eur Heart J Acute Cardiovasc Care 2014;3.373-381.
38) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Volpicelli G, Gigli C, Zanobetti M, Bartolucci M,Ciavattone A, Lamorte A, Veltri A, Fabbri A, Grifoni S. Accuracy of point-of-care multiorgan ultrasonography for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism. Chest 2014; 145:950-7
37) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Tarocchi C, Portaccio E, Vannucci N, Para O, Giannazzo G, Gigli C, Grifoni S. Causes of diplopia in the emergency department: diagnostic accuracy of clinical assessment and of head computed tomography. Eur J Emerg Med 2014; 21: 118-124.
36) Vanni S, Viviani G, Baioni M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Socci F, Bartolucci M, Bartolini M, Grifoni S. Prognostic Value of Plasma Lactate Levels Among Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism: The Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome Study. Ann Emerg Med 2013; 61:330-8.
35) Conti A, Canuti E, Mariannini Y, Viviani G, Poggioni C, Boni V, Pini R, Vanni S, Padeletti L, Gensini GF. Clinical management of atrial fibrillation: early interventions, observation, and structured follow-up reduce hospitalizations. Am J Emerg Med. 2012;30:1962-9.
34) Magazzini S, Nazerian P, Vanni S, Paladini B, Pepe G, Casanova B, Crugnola C, Grifoni S. Clinical picture of meningitis in the adult patient and its relationship with age. Intern Emerg Med 2012;7(4):359-64.
33) Vanni S, Socci F, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Viviani G, Baioni M, Conti A, Grifoni S. High Plasma Lactate Levels Are Associated With Increased Risk of In-hospital Mortality in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism. Acad Emerg Med 2011;18(8):830-5.
32) Pepe G, Castelli M, Nazerian P, Vanni S, Del Panta M, Gambassi F, Botti P, Missanelli A, Grifoni S. Delayed neuropsychological sequelae after carbon monoxide poisoning: predictive risk factors in the Emergency Department. A retrospective study. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2011; 17:19-16.
31) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Pepe G, Baioni M, Michele R, Grifoni G, Viviani G, Grifoni S. Comparison of two Prognostic Models for Acute Pulmonary Embolism: clinical vs right Ventricular Dysfunction Guided Approach. J Thromb Haemost 2011;9:1916-1923.
30) Vanni S, Polidori G, Pepe G, Chiarlone M, Albani A, Pagnanelli A, Grifoni S. Use of biomarkers in triage of patients with suspected stroke. J Emerg Med 2011 40:449-505.
29) Conti A, Beatrice Del Taglia B, Mariannini Y,Pepe G, Vanni S, Grifoni S, Abbate R, Michelucci A, Padeletti L, Gensini GF.Management of patients with acute atrial fibrillation in the ED. Am J Emerg Med 2010 28: 903-910.
28) Conti A, Vanni S, Del Taglia B, Paladini B, Magazzini S, Grifoni S, Nozzoli C, Gensini GF. A new simple risk score in patients with acute chest pain without existing known coronary disease. Am J Emerg Med 2010 Feb;28(2):135-142.
27) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Zanobetti M, Polidori G, Pepe G, Federico R, Cangioli E, Grifoni S. Diagnostic accuracy of emergency Doppler echocardiography for identification of acute left ventricular heart failure in patients with acute dyspnea: comparison with Boston criteria and N-terminal prohormone brain natriuretic peptide. Acad Emerg Med 2010 Jan;17(1):18-26.
26) Vanni S, Polidori G, Vergara R, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Moroni F, Garbelli E, Daviddi F, Grifoni S. Prognostic value of ECG among patients with acute pulmonary embolism and normal blood pressure. Am J Med 2009;
25) Attene J, Pepe G, Vanni S, Chiarlone M, Dilaghi B, Grifoni S. A 64-year-old man admitted to the Emergency Department with an unusual case of intestinal obstruction: decision-making in the Emergency Department. Intern Emerg Med 2009;4:45-51
24) Conti A, Vanni S, Sammicheli L, Raveggi S, Camaiti A, Pieralli F, Nozzoli C, Gallini C, Costanzo E, Gensini GF. Yield of nuclear scan strategy in chest pain unit evaluation of special populations. Nucl Med Commun 2008;
23) Magazzini S, Vanni S, Toccafondi S, Paladini B, Zanobetti M, Giannazzo G, Federico R, Grifoni S. Duplex Ultrasound in the Emergency Department for the Diagnostic Management of Clinically Suspected Deep Vein Thrombosis. Acad Emerg Med 2007; 14:216-20.
22) Giannazzo G, Tola F, Vanni S, Bondi E, Pepe G, Grifoni S. Prognostic indexes of septic syndrome in the emergency department. Intern Emerg Med 2006;1:229-33.
21) Grifoni S, Vanni S, Magazzini S, Olivotto I, Conti A, Zanobetti M, Polidori G, Pieralli F, Peiman N, Becattini C, Agnelli G. Association of persistent right ventricular dysfunction at hospital discharge after acute pulmonary embolism with recurrent thromboembolic events. Arch Intern Med 2006;166:2151-6.
20) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Morabito M, Modesti A, Marchetta M, Gamberi T, Sofi F, Savia G, Mancia G, Gensini GF, Parati G. Role of endothelin-1 in exposure to high altitude: Acute Mountain Sickness and Endothelin-1 (ACME-1) study. Circulation. 2006;114:1410-6.
19) Pieralli F, Olivotto I, Vanni S, Conti A, Camaiti A, Targioni G, Grifoni S, Berni G. Usefulness Of Bedside Testing For Brain Natriuretic Peptide To Identify Right Ventricular Dysfunction And Outcome In Normotensive Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Am J Cardiol, 2006, 97:1386 –1390.
