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Alessio PICCHI
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Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale
Alessio PICCHI
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Bruno Facchini; Alessio Picchi; Lorenzo Tarchi; Alessandro Ciani; Michele D’Ercole; Luca Innocenti (In corso di stampa). Film-cooling adiabatic effectiveness measurements on a real high pressure turbine blade. In: 10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, European Turbomachinery Conference, pp. 0-0.
Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Innocenti L.; Morante F.; Facchini B. (2024). Impact of Target Surface Building Direction on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of Additive Manufactured Impingement Systems. AEROSPACE, vol. 11, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2226-4310
Orsini, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Bonini, Alessio; Innocenti, Luca (2024). Comparison of Rim Sealing Effectiveness in Different Geometrical Configurations. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0.
Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Castelli N.; Facchini B.; Morante F.; Innocenti L. (2024). ASSESSMENT OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURED MICRO-CHANNEL CHARACTERISTICS: IMPACT OF HYDRAULIC DIAMETER EVALUATION. In: 69th ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2024, gbr, 2024, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 13, pp. 0-0.
Galeotti S.; Picchi A.; Becchi R.; Meloni R.; Babazzi G.; Romano C.; Andreini A. (2024). Experimental characterization of an industrial burner operated with simulated EGR. APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING, vol. 246, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1359-4311
Babazzi G.; Galeotti S.; Picchi A.; Becchi R.; Cerutti M.; Andreini A. (2024). Combustion Diagnostics and Emissions Measurements of a Novel Low NOx Burner for Industrial Gas Turbine Operated With CO2 Diluted Methane/Air Mixtures. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 146, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0742-4795
Haslam R.; Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2024). APPLICATION OF INTERNAL HEAT TRANSFER INVERSE PROBLEM SOLUTION METHOD TO JET ARRAY IMPINGEMENT COOLING SYSTEM. In: 69th ASME Turbo Expo 2024: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2024, gbr, 2024, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 8, pp. 0-0.
Galeotti S.; Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Facchini B.; Cubeda S. (2024). Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Effectiveness Measurements on a Nozzle Guide Vane With a Single Row of Cylindrical Holes. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 146, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Sandri U.; Sridhara S.R.; Andreini A.; Bohon M.D.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2024). Evaluation of Cooling Requirements for Rotating Detonation Combustors. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 146, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Galeotti S.; Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Facchini B.; Cubeda S. (2023). HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT AND ADIABATIC EFFECTIVENESS MEASUREMENTS ON A NOZZLE GUIDE VANE WITH A SINGLE ROW OF CYLINDRICAL HOLES. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2023, usa, 2023, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 7-A, pp. 0-0.
Castelli, Niccolò; Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Winchler, Lorenzo; Facchini, Bruno (2023). Experimental Assessment of Correlative Approaches for the Prediction of Leakage Flow through Labyrinth Seals. APPLIED SCIENCES, vol. 13, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2076-3417
Babazzi, G.; Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Facchini, B.; Cubeda, S. (2023). Film Cooling and Cold Streaks Tracking on a Fully Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Under Representative Combustor Outflow Conditions. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 145, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Lenzi T.; Picchi A.; Becchi R.; Andreini A.; Facchini B. (2023). Swirling main flow effects on film cooling: Time resolved adiabatic effectiveness measurements in a gas turbine combustor model. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, vol. 200, pp. 123554-123566, ISSN:0017-9310
Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Babazzi, Giulia; Facchini, Bruno; Cubeda, Simone (2023). Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Measurements on High-Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes With Representative Inlet Swirl and Temperature Distortions. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 145, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Orsini, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Bonini, Alessio; Innocenti, Luca (2023). On the Use of PSP to Determine the Rim Sealing Effectiveness. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 7-B, pp. 0-0.
Orsini, L.; Picchi, A.; Facchini, B.; Bonini, A.; Innocenti, L. (2023). On the Use of Pressure-Sensitive Paint to Determine the Rim Sealing Effectiveness. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 146, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Orsini, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Bonini, Alessio; Innocenti, Luca (2023). Impact of the Purge Flow Density Ratio on the Rim Sealing Effectiveness in Hot Gas Ingestion Measurements. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 7-B, pp. 0-0.
Orsini, L.; Picchi, A.; Facchini, B.; Bonini, A.; Innocenti, L. (2023). Impact of the Purge Flow Density Ratio on the Rim Sealing Effectiveness in Hot Gas Ingestion Measurements. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 146, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Orsini, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Bonini, Alessio; Brocchi, Sofia; Innocenti, Luca (2023). Commissioning of a Newly Designed Experimental Facility for Hot Gas Ingestion Investigation. In: European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, pp. 0-0.
