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Alessandro Spennato nasce a Monza (Milano) il 14/04/1984.
Vive e lavora a Firenze.
Laureato in Design con lode presso la Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, frequenta il XXXI ciclo di Dottorato di Ricerca in Architettura e Design, curriculum Design, presso DAD - Dipartimento di Architettura e Design dell'Università degli Studi di Genova.Dal 2008 è Cultore della Materia e assistente alle attività didattiche dei corsi di Laboratorio di Progettazione e dal 2011 collabora a progetti di Ricerca svolti presso il Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA - Università degli Studi di Firenze.Dal 2013 al 2019 è Tecnico del Laboratorio Modelli per il Design del Sistema dei Laboratori DidaLabs del Dipartimento DIDA - Università degli Studi di Firenze.Dal 2019 è Tecnologo in Design (SSD Icar/13) presso il Dipartimento di Architettura DIDA di Firenze dove svolge attività di ricerca nel campo della prototipazione rapida.Nel 2020 prende un Master di primo livello in Interior Design presso l'Università di Firenze.
Nel corso della formazione universitaria ha collaborato a diverse iniziative di progettazione 3D ed elaborazione della comunicazione visiva per l'Area Design dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze.Come supporto alla didattica, per i corsi di Disegno Industriale e Magistrale in Design (Università di Firenze), ha realizzato ricerche e studi specifici relativi ai temi del Product, Interior e Visual Design.Dall’avvio alla formazione universitaria nel campo del Design ha sviluppato interesse e studi nel settore del graphic design, nel rapid prototyping e nelle competenze tecniche di elaborazione informatica. Tali interessi praticati nel corso della formazione hanno sviluppato una serie di contatti esterni al mondo accademico sia come esperienze professionali sia come consulenza per la comunicazione di aziende ed enti territoriali.
Alessandro Spennato was born in Monza (Milan) on 14/04/1984.
He lives and works in Florence.
Graduated in Design with honours from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence, he attends the XXXI cycle of the PhD in Architecture and Design, Design curriculum, at DAD - Department of Architecture and Design of the University of Genoa.Since 2008, he has been a Teaching Assistant and Teaching Assistant for the Design Laboratory courses. Since 2011, he has collaborated in Research projects at the DIDA Department of Architecture - University of Florence.From 2013 to 2019, he was a Technician of the Models for Design Laboratory of the DidaLabs System of the DIDA Department - University of Florence.Since 2019, he has been a Technologist in Design (SSD Icar/13) at the DIDA Department of Architecture in Florence, conducting rapid prototyping research activities.2020 he will take a first-level Master's in Interior Design at the University of Florence.
During his university training, he collaborated on various 3D design and visual communication processing initiatives for the Design Area of the University of Florence.As a didactic support for the courses of Industrial Design and Magistral in Design (University of Florence), he carried out specific research and studies on Product, Interior and Visual Design.Since starting university training in the design field, he has developed an interest and studies in graphic design, rapid prototyping and technical computer processing skills. These interests practised during his education have grown into contacts outside the academic world as professional experience and as communication consultancy for companies and local authorities.
2020 - 2023Contract lecturer "Design Laboratory 2 - CommunicationDegree Course in Industrial DesignUniversity of Florence
2024 - ongoingTechnical / AdministrativeUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA
2019 - 2022Research Technologist n Design (ssd: Icar/13)University of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA2016 - 2019Laboratory TechnicianUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA2013 - 2016Co.Co.contract as Laboratory and Research Technician for LMD - Laboratory Models for DesignUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA
First Level Master's Degree in Interior DesignUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture(discussed on: 03/06/2020)PhD student in Architecture and Design, address Design, XXXI cycleUniversity of Genoa, Department of Architecture and Design DAD(October 2015 - October 2018)Master's Degree in Design (Class LM12)University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture - Master's Degree Course in Design(discussed on: 18/04/2011)Degree in Industrial Design (Class L4)University of Florence, Faculty of Architecture - Degree Course in Industrial Design(discussed on: 17/07/2008)
Member DRS - Design Research Societyfrom June 20237 May 2018Member of the "Social Media Manager" Research Grant Commission, scientific disciplinary sector ICAR/13 (Decree no. 5084 - Prot. no. 73060 - pos. VII/1)The University of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDAMaster, I level Interior DesignCoordinator prof. Vincenzo LegnanteBoard Member "Institutional Communication, Web and PromotionUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDAPresident: Prof. Elisabetta Benelli(from December 2017)Research Group "Festival COSè we and things."University of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDAScientific coordinator: Professors Giuseppe Lotti and Laura Giraldi(Year 2016 and 2017)Member of the editorial board "Quaderni di Proprietà Intellettuale" seriesStudy Centre of the Niccolò Machiavelli Professional AssociationScientific Director: prof. avv. Aldo Fittante(from March 2016)Member SID - Italian Design Society(from March 2015)Head of the Models for Design Laboratory - LMDUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA, Design CampusScientific Director: Prof. Gianpiero Alfarano(since September 2013)Member of editorial board "Design & Didactics" publishing seriesDesign Campus AssociationScientific Director: prof. Massimo Ruffilli(since November 2012)Member of the Self-Assessment Group (SAG)University of Florence, Degree Course in Industrial DesignPresident: Prof. Francesca Tosi(since February 2012)