18) Conti A, Pieralli F, Sammicheli L, Camaiti A, Vanni S, Grifoni S, Novellini E, Antoniucci D, Squillantini G, Mazzuoli F, Colombo G. Updated Management of non-st-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes: selection of patients for low-cost care: an analysis of outcome and cost effectiveness. Med Sci Monit, 2005, 11:100-108
17) Adembri C, Kastamoniti E, Bertolozzi I, Vanni S, Dorigo W, Coppo M, Pratesi C, De Gaudio R, Gensini GF, Modesti PA. Pulmonary injury follows systemic inflammatory reaction in infrarenal aortic surgery. Crit Care Med, 2004, 32:
16) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Bertolozzi I, Cecioni I, Lumachi C, Perna AM, Boddi M, Gensini GF. Different Growth factor activation in the right and left ventricles in experimental volume overload. Hypertension, 2004; 43:101-108
15) Modesti PA, Polidori G, Bertolozzi I, Vanni S, Cecioni I. Impairment of cardiopulmonary receptor sensitivity in the early phase of heart failure. Heart, 2004; 90:30-36
14) Modesti PA, Zecchi-Orlandini S, Vanni S, Polidori G, Bertolozzi I, Perna AM, Formigli L, Cecioni I, Boddi M, Neri Serneri GG. Release of preformed Ang II from myocytes mediates angiotensinogen and ET-1 gene overexpression in vivo via AT1 receptors. J Mol Cell Cardiology 2002; 34:1491-1500
13) Nediani C, Formigli L, Perna AM, Pacini A, Ponziani V, Modesti PA, IbbaManneschi L, Zecchi-Orlandini S, Fiorillo C, Cecchi C, Liguori P, Fratini G, Vanni S, Nassi P. Biochemical changes and their relationship with morphological and functional findings in pig heart subjected to lasting volume overload: a possible role of acylphosphatase in the regulation of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium pump. Basic Res Cardiol 2002;97:469-478
12) Vanni S, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Serni S, Carini M, Modesti PA. ETB receptor in renal medulla is enhanced by local sodium during low salt intake. Hypertension 2002; 40: 179-185
11) Neri Serneri GG, Boddi M, Cecioni I, Vanni S, Coppo M, Papa ML, Bandinelli B, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Toscano T, Maccherini M, Modesti PA. Cardiac Angiotensin II Formation in the Clinical Course of Heart Failure and Its
Relationship With Left Ventricular Function. Circ Res 2001; 88: 961-968
10) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Bertolozzi I, Cecioni I, Polidori G, Paniccia R, Bandinelli B, Perna AM, Liguori P, Boddi M, Neri Serneri GG. Early sequence of cardiac adaptations and growth factor formation in pressure- and volume-overload hypertrophy. Am J Physiol 2000; 279:H976-H985
9) Neri Serneri GG, Cecioni I, Vanni S, Paniccia R, Bandinelli B, Vetere A, Jianming X, Bertolozzi I, Boddi M, Lisi GF, Sani G, Modesti PA. Selective upregulation of cardiac endothelin system in patients with ischemic but not idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circ Res 2000; 86: 377-385
8) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Paniccia R, Bandinelli B, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Sani G, Neri Serneri GG. Characterization of endothelin-1 receptor subtypes in isolated human cardiomyocytes. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1999; 34: 333-339
7) Neri Serneri GG, Modesti PA, Boddi M, Cecioni I, Paniccia R, Coppo M, Galanti G, Simonetti I, Vanni S, Papa L, Bandinelli B, Migliorini A, Modesti A, Maccherini M, Sani G, Toscano M. Cardiac growth factors in human hypertrophy: relations with myocardial contractility and wall stress. Circ Res 1999; 85: 57-67
6) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Paniccia R, Perna A, Maccherni M, Lisi GF, Sani G, Neri Serneri GG. Endothelin receptors in adult human and swine isolated ventricular cardiomyocytes. Biochem Pharmacol 1999; 58: 369-374
5) Modesti PA, Hagi M I, Corsoni V, Ferraro A, Di Vincenzo E, Vanni S, Neri Serneri GG. Impaired adaptation of cardiopulmonary receptors to western diet in normotensive black immigrants. Am J Hyperten 1999; 12: 145-150
4) Modesti PA, Olivo G, Pestelli F, Rocchi F, Vanni S, Tedeschini RC, Cecioni I, Gensini GF. Peripheral vascular resistance limits exercise functional capacity of mild hypertensives. Angiology 1999;50:473-478.
3) Modesti PA, Cecioni I, Migliorini A, Naldoni A, Costoli A, Vanni S, Neri Serneri GG. Increased renal endothelin formation is associated with sodium retention and increased free water clearance. Am J Physiol 1998;75: H1070-H1077
2) Neri Serneri GG, Cecioni I, Migliorini A, Vanni S, Galanti G, Modesti PA. Both plasma and renal endothelin-1 partecipate in the acute cardiovascular response to exercise. Eur J Clin Invest 1997; 27: 761-766
1) Pacini S, Ruggero M, Casamassima F, Santucci MA, Milano F, Ranaldi F, Vanni S, Giachetti E. Study of second messenger levels and of sugar metabolism enzyme activities in trasformed cells resistant to ionizing radiations. Biochem Mol Biol Intern 1995; 37: 81-88
Dati bibliometrici delle pubblicazioni sopra elencate
(Scopus)N° Citazioni: 3119 Impact factor totale: 563
(Scopus)N° citazioni media: 31,5 Impact Factor medio:5,63
(Scopus)H index = 31
Dott Simone Vanni
Lavori su riviste nazionali con comitato editoriale
N-1) Stio M, Ranaldi F, Giorgi M, Vanni S, Vanni P, Pinzauti G A rappraisal of protein determination by ultraviolet absorbance. Giorn Ital Chim Clin 1993; 18: 285-295
N-2)Vanni S, Guidi S, Bosi A, Rossi Ferrini P. Il trapianto di midollo osseo da donatore non consanguineo. Giorn It Chim Clin 1993; 18: 345-359
N-3) Stefanelli L, Vanni D, Vanni S, F Ranaldi La saliva: un sistema sottovalutato nellaboratorio biochimico-clinico. Giorn Ital Chim Clin 1994; 19: 137-166
N-4) Guaraldi S, Banchi B, Vanni S, Vanni D, Vanni P Su un trattato inedito di terapiamedica del XV° secolo: il codice palatino 1045 ( 969 - 21,3 ) della Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze Rivista di Storia della Medicina, XXVI, 1995, 39-63
N-5) Ottaviani R, Vanni S, Bosi MR, Vanni P, Boddi V Comparazione di tre metodi per la misura del colesterolo HDL del siero. Biochimica clinica 1998; 221: 196-199
N-6) Pepe G, Castelli M, Vanni S, Del Panta M, Polidori G, Conti A, Gambassi F, Grifoni S. Intossicazione acuta da monossido di carbonio nel dipartimento di emergenza. Esperienza fiorentina. Simeu Journal. 2009; 2: 12-15.
R-1) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Gensini GF Gli inibitori dell’enzima di conversione dell’angiotensina: da farmaci vasoattivi a strumento di prevenzione cardiovascolare. Ital HeartJ Suppl 2003; 4: 623-634
R-2) Grifoni S, Vanni S. La specializzazione in medicina d’urgenza. Intern Emerg Med 2006;1(3):229-33.
R-3) Vanni S. Book notes: Disaster Medicine. Ann Intern Med 2007;146:760
T-1) Vanni D, Vanni S. Chimica e Propedeutica Biochimica Firenze LUM Editore, 1992
T-3) Magazzini S, Vanni S, Grifoni S. Cardiomiopatie, Pericarditi e Miocarditi.