Orsini, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Bonini, Alessio; Innocenti, Luca; Di Benedetto, Daniele; Da Soghe, Riccardo; Mazzei, Lorenzo (2022). Design Procedure of a Rotating Cavity Rig for Hot Gas Ingestion Investigation. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 6-B, pp. 0-0.
Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Cubeda, Simone (2022). A New Experimental Approach for Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Measurements on a Nozzle Guide Vane With Inlet Temperature Distortions. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 144, pp. 03100701-03100711, ISSN:0889-504X
Lenzi T.; Picchi A.; Andreini A.; Facchini B. (2022). Analysis of Swirl Number Effects on Effusion Flow Behavior Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 144, pp. 1-14, ISSN:0889-504X
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Babazzi, Giulia; Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Facchini, Bruno; Cubeda, Simone (2022). Film Cooling and Cold Streaks Tracking on a Fully Cooled Nozzle Guide Vane Under Representative Combustor Outflow Conditions. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2022, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8603-8
Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Galeotti, S.; Facchini, B.; Cubeda, S. (2022). Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Effectiveness on a Film-Cooled Pressure Side: Results and Assessment of the IR-Based Measurement Technique Reliability. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2022, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8603-8
Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Babazzi, G.; Facchini, B.; Cubeda, S. (2022). Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Measurements on a High-Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vanes With Representative Inlet Swirl and Temperature Distortions. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2022, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8604-5
Cocchi, L; Picchi, A; Facchini, B; Da Soghe, R; Mazzei, L; Tarchi, L; Descamps, L; Rotenberg, M (2022). Effect of Jet-to-Jet Distance and Pipe Position on Flow and Heat Transfer Features of Active Clearance Control Systems. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 144, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0742-4795
Lenzi T.; Picchi A.; Andreini A.; Facchini B. (2021). Analysis of swirl number effects on effusion flow behaviour using time resolved PIV. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2021, 2021, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5, pp. 1-12, ISBN:978-0-7918-8497-3
Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Lenzi, Tommaso; Facchini, Bruno; Innocenti, Luca (2021). Effect of Surface Roughness and Inlet Turbulence Intensity on a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane External Heat Transfer: Experimental Investigation on a Literature Test Case. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 143, pp. 04100601-04100612, ISSN:0889-504X
Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Facchini, B.; Cubeda, S. (2021). A New Experimental Approach for Heat Transfer Coefficient and Adiabatic Wall Temperature Measurements on a Nozzle Guide Vane With Inlet Temperature Distortions. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2021, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8498-0
Babazzi, Giulia; Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Fondelli, Tommaso; Lenzi, Tommaso; Facchini, Bruno; Cubeda, Simone (2021). DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF A CONCENTRATION PROBE FOR MIXING FLOWS TRACKING IN TURBOMACHINERY APPLICATIONS. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0889-504X
Da Soghe R.; Mazzei L.; Tarchi L.; Cocchi L.; Picchi A.; Facchini B.; Descamps L.; Girardeau J.; Simon M. (2021). Development of experimental and numerical methods for the analysis of active clearance control systems. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 143, pp. 0-0, ISSN:1528-8919
Babazzi, G.; Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Fondelli, T.; Lenzi, T.; Facchini, B.; Cubeda, S. (2021). Development and Application of a Concentration Probe for Mixing Flows Tracking in Turbomachinery Applications. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2021, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8498-0
Bacci, T.; Picchi, A.; Lenzi, T.; Facchini, B.; Innocenti, L. (2020). Effect of Surface Roughness and Inlet Turbulence Intensity on a Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane External Heat Transfer: Experimental Investigation on a Literature Test Case. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2020, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-8418-8
Lenzi T.; Picchi A.; Bacci T.; Andreini A.; Facchini B. (2020). Unsteady flow field characterization of effusion cooling systems with swirling main flow: Comparison between cylindrical and shaped holes. ENERGIES, vol. 13, pp. 1-15, ISSN:1996-1073
Picchi A.; Andreini A.; Becchi R.; Facchini B. (2020). A new test facility for investigating thermal behaviour of effusion cooling test plates for rql combustors. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2020: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2020, 2020, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 7, pp. 1-12, ISBN:978-0-7918-8416-4
Lenzi T.; Palanti L.; Picchi A.; Bacci T.; Mazzei L.; Andreini A.; Facchini B. (2020). Time-Resolved flow field analysis of effusion cooling system with representative swirling main flow. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 142, pp. 1-12, ISSN:0889-504X
Bacci T.; Becchi R.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2019). Adiabatic effectiveness on high-pressure turbine nozzle guide vanes under realistic swirling conditions. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 141, pp. 01100901-01100913, ISSN:0889-504X