22 February 2021 - 30 April 2024Contract Lecturer, Degree Course in Industrial Design, UNIFI (Academic Year 2020/2021)"Applications of Design Laboratory 2 - Communication".ssd: ICAR/132018-2019Lecturer by assignment, IFTS "Textile Designer 4.0""Product industrialisation" (40 hours)2018-2019Lecturer by assignment, IFTS "Art in Fashion - industrial craftsmanship of the fashion accessory", Polimoda"Drawing and computer-aided design (CAD)" (42 hours)"3D modelling and printing techniques and tools" (36 hours)27 February 2013 - 30 April 2014Adjunct lecturer, Degree Course in Industrial Design, UNIFI (Academic Year 2012/2013)"Applications of Design Laboratory II"ssd: ICAR/131 October 2012 - 31 October 2016Contract Lecturer, Sacred Art School Florence"Design and Cad Development"disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/1327 February - 20 July 2012Tutor and teaching assistant, Degree Course in Industrial Design, UNIFI (Academic Year 2011/2012)"Applications of Design Laboratory II".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13from the academic year 2009/2010 to dateSubject Tutor, Master's Degree Course in Design, UNIFI"Laboratory of Interior Design".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Prof. Gianpiero Alfaranofrom the academic year 2008/2009 to the academic year 2014/2015Subject Tutor, Degree Course in Industrial Design, UNIFI"Design Laboratory III - Interior Design".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Prof. Massimo Ruffillifrom the academic year 2008/2009 to the academic year 2014/2015Subject Tutor, Master's Degree Course in Design, UNIFI"Laboratory of Concept Designdisciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Prof. Massimo Ruffilli
26 February - 3 October 2015Acoustotem" research projectdisciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department of Architecture DIDA - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: prof. Gianpiero AlfaranoResearch group: arch. Jurji Filieri, Dr. Alessandro Spennato2013 - 2014Research project "Fyled - Florence Young Light Edition Design - New light on Ponte Vecchio".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department of Architecture DIDA - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: prof. Gianpiero AlfaranoResearch group: prof. Massimo Ruffilli, Dr. Alessandro Spennato22 September 2012 - 8 March 2013Research project "The hotel room - designing the interior with the exterior in mind, for an eco-responsible hotel".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department of Architecture DIDA - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: Prof. Gianpiero AlfaranoResearch group: arch. Daniele Menechini, Dr. Alessandro Spennato15 October - 15 December 2012Research project "Youth aggregation spaces: recovery of the former Ataf depot in Varlungo".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department of Architecture - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: Prof. Marcello Scalzo5 March - 5 October 2012The research project "I Ceramibuoni - Ceramic Design".disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department TAED - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: prof. Gianpiero AlfaranoResearch group: arch. Alessandra Rinaldi, Dr. Alessandro Spennato7 March - 30 November 2011Research project "CED - Centro Elaborazione Digitale" Virtual Archive and Temporary Designer Deskdisciplinary scientific sector ICAR/13Department TAED - University of FlorenceScientific responsible: Prof. Gianpiero AlfaranoResearch group: Dr. Cristina Daini, Shadi Leaei, Ruslan Ronco, Dr. Alessandro Spennato
1 December 2018 - ongoingEditorial and graphic designer for the scientific journal (ANVUR SC 8) "AND - journal of architecture, cities and architects".DNA Cultural Association, Florence26 June - 30 June 2017Digital editing graphic design of the volumes "EYE - Florence", "EYE - Prato", and "EYE - Scandicci" with relative realisation of the paper and social communication project of the events "EYE - Ethics and Young Entrepreneurs"Artes - Tuscan Research and Study Association11 April - 7 June 2016Digital processing and graphic design of the volumes "EYE - Prato" and "EYE - Scandicci" with the relative realisation of the project of paper and social communication of the events "EYE - Ethics and Young Entrepreneurs."Artes - Tuscan Research and Study Association3 September - 22 October 2015Digital processing graphic design of the volumes "EYE - Prato" and "EYE - Scandicci" with relative realisation of the paper and social communication project of the events "EYE - Ethics and Young Entrepreneurs"Artes - Tuscan Research and Study Association13 May - 13 July 2015Graphic design, social web and communication for "Master Plan - LungArno di Toscana".HydroGea Vision srl18 February 2014 - 30 November 2016Design sector manager and coordinatorICT - Engineering Florence27 January - 21 November 2014Project for the adaptation and restyling of the congress centre and interior designAuditorium della Tecnica - Confindustria Rome1 October 2013 - 30 November 2016Tutor/Teaching TechnicianUniversity of Florence, Department of Architecture DIDA14 March - 31 May 2013Realization of coordinated image, social communication and websiteMugellino Racing Srl17 September - 30 November 2012Graphic design and digital layout for the book "Design con la luce dentro" (Design with light inside)Maria Pacini Fazzi Publisher20 March 2012 - 22 July 2016Management and organisation of social content. Website and e-commerce site designAtlas srl4 July - 24 October 2011Graphic design, layout and digital processing of the book "Firenze imaginary" (Imaginary Florence)EDK Publisher26 January - 8 May 2009Coordinated image, communication and graphic design of the volume on university research "The waste-to-energy plant of Sesto Fiorentino".Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino - Florence1 April - 30 April 2008Coordination and graphic design of the 5th edition of the Vespucci Prize for Tinnova - HeadquartersFirenze Tecnologia - Tuscany Region3 February - 28 July 2004Graphic design, website realisation ( and corporate relations for communicationOrlando & Co. sas