Capitolo 35 in Medicina di Emergenza Urgenza, © 2011 - Elsevier Srl. ISBN:
Comunicazioni a congressi internazionali con abstract pubblicati su riviste
A-1) Vanni S, Cecioni I, Migliorini A, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Endothelin-1 receptors on human heart Inhibitory effect of PD155080. Thromb Haemost Supp June 1997; 403: OC-1644
A-2) Vanni S, Paniccia R, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Modesti PA, Bertolozzi I, Neri Serneri GG Inhibitory effects of PD 155080 on endothelin-1 receptors in human heart.Am J Hyperten 1998; 11:A016
A-3) Modesti PA, Corsoni V, Ferraro A, Di Vincenzo E, Vanni S, Pedemonte E, Neri Serneri GG Reduced cardiopulmonary receptor sensitivity in normotensive black immigrants. Am J Hyperten 1998; 11: D005
A-4) Cecioni I, Costoli A, Poggesi L, Migliorini A, Dabizzi L, Vanni S, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Increased renal endothelin formation and delayed volume load excretion in the early phases of heart failure. J Heart Failure 1998; 5: 14
A-5) Vanni S, Polidori G, Paniccia R, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Cardiac endothelin receptors in ischemic and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathies. Eur Heart J 1998; 19: P1073
A-6) Vanni S, Paniccia R, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Selectivity of BMS 182874 for type A endothelin receptors in human heart. Hospitalis 1998; 68: S10
A-7) Vanni S, Cecioni I, Paniccia R, Vetere A, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Characterization of angiotensin II receptors on isolated human cardiomyocytes. Thromb Res 1998; 91 Suppl1: A144
A-8) Cecioni I, Marchionni N, Baldereschi G, Migliorini A, Vanni S, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GGIncreased endothelin-1 cardiac production in the acute phase of myocardial infarction. Thromb Res 1998; 91 Suppl1: A147
A-9) Vanni S, Modesti PA, Vanni S, Cecioni I, Jianming X, Vetere AM, Paniccia R, Neri Serneri GG Increased endothelin-1 receptor density in ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. Circulation 1998; 98: I-224
A-10) Cecioni I, Modesti PA, Costoli A, Vanni S, La Cava G, Neri Serneri GG Impaired regulation of renal blood flow and urinary endothelin-1 excretion in the early phase of heart failure. Circulation 1998; 98: I-768-9
A-11) Vanni S, Modesti PA, Paniccia R, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Perna A, Neri Serneri GG Analogies of human and swine endothelin receptors in ventricular cardiomyocytes. Eur Heart J Suppl August 1999, P390
A-12) Vanni S, Modesti PA, Paniccia R, Bandinelli B, Maccherini M, Sani G, Neri Serneri GG Different kinetic properties of endotheli-1 binding between ETA and ETB receptor subtypes. Eur Heart J Suppl August 1999, P499
A-13) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Jianming X, Vetere A, Galanti G, Lisi GF, Sani G, Neri Serneri GG Endothelin receptor density is closely related with cardiomyocyte diameter in dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J Suppl August 1999, 1890
A-14) Vanni S, Paniccia R, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG I recettori ETA ed ETB cardiaci possiedono una diversa cinetica di legame per l’endotelina-1. Cardiologia 1999, 44 Suppl 2, 15
A-15) Bertolozzi I, Vanni S, Perna A, Paniccia R, Bandinelli B, Liguori P, Vetere AM, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Espressione cardiaca dell’ mRNA per l’angiotensinogeno, la preproendotelina e l’insulin-like growth factor-I nelle primissime ore dopo bendaggio aortico nel suino. Cardiologia 1999, 44 Suppl 2, 72
A-16) Vanni S, Polidori G, Bandinelli B, Serni S, Carini M, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Sodium concentration in human renal medulla regulates endothelin-1 binding to the endothelin type B receptor. Eur Heart J 2000;21, Suppl August, P491
A-17) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Cecioni I, Davoli G, Neri Serneri GG Angiotensin II receptors are not downregulated on ventricular myocytes isolated from human failing hearts. Eur Heart J 2000;21, Suppl August, P531
A-18) Modesti PA, Bertolozzi I, Perna A, Liguori P, Vanni S, Cecioni I, Paniccia R, Neri Serneri GG Time-sequence activation and relationship with cardiac function of angiotensinogen, endothelin-1 and isnsulin-like growth factor-I gene expression in acutely overloaded pigs. Eur Heart J 2000;21, Suppl August, P634
A-19) Vanni S, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Bertolozzi I, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Angiotensin II receptor subtypes are not downregulated on cardiomyocytes from failing hearts. Ital Heart J Suppl 3 2000, S96
A-20) Bertolozzi I, Polidori I, Vanni S, Cecioni I, A Perna, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Role of angiotensin II in pressure overload acutely induced ppET-1 and
IGF-I mRNA overexpression. Ital Heart J Suppl 3 2000, S97
A-21) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Bandinelli B, Paniccia R, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Neri Serneri GG Impaired Ang II mediated activation of ERK1/ERK2 and SAPK/JNK pathways with normal AT1 receptor binding and mRNA expression in myocytes from failing human hearts. J Am Coll Cardiol 2001; 37 (Supplement A): 295A
A-22) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Bandinelli B, Toscano T, Maccherini M Neri Serneri GG Characterization of ET-1 receptors on human isolated cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts. Journal of hypertension Volume 19, (Suppl 2) 2001, S4
A-23) Vanni S, Modesti PA, Cecioni I, Bertolozzi I,Serni S, Carini M, Neri serneri GG Increasing sodium concentrations in human renal medulla enhance ET-1 binding to ETB receptors both “in vivo” and “in vitro”. Journal of hypertension Volume 19, (Suppl 2) 2001, S121
A-24) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Cecioni I, G Polidori, I Bertolozzi, AM Vetere, AM Perna, M Boddi, GG Neri Serneri AT1 blockade inhibits angiotensinogen and ppET-1 gene overexpression without affecting the onset of myocardial hypertrophy in acutely pressure overloaded pigs. Eur Heart J Volume 22, Abstr Suppl September 2001, page 539
A-25) Vanni S, G Polidori, B Bandinelli, I Cecioni, S Serni, M Carini, P A Modesti Increasing sodium concentrations in human renal medulla enhance ET-1 binding to ETB receptors without affecting ETB mRNA expression. Eur Heart J Volume 22, Abstr Suppl September 2001, page 379
A-25) Vanni S, Cecioni I, Bertolozzi I, Bandinelli B, Toscano T, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG B-adrenergic, angiotensin II and endothelin-1 receptors on human failing cardiomyocytes. Circulation, Volume 104, November 2001, II-499
A-27) Boddi M, Coppo M, Papa ML, Becherini R, Cecioni I, Vanni S, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Normale attivita’ funzionale del sistema renina angiotensina cardiaco nei pazienti ipertesi con ipertrofia ventricolare e disfunzione diastolica. Italian Heart J Vol 2/Suppl 6, December 2001, page 122
A-28) Polidori G, Vanni S, Bertolozzi I, Cecioni I, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Riduzione precoce della sensiblita’ dei recettori cardiopolmonari nei pazienti affetti da insufficienza cardiaca. Italian Heart J Vol 2/Suppl 6, December 2001, page 140
A-29) Cecioni I, Vanni S, Polidori G, Bertolozzi I, Toscano T, Maccherini G, Costanzo G, Costanzo M, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Aumento dell’espressione genica del sistema platelet derived growth factornella miocardiopatia dilatativa. Italian Heart JVol 2/Suppl 6, December 2001, page 63
A-30) Vanni S, Cecioni I, Bandinelli B, Polidori G, Romei I, Toscano T, Maccherini M, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG I recettori per l’Endotelina-1 sui fibroblasti cardiaci umani. Italian Heart JVol 2/Suppl 6, December 2001, page 45