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Bacci T.; Grasso F.; Picchi A.; Facchini B.; Stortiero F.; Castelli G. (2019). Experimental Characterization of a Micro-Turbine Generator for Energy Recovery Applications. In: 5th International Forum on Research and Technologies for Society and Industry, RTSI 2019, ita, 2019, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., pp. 91-96, ISBN:978-1-7281-3815-2
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Cocchi L.; Facchini B.; Picchi A. (2019). Heat transfer measurements in leading-edge cooling geometry under rotating conditions. JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER, vol. 33, pp. 844-855, ISSN:0887-8722
Bacci T.; Lenzi T.; Picchi A.; Mazzei L.; Facchini B. (2019). Flow Field and Hot Streak Migration Through a High Pressure Cooled Vanes with Representative Lean Burn Combustor Outflow. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 141, pp. 041020-1-041020-12, ISSN:0742-4795
Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Lenzi T.; Facchini B. (2019). Turbulence intensity measurements across a NGV cooled cascade with representative lean burn combustor outflow. In: 13th European Turbomachinery Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics, ETC 2019, che, 2019, European Turbomachinery Society, pp. 0-0.
Bacci T.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2019). Flat plate and turbine vane film-cooling performance with laid-back fan-shaped holes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, PROPULSION AND POWER, vol. 4, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2504-186X
Lorenzo Cocchi, Alessio Picchi, Bruno Facchini (2019). Effect of rotation and hole arrangement in cold bridge-type impingement cooling systems. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, PROPULSION AND POWER, vol. 4, pp. 0-0, ISSN:2504-186X
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Lenzi, T.; Palanti, L.; Picchi, A.; Bacci, T.; Mazzei, L.; Andreini, A.; Facchini, B.; Vitale, I. (2019). Time-Resolved Flow Field Analysis of Effusion Cooling System With Representative Swirling Main Flow. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2019, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-5865-3
Ali A.; Cocchi L.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2019). Measurement of internal heat transfer distributions using transient infrared thermography. In: 74th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI 2019, Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari" of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, ita, 2019, American Institute of Physics Inc., vol. 2191, pp. 020005-020005.
Cerutti M.; Roma M.; Picchi A.; Becchi R.; Facchini B. (2019). Improving emission and blow-out characteristics of novel natural gas low NOx burners for heavy duty gas turbine. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2019: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2019, Phoenix (Arizona) - USA, 2019, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 4, pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-5862-2
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Cerutti, Matteo; Riccio, Giovanni; Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Picchi, Alessio* (2019). Experimental and numerical investigations of novel natural gas low NOx burners for heavy duty gas turbine. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 141, pp. 021006-021016, ISSN:0742-4795
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Doll, Ulrich; Dues, Michael; Bacci, Tommaso; Picchi, Alessio; Stockhausen, Guido; Willert, Christian (2018). Aero-thermal flow characterization downstream of an NGV cascade by five-hole probe and filtered Rayleigh scattering measurements. EXPERIMENTS IN FLUIDS, vol. 59, pp. 1-10, ISSN:0723-4864
Cerutti, Matteo; Riccio, Giovanni; Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Picchi, Alessio* (2018). Experimental and numerical investigations of novel natural gas low NOx burners for heavy duty gas turbine. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018, OSLO, 2018, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 4, pp. V04BT04A031-0, ISBN:9780791851067
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Bacci T.; Becchi R.; Picchi A.; Facchini B. (2018). Adiabatic effectiveness on high pressure turbine nozzle guide vanes under realistic swirling conditions. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018, nor, 2018, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5, pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-5110-4
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Bacci, T.; Lenzi, T.; Picchi, A.; Mazzei, L.; Facchini, B. (2018). Flow Field and Hot Streak Migration Through High Pressure Cooled Vanes With Representative Lean Burn Combustor Outflow. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2018, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-5110-4
Andreini, Antonio*; Cocchi, Lorenzo; Facchini, Bruno; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio (2018). Experimental and numerical investigation on the role of holes arrangement on the heat transfer in impingement/effusion cooling schemes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, vol. 127, pp. 645-659, ISSN:0017-9310
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Cocchi L.; Facchini B.; Picchi A. (2018). Heat transfer measurements in a leading edge cooling geometry under rotating conditions. In: 54th AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2018, usa, 2018, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA, pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-1-62410-570-8
Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Vitale, Ignazio; Tolpadi, Anil (2017). Experimental & numerical investigation of the mutual interaction between liner film cooling & combustor swirl flow. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2017, usa, 2017, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5, pp. V05CT17A003-0, ISBN:9780791850893
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L. Cocchi, A. Picchi, L. Mazzei, A. Andreini, L. Bellocci (2017). Effect of holes arrangement on heat transfer in impingement/effusion cooling double wall schemes. In: 1st Global Power and Propulsion Forum, Zurich, Switzerland, 16-18 gennaio, -, pp. 0-0.