A-31) Cecioni I, Vanni S, Dabizzi L, Toso A, Di Donato M, Dor V, Boddi M, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Aumento distrettule dell’espressione cardiaca dell’ mRNA per l’angiotensinogeno negli aneurismi postinfartuali del ventricolo sinistro. Italian Heart J Vol 2/Suppl 6, December 2001, page 101
A-32) Polidori G, Bertolozzi I, Vanni S, Burberi F, Costanzo G, Perna AM, Modesti PA Different growth factor activation between right and left ventricle in experimental volume overload. Eur Heart J 2002, Volume 23, abstract supplement, page 633
A-33) Vanni S, Vetere AM, Polidori G, Cecioni I, Bertolozzi I, Moroni F, Adembri C, Modesti PA Cardiac endothelin-1 receptors are increased in the acute phase of myocardial infarction in humans. Eur Heart J 2002, Volume 23, abstract supplement, page 227
A-34) Modesti PA, Modesti A, Vanni S, Toscano T, Cecioni I, Gamberi T, Bertolozzi I, Maccherini M, Neri Serneri GG Altered Angiotensin II-induced activation of intracellular signalling pathways in failing human ventricular myocytes. Supplement to JACC 2003, Vol 41, Issue 6, Suppl A, A1158-73
A-35) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Cecioni I, Toscano T, Boddi M, Neri Serneri GG Selective activation of fibrogenetic growth factors addresses the pattern of hypertrophy in human aortic valve disease. Supplement to JACC 2003, Vol 41, Issue 6, Suppl A, A1059-23
A-36) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Gamberi T, Toscano T, Bertolozzi I, Modesti A
Hyperglycemia activates JAK2 signalling pathway in human failing myocytes via
Ang II mediated oxidative stress. Eur Heart J Abstr Suppl August/September 2003, page 662
A-37) Vanni S, Toscano T, Gamberi T, Lumachi C, Modesti A, Modesti PA
Antagonismo funzionale tra i recettori ETA ed ETB nella attivazione della c-jun
N-erminal kinase sui fibroblasti cardiaci umani. Italian Heart J Suppl December 2003
A-38) Modesti PA, Gamberi T, lumachi M, Marchetta M, Vanni S, Toscano T, Modesti A, Gensini GF Hyperglycemia activated ANG II autocrine production and following reactive oxygen species dependent JAK2 phosphorylation in isolated human failing myocytes. Eur Heart J, Suppl September 2004 A-2174
A-39) Grifoni S, Vanni S, Pieralli F, Olivotto I, Camaiti A, Conti A, Zanobetti M, Berni G Long-term outcome of patients with submassive pulmonary embolism and persistent right ventricular dysfunction. Eur Heart J, Suppl September 2004 A-2729
A-40) Pieralli F, Vanni S, Camaiti A, Conti A, Olivotto I, Berni G, Targioni G, Grifoni S Emergency room triage of clinically stable patients with acute pulmonary embolism by bedside brain natriuretic peptide. Eur Heart J, Suppl September 2004 A-557
A-41) Grifoni S, Vanni S, Pieralli F, Pepe G, Zanobetti M, Polidori G, Camaiti A, Conti A, Berni G Prevalence, Risk Factors and Long-Term Outcome Of Patients With
Pulmonary Embolism and Persistent Right Ventricular Dysfunction. Circulation 2004, 110: A-2134
A-42) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Zanobetti M, Polidori G, Pieralli F, Conti A, Moroni F, Berni G, Grifoni S Electrocardiographic Signs of Acute Right Ventricular
Overload predict Persistent Right Ventricular Dysfunction in Submassive
Pulmonary Embolism. Eur Heart J, Suppl September 2005
A-43) Vanni S, Nazerian P, Zanobetti M, Polidori G, Pieralli F, Moroni F, Berni G, Grifoni S. Persistent Right Ventricular Dysfunction at Hospital Discharge
Predicts new Venous Thromboembolic events in the Long-Term Clinical
Outcome of Patients with Acute Pulmonary Embolism. Circulation, November2005
A-44) Nazerian P, Zanobetti M, Vanni S, Polidori G, Pepe G, Dilaghi B, Grifoni S Feasibility and accuracy of emergency echocardiography in patients with acute dyspnea. Euroecho, Dicember 2005.
A-45) Nazerian P, Vanni S, Zanobetti M, Pirolo F, Para O, Pepe G, Polidori G, Grifoni S. Echocardiography performed by emergency physicians versus NT pro-BNP in patients with acute dyspnea. Eur Heart J, Suppl Sept 2006, A-365
A-46) Vanni S, Polidori G, Nazerian P, Magazzini S, Paladini B, Zanobetti M, Giannazzo G, Conti A, Grifoni S. Right ventricular strain pattern at ECG predicts adverse short term outcome and right ventricular dysfunction persistence in patients with acute pulmonary embolism and normal blood pressure. Eur. Heart J., Supplement 1, September 2007.
A-47) Vanni S, Polidori G, Socci F, Magazzini S, Conti A, Curcio M, Paladini B, Bondi E, Grifoni S. High serum lactate levels are associated with increased risk of inhospital mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2008 Supplement 1, 29; 769.
A-48) Vanni S, Polidori G, Daviddi F, Petroli A, Viviani G, Curcio M, Bondi E, Grifoni S. Prognostic value of serum lactate levels in normotensive patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2008, Supplement 1, 29; 566.
A-49) Becattini C, Vedovati MC, Grifoni S, Bianchi M, Kostantinides S, Salvi A, Ageno W, Vanni S, Agnelli G, Duranti M. Multidetector computed tomography to assess right ventricular dysfunction in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2008, Supplement 1, 29; 519.
A-50) A. Conti, B. del Taglia, Y. Mariannini, C. Puggioni, B. Paladini, G. Pepe, Vanni S, S. Magazzini, M. Zanobetti, S. Grifoni. Expedited managment of patients with acute atrial fibrillation and mild structural heart disease in the emergency department. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 13.
A-51) Vanni S, F. Socci, G. Viviani, G. Polidori, P. Nazerian, E. Bondi, G. Pepe, F. Moroni, S. Ponchietti, S. Grifoni. Derivation and validation of a simple prediction rule for prognostication in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 104.
A-52) Vanni S, G. Viviani, F. Socci, G. Pepe, S. Magazzini, A. Petrioli, G. Polidori, S. Grifoni. Persistent right ventricular dysfunction at hospital discharge after acute pulmonary embolism is associated with chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 107.
A-53) Vanni S, G. Viviani, F. Socci, G. Pepe, S. Magazzini, A. Petrioli, G. Polidori, S. Grifoni. Prevalence and predictors of thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in the long term follow-up of patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 109.
A-54) Vanni S, F. Socci, G. Pepe, P. Nazerian, G. Viviani, S. Toccafondi, V. Scheggi, S. Grifoni. Risk stratification of patients with acute pulmonary embolism in emergency department. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 902.
A-55) Vanni S, Viviani G, Socci F, Roccaforte S, Baroni M, Bartolini M, Vagelli L, Grifoni S. The natural history of pulmonary hypertension in patients with acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2010. Abstract Supplement.
A-56) Vanni S, Socci F, Baioni M, Viviani G, Roccaforte S, Gori S, Pepe G, Conti A, Grifoni S Prognostic value of plasma lactate in acute pulmonary embolism.A prospective study in the emergency department. Eur Heart J 2010. Abstract Supplement.
A-57) Vanni S, Gori S, Viviani G, Moroni F, Risso M, Pepe G, Nazerian P, Grifoni S. Early discharge of low risk patients with acute pulmonary embolism: is normal right ventricle enough? Eur Heart J 2010. Abstract Supplement.
A-58) Vanni S, Gori S, Viviani G, Socci F, Nazerian P, G Pepe, Polidori G, Conti A, Grifoni S. Comparison of two prognostic models for acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2010. Abstract Supplement.
A-59) Vanni S, P. Nazerian, G. Pepe, B. Paladini, R. Federico, M. Ottaviani, S. Roccaforte, S. Grifoni. Independent prognostic value of plasma lactate in acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2011. Abstract Supplement
A-60) M. Ottaviani, Vanni S, F. Moroni, L. Sirinelli, A. Savino, G. Pepe, P. Nazerian, S. Grifoni. Prognostication in patients with transient ischemic attack: is the ABCD2 score the best option? Eur Heart J 2011. Abstract Supplement.
A-61) Vanni S, C. Casati, P. Nazerian,
A-62) Vanni S, G. Viviani, M. Baioni, G. Pepe, P. Nazerian, F. Socci, F. Moroni, M. Risso, S. Grifoni. Prognostic value of plasma lactate levels among patients with acute Pulmonary Embolism: the Thrombo embolism Lactate Outcome Study (TELOS) Eur Heart J 2012. Abstract Supplement.
A-63) P Nazerian, Vanni S, C Gigli, G Volpicelli, A. Ciavattone, M. Zanobetti, A. Lamorte, S. Eoccaforte, G Viviani, S. Grifoni. Accuracy of multi-organ
ultrasound (venous, cardiac and thoracic) for the diagnosis of pulmonary
embolism: Suspected Pulmonary Embolism Sonographic assessment (SPES) multicenter prospective study. Eur Heart J 2012. Abstract Supplement.
A-64) Vanni S, P. Nazerian, R. Federico, M. Risso, S. Ponchietti, F. Moroni, M.Bartolucci, M. Bortolini, S. Grifoni. Prognostic value of coronary sinus diameter measured by CT pulmonary angiography in acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2012. Abstract supplement.
A-65) P. Nazerian, S. Vanni, C. Gigli, A. Lamorte, MG. Zanobetti, G. Volpicelli, A. Ciavattone, T. Buccioni, G. Pepe, S. Grifoni Point of care multi-organ ultrasonography is an accurate tool to diagnose pulmonary embolism in the emergency department and may reduce the number of patients that undergo computed tomography. Eur Heart J 2013. Abstract supplement
A-66) F. Morello, M. Castelli, S. Vanni, F. Giachino, A. Bono, D. Forno, F. Soardo, P. Nazerian, L. Betti, S. Grifoni. Validation of the aortic dissection detection risk score in the emergency department. Eur Heart J 2013. Abstract supplement
A-67) S. Vanni, D. Jimenez, P. Nazerian, C. Gigli, M. Parisi, F. Morello, F. Giachino, G. Viviani, M. Pratesi, S. Grifoni. Prognostic value of plasma lactate in acute pulmonary embolism: the multicentre Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome study. Eur Heart J 2013. Abstract Supplement
A-68) G. Pepe, S. Contri, M. Castelli, A. Pavellini, P. Nazerian, P. Ticali, S. Vanni, S. Grifoni. Hypertensive Crises in the Emergency department: true story or chasing the white rabbit ?Prevalence and clinical picture in patients with severe elevations of arterial blood pressure. Eur Heart J 2013. Abstract Supplement.
A-69) S. Vanni, G. Liedl, P. Nazerian, E. Daghini, F. Giachino, C. Gigli, M. Pratesi, F. Morello, G. Grifoni. Time course of plasma lactate levels in patients with acute symptomatic pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2014. 35 Abstract Supplement, 70.
A-70) P. Nazerian, C. Gigli, G.F. Sferrazza Papa, V. Salvatori, E. Gambetta, F. Nava, M. Vittorini, C. Becattini, S. Grifoni, S. Vanni. Accuracy of a clinicalultrasonographic score for the diagnostic stratification of patients with suspected pulmonary embolism.Eur Heart J 2015. 36 Abstract Supplement, 626.
A-71) C Becattini, G Agnelli, M Lankeit, L Masotti, P Pruszczyk, S Vanni, PW Kamphuisen, MC Vedovati, MG De Natale, S Konstantinides. Acute pulmonary embolism: external validation of the 2014 risk stratification model of the european society of cardiology. Eur Heart J2015. 36 Abstract Supplement, 4174.
A-72) O Ottaviani, P Nazerian, C Tozzetti, C Catini, A Nencioni, F Morello (Torino,IT), PF Ticali , S Grifoni, M Vittorini, S. Vanni. Diagnostic accuracy of focused cardiac ultrasound performed by emergency physicians for the assessment of ascending aorta dilatation and aneurysm.Eur Heart J2015. 36 Abstract Supplement P2532.
A-73) S. Vanni, D Jimenez, P Nazerian, C Gigli, G Pepe, B Paladini, F Ermini, C Caviglioli, F Morello, S Grifoni. Identification of normotensive patients with pulmonary embolism at high risk of adverse clinical outcome: comparison of two clinical scores. Eur Heart J 2015. 36 Abstract Supplement P6410.
A-74) VT. Stefanone, S. Vanni, F. Mannucci, G. Cerini, P. Nazerian, G. Pepe, S. Gualtieri, C. Gigli, S. Bigiarini, S. Grifoni. Home treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism: the experience of a referral centre in Italy. Eur Heart J 2016. Abstract n° 88941.
A-75) G. Cerini, S. Vanni, C. Gigli, P. Nazerian, F. Nava, M. Gambetta, S. Bigiarini, F. Trausi, S. Grifoni. Diagnostic accuracy of emergency echocardiography and venous compression ultrasonography in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism presenting with haemodynamic instability. Eur Heart J 2016. Abstract n° 88737.
A-76) S. Vanni, Gori L, Coppa A, Nazerian P, Giannasi G, Ruggiano G, De Curtis E, Baldini A, Pepe G, Magazzini S. Prevalence of pulmonary embolism among patients presenting to emergency department for hemoptysis. Eur Heart J 2022. Abstract n° 84671.
Comunicazioni orali a congressi internazionali
CO-1) ISTH congress 1997
Vanni S, Cecioni I, Migliorini A, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Endothelin-1 receptors on human heart Inhibitory effect of PD155080. Thromb Haemost Supp June 1997; 403: OC-1644
CO-2) SISET 1998
Vanni S et al. Cardiac endothelin receptors in ischemic and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathies. Thromb Res 1998; 91 Suppl1: A145
CO-3) ESC congress 2000.
Vanni S et al. Sodium concentration in human renal medulla regulates endothelin-1 binding to the endothelin type B receptor
CO-4) Congresso Società italiana di Cardiologia 2000.
Vanni S et al. Angiotensin II receptor subtypes are not downregulated on cardiomyocytes from failing hearts. Ital Heart J Suppl 3 2000, S96
CO-5) Eleventh European Meeting on Hypertension. 2001
Modesti PA, Vanni S et al. Characterization of ET-1 receptors on human isolated cardiac myocytes and fibroblasts. Journal of hypertension Volume 19, (Suppl 2) 2001, S4
CO-6) European Society of Cardiology (ESC). 2001
Vanni S et al. Increasing sodium concentrations in human renal medulla enhance ET-1 binding to ETB receptors without affecting ETB mRNA expression
CO-7) Congresso nazionale Società italiana di Cardiologia (SIC) 2002
Vanni S et al. Aumento Precoce dei recettori cardiaci per l'ET-1 nei pazienti con infarto miocardico acuto. Ital heart Journal 2002, Vol 3, Suppl7, 20S.
CO-8) ESC congress 2008.
Vanni S et al. High serum lactate levels are associated with increased risk of inhospital mortality in patients with pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2008 Supplement 1, 29; 769.
CO-9) ESC congress 2009.
Vanni S et al. Risk stratification of patients with acute pulmonary embolism in emergency department. Eur Heart J 2009, 30; Abstract Supplement, 902.
CO-10) ESC congress 2010.
S. Vanni et al. Comparison of two prognostic models for acute pulmonary embolism. Eur Heart J 2010, Abstract 85574
CO-11) ESC congress 2013.
S. Vanni et al. Prognostic value of plasma lactate in acute pulmonary embolism:
the multicentre Thrombo-Embolism Lactate Outcome study. Eur Heart J 2010, Abstract 87115.
CO-12) ESC congress 2016.
S. Vanni et al. Home treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism: the experience of a referral centre in Italy. Eur Heart J 2016. Abstract 88941.
CO-13) ESC congress 2016.