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Bacci, Tommaso; Gamannossi, Andrea; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Winchler, Lorenzo; Carcasci, Carlo; Andreini, Antonio; Abba, Luca; Vagnoli, Stefano (2017). Experimental and CFD analyses of a highly-loaded gas turbine blade. In: ATI 2017 - 72nd Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, Bernardo Fortunato, Antonio Ficarella, Marco Torresi, vol. 126, pp. 770-777.
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Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Picchi, Alessio; Peschiulli, Antonio (2017). The effect of effusion holes inclination angle on the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness in a three-sector gas turbine combustor rig with a realistic swirling flow. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES, vol. 121, pp. 75-88, ISSN:1290-0729
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Mazzei, L; Picchi, A.; Andreini, A.; Facchini, B.; Vitale, I. (2017). Unsteady computational fluid dynamics investigation of effusion cooling process in a lean burn aero-engine combustor. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 139, pp. 01150201-01150211, ISSN:0742-4795
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Andreini, Antonio; Facchini, Bruno; Becchi, Riccardo; Picchi, Alessio; Turrini, Fabio (2016). Effect of Slot Injection and Effusion Array on the Liner Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Scaled Lean-Burn Combustor with Representative Swirling Flow. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 138, pp. 04150101-04150110, ISSN:0742-4795
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Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Peschiulli, Antonio (2016). Effusion cooling system optimization for modern lean burn combustor. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2016, Seoul, 2016, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5, pp. V05BT17A015-0, ISBN:9780791849798
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Koupper C.; Gicquel L.; Duchaine F.; Bacci T.; Facchini B.; Picchi A.; Tarchi L.; Bonneau G. (2016). Experimental and Numerical Calculation of Turbulent Timescales at the Exit of an Engine Representative Combustor Simulator. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 138, pp. 021503-1-021503-10, ISSN:0742-4795
Mazzei, L; Picchi, A.; Andreini, A.; Facchini, B.; Vitale, I. (2016). Unsteady cfd investigation of effusion cooling process in a lean burn aero-engine combustor. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2016, kor, 2016, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5, pp. V05BT17A008-V05BT17A016, ISBN:9780791849798
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Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Turrini, Fabio (2016). Adiabatic Effectiveness and Flow Field Measurements in a Realistic Effusion Cooled Lean Burn Combustor. JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER, vol. 138, pp. 02150101-02150111, ISSN:0742-4795
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A. Andreini, R. Becchi, B. Facchini, A. Picchi, L. Bellocci, A. Peschiulli (2015). Effect of Coolant Extraction on Cold Side Heat Transfer Enhancement of an Effusion Cooling Plate. In: 12th International Symposium on Experimental Computational Aerothermodynamics of Internal Flows, Lerici (SP) - Italy, ISAIF, pp. 0-0.