S. Vanni et al. Diagnostic accuracy of emergency echocardiography and venous compression ultrasonography in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism presenting with haemodynamic instability. Eur Heart J 2016. Abstract 88737.
CO-14) Eusem congress, Vienna 2016
Vanni S.The first emergency physician driven diagnostic algorithm for acute vertigo showed very high negative predictive value for acute brain injury: the STANDING prospective study. "10th European Emergency medicine congress.
CO-15) Eusem congress Athens 2017.
Vanni S et al. Home treatment of patients with pulmonary embolism: comparison of the performance of three clinical rules in daily clinical practice. 11th European Emergency medicine congress.
CO-16) ESC Congress 2022.
On Behalf of the SIMEU Tuscany study group. Prevalence of pulmonary embolism among patients presenting to emergency department for hemoptysis. Eur Heart J 2022. Abstract 84671.
Altre Comunicazioni a congressi
C-1) Lazzeri C, Ricciardi D, Casini Raggi V, Fronzaroli C, Foschi M, Stefani L, Vanni S, Laffi G, La Villa G Effetti renali della somministrazione di dosi fisiopatologiche
di BNP a pazienti con cirrosi, ascite ed avida ritenzione idrosodica. Atti della XVII settimana nazionale di Epatologia, Firenze, Settembre 1995
C-2) Migliorini A, Cecioni I, Biagini D, Naldoni A, Costoli A, Vanni S, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG. Risposta differenziata dell’ endotelina-1 plasmatica ed urinaria a modificazioni della volemia indotte nell’ uomo. Atti Società Italiana di Medicina Interna, sezione Tosco-Umbra, Luglio 1995
C-3) Vanni S, Colella A, Cecioni I, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG. Capacità della Picotamide di diffondere nella parete vasale.Atti XIV congresso nazionale Società Italiana Studio Emostasi e Trombosi, Bergamo, Luglio 1996
C-4) Vanni S, Amerini S, Filippi S, Paniccia R, Modesti PA, Neri Serneri GG Thromboxane A2 receptors on human coronary artery Inhibitory effects of picotamide. 2nd international congress on coronary artery disease-from prevention to intervention Florence, October 1998
C-5) Modesti PA, Vanni S, Paniccia R, Polidori G, Bertolozzi I, Cecioni I, Neri Serneri GG Angiotensin II receptors on isolated human cardiomyocytes.2nd International symposium on angiotensin II antagonism London 15th-18th February 1999
C-6) Perna A, Bertolozzi I, Polidori G, Vanni S, Modesti PA, Stefano PL Effect of chronic (3 months) aorta cava shunt on left and right ventricular function in pigs.
Congresso nazionale della società italiana di chirurgia cardiaca Roma, Novembre 23, 2002
C-7) Pieralli F, Vanni S, Conti A, Sammicheli L, Luise F, Magazzini S, Toccafondi S, Daviddi F, Bini G, Berni G, Grifoni G Brain natriuretic peptide predicts acute right ventricular dysfunction and outcome of clinically stable patients with acute pulmonary embolism in the emergency department. The Second Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Congress September 2003 pag 51
C-8) Grifoni S, Vanni S,Caini R,Pagnanelli A,Natoli S, Albani ,Ciccarone E.
Biochemical markers for the diagnosis of stroke: Do they work in the real world?
Conferenza Nazionale Sull’Ictus Cerebrale: 9-11 marzo 2006; Firenze STROKE 2006 pag. 158
C-9) Grifoni S, Vanni S, Caini R, Pagnanelli A, Natoli S, Albani ,Ciccarone E. Rapid Biomarker panel aids stroke and TIA triage. International Stroke conference, Cape Town 2006.
C-10) Conti A, del Taglia B, Raveggi S ,Camaiti A, Luise F, Pepe G, Paladini B, Vanni S, Magazzini S, Grifoni S. Old and new pharmacologic approaches and outcomes in patients presenting with atrial fibrillation of recent onset. V Congresso Nazionale SIMEU 2006. P001.
C-11) Grifoni S, Magazzini S, Vanni S, C eccherini S, Lepri N, Massei F. LOGOS project- communications to patient’s family members. . V Congresso Nazionale SIMEU 2006. P046.
C-12) Zanobetti M, Para O, Nazerian P, Vanni S, Curcio M, Bondi E, Del Panta M, Lastraioli L, Grifoni S. Ecocardiografia d’urgenza vs NT-pro-BNP nel paziente con dispnea acuta al dipartimento di emergenza. Giornale Italiano di Cardiologia, 2006. Suppl 1, 299S.
C-13)P. Nazerian, C Gigli, A Pavellini, FR Ermini, G Pepe, S Vanni, S Grifoni
ASCENDING AORTA DILATATION AND ANEURYSM. 10th WINFOCUS WORLD CONGRESS ON ULTRASOUNDin Emergency & Critical Care. Kuala Lampur, Malaysa, November 2014.
C-14) P Nazerian, G Volpicelli, S Vanni, C Gigli, C Tozzetti, A Petrioli, S Grifoni.
Emergency & Critical Care. Kuala Lampur, Malaysa, November 2014.
Relazioni a congressi su invito
RC-1) Vanni S, Grifoni S. Il piano dell’ospedale di Careggi per le maxi-emergenze. Convegno Maxiemergenze Firenze 2004.
RC-2) Vanni S. Emergenze in Condizioni avverse: Alta Quota. Corso di perfezionamento teorico pratico in Emergency Medicine: Firenze 5 Novembre 2005.
RC-3) Vanni S. I marcatori dello stroke. Legnano Settembre 2006.
RC-4) Vanni S. Inquadramento del paziente con insufficienza respiratoria acuta. Percorsi assistenziali nel dipartimento di emergenza accettazione. AOUCareggi. Novembre 2006
RC-5) Vanni S. Trombosi venosa profonda, il punto di vista del medico del
Dipartimento di Emergenza. AOU-Careggi. Novembre 2006
RC-6) Grifoni S, Vanni S. Il Follow-up del paziente con embolia polmonare. Corso di aggiornamento AOU-Careggi, Centro trombosi. 2007
RC-7) Grifoni S, Vanni S. Gli indici prognostici nel paziente con embolia polmonare.
Corso di aggiornamento AOU-Careggi, Centro trombosi. 2008
RC-8) Vanni S, Polidori G. La dispnea improvvisa in pronto soccorso. Percorsi assistenziali nel dipartimento di emergenza accettazione. Corso di aggiornamento centro studi CISL, Firenze. Marzo 2008
RC-9) Grifoni S, Vanni S. Stratificazione prognostica ed ecocardiogramma nel paziente con embolia polmonare acuta: esame di primo o di secondo livello? VI Congresso Nazionale SIMEU. Rimini 2008.
RC-10) Vanni S. La gestione del paziente con fibrillazione striale. Corso inquadramento diagnostico e terapeutico del paziente con aritmie in pronto soccorso. Moteriggioni, Ottobre 2008.
RC-11) Vanni S. L’embolia polmonare: la diagnosi. VIII congresso regionale FADOI. Arezzo, Ottobre 2009.
RC-12) Vanni S. La gestione delle emorragie nel paziente in terapia antitrombotica. Aggiornamento sulla terapia antitrombotica in emergenza-urgenza. Artimino giugno 2011
RC-13) Vanni S. La trombosi venosa profonda e l’Embolia polmonare, i due volti della medaglia: analisi epidemiologica e nuove classificazioni. La tromboembolia polmonare: Aggiornamento diagnostico e terapeutico. Artimino giugno 2011.
RC-14) Vanni S. Il dolore, principi fisiopatologici e metodi di analgesia. La gestione del paziente in Pronto Soccorso del paziente con sindromi dolorose. Artimino giugno 2011.
RC-15) Vanni S. L’ictus cardioembolico. Corso di aggiornamento sulla gestione del paziente con fibrillazione atriale. Artimino Marzo 2012.
RC-16) Vanni S. I biomarcatori nello scompenso cardiaco. Corso “Moderno approccio al paziente con scompenso cardiaco in emergenza urgenza”. Artimino, 13 ottobre 2012
RC-17) Vanni S, Giannazzo G. Accoglienza del trauma e percorso ospedaliero Corso di Perfezionamento. IL SUPPORTO VENTILATORIO IN AREA CRITICA:
RC-18) Vanni S. La vertigine in PS. Congresso SIMEU Rimini 20 ott 2012
RC-19) Vanni S.La trombolisi ha un ruolo nei pazienti con embolia polmonare emodinamicamente stabile (dopo lo studio Peitho)? 20° corso di aggiornamento in medicina vascolare, Università degli studi di Perugia. 14-15 Novembre 2013.
RC-20) Vanni S.Prevenzione della malattia tromboembolica. Se quando e come utilizzare un dicumarolico. L’appropriatezza terapeutica nei nuovi scenari della terapia anticoagulante. Corso di aggiornamento, patrocinato SIMEU, Hotel Datini Prato, 23 maggio 2014.
RC-21) Vanni S. La gestione della Vertigine in Pronto Soccorso. Dalla Teoria alla pratica clinica. Corso SIMEU, 6 Novembre 2014.
RC-22) Vanni S. Inquadramento e gestione del paziente con scompenso cardiaco acuto. Congresso regionale Tosco-Umbro SIMI, 22 Aprile 2015.
RC-23) Vanni S.Il percorso del paziente con ictus nell’area metropolitana: Il ruolo del medico del DEA dell’AOU-Careggi. Corso formativo AOUC.11 maggio 2015.
RC-24) Vanni S. Le vertigini nel Dipartimento di Emergenza-Dalla Teoria alla pratica clinica. Precorso congresso internazionale EUSEM, Torino. 11 ottobre 2015.
RC-25) Vanni S. Embolia Polmonare. Dal sospetto clinico allo studio TC. Convegno Nazionale della Sezione di Radiologia d’Urgenza ed Emergenza. Firenze 15-16 ottobre 2015.
RC-26) Vanni S. L’utilizzo dei biomarcatori nell’emergenza urgenza. Ictus cerebrale: La ricerca clinica nell’ambito dei biomarcatori circolanti. Firenze. 4 Novembre 2015.
RC-27) Vanni S. La gestione dell’embolia polmonare: cosa dicono e non dicono le linee guida, cosa facciamo e cosa potremmo fare. VI congresso triveneto Simeu. Trieste. 25 Novembre 2015.
RC-28) Vanni S. Le vertigine nel dipartimento di emergenza. Convegno SIMEU Veneto, Trento 14 Dicembre 2016.
RC-29) Vannis S. Terapia domiciliare del paziente con Embolia Polmonare. Corso Terapia Anticoagulante della teoria alla pratica attraverso la simulazione. Perugia. 31 marzo-1 Aprile 2017
RC-30) Vanni S. Hokusai-VTE Cancer Study. Sincopi insolite e nuove sincopi. FIMMG Firenze 17 Novembre 2017.
RC-31) Vanni S. Ecografia multiorgano point-of-care nei pazienti con dispnea acuta. Convegno Dispnea acuta gestione integrata clinico-ecografia. Firenze 12 maggio 2018.
RC-32) Vanni S. Le Vertigini nel dipartimento d’emergenza: dalla teoria alla pratica clinica.corso precongressuale XI Congresso Nazionale Simeu, Roma 22 maggio 2018
RC-33) Vanni S. Diagnostica differenziale degli stati di shock. Convegno Embolis Polmonare nuovi approcci diagnostici e strumentali. Starhotels Michelangelo, 9 giugno 2018.
RC-34) Vanni S. Il Point of Care ed i nuovi anticoagulanti orali. Point of care monitoraggio tromboelastografico della coagulazione. Firenze 11 giugno 2018.
RC-35) Vanni S. Embolia polmonare: possibilità di gestione in Osservazione Breve intensiva e dimissione ottimizzata. Anticoagulazione e target specifici. Viareggio (LU) 4 ottobre 2018.
RC-36) Vanni S. I nuovi anticoagulanti orali nella gestione del TEV a rischio intermedio alto. I nuovi anticoagulanti orali nel mondo reale. San Miniato (PI) 22 Novembre 2018.
RC-37) Vanni S. Terapia in acuto dell’embolia polmonare. La tromboembolia polmonare: gestione integrata clinico-ecografia. Impruneta (FI) 23 Marzo 2019.
RC-38) Vanni S, Zanobetti M. Corso di ecocardiografia per internisti e geriatri. Cagliari 5 aprile 2019.
RC-39) Vanni S. La Gestione della Vertigo in Pronto Soccorso. 2° congresso nazionale Emergenza-Urgenza, Riva del Garda (TN) 20-22 settembre 2021.
RC-40) Vanni S. Uso dei DOACS in Pronto Soccorso. Congresso regionale Simeu Toscana. Pisa 26 Novembre 2021.
RC-41) Vanni S. Il percorso diagnostico del tromboembolismo-venoso- dal sospetto diagnostico alla terapia trombolitica. I percorsi clinici-ultrasonografici in emergenza urgenza.Sovigliana (FI) 3 Dicembre 2021.
RC-42) Vanni S. Embolia Polmonare e Microembolizzazioni nella SARS COVID19. Convegno Drugs and Surgery, Villa Donatello, Firenze. 6-8 Aprile 2022.
RC-43) Vanni S. Il dolore toracico. Congresso nazionale SIMEU, Riccione 13-15 Maggio 2022.
RC-44) Vanni S. Le Vertigini. Congresso SIMI tosco-umbra, Firenze 27-28 Maggio 2022
Si dichiara che il presente CV è sottoscritto ai sensi dell'Art. 46 e 76 del DPR 445:2000 e si autorizza al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi del GDPR Reg.
EU 2016/679
Born in Florence on August 1, 1968.
Married, three children.
Doctor of Medicine and Surgery from 09/07/1993 at the University of Florence, Italy, with the highest votes and praise, with a thesis entitled "Bone marrow transplantation from unrelated donor."
Licensed to the medical profession with the highest grades (90/90) in the autumn session of 1993 with registration in the professional order (Italian medical board) of Florence from 15.03.94, number 10301, still valid.
Graduated in Internal Medicine (Emergency address) on 08.09.1999 with highest votes with a thesis entitled "prion diseases".
Doctor in Philosophy, Clinical Pathophysiology and aging (XV cycle) course, has achieved the title in March 2004.
2023-Professor of Internal and Emergency Medicine, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Florence.
Specific training conducted in Emergency Medicine
Diploma of 'Basic Life Support' (according to the guidelines of 'American Heart Association, 1997)
Diploma of 'Advanced Cardiac Life Support' (according to the guidelines of 'American Heart Association, 1997.
Diploma of 'Advanced Trauma Life Support' (according to the guidelines of 'American College of Surgeons, 2001.
Diploma of “Emergency Medicine” (2004) under the joint certification of the Tuscany Region, University of Florence, Harvard Medical International, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Vanni became trainer for the qualification project in Medicine acceptance and emergency (DR No. 5807 of 25.10.2005).