Facchini, Bruno; Massini, Daniele; Picchi, Alessio; Micio, Mirko; Bavassano, Francesco; Mantero, Marco (2015). Experimental Investigation of Swirl and Flow Structure Inside a Rotor-Stator Cavity. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 15–19, 2015, ASME conference proceedings, pp. V05CT15A013-V05CT15A025, ISBN:978-0-7918-5673-4
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Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Mazzei, Lorenzo; Picchi, Alessio; Turrini, Fabio (2015). Adiabatic effectiveness and flow field measurements in a realistic effusion cooled lean burn combustor. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2015, can, 2015, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5C, pp. V05CT17A008-V05CT17A016, ISBN:9780791856734
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Andreini, Antonio; Becchi, Riccardo; Facchini, Bruno; Picchi, Alessio; Turrini, Fabio (2015). Effect of slot injection and effusion array on the liner heat transfer coefficient of a scaled lean burn combustor with representative swirling flow. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2015, can, 2015, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), vol. 5C, pp. V05CT17A009-V05CT17A017, ISBN:9780791856734
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Koupper, Charlie; Bacci, Tommaso; Facchini, Bruno; Picchi, Alessio; Tarchi, Lorenzo; Gicquel, Laurent; Duchaine, Florent; Bonneau, Guillaume (2015). Experimental and Numerical Calculation of Turbulent Timescales at the Exit of an Engine Representative Combustor Simulator. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2015, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-0-7918-5673-4
Becchi R.; Facchini B.; Picchi A.; Tarchi L.; Coutandin D.; Zecchi S. (2015). Film cooling adiabatic effectiveness measurements of pressure side trailing edge cooling configurations. PROPULSION AND POWER RESEARCH, vol. 4, pp. 190-201, ISSN:2212-540X
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Luca Andrei; Bruno Facchini; Gianluca Caciolli; Alessio Picchi; Lorenzo Tarchi; Michele D’Ercole; Luca Innocenti; Alessandro Russo (2014). Performance Improvement of a Heavy Duty GT: Adiabatic Effectiveness Measurements on First Stage Vanes in Representative Engine Conditions. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, Amer Soc Mech Engineers (ASME); Int Gas Turbine Inst (IGTI), pp. 0-0, ISBN:9780791845721
Antonio Andreini;Bruno Facchini;Alessio Picchi;Lorenzo Tarchi;Fabio Turrini (2014). Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Thermal Effectiveness in Multiperforated Plates for Combustor Liner Effusion Cooling. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 136, pp. 091003-1-91003-13, ISSN:0889-504X
L. Andrei; A. Andreini; C. Bianchini; G. Caciolli; B. Facchini; L. Mazzei; A. Picchi; F. Turrini (2014). Effusion Cooling Plates for Combustor Liners: Experimental and Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Density Ratio. In: 68th Conference of the Italian Thermal Machines Engineering Association, ATI 2013, Elsevier BV, vol. 45, pp. 1402-1411.
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Antonio Andreini; Gianluca Caciolli; Bruno Facchini; Alessio Picchi; Fabio Turrini (2014). Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field and the Heat Transfer on a Scaled Cooled Combustor Liner With Realistic Swirling Flow Generated by a Lean-Burn Injection System. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, ASME, pp. 0-0, ISBN:9780791845738
Alessio Picchi (2014). Experimental Investigations of Effusion Cooling Systems for Lean Burn Aero-Engine Combustors. (Tutor: Bruno Facchini)
Antonio Andreini; Gianluca Caciolli; Bruno Facchini; Alessio Picchi; Fabio Turrini (2014). Experimental Investigation of the Flow Field and the Heat Transfer on a Scaled Cooled Combustor Liner With Realistic Swirling Flow Generated by a Lean-Burn Injection System. JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY, vol. 137, pp. 031012-01-031012-09, ISSN:0889-504X
G. Caciolli;B. Facchini;A. Picchi;L. Tarchi (2013). Comparison between PSP and TLC steady state techniques for adiabatic effectiveness measurement on a multiperforated plate. EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, pp. 0-0, ISSN:0894-1777
Luca Andrei; Antonio Andreini; Cosimo Bianchini; Gianluca Caciolli; Bruno Facchini; Lorenzo Mazzei; Alessio Picchi; Fabio Turrini (2013). Effusion cooling plates for combustor liners: experimental and numerical investigations on the effect of density ratio. In: 68° Congresso Nazionale ATI, ATI - associazione termotecnica italiana, pp. 0-0.
Antonio Andreini; Bruno Facchini; Alessio Picchi; Lorenzo Tarchi; Fabio Turrini (2013). Experimental and theoretical investigation of thermal effectiveness in multi-perforated plates for combustor liner effusion cooling. In: ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT 2013, San Antonio, Tx; United States, 3 June 2013 through 7 June 2013, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); Int Gas Turbine Inst (IGTI), pp. 0-0, ISBN:978-079185516-4
Accesso ONLINE all'editore
Gianluca Caciolli; Bruno Facchini; Alessio Picchi; Lorenzo Tarchi (2012). Comparison of psp and tlc steady state techniques for adiabatic effectiveness measurement on a multiperforated plate. In: 67° Congresso nazionale ATI, ATI - associazione termotecnica italiana, pp. 0-0.