Diploma of "Ultrasound in emergency vascular medicine" in the academic year 2009/2010, at the University of Florence, exceeding the planned educational tests.
Diploma of Diagnostic ultrasound: Abdominal ultrasound of the 1st level (50 credits), at the University Hospital Careggi Company, for the year 2012.
Diploma of European Trauma Course 2015 (February 27-March 1).
In 1993 he attended the Bone Marrow Transplant Center of the Haematology Unit directed by Prof. PL. Rossi Ferrini, where he prepared the thesis in Medicine.
From January 1994 to April 1995 he did his military service as a medical officer at the Military Blood Bank of Florence.
Thereafter he began to attend the Institute of Clinical Medicine I, directed by Prof. G.G. Neri Serneri, then General Clinical Medicine and Cardiology directed by Prof. G.F. Gensini, initially as a Resident in Internal Medicine and Emergency (AA 1994/95 up to AA 1998/1999) and later as a PhD student in Clinical Pathophysiology (XV cycle) until December 2003.
In the years of specialization he has done clinical activity in support of the structured medical staff, both in the ward and in intensive care. In particular has played regular guard duty in coronary intensive care, it has practice of echocardiography, vascular ultrasound, exercise test.
In February 2000 he starts to work for the Italian National Health Service in the Emergency Department of the Hospital USL No. 4 of Prato and from 10 April 2000 to 30 November 2001 he was on duty in the emergency room of the same hospital, with full-time contract.
From December 1, 2001, with full-time contract, without interruption of the employment relationship, he began to work in the Emergency Department of the third level teaching hospital Hospital of Careggi directed by Prof. G. Berni
Since January 2002, he coordinates the activities of the Regional Reference Center for Therapy of Acute Pulmonary Embolism of Urgency, dedicating themselves to acute treatment and at follow-up of patients with venous thromboembolism, creating an intra-hospital path that allows to manage the low case risk without hospitalization.
Since 2005 he joined the group of physicians under the direction of Dr. Stefano Grifoni, he devoted himself full-time to patients presenting to the Emergency Department, gaining progressive experience in the treatment of the critically ill patients and in the management of patients in the Observation Unit.
From February 2008 to October 2010 he was head of the Observation Unit of the University Hospital Careggi under the direction of Dr. Stefano Grifoni.
Since January 2010, he was awarded of the high/ professional track (former point E1) of the "Patient with acute pulmonary embolism”
Since October 2010, he is the Vice Director of the Emergency Medicine Unit (former point C).
2018-2023 Director of the emergency medicine unit of the San Giuseppe hospital , Azienda USL Toscana centro, Empoli
2023- Director of the High dependency unit of the Emergency Department of the Careggi University Hospital, Florence.
Even before the Degree in Medicine and Surgery has begun to participate in research activities in the field of basic sciences with emphasis on the study of enzymatic catalysis (1).
Won "Elena" award for the academic year 1993/94 with the thesis "The bone marrow transplant from unrelated donor."
After he graduated e became a member of the research group led by Prof. G.G. Neri Serneri and has participated in studies on the physiological role of autocrine-paracrine growth factors in cardiovascular homeostasis.
In March 2004 he received the title of Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Pathophysiology (XV cycle).
In recent years he has dedicated to clinical studies related to the Emergency Medicine, particularly concerning to diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of venous thrombo-embolism.
Studies on the role of growth factors in the progression of heart failure
He collaborated on the study of the autocrine / paracrine cardiac production of certain growth factors reaching results that have been published in prestigious international journals (2,4-11,13-16).
In May 2000, he won the award Boehringer Ingelheim Italy 2000 for Cardiology.
In 2000 he started the course of the research doctorate under the guidance of Professor P.A. Modesti following the curriculum of cardiovascular pathophysiology with a research project entitled: "The renin angiotensin system in heart failure."
In the same year, presenting a project similar to that of the doctorate, he won a grant for young researchers banished from the University of Florence.
Over the three years of the PhD he has deepened the study of receptors for Ang II on human cardiomyocytes isolated achieving results that were collected in the PhD thesis, presented at international conferences (A-34, A-36) and published in prestigious international journals (11, 14)
Studies on the role of endothelin-1 in the homeostasis of sodium and water.
He has participated in studies on the physiological regulatory mechanisms of renal production of endothelin-1 and its receptors. These observations for the first time in humans have shown on one hand the role of ET-1 in the regulation of free water clearance and sodium reabsorption and on the other the "sodium-sensitivity" of the renal endothelinic receptor type B directly involved in these processes (3, 12).
Research in the field of Emergency Medicine
Since 2003, spurred by intense clinical activity in the field of emergency medicine, he began to devote himself to the study of pathophysiological mechanisms of acute respiratory failure (17, 20) and the clinical management of emergency in various diseases including stroke, acute coronary syndrome, atrial fibrillation, acute meningitis, carbon monoxide poisoning, aortic dissection, acute vertiginous syndromes, syncope (18, 22, 24, 25, 27-30, 33-34, 37, 41-43,46,47,49,50 A44-A45, A60, C8-C10, A-72) and in particular he has dedicated his major efforts to the clinical study of venous thrombo-embolism (19, 21, 23, 26, 31, 32, 36, 38, 40, 44-45, A39-59, A70-71, C-7),
Since specialization he has started to carry out an intense teaching activity taking practical lessons in semiotics to the students of the Medical Degree.
During his PhD at the request of the guide teacher, Professor P.A. Modest, he gave lectures on the pathophysiology, clinical approach and treatment of heart failure in the course of Medical Degree. In the same period he has held seminars for the teaching of Cardiology in the Specialization Course in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care and teaching of internal medicine in the Nursing Degree.
Since the academic year 2002/2003 to 2003/2004 he was an professor of endocrinology (0.3 CFU) integrated course in the Specialised Medicine and Applied Clinical Nursing of the Degree Course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Florence.
Since the academic year 2002/2002 to 2008/2009 he was professor of Blood Diseases contract (0.4 CFU) during Integrated Specialized Medicine and Applied Clinical Nursing of the Degree Course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery in Florence .
2005/2006 academic year 2012/2013 from the year he was Professor of Anesthesiology at the contract first and then of reanimation and intensive care (1.25 CFU) in Integrated Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Medicine and Clinical nursing applied Course Degree in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Florence.
Since the academic year 2008/2009 to 2010/2011 was professor of Internal Medicine (20 hours) of the Degree Course in Nursing, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Florence.
Since 2005 he has been an adjunct professor at the Certification Course in Medicine of Urgency and the University Master's Degree in Emergency Medicine sponsored by the Tuscany Region in collaboration with Harvard Medical Faculty Physician Boston, USA, and the three Tuscan university locations (Florence , Pisa and Siena) paying work of teaching for a total of 50 hours and tutoring under both tracks, completed in 2011.
From 2004 to 2008 and she was an adjunct professor in the Tuscan Master's Degree in Emergency Medicine.
Since 2005 is a lecturer in the Master's Degree in "Medical Emergency-Urgency" University of Florence.
Since the academic year 2012/2013 is Professor Tutor of the School of Specialization in Emergency Medicine of the School of Medicine of Florence University.
In January 2014, he was "visiting professor" (project Erasmus) at the Complutense University of Madrid, holding a seminar titled "Clinical approach to pulmonary embolism in the Emergency Department".
He has followed the drafting of numerous thesis in the Degree in Medicine and Surgery and in Internal and Emergency Medicine.
Relationship With Left Ventricular Function.Circ Res 2001; 88: 961